north coast
thursday aprill5, 2013 vol XXIV issue 17 • humboldt county, calif. FREE
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Choosing Death A Humboldt man's journey to attend his parents' double suicide
By Josephine Johnson
7 Really? Her voice? C’mon 8 Ulansey’s many hats 19 Look, a new column! 29 Send in the clowns 32 Send in the clones 32 Oh, wow, sort of, I guess
2 North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013 •
table of 4 Mailbox 4 Poem MAKE SURE TO WEAR PURPLE
8 Blog Jammin’ 12 On The Cover CHOOSING DEATH
16 Home & Garden Service Directory
19 5 Things to Know Before You Despair of Goodness in the World
25 The Hum This is humboldt
26 Music & More! 29 Calendar
32 In Review a book
32 Filmland Tom cruises
32 Seven-o-Heaven cartoon by andrew goff
34 Workshops 36 Field Notes The Most Expensive Lighthouse (Part 2)
37 Sudoku 37 Crossword 38 Marketplace 42 Body, Mind & Spirit 43 Real Estate This Week • North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013
Cartoon by joel mielke
Will the Arts Survive?
cost of a CCC education. Student debt nationwide is a ball-and-chain of over $1 Editor: trillion. “Philanthropic benefactors” offer “Reimagining CR” (April 11) is a lightmillions of dollars, as happened at Santa hearted way of describing the hatchet job Monica, to transfer the curriculum to ongoing down at College of the Redwoods. line classes. Foundations such as Lumina, What is really happening is a hostile Gates and Walmart envision the masses takeover of the 112 Community Colleges being taught in “MOOCs” (Massive Online of California. A unit is now $46, and stuOpen Classes). Education is at the mercy dent fees now pay more than half of the of the market. The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges snoops around look ing for inefficiencies Make sure to wear purple somewhere so they can withdraw accreditation for on your person (it could be hidden) the CCCs. However, lilac budlets on little girl underpants efficiency is not an or red-violet denim Keds with zippers economic concept, it Remember this advice is an ideologic one. In his first State of a butterfly barrette, plastic snap, blue-violet wings the Union address, or a striped plum beanie and knitted scarf in Massachusetts in January George Washington or play with an Indigo dyed jump rope in the driveway in New Jersey emphasized the role a periwinkle dream house for Barbie and Ken (you still of government in education, since it lived in Brooklyn) or that dress with the pale vertical is, “in every country stripes on white the surest basis of 2 lavender ruffles on the hem public happiness” enand a matching kerchief that tied beneath your chin abling the people to “distinguish between oppression and the the dress necessary exercise of you were given to wear in first grade lawful authority.” He said nothing about tailoring it to corpo the way you remembered your Mother rate demands. Music and drama — Stephanie Silvia curricula provide a
Make sure to wear purple
4 North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013 •
community with what is called social capital. Students practice working together cooperatively, strengthening relationships. Studies have shown that populations with social capital are more engaged, better able to defend their own interests and resist oppression. That these programs are being cut at CR does not deserve a meek response. The 34-year veteran teacher whose theatre program is a county institution should not be “thrown under the bus;” it is an outrage which should bring out our pitchforks and broomsticks. Of course, if we’re looking for where the money went, try the bailout, or the $4 trillion-$6 trillion we spent on destroying Iraq and Afghanistan. Ellen Taylor, Petrolia Editor: It’s nice that CR can sometimes provide a means to for us to indulge our avocations and fulfill our artistic expectations. But it would seem that when funds run low, it is time to reestablish the priorities which emphasize CR’s basic mission, that of educating people so that they can participate in our ever more complex economy. Down the road, these same people might even earn enough so that they themselves can afford to take up an instrument and explore their own creative impulses. It wouldn’t seem that the refocusing at CR would diminish our art-rich community which currently overflows with plenty of imaginative people now wandering around outside the box. If they are talented and ambitious enough they might want take their chances in New York, Hollywood or the like where they can become valued successors to those who now dominate the world of imagination and creativity. Don’t think that the changes at CR will affect our supply of valued musicians, actors, writers, etc. But it might just supply us with some economically stable folk who might choose to support those who have chosen the creative life. GT Buckley, Eureka
Some Other Isom Editor: Regarding the recent letter titled “Thanks NCJ, Sorry Isom,” (Mailbox, April 4) I would like to state for the record that I, John Isom, currently living in Eureka and previously in Petrolia, have nothing to do with this matter. At all. I have no dealings of any kind with anything called Isom Advisors in Walnut Creek or anywhere in California, nor anything to continued on next page ISSN 1099-7571 © Copyright 2013 CIRCULATION VERIFICATION C O U N C I L
The North Coast Journal is a weekly newspaper serving Humboldt County. Circulation: 21,000 copies distributed FREE at more than 350 locations. Mail subscriptions: $39 / 52 issues. Single back issues mailed / $2.50. Entire contents of the North Coast Journal are copyrighted. No article may be reprinted without publisher’s written permission. Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink.
publisher Judy Hodgson editor Carrie Peyton Dahlberg art director Holly Harvey production manager Carolyn Fernandez staff writer/a&e editor Bob Doran staff writer Heidi Walters staff writer Ryan Burns staff writer/assistant editor Grant Scott-Goforth contributing writers John J. Bennett, Simona Carini, Barry Evans, William S. Kowinski, Mark Shikuma, Amy Stewart graphic design/production Lynn Jones, Alana Chenevert, Drew Hyland production intern Kimberly Hodges general manager Chuck Leishman advertising Mike Herring advertising Colleen Hole advertising Shane Mizer advertising Karen Sack office manager Carmen England classified assistant Sophia Dennler mail/office:
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5th Street • North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013
continued from previous page do with anything called Urban Futures. Geez, I didn’t even know that there is another John (or Jon) Isom in Humboldt, Walnut Creek, or anywhere else in California (though it is true that my eponymous and namesake uncle lives in Portland). Regardless: The H in my name may be silent — and thus confused with Jon T. Isom — but my convictions about funding for quality education, as a teacher and as a citizen, are not. Borrowing for basics means there’s a deeper problem, in our community and across the country. Put differently: We’ve borrowed for a decade of overseas wars and bombs. How about a generation of investment in books and teachers in our own backyard? John E. Isom, Eureka, CA
Uh, About that Majority Editor: Re the majority/minority cartoon in your April 4 issue: I thought majorities/minorities were decided by elections, not by Joel Mielke. Susan Dodd, Eureka
6 North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013 •
OMG Editor: I was enjoying B. Evans’ latest puzzle (Field Notes, April 11). Let me guess… LOL = “little old lady”; IMHO = “I must have onions” (presumably when you order your Whopper); FYI = “for your information” (that one’s been around awhile!); BFF = “big f******g f**t”. But then he went on to totally flummox me in his last paragraph (WTF?). Shame! Marvin L. Goss, McKinleyville
Last week’s story “On The Waterfront Now” misidentified the source of a $250,000 grant given to local agencies to study sea level rise. It was awarded by the California Coastal Conservancy. The Journal regrets the error.
Write a letter!
Make your letter no more than 300 words and include your full name, place of residence and phone number (we won’t print it). Send it to l
Weather or Not
hen journalism students tell me they want to go into TV News, I think of a friend of mine. When I got my first newspaper job, she her first job as a TV reporter. From there she worked freelance for a station in Los Angeles, then went back to New York and struggled. Finally, after she worked for years for almost no pay, a station in a major market offered her a job as anchor. She turned it down and when to business school. TV is rough. At the low end you struggle for little pay. You compete for jobs against a zillion people dying to be on air. You schlep heavy equipment and edit your own tape. Don’t get me going about the types of inane stories you file day after day. But that’s not what drove my friend out of TV. It was the guff she took over her hair. It wasn’t fluffy. That’s what her producers cared about, seemingly from station to station, coast to coast. She’d fluff it up and it still wasn’t fluffy enough. She’d turn in kick-ass coverage of breaking news, or short investigative reports, or tearsproducing profiles, and all they seemed to care about was the flatness of her hair. It finally drove a terrific news reporter out of the business. I thought about her when I read the letters the Times-Standard has been printing lately about KIEM-TV meteorologist Cecilia Reeves. Some 13 readers so
far have weighed in on the quality of her voice, most complaining, some in support. Thirteen letters to the T-S qualifies as a barrage. There’s an old joke that some people have faces for radio. I joke that I have a voice for print. In second grade I got pulled out of class for speech therapy — I couldn’t differentiate my d’s and g’s, and I still have that trouble. My husband complains that I mumble. (I say, “Old man, get a hearing aid!”) I didn’t go into newspapers because of my lousy voice. I went into print because I could write. Now and then I help out radio station KHSU as an interview host for its show Thursday Night Talk. I do that in spite of my voice — what’s important is that I can ask interesting questions that produce interesting answers. For some reason, we like to make fun of weather people. One of the funniest books I read was Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man by Fannie Flag. In it, the main character gets a job as a weather person at a tiny station, but she doesn’t know anything about weather. She guesses that the weather report doesn’t change much from morning to night, so each afternoon she takes the morning map and moves the sun and clouds a fraction. She gets fired. The morning girl had been doing the same thing. My favorite movie weatherman was Steve Martin in L.A. Story. He gets fired because after years of reporting the exact same sunny weather, he pre-tapes his weather
report so he can take off for a week. While he’s away, a hurricane hits town. Why do we make fun of weather people? Maybe out of jealousy. Doesn’t it seem like they make a lot of money for an easy job? How hard can it be to read the weather report? And how often are they wrong? Here is the thing. In New York, Los Angeles or Chicago, a chief meteorologist could make almost a million a year, but in the small markets they are lucky to make $20,000. To get those jobs they have to take all the science classes in college that most people avoid (I slept through high school physics). Most TV meteorologists have master’s degrees. As does Reeves. Reeves had the unlucky fortune to take over from Jim Bernard, who not only was much loved, but who left his longtime position last year because a neurological condition affected his speech. So viewers were already a little too focused on voice quality when Reeves entered the picture. I empathize with Reeves for another reason. As a financial journalist, there were times when I was the only woman in the newsroom and often the only woman in a conference room of suits. To get equal respect I had to be three times as good, and often I still didn’t get equal respect. It is difficult for a young woman to get respect when she takes over a job from an established older man in a maledominated field. This is truest in the TV news world,
and it isn’t because of male audiences. Female audiences seem just as harsh on women newspeople. I’ve felt there were two really frustrating types of bosses — men who spout feminism and act in chauvinistic ways and women who act in male chauvinistic ways. Both male and female TV audiences fall into chauvinistic behaviors. We accept bald men in leading roles — Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Bruce Willis— and overweight men in leading roles — Jack Black, Jonah Hill, Kevin James. Personality flaws, not hair loss, are costing Today Show host Matt Lauer his Q rating points (popularity scale for TV people). Legendary San Francisco news anchor Dave McElhatton, who died last year, was bald and talked like Elmer Fudd. But female stars and news people have to look and sound great. Bob Dylan sang you don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. But maybe the weather woman needs the wind to blow her hair around if she wants to keep her job. So Cecilia, your audience will get used to your voice. But your hair? Better fluff it up.
– Marcy Burstiner
Marcy Burstiner is chair of the journalism department at Humboldt State University. She has never been able to control her hair. And that is the only reason she has never won the Pulitzer Prize. • North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013
HumCo v. HumCPR
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Humboldt County and Lee Ulansey — the recently appointed county planning commissioner and former director of the Humboldt Coalition for Property Rights — will argue a public records case before a judge this week. With the help of Eureka attorney Allison Jackson, Ulansey has been asking the county for legal expense records for more than a year, calling for county transparency. The records in question detail how much money the county has spent defending and prosecuting several lawsuits — most prominently the county’s suit against Bob McKee and more than 30 others over subdividing the Tooby Ranch property near Garberville. The county has spent more than $3 million on that particular legal battle, alleging that McKee accepted generous tax breaks in exchange for a promise not to develop his land — then broke that promise. A Humboldt County judge is considering issuing a penalty for McKee’s actions in the next few months. Ulansey first submitted a public records
request at the end of 2011, asking the county to turn over the payment information for attorneys who were working on those cases. The county said no, arguing that details of an attorney’s on-the-clock activities are protected by attorney-client privilege. It resisted until a state appellate court ruled in a similar case that the time and dollar amount spent on an attorney would not reveal that attorney’s legal strategy. The state Supreme Court chose not to weigh in on the matter, effectively upholding the appellate court’s decision. Humboldt County relented, producing files that it said fulfilled the original public request HumCPR made back in 2011. But that wasn’t the end. Jackson and Ulansey said the records weren’t sufficient — they wanted to know how much time the county’s in-house attorneys spent working on the lawsuits. The county countered that those records don’t exist, and that besides, Ulansey and Jackson didn’t pick up the first batch of records before telling the court they were insufficient. Since then, Jackson and Ulansey have looked over the files. The county’s redactions went too far, they said, removing details about where visiting
attorneys stayed and ate. They argued that attorney’s time sheets — some of which bill by the tenth of an hour — should not have been redacted when they simply said the attorney was writing a letter, for example. The content of such a letter, they said, is the only information that should be protected by attorney-client privilege. With the two sides unable to reach an agreement, the matter continued today in court with freshly hired attorney Bill Bragg helping the county. The county was looking for a “fresh set of eyes,” Bragg said following today’s hearing. He said he’ll talk with Jackson about a resolution this week, but he expects the two parties will present their arguments before a judge Friday. Jackson called it “ironic” that the county hired outside counsel in a case about the price of hiring outside counsel. Neither she nor Ulansey would comment further on the case. ● BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT / BY RYAN BURNS / APRIL 22, 4:11 P.M.
The Humboldt Brand Evolves Did you read yesterday’s San Francisco Chronicle? It’s got a write-up on the local
marketing campaign known as Humboldt Made. Here’s the key bit: As part of its effort to let the world know that there’s more to Humboldt than weed, the county’s economic development division is working with local artisans, food makers, farmers and ranchers to position Humboldt products in the market as upscale, health conscious and earth friendly. The effort represents the county’s first foray into marketing via Facebook and YouTube. (Another series of YouTube vids is now in production.) Since we wrote about it in 2009 and 2010 the campaign has enlisted new businesses (there are more than 60 involved now) and new techniques, including a smartphone app and local-item expenditure tallies on grocery store receipts. What the Chron story doesn’t mention is that the county is currently looking to hand off management of the campaign to another organization. Last month, Humboldt County Economic Development Coordinator Jacqueline Debets announced that “it’s time for Humboldt continued on next page
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Blog Jammin’
continued from previous page
Made to fledge from the County nest to a new host organization that can support it’s growth potential.” The deadline to express interest was last Monday. l
seal pup in arcata. Photo by Bob Doran
Environment / By Bob Doran / April 23, 12:30 p.m.
Marsh Seal This seal pup was spotted at the end of the pier at the Arcata March on Sunday and reported to folks who monitor wildlife. Marsh visitors were being advised to leave the animal alone, and not harass it or try to “rescue” it. l Crime / By Ryan Burns / April 18, 2:04 p.m. (plus later updates)
Bomb Scare Closes CR College of the Redwoods’ main Eureka campus has been closed today due to a bomb scare. All students, staff and faculty are being told to stay away. The school’s public information officer, Paul DeMark, posted the following message on CR’s Facebook page this morning: College of the Redwoods’ main Eureka campus will be closed for classes, day and evening, on Thursday, April 18 due to a threat to campus security. All residence hall students have been relocated to a safe location. College personnel are working with the Humboldt County Sheriff”s Department to ensure a safe campus. Students and staff will not be allowed on campus today. An upate will follow as soon as possible. The bomb scare turned out to be
10 North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013 •
a false alarm triggered by a bogus Facebook post. The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office announced this afternoon that a search of CR’s main Eureka campus has been completed by a law enforcement super-team that included the FBI, Eureka Police, Humboldt County Drug Task Force, Humboldt State University police, College of Redwoods security, Humboldt Bay Fire District, Cal Fire and CR administrative staff. No bomb. The threat originated on Facebook. According to CR spokesman Paul DeMark, a bomb threat was posted on a student’s Facebook page last night, and when a friend asked the guy about it he responded, “This is not my page.” The student figured that someone had set up a bogus page in his name and then posted the threat, so he immediately called the sheriff’s office, DeMark said. The college’s information technology staff is trying to trace the origin of the message with help from the FBI, according to DeMark. The 135 or so students who live on campus were evacuated on buses supplied by Humboldt Transit Authority and taken to an undisclosed Eureka City Schools gymnasium. HSU is supplying the students with food, DeMark said. “We are anticipating having classes tomorrow,” he added. l Frivolity / By Heidi Walters / April 17, 4:46 p.m.
CONTEST! Water bottles Check Canned foods can opener pot to cook in Check. Still ain’t ready. Come on, readers, you know you can do better than that tripe, up top. Here’s the gig: It’s National Poetry Month. In a lot of states, including California, it’s Earthquake Preparedness Month. It’s also Wednesday afternoon and there’s been news, yes, but it’s time for a break — a rhythmic brain quake — so combine these dutiful celebratory themes and write yourself an earthquake poem. Or an earthquake preparedness poem. Maybe it’s sad. Maybe silly. Doesn’t have to rhyme but if it does that’s dilly. Hit it. Post one for us online, in the comments space on our website – but don’t include any URLs please. It’s a spam thing. (What do you win? Jeers and accolades! Perhaps, even, smugness.) l
Suddenlink reports, once again, a vandal cut off Internet, phone and cable service for 10,000 customers in Arcata, McKinleyville, Trinidad and Big Lagoon overnight. The company recently doubled a reward — to $10,000 — for information leading to an arrest and conviction of the serial cable-cutter, and hired the private investigation services of Eureka’s Cook & Associates. Repairs are expected by this evening. The Sheriff’s Office press release said in part: On 4-17-2013, approximately 4:15 a.m. the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office was notified of another vandalism to Suddenlink’s Fiber Optic Cable that had occurred in the area of Lorenz Lane and Old Arcata Road, Bayside. The damaged cable was cut. The unknown suspect(s) used a culvert pipe to stand on to allow them access to the elevated cable. The suspect(s) are believed to have used a cutting instrument to cut the line. … To date there have been five vandalisms to Suddenlinks Fiber Optic Cables. Total estimated damage by Suddenlink to repair the lines is now estimated to be at least $75,000. l Cops, Eureka / By Grant Scott-Goforth / April 17, 2:46 p.m.
Eureka Police Sergeant Arrested for Assault Eureka Police Sgt. Adam Adam Laird Laird was arrested this morning by investigators from the District Attorney’s office on suspicion of assault while on duty and falsifying a police report. Eureka Police Chief Murl Harpham gathered the media in a brief press conference this afternoon to announce Laird’s arrest, which followed a joint investigation between his department and the DA’s office. Harpham said the investigation was spurred by a report from a fellow police officer and called the partnership with the DA necessary for “complete transparency.” “We will not tolerate misconduct by any of our officers,” Harpham said. In 2011, Laird was found liable for damages for using unreasonable/excessive force in the death of Martin Cotton, who died in his jail cell following an altercation with EPD in 2007. Laird — an officer at the
l Marijuana / By Ryan Burns / April 16, 3:30 p.m.
Serial Suddenlink Snipper Strikes Again
time of the Cotton incident — was ordered to pay Cotton’s family $30,000. The jury also found the city of Eureka liable for $4.5 million. Neither DA Investigator Mike Hislop nor Harpham offered details of the event — or a date, though Harpham said it occurred more than a month ago — that led to Laird’s arrest today. There are no other officers being investigated, according to the chief. The 30-year-old sergeant is on paid leave until the department finishes its internal investigation. Laird posted $50,000 bail and was out of custody by this afternoon. He is scheduled to be arraigned in May.
Pot Farmers’ Market Lights Up in NorCal
How did Humboldt County get beat to the punch on this one? (Insert lazy stoner joke here, if you must.) According to a story from the quarterly magazine Modern Farmer, Northern California’s first marijuana farmers’ market is being run from a big purple warehouse outside the City of Sonoma. And the venue is helping to spark “a new demand for pot grown locally, sustainably, in small batches, outdoors, and rather cheaply,” the story says. Such markets are legal in the state (with proper documentation) but still verboten by the feds, whose ostrich stance on the issue is looking sillier by the day. Reporter David Downs describes the Sonoma scene, which includes such familiar Humboldt tropes as old school reggae, “plaid-clad stoners” and “an elderly hippie couple” selling pot-laced hard candy. On the day that Downs visited the market, the star vendor was a man in his late 50s offering potent buds “as thick as a child’s arm.” And wouldn’t you know it? “The grower won’t give his name, but says he works outdoors in the Humboldt hills … .” l
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Crime / By Grant Scott-Goforth / April 17, 4:17 p.m. • North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013
Reg and Betty Dawson married in 1946 and celebrated more than 60 wedding anniversaries before they died, side by side, in the fall of 2012. Dawson family photo
Choosing Death
A Humboldt man’s journey to attend his parents’ double suicide By Josephine Johnson
12 North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013 •
n early September 2011, Dominic Dawson, a lean and soft-spoken delivery driver who lives in Manila, received an email from his ailing father in Wales. “I’m ready to go to Switzerland, October 2012,” Reg Dawson wrote his son. “What do you think?” Dominic was sitting at his desk in a secondstory cupola peering over Humboldt Bay. From here, he could often see small flocks of dowitchers erupting from the shore, shimmering in the morning haze. He knew that “Switzerland” meant his father hoped to die at a Zurich apartment where an organization called Dignitas helps people commit suicide legally. Diffuse sunlight seeped through the old Victorian’s window. Outside, shore birds pecked in the mud, shifting and turning in unison. Dominic cradled his coffee mug. He was surprised, but not shocked. His father, in his late 80s and struggling with Parkinson’s disease. was losing the ability to walk unassisted, sit upright and feed himself. About a year before, Reg had begun talking about Dignitas with his wife and his daughter, Teresa Schwanauer. When Teresa filled Dominic in, she’d confided that she didn’t think their father would go through with it. Now Reg was sounding more certain. And Dominic felt oddly comforted that his father had reached out to him, after a long estrangement that had lessened only gradually, as they both grew older. He read the email again, and before the morning faded, forwarded it to Tina George, his partner of 10 years, who lives in Arcata. That night they talked logistics: Reg wanted the whole family to gather beforehand in England, to celebrate his life — and not to mourn. Dominic had no qualms about the suicide itself. He had long believed people have a right to die when and how they choose. So mostly, he and Tina talked about arranging the trip and whether she should come along. The next morning, though, Dominic struggled for words to put into his email reply. What do you say to your own father when he announces his plans for passing? How do you sound supportive but not cold, or worse, eager? Dominic wrote, finally, that he didn’t know quite what to say. To which Reg replied, “That is perfectly normal and understandable.”
Dominic Dawson had sev-
ered ties with his parents in 1968, moving out of the family home in London when he was 16 years old. He and his parents just didn’t think the same way. He was embracing the freedom-loving ethos of the 1960s — equal rights, anti-war, Eastern
mysticism — while his parents remained politically and socially conservative. He moved in with friends and took temporary jobs that were easy to find in London then: a clerk, a messenger, whatever kept him free from his parents’ rules. After a couple of years he craved more adventure and traveled overland to India. He met and stayed with royalty in Bangladesh, and he lived for six months in Calcutta, working for an international relief organization. Then he bounced around some more — traveling in the Middle East, then over to the United States, settling in the early 1970s in Santa Cruz, where he got married and had his first daughter. In 1979 he arrived in Humboldt. To make it on the North Coast, he worked odd jobs and did lots of manual labor. He backpacked all over the Trinity Alps. He had a second daughter, in another relationship. Rooted in Humboldt, held by its natural beauty, Dominic has lived in the same Manila neighborhood since 1985. The family ties with his parents reknit, but slowly. He would see them now and then, when they made trips to America. In 1996, the whole family gathered in England for his parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. Not long after, he and his father began corresponding again. When the email about Switzerland came, Dominic was 60, with a 2-year-old grandson of his own. Gray-haired, blue-eyed and fit, he was semi-retired, running a delivery service, taking rafting trips with Tina. Now there was this — and before it was over, both his parents would make fateful decisions.
In California,
as in many other states and many nations, helping or encouraging someone to commit suicide is a crime. The law stands even as public opinion has been shifting. In a 2006 Pew Research poll, 60 percent of those polled nationwide thought that people in great pain with no hope of improvement had a right to die. And 53 percent said people with an incurable disease had a right to choose death. The idea appalls some advocates for the elderly and for people with disabilities. They worry about pressure from relatives who are crumbling under the stress of care, or who want to preserve family assets. Some religious groups, including the Roman Catholic Church, orthodox Judaism and many evangelical Protestant denominations, consider suicide or helping with suicide a sin. Opponents warn that opening the door to legal assisted suicides could eventually lead to encouraging death for people deemed undesirable, people whose lives are
Dawson family photo
Dignitas, founded in 1998, are among the best-known. Dignitas, which was featured in a 2012 Frontline documentary, is the only Swiss organization to accept foreigners. In the years since Dignitas’ founding, the Swiss Supreme Court has expanded the law even more, ruling in 2006 that chronically depressed and mentally ill people have a right to assisted suicide. Today, Swiss law allows people with a range of non-terminal and progressive ailments to apply — and if approved — to choose to die. Not all Swiss are on board with this right-to-die, death-with-dignity mission. Opponents In 2011, the Evangelical People’s Party of Switzerlooked at as somehow less warn that land and the Swiss Federal worthy or less worthwhile legal assisted Democratic Union lobthan the lives of others. bied heavily for a citywide But amid those warnings, suicides could referendum in Zurich over many religious, civil rights eventually lead the practice. The May and patient rights groups 2011 ballot measure asked champion the idea that to encouraging residents whether assisted people have a right to die, death for suicide should be banned and that helping should be altogether and whether considered a kindness, not people deemed organizations — Dignitas a crime. Legally assisted undesirable. specifically — should admit suicide, they say, gives foreigners. Despite heavy people who have no hope funding from Switzerland’s of recovery the option to conservative and religious die before physical pain right, the proposed ban was rejected by becomes unbearable or mental abilities 84 percent of voters. And 78 percent are lost. voted to keep assisted suicide services Worldwide, assisted suicide is legal in available to overseas users. only a few places, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Oregon and Washington, and the laws thought of his conservative parents as vary widely. Oregon and Washington have swift-witted and independent. Reg Dawsimilar legislation, legalizing suicide under son grew up in London and met his wife, narrow conditions. A patient must be at then Betty Johnson, in the first years of least 18, a state resident and terminally World War II when they were both at a diagnosed with six months or less to live. community dance. She was 15 and he was The patient must convince a doctor that 17. Reg was getting ready for a stint in the he or she is of sound mind, making two Royal Air Force doing communications oral requests and one written statement. work. Theirs was a long courtship — they Two doctors must sign separate forms didn’t marry until after the war ended, in verifying the patient’s terminal illness. February of 1946. Their wedding picture Then the state must approve the suicide, shows him in uniform, his hair already no sooner than 15 days after the first oral thinning, one hand clasping Betty’s. She is request. After all that, a physician can presmiling a little more broadly, a white veil scribe — but not administer — a lethal, billowing behind her, sprays from a lavish swallow-able drug. No injections. bouquet trailing nearly to her knees. By On the other end of the spectrum is then, both had converted to Catholicism. Switzerland, with the most liberal suicide Dominic speculates the religion offered law in the world. Under article 115 of the them a sense of spiritual security during Swiss Criminal Code, assisting another’s the frightening years of wartime air raids. suicide is criminal only if the motive is for Their oldest child, Teresa, was born personal gain. This sparse pronouncement in 1947. Soon after came Paul, then was interpreted in the 1980s as a legal Dominic and Christopher. After the green light to create self-assisted suicide military, Reg worked as a negotiator in organizations. EXIT, founded in 1997, and continued on next page
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Reg Dawson and Betty Johnson in 1944.
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the British civil service. Once, Dominic recalls, Reg helped keep some commuter rail services alive by leaking information about government plans to stop them. Betty was a homemaker, focused on raising the children. She enjoyed cooking and baking and reading popular novels, her children remember. Once they were grown, she returned to school and became a business skills instructor, teaching typing and dictation. Over the years, both drifted from right Catholicism — Reg Dawson Reg becoming an with Paul, atheist and Betty Dominic an agnostic. Reg (center) and Teresa in 1953 grew skeptical of — before his organized religion youngest son, and critical of Christopher, government. was born. In the late below Betty 1980s, when Reg Dawson with retired after more Dominic, far left, than 30 years in Teresa and Paul. the civil service, Dawson family photos he and his wife were still in good health, and Betty was a regular swimmer. That began to change with the turn of the new century. In 2002, Reg was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, a degenerative disease. Their children noticed Betty’s memory significantly slipping in 2006, although she wasn’t officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s until 2012. Her early memories persisted — childhood, early years of marriage, her children’s youth — but she was losing track of the day-to-day: luncheons, medical appointments. Had she turned off the stove, or was the water running in the bathroom? Reg first broached the subject of suicide with Teresa, a retired computer analyst who lives in Walnut Creek, when she was visiting her parents at her brother Christopher’s house in London in the fall of 2010. “If your mother passes before I do,” he directed in his calm British English, “I want to go to Switzerland and commit suicide.” At the time, Teresa didn’t think that her father would travel all the way to a Swiss clinic to end his life. “I wasn’t worried,” she recalled later. “I Skyped with them every week and was certain that when my father passed, it would be at their retirement community in Wales.” Teresa and her three brothers assumed that Reg would die before their mother.
14 North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013 •
Four generations attended Reg and Betty’s 60th wedding anniversary celebration on Long Island in 2006.
Dawson family photo
Tina George and Dominic Dawson visited Switzerland’s Lake Thune with Reg and Betty just a few days before the elder Dawsons’ double suicide. Photo by Teresa Schwanauer
As Reg’s condition
worsened, he became less and less willing to wait for his wife to pass away first. Even in October 2010, when he was 88 and she 86, she could no longer lift and move him. An attendant at their retirement community in Wales had to bathe him. And Betty had left a burner on. Again. Reg began emailing with his oldest son, Paul, about choosing suicide if he was unable to live and move independently. And Parkinson’s disease does that, steals a person’s independence. It’s a nasty degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that begins with slight physical tremors, rigidity and difficulty walking, and then progresses to uncontrollable cognitive and behavioral problems. In late stages, dementia is common. Reg resisted using a wheelchair and insisted on walking as much as possible. By December 2011, though, he was resigned
to a wheelchair most of the time, and by then all four of his children knew he wanted to die. “When he announced his plan, my only surprise was how late he had left it,” Paul remembered. “He was clearly not enjoying life at all.” And Dominic, who at first had thought he would only attend his father’s going away celebration in England, now reassured Teresa that he would go farther. If she wanted his help and support accompanying their father to Switzerland, Dominic would come along for that, too. Together, then, all four children planned how to best support Reg’s choice, while making sure their mother would have a good quality of life after he was gone. Betty, though, did not approve. Not for religious or philosophical reasons, but because for more than 60 years of marriage, they’d always been a team. Even as Reg’s body withered, Betty had remained physically strong and able to help him. As she became more forgetful, Reg’s mind remained razor sharp. “But my mother also knew the reality of Alzheimer’s,” Teresa recalled, “My mother was afraid that if Reg went to Switzerland to die, that she would be alone and eventually die not knowing who her children are. This terrified her.” And at least with Reg by her side, Betty had someone.
Without him, she feared dying without memories or knowing who she was. It wasn’t so much that Betty didn’t want Reg to go to Switzerland but that she didn’t want him to go without her. Even with all four children ready to help, Reg hated the thought of leaving Betty alone. But he hated his continuing decline even more.
In late October
2011, Reg paid $250 and Reg and Betty Dawson attended a pumpkin festival at joined the assisted suicide Jucker Farm near Ludwigsburg, Switzerland, during organization Dignitas, intent their final days. Photo by Tina George upon ending his life in Zurich, Switzerland, sometime hated to think of his father hunched in a in late 2012. The application process is wheelchair, unable to go to the bathroom not simple. There are thick packets of by himself. Reg’s choice seemed courapaperwork, and a Swiss physician must geous to his second son, and the obreview the applicant’s full medical records. stacles he had to overcome were just one To further complicate matters, assisted more sign of that courage. suicide is illegal in the United Kingdom, As Reg worsened and and doctors can lose their Betty contemplated his medical license and face hopes to die, she became up to 14 years in prison if uncharacteristically quiet caught knowingly releasing and withdrawn. She cut records for a suicide that short Skype sessions with would occur outside the her daughter and grandcountry. But Reg wanted children, or skipped them to do the right thing, be entirely. This was not the above board the whole vivacious business instrucway through. He was hontor and nurturing, reasest. At first. He told his suring mother Teresa had doctors exactly what he known. And then came was doing. the startling email from They curtly denied Reg. In January 2012, he release of his medical wrote Teresa that Betty records. had read the Dignitas litA clever man, Reg erature and wanted to die changed tactics. A few with him. Life would be weeks later, he re-contactintolerable without him, ed his physicians, this time Betty felt, no matter how telling them the records hard her children would try to help. She, were needed for travel insurance to the too, would apply to Dignitas. United States for his 90th birthday celebration. It worked. He submitted his full of January 2012, application in December 2011. Now he had Reg Dawson received the provisional to wait, for Dignitas and for the approval green light from Dignitas, which meant of the Swiss government. he had passed the Swiss medical review By then, in mid-December 2011, Reg’s and could proceed with setting a date health was in a tailspin. Feeding himself for his assisted suicide. The organization had become prolonged and excruciating carefully advised him not to plan it on or — loss of muscle control meant that what near birthdays or other important family food wasn’t lost down his front was often celebrations. At the same time, Betty smeared across his face. “My father was an began her application. They were hoping extremely dignified man,” Teresa said. “It to die together. was messy, but he preferred to feed himTo apply to Dignitas, a patient first self.” A meal could take an hour or more. must pay and become a member. Then And he had become incontinent. Dominic, keeping in touch from afar, continued on page 17
Life would be intolerable without him, Betty felt. She, too, would apply to Dignitas.
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By the end • North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013
continued on page 18
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continued from page 15
comes the packet of paperwork and the required medical records, which can take up to three months to be evaluated. If the documents are approved, the patient must go to Zurich and meet with a physician, who will assess whether he or she is unpressured and of sound mind. Only then does Dignitas grant a Reg and Betty Dawson hold hands near Lake provisional green light Thune, Switzerland. Photo by Tina George for the suicide. The week of the scheduled birthdays and wedding anniversaries, death, the patient must meet with two Reg and Betty set Sept. 17 as the day of separate doctors to be sure this is what he their passing. or she wants to do. Betty’s application would be tricky. To arrangecomply with Swiss law, doctors affiliated ments would be complicated. Paul, with Dignitas would have to determine an international finance professor, whether she was mentally sound enough to had professional obligations in Asia choose death. The question for doctors in and couldn’t be by their side. And such cases, according to a Dignitas pamthe family feared that Christopher, a phlet, is whether the decision is “a wish to British citizen, could be detained and die that is an expression of a curable psychic possibly arrested distortion and which for involvement calls for treatment” with their suicides or a “self-determined, once he returned carefully considered and This picture, of Reg and Betty Dawson at a to London. They all lasting decision of a lucid Swiss pumpkin festival, was displayed at their decided it was safer person.” It is a difficult memorial service. Photo by Tina George for him not to be in distinction for anyone, Switzerland. Teresa, and was complicated by the physicians and had gotten their final Dominic and Tina — all the Alzheimer’s, which approvals. Calm and relaxed, the family U.S. citizens — seemed is considered a mental sat in the apartment, completing the last likely to face less, if any, illness under Swiss law. bits of paperwork. A Dignitas assistant scrutiny on their return Betty would have to brought Reg and Betty each cups of a to London from Zurich. convince doctors that liquid antiemetic to coat their stomachs so It was agreed. The three she was capable of they wouldn’t vomit on the lethal barbituof them would travel deciding to die. rate dosage that would come later. Teresa with Reg and Betty that And then, to make and her mother left the apartment to sit final week. things even more difbeside a small pond outside and quietly With the suicide ficult, she and Reg were enjoy the splendor of the warm afternoon. date set, Dominic and applying for a double Reg, Dominic and Tina chatted for a bit and Tina flew to London assisted suicide. The drank coffee for over an hour, long enough during the first week of family was told that for the stomach coating to be fully effecSeptember. All of Reg and Betty’s children, such suicides, with their more complex tive. When Betty and her daughter came their nearest grandchild, and Reg’s brother logistics, are relatively rare in Switzerland. back indoors, both parents were smiling. and wife also arrived. They talked and reAfter three months of emailing be“I think it’s time,” said Reg. flected quietly during the day. In the evetween the Dawsons and Dignitas, a rewritAs required by Swiss law, a videotape nings the family dined together in London ten request letter from Betty, and more was running. Reg and Betty Dawson restaurants. On Sept. 11, Reg, Betty, Teresa, medical appointments in the United Kingwere helped into a twin bed, where they Dominic and Tina left London for Switzerdom and Zurich, Betty got the provisional nestled together. They had selected music land. There, they interspersed pre-suicide green light in May of 2012. Now both of for their passing. Liszt’s Liebestraum No. doctor visits with trips to Lake Thune and Dominic’s parents had been cleared for 3 played softly, followed by Gluck’s Orfeo a visit to a pumpkin festival. assisted suicide, and they wanted to do ed Euridice. A dream of love, and then the On Sept. 17, the five of them arrived at it together. They needed two separate underworld. a Dignitas apartment in an industrial part physicians for each of them to prescribe Reg joked about the luggage — there of Zurich. The sun was bright and warm. the lethal dosage. In August, Reg got word will be more than necessary for the flight A light breeze stirred the trees. Earlier by email: the doctors had been arranged. home. What will they do with the suitcasthat week, Reg and Betty had met with After working around a large family’s
Even the final
Liszt’s Liebestraum No. 3 played softly, followed by Gluck’s Orfeo ed Euridice. A dream of love, and then the underworld.
The family passed lakes and rolling countryside as they traveled in Switzerland. Dawson family photo
es? The adult pads? “We won’t need those anymore,” he said. And Betty, smiling, piped up, “Oh, my jewelry.” She slid off her engagement ring and wedding band, and lovingly extended them to Teresa. The non-physician Dignitas assistant brought them each a cup of sodium pentobarbitol. These Reg and Betty had to drink very quickly, and they had to drink them unassisted. Reg sucked his through a straw. Betty slugged hers back without hesitation. When the cups were empty, the assistant gave them each a piece of Swiss chocolate to banish the bitter taste of the barbiturate cocktail. The room was still. Betty leaned over and kissed Reg. Dominic held his father’s free hand. Teresa held her mother’s. The music continued softly in the background. Reg and Betty clasped hands and fell asleep slowly, peacefully. Finally.
Dominic Dawson
returned to his parents’ home in Wales to put the last of their affairs to rest. Papers, books, family photos, CDs all sorted and organized by his hand. He listed their assisted living unit on the market. On Oct. 1, the family held a memorial service and Reg and Betty’s ashes were scattered in the memorial garden of the British Railway Preservation Society, where they had been lifetime members. Dominic, back home in Humboldt now, does not sorrow. From his cupola window, he can watch gulls soar. He can see a squadron of pelicans, flying in formation above the bay. “There’s nothing to be sad about” he said. The way he looks at it, both his parents accomplished something worthwhile, and they both kept their dignity. “It was awe-inspiring. There was no fear or regret in those final days. I am thankful I was there.” l • North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013
continued from page 16
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Before You Despair of Goodness By Jennifer Savage
You’re probably watching too much news, listening to too much Democracy Now! — or both. While being informed is usually a good thing (digesting this North Coast Journal, for example, is an excellent choice), immersing yourself in sadness you can’t do anything about will just weigh you down with hopelessness. Take a break. If you can’t step away completely, limit yourself to 15 minutes either in the morning or the evening. Distract yourself by reading a book instead. Booklegger, Eureka Books, Tin Can Mailman and Northtown Books all have staff waiting to help you find something fun. 2. Go outside. We live in one of the prettiest places in the world. Go to the beach, to the bay, to the parks, to the forests, to the river. Watch a sunset. Watch a sunrise. Pile on the layers and hike up Trinidad Head. Let that horrible north wind whip around you at the top. Feel it tear your troubles from your body. Cry if you need to — you can blame your tears on allergy season. Descend with a greater sense of peace. Admire the picturesque harbor. Feel alive and grateful for it. 3. Remember, all around you, people are doing noble things. We have Betty Chinn. We have Food for People. We have CASA. We have thousands of people quietly going about their lives being good and kind, sometimes banding together for a cause, sometimes just making the world a better place simply by not making it worse. (To borrow from George Eliot’s Middlemarch: “The growing
good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life.”) Look upon people more gently. 4. Related: Join the noble-thing-doing people by volunteering — opportunities abound. It’s hard to argue there’s no good in the world when you’re surrounded by people doing it. 5. You have a family, right? And/or friends? Have a potluck/game night. If you have no one, please, find your people. You need people. At least one person. Research the calendar/workshops/marketplace of the NCJ. Many things are happening! Sign up, show up. Make a friend. Socialization combats depression, reminds us that the world offers companionship and love as well as all the heartbreak and suffering. Bonus: Tempting as it may be, do not attempt to escape the world by boozing it up when you’re feeling down. I know, such advice seems counterintuitive, but cocktails should be for celebrating, not for numbing. Alternative coping methods: meditation, running, dancing, writing, painting, screaming into a pillow, sex. (Oh, yeah, sex! That’s a good one! Do that. With appropriate protection!) l How do you stay positive despite the siege of sad news? Send suggestions to
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22 North Coast Journal • Thursday, april 25, 2013 •
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$ 99
ORTHO Bug Geta Plus
3 lbs. 1 lb. treats 2,000 sq. ft. Kills snails, slugs, cutworms, armyworms, earwigs, sow bugs and other listed insects. Can be used around fruits,and vegetables. Remains effective after rain or watering (72909)
ORTHO Weed-B-Gone Max
Crabgrass control. 40 oz. concentrate. Kills weeds not lawns. Ortho’s most powerful lawn weed killer. Kills over 200 types of weeds including crabgrass. Kills the root. Rain-proof in 1 hour (7307531)
Storage Shed
20 cubic foot capacity. 32” W x 24.75”D x 72”H. Blow molded. Great for storing long handled tools and garden accessories. Lockable doors with padlock hasp. Built in support for wood shelf. Stay dry design. No tool assembly. (7321896)
LIVING ACCENTS Metropolitan 7 pc. Dining Set
ORTHO Bug-B-Gone Max
10 lb. Covers 10,000 sq. ft. Next generation Diazinon replacement. Kills on contact. Up to 2 months insect control. Kills above and below the surface. Kills ants, fleas, ticks, cutworms, grasshoppers and many other listed insects (7138324)
$ 99
Sophisticated in its simplicity, this multi-faceted collection is available as a sling set, a swivel seating set or as a bar set. Powder-coated heavy-gauge speckled brown steel frames and oversized sling design with weather-resistant vinyl-coated fabric. (8214942)
15999 Metropolitan Umbrella
(8213746) • North Coast Journal • Thursday, april 25, 2013
LED Solar Pathway Lights
2 Lumen output. Natural white LED sun-power ultra-high efficiency solar panel. Durable plastic construction. Metallic bronze finish. Clear lens. (3401130-3294410)
$ 99
Colored Baskets
12 inch. Assorted colors. (119424)
SUNERGY Mosaic Animal Solar Stake Light
Reg. 14 $
Shepherd Hooks
84 inches
Reg. $2499
Hanging Baskets Need (7213)
Contains 4 of each: solar frog, owl, squirrel and lady bug. Stake made of fiberglass with folding solar panel attached. 1 white LED light in each animal. 1 AA rechargeable battery included. 16 piece free standing pop merchandiser. (8351561)
$ 99
LIVING ACCENTS 3 Piece Bistro Set
Assembled dimensions: (table) 22”D x 29”H, (chair) 16.5”W x19.6”D x 32.2”H. Set consists of table and two chairs. Made of acacia hardwood. Assembly required. Hardware and easy to follow instructions included. Allows you to enjoy the warm,evening dining outdoors. Table weight capacity: 80lbs. Chair weight capacity: 225lbs. (8325177)
LIVING ACCENTS Zero Gravity Relaxer
63.75”L x 25.59”W x 44.00”H. Holds 250 pounds. 21” arm to arm. Weight: 16.7 pounds. Padded adjustable headrest. Full double bungee on sides for added support. Braking system in arm to hold chair in position. Can be released by applying pressure,with your feet. Powder coated and treated steel frame. All weather quality textile fabric. Folds for easy storage. (8324774)
Reg. $2999
LIVING ACCENTS Portable Fire Pit
28” Porcelain baked fire bowl 4 steel foldable legs for easy packing. Dome shape protection screen with high temperature paint. Charcoal grid and one fire tool included. Black vinyl carry bag. Great for camping use (8291361)
Sale: April 24th - 29th, Wednesday - Monday
24 North Coast Journal • Thursday, april 25, 2013 •
(530) 629-2425
Paying Tribute
Petty Theft, Play Dead, American Beauty and Bump does Brown, plus René Marie, Candye and comedy By Bob Doran
hile a press release describes Petty Theft as “San Francisco’s Ultimate Tribute to Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers,” I’m pretty sure it’s more a North Bay Area band. Ultimate? Maybe. Keyboardist Mike Emerson, a former local who now lives in the North Bay, was slightly more modest, saying merely that the band is “really good.” Plenty of people agree. Readers of a Marin County alt. weekly, the North Bay Bohemian, voted Petty Theft “Best Band” three years in a row (2011, ‘12 and ‘13). And that’s not “Best Tribute Band,” mind you, it’s best overall. See if Full Moon Fever’s “Refugee” matches up Saturday at Humboldt Brews. As noted, Mike Emerson was once a Humboldter; he still plays pretty regularly with the local Grateful Dead tribute, Play Dead, and as it turns out, he’s coming north in time to play Dead tunes with that band on Friday, also at Humboldt Brews, starting promptly at 9:30 p.m. with a rendition of “St. Stephen.” Saturday, while Petty Theft pays tribute to the Heartbreakers, the Arkley Center has a tour called, “American Beauty: The Grateful Dead Concert Experience.” It’s presented by West Coast Performing Arts, the same folks who offer Beatle tribute shows, Beach Boys tributes and more nostalgia. The pitch this
time: “Experience the sights and sounds of one of the most successful and celebrated bands in show-business history,” which probably means psychedelic lights and tie-dye outfits. I searched for details on who’s in the band, but, despite the fact that Deadheads love to talk about this sort of thing, all I found was repeated PR verbiage promising “the best and most knowledgeable players and singers from the Grateful Dead tribute world,” and a bunch of song titles — the “great hits” as the promoter put it, not that the Dead ever had an actual “hit.” Who knows, it might be good. Ready for another? Saturday night at the Jambalaya, an augmented version of the local funk band Bump Foundation pays tribute to the late, great “Godfather of Soul” James Brown with Madi Simmons handling Mr. Brown’s parts; Leah Crenshaw on female lead. Guitarist Greg Camphuis heads the all-star congregation expanding the Bump horn section and adding guests including Berel Alexander, Pete Ciotti and Piet Dalmolen (from Full Moon Fever) and Chris Wixson from Speakeasy Saints (his band plays Friday at Cher-Ae Heights). The Redwood Jazz Alliance closes its season Thursday with a different sort of show. Instead of cutting-edge players from New York and San Francisco, the show features a jazz vocalist, René Marie, with a classic sort
of voice and an attitude reminiscent of Nina Simone, backed by a trio, Experiment in Truth, pianist Kevin Bales, bassist Elias Bailey and drummer/arranger Quentin Baxter. Marie is a songwriter who seems unafraid of the truth; she became a singer late in life and ended up escaping from an abusive relationship in the process (and writing songs about it). Take a look at her website and you’ll find an offer for singing lessons she calls SLAM!, an acronym for “sing like a motherfucker!” The pitch says a lot about her approach. The goal “is to reconnect you with your voice and learn how to listen to what your voice is telling you, listen to where it wants to go and what it wants to do. … Let the fresh air in and shine some light on the negative messages you may have received about your voice in the past — and the ones you continue to give yourself today. … Use your fears and so-called flaws to sing like a motherfucker!” Believe me, the woman can sing. DJ Red and friends present an old school hip hop night Thursday at the Jambalaya. Says Red, “Joining me on the wheels of steel this month is Gabriel Groom and the one and only DJM. DJM is a recent transplant from Austin, and is the winner of Red Bull’s Thre3 Styles DJ Battle, so I’m really excited to see what this guy can do.” What’s fresh? Well, it’s at least partially digitized. As Red notes, “This will not be a vinyl snob night, as DJM’s records are still in Texas.” Friday’s “Rump Shakers” at the Red Fox is, in fact, a “vinyl snob” type thing with the ubiquitous Pressure Anya team joined by Soul Night refugees King Maxwell and JMorg. If you love vinyl, or music delivered in any format, you might want to check out “Swap It!” a benefit for North Star Quest Camp for Girls coming up Sunday in HSU’s Goodwin Forum. KHSU deejay Julie Unruly came up with the basic concept: “Get a bunch of music lovers gathered in one space to buy/sell/trade LPs, CDs, DVDs, posters and more.” (“More” could be 45s.) Playing records to entertain you while you shop and/or swap: Pressure Anya, Zephyr, Rickshaw, JMorg and Adam. (Where’s Matt?)
EDM show of the week: the World Famous bash Friday at the Arcata Theatre Lounge with Stephan Jacobs (just booked for this summer’s Warped Tour) and Gladkill, both from the Headtron collective out of Los Angeles, plus two more L.A. producers, Sugarpill and ChrisB. Be ready for some heavy bass. Friday at the Jambalaya, Children of the Sun open for a band called Cribshitter, with the above-mentioned Pete and Piet playing with them. A little googling tells me that “Cribshitter is Madison, Wisconsin’s premier fog-machine-oriented band,” at least so says the band Tumblr. The perhaps rhetorical question is raised, “What do we sound like?” The answer: “Smack a snake in its head with a wooden spoon while it is eating garbage. That is what we sound like.” Bandcamp tags describe the Madison mad men as an “alternative country western dubstep tech electronic twang poop” outfit. A listen to the songs posted shows that the dudes are conversant in many styles and do not really take themselves seriously. An educated guess says they’re fans of Cake (the band, not the foodstuff). Loreen Ellison from the Riverwood Inn sends a reminder that blues survivor Candye Kane is in Phillipsville Saturday night. “Her cover will be $20; she has cancer and it all goes to her,” says Loreen. “Musicians don’t get health insurance.” Ms. Kane has in fact fought her cancer into remission only to have it crawl back. I think Loreen can relate — she’s in the Bay Area in the midst of her own fight with the Big C. “I’d be there to see her but I’m here fixing my cancer!” she writes. “Doing well, tolerating well and am excited about getting treatment — I want this crap out of me! I’ve named my cancer Bill. Every time I’m getting treatment, I say, ‘KILL BILL!’” I’m betting on Loreen to win her fight; like Candye, she’s tough. Have you noticed the pattern yet? The last week in any given month means a spike in stand-up. This time it starts with Ba-DumChh Comedy making you snork your drinks Thursday at The Ritz. (“Snork” is when you laugh uncontrollably and what you’re sipping comes out your nose. When you were a kid it was milk; now it’s cheap beer or pricy liquor.) Jump ahead to Tuesday for Savage Henry‘s “CU Last Tuesday” at the Jambalaya. As is now the norm, the Savages have invited some out-of-towners to drop some jokes or whatever; this time it’s Portland comics Danny Felts, Jeff Oliver and Marcia Belsky along with Greag Brown from Oakland, plus locals Dutch Savage and Ivy Vasquez. And once again, the visitors are doing double duty on Wednesday with an early all-ages gig at the Works, then another at the Angelina Inn, but with Sherae O’Shaughnessy and Kim Hodges replacing Greag and Ivy. One more thing: the scintillating pan band Steel Standing provides the soundtrack for Saturday’s Farmers’ Market on the Arcata Plaza. Give ‘em a listen. And buy some vegetables. ● • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2013
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thur 4/25
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The Wants (punk rock) Doors @ 10:30 $5
Blue Lotus Jazz 6-9pm
The Word (storytellers) 8pm
Random Acts of Comedy $6 Doors @ 7:30pm
Stephan Jacobs, Gladkill, Sugarpill, ChrisB (EDM) 21+ 9:30pm
Voted Best Local Venue 2011 & 2012 NCJ Best Of Humboldt readers poll!
BAR-FLY PUB 91 Commercial, Eureka 443-3770
Thursday Madness: $8 pitchers 6pm til close. Free pool in back room
Happy Hour everyday 4-6pm $1 off wells & pints
BEAR RIVER CASINO 733-9644 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta
Karaoke with Chris Clay 8pm
NightHawk (blues/rock) 9pm UFC (fights via TV) 7pm $20
The Roadmasters (country rock) 9pm
Open Mic 7pm
Sierra Rose Band 8:30pm
Karaoke with KJ Leonard 8pm
The Nathan Thomas Band (Nashville country) 9pm
Simple Creation (reggae from Roseville) 9pm
The Tumbleweeds (cowboy) 6-8pm
The Tumbleweeds (cowboy) 6-8pm
Speakeasy Saints (R&B / soul) 9pm
Dr. Squid (rock ) 9pm
ARCATA THEATRE LOUNGE 1036 G St. Info line: 822-1220
BLONDIES Arcata 822-3453 BLUE LAKE CASINO 777 Casino Way, Blue Lake 668-9770
Thai food with a Laotian influence 307 2nd St. Old Town Eureka 269-0555
KJ Marv Karaoke 9pm The Word (storytellers) 8pm
CHAPALA CAFÉ Eureka 443-9514 CHER-AE HEIGHTS 27 Scenic Dr. Trinidad 677-3611
Throwback Thursday DJ Night w/ Accurate Productions 9pm
CLAM BEACH INN McKinleyville
Kindred Spirits (bluegrass) 8:30pm
EUREKA INN PALM LOUNGE 518 7th St. Eureka 497-6093
Ladies Night: Pajama Party with Presure Anya DJs 9pm
Blues Jam FREE 9pm
Blacksage Runners (formerly Sour Cream) 9pm
FIVE ELEVEN 511 2nd Street, Eureka 268-3852
Open Tuesday-Sunday 5pm Food served until 10pm
Striped Pig Stringband (old time) 9:30 pm
HUMBOLDT BREWS 856 10th St. Arcata 826-2739
Open daily noon-11pm until 2am most music nights
Play Dead (Grateful Dead tribute) 9:30pm $7
Petty Theft (Tom Petty tribute) 9:30pm $10
Proof 7:30pm Gist Hall Theatre
AM Jazz Band 8pm FRH
A Memory, A Monologue... 8pm
DJ Red’s Old School Hip Hop Night 10pm Cribshitter, Children Of The Sun 9:30p The Bump Foundation (James Brown tribute) 9pm
LIBATION 761 8th St. Arcata 825-7596
Blue Lotus Jazz 7pm
Jill Petricca & Jonathon Kipp 7pm
LIGHTHOUSE GRILL Trinidad 677-0077 LIL’ RED LION 1506 5th St Eureka 444-1344 littleredlioneurekacalif
Splinter Cell, The Wants The Last Match (rock) 9pm
We got beer.
LOGGER BAR 510 Railroad Ave. Blue Lake 668-5000
Jennifer Breeze Band 7-10pm
The Living Rooms (acoustic eclectic) 9pm
The Logger Bar’s house band: LaPATINAS! 9pm
MAD RIVER BREWERY 101 Taylor Way Blue Lake 668-5680
Trifecta (acoustic rock) 6pm
The Movers and The Shakers (blues/rock) 6pm
Awesome Dogs (food truck) Artists of the Emerald Coast 3-8pm
Storytime’s Tree House (dance) 9:30pm Trevor Kelly, Psy-Fi, Treemeista 10pm
So You Wanna Be a Drag Star? 9pm
Humboldt Hoodies • Hats • Beanies • Tshirts
Locally Blown Glass
HBG • ROOR • Illadelph • Vaporizers
OLD TOWN COFFEE & CHOCOLATES 211 F St. Eureka 445-8600 PEARL LOUNGE 507 2nd St. Eureka 444-2017 RED FOX TAVERN 415 5th St. Eureka
Carpathian - Season of the Witch: Walpurgisnacht Celebration 7-9 pm
Northtown Books New Books noon-3pm HSU Student Films 7-9:30pm
DJ Lost (dance music) 10pm
Itchie Fingaz (Video DJ) 10pm
DJ Indigo, The Dub Princess & Abysmal Rump Shakers: Pressure Anya, K-Max, Jmorg Karaoke Night 9pm-1am 21+
RED LION 1929 4th Ave. Eureka REDWOOD CURTAIN BREWING 550 South G St. Arcata 826-7222
Check on Facebook for most recent news
Jeff Kelley & Chris Parreira (songwriter ping-pong) 6:30pm
The No Covers (Improv. Jazz) 6:30 PM
REDWOOD RAKS 824 L St. Arcata 616-6876
Zumba Toning 5:30pm Blues Night w/Brian & Kimberli 8pm
Zumba with Mimi 9:30-10:30am
Spring Belly Dance Hafla! 2-4pm $5
THE RITZ 240 F St. Eureka
Ba-Dum-Chh Comedy 9pm
Buddy Reed (blues) 7pm
ROBERT GOODMAN WINES 937 10th St. Arcata 826-WINE
Pressure Anya DJs 9pm Candye Kane (blues) 9pm $20
RIVERWOOD INN Phillipsville Truth 1 and DJ Rickshaw (DJs) 9pm
Paula Jones 9pm
Bryan Post (piano) 9pm
SHAMUS T BONES 191 Truesdale St. Eureka 407-3550
Falling Rocks (roots/country swing) 7:30pm
Lunch by the bay 11:30-4:00
Open Daily 11:30-9:30
Karaoke 7-10pm
SIDELINES 732 9th St. Arcata 822-0919
DJ music 10pm
SILVER LINING 3561 Boeing Ave., McK
DJ music 10pm
DJ music 10pm
Joey Blaine (songs) 8pm
Good & Evil Twins Karaoke 8pm Dogbone (feral jazz) FREE 8pm
THE SIREN’S SONG 325 2nd St. Eureka SIX RIVERS BREWERY Central Ave. McKinleyville 839-7580 THE SPEAKEASY 411 Opera Alley, Eureka 444-2244
DJ Itchie Fingaz (dance music) 9pm
UKEsperience (uke mania!) 9pm
Open Sunday-Thursday 4-11pm Friday and Saturday 4pm-2am
ShugaFoot Band (jazz/blues) 8pm Ladies night ($1 off drinks) 8pm
Buddy Reed Band (blues) 8pm
DJ music 10pm
DJ music 10pm
Throwback Thursdays
Friday and Saturday lap dance specials
TOBY & JACKS Arcata Plaza TIP TOP CLUB 6269 Loma Ave., Eureka 443-5696 THE WORKS 310 3rd St Eureka
Eight Bells, White Manna, Nippo 9pm
sun 4/28
mon 4/29
tues 4/30
wed 5/1
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Anna Hamilton (songs) 6-9pm
PDX v. Savage Henry Comedy 9pm
Madagascar Doors @ 5:30pm $5
Find more information at
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Sci Fi Night ft. 20 Million Miles to Earth (1957) Doors at 6 p.m. All ages Free
Closed Sundays
Happy Hours 4-6pm $1 off pints/wells Pint Night 6pm-close $2 beer pints
Wing Special 1 lb. for $5 - Free pool
Karaoke with DJ Marv 9pm-1am
Enter to win $10,000!
No Limit Texas Holdem Tournament 6:30pm
Sunday Brunch 9am
Enter to win $10,000! Quiz Night 7pm
Buddy Reed (blues) 7-9pm
Karaoke with KJ Leonard 8pm
Prime Rib Mondays! $14.99 in Alice’s Steak & Sushi
Fat Tire Tuesdays $2.00 Fat Tire Pints
Wild Wing Wednesday 5pm to 11pm 25¢ wings $8 domestic beer pitchers
Karaoke w/Chris Clay 8pm 9-ball tournament 8pm
8-Ball Tournaments at 8pm
Karaoke with Chris Clay 8pm
FREE Pool & $3 Well Drinks
No Covers (experimental jazz) 7pm
SB Lounge (electronica) 7pm
Happy Hour Monday thru Friday 6pm
Closed Mondays.
Open Tuesday-Sunday 5pm Food served until 10pm
Family friendly dining.
All shows 21+
Find us on Facebook!
Coming Thursday, May 2: Boris Garcia
Coming Sunday, May 5: Todd Snider
Record Swap 11am Goodwin Forum Sundaze w/ DGS 10pm $5
UBC Winds, HSU Symphonic 8pm
Chasing Ice (documentary) 5pm KBR
Giraffe Aftermath and Burnt 8pm Savage’s CU Last Tuesday Comedy $5 9pm Buddy Reed (blues) 7-9pm
JD Jeffries 5-7pm Don’t think of it as work Think of it as fun!
We also have liquor.
Repeat: We got beer. littleredlioneurekacalif
Sunday night potluck dinner 6pm
9 Ball Tournament 6:30pm signup - $5 play 7pm
Ping Pong 7pm-midnight
Wednesday Open Mic 7-10pm
Bike Party w/ The Glimpse Trio 4pm Benefit raffle, auction, pizza
Purl and Pour Come knit at 6:30pm
Green & Lilac (alt. folk) 6pm
Pints for Pets: Sequoia Humane Society w/John David Young Trio 6pm
Beer & Sake on 18th St., between G & H, Northtown Arcata 826-1988
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Walk-ins Welcome Wed & Sat 12-6pm Special discount for Seniors, SSI , Veterans & Students New First Time MMJ Patie nts S
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DacnceHall Mondayz $5 9pm
Open mic w/ Mike Anderson (music/spoken) 6:30pm
Sunday-Thursday 4pm-2am Friday and Saturday 3pm-2am
Tequila Tuesdays muchas variedades
Happy Growler Day! Get your growler filled for less $$$
Blue Monday with Buddy Reed (blues) 7pm
It’s Happy Day and the Weenie Wagon is back!
Dry Hop Wednesday! Plus Nature’s Serving!
Breakdance with Reckless Rex Atienza 5-7pm $10
Live Band Swing Night 7-10pm $5
West African Dance with Dulce 5:30pm Beginning Argentine Tango 8:15pm
Zumba with Mimi 9:30-10:30am West Coast Swing 7:30pm
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Medical Cannabis Consultants
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(across from HC Court House)
Karaoke 7pm Caitlin Jemma (songwriter) 8pm
Find us on Facebook
Dine early Check out our Sunsets
Open Mic 7:00-10:00
Lunch Specials 11:30-4:00
Try one of our signature Cocktails
Good & Evil Twins Karaoke 8pm Trivia Night! 8pm
Karaoke w/ DJ Marv 8-11pm
Southern Fried Chicken Night 5pm
Jimi Jeff and the Gypsy Band 8pm
Sunday Mimosa and Bloody Mary specials
Live music 7pm
ShugaFoot Band (jazz/blues) 7pm
No Covers (jazz duo) 7-10:30pm
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2-for-1 DD lap dances
2 Dollar Tuesdays $2 beer / $2 lap dances
Ladies/Amateur Night Ladies get in free! PDX v. Savage Henry Comedy 6pm • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2013
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THE ARIANNA STRING QUARTET joins forces with pianist ANTON NEL Friday evening for a Eureka Chamber Music Series concert at Calvary Lutheran Church. The program includes Antonin Dvorak’s “Piano Quintet in A Major, Op. 81,” Cesar Franck’s “Piano Quintet in F Minor” and “Piano Quintet No. 2 in E-Flat Minor, Op. 26” by Ernst von Dohnanyi.
Love or ambition? Genius or madness? What is the proof? Dakota Dieter plays young Catherine, who holds the key to the mystery in David Auburn’s Pulitzer Prize winning play, PROOF, presented by the HSU theatre, film and dance department this weekend and next in the Gist Hall Theatre. Michael Thomas from North Coast Repertory directs. The show runs Thursdays through Saturdays, April 25-27 and May 2-4, at 7:30 p.m. with Sunday matinees on April 28 and May 5 at 2 p.m.
Eureka marks the blooms of spring and honors the lovely rhododendron this weekend with its annual RHODODENDRON FESTIVAL. It begins with Friday’s RHODY ROUNDUP BBQ AND DANCE at the Adorni Center with music by the rockin’ dance band Dr. Squid. Proceeds support the Rotary’s Backpacks for Kids food program. Saturday it’s the RHODODENDRON PARADE weaving through town with floats and marching bands paying homage to rhododendrons, along with the RHODODENDRON FESTIVAL SHOW AND PLANT SALE at St. Bernard’s School where gardeners show off their best blooms. Saturday ends with magnificent music as the Rhododendron Festival Choir features Bach’s “Magnificat” in the annual RHODODENDRON FESTIVAL CONCERT night at Christ Episcopal Church. Photo from WikiMedia Commons by Evariste.
25 thursday
Random Acts of Comedy. 8 p.m. Arcata Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St. Outrageous improv comedy at high speed. Parents be forewarned: some suggestive material is possible. $6/$10 adv. 822-1220.
Remembering Crime Victims Candlelight Vigil. 6-7:30 p.m. Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, 921 Waterfront Drive, Eureka. Let victims know that they are not alone or forgotten. Part of National Crime Victims Rights’ Week. Candles provided.
Proof. 7:30 p.m. Gist Hall Theater, HSU. Pulitzer Prize winning play about genius and madness, love and trust. $10/$8 students and seniors. 826-3928. Antigone. 7:30 p.m. Eureka High School Auditorium, 1915 J St. Eureka High Players present Sophocles’ classic tragedy. $8/$6 students and seniors. 441-2508. Skin Deep. 8 p.m. Redwood Curtain, 220 First St., Eureka. Redwood Curtain presents a warm-hearted romantic comedy. $15. 443-7688. Who Ya Callin Bozo? 8 p.m. Carlo Theater, 131 H St., Blue Lake. The eccentric absurdity of the character clown as performed by Dell’Arte students. Pay-what-you-can. 668-5663.
René Marie’s “Experiment in Truth” Quartet. 8 p.m. Morris Graves Museum of Art, 636 F St., Eureka. Redwood Jazz Alliance presents the stunning jazz vocalist in concert with a top notch band. $15/$10 students and seniors.
Rhododendrons of China’s Southern Mountains. 7 p.m. Eureka Women’s Club, 1531 J St. Photo talk by Don Selcer for American Rhododendron Society chapter meeting. Public welcome. 443-8049.
Clowns All Around Dell’Arte and the Humboldt Circus are finally getting around to answering the age-old question: “How many clowns can you fit into one weekend?!” So, put your coulrophobia by the wayside, and be prepared to be dazzled by not one, but two red-nosed, slapstick-filled tributes to the art of clowning. Dell’Arte’s Who Ya Callin’ Bozo? is a nostalgic homage to the era of classic circus clowning, minus the animal cruelty and sideline freak shows. The first-year students at Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre have some pretty big shoes to fill, but with direction from school director Ronlin Foreman they’re bound to make it through the evening without pie on their faces. Or pies — that’s a
lot of faces. This Ringling Brothersvaudeville hybrid is a show for all ages, and runs from Thursday, April 25, through Saturday, April 27, at 8 p.m. in Dell’Arte’s Carlo Theatre in Blue Lake. This is a “pay what you can” event, but be sure to make reservations in advance by calling (707) 668-5663 x5. Humboldt Circus’ Carnival of the Mind revels in the good old days of the big top circus as well, but with more juggling. And the family friendly antics of Carnival of the Mind are not limited to the stage; there will be games,
sideshows, popcorn and discounted entry for costumed attendees. So pin on your squirting flower, cram all your friends into one tiny car and head on down to the Van Duzer Theater on Friday, April 26, or Saturday, April 27. Admission is $6, doors open at 6 p.m., and the show starts at 6:46 p.m. (for some reason). This weekend is the perfect opportunity to catch up on all those missed clowning opportunities, such as: seltzering, tumbling, miming and working through your crippling fear of clowns (it’s not just me, right?!). — Dev Richards
26 friday EVENTS
Transition Humboldt Potluck/Workshop. 5:30 p.m. The Link, 1385 Eighth St., Arcata. Free potluck in advance of weekend workshop with overview of the Transition movement. 845-7272. Rhody Roundup BBQ & Dance. 6-11 p.m. Adorni Center, 1011 Waterfront Drive, Eureka. Benefit barbecue and dance benefits Backpacks for Kids food program. Music by Dr. Squid, sponsored by Rotary Clubs of Eureka and Soroptimist International of Humboldt Bay. $50. www. 269-4335.
The Word: A Community Storytelling Project. 8 p.m. Arcata Playhouse, 1251 Ninth St. An evening of stories
continued on next page • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2013
continued from previous page
Say The Word: Community
Calvary Lutheran Church, 716 South Ave., Eureka. An evening of piano quintets by Dvorak, Franck and Ernst von Dohnanyi. $30/$5 students. eurekachambermusic. org. 445-9650. AM Jazz Band. 8 p.m. Fulkerson Recital Hall, HSU. Ensemble plays standards from Tommy Dorsey to the Average White Band. $7/$3 students and seniors. Fishtank Ensemble. 6 p.m. Beginnings, 4700 Briceland Thorn Road, Redway. The wild, cross-pollinated gypsy band returns for a Trees Foundation benefit. Mexican dinner at 6 p.m. Music at 8 p.m. $25/$15 without dinner. 923-4377.
World Dance. 8 p.m. St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 1675 Chester Ave., Sunny Brae. Humboldt Folk Dancers event features teaching and request dancing. Beginners welcome. $3. 839-3665.
Indigenous Resistance Movie Night. 7 p.m. Ink Annex, 47B West Third St., Eureka. Rhizome Infoshop presents Coconut Revolution on a native resistance group in the South Pacific and Caracoles: New Paths of Resistance on the battle in Chiapas.
COMEDY The Arcata Playhouse and KHSU Radio join forces for The Word: A Community Storytelling Project, a collection of true stories “lived and told” by community members on the theme “Being in Community.” Among the yarn spinners is Maggie Gainer, who you might describe as a community activist. “You know how much I love to tell stories, feature and present other peoples’ stories,” she writes in an invitation to The Word. She offers a little teaser: “My story is about our region’s economy, the ugly 1970s, and how two well-known pillars of the community changed my life forever.” Gainer participated in storytelling workshops at the Arcata Playhouse led by Ali Freedlund with coaching from raconteurs Jeff DeMark and Paul Woodland. Other performers include Jan Bramlett, Carole Wolfe, Sharon “Sista Soul” Fennell, Kiernan Powers, Gabriel Vanaver, Mary Ann Madej, Gayle Pascal, Meghan Frank, the Playhouse’s Jackie Dandeneau and workshop leaders Freedlund and DeMark. The Tim Randles, Mike LaBolle, Bobby Amirkhan Trio provides jazz interludes. The Word: A Community Storytelling Project runs two nights at the Arcata Playhouse (1251 Ninth St.) Friday and Saturday, April 26 and 27, starting at 8 p.m. sharp, with the Saturday show broadcast live on KHSU. Tickets are $10, $8 students and seniors, available by calling 822-1575. — Bob Doran lived and told by community members and local storytellers around the theme of “Being in Community.” $10/$8 students and seniors. 822-1575. Hello Dolly. 8 p.m. Ferndale Repertory Theater, 447 Main St. The classic matchmaker musical, music direction by Tina Toomata, choreography by Linda Maxwell, directed by Justin Takata. $18/$16 students. 800-838-3600. Proof. 7:30 p.m. Gist Hall Theater. See April 25 listing. Antigone. 7:30 p.m. Eureka High. See April 25 listing. Skin Deep. 8 p.m. Redwood Curtain. See April 25 listing. Who Ya Callin Bozo? 8 p.m. Carlo Theater. See April 25 listing.
Arianna String Quartet with Anton Nel. 7:30 p.m.
Carnival of the Mind. 6:46 p.m. Van Duzer Theatre, HSU. Humboldt Circus presents an evening of hilarious clowning, juggling, poi and hoop spinning with live music by the Marching Lumberjacks. $6. E-mail thehumboldtcircus@ 209-566-5726.
Poets and Writers Launch. 7 p.m. Life Science 102, CR, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka. Launch of College of the Redwoods literary magazine includes readings and awards. 476-4370. Season of the Witch – A Walpurgisnacht Celebration!. 7 p.m. Old Town Coffee & Chocolates, 211 F St. Eureka. Carpathian tells macabre tales for the spring Witch’s Night. 445-8600. Outliers Reading. 7 p.m. Studio Theater, HSU. Reading presented by the HSU advanced oral interpretation class, adapted from the 2013 book of the year for HSU and CR, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.
Dow’s Prairie Grange Ice Cream Social Open House. 5:30-8 p.m. Dow’s Prairie Grange, 3995 Dow’s Prairie Road, McKinleyville. Learn about the grange and groups that use it, including Boy Scouts, Cubs, Girl Scouts and 4-H. Free ice cream. 840-0100. Economic Fuel Awards Ceremony. 6:30-8 p.m. Wharfinger Building, 1 Marina Way, Eureka. Eight finalist teams to be awarded $117,000 in seed capital for their business ventures. 476-2780. Black Brant Geese and Eelgrass. 7:30 p.m. Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary Interpretive Center, 600 S. G St. Friends of the Arcata Marsh lecture by Betsy Elkinton on Humboldt Bay geese migration and eelgrass foraging. 826-2359. Lama Lodu Rinpoche. 7:30 p.m. Arcata Community Yoga Center, 890 G St. Teachings by the master and yogi presented by Dorje Yang Dron study group. Suggested donation $15.
27 saturday EVENTS
Rhododendron Parade. 10 a.m. Eureka. Floats and marching bands pay homage to the rhododendron. Begins at Seventh and E streets, travels east on Seventh, south on H Street, west on Henderson, concludes behind Eureka Mall. Fort Humboldt Donkey Days. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fort Humboldt State Historic Park, 3431 Fort Ave., Eureka. Living
history volunteers perform reenactments including black powder gun fire demonstrations, army camp life, a demonstration Brush Dance and a logging contest. www. Red, White and Bingo!. 5-9 p.m. Arcata Veterans Memorial Building, 1425 J St. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence bingo night benefits Coastal Grove students trip to Washington, D.C. $15. Loleta Meat Market Luau. 5:30 p.m. Loleta Fireman’s Pavilion, Old Loleta Road. Fundraiser for the big move includes dinner and auction 5:30-8:30 p.m. then dancing to Rooster McClintock until midnight. $15/$8 kids 6-12. Ink People Masterpiece Masquerade. 6 p.m. Ink Annex, 47B West Third St., Eureka. Art-themed masquerade with live and silent art auctions, food, drinks, raffles, contests, games and music. Glimmer of Hope Afghan School Benefit. 7:30-10 p.m. Bayside Grange, 2297 Jacoby Creek Road. Dance to The Bayou Swamis, Afghan food, auction, raffle, henna tattoos, more. $10/$5 students and seniors. rosebuds@ 822-2142.
A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer. 8-9:30 p.m. Native Forum, BSS Building, HSU. Collection of monologues edited by Eve Ensler and Mollie Doyle, read by a fierce cast of women and men who break down the fourth wall to explore raw emotion. Proceeds support Planned Parenthood Spare Change Program and Paso A Paso. $10. 530-448-9458. Antigone. 7:30 p.m. Eureka High. See April 25 listing. Proof. 7:30 p.m. Gist Hall Theater. See April 25 listing. The Word: A Community Storytelling Project. 8 p.m. Arcata Playhouse, 1251 Ninth St. See April 26 listing. Skin Deep. 8 p.m. Redwood Curtain. See April 25 listing. Who Ya Callin Bozo? 8 p.m. Carlo Theatre. See April 25 listing. Hello Dolly. 8 p.m. Ferndale Rep. See April 26 listing.
All Seasons Orchestra Spring Concert. 7 p.m. D Street Neighborhood Center, 13th and D streets, Arcata. Annual concert for community orchestra, open to all ages. Donna Landry and Swing Set. 7-10 p.m. Fortuna Veterans Memorial Building, 1426 Main St. Swing and blues music for your dancing pleasure. Proceeds benefit Fortuna Senior Services. $6. Rhododendron Festival Concert. 7:30 p.m. Christ Episcopal Church, 15th and H streets, Eureka. The Rhododendron Festival Choir, under the direction of Christ Church Choir Director Betty Burton, performs “Magnificat’ with Dr. Douglas Moorehead at the organ. $10. American Beauty: A Grateful Dead Concert Experience. 8 p.m. Arkley Center for the Performing Arts, 412 G St., Eureka. Tribute to the Grateful Dead in a live music concert experience. $40/$21 kids. www.arkleycenter. com. 442-1956.
Transformational Justice. 7-9:30 p.m. Redwood Raks World Dance Studio, 824 L St., Arcata. Five original dance performances, four spoken word presentations and music by singer-songwriter Lyndsey Battle. 442-8563.
Artists of the Emerald Coast. 2-8 p.m. Mateel Community Center, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway. Work by up to 30 professional artists and 30 local student artists, wine from Briceland, Elk Prairie and Whitethorn vineyards, complimentary hors d’oeuvres.
Birding on the Arcata Marsh. 8:30 a.m. Meet at South I Street parking lot. Audubon field trip led by Jude Power rain or shine. Bring binoculars for birding. Trinidad State Beach Restoration. 9 a.m.-noon. Trinidad State Beach Parking Lot. Help remove invasive English ivy. Gloves and tools provided. Jacoby Creek Blackberry Blast. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Kokte Ranch, 2182 Old Arcata Road, Arcata. Help Watershed
Stewards remove invasive berries to restore the banks of Jacoby Creek and improve salmon and trout habitat. 12th Annual Klamath River Clean-up. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Yurok Tribe Main Office, Klamath. Help Watershed Stewards clean up banks of the Klamath River. Breakfast, lunch, gloves and water provided. 954-0462. Lanphere Dunes Grass Grab. 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Pacific Union School, 3001 Janes Road, Arcata. Help remove invasive annual grasses. Lanphere Dunes Fern Walk. 10 a.m.-noon. Pacific Union School, 3001 Janes Road, Arcata. Naturalist Carol Ralph leads a guided walk focused on ferns of the dunes. 444-1397. Arcata Marsh Tour. 2 p.m. Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary Interpretive Center, 600 S. G St. Sharon Levy Wilson leads free 90-minute tour of Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary focusing on marsh birds and ecology.
Carnival of the Mind. 6:46 p.m. Van Duzer Theatre. See April 26 listing.
Orchid Show and Sale. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, 921 Waterfront Drive, Eureka. Humboldt Orchid Society display of blooming orchids with orchids for sale, raffle, potting demonstrations and free advice. 845-6858. Trinidad Gardens Yard and Plant Sale. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Trinidad Museum, 400 Janis Court. Yard and plant sale benefit for Trinidad Museum Gardens. 677-0355. Rhododendron Festival Show and Plant Sale. 10 a.m. St. Bernard’s Catholic School, 222 Dollison St., Eureka. Annual flower show for the Eureka Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society, part of the Rhody Festival. 839-2073. 23rd Annual CR Plant Sale. Noon-6 p.m. College of the Redwoods Greenhouse, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka. Annuals, perennials, vegetables, culinary herbs, house plants and landscape plants; cash or check only.
Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast. 8-11 a.m. Azalea Hall, 1620 Pickett Road, McKinleyville. All you can eat pancakes, scrambled eggs, ham, etc. $5/$3 kids. 839-3267. Arcata Plaza Farmers’ Market. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Arcata Plaza, Ninth and G streets. Locavores delight: homegrown produce and meat, plants, flowers, food court, steel pan music by Steel Standing at 10 a.m.
Outliers Reading. 7 p.m. Studio Theater. See April 26 listing. Training for Transition. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The Link, 1385 Eighth St., Arcata. Two day workshop on organizing your neighborhood and community to develop a Transition initiative. $150. 845-7272. RCAAZK Rummage Sale. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 2852 Williams St., Eureka. Benefit for Redwood Coast Chapter of the American Association of Zoo Keepers. 441-4228. Southern Humboldt Flea Market. 9 a.m. Dean’s Creek Resort, Redway. Stuff other people don’t need anymore, but you might. Tai Chi for Peace on World Tai Chi Day. 10 a.m. Arcata Plaza, Ninth and G streets. Global health and healing event with motto One World, One Breath. Send a wave of healing calm around the world. No previous experience necessary. 268-3936. Lama Lodu Rinpoche. 7:30 p.m. See April 26 listing.
28 sunday EVENTS
Fort Humboldt Donkey Days. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fort Humboldt. See April 27 listing.
A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer. 2-3:30 p.m. Eureka Women’s Club. See April 27 listing. Hello Dolly matinee. 2 p.m. Ferndale Rep, 447 Main St. See other listing. Proof matinee. 2 p.m. Gist Hall Theater. See April 28 listing.
Wildflowers in a Hydesville Forest. 1-3 p.m. Puddin Lane, Hydesville. Plant walk with Carol Ralph and Janelle Egger from the California Native Plant Society.
Rhododendron Festival Show and Plant Sale. 10 a.m. St. Bernard’s Catholic School. See April 27 listing. 23rd Annual CR Plant Sale. Noon-6 p.m. College of the Redwoods. See April 27 listing.
Slower-Speed Arcata Marsh Tour. 2 p.m. Meet at Klopp Lake at end of South I Street. Easy 45-60 minute walk geared to persons with limited mobility.
Stanford Physician Assistant Program. 1:30-3:30 p.m. College of the Redwoods, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka. Information about Stanford School of Medicine physician assistant program. 954-1157. The Tar Sands Blockade. 6:30-8 p.m. Ink Annex, 47B West Third St., Eureka. Presentation on the resistance to the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Q and A session with Tar Sands blockaders.
1 wednesday
Southern Humboldt Flea Market. 9 a.m. Dean’s Creek Resort. See April 27 listing. Record Swap. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Goodwin Forum, HSU. Buy, sell trade records, CDs, DVDs and music memorabilia. $2. Redwood Coast Scrabble Club. 1-5 p.m. Arcata Community Center, 321 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. Fun with words. New location this week only. 677-9242. Training for Transition. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The Link. See April 27 listing. Lama Lodu Rinpoche. 7:30 p.m. See April 26 listing.
29 monday MUSIC
Humboldt Harmonaires Guest Night. 7 p.m. Eureka Mall, 838 W. Harris St. former bank building behind WinCo. Introduction to barbershop music, a capella, four-part harmony. Harmonaires seek men who have a voice of any kind, no music reading necessary, preference given to men who sing in the shower. Refreshments offered. University of British Columbia Wind Ensemble and HSU Symphonic Band. 8 p.m. Fulkerson Recital Hall, HSU. Program includes “The Creation of the World” by Darius Milaud. 826-3928.
Friendship Circle Dance. 7-10 p.m. Moose Lodge, 4328 Campton Road, Eureka. Dancing to music from the 1930s50s, for those over 50. $4.
The Bumpers: Low Vision Support. 10-11 a.m. Azalea Hall, 1620 Pickett Road, McKinleyville. Learn how to cope with vision loss through humor. E-mail dougdrose@suddenlink. net. 839-0588. NAMI Support Group. 6 p.m. Fortuna United Methodist Church, 922 N St. Meeting facilitated by National Alliance on Mental Illness for families of those facing issues including bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD, OCD, etc.
30 tuesday ART
Westhaven Center for the Arts Member Show Entry. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Westhaven Center, 501 S. Westhaven Drive. Dues paying members enter art in all media for May-June show. $5 per entry. $5. 677-9493.
Thieves’ Highway. 6:30 p.m. Humboldt County Library, 1313 Third St., Eureka. Based on the Book “Shadows and Fog: San Francisco Noir” concludes with the story of a trucker (Richard Conte) battling a crooked produce market manager (Lee J. Cobb).
CR Spring Ceramics Sale. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Administration building first floor lobby, College of the Redwoods, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka. Ceramics created by CR students and faculty including functional pottery, planters, sculptural objects and raku. shannon-sullivan@
Chasing Ice. 5-7 p.m. Kate Buchanan Room, HSU. Story of one man’s mission to change the tide of history by gathering undeniable evidence of our changing planet. Geos Institute scientist Dominick DellaSala leads discussion about climate change. $5. 822-7711. Girl Rising. 7-9 p.m. Minor Theater, 1013 H St., Arcata. Spotlighting the strength of the human spirit and the power of education. Seating limited, advance tickets advised. $10. 623-7374.
Eureka Fair Wage Act Meeting. 6:15 p.m. Eureka Labor Temple, 840 E St. Help pass an ordinance requiring Eureka employers with 25 or more workers to pay a $12 minimum wage.
2 thursday THEATER
Antigone. 7:30 p.m. Eureka High. See April 25 listing. Proof. 7:30 p.m. Gist Hall Theater. See April 25 listing. Skin Deep. 8 p.m. Redwood Curtain. See April 25 listing.
Humboldt Folklife Society Group Sing Along. 7-9 p.m. Arcata Community Center, 321 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. With host Joel Sonenshein. Sing along to many of your favorite songs from the ’60s, ’70s and beyond. 839-7063. Clarinetist Blake McGee. 8 p.m. Fulkerson Recital Hall, HSU. Guest artist plays Rossini, Leonard Bernstein and “Bling Bling.” $8/$3 students and seniors.
CR Spring Ceramics Sale. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. College of the Redwoods. See May 1 listing.
Sustainable Futures: “Climate Change and Human Rights”. 5:30-7 p.m. Humboldt State University, BSS Room 166, Arcata. Talk by Jen Marlow co-founder of Three Degrees, a multidisciplinary climate justice project. 826-3653.
Humboldt County Human Rights Commission. 5 p.m. Humboldt County Courthouse, 825 Fifth St., Eureka. Conference Room A. Address the commission on issues of concern related to human rights. 268-2549. ● • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2013
book The Man Who Planted Trees By Jim Robbins Spiegel & Grau Jim Robbins is a New York Times science writer. Ten years ago he began seeing the dense pine forest surrounding his Montana home die off, killed by the mountain pine beetle infestation. That attack, enabled by warmer winters, is still destroying northern forests. It’s evidence of how global warming is adding to centuries of deforestation. By then he’d met David Milarch, a hard-living Michigan farmer whose life was changed by a near-death experience and what seemed like a subsequent visit by angels who gave him his mission: Clone the oldest, largest, hardiest “champion” trees before it’s too late. Scientists, not necessarily convinced by angelic instructions, were surprised they hadn’t thought of this themselves. If it turned out to be possible (and often it did), it made sense. This time-tested DNA might provide a better chance for survival. Robbins chronicles the ups and downs of Milarch’s efforts. One of his major successes was finding and cloning ancient sequoias in an unusually dry region of central California, under conditions that global warming may well replicate elsewhere. But Robbins also writes about trees themselves, their barely understood wonders and the ways in which they nurture the planet. He writes with clear objectivity but in a more complete way that mirrors the combination of standard and frontier science and the so-called mysticism in Milarch’s world. Even scientists admit we know dangerously little about the trees and forests we’ve been relentlessly destroying. But Milarch’s quest is not some feel-good exercise. He and others involved realize that planting the right trees in the right places is crucial. Along the way Robbins updates the exploits of Michael Taylor, the HSU grad who, while working at Radio Shack in Arcata, discovered several of the largest redwoods in the world in the Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park, together with HSU forestry and wildlands professor Steve Sillett. Taylor (who moved to Hyampom, an isolated town of 261 people in Trinity County) expanded his search for champion trees to other species and countries, searching for them partly by intuition. His incredible record improved even more when he teamed up with Milarch. “When I travel with David Milarch, we really find trees. It’s beyond coincidence,” he said. But Taylor helped Milarch most by finding champion stumps on private land, where only the owner’s permission is required to obtain the cuttings to clone, eliminating a lot of government red tape. They started with the immense Fieldbrook Stump just outside Redwood State Park. From the stump and the redwood already growing out of it they hoped to grow hundreds and then thousands of copies. “We can use this tree as a symbol of the reforestation of the world,” Milarch said. “This stump is back from the dead, same as I am.” — William Kowinski
32 North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013 •
Tom Cruises
Clever premise falls flat in Oblivion, but Gosling’s latest has sweeping ambition By John J. Bennett
OBLIVION. The Tom Cruise conundrum: wherein the biggest movie star in the world gives winning performances in humdrum Hollywood hogwash. Over the past nine years (with the debatable exception of 2011’s Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol) Cruise has gone out for big, relatively undemanding parts in distinctly middle-of-the-road movies. He’s done solid work. The guy’s got the goods; that much is undeniable. But gone are the days of the excellent and complex work of his mid-career hot streak, which included Stanley Kubrick’s contentious but compelling Eyes Wide Shut, Michael Mann’s Collateral and a revelatory performance in Paul Thomas Anderson’s Magnolia. Why the shift? That’s not for me to guess. But the upshot is that this talented, hard-working leading man has painted himself into a corner. Going to see one of his movies these days means anticipating a buzzkill. So it went with Oblivion: I figured I’d enjoy Cruise in yet another mediocre Tom Cruise movie. This one, by director Joseph Kosinski (Tron: Legacy), working from an adaptation of his own graphic novel, raises Cruise’s plummeting average slightly, and it may be the most frustrating example of his recent work for that very reason. This post-apocalyptic, Earth-as-poisonwasteland sci-fantasy has some positive attributes. Lavishly styled and dressed, the movie is lit and shot with originality and intention, and it glides along with grace and confidence. Cruise plays Jack Harper, a technician tasked with maintaining armed drones that defend giant generators fueled by seawater. He and communications officer/ lover Victoria (Andrea Riseborough) are, to the best of their knowledge, the last
humans on Earth, a clean-up crew that will soon turn off the lights, lock the door and join the rest of humanity on the Jupiter moon Titan. But something keeps sabotaging the drones, and Jack’s impulse to investigate (along with nostalgia for an Earth he doesn’t really remember) leads him toward a troubling discovery. It’s a promising premise, and the movie finds a rhythm early on. Sumptuous visuals, carried on a throbbing, atmospheric score, work toward elevating Oblivion beyond my expectations. But the opening and closing are painfully bridled by unnecessary voiceover, and the big second act plot twist can be spotted a mile away. From there the story gets derivative and simplistic. When the plot’s nuts and bolts are required to support some weight, everything starts coming apart. I left the theater feeling conflicted over an ultimately silly movie. There’s a glimmer of something much better, maybe even great, in Oblivion, but its strengths cannot overcome its weaknesses. PG13. 126m. THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES. Last week, Ryan Burns teased this movie, referring to writer/director Derek Cianfrance’s last one, Blue Valentine, as an emotional wrecking ball. I think Blue Valentine is more like an emotional smart-bomb, or maybe the vivisection of a marriage. With surgical precision, Cianfrance and his actors (Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams, both completely natural, broken and riveting) lay open a relationship, exposing raw nerves and vessels that can carry both nourishing life-blood and virulent infection. They capture the tiny expressions that speak to oceanic emotions, the devastating physical shorthand of people in love hurting each other — in other words, the • North Coast JourNal • thursday, april 25, 2013
Movie Times
Hmm. Maybe I could launch a religion from this story.
Film times reflect the most current listings as of Tuesday afternoon. As schedules at individual theaters sometimes change, we recommend calling ahead to avoid any inconvenience.
Broadway Cinema
707-443-3456 1223 Broadway Street, Eureka Times are for 4/26-5/2 unless otherwise noted.
truth of an intimate relationship unraveling. That story came from honesty, and it’s joyful and heartbreaking at the same time. As my wife said, “I love it and I hate it.” With The Place Beyond the Pines, Cianfrance (again collaborating with Gosling) turns his acute focus on a bigger subject, with exciting if occasionally mixed results. Gosling’s Luke Glanton is a motorcycle daredevil traveling with a carnival. He blows into town one summer and encounters Romina (Eva Mendes), with whom he shared a few nights the year before. When he learns that their time together produced a son, Luke decides to quit his job and stick around awhile. After trying and failing to rekindle something with Romina and get to know his baby, he soon takes drastic, criminal measures to provide for them. That situation comes to a head quickly, culminating in a confrontation with over-educated rookie cop Avery Cross (Bradley Cooper). From there the plot turns to follow Avery as he attempts to find justice inside a deeply corrupt police department. Place has a bold, novelistic structure, and it almost always works. Only as the third act unfolds does its ambition outstrip the execution a little, and the framework sways noticeably. But that’s a minor weakness in the face of all the great filmmaking going on. The cinematography, resplendent with saturated color, combines dizzying handheld camerawork and more traditional shots to mesmerizing effect. The clean, seamless editing and a haunting soundtrack (by local boy done good Mike Patton) interplay achingly well with the cast’s exceptional performances. And the themes — of fathers and sons, absence, personal responsibility and consequences echoing
across generations — resonate profoundly. R. 140m. — John J. Bennett
THE BIG WEDDING. I try not to judge movies by their trailers, but damn: This. Looks. Awful. Maybe I’m wrong. Divorced parents (Robert De Niro and Diane Keaton) pretend they’re still married for the benefit of their future son-in-law’s Catholic mom. The all-star cast includes Susan Sarandon, Robin Williams, Katherine Heigl and Amanda Seyfried. R. 90m. PAIN & GAIN. Big-budget schlock-maestro Michael Bay (Bad Boys, Transformers) directs this action comedy starring Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson and Anthony Mackie as weightlifting criminals. Like bathing in testosterone. R. 129m. On Sunday, the Arcata Theatre Lounge will show Dreamworks’ 2005 animated comedy Madagascar. PG. 86m. 6 p.m. Turn May Day into “mayday!” with 20 Million Miles to Earth, a 1957 sci-fi flick about a giant creature from Venus running amok in Rome. It’s the creature feature for next week’s Sci-Fi Pint and Pizza Night at the ATL. Doors at 6 p.m. The Humboldt County Library’s Basedon-the-Book series “Shadows and Fog: San Francisco Noir” wraps up next Tuesday with Thieves’ Highway (aka Thieves’ Market), a 1949 melodrama from director Jules Dassin.
42. This Hollywood biopic about baseball color-barrier-breaker Jackie Robinson is so glossy it all but glosses over the issue of racism. PG13. 128m. THE CROODS. A prehistoric family must look for a new cave in this likeable animated comedy featuring the voices of
Nic Cage and Emma Stone. PG. 96m. EVIL DEAD. This gory remake of the 1980s camp-horror classic about a group of young’uns, a cabin in the woods and a supernatural skin-bound book has less camp, more viscera. R. 91m. G.I. JOE: RETALIATION. Bruce Willis, “The Rock” and Channing Tatum play guys with big muscles and guns. They shoot stuff. PG13. 99m. JURASSIC PARK 3D. That 3D T-Rex made me spill my Diet Coke! PG13. 127m. OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN. White House action-thriller with a Secret Service agent (Gerard Butler) protecting the president (Aaron Eckhart) from evil Koreans. Yawn. R. 100m. OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL. James Franco stars as the young wizard-to-be in this visually rich but ultimately hollow prequel. PG. 130m. SCARY MOVIE 5. What’s scary is how many people pay money — genuine U.S. currency! — to watch this stuff. PG13. 85m. — Ryan Burns
April 25 - May 2 Thurs Apr 25 - Random Acts of Comedy Doors at 7:30 p.m., $6, All ages Sun Apr 28 - Madagascar (2005) Doors at 5:30 p.m., $5, Rated PG Wed May 1 - Sci Fi Night ft. 20 Million Miles to Earth (1957) Doors at 6 p.m. All ages Free Thurs May 2 - Ocean Night ft. Chasing Ice (2012) Doors at 6:30 p.m. $3 All ages
PAIN & GAIN 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:05 OBLIVION 12:15, 2:10, 3:15, 5:15, 6:15, 8:15, 9:15 THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES 2:00, 5:25, 8:40 42 11:50, 2:50, 5:50, 8:50 SCARY MOVIE 5 12:20, 2:35, 4:55, 7:15, 9:35 EVIL DEAD 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:40 JURASSIC PARK 3D 12:10, 3:05, 6:05, 9:00 THE BIG WEDDING 12:05, 2:25, 4:45, 7:10, 9:30 GI JOE: RETALIATION 2D 3:35, 9:10 (except 5/2) OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:20 THE CROODS 3D 2:40, 7:40 THE CROODS 2D 12:10, 5:10 Oz THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 2D 12:35, 6:20
Mill Creek Cinema
707-839-3456 *= FRI-SUN 1575 Betty Court, McKinleyville Times are for 4/26-5/2 unless otherwise noted.
PAIN & GAIN 12:10*, 3:10, 6:10, 9:10 OBLIVION 11:50*, 2:50, 5:50, 8:50 THE BIG WEDDING 12:00*, 2:20*, 4:40, 7:00, 9:20 42 11:55*, 2:55, 6:00, 9:00 SCARY MOVIE 5 12:25*, 2:40, 4:55, 7:20, 9:40 EVIL DEAD 7:10, 9:30 JURASSIC PARK 3D 1:45*, 4:45, 7:45 THE CROODS 2D 12:35*, 3:05, 5:40, 8:10 (except 5/2) Oz THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 2D 1:05*, 4:05
Minor Theatre 707-822-3456
1001 H Street, Arcata * = SAT.-SUN. ONLY Times are for 4/26-5/2 unless otherwise noted.
OBLIVION 12:30*, 3:25, 6:20, 9:15 42 12:15*, 3:10, 6:05, 9:00, 9:20 (5/1 only) THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES 2:20*, 4:05 (5/1 only), 5:25, 8:30
Fortuna Theater
707-725-2121 * = SAT.-SUN. ONLY 1241 Main Street, Fortuna ** = FRI.-SAT. ONLY Times are for 4/26-5/2 unless otherwise noted.
12:40*, 3:40, 6:35, 9:30** 1:20*, 4:05, 6:55, 9:45** 12:50*, 3:50, 6:40, 9:25** 12:15*, 2:30*, 4:50, 7:15, 9:35** 1:00*, 6:50 4:00, 9:40** 12:00*, 2:15*, 4:40, 7:00, 9:10**
Garberville Theater 707-923-3580
766 Redwood Drive, Garberville • 822-1220 • 1036 G St.
TBA • North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013
AMAZING GRACE. Exclusive filmed interview with Terri Roberts, mother of Amish schoolhouse shooter Charles Roberts, will be screened at LifetreeCafe this week, Sun., April 28, 7 p.m. Corner of 13th & Union, Arcata. 672-2919, for more info. (CMM-0425)
Dance, Music, Theater, Film
BEGINNING STEEL DRUM. Mon. evenings, May 6-27, 7-8 p.m., Pan Arts Network,1049 Samoa Blvd, Suite C. $50, (707) 407-8998, (DMT- 0502)
List your class – just 50 cents/word per issue! Deadline: Monday, noon. Place online at or e-mail: Listings must be paid in advance by check, cash or Visa/MasterCard. Many classes require pre-registration.
Arts & Crafts
ACRYLIC PAINTING ON CANVAS. With Jeff Stanley. 497-8003. (AC-0516) EUREKA STUDIO ARTS. April Workshop: “The Young Media Makers of All Ages” with Barbara Domanchuk April 27 & 28 Learn to produce and edit a one-minute video for your blog, webpage, Kickstarter or YouTube in this fast-paced, informative weekend. Register at 526 Fifth St., (707) 440-9027. (AC-0425) GLASS FUSING, DESIGNING PART SHEETS, ART GLASS & IMAGERY. $60/$40 members (materials cost depends on size of project made). Wed., May 1, 5:30-8:30 p.m. or Thurs., May 2, 1-4 p.m. Follow up to surface design and Part Sheets workshops, and will focus on incorporating previously made art glass into distinctive and dynamic fused work. Intermediate class, requires glass fusing background. Fire Arts Center, 520 S. G St, 826-1445. (AC-0425) GLASS FUSING, LUNCHEON PLATES & SERVING PLATTER. $125.00/$ 105 members (materials fees $60 and up). Tues./Thurs., May 7 & 9, 5:30–8:30 p.m. or Wed./Fri., May 8 &10, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Create a unique luncheon set, including two 6” luncheon plates and a matching 10” serving platter in this two day workshop. Intermediate workshop, requires glass fusing background. Fire Arts Center, 520 S. G St, 826-1445. (AC-0425) HAND BUILDING. $ 90 (5 weeks). With Otamay Hushing. Thurs.s, 10 a.m.-Noon, May 9-June 6. Flexible format to encourage creativity. Focus on basic techniques with slabs and coils as applied to a variety of projects. Fire Arts Center, 520 S. G St, 826-1445. (AC-0425)
MANAGING NON-STOP CHANGE. A team-building management workshop with Janet Ruprecht. Learn to recognize the phases of an individual’s natural response to change, and how to coach people through them swiftly and effectively. Understand organizational resistance to change and discover what you can do about it. Fri., May 10, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $95 (includes materials). Preregistration required. Call HSU College of eLearning & Extended Education to register, 826-3731 or visit (CMM-0502)
DANCE WITH DEBBIE. Group & private lessons in ballroom, Latin, swing, & club dance in Humboldt county. We make dancing fun!, (707) 464-3638 and on Facebook. (DMT-1226) REDWOOD RAKS WORLD DANCE STUDIO, ARCATA. West African, Belly Dance, Tango, Salsa, Swing, Breakdance, Jazz, Tap, Modern, Zumba, Hula, Congolese, more! Kids and Adults, 616-6876. (DMT-1226) PIANO LESSONS BEGINNING TO ADVANCED ALL AGES. 30 years joyful experience teaching all piano styles. Juilliard trained, remote lessons available. Nationally Certified Piano Teacher. (707) 502-9469 (DMT-0606) PIANO LESSONS. Beginners, all ages. Experienced. Judith Louise 476-8919. (DMT-0606) WEST AFRICAN DANCE. Tues.s, Thurs.s, 5:30-7 p.m., at Redwood Raks, Arcata. All levels welcome. Live drumming. Dulce, 832-9547, Christina, 498-0146. (DMT-1226) GUITAR/PIANO/VOICE LESSONS. All ages, beginning and intermediate. Seabury Gould 444-8507. (DMT-0606) SAXOPHONE/FLUTE LESSONS. All ages, beginneradvanced, jazz improvisation, technique. Susie Laraine: 441-1343. (DMT-1226)
BEGINNING TO ADVANCED GROUP PILATES. Increase your potential through a Mindful movement practice at Arcata Core Pilates Studio! Beginning-Advanced group Pilates mat classes, reformer classes and Privates training sessions Mon.-Sat. Trainers are certified from Stott Pilates, an international certification agency Where modern principles of exercise science and rehabilitation are studied. Questions or to sign up Call 845-8156 or email or visit: (F-0425) INTRO TO WOMEN’S FENCING. May 2-30. $75. Preregistration required. 1459 M St., Arcata, contact Justin (707) 601-1657 text or phone, or email (F-0425) HUMBOLDT CAPOEIRA ACADEMY. Spring Session Feb. 1-June 15. Classes for Kids, Adults and Beginners. Martial Arts, Music and Acrobatics. Helps to improve strength, flexibility, coordination and self-control. Rental Space Available. For full class schedule visit (707) 498-6155, 865 8th St., Arcata. (F-0606) NIA-DANCE FUSION. Modern dance/fitness for all abilities. Mon.s, 6-7 p.m., Studio of Dance Arts Eureka. Wed.s, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Redwood Raks Arcata. $5 drop-in, $50/12 classes (707) 441-9102 (F-1226) NORTH COAST SELF DEFENSE ACADEMY. Come learn your choice of Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai Techniques, Filipino Kali, Jun Fan Stand Up Kickboxing, & Muay Thai/MMA Sparring. Group and private sessions available 7 days a week for men, women and children; all experience and fitness levels welcome. Call or visit (707) 822-6278 or 820 N St., Building #1 Suite C, Arcata (F-1226)
NORTH COAST FENCING ACADEMY. Fencing (with swords!). Improve your mind and body in a fun, intense workout, and a very chill environment. Ages 8 and up. 1459 M St., Arcata, contact Justin (707) 601-1657 text or phone, or email (F-0606) AIKIDO. Is an incredibly fascinating and enriching non-violent martial art with its roots in traditional Japanese budo. Focus is on personal growth and pursuit of deeper truth instead of competition and fighting. Yet the physical power you can develop is very real. Come observe any time and give it a try! The dojo is on Arcata Plaza above the mattress store, entrance is around back. Class every weeknight starting at 6 p.m., beginning enrollment is ongoing., info@northcoastaikido. org, 826-9395. (F-1226) ZUMBA WITH MARLA JOY. Elevate, Motivate, Celebrate another day of living. Exercise in Disguise. Now is the time to start, don’t wait. All ability levels are welcome. Every Mon. and Thurs. at the Bayside Grange 6-7 p.m., 2297 Jacoby Creek Rd. $6/$4 Grange members. Every Wed. 6-7 p.m. in Fortuna at the Monday Club, 610 Main St. Every Tues. at the Trinidad Town Hall, Noon and every Thurs. at the Eureka Vets Hall, Noon. Marla Joy (707) 845-4307, marlajoy.zumba. com (F-1226)
Kids & Teens
BEGINNING CERAMICS FOR YOUTH. Come play with clay! Youth ages 7-12 discover the world of ceramics as they learn the basics of hand building & pinch pottery. Thurs.s, 6-7 p.m., starting May 2 at Ryan Center. $40 fee includes materials. Register online at or call 441-4244 for more info. (K-0425) CUB CLUB MINI MIGRATORS. At Sequoia Park Zoo. For 5-7 year olds on Sat. May 11. Join us for a wild adventure at the zoo. Call 441-4263 or visit for info (K-0425) PARENTS NIGHT OUT. Enjoy a night to yourself knowing that your child is in the care of the professional recreation team at the Ryan Center 5/4, 6-9 p.m. Extended care available until 10:30 p.m. $20 first child, $15/additional family member, $10/child for extended care. Kids enjoy fun games, activities & a pizza dinner. Space is limited. Sign-up at the Adorni Center. Call 441-4240 for more info. (K-0425) CERAMICS FOR OLDER KIDS, AGES 7-12. $80 (Two 5 week classes offered). May 6-June 3 & May 7-June 4. Mon., 4-6 p.m., Tues., 4-6 p.m. With Bob Raymond. Adventures with clay; Learn various hand building and wheel-throwing techniques. Fire Arts Center, 520 S. G St, 826-1445. (K-0425)
ZUMBA WITH MIMI. Put the FUN back into your LITTLE DRIBBLERS BASKETBALL. Learn & practice workout! Latin & Pop music, sure to leave you sweaty basic skills such as dribbling, passing & ball control and smiling! Wed. & Fri. 9:30 a.m. at Redwood Raks in for age 5-7. Emphasis is on fun with focus on fundathe Old Creamery Buildmentals. Class offered ing, Arcata. Tues. & Thurs. Sat.s, beginning 4/27, 9:30 a.m., Starting in May, 10-10:45 a.m. $25. RegLEARN HOW TO GROW Fri. 4-5 p.m. at Redwood ister online at www. YOUR OWN EDIBLE MUSHROOMS Raks. (F-1226) or call 441-4244 for ON HARDWOOD LOGS! SUN YI’S ACADEMY OF more info. (K-0425) TAE KWON DO. Classes CALL 499-9178 for kids and adults, child PAGEANT ON THE care, fitness gym, and PLAZA. This summer more. Tae Kwon Do Monthe Arcata Playhouse Fri 5-6 p.m., 6-7 p.m., Sat is offering a two10-11 a.m. Come watch or week adventure in join a class, 1215 Giuntoli the creation of outLane, or visit www.sunydoor spectacle and, 825-0182. performance. Week (F-1227) one includes classes in Movement, Music, DANCE-FIT. Dance, aeroStilts, Puppetry. Week bics & strength training two create a show! all in one class ! Mon., July 8-20, 9 a.m.-3:30 Wed. & Fri. 9-10 a.m First p.m. Ages 9 - 16, $300 class is free. Drop in for $5 Call 822-1575 to register per class or 14 classes for today! (K-0627) $55. No Limits tap & jazz studio, corner of 10th & SUMMER THEATER K st. Arcata. 825-0922 WORKSHOPS AT THE (F-1226) ARCATA PLAYHOUSE! June 24-28, 2 classes for kids ages 7-9, 9 a.m-Noon. Home & Garden Fantastic Fairy Tales. 12:30-3:30 p.m., Clowning for Kids. 2 classes for kids ages 10-14. 9 a.m -Noon, ART OF CULTIVATING MUSHROOMS ON LOGS. Commedia and Mask Performance. 12:30-3:30 p.m. Come learn the skills you need to successfully grow Improv in Action. $100 for one class, $75 for a second edible mushrooms on hardwood logs! This easy class. More info and registration at 822-1575! (K-0620) method is a great way to grow nutritious, protein-rich food. Participants will each take home a shiitake ACTIVE KIDS = HAPPY KIDS. Come learn selflog. May 1 at The Beneficial Living Center, 499-9178. confidence, discipline and respect while gaining (HG-0425) true life skills through martial arts. North Coast Self Defense Academy is offering two introductory BASIC HOME REPAIR. Sat’s., May 4-18, 8:30 a.m.lessons for only $14 with this ad. Call or visit- (707) Noon. $75. First class meets at CR Eureka Downtown 822-6278 or 820 N St, Building #1 Suite C, Arcata www. Site at 333 6th Street, Eureka. Join us for a fun, (K-1226) cal class on basic home repair. View online at www., click the Community Education link. Class fills fast, call (707) 269-4000 to register today. (HG-0425)
BIRD WATCHING. Fri. & Sat., May 17 & 18. Fri., 6-8 p.m. meets at the CR Eureka Downtown Site at 333 6th Street, Eureka. Sat.s class is a bird watching fieldtrip from 9 a.m.-Noon. $49. Learn the basics of bird watching and what you need to hit the trail in this fun class. Call (707) 269-4000 to register. (L-0425) NEIGHBORHOOD READY. Wed.s. May 8-22, 6:30-8:30 p.m. $49. Meets at CR Eureka Downtown Site at 333 6th Street, Eureka. This class covers the importance of being prepared in your home and neighborhood in case of a disaster. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors and get your neighborhood ready. Call (707) 269-4000 to register. (L-0425) WEALTH BUILDING INVESTMENT STRATEGIES. Free Seminar! Premier Financial Group is dedicated to helping our community achieve financial peace of mind. Come to our free educational seminar on Wed., May 8, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, 921 Waterfront Dr., Eureka. This is a non-sales seminar. RSVP at (707) 443-2741 or online at (L-0502)
Over 50
OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE (OLLI). Offers dynamic classes for people age 50 and over. Call 826-5880 or visit to register for classes. (O-1226) WHAT’S AFLOAT IN HUMBOLDT BAY? Learn about trawlers, trollers, former govt./naval craft, pleasure boats, the oyster fleet and more of the vessels moored in the bay’s two major marinas. With Ray Hillman. Fri., May 3 5:30-8:30 p.m. and a fieldtrip on Sat., May 4, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $50/OLLI members, $75/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, www.humboldt. edu/olli (O-0425)
SURFING THE BIG WAVES WITH KAREN HARRIS. At Om Shala Yoga. Inner Asana for your Emotional Body. Two Tues.s, May 7 & 14, 7-8:30 p.m. Transformative teachings and practical tools for aligning with the wisdom of your own heart. $30 if paid by May 1, $35 after. 858 10th St., Arcata. 825-YOGA (9642), www. (S-0425) KDK ARCATA BUDDHIST GROUP. Under the direction of Lama Lodru Rinpoche. We practice Tibetan meditation, followed by discussion. All are welcome. For more info contact Lama Nyugu (707) 442-7068, Sun’s 6 p.m, Community Yoga Center 890 G St, Arcata. Our webpage is www. (S-0502) TAROT AS AN EVOLUTIONARY PATH. Classes in Eureka, and Arcata. Private mentorships, readings. Carolyn Ayres. 442-4240 www.tarotofbecoming. com (S-0228) ARCATA ZEN GROUP MEDITATION. Beginners welcome. Sun., 8 a.m. North Coast Aikido Center, on F St. between 8th and 9th in Arcata. Wed., 6-7 p.m. at First Christian Church, 730 K, Eureka, ramp entrance and upstairs; newcomers please come 5 minutes early. Sun. contact, 826-1701. Wed. contact, barryevans9@, or for more info. call (707) 826-1701. www. (S-0606)
SKATING EVENT AT EUREKA MUNI! Avast ye mateys! Set sail for skating & join pirates in swashbuckling fun on Sat. 4/27. Youth 17 & under $4, Adults $4.75. Skate rental (inline or quad) included in admission, first-come first served. Call 441-4223 or visit www. (SR-0425)
SENIOR SOFTBALL. 50’s and 60’s plus league needs players. Must be at least 49 to play. Call Brad Golding (707) 982-3223 (SR-0502) ROLLER SKATING. Blue Lake Parks & Recreation Fri./ Sat., 6:30-9:30 p.m., Sun. 2-5 p.m. Adult Skate: 2nd Sun. of every month, 6:30-9:30 p.m. To schedule birthday parties, call 668-5932 or find us on facebook at (SR-1226)
DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH FOOD? Overeaters Anonymous can help. Join us Sat.s, 10 a.m., HSU Student Services building. www.northcoast.oar2. org (TS-0509) ESSURE SUPPORT GROUP. For women who have had Essure and are experiencing a decline in health, you are not alone. Offering support and resources. Tamara, (707) 498-9447. (TS-0425) FREE DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP. Walk-in support group for anyone suffering from depression. Meet Mon.s 6:30 p.m -7:45 p.m, at the Church of the Joyful Healer, McKinleyville. Questions? Call (707) 839-5691. (T-1226) FREE GAMBLING TREATMENT. Call (707) 496-2856 Shawna Bell, LMFT, MFC #47122 (T-1226) SEX/ PORN DAMAGING YOUR LIFE & RELATIONSHIPS ? Confidential help is available. saahumboldt@ or 845-8973 (T-1226)
CAREGIVER TRAINING. Area 1 Agency on Aging offers FREE 42-hour course in Willow Creek. Prepare for new career, take better care of loved ones, request employment referrals. Sessions held Thurs.s 5-8 p.m. and Sat.s, 9 a.m.–4 p.m., May 11-30. Homework due at first session. Call (707) 443-4363 to schedule registration. (V-0509) CERTIFICATE IN FACULTY PREPARATION, TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Pursuing a teaching career at a community college or university? Break through the competition with a Faculty Preparation Certificate that can enhance your pedagogical knowledge and demonstrate your readiness to teach in a college environment. This online program offers an introduction to the roles and responsibilities of teaching in higher education and specifically addresses teaching, learning and technology issues in the college classroom. This is a three-semester, 12-unit certificate program that starts July 8. For full course descriptions, deadlines, fees and more information, visit or contact Humboldt State University College of eLearning & Extended Education at (707) 826-3731 or (V-0425) VOLUNTEER TRAINING FOR HOSPICE OF HUMBOLDT. Hospice of Humboldt offers patient care and grief support volunteer training April 27 & 28, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. This eight hour introductory training provides information on how you can become part of the patient care team and bring specialized support to patients and families at a time when care matters the most. For more information, call (707) 445-8443 ext. 355 or visit our website www.hospiceofhumboldt. org. (V-0425)
CAREGIVER TRAINING. Area 1 Agency on Aging offers FREE 42-hour course in Eureka. Prepare for new career, take better care of loved ones, request employment referrals. Sessions held Tues.s and Thurs.s, 6-9 p.m., May 7-June 4, 2013. Homework due at first session. Call Caregiver Services at (707) 443-4363 to schedule registration. (V-0502)
SPRING NUTRITIVE CLEANSE. At Om Shala Yoga. With Amy Aiello. Sun., April 28, 1-4 p.m. Cleanse for your individual body type. Food lists, recipes, selfcare instructions and herbs will be provided. $65 by April 22, $75 after. 858 10th St., Arcata. 825-YOGA (9642), (W-0425) DANDELION HERBAL CENTER. Wild Foods Class & Banquet with Jane Bothwell. Sat., May 4, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Come discover the abundance of wild edibles that surround you! $65. Petrolia Seaweeding Weekend with Allison Poklemba & Jane Bothwell. June 8-9. Learn how to identify, ethically harvest, and prepare local sea vegetables. $150. (707) 442-8157, (W-0502)
Make and take home a beautiful “Victorian” Moss Basket Sat., April 27th 10 a.m. Workshop Fee: $30.00 (includes all materials, pre-payment required)
Call 839-1571 x5 to reserve your space
1828 Central Ave. • McKinleyville Mon.-Sat. 8:30 to 5:30 • Sun. 10 to 4 (Nursery Only)
REIKI TRAINING. Group and Individual Instruction Available for Children, Teens, and Adults. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree Attunements, Theory, and Practice. New Classes Each Month at Sun Yi’s Academy in Arcata. Next Class 5/18, Noon-4 p.m. $100. Visit for more info and registration or call (707) 845-0238, Christy Robertson, Reiki Master, Teacher. (W-0516) FREE ROLFING CONSULTATION. With Lee Tuley, Certified Rolfer. Find out what Rolfing can do for you. (541) 251-1885 (W-1226)
Advanced Nuno Felting May 25, 9am to 4pm
AYURVEDIC MASSAGE TRAINING & CLEANSING RETREATS. With Traci Webb and Myrica Morningstar, Training meets five weekends (Fri-Sun). May 17-July 14. Learn over 16 Ayurvedic Massages and Herbal Body Therapies for Career Enhancement and Self-Healing (Deadline: April 26). Group & Personal Cleansing Retreats: July 17-Aug. 11. Call for details. NCBTMB Approved CE Provider. REGISTER: Northwest Institute of Ayurveda:, info@, (707) 601-9025. (W-0425)
Learn advanced applications of Nuno Felting including: how to use cotton and other fabrics as well as prints, employ fibers such as soy silk, bamboo, tencel, mohair, alpaca, and angora, design on both sides of the scarf, add a ruffle, use silk hankies, add fringes, employ 3-D designs, resists and patchwork. This is a 6-hour workshop with a 1-hour break for lunch. Participants must have taken Intro to Nuno Felting class. Instructor Carin Engen. Cost: 85.00 plus materials
NEW CLIENTS $10 OFF. Myrtletowne Healing Center 1480, #A Myrtle Ave. A Hidden Gem on Myrtle Ave., specializing in therapeutic massage. We will assist you on your road to recovery or work with you on that chronic pain issue. Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point, reflexology, acupressure, uterine centering, lymph drainage, lomi lomi, and more. Founders Hilary Wakefield and Sarah Maier are both Doulas, we do pregnancy massage as well! You are worth it, call today (707) 441-9175 (W-1226)
320 2nd St. between D&E, Eureka Space is Limited!
START YOUR CAREER IN MASSAGE THERAPY! Daytime classes begin June, 2013 at Arcata School of Massage. 650-Hour Therapeutic Massage Certification will prepare you for Professional Certification in California, and the National Exam. Our comprehensive program prepares your body, mind and heart to become a caring, confident professional massage therapist. Call 822-5223 for information or visit (W-1226) ●
Call 707.442.9276 or NorthCoast KNittery
North Coast Academy
Improve your mind and body in a fun, intense workout, and a very chill environment. Adults & kids ages 8 and up. Contact Justin (707) 601-1657 Text or Phone. 1459 M. St. Arcata. • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2013
Field notes
ThaT’s Mad RiveR gRaniTe, all 1,339 blocks of iT! PhoTo by bRyanT andeRson, couRTesy of the Del Norte triplicate
The Most Expensive Lighthouse (Part 2) By Barry Evans
ast week, we saw how a disastrous wreck in 1865 on St. George Reef, eight miles northwest of Crescent City, prompted the Lighthouse Board to contract with Scottish engineer Charles Alexander Ballantyne to build a lighthouse on Northwest Seal Rock. Work started in 1883, and by the end of the following year, the base structure was virtually complete. I imagine at that point, Ballantyne and his crews were anticipating rapid completion. Fate, however, intervened, in the form of the 1884 “Grant’s Panic” stock market crash. Funding dried up. Congress appropriated a measly $40,000 in 1885 and zip in 1886. The following year presumably saw an improvement in the economy, since Congress released $120,000 to continue building the lighthouse. From then on, work proceeded rapidly. The 50-foot-high pier was completed in 1889, and the tower was finished by the end of the 1891 construction season. The following year saw the arrival from France of nearly 700 polished prisms and lenses to be assembled into a Fresnel lens (see Field Notes, Aug. 26, 2010). On October 20, 1892, the lamp, 144 feet above waterline, was lit for the first time. Among the superlatives associated with the St. George Reef light is “most expensive.” Depending on which relative measure is used, its $752,000 price back then is equivalent to between $20 million and $100 million today. It was five times more expensive than Ballantyne’s Tillamook Rock lighthouse, and more than the combined cost of base-construction and erection of the contemporaneous Statue of Liberty. Quarrying, dressing and transporting the Humboldt granite blocks accounted for about half the cost. Conditions for the six-man lighthouse crew were incredibly tough, and it was one of only three lights in the United States
to warrant the maximum “hardship pay.” Few keepers signed on for a second tour of duty. Winter storms must have been especially grueling when high seas prevented supply ships from venturing out of Crescent City harbor. During one of these storms, in 1952, crashing waves hurled rocks through the lantern room glass. Keeper Floyd Shelton is quoted in Dennis Powers’ 2007 book Sentinel of the Sea: “There was a waterfall running down the central spiral staircase from the ocean coming in the lens room 145 feet or so above sea level.” In 1975, a large navigational buoy — basically a floating lighthouse — replaced the St. George Reef light. The Del Norte County Historical Society later removed the Fresnel lens for reassembly in its museum in Crescent City. In 1996, the St. George Reef Lighthouse Preservation Society gained jurisdiction over the site and began the ardous task of restoration, including rebuilding the lantern room. For 16 years, the society ran helicopter tours for visitors, until the Aeronautics Division of Caltrans shut the flights down last year out of concern that the site’s helipad was sub-par for commercial activities. Plans are currently underway to construct a larger pad. You can contact the society (sgrlps@stgeorgereeflighthouse. us) for an update. Meanwhile, the light is shining once again as a private “aid to navigation” and can be seen from Brookings to Crescent City. If you do tour the lighthouse once flights are restored, you can take pride in noting that a rocky chunk of Humboldt County, in the form of granite quarried from near the Mad River, has valiantly defied the elements for over 120 years off our wild northern California coast. l Barry Evans ( awaits his editor’s call to go and personally check out the lighthouse.
36 North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013 •
The Northern Humboldt Indian Education Program, Title VII, will conduct a public hearing and Parent Committee meeting on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. in room 604 at McKinleyville High School, 1300 Murray Rd., McKinleyville, CA. All parents/guardians of American Indian/Alaska Native students enrolled in Trinidad, McKinleyville, Blue Lake, Pacific Union, Arcata, Big Lagoon, Jacoby Creek, Fieldbrook, and Northern Humboldt Union High School Districts and community members are invited to attend. The purpose of the hearing is to receive community input to the 2013-2014 Title VII Formula Grant. For more information contact the Indian Education Office at 839-6469. 4/25/2013 (13-123)
FIRST 5 HUMBOLDT is holding public hearings for the FIRST 5 CALIFORNIA Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2011-2012. The public hearing for the FIRST 5 CALIFORNIA Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2011/2012 will be on Monday, April 29, 2013 from 5:30-6:30 pm, at Humboldt Area Foundation, 373 Indianola Road, Bayside. The public is invited to attend. For more information about FIRST 5 HUMBOLDT, visit our website at or call our office at (707) 445-7389. 4/25/13 (13-121)
Date of Filing Application: April 17, 2013 To Whom It May Concern: The Name of the Applicant is: HUMBOLDT BAY TOURISM CENTER The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control to sell alcoholic beverages at: 205 G ST EUREKA, CA 95501-0419 Type of License Applied for: 42 - On-Sale Beer And Wine Public Premises 4/25, 5/2, 5/9/2013 (13-122)
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YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 6/10/2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. T.S. No.: 2012F007 A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranted, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession , or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principle sum of the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Trustor: Lisa St. John Duly Appointed Trustee: Professional Trust Deed Services Recorded 10/20/2008 as Instrument No. 2008-24846-5 in book –, page – of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Humboldt County, California. Date of Sale: 5/2/2013 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: In the main lobby of Ming Tree Realtors, 509 J Street, Suite #1, Eureka, CA 95501 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $230,581.50 Street Address or other common designation of real property: 2310 Fischer Lane Eureka, CA 95503 A.P.N.: #305-271-007 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this
property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 707-268-1205, using the file number assigned to the this case 2012F007. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Dated: 4/8/2013 Professional Trust Deed Services P.O. Box 115 Eureka, California 95502 Sale Line: (707) 268-1205 s/: Karen Mesa, Agent 4/11. 4/18, 4/25/2013 (13-114)
The following person is doing business as FLYIN’ LYNX DISC GOLF/ KB’S DISC WAGON at 791 8th St., Suite 11, Arcata, CA 95521. Caleb M. Gribi 2547 Alliance Rd. Arcata, CA 95521 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s Caleb M. Gribi. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on April 18, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16/2013 (13-124)
The following persons are doing business as CUTTEN MINI STORAGE at 2341 Fern Street, Eureka, CA 95503, 4060 Campton Rd., Eureka, CA 95503.
4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9/2013 (13-116)
The following persons are doing business as BRICK & FIRE at 1630 F Street, Eureka, CA 95501. KGJ Partnership LLC. 1630 F St. Eureka, CA 95501 The business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 4/1/2013. /s D. James Hughes, Member. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on April 9, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9/2013 (13-117)
The following persons are doing business as WOODFOOT SURFCRAFT at 3144 C St., Eureka, CA 95503. Lucas David Davisthornton 3144 C St. Eureka, CA 95503 Gretchen Arina Anderson 3144 C St. Eureka, CA 95503 The business is conducted by A Married Couple. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 5/1/2012. /s Gretchen Arina Anderson. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on April 2, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 4/11, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2/2013 (13-107)
4/11, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2/2013 (13-109)
The following person is doing business as MUSIC FOR MUSIC at 12859 Torrey Pines, Auburn, CA 95602. Martin Francis McLean 6360 ½ Longview Rd. Eureka, CA 95503 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s Martin McLean. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on March 18, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25/2013 (13-103)
The following person is doing business as FANCY THAT! FINE CATERING at 1675 Hannah Ct., McKinleyville, CA 95519. Michelle Mei-Ling Foster 1675 Hannah Ct. McKinleyville, CA 95519 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 3/26/13. /s Michelle Foster. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on March 26, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25/2013 (13-102)
4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25/2013 (13-101)
PETITION OF: JESSE DOTY TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: JESSE DOTY for a decree changing names as follows: Present name JESSE DOTY to Proposed Name JESSE JAMES DOTY THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: May 16, 2013. Time: 1:45 p.m. The address of the court is: Same as noted above, Dept. 8 Date: April 4, 2013 Filed: April 4, 2013 /s/ W. BRUCE WATSON Judge of the Superior Court 4/11, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2/2013 (13-113)
Did you know that the North Coast Journal’s website includes governmental public notices? Find out when there are Humboldt County public hearings legal NOTICES ➤ continued on next page
The following persons are doing business as REDWOOD APARTMENTS at 2341 Fern Street, Eureka, CA 95503, 4060 Campton Rd., Eureka, CA 95503. Redwood Apartments, LLC. 4060 Campton Rd. Eureka, CA 95503 The business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s Thomas E. Sutton, Manager. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on April 8, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk
The following persons are doing business as BIGFOOT EQUIPMENT & REPAIR at 76 Country Club Dr., Suite A, Willow Creek, CA 95573, P.O. Box 541, Willow Creek, CA 95573. Ready Davis 920 Newman Rd. McKinleyville, CA 95519 Christopher Todd Hern 926 Newman Rd. McKinleyville, CA 95519 The business is conducted by A General Partnership. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 4/1/2011. /s Ready Davis. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on March 28, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk
ANSWERS NEXT WEEK! ACROSS 1. Knight’s rescuee 7. 1990s president of the Philippines 12. Without stopping 14. Corporal, e.g. 15. LOL 17. Ingredient on an everything bagel 18. Org. trying to clear the air? 19. Party animal? 20. Orchard fruit 21. Annapolis frosh 25. Univ., e.g. DOWN 1. ____ Inn 2. Stick ____ in the water 3. Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer-winning graphic novel 4. Removes, as paint 5. Resin used in varnishes 6. Compare (to) 7. Olympian’s no-no, informally 8. Taylor of fashion 9. “Me and Bobby ____” 10. Start of a “Willy Wonka” song 11. Mascara problem 13. City of some Galileo experiments 14. Baseball div.
27. Singer Wainwright 28. LOL 34. Maine campus town 35. “Beverly Hills 90210” actor Ziering 36. Aunt overseas 37. LOL 39. Benjamin 40. Toward the back of a boat 41. Pulitzer-winning journalist Seymour 42. Rock’s Kings of ____ 45. Label founded in 1975 by Clive Davis 16. Gave permission 20. “Wheel of Fortune” category 21. Ont. or Que. 22. Tackle box item 23. Get an ____ effort 24. Maker of the Grand Canyon, in myth 26 .Part of a to-do list when in Vegas, say 28 .Victory 29. Solo on screen 30. Vague quantity 31. Completing a sentence, say 32. ENT’s instrument
50. Ship navigation hazard 51. List-ending abbr. 52. Himalayan guides 53. Frat. counterpart 54. LOL 56. Unlock, poetically 57. Slander 58. Suffix with smack 59. The idiot brother in “Our Idiot Brother” 60. Pass, as a law 61. Compass heading 33. On a leash 38. Jazz fan, most likely 42. “Here, I’ll do that” 43. One of filmdom’s Coen brothers 44. Central Florida city 46. First Amendment subj. 47. “Dies ____” (Latin hymn) 48. Reject 49. Include as an extra 52. USAF rank 55. ____-tac-toe
HARD #24
The following person is doing business as BLACK LIGHTNING MOTORCYCLE CAFE at 440 F St., Eureka, CA 95501. Jeffrey S. Hesseltine 420 Tanglewood Rd. Arcata, CA 95521 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 7/1/2013. /s Jeffrey S. Hesseltine. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on April 2, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk
Solution, tips and computer program at
4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9/2013 (13-115)
CROSSWORD By David Levinson Wilk
Cutten Mini Storage, LLC. 4060 Campton Rd. Eureka, CA 95503 The business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s Thomas E. Sutton, Manager. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on April 8, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk • North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013
PETITION OF: DANNY JOSEPH LOPEZ JR. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: DANNY JOSEPH LOPEZ JR. for a decree changing names as follows: Present name DANNY JOSEPH LOPEZ JR. to Proposed Name DANNY JOSEPH WHITE THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: May 14, 2013. Time: 1:45 p.m. The address of the court is: Same as noted above, Dept. 8 Date: March 25, 2013 Filed: March 25, 2013 /s/ W. BRUCE WATSON Judge of the Superior Court 4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25/2013 (13-98)
To: VICTOR H. VALDEZ A hearing on this Request for Order will be held as follows: if child custody or visitation is an issue in this proceeding, Family Code section 3170 requires mediation before or at the same time as the hearing. Date: June 25, 2013 at 8:30 AM in Dept. 6., Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, CA 95501. Date: January 16, 2013. s/: LAURENCE S. ROSS. COURT ORDER YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR IN COURT JUNE 25, 2013, 8:30 AM, DEPT. 6, TO GIVE ANY LEGAL REASON WHY THE ORDERS REQUESTED SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED. Any responsive declaration must be served on or before: June 14, 2013. Termination of Fathers Parental Rights could be filed in conjunction of step parent adoption to be heard on same date. Date: April 15, 2013. s/: JOYCE D. HINRICHS, JUDICIAL
OFFICER. To the person who received this Request for Order: If you wish to respond to this Request for Order, you must file a Responsive Declaration to Request for Order (form FL-320) and serve a copy on the other parties at least nine court days before the hearing date unless the court has ordered a shorter period of time. You do not have to pay a filing fee to file the Responsive Declaration to Request for Order (form FL-320) or any other declaration including an Income and Expense Declaration (form FL-150) or Financial Statement (Simplified) (Form FL-155). REQUEST FOR ORDER AND SUPPORTING DECLARATION Petitioner Tania Valdez requests the following orders: CHILD CUSTODY (a) Child’s name and age: Runa Loz Valdez (15) (b) Legal custody to Tania Valdez (c) Physical custody to Tania Valdez CHILD VISITATION (PARENTING TIME) (a) As requested in Other: No visitation to Father if his parental rights are not terminated. (b) Modify existing order filed on September 27, 2001 (Case # FL010572) ordering: Visitation to Father Monday to Friday 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. OTHER RELIEF: Consolidate this case with #FL010572 and make #FL010692 the lead case. Terminate Father’s parental rights under Family Code Section 7822 (a)(3). In the alternative, order sole custody to Mother with no visitation to Father. LAURENCE S. ROSS SB# 61095 LAW OFFICE OF DONALD W. BICKNELL P.O. BOX 24 EUREKA, CA 95502-0024 (707) 443-0878 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16/2013 (13-126)
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: NORMAN DELBERT MUDIE, NORMAN D. MUDIE, NORMAN MUDIE A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by LINDA RAE WILBOURN in the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests LINDA RAE WILBOURN be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons
unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on May 9, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. at the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 08. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58 (b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of the notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: WILLIAM T. KAY, JR. SBN 59581 LAW OFFICE OF WILL KAY 628 H STREET EUREKA, CA. 95501 (707) 445-2301 APRIL 12, 2013 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT 4/18, 4/25, 5/2/2013 (13-120)
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: KELLI ELIZABETH MCFARLAND A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by ERIN ELLEN MCFARLAND ORTIZ in the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that ERIN ELLEN MCFARLAND ORTIZ appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the per-
NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2013 • 38 North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013 •
sonal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on May 2, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: LEON A. KARJOLA ATTORNEY AT LAW 732 FIFTH STREET, SUITE E EUREKA, CA 95501 (707) 445-0804 April 3, 2013 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT 4/11, 4/18, 4/25/2013 (13-111)
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: ROSANNA CARR A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by TAJ FRYE in the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that TAJ FRYE appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause
why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on May 2, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: LEON A. KARJOLA ATTORNEY AT LAW 732 FIFTH STREET, SUITE E EUREKA, CA 95501 (707) 445-0804 April 5, 2013 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT
CHER-AE HEIGHTS CASINO PART-TIME POSITIONS Gift Shop (Candy Cart) Server Deli Busser/Host Cage Cashier Vault Attendant Janitor Bingo Admit Clerk Slot Tech Prep Cook/Dishwasher
FULL-TIME POSITIONS Line Cook Count Team Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria Employments Applications available in Human Resources/ Seascape/ Cher-Ae Heights Casino or our website at Cher-Ae Heights is an alcohol and drug free workplace with required testing.
4/11, 4/18, 4/25/2013 (13-110)
our fictitious business name statement will expire
five years from the date it was last filed with the County Clerk. You have 40 days from the expiration date to renew your FBNS with the County. A new statement does not need to be published unless there has been a change in the information required in the expired statement. If any changes occur then you must file a new FBNS and have published again.
CARE PROVIDERS needed NOW Make extra money, great opportunity. Special Needs Adults live with you. Earn up to $3,600 tax-free/mo. Bring 4 references. Application on-site. Must have extra bedroom, HS/GED & clean criminal record. Call Jamie today for appt! 707-442-4500 #14
Within 30 days from the stamped refiling date, you must begin publishing the statement in the newspaper. If you publish it in the North Coast Journal for the required four weeks, on the last day of publication a “proof of publication” will be sent to the County Clerk to complete the filing process. The cost for running your ficticious business name in the
Post your job opportunities in
is a flat $50 fee.
442-1400 • 442-1400
CONTINUED ON next page
the Employment
Now Hiring:
United indian HealtH ServiceS, inc. 1600 Weeot Way, Arcata, CA 95521 • (707) 825-5000
clinical nurse Supervisor PHV – FT – Must have AS Degree in Nursing, BSN preferred; valid CA RN License; & 5 yrs exp in acute care/ outpatient setting & 3 yrs supervisory exp required. nurse Manager PHV – FT – Must have Bachelors Degree in Nursing; valid CA RN License; BLS certified & 5 yrs exp in acute care/outpatient setting & 3 yrs supervisory exp required. In accordance with PL 93-638 American Indian Preference shall be given. Must have valid driver license & be insurable. UIHS is an alcohol & drug free workplace w/req’d testing. For qualifications go to or call (707) 825-5000. Closes: 5/1/13 @ 5PM.
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Humboldt Senior Resource Center
Senior News Editor United indian HealtH ServiceS, inc. 1600 Weeot Way, Arcata, CA 95521 • (707) 825-5000
compliance/Qi administrative assistant PHV – FT – Must have AS degree & 2 yrs direct exp or HS Diploma or equiv. & 6 yrs related exp. In accordance with PL 93-638 American Indian Preference shall be given. Must have valid driver license & be insurable. UIHS is an alcohol & drug free workplace w/req’d testing. For qualifications go to or call (707) 825-5000. Closes: 4/29/13 @ 5PM.
Full-Time Bookkeeper/ Office Receptionist. Join our Journal team! The North Coast Journal is looking for a full time bookkeeper/office receptionist. Experience with Quickbooks preferred. Hourly, plus benefits. To apply, contact Carmen 442-1400 ext. 304, or in person at 310 F Street, Eureka.
Do you have a way with words? The Senior News Editor is responsible for stories of interest to older adults in Humboldt and Del Norte counties. Must be a talented writer, interviewer and editor capable of managing the production of the monthly Senior News. BA in English, Communications, Journalism or related fields. Proficiency in Creative Suite and digital photography. Full benefits, 26 hours/week. For more information, job description and application go to or call HSRC at (707) 443-9747 Ext. 1257. Submit application, resume, three reference letters and writing samples to or to HR Dept., 1910 California St. Eureka, Ca. 95501. Open until filled. EOE
Full Charge BK Accounting Supervisor Technical Writer Construction Acct. Supervisor Non Profit Controller Medical Records Tech Medical Ins. Billing Clerk Pharmacy Billing Specialist Food Services Worker Geotechnical Engineer Communications Coordinator General Manager -Media Insurance Agent Licensed California Class B Driver/Labor GL Accountant
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PART-TIME RECREATION PROGRAM LEADER. City of Fortuna is looking for energetic, positive team players for leadership positions. Job description and application available at Fortuna Parks & Rec, 5 Park Street, (Rohner Park), City Hall or Open until filled. (E-0502) NURSES AIDE/ACTIVITY COORDINATOR. Part-time on-call, exp. working w/elderly or disabled. pref. App/job desc. can be picked up at ADHC of Mad River or email: adhc@madriverhospital. com (E-0502) AIRLINE CAREERS. begin here - Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Financial assistance available. Post 9/11 GI Bill accepted. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-888-242-3214 (E-0425) EXPERIENCED WINDOW CLEANING TECH/SUPERVISOR. Starting pay up to $14 per hour based on experience. Candidate must be able to lead crews and perform work at commercial and residential job sites, must be well versed in ladder and pole work. Call (707) 269-0180. (E-0425) FACILITY SITE REVIEW NURSE. Temp to Hire. Completes Part C Site reviews for PCP’s. Includes assessment of physical accessibility. Communicates performance scores. Develops action plans as necessary. Current CA RN license. Work from home with frequent travel to Northern CA Rural Counties. For complete job description or to apply visit AA/EOE (E-0425) OPENINGS AVAILABLE. Part Time & On-Call Case Managers, Mental Health Aides, Dietary Aides, Housekeepers. Needed for Mental Health Rehabilitation Center. Apply at Crestwood Behavioral Health, 2370 Buhne St, Eureka. (E-0425) PHLEBOTOMIST/LAB ASSISTANT. Greet patients, collect and prepare specimens, place orders with reference lab, provide clerical support for lab. Current CA CPT cert. required. Full time with benefits. Jerold Phelps Community Hospital, Garberville. (E-0502) CARDIAC SONOGRAPHER FOR HIRE. Available July 1. Bachelor of Science. Board Certified. Resume available. (E-0530) CARE PROVIDERS NEEDED NOW. Make extra money, great opportunity. Special Needs Adults live w/you. Earn up to $3,600 tax-free/mo. Bring 4 references. Application on-site. Must have extra bedroom, HS/GED & clean criminal record. Call Jamie today for appt ! (707)442-4500 #14, www. (E-1226)
DRIVERS. CAE Transport. Weekdays/Sat.s, various day shifts. 21+ & clean driving record. Print application at www.cityambulance. com, send WITH COVER LETTER to personnel@cityambulance. com or 135 W. 7th St., Eureka, CA 95501. (E-0425) AMERICAN STAR PRIVATE SECURITY. Is Now Hiring. Clean record, Drivers license required. Must own vehicle. Apply at 922 E Street, Suite 209, Eureka. (707) 476-9262. (E-0509) HOME CAREGIVERS PT/FT. Nonmedical caregivers to assist elderly in their homes. Top hourly wages. 442-8001. (E-1226)
Rentals CUTTEN 2BD/1BA APARTMENT. 2266 Redwood #B. Downstairs. W/S/G/Hot Water Pd. On-site laundry, w/c cat. Rent $760 Vac, 05/03., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0425) EUREKA 1BD/1BA APARTMENT. 1140 E St. #2. Historic Hillsdale Apt. On-site laundry, off street parking, OSRM, w/c cat. Rent $595, Vac Now. www.ppmrentals. com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0425) EUREKA 1BD/1BA DUPLEX. 935 Del Norte. Garbage Pd. Fenced yard, single car garage, w/c small pet. Rent $675, Vac Now. www., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0425) EUREKA 2BD/1BA APARTMENT. 2344 Progress St. #D. W/S/G Pd. Sec 8 ok. On-site laundry, off street parking, w/c cat. Rent $750, Vac Now., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0425) EUREKA 2BD/1BA APARTMENT. 2214 Fairfield #2. W/S/G Pd. Sec 8 ok. New flooring, shared carport, on-site laundry. Rent $750, Vac Now., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0425) EUREKA 2BD/1BA TOWNHOUSE. 209 W. Simpson #2. W/S/G Pd. Centrally located, near bus lines, big fenced patio, w/c cat. Rent $700, Vac Now. www.ppmrentals. com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0425) EUREKA 3BD/2BA HOUSE. 3175 Cottage. Centrally located home w/ fireplace. Laundry hook-ups, dbl car garage, w/c pet. Rent $1325, Vac 05/03., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0425) your ideal employee may be a Journal reader. 442-1400 VISA/ MC. Place your ad onlinle at www. • North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013
Business Rentals Lodging/Travel
EUREKA 3BD/2BA HOUSE. 837 Cleone Ln. With bonus room. Laundry hook-ups, garage, partially fenced yard w/deck w/c pet. Rent $1350, Vac Now. www., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0425) PACIFIC HEIGHTS FURNISHED EXECUTIVE RENTALS. Clean, new accommodations. Attached garage, back patio, quiet and secure. Everything included! The nicest furnished rentals in town!, (707) 268-1800. (R-0502) M C K I N L E Y V I L L E 3 B D/2 BA HOUSE. 1184 Eucalyptus. Laundry rm w/ hook-ups, new flooring, dbl car garage. Rent $1325, Vac Now., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0425) CHARMING DUPLEX ON 1 ACRE. With indoor jacuzzi tub, large deck, beautiful views of meadow and Redwood forest. $800/month. Some utilities included. 442-0952 (R-0425)
DANCE STUDIO RENTAL. Humboldt Capoeira Academy offers rental space for the performing arts, beautiful 2800 sq. f.t dance space offers hardwood floors, wall-to wall windows, full length mirrors, and dressing rooms. Convenient location is visible from the plaza, and will help you to promote your classes. Check with us for rates and availability. Contact Sarara at (707) 498-6155, or (BR-1226)
LADIES CLOTHING & TV’S 1/2 PRICE! April 23-27. Plus Yellow Tagged Clothing 25¢ each! Dream Quest Thrift Store - Helping Youth Realize Their Dreams. (BST-0425) TEMPUR-PEDIC FOR SALE. California King Tempur-Pedic mattress and box springs. This is the BellaSonna model and is about two years old. Entire set is in like new condition. This mattress is medium to firm support. Originally sold for approx. $5,000, selling for $2,000. Injuries from a recent accident are forcing us into a softer mattress. Text message to 845-4698 only. Available to view in the evenings. (BST-1226) THE BEAD LADY. For all your needs in beads! Glass beads, leather, shells, findings, jewelry. Kathy Chase Owner, 76 Country Club Dr. Ste. 5, Willow Creek. (530) 629-3540. krchase@yahoo. com. (BST-1226)
Looking for someone to share a sunny & mellow apartment!
Quiet Eureka complex, safe neighborhood, public transportation. I teach Tai Chi, love animals, quiet and the outdoors. Rent $450, deposit, lease.
real estate
this week
Opening soon available for HUD Sec. 8 Waiting Lists for 2, 3 & 4 bedrm Apts.
Annual Income Limits: 1 pers. $20,100; 2 pers. $22,950; 3 pers. $25,800; 4 pers. $28,650; 5 pers. $30,950; 6 pers. $33,250; 7 pers. $35,550; 8 pers. $37,850.
EHO. Hearing impaired: TDD Ph# 1-800-735-2922. Apply at Office: 2575 Alliance Rd. Arcata, 8am-12pm & 1-4pm, M-F (707) 822-4104
Business Rentals DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE. Available at 7th & I Streets in Eureka. 650 sf. New paint and carpet. Great location. Parking & janitorial included. Call S & W Properties, (707) 499-6906. (BR-0502)
EVENT RENTAL. Chemise Mountian Retreat, a perfect natural environment for your wedding or event. King Range. Easily accessible. Solar powered, handicap friendly, new lodge. Information 986-7794, (L-0502)
Real Estate EUREKA FLORIST FOR SALE. $169,000, Plus inventory. Priced for quick sale. Turnkey, will train. 4434811, (RE-0425) REDUCED ! WILLOW CREEK PROPERTY. 1.33 acres, Willow Creek Community Service District Water, underground power & phone at property. R-2 soils report and perk tested. Approved septic system design by Trinity Engineering. Property is zoned RST. Property is located off Highway 299 on private road one mile east of Willow Creek. Ready to build. $85,000 will consider offers. (530) 629-2031 (RE-1226)
Check out the listings on page 43
Auto YOUR ROCKCHIP IS MY EMERGENCY! Glaswelder, Mobile, windshield repair. 442-GLAS, (A-0606)
real estate
this week
or online @
real estate
THURS. APRIL 25TH 5:45 PM Great Kid’s Auction! Picnic tables, sandbox, bikes, Barbie dolls, strollers, baseball cards. Plus estate Mission furniture & lamps incl. several Stickley pieces. Recliner, chrome table & chairs, 3 drawer chest, sewing machines, large birdcage, washer/dryer, tool chest, electronics, air hockey table, luggage, cookware & other household misc. + additions.
THURS. MAY 9TH 5:45 PM Estate furniture & household misc + additions. Info & Pictures at WWW.CARLJOHNSONCO.COM Preview Weds. 11-5, Thurs. 11 on
3950 Jacobs Ave. Eureka • 443-4851
Yard Sale 99
6 11th 116 W. Wabash st. 443-3259 Approx. 1-6 sale Closed Tues. ag&e garSun is th way
20 words and a photo, IN FULL COLOR for only $25 per week! Call 442-1400 or e-mail
this week Hiring?
Post your job opportunities in
S A L E KITS • $7
310 F Street., Eureka, CA 95501 Phone 442-1400 • Fax 442-1401 Come on in!
Swains Flat OUtpost Garden Center General Store 707-777-3385
Garden Center 707-777-3513
State Hwy 36 • Milemarker 19.5 • Carlotta • Open 9-6
n Tow
616 Second St. Old Town Eureka 707.443.7017 • 442-1400
20 words and a photo, IN FULL COLOR
for only $25 per week! Call 442-1400 or e-mail
Services BIGFOOT EQUIPMENT & REPAIR HAS MOVED. 76 Country Club Dr., next to Farmer Brown’s Supply. (530) 629-4067. (S-0516) LEATHER, BAG, SHOE REPAIR. In Trinidad. We stitch, sew, glue, rivet, produce bags, belts, dog collars, horse tack, work clothes, upholstery, bar stools, benches, leather repair of all kinds. 490 1/2 Trinity Street, at Parker. Call (510) 677-3364. (S-0606) STITCHES-N-BRITCHES IN MCKINLEYVILLE. Kristin Anderson, Seamstress. Mending, Alterations, Custom Sewing. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Bella Vista Plaza, Suite 8A, McKinleyville. (707) 502-5294. Facebook: Kristin Anderson’s Stitches-nBritches. Kristin360cedar@gmail. com (S-0502) AIR-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS. Use the heat in the air to heat your home, a proven technology, reasonably priced, Sunlight Heating-$300 Federal Tax Credit-CA lic. #972834., (707) 5021289 (S-0627) HELICOPTER FLIGHT LESSONS/ SCENIC TOURS. $199/hr. (707) 8439599 redwoodcoasthelicopters@, (S-0627) 2 GUYS & A TRUCK. Carpentry, Landscaping, Junk Removal, Clean Up, Moving. No job too big or small, just call. Contact, (707) 845-3087. (S-0425) A’O’KAY JUGGLING CLOWN & WIZARD OF PLAY. Amazing performances and games for all ages. Events, Birthdays, Festivals, Kidszones. I’ll Juggle, Unicycle, & bring Toys., (707) 499-5628. (S-1226) PROFESSIONAL GARDENER . Powerful tools. Artistic spirit. Balancing the elements of your yard and garden since 1994. Call Orion 825-8074, taichigardener. com (S-0606) ERIC’S SERVICES. Home Repair, Maintenance, Affordable Prices (707) 499-4828. (S-0808)
ALLIANCE LAWN & GARDEN CARE. Affordable, Dependable, and Motivated Yard maintenance. We’ll take care of all your basic lawn needs. Including hedging, trimming, mowing, and hauling. Call for estimates (707) 834-9155. (S-1226) ARCATA CLEANING COMPANY. The non-toxic cleaning solution for your home or office. 707-8227819. (S-0606) CLARITY WINDOW CLEANING. Services available. Call Julie 8391518. (S-0606) WRITING CONSULTANT/EDITOR. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Dan Levinson, MA, MFA. 443-8373. (S-1226)
BRADLEY DEAN ENTERTAINMENT. Singer Songwriter. Old Rock, Country, Blues. Private Parties, Bars, Gatherings of all Kinds. 832-7419. (M-0509) PIANO LESSONS BEGINNING TO ADVANCED ALL AGES. 30 years joyful experience teaching all piano styles. Juilliard trained, remote lessons available. Nationally Certified Piano Teacher. (707) 502-9469 (M-0606) PIANO LESSONS. Beginners, all ages. Experienced. Judith Louise 476-8919. (M-0606) MUSIC LESSONS. Piano, Guitar, Voice, Flute, etc. Piano tuning, Instrument repair. Digital multitrack recording. (707) 476-9239. (M-0523) SAXOPHONE/FLUTE LESSONS. All ages, beginner-advanced, jazz improvisation, technique. Susie Laraine: 441-1343. (M-1226) GUITAR/PIANO/VOICE LESSONS. All ages, beginning and intermediate. Seabury Gould 444-8507. (M-0606)
BECOME A FOSTER PARENT. Provide a safe and stable environment for youth 13-18 for them to learn and grow in their own community. Contact the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services Foster Care Hotline at 441-5013 and ask for Peggy. (C-1226)
Anywhere ? Auto Glass • Rock Chip
Repairs $25 • & New Windshields Starting at $199 707-208-0661
Harvey’s Harvey’s Ha H arvey’s a arvey y at
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do you have a project or idea you would like to build? contact peter portugal (707) 599-2158 over 48 years professional experience in invention design - engineering - art - and fabrication in metal wood - fiberglass - plastic
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(707) 443-1104 No membership required. Only funeral provider in Humboldt County to be certified by the Green Burial Council.
sdireercvtiocrey see page 16
Keep a copy at home, in your car, at work or check out the online version on your mobile device. It’s always available at
Community SEX/ PORN DAMAGING YOUR LIFE & RELATIONSHIPS ? Confidential help is available. or 845-8973 (C-1226) • North Coast Journal • Thursday, April 25, 2013
ZUMBA WITH MARLA JOY. Elevate, Motivate, Celebrate another day of living. Exercise in Disguise. Now is the time to start, don’t wait. All ability levels are welcome. Every Mon. and Thurs. at the Bayside Grange 6-7 p.m., 2297 Jacoby Creek Rd. $6/$4 Grange members. Every Wed. 6-7 p.m. in Fortuna at the Monday Club, 610 Main St. Every Tues. at the Trinidad Town Hall, Noon and every Thurs. at the Eureka Vets Hall, Noon. Marla Joy (707) 845-4307, marlajoy. (MB-1226) AIKIDO. Is an incredibly fascinating and enriching nonviolent martial art with its roots in traditional Japanese budo. Focus is on personal growth and pursuit of deeper truth instead of competition and fighting. Yet the physical power you can develop is very real. Come observe any time and give it a try! The dojo is on Arcata Plaza above the mattress store, entrance is around back. Class every weeknight starting at 6 p.m., beginning enrollment is ongoing.,, 826-9395. (MB-1226) ASTROLOGY & TAROT. With Salina Rain: Readings, Counseling and Classes. Mon., 1:25 p.m. KHSU 90.5 FM. (707) 668-5408., www. (MB-0606) DANCE-FIT. Dance, aerobics & strength training all in one class! Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9-10 a.m First class is free. Drop in for $5 per class or 14 classes for $55. No Limits tap & jazz studio, corner of 10th & K st. Arcata. 825-0922 (MB-1226)
Loving Hands,
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FREE All Natural Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer/Air Freshener with $50 Purchase Featuring Wisdom of the Earth Essential Oils Undiluted
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Tues, Thurs & Sat 10am to 4pm (707) 502-4883 920 Samoa Blvd • Arcata Cooper Bldg, 2nd floor Suite 221 sales
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Medicinal Grade
HELP RESTORE BALANCE TO OUR WORLD Saturday, April 27th 10 AM Arcata Plaza
CERTIFIED ROLFER ™ ANGELA HART B.A. Rolfing ® Ten Series, Tune ups, Injuries, Chronic Pain, Repetitive Motion Injury. Call (707) 616-3096. (MB-0502) REDUCE STRESS. Clinical Hypnotherapist Dave Berman, C.Ht. presents Manifest Positivity Mindfulness Series. Small group meets 6-7pm, April 10, 17, 24. Advance registration required. reduce-stress-class. (MB-0425) STRAIGHTEN UP! Structural Integration Bodywork Series. Relieves chronic pain, eases movement, frees emotion. Good posture can be natural! 31 years experience, Cecilie Hooper, 677-3969. (MB-0516) CHERYL JORDAN, LICENSED ESTHETICIAN. Organic facials, waxing & aromatherapy massage. Mention this ad and receive 25% off. Located at Beau Monde Salon in Arcata. (707) 953-7619 (MB-0523) FREE ROLFING CONSULTATION. With Lee Tuley, Certified Rolfer. Find out what Rolfing can do for you. (541) 251-1885 (MB-1226) NEW CLIENTS $10 OFF. Myrtletowne Healing Center 1480, #A Myrtle Ave. A Hidden Gem on Myrtle Ave., specializing in therapeutic massage. We will assist you on your road to recovery or work with you on that chronic pain issue. Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point, reflexology, acupressure, uterine centering, lymph drainage, lomi lomi, and more. Founders Hilary Wakefield and Sarah Maier are both Doulas, we do pregnancy massage as well! You are worth it, call today (707) 441-9175 (MB-1226) FIGHT FLUS AND COLDS. doTERRA essential oils. Amazing results with no side effects. Maureen Brundage, (707) 498-7749, www., maureen@ (MB-0516) THE SPINE IS YOUR CONDUIT FOR LIFE-FORCE ENERGY. Open to the Alignment of Your Whole Self: Chiropractic by Dr. Scott Winkler, D.C. and Energy Work by Rebecca Owen. 822-1676. (MB-0919) COACHING FOR PERSONAL EVOLUTION WITH REBECCA OWEN. Access your wholeness by cultivating your Presence in the Now and learning to clear old patterns. 822-5253. (MB-0919) HIGHER EDUCATION FOR SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT. Bachelors, Masters, D.D./Ph.D., distance learning, University of Metaphysical Sciences. Bringing professionalism to metaphysics. (707) 822-2111 (MB-0606)
body, mind
Your fortune... ies y bell . Happ ait you aw
2850 E St., Eureka (Henderson Center), 707
2355 Central Ave., McKinleyville 707
real estate
Treating Bulimia, Anorexia, Binge-Eating. Kim Moor, MFT #37499
Call 441-1484
Energy Life Center HEAT THERAPY
Call 442-5433 for an appt. 616 Wood St. ~ Eureka
this week
real e
Scan this code to see our listings online. Scan ad codes to visit our realtors’ websites directly.
2 bed, 2 bath, 1,767 sq ft wonderful upgraded craftsman style Arcata home, remodeled kitchen with custom cabinets, new appliances, new roof, new furnace, new ondemand water heate
Zoom in on our online map to see this week’s featured properties.
3 bed, 1.25 bath, 2,070 sq ft wonderful home that has fallen in disrepair, sun porch front and back, family room, living room, large eat in kitchen w/pantry, small shop plus 670 sq ft barn/shop
real estate
Check out our Real Estate & Rental Listings in our Marketplace ■ FIELDBROOK
3 bed, 1 bath, 1,673 sq ft spacious charming Eureka home at the edge of town on an oversized lot, family room, large double garage with attached greenhouse/storage shed
this week
An Association of Independently Owned and Operated Realty Brokerages
Charlie Tripodi Land Agent #01332697
7 0 7. 8 3 4 . 3 2 41
707.445.8811 ext.124
NEW DIRECT LINE - 24/7 - 707.476.0435
SUPERB CONSTRUCTION AND EXQUISITE FINISHWORK! This custom home built by Gene Callahan features a rock woodstove from Finland, Sierra Pacific windows, tanoak floors, green granite counters, a unique breakfast nook, and all quality fixtures throughout. On 10 acres with room for horses. Fieldbrook area. MLS#237481 $869,000
ISt eW L
Smith River Land/Property +/-40 acres located in Smith River in del
Sylvia Garlick
#00814886 Broker GRI/ Owner 1629 Central Ave., McKinleyville 707-839-1521 •
r body, Place you ! mind ad online
norte County. this rare property features a small cabin, finished treehouse, orchard, developed gardening areas, year round creek, pond, and excellent Southern exposure.
Weitchpec Land/Property
Beautiful +/-123 acres with mettah Creek running through the property. property boasts open flats, timber, year round water, amazing views and plenty of privacy.
home & garden Starting on Page 16
Willow Creek Land/Property
+/-250 acres just 20 minutes outside of Willow Creek on Waterman Ridge. this wooded property features year round water, timber, year round access and several potential building sites with breathtaking views. elevation approximately 2,500 ft. owner will carry.
2120 Campton Rd. Ste #C – euReka, Ca 95503
w w w. h u m b o l d t l a n d m a n . c o m••NORTH NORTH COAST COAST JOURNAL JOURNAL••THURSDAY, THURSDAY,APRIL APRIL25, 25,2013 2013
43 43