1 minute read
While there is much to celebrate regarding these advancements that have allowed for new methods in combat human trafficking, it is important to address the root causes of the issue. The way that the traffickingtechnology connection is often portrayed simplifies the issue into a good vs. evil framework This narrative focuses on punishing the perpetrators and rescuing the victims, while absolving nation-states and businesses from responsibility for creating the conditions that enable exploitation, and relying solely on technology to address human trafficking risks distracts from the standard operating practices of businesses that may contribute to exploitation. [3] In order to effectively address human trafficking, we must actively and intentionally work to address the underlying problems and hold all stakeholders accountable.
1 Social Media can be used to raise awareness about human trafficking and connect victims with resources ex Polaris and the National Human Trafficking Hotline
2. Data Analysis can be used to identify patterns and trends in human trafficking, helping to better understand and respond ex. Human Trafficking Hotline
3. Mobile apps have been developed to help people identify and report suspected instances of human trafficking ex STOP-IT app
4 Blockchain technology can be used to create secure and transparent systems for tracking supply chains and financial transactions, which can help to prevent human trafficking ex World Food Programme has used blockchain technology to track the distribution of aid in refugee camps, help to prevent aid from being diverted to traffickers ex Thorn's AI tool 'Safer'
5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been used to identify potential trafficking activity and assist law enforcement in investigations.
[1]LouisianaDepartmentofChildrenandFamilyServices,HumanTrafficking,TraffickingofChildrenforSexualPurposesandCommercialSexualExploitation:AnnualReport6(2018);C Puzzanchera,A SladkyandW Kang, EasyAccesstoJuvenilePopulations:1990-2017(2018), https://wwwojjdpgov/ojstatbb/ezapop/asp/profile displayasp
[2]Montasari,R,Jahankhani,H (2021) TheApplicationofTechnologyinCombatingHumanTrafficking In:Jahankhani,H,Jamal,A,Lawson,S (eds)Cybersecurity,PrivacyandFreedomProtectionintheConnectedWorld AdvancedSciencesandTechnologiesforSecurityApplications Springer,Cham https://doiorg/101007/978-3-030-68534-8 10
[3] Milivojevic, S, Moore, H, & Segrave, M (2020) Freeing the modern slaves, one click at a time: Theorising human trafficking, modern slavery, and technology Anti-Trafficking Review, 14, 16-32 https://doiorg/1014197/atr201220142