By Addie By Addie JasicaJasica 2019-20 2019-20 Product Product Developer Developer
Most Mostpeople peopleare areprobably probably familiar familiar with with the the notion notionthat thatone onesolid solidinternship internship can can often oftenlead leadto toaajob jobafter aftergraduation. graduation. However, However,those thoseunfamiliar unfamiliar with with the the technology technologyindustry industrymay maynot not know know how how competitive, competitive,well-structured, well-structured, and and necessary necessarythese theseinternships internships really really are. are. Large technology companies Large technology companies must must parse parse through throughthousands thousandsofofresumes, resumes, and and to to dodo so, so, understandably understandably(and (andpossibly possibly unfairly) unfairly) employ employtheir theirown own document document parsing parsingalgorithms algorithmswhich which look look forfor keywords keywordsand andskills skillson ona aresume. resume. This This is is just just one oneexample exampleofofbarriers barriers toto these these prestigious prestigiousinternships internshipsand and why why many many students, students,including includingmyself, myself, have have applied applied to to countless countlessjobs jobsonline onlineand and never never heard heard back. back.
gain gain experience experience working working on multiple on multiple projects, projects, andand cultivate cultivate relationships relationships with with
In In order orderto toincrease increaseaccessibility accessibility toto
faculty faculty across across the the university. university. While While this this
internships internshipsthat thathelp helplead lead toto jobs jobs in in the the
program program hashas been been around around for many for many
tech techindustry, industry,the theDigital DigitalResearch Research
years, years, Dr. Dr. Jacquelyne Jacquelyne Howard Howard of of
Internship InternshipProgram ProgramatatNewcomb Newcomb
Newcomb Newcomb Institute Institute radically radically restructured restructured
Institute Instituteisisa low a lowstake, stake,paid paid job job
it initfall in fall 2018, 2018, much much to the to benefit the benefit of both of both
opportunity. opportunity.Interns Internslearn learn industry industry
thethe students students involved involved and and the outcomes the outcomes
standard standardsoftware softwareand andmethodologies, methodologies,
of the of the projects. projects.