North Coast Journal 09-05-13 Edition

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north coast


thursday sept. 5, 2013 vol XXIV issue 36 • humboldt county, calif. FREE

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6 Salmon madness 8 Oh goody, a memo. We’re so reassured 17 Sex, violence and elk 19 Sneaky sushi gluten 20 LINES dancing 34 Whales gone wild

2 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 •

table of 5 Mailbox 5 Poem fall light

6 News fish on!


The Week in Weed Just Cuz you’re paranoid ...

9 Blog Jammin’ 10 On The Cover building a better corridor

14 Home & Garden Service Directory

17 Field Notes elk in the surf

19 Table Talk sushi for the gluten-challenged

20 Gotta Dance! lines ballet

21 Stage Matters states of plays

22 Art Beat between the black and white

23 Arts Alive! saturday, sept. 7, 6-9 p.m.

25 Fortuna’s First Friday Friday, sept. 6, 6-9 p.m.

26 Trinidad Arts Night Friday, sept. 6, 6-9 p.m.

27 The Hum shows big and small

28 Music & More! 30 Calendar 34 Filmland cut bait

35 Workshops 42 Crossword & Sudoku 43 Marketplace 46 Body, Mind & Spirit 47 Real Estate This Week

Honor yourself. Balance your mind and body.

15% OFF student discount

SPA • WELLNESS • YOGA Online booking available.

w w w. e s s e n t i a l e l e m e n t s s p a . c o m 707-839-7772 • 1639 Central Ave., Ste A. • McKinleyville • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013


Meet our staff ! Daniel Kalmanson, Sunny Brae staff Not many people can say this... but Daniel can, “I came to Humboldt for the weather!” He has been with Murphy’s for just a few months and is happy with the people he gets to work with and the friendly customers. Daniel plays bass guitar and synthesizer with friends. He records on cassettes and multi-track to over “dub” and make his own unique music. Inspiration may come from the concerts he frequents in San Francisco. Author Cormac McCarthy’s writing has also interested Daniel. McCarthy

has authored many books, several of which have been made into movies; The Road, No Country for Old Men and All the Pretty Horses. Born and raised in hot Sacramento, Daniel worked in the summer between semesters so he could move here and attend Humboldt State University as a history major. He is in his junior year. He plans to teach English in the Czech Republic and then come back to Humboldt for his teaching credential via TESOL - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other

Languages. Their Mission Statement: To advance professional expertise in English language teaching and learning for speakers of other languages worldwide. You never know the dreams of the students who are helping you with your groceries at Murphy’s. Each member of the staff has a story just as unique as their customers. And that is one of the many reasons Murphy’s is such a special place to shop.

Sunny Brae • Glendale • Trinidad • Cutten • Westwood

4 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 •

By Colleen Hole, Advertising, North Coast Journal

Sept. 5, 2013 Volume XXIV No. 36

North Coast Journal Inc. ISSN 1099-7571 © Copyright 2013

Dog Pickle

Editor: So ... a man’s brother dies, leaving three dogs adrift (“Dog Fail,” Aug. 29). The man takes the dogs in and cares for them for six months, then has to move to the East Coast. Driving 3,000 miles across the United States in the heat of summer with three dogs in a packed truck is not an option. He turns to the local shelters. They are not full, yet they turn him down because the dogs are not “strays.” These are not his dogs. He can’t take them with him. The shelters only accept “strays.” He makes strays of them. For this he is excoriated in the press and charged as a criminal by our District Attorney. Really!? What you have rather he had done? Cut their throats? Really. Steve Parr, Eureka

Bad Advice

Editor: Giving advice to the lovelorn and others is a great newspaper tradition, and I thought the new feature was a fun addition to your paper, until I read one

Fall Light The light is bending With the last rush of Warm summer winds Brushing up riverbed, Rippling gentle current, Lifting gorged shorebirds Braced for winter. Leaves rustle nervously Knowing their time has come, In a co-evolutionary signaling That dwarfs the printed word. On a rare coastal day Without a cloud in the sky Change becomes us. — by Kirk Gothier


The North Coast Journal is a weekly newspaper serving Humboldt County. Circulation: 21,000 copies distributed FREE at more than 350 locations. Mail subscriptions: $39 / 52 issues. Single back issues mailed / $2.50. Entire contents of the North Coast Journal are copyrighted. No article may be reprinted without publisher’s written permission. Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink.

Cartoon by joel mielke

of the replies (“Hey McGuinty!,” Aug. 29). mouse traps, are widely used at grows and The writer complaining about cell phone has a similar effect of driving down local issues received poorly worded advice on prey populations. This lack of available how to deal with unwanted interruptions: prey is a tremendous problem for top “Make that phone your bitch and only use predators, who must increase their range, it when you need it.” sometimes overlapping with neighboring Huh? Haven’t we had enough of the competitors, to locate prey. Imagine if mindset that reinforces degradation of suddenly all the grocery stores and restauwomen? rants in HumIf it was boldt County Robin disappeared Thicke (non-farmer, writraise-your-owning the food people exresponse, cluded). Would “Legalization would end the illegal industrial grows, I get it. you want to go and Phillip Morris can take over to legally suck the Maybe one-on-one with water out of our rivers, streams and aquifers, while a bit of our neighbors legally leaching phosphates and nitrogen.” editing in Del Norte when a or Mendocino — Gerry Farber, ever-so-excited on the columnist counties in order NCJ website about the strays to find food? Jared Huffman-Dan Rather helicopter pot tour. too far (No offense to over the folks in either not-socounty.) blurredIf you see line is in order? someone checking out of the hardware Language matters, it conveys ideas, and store with more than 200 Victor® rat the idea behind this particularly bad traps, it is unlikely they are headed to advice hurts all of us. Old Town to rid the waterfront of the rat Sheila Evans, Eureka population. Giving this person a ration of stink-eye is warranted. The sum total of all of these actions related to growing marijuana is further environmental degradation. If you are going to grow weed, then please do so responsiEditor: bly and without impacting native wildlife. I’ve read repeatedly about the use of MJ Mazurek, Tamuning, Guam rodenticides on marijuana grows (most re(formerly Arcata) cently Ryan Burns’ “Weirder and Weirder,” Aug. 22) and the effects to the forest food web by the poisoning of prey species that ultimately impact top predators (e.g. spotted owls and Pacific fishers). In Please try to make your letter no more addition to chemical applications, other than 300 words and include your full methods are used by growers to rid grows name, place of residence and phone numof native wood rats and other mammals ber (we won’t print your number). Send it that can clip, chew on or otherwise affect to l growing plants. Snap traps, both rat and

Comment of the Week

Hey! Grower! Leave Those Rats Alone

Write a letter!

publisher Judy Hodgson editor Carrie Peyton Dahlberg art director Holly Harvey production manager Carolyn Fernandez staff writer/a&e editor Bob Doran staff writer Heidi Walters staff writer/news editor Ryan Burns staff writer/assistant editor Grant Scott-Goforth staff writer Jennifer Fumiko Cahill calendar editor Dev Richards contributing writers John J. Bennett, Simona Carini, Barry Evans, William S. Kowinski, Mark Shikuma, Amy Stewart graphic design/production Miles Eggleston, Lynn Jones general manager Chuck Leishman advertising Mike Herring Colleen Hole Shane Mizer Kimberly Hodges marketing & promotions manager Drew Hyland office manager Carmen England bookkeeper/receptionist Meadow Gorman mail/office:

310 F St., Eureka, CA 95501 PHONE: 707 442-1400 FAX:  707 442-1401 press releases letters to the editor events/a&e music production classified/workshops

on the cover:

CalTrans photo-simulation of proposed interchange at Indianola Road. • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013


Fish On!

It’s madness at the mouth of the Klamath, where record runs are drawing record crowds By Heidi Walters



he young fisherman stood, stunned, on the wet, soft sand cliff above the churning blue-andgreen river channel. His fishing pole strained before him in a got-a-big-lunker bow. His friend hopped on the sand beside him, chattering excitedly: “I almost fell in! I almost fell in!” An older fisherman walking by, gear in hand, smiled. “You got a big one!” he said cheerily. Then he looked over the edge — and shook his head. The young guy’s lunker wasn’t a fat Klamath River salmon, but a whopping pile of freshly collapsed sand bank that had whooshed from underfoot, burying his line and nearly his friend. But up and down the Klamath River’s south spit on this hot, sunny Wednesday last week, other people were running along the edge of the treacherous sand cliff yelling “Fish on! Fish on! Fish on!” and then willingly plunging down it to retrieve the ocean-dashing, tired-out fish caught on their lines. The huge fish whipped about, the river pulled, and the sparkling ocean tumbled nearby. Across the channel on the parallel north spit, where there was no cliff, more people held tight to lines and wallowed in racing river and crashing surf to wrestle their catch. It’s a wonder no one was swept to sea. “It’s crazy down there,” agreed Sara Borok, the state Department of Fish and Wildlife biologist in charge of the crew doing creel counts on the lower Klamath. “It’s called ‘combat fishing.’” Hundreds of sport fishers — men, women and children — have trekked daily over the past couple of weeks to stand side by side and cast their lines into the stampede of incoming fall-run Chinook. The fish are big — even some 35-pounders. The run is large — 272,000 are predicted to swim up the Klamath (the average run is 121,000). But those aren’t the only reasons the Klamath

6 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 •

Soua Vang, of Fresno, caught this Chinook while fishing with Crescent City friends at the mouth of the Klamath River last week. Photo by Heidi Walters

mouth is a fevered fishing paradise this year. “Because of the warm water and low flows, fish weren’t entering in a trickle like they usually do in the first week of August,” Borok explained on the phone last week. Chinook won’t migrate into the river if it’s above 73 degrees. The temperature at the mouth had gotten up to 77 degrees, so the salmon waited out in the ocean. Then came some cooler nights, and the river mouth temperature dropped to 70. It likely helped that more water was released into the Trinity River, a tributary to the Klamath. “Now they are just pouring in,” Borok said. “But another reason it’s absolutely nuts out there is this is the first time in 10 years the mouth has run south.” Instead of emptying straight into the ocean close to the north shore, near Requa, the river now hooks sharply south and cuts a channel through the north and south spits parallel to the ocean. The salmon have to swim this long, narrow passage to migrate upriver, making them easy pickings. Since the sportfishing season opened Aug. 15, more than 3,000 salmon have been harvested at the mouth, most within just one week, between Aug. 20 and Aug. 26. The limit is three fish per person per day. “I looked at all the data back to 1986, for that same week, and we have not had 3,000 fish caught at the mouth this early in the season,” Borok said. “The most caught was about 600.” People come with plastic buckets strapped to two-wheeled carts, with burlap bags, with tarps, with bits of rope and sometimes with nothing at all to drag their heavy catch through the sand from the mouth back up to the road and then past an exhausting line of parked trucks to their own rigs. All those fish. All those people. All the barking, scarfing sea lions at the ocean entrance, and all the wheeling gulls. The tumult is stirring up mad joy — and anger. Last Wednesday, as Xu Chang from Cres-

cent City skittered down the steep sand bank to grapple a flailing salmon hooked in the mouth, his uncle Siavu Chang, holding the fishing pole, laughed and shouted, “First time I fished!” A few yards north of him, Michael Simmons, from Gold Beach, Ore., also laughed. He shouted at Chang, “Good job, got a fish!” There were many first-timers like Chang. Many fishermen like Simmons who’d never fished the Klamath mouth before. And a few old-timers who’d seen this river mouth configuration in years’ past. A group of dudes from Santa Rosa sat in the sand, smoking and listening to their boombox. One of their friends, Aaron Lujan, started running downstream shouting “Fish on!” Most people leaped back to let him pass, raising their poles to keep their lines from tangling. When the fish tired, Lujan shooshed down the bank to grab it. Emina Lekovic, from San Diego, was fishing nearby. She grabbed Lujan’s pole and helped drag his fish up, then gave him a hand back up the disintegrating cliff. “Whooo!” Lujan cried. Lekovic had been out here all week. Mostly, people were being friendly. But a few got too excited. Rude. One day, she said, she cast her line and it got tangled in the channel with the line of a man fishing on the other spit. He insisted she let go of her line so he could cut it. She did. The next time this happened to her, she refused. “I said, ‘No, I’m not letting go,’” she said. “So I pulled this way, they pulled that way. It’s happened to other people than me. You’re supposed to untangle it, like a normal person.” Borok said there’d been fistfights, people yelling at each other. But on Wednesday, everyone seemed filled with sunshine, intoxicated by such easy fishing. How could you be unhappy fishing, wondered Dan Alexander from McKinleyville. He’s got two boys in college, and enough

the crowds over Labor day weekend were even thicker. Photo by Jerry england

salmon now to fill his freezer. “This is a pure day,” he said. “I’m out here fishing with my son — it can’t be better.” There was a gloomy lining to the sunshine. The spit was littered with abandoned, dead fish. Many of the keepers seemed hastily stashed, lying on the sand beside fishing gear, under poor shade or no shade, without ice. Some fishermen were burying their catch to keep it cool. Few had coolers on the beach. Away from the commotion, Catherine Oliver, a Yurok, was kneeling in the estuary washing sand off half a dozen salmon her cousin had hauled on a tarp from the mouth of the river. She was angry. These were fish, she said, that sportfishers had hooked — and sometimes snagged — and released. (Many salmon are getting snagged in the crowded channel — hooked on their backs, sides, tails — and it’s illegal to keep a fish that didn’t willingly swallow the hook.) “The fish are tired from fighting the reel,” she said. “They’re hurt. And they swim right into the sea lions’ mouths. It’s wasteful. I’m rescuing them so my family can eat.” People shouldn’t be allowed to catch and release, she said. She also said the sport

season shouldn’t coincide with the Yurok commercial season. Even some sportfishers complained about the excess and said the sport season at the river’s mouth should have closed after the 3,000th fish was caught. Each year, based on the projected run, officials put an overall quota on how many fish can be sport harvested from the river and divvy it among four sections. Fifty percent of the quota can be caught between the Highway 101 bridge and the mouth — 20,003 salmon this season. A subquota for the mouth itself is lifted at times like this, when the run is huge, said Borok, so the entire 20,003 could legally be caught at the mouth. That’s not likely, Borok said, but the prospect upsets tribal fishermen; the Yurok’s fall commercial quota for the lower river is 76,362, but their area begins upstream of the mobbed mouth. Usually it’s the other way around, she said, sportfishers bitching about Yurok fishers and their nets. “And bitching is recreation down on the lower Klamath,” she said. l • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013


the week in WEed


8 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 •



his is the beginning of the end of marijuana prohibition.” That’s what a Denver dispensary owner told the New York Times last week in response to what’s being called (by some) a historic memo from Attorney General Eric Holder. In his long-awaited response to the legalization of weed-for-fun in Colorado and Washington, Holder said the U.S. Department of Justice won’t sue to stop the laws, and he told federal prosecutors not to mess with marijuana users or businesses as long as they comply with state laws and don’t run afoul of eight federal enforcement priorities (keep it away from kids and cartels, no toking and driving, no growing on public land, etc.). Many hailed the memo as the dawn of a new day, one in which regulation will replace prohibition. But here in California, industry insiders were less sanguine. After all, they remember the Obama administration saying something very similar back in March 2009. That’s when Holder announced that the Bush-era raids on medical marijuana dispensaries would end. They didn’t, obviously. The Justice Department has since shut down (or intimidated into closure) hundreds of state-legal dispensaries in California. Arcata’s Humboldt Medical Supply, for example, closed last year after being notified by U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag that it was within 1,000 feet of a playground. That “playground” was the Arcata Ball Park, site of much drunken revelry and zero playground equipment. Haag, who oversees California’s Northern District, is also responsible for dismantling Mendocino County’s zip-tie registration program, and she’s currently trying to seize the assets and property of several Bay Area dispensaries, including Oakland’s Harborside Health Center. Obama’s periodic head-fakes toward Drug War pragmatism haven’t done a thing to slow Haag’s ham-fisted crusade against the devil weed. And it doesn’t look like Holder’s “historic” memo will have much

effect either. On Friday, a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office Northern District told the East Bay Express, “[F]or the most part it appears that the cases that have been brought in this district are already in compliance [with the new guidelines]. Therefore, we do not expect a significant change.” Other tidbits from the week in weed: • Marijuana is the most popular illegal drug on the planet. That completely unsurprising finding came from the first-ever global survey of illicit drug use, published last week by the University of Washington. Meanwhile, legal painkillers were found to be the most lethal addiction. • The Rim Fire that’s currently eating up Yosemite may have been sparked by an illegal marijuana grow. That’s what a local fire official told a community meeting on Aug. 23. A YouTube video of his talk only recently came to the attention of media outlets. • In Monday’s Times-Standard, Thadeus Greenson reported on five local men facing federal prison sentences of up to 20 years and a fine of up to $1 million for allegedly supplying a multistate drug ring with local homegrown. Court documents suggest that three of the men may be informing on their partners in Montana. • A marijuana grower in upstate New York accidentally killed himself with his own booby trap on Saturday. Police said the 50-year-old man was nearly decapitated when he drunk-drove his four-wheeler through a nearly invisible line of piano wire, which he’d strung up to protect his crop. • Pot blog Smell the Truth published a list of the best marijuana strains for treating depression, as reported by patients. Among the choices: “Juicy Fruit,” “Sweet Island Skunk” and “Trainwreck,” which is described as “a mythic sativa from Arcata, Calif. ... Use it to clean your house.”


Dog Abandoned on Samoa Beach Dies

One of three dogs found abandoned on Samoa beach last month died Friday. A veterinarian euthanized “Becky,” a black Labrador retriever, after discovering she was bleeding internally from invasive nasal cancer, the Sheriff’s Office reported. Veterinary records gathered by Animal Control indicate Becky had been experiencing symptoms since at least May 2012. “Angel” and “Ginger” — the other two dogs found near Fairhaven on Aug. 21, are healthy and awaiting adoption. Visit for details on how to donate to the Friends for Life Emergency Medical Fund, which supplemented vet costs for Becky and other shelter dogs. ● EDUCATION / BY CARRIE PEYTON DAHLBERG / MONDAY, SEPT. 2 AT 12:05 P.M.

Illegal, Secret e-Meetings by School Trustees?

School district trustees may have broken the state’s public meeting law by exchanging emails about how to handle a plagiarized graduation speech by one of their own, the Arcata Eye and McKinleyville Press reported last week. The emails reveal a group of school board members eager to make the problem go away as quickly as possible, and some who suggested that fellow board member Dan Johnson’s speech at Arcata High wasn’t really all that bad, even though it lifted passages from a well-known speech that some students sitting in his audience had studied. The article by the Eye’s Kevin Hoover, based on public records requests for the emails, is full of fascinating nuggets and raises more questions about how the Northern Humboldt Union High School District conducts its business. References are made to Johnson consulting a lawyer and to communications that were not released. Interestingly, the trustees’ long silence during public complaints about Johnson’s speech appears to have been endorsed or encouraged by Humboldt County Superintendent of Schools Garry Eagles. When board member Colleen Toste wrote him on June 28 asking how to handle media coverage, he replied that “absolutely no statement from anyone is appropriate under the circumstances” except from Johnson, if he chooses. Some of the exchanges included enough board members or were passed along to

enough board members to constitute “a virtual quorum,” Hoover wrote, which could run afoul of the Brown Act’s ban on most secret meetings by school boards and other public bodies. Through the entire affair, school board members emailed a lot about damage control but nothing about what Hoover called “the glaring double standard in the way Johnson has been coddled and excused for his plagiarism, undermining teachers’ ability to credibly teach students that cheating is unacceptable and punishable.” ● GOVERNMENT / BY GRANT SCOTTGOFORTH / FRIDAY, AUG. 30 AT 5:08 P.M.

Liberate Your Growler

Freedom to enjoy your favorite beer — that’s Wes Chesbro’s (D — North Coast) vision of California. He’s calling for Gov. Jerry Brown to end the persecution against owners of growlers — those 64-ounce beer bottles — who just want a refill. Growlers are an increasingly popular way to get fresh-brewed craft beer home. Even in the North Coast’s burgeoning brewery market, some beermakers decline to bottle their specialty beers (or any of it), meaning the only way to enjoy it is in a glass, on the town. Resealable growlers give tipplers the ability to bring those suds home, or to the neighbor’s barbecue. Growlers have been around, but confusing alcohol laws prohibited a brewery from filling a growler unless it was permanently branded with that brewery’s label. The legislation Chesbro is championing (beer, apparently, is a unifying force, as the bill was co-authored by Republican State Senator Steve Knight) would make it OK for brewers to fill any growler, as long as the now-laden vessel was properly labeled and showed no signs of its former contents. ● COMMUNITY / BY GRANT SCOTTGOFORTH / FRIDAY, AUG. 30 AT 11:16 A.M.

Un-occupy the Courthouse

Crews from Humboldt Bay Fire evacuated the courthouse this morning when an elevator motor apparently started spewing smoke into the building. A few Sheriff’s Office deputies waiting outside said they smelled strong smoke on the first floor of the courthouse before the building was emptied. Firefighters found the source of the smoke and were preparing to use fans and the building’s exhaust system to clear the elevator shaft around 10:45 a.m. ● READ FULL POSTS AND SEE PHOTOS AT




Have Horse, Will Travel

Friend of the Journal Jamie Ashdon snapped this photo of two urban ungulates chillin’ near Ampt Skate Shop in Arcata today. Jamie succinctly captioned the scene on his own Facebook page: “Umm...” Not sure how the fuel economy stacks up against Arcata’s bevy of alterna-transport like buses, electric cars, bikes and skateboards — or if it’s worth facing that slew of traffic on horseback. Emissions are a whole ’nother story. ● COMMUNITY / BY EMILY HAMANN / WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28 AT 12:11 P.M.

Power Outage at CR

Class was cancelled from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the main campus of College of the Redwoods today, due to an electrical problem that occurred this morning. Power went out in several buildings, and in order to correct the problem, power was turned off throughout the campus. The power went back on at 1:45 p.m. ● ENVIRONMENT / NATURAL RESOURCES / POSTED BY GRANT SCOTT-GOFORTH / WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28 AT 4:47 P.M.

EPIC Pooh-poohs Poisons

Following on the heels of the somewhat high-profile report this week that poisonlaced hot dogs killed a fisher at a Humboldt County grow in July, the Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) says it’s campaigning to get rat poison off of local shelves. EPIC says it’s trying to convince retailers to voluntarily ban the sale of “second generation anticoagulant rodenticides” like d-CON. County supes passed a resolution in May urging the same, to the consternation of one poison-industrial-complex rep. It’s not just irresponsible growers using these toxins that put people at risk, EPIC says, though it cites a study in its press release that says 80 percent of fishers found dead by researchers between 2006 and 2011 had been exposed to rodenticides. (The July fisher — the first confirmed intentional

poisoning of a fisher — was determined to have died from insecticides, though rodenticides were also found in its system.) Residences and businesses should also seek alternatives, EPIC says. “We don’t have to poison our families and wildlife to live and work in rural Northwest California.” Read the full release at ● MARIJUANA / BY GRANT SCOTTGOFORTH / WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28 AT 11:47 A.M.

Stream-sucking Grows Busted

Two busts east of Garberville yesterday turned up just the kind of ecological havoc that’s been infuriating environmentalists and getting the attention of our Congressman. Along with the usual guns, greenhouses and greenbacks ($198,000 at one property) Fish and Wildlife say they found pumps draining Mattole Canyon Creek, sucking up salmon and steelhead smolt, and leaking oil on the riverbed. When officers arrived at one bust, on the 1800 block of Dutyville Road, “they located two people at the residence, Bruce Wayne Turner, 63 years old and his 56-year-old girlfriend. Officers located a pump in Mattole Canyon Creek which was being used to pump water to the marijuana plants the couple was growing,” the Sheriff’s Office reported. “Officers located 877 growing marijuana plants located in two greenhouses on the property. The plants ranged in size from approximately 8 inches to 6 feet. They also located approximately $198,000 in cash, scales and evidence the marijuana was being sold for profit. Turner was arrested for cultivation and possession for sale of marijuana, allowing a place for drugs to be stored (all felonies) and Fish and Wildlife code violations for altering a streambed without a permit and polluting a streambed (both misdemeanors). He was transported to the Humboldt County Correctional Facility where he was booked and his bail was set at $50,000. Turner’s girlfriend was not arrested due to health issues. Charges are being sought against her through the Humboldt County District Attorney’s Office.” Read the full press release at ● • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 2013


Building a Better Corridor After tragic accidents and years of delays, the road by the bay needs an upgrade. But what kind? By Ryan Burns

Detail of Eureka to Arcata Route 101 Corridor Improvement Project. Courtesy of CalTrans

10 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 •


ewcomers to Humboldt County, especially those arriving from more urban areas, are often amused when locals complain that driving from Arcata to Eureka, or vice-versa, is just “too far.” And they have a point. That four-lane stretch of U.S. Route 101 is barely six miles long. Seems longer, right? Maybe that’s due, at least in part, to the road’s history of tragedies and the signposts that remind us of them. The big signs with flashing lights, the reduced speed limit, the daytime headlight requirement and those radar readouts clocking your speed — it’s ominous. One visitor said it felt like she was entering Area 51. But those flashing, blinking gizmos speak of dangers embedded in the design of the roadway. Scattered along the corridor at irregular intervals are six Tintersections where two-way streets meet the expressway. Every hour of every day, drivers face a challenging and potentially deadly game of Frogger. They’re forced to judge the speed of oncoming cars and wait for a gap big enough to shoot across two lanes of traffic. Periodically someone misjudges, often with gruesome results. For cyclists, it’s even scarier. This is the “safety corridor,” an 11-year-old, 50 mph twilight zone that always was intended to be a temporary fix. Safety zones just don’t work long term, says the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), because people start ignoring them. Before May 2002, when the safety corridor was created, the prevailing speed on this stretch was nearly 70 miles per hour, despite a speed limit of 60. Also, there were seven intersections, not six. In the five years before the safety measures were installed, collisions at four of the seven intersections happened more frequently than the state average at

similar intersections, according to Caltrans reports. Two of the junctures — at MidCity Motor World and Indianola Boulevard — had more than double the average rate of serious collisions (those resulting in serious injury or death), Caltrans found. “We even had people renting billboards identifying it as ‘Blood Alley,’” said Ralph Martinelli, chief traffic safety officer for Caltrans District 1, which includes Humboldt, Del Norte, Mendocino and Lake counties. Public outrage over the unsafe conditions reached a fever pitch after a brutal T-bone collision on Jan. 23, 2002. A car had turned left from southbound 101 toward Indianola Boulevard and was crossing northbound 101 when it was plowed into. Four people, including a mom, her son and her father, were killed. The safety corridor was born. When Caltrans looked back in 2007, comparing the five years before and after the safety corridor’s installation, it found that conditions had improved a bit. Though collision rates remained high (and in fact went up) at Mid-City and Indianola, the rate of serious accidents went down at all six intersections. And while there have been fatalities on that stretch in the last decade (including a CR student who fell asleep at the wheel, a cyclist who suffered a heart attack and a driver who inexplicably entered the freeway going the wrong direction), none of the deaths were related to the design of the dangerous intersections. Regardless, the measures weren’t meant to stay. According to a Caltrans study of 29 safety corridors around the state, their effectiveness starts to wear off after a while. People start going faster, enhanced enforcement money runs out and accident rates creep back up. Indeed, both total collision rates and serious collision rates remain well above average


Left Existing view westbound at Indianola Road. above Photo-simulation (looking westward) of proposed grade separation at Indianola road. Courtesy of CalTrans

on 101 between Arcata and Eureka. “The severity has gone down but the number is climbing back up,” said Martinelli, “and we’re concerned that at some point it’s going to break down completely.” Caltrans has been chipping away at a more permanent solution for more than a dozen years. And as the region’s transportation planning agency, the Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) also plays a major role: It holds decision-making authority for 75 percent of the funds spent locally on state highway projects. Those two agencies, in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration, have put forth a $46 million design they say will vastly improve safety on the corridor. However, another state agency, the California Coastal Commission, stands in the way. Charged with protecting the environment along the state’s coastline, the commission must sign off on development projects in the coastal zone. Next Thursday, Sept. 12, the Coastal Commission will gather at Eureka’s Wharfinger building to decide, among other things, whether Caltrans’ proposed design is consistent with federal Coastal Zone guidelines. And commission staffers — in a 45-page report to commissioners — argue that it’s not. In the grand scheme of this project, the consistency determination is just one of many hurdles on the way to a safer 101 corridor. Quite a few other hurdles have been cleared, and some big ones still remain. But this one, which takes a big-picture look at the concept, objectives and design, could either clear a straight path to the finish line or stop the proposed design in its tracks, forcing state and local governments to backtrack and head in a different direction. The safety corridor’s fate has become

entangled not just with safety and convenience for drivers but also with wetland protections, the railroad, our rising seas and — at long last — plans for a walking and cycling trail between Arcata and Eureka, which are gaining momentum after years of frustrations.

What might the 101 cor-

ridor look like in 2020, the target completion date? Imagine closed medians at four of the six intersections between Arcata and Eureka: those at Mid-City, California Redwood Co., the Bracut lumberyard and the Bayside cutoff. At Airport Road, just north of Eureka, imagine a “half signal” on the east side of Route 101. This light would periodically stop traffic leaving Eureka to allow southbound left turns from Airport Road. (Good news for people renting U-Hauls or buying horse feed on Jacobs Avenue.) All those changes are part of Caltrans’ proposed design, and Coastal Commission staffers have no major argument with them. (Quibbles, yes.) What they do have a significant beef with is Caltrans’ plans for the Indianola intersection. There, Caltrans wants to construct an interchange, raising the freeway by 25 feet and building on- and off-ramps to allow cross traffic to pass underneath. This design, says Caltrans, would provide smooth transitions for cars, no matter which direction they’re headed. But Coastal Commission staff doesn’t like it. This split-level interchange, the staff report says, is overkill. Traffic signals at Indianola would cause less environmental damage. Furthermore, the report argues, the over/underpass would help traffic flow more easily and so would allow more drivers to use the expressway — a capacity increase which is not allowed

on this project. And the whole thing would harm the view and “visual character” of the area. Other commission objections: It says the interchange could raise speeds on 101, spark commercial development along Indianola and limit future planning options for sea-level rise. Plus, the plan doesn’t include any provisions for a separated bicycle and pedestrian path. Caltrans has responded to these objections, not by changing any of its plans but by disputing commission staff’s conclusions on each and every point. Let’s start with the trail. Two years ago, Arcata was one of just two cities (with Fortuna) that voted against funding the project, and the reason was its lack of plans for a bike and pedestrian trail. But Susan Ornelas, an Arcata councilmember and the city’s representative on the HCAOG board, feels it’s time to reconsider. “I have come to appreciate Caltrans’ 101 corridor update plan,” she said in a recent interview. “I have personally decided it is the most graceful and well-designed [alternative] for the automobile. ... But it doesn’t make sense without the trail.” After working behind the scenes with representatives of the Coastal Commission, the North Coast Railroad Authority, Caltrans and HCAOG, Ornelas came away convinced that a rail-with-trail project — meaning a trail built alongside the NCRA’s eroding rail bed — could be tied to the 101 corridor project. (Disclosure: Journal Publisher Judy Hodgson co-founded the Bay [T]rail Advocates, a group that has been lobbying like mad for this trail.) Ornelas and HCAOG Executive Director Marcella Clem have been arguing that this trail project could be listed as a condition of approval for the 101 corridor project. In other words, if the trail didn’t continued on next page

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continued from previous page get funded then the corridor project couldn’t go forward. “We do not want one built without the other,” Clem said at an Aug. 15 HCAOG meeting. Trail advocates have reason for optimism lately. Thanks in large part to efforts from the Bay [T]rail Advocates, the NCRA last year agreed to support trail development along its corridor between Arcata and Eureka. And Arcata is moving forward with plans to build the first section of that trail, from the city out to Bracut. Its application for a $2.7 million grant from the federal Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program is pending and appears to be a strong contender. Meanwhile, Eureka has hired the GHD engineering company to analyze a route for the other half — from Bracut to Eureka — and expects to start applying for funds before the year’s out. But Coastal Commission staff remains skeptical. Although the commission urges applicants to build new sections of the Coastal Trail whenever possible, it considers the current bay trail plans “highly speculative at this point.” It argues that Caltrans’ corridor remodel would “adversely affect bicycle use” by closing off medians (thus requiring some cyclists to ride out of their way) and by likely increasing the speed limit. It’s calling on Caltrans to include in its plans an interim bicycle lane, separated from traffic by a guardrail or a concrete barrier. Caltrans and HCAOG say that’s a terrible idea. For one thing, they dispute the claim that their plans would make things worse for cyclists, and furthermore, they argue, plans for the bay trail are far from speculative. In a rebuttal to the commission’s staff report, Caltrans said that building an interim bicycle lane would add at least $12 million to the project, would consume 7.6 acres of wetlands, and “would severely undermine the Bay Trail’s future, as HCAOG has stated that it could not support both.” At its Aug. 21 meeting, following advocacy from Ornelas and Clem, the Arcata City Council seemed to change its position on Caltrans’ project. In a 4-1 vote, with Councilmember/Mayor Shane Brinton dissenting, the council directed its staff to draft a letter of support for the project, which it plans to finalize at this week’s meeting and submit to the Coastal Commission. The hope is that a broad show of community support for the bay trail will convince commissioners that it’s not speculative. But commission staff members aren’t the only ones dubious of Caltrans’ commitment to a trail. Local environmental

Photograph of existing southbound Route 101 exit ramp to Indianola Cutoff.

Photo-simulation of proposed interchange at Indianola Cutoff facing south along Route 101 showing Grade Separation and propsed Bay trail.

“A clear priority,” Ehresman said, “is to see [the corridor project] clearly and unequivocally linked with the bay trail.” Clem, HCAOG’s director, had expected to see a trail linked in writing to the safety corridor fix last week. Instead, when Caltrans, HCAOG and the Federal Highway Administration submitted their final response to the coastal commission on Aug. 28, they made no mention of such a condition. Defiantly (albeit accurately), the response said, “Absent from the legislative regime is any obligation requiring the Applicants to fund or build the trail.” Reached by phone on Monday, Clem expressed frustration that Caltrans wouldn’t commit to a trail as had been discussed, especially since Coastal Commission staff seemed open to the bay trail. In its final report to the commission, staff suggested that the bay trail would satisfy the Coastal Act’s public access and recreation policies, but only if Caltrans would make a firm commitment to make sure it’s funded before the full 101 corridor project.

Besides the trail,

Photograph of existing eastward view of Indianola Cutoff.

Photo-simulation of proposed interchange at Indianola Cutoff

photos and photosimulations Courtesy of CalTrans

groups including Humboldt Baykeeper and the Northcoast Environmental Center say that without a documented promise to fund a trail, Caltrans’ proposal should be denied. Jessica Hall, Baykeeper’s executive director, said that HCAOG and Caltrans “are describing [the bay trail] as if it’s now part of the project, but I don’t see how you can say that it is until you’ve put something on paper.” She’s aware that denial of Caltrans’ proposal could complicate efforts on the bay trail. “That’s the thing I find really

12 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 •

unfortunate about the situation,” she said. “We don’t want to kill a trail proposal that might have legs.” But given Coastal Commission staff’s other objections and the lack of a firm trail commitment from Caltrans, Hall said Baykeeper can’t support the project. NEC Executive Director Dan Ehresman agrees and says that Caltrans has a history of ignoring its own agency directive, “Complete Streets,” which calls for “multimodal” projects that make room for bicyclists and pedestrians.

the other main points of contention all swirl around the Indianola intersection. Caltrans, HCAOG and the Bay [T]rail Advocates say a split-level interchange would work best, while Coastal Commission staff and local environmental leaders say signals would be preferable. Among its objections to an interchange, the commission staff report says the overpass would significantly alter the natural landscape by requiring 240,000 cubic yards of fill to build steep, 25-foot slopes which would block the view of the bay from Indianola. It also objects to Caltrans’ wetland mitigation plans and says the interchange could limit options when it comes to planning for sea-level rise. (Caltrans is set to embark on a sealevel rise study soon; some critics say the corridor plan should wait until the study’s complete.) Humboldt Baykeeper and the Northcoast Environmental Center argue that Caltrans failed to fully consider other viable alternatives. Baykeeper even went so far as to commission its own traffic study from Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates. That firm’s report, issued last month, urged Caltrans to go back and consider alternatives, particularly roundabouts at Indianola, Airport Road and the Bayside cutoff. Caltrans and its co-applicants practically sneered in response. Their Aug. 29 missive to the Coastal Commission says Caltrans engineers found that “the signalized alternative would fail spec-

top Aerial photograph of existing Route 101 exit to Indianola Cutoff. above Photo-simulation of proposed interchange at Indianola Cutoff. Courtesy of CalTrans

tacularly.” These engineers predicted that the average queue at Indianola during rush-hour on northbound 101 would be 104 cars, or about half a mile long. The maximum queue would be 120 cars or more, especially since closed medians elsewhere would divert more drivers to that intersection. This would lead many to avoid the corridor altogether by taking Old Arcata road or State Route 255 through Manila — prospects that frighten communities along both routes. As for altering the natural landscape and affecting the bay view, the overpass advocates scoffed: “[T]he landscape of the Indianola intersection is anything but natural.” If not for “a century of diking and dredging,” they pointed out, the whole area would still be underwater. And besides, they said, “The non-native trees, billboards, the abandoned rail line [and] the permanently shuttered drive-in theater ... are also unlikely to be regarded as highly scenic.” They mocked the Nelson\Nygaard study commissioned by Baykeeper, calling it “vague and unsubstantiated,” as well as “quite rudimentary and deeply flawed.” And they insisted that signalized intersections simply don’t work well on roads where drivers go faster than 45 miles per hour. Ornelas and Clem, with HCAOG, have also been working to find ammunition against the traffic signals proposal. They’ve been looking at the history of another

stretch of U.S. Route 101 — the part just north of the corridor. From the mid-1950s through the early 1970s, 101 traveled right through Arcata, with traffic signals at Seventh and 17th streets. Ornelas and Clem have been scouring microfiche looking for traffic accidents related to those signals. As Clem reported to the Arcata City Council last month, they found stories about a 27-car pileup with two fatalities that occurred in the thick fog of Jan. 16, 1959. Councilmember Alex Stillman said she remembers when that stretch of 101 had signals. They called it by a familiar name: Blood Alley. HCAOG and Caltrans argue that putting signals at Indianola would only replace T-bone accidents with rear-enders. “Bear in mind,” countered Hall of Humboldt Baykeeper, rear-end accidents “tend to not be fatal.” Caltrans officials have criticized the Coastal Commission for suggesting design alternatives when it’s not their job to design roads, but Mark Delaplaine, the commission’s federal consistency manager, said it’s appropriate. “We’re there to ask questions, and we have many, many times disagreed with Caltrans over the best way to build a highway,” he said. “Sometimes they’ve prevailed and sometimes we prevailed.”

Looming over

all this planning, not to mention just about every coastal community across the world,

is the specter of rising seas. And there’s evidence to suggest that the Humboldt Bay region could face some of the most serious consequences. Environmental scientist Aldaron Laird recently spent months in a kayak inventorying and mapping all 105 miles of Humboldt Bay’s shoreline (“Aldaron’s Walkabout,” Jan. 5, 2012) as a preliminary step toward planning for sea-level rise. According to Laird, Humboldt Bay and the surrounding land is subsiding at a rate of roughly 11 inches per century. Combine that with rising seas (a recent study by the National Research Council predicted at least six inches of rise by 2030, three feet by 2100) and it gives Humboldt Bay the highest rate of relative sea-level rise anywhere in California, if not along the entire West Coast, Laird said. Making matters worse is the condition of the dikes around the bay. As the project applicants alluded to in their quip about Indianola being unnatural, more than 30 percent of Humboldt Bay’s historic tidelands were diked off between 1890 and 1910. With no agency in charge of upkeep, those dikes have not been maintained. “They’re essentially vertical dirt faces that are just falling off into the sloughs or the bay,” Laird said. Even if the dikes hold up, he added, it would only take two feet of increase in tide elevations to cause the entire dike system to fail. That level of rise could conceivably happen quite soon if a king tide coincides with storm surges, say, from an El Niño weather pattern. “There are thousands of acres of land at risk now,” Laird said. Caltrans is currently partnering with HCAOG to explore ways to protect “critically vulnerable assets” as the climate changes. But since planning to reconfigure the safety corridor began long ago, (and in fact the road was supposed to be done by now), its plans aren’t subject to this climate change strategy. The Coastal Commission staff says that signals at Indianola “would be less likely to conflict with (and easier to modify to harmonize with)” whatever Caltrans plans for sea-level rise. Humboldt Baykeeper and the NEC are also arguing for Caltrans to consider sea-level rise. “This is part of a much, much bigger and difficult question about the future of this bay,” said Hall. “It is sticky and going to be uncomfortable, but we have continued on next page

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continued from previous page to start having that conversation. That’s why [it’s worth asking], ‘Is this the time to do a $50M project?’ Maybe what we should be doing is a more low-cost solution that maintains the goals of safety on the 101 corridor.” Laird predicts that 101 will have to be converted into a causeway, raised above the water level. Asked to address the issue, a spokesman for Caltrans acknowledged via email that the entire length of the safety corridor will need to be raised by up to three feet over the next 100 years. And while he didn’t explain how, he added, “The proposed Indianola interchange has been designed to accommodate raising 101 in the future.”

Finally, let’s look at two

more contentious issues related to this project: the potential for cars to drive faster on 101 and the potential for businesses to become more interested in locating along Indianola Boulevard and Old Arcata Road. Speed is a major concern for cycling enthusiasts, who argue that any safety gains made by closing the medians could well be lost by rising speeds on the 101

corridor. In a press release issued after Caltrans announced its design proposal, NEC director Dan Ehresman said, “In Caltrans’ attempt to solve a safety problem for automobiles, they could in fact be making it more dangerous for those who travel by bike.” Caltrans has tried to allay those fears. The applicants’ defiant response to the Coastal Commission said, “Caltrans is committed to keeping the speed limit at 50 mph within the corridor, insofar as the vehicle code allows.” That sounds reassuring until you learn what the vehicle code actually says. Martinelli, Caltrans’ chief traffic safety officer, explained how it works: “By law, Caltrans — or anyone who sets the speed limit —requires an engineering and traffic survey. The process is very clearly stated in the California vehicle code. It’s illegal to create a speed trap.” So when the project is complete, Caltrans will have to hire traffic engineers to go out and clock the speeds of cars on the corridor. It then has to base the speed limit on the prevailing speed — that is, the speed that less than 15 percent of drivers exceed.

Jay Sooter’s

This regulatory pressure on speed limits makes cycling advocates even more committed to a bay trail because someday soon, cars may be going even faster through the corridor. As for potential growth inducement, both Caltrans and the Coastal Commission argue that the other guy’s plan would somehow encourage businesses to sprout up around Indianola. The reasoning, on both sides, is that as cars slow down approaching Indianola, the drivers will be more likely to look out at their surroundings. A strategically placed gas station or Wendy’s might take advantage of that attention. To make its case, Coastal Commission staff went digging through old Caltrans reports. It found one from 2002 in which Caltrans listed the corridor project among a number of “capacity-increasing” projects. And commission staff went all the way back to the early 1990s to find a Caltrans response to a traffic study for a proposed Wal-Mart on Indianola. In that response, commission staff says, Caltrans predicted a future need for an interchange much like the one it’s proposing now and admitted such a structure “could

be growth-inducing.” Caltrans now says that there are constraints limiting growth in that area, including the fact that the land is zoned for agricultural use, there’s no sewage system and “the high water table makes it likely to stay that way.” Ironically, Caltrans also points to WalMart’s efforts as evidence. “Indeed, WalMart, Sam’s Club, and Costco have all expressed interest in developing near the Indianola cutoff intersection over past years, but none has done so due to the barrier imposed by coastal development permits in addition to those factors noted above.” The arguments on both sides are highly theoretical, relying on attempts to mindread future travelers. But it will be up to the Coastal Commission to decide who makes the more compelling case, not just on this issue but on the entire project. In the community, there are passionate and reasonable people on both sides. Hank Seemann, the county’s deputy director of environmental sciences, has been working hard to coordinate local trail efforts, and he says it’s time to move forward. “I think the safety issues really warrant addressing

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this promptly.” He understands that some people have concerns based on Caltrans’ history but says that HCAOG, as the regional planning agency, is helping hold the agency to its word. “I’m just hopeful that at the Coastal Commission meeting there’s not a decision that really sends it backward,” Seemann said. “There needs to be a way to move it forward.” Ornelas was even more effusive. She said that when she and Clem recently traveled to San Francisco to meet with commission staff she told them, “We need this spiritually. We need to know that we can do this, amongst ourselves. That we can cooperate. That we can manifest this ... .” She sighed. “I just hope we get there.” But others in the community share commission staff’s concerns. They say the project is too expensive, that it could make safety worse, and that it ignores years and years of community input on wetland mitigation and a cycling/pedestrian trail. “In a perfect world there would be some way to support the development of other alternatives that deal with the trail in a way that actually moves us for-

ward,” said Hall with Baykeeper. But since the only thing before the Commission is Caltrans’ plan, she said, her group has no choice but to urge denial. If the commission does vote to withhold its federal consistency determination, Caltrans would almost certainly have to go back and revise its plans to incorporate the commission’s suggestions. Technically Caltrans could appeal the decision to the Secretary of Commerce, but it has never done so before, and commission staff says the move would be pointless. One last thing: The Coastal Commission wants to hear from the public on this issue. Again, the meeting is next Thursday at the Wharfinger building. The all-day session begins at 8:30 a.m., and the safety corridor item is late on the agenda. Commission staffer Delaplaine says the agency loves feedback. “Ultimately, it’s not a popularity contest and the commission has to do what they think is appropriate under the Coastal Act. But the keystone of our agency’s success is public participation.” So all those times you’ve muttered your opinions about the safety corridor? Here’s your chance to tell someone who cares. ●

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Elk in the Surf

(707) 825 0269 | Open 7 Days a Week | M-F 10am-8pm, Sat 10am-6:30pm, Sun Closed 5201 Carlson Park Drive #2, Arcata | GPS Address: 1264 Giuntoli Ln. (Behind McIntosh Farm Country Store)

By Barry Evans


ne morning this past July, Louisa and I were sipping coffee in our camper van. We were parked on the remote Usal Beach in the Sinkyone Wilderness when they emerged from the early morning fog like ghostly apparitions — a stately parade of five bull elk on their way to the beach for a morning play-date. They skipped in and out of the surf, chasing and sparring with one another (for a video, search for “elk” at Come September and the annual mating season, that play turns serious, even deadly. Their most distinctive feature is, of course, those daunting male antler racks (the smaller females don’t have antlers). Every February or March, the antlers fall off, and within a week or so, new ones start to grow — at the incredible rate of nearly half an inch a day, or a foot a month. Antlers are made of bone-like keratin, which is enclosed in the “velvet,” a soft membrane that’s thick with blood vessels. In August, the blood supply dries up, and the velvet begins to shed, revealing fully grown bare bone. Those antlers are put to potentially lethal use during the September-October mating season, when bull elk vie for control of “harems” of female elk. Contests start with loud “bugling,” when the males bellow and whistle, both to attract mates and to warn off other bulls. A challenger will approach the harem’s alpha bull “bugling, urinating and tossing turf with his antlers” according to a National Park Service fact sheet. Usually, one bull will retreat before serious injury happens, but not always. Mating is followed by an eight-to-nine

month gestation period for the females. Typically, a pregnant cow isolates herself before giving birth to a single calf. Two weeks later, she and her newborn rejoin the female herd. Meanwhile, older males live alone or in bachelor herds, like the group we saw on the beach. Before Europeans invaded this part of the world, Roosevelt elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) roamed in large herds between San Francisco Bay and Vancouver Island, east to the Cascade Mountains in Washington and Oregon. Hunted to nearextinction, their numbers were down to a few hundred by the time serious conservation efforts began in the 1920s. Today, the come-back of these great elk, the second-largest of the deer family after moose, is a conservation success story. In California, for instance, the National Park Service estimates that only 15 Roosevelt elk were living in the State in 1925. Today, that number is well over 1,000. You don’t have to go to Usal, of course, to see Roosevelt elk — it’s hard not to spot a few if you drive north on Highway 101! Several prime viewing areas are located in the Redwood National and State Parks, north of Orick. Elk Prairie is right alongside the Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway (old Highway 101). Check out Davison Road and Gold Bluffs Beach while you’re up there. Be careful, though, especially at this time of year when the bulls are in a fractious and lusty mood. Give them lots of space and use a telephoto lens. l Barry Evans ( wonders what it would be like to be an alpha male.

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Sushi for the Glutenchallenged By Dev Richards The gluten-free tempura yam roll at Kyoto (cue choir). Photo by Jennifer Fumiko Cahill


hat tiny protein that holds wheat together is a lot easier to avoid than it used to be. As long as you’re willing to spend a bit more, even mainstream grocery stores carry a handful of gluten-free items. Local coops and health food stores are a practical wonderland of gluten-free delicacies. But dining out is still a challenge. Breweries and Italian and Chinese restaurants offer some gluten-free selections (usually salads), but it’s generally a matter of chance. Sushi, however, offers a plethora of choices. Sushi rice, nori, raw fish and miso soup are all gluten-free; sadly, tempura (delicious, delicious tempura) and soy sauce are not gluten-free, and nearly every sushi sauce has a soy or teriyaki base. Among the three heavy-hitters of HumCo sushi — Tomo, Kyoto and Sushi Spot — which is your gluten-free go-to? Tomo (708 Ninth St., Arcata), though delightful and yummy, falls a little short in reliability as a gluten-free dining option. Prior to speaking with head chef Arianna Miller over the phone, it was hard to get a straight or confident answer out of some of the staff. Many of them were eager to get to the root of the question, but often their efforts fell short. Miller said Tomo doesn’t have special gluten-free options (other than the items that are inherently gluten-free), but the chefs are happy to make any of their sauces with a tamari base. This opens up a few more options, but still takes tempura off the table (literally). For now, stick to sunomono cucumber salad and raw items like the nigiri Hamachi (yellowtail) or the negi hama roll with yellowtail and green onions. Sushi Spot (670 Ninth St., Arcata) has a few more options. Waitress and floor manager Laurel Utman says the restaurant is in the middle of adding a large glutenfree section to its menu. For the time being, though, the restaurant focuses on keeping the staff informed about dietary

concerns, and a full allergen breakdown is posted in the back for the cooks and wait staff. This is a huge plus; it’s a relief when questions about the menu aren’t met with looks of confusion or phrases like, “I’m pretty sure … .” Depending on your degree of gluten-intolerance, “pretty sure” may not be a risk worth taking. The tekkahama roll with red tuna and yellowtail is gluten-free, and Sushi Spot will steam ingredients that are normally fried. Tamari is available, too, and if you miss tobiko, masago (a gluten-free smelt roe prepared without soy sauce) is on the menu. Kyoto (320 F St. in Eureka) has the most options by far. With gluten-free tempura, soba noodles and ponzu sauce, a world of options is open to the gluten-free diner. The tempura is cooked in a dedicated, glutenfree fryer, and all of Kyoto’s sauces can be made with a tamari base, as opposed to soy sauce. According to owner Jeni Masaki, the only item the restaurant hasn’t made glutenfree yet is the unagi sauce. For people who don’t enjoy scrumptious, buttery eel, the menu is virtually gluten-free! The tempura yam roll is so good — sweet with a little kick and crunch. Gluten-free tempura is not quite the same, but you still get your fix. A few restaurants are leading the charge in HumCo, and Kyoto is one of them. Let’s remember that just a few years ago most restaurants had no gluten-free options, and a very select few even knew what the deal was with gluten. The gluten-free movement has gained momentum thanks to the growing number of people who’ve given up gluten for dietary benefits, people with allergies or intolerances and those with celiac disease who are following doctor’s orders. Really, it’s a simple issue of supply and demand; even though some places may not have an abundance of gluten-free options now, they’re more likely to make changes if customers ask for them. So, be politely persistent, glutenfree diners, and we’ll keep the sushi rolling. l


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LINES dancers David Harvey and Meredith Webster in “Meyer.” Photo by Angela Sterling

LINES Ballet By Maia Cheli-Colando


lonzo King LINES Ballet brings two new pieces to the HSU Van Duzer Theater on Thursday, Sept. 12, at 8 p.m. Humboldt dance aficionados regularly travel to San Francisco to see the latest LINES programs. If you enjoy classical or contemporary ballet, or the fusion of different art forms, don’t miss this opportunity to see the newest works here in town. Both pieces are unique collaborations: one with musician Edgar Meyer and the other with Dublin-born writer Colum McCann. “Meyer” is titled for its composer, Edgar Meyer – a household name among classical and folk audiences for his stellar performances on double bass and piano, including ensemble projects with Joshua Bell, Alison Krauss, Mark O’Connor, Nickel Creek and Yo-Yo Ma. This new for 2013 contemporary/classical ballet includes seven movements of music commissioned specifically for LINES and recorded on double bass and piano (played by Meyer), plus cello and violin. Synchronized images of water, created by Academy Award winning designer Jim Doyle, reflect the playful contemplation of the piece. LINES Choreographer and Artistic Director Alonzo King sees art arising from the headwaters of nature. “In a large and odd sounding way,” he says, “art becomes the nature that we have in cities. Because art’s origin is in nature. All the things that are in dancing … what is pirouette? ... It’s an eddy, it’s a whirlpool.” The second piece, “Writing Ground”

20 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 •

was commissioned for Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo to inaugurate the Centenary of the Ballets Russes in 2010. The piece returns to the United States this fall for its first performances danced by LINES. In this collaboration, Colum McCann created a literary work that King then used as inspiration for a ballet. McCann is no stranger to the dance world; his published novels include Dancer, a fictional account of the life of Rudolf Nureyev – but this was his first experience working directly with a choreographer. McCann’s writing started out as a libretto, and then evolved into poetry about risk, language, identity and personal story. In McCann’s piece, a character begins “to write her life on pillowcases … Her bed became her history … The lives she wrote conjured up those who were absent.” McCann explores the ease with which we can get lost in resurrecting the past, and what compels us into the future. These motifs evoked for King our “endless trillions of thoughts” as we strive toward happiness, “and how ultimately those words become sacred texts which design our lives.” In response, the choreographer selected 14 sacred musical works through which his dancers could segue in search of clarity, from a Koran sura to a shofar’s call, and from Jerusalem to Brittany and beyond. Tickets for this CenterArts performance are $45 adults, $25 children, $15 HSU students. Reservations at 826-3928 or l

Anders Carlton and Jennifer Trustem in last year’s NCRT production of The Fox on the Fairway, a prime example of a play that completely bypassed New York. Photo courtesy of North Coast Repertory

States of Plays

Where North Coast shows come from By William S. Kowinski


s we pause after the traditional end of last season and before the start of the next, here’s a retrospective question: Where do the plays we see on the North Coast come from? For many decades the answer would have been easy: New York. But that’s no longer true. Back in the mid-1980s I interviewed Jason Robards Jr. backstage at Broadway’s Plymouth Theatre. He was the second generation of three (so far) to be New York stage actors. His father performed on Broadway in the 1920s. “When I was starting out just after World War II,” Robards Jr. said, “my father came to see me, and he told me ‘This is terrible! When I was an actor there were 700 road shows out, and 200-some-odd theatres on Broadway.’ But even when I was starting out we still had 134 theatres in New York, and many road shows and stock jobs and resident theatre jobs.” New York City dominated largely through size. In 1940 it had a bigger population than the entire state of California, or any other state. But war industries spread out across the country during World War II, and suburbia boomed in the 1950s. Robards believed the new highways that sliced through city neighborhoods and led to the suburbs depleted New York City audiences. “Now I think the theatre in New York is going to become

like the opera, if it isn’t already becoming that: a small, specialized thing.” Robards didn’t reckon with the rise of tourist-oriented blockbusters in a Disneyfied Broadway. That trend continues, as movie companies invest more in huge stage productions. The Off-Broadway and then Off-Off Broadway stages rose in the 1960s and ’70s, then settled to a sustainable level as “a small, specialized thing.” So now Broadway produces bigger but fewer shows, and non-Broadway houses have become incubators for shows that will live most of their lives in independent regional and community-based theatres across the country. So last season on the North Coast for instance, we saw products of traditional Broadway, from one of the earliest (Anything Goes at North Coast Rep) to one of the last (Victor/Victoria at Ferndale Rep.). The new blockbuster Broadway was represented by Shrek The Musical (Humboldt Light Opera) while Circle Mirror Transformation (seen at Redwood Curtain) had a modest Off-Broadway run before productions by Seattle Rep and the Guthrie in Minneapolis, and on stages in Marin County and Grand Rapids, Michigan. Meanwhile more shows are developed outside New York, and often don’t even bother with the legitimizing New York showcase. The Fox on the Fairway (seen at NCRT) started in Arlington, Va., before productions in New Brunswick, New Jer-

sey and Naples, Florida. These shows are typically designed for export. Even prizewinning shows with decent Broadway runs (like the musical Next to Normal at NCRT or Proof at HSU) have the small casts and modest staging to be done almost anywhere. Except for local group-generated shows and classics, the North Coast is primarily dependent on this new circuit of shows built for quick and relatively easy replication. Many have virtues and perspectives a New York-generated show might not. But at worst they approach a stereotypical script that’s clever and a little odd but safe and small, with a slick first act and a slack second (that nevertheless includes a thesis statement). The script too often shows signs of too many hands that got tired before the end. What are we missing on local stages? Due mostly to the demographics of our performers as well as our audiences, we seldom get shows centered on nonwhite characters or communities. On the other hand, we get plays written about southerners, New Englanders and even New Yorkers, but not about North Coast characters. Fortunately, our live actors are surprisingly adept at bringing out the universal (or the North Coast) in any play. We also rarely get political plays in the larger sense, apart from gender politics. But hardly anyone in America does. We don’t have a David Hare (one of several British playwrights who look outward) or even a Robert Sherwood, who wrote three Pulitzer Prize winners in the 1930s and a book about FDR and World War II. Tony Kushner is the closest. We’re unlikely to see a play as complex and provocative as Hare’s A Map of the World, for instance. For whatever reasons, it’s not a time for singular playwrights with big voices. Our North Coast stage institutions do include variety, often at some risk. But they operate in a particular theatrical environment, in a particular time and place. Coming Up: Prolific American playwright Steven Dietz is a prime example of this new decentralization. His work is seldom performed in New York but appears so often in regional and community venues that he’s in the top 10 of produced playwrights. His comedy Becky’s New Car opens at Redwood Curtain with a preview on Thursday, Sept. 5, followed by a second preview on Friday and an official opening night on Saturday. Directed by Gail Holbrook, it features Peggy Metzger, Steven J. Carter, Gary Sommers, Shelly Stewart, Randy Wayne, Jessi Shieman and Luke Tooker. Tickets and information: 443-7688, l

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839-4140 • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013




Between the Black and White

Thaddeus Zoellner and Michael Royce By Ken Weiderman


motions and identity are tricky. They’re even trickier when attempting to put them into words. It’s one reason why art exists — it allows people to describe the human experience in ways that words don’t, giving voice to the often conflicted, contradictory and complicated nature of living and being. For artists Thaddeus Zoellner and Michael Royce, photography captures that which cannot be spoken. In particular, it reveals the ways in which they discover who they are and how they fit into the rest of the world. “How do you view yourself and feel OK being yourself?” asks Royce. Identity and emotions are topics they’ve both explored through black and white photography in their upcoming tandem show, “Whispered Secrets,” a onenight-only show at C Street Gallery for Eureka’s Arts! Alive on September 7th. Both artists use the figure to explore

the intersections of identity, gender and sexuality, and neither of them feels comfortable with the female/male, gay/ straight, either/or dichotomies surrounding these categories. Royce and Zoellner use their own bodies, as well as those of friends, to create a different gender narrative — one that allows for a gray area in a culture that usually sees things as only black or white. “I use my art to work through emotions that society tells us we may or may not be OK to feel,” says Royce. When it comes to feeling like we don’t fit in, we’re told to “hide that, don’t let anybody see it,” she continues. Royce’s photographs are highly autobiographical, exploring the complexities surrounding past experiences. She resists explicitly defining the work, but states that her images are about uncovering and exhibiting the emotions many people choose to hide. Knowing there are others


out there who don’t fit into neat cultural boxes, she hopes “that other people will be able to connect [to her work] and think, ‘Oh, I felt that way too.’” The emotional foundation of the work is hers, but the underlying struggle the work represents is widespread. For example, when Royce uses herself as a model, she binds her chest with a wrap. For her, that’s normal. That’s how she envisions her body. The androgyny is not the focus of the images, but it does hint at their deeper messages. The binding can be seen as protective or constrictive, positive or negative, complicating familiar expectations and ideas about gender roles. It’s a metaphor for the supposed freedom to be who you are and the accompanying risk of never being fully accepted or valued in our culture. “Soulus” is a photograph that underscores the pain people can feel when they are outside of accepted norms. Royce is shown from the knees up, her head buried in her hands. Dramatic black droplets splatter around her. She’s drawn wings by scratching into the photo through the black, resin-coated surface to expose the white paper below. Most striking though, are the cursive words “love you,” burning through her torso. They are lit from behind by a light box, and the handwriting comes from a letter Royce received from a friend. There’s a lot going on in this piece, and the intricacy of its layers pays honest homage to the thorny nature of understanding and accepting our true selves. Accepting humanity’s multifaceted

pull-out A RT sect i on

nature is the thread that sews these two artists’ work together. “Our work isn’t part of the same sentence,” chimes in Zoellner, “but it’s part of the same paragraph.” Zoellner has long felt isolated in the way he views the world. Tall, blond and muscular, with a deliberate look in his blue eyes, his appearance is masculine. However, he doesn’t “identify with being solely male or solely female. Or even androgynous.” In many ways, he continues, “I identify as both male and female.” Restrictive sexuality labels like gay, straight or bisexual don’t work for him either, and these conflicts can create real turmoil. Zoellner has given mental space to both sides of his persona, naming his feminine side Myra and allowing her to be who she wants to be. “She is frequently a silent passenger,” he says, “but she’s always there and she’s always helping.” When it comes to photography, Myra “has a lot of insight and opinions that the rest of me doesn’t,” admits Zoellner. “It’s kind of a separate thought process.” For his last show, Zoellner created a set of prints that, when assembled, took him aback. It was the first time he’d produced something that came completely from Myra. “That show was Myra telling me she’s there.” In this new show, Zoellner is using both sides of his identity to tell everybody else that she’s there. It’s about defining his entire self and allowing both points of view to be on display. In one multi-layered piece, “Who Holds Together”, a dramatically-lit portrait of Zoellner’s face has been ripped in half. Each side lies askew on top of a second photo of a nude female figure. She emerges confidently from his fractured visage, stretching a heavy chain in front of her chest. The chain provides a visual connection between the two torn halves, while a deeper reading reveals an allegorical reference to the strength and stability Myra brings to Zoellner’s identity. Nested deep in a shadow-box frame, the viewer has to get close to the piece to see it, intensifying the intimacy of Zoellner’s revelation. Zoellner and Royce’s work is intimate, yet the message of their work points out the universality of defining ourselves in a world that tries to do it for us. Their work asks us to explore those private emotions for a better understanding of how we fit into the wider world outside our bodies. ●

First Saturday Night Arts Alive! Saturday, Sept. 7, 6-9 p.m.

Red Carpet Premiere

Presented by the Humboldt Arts Council and Eureka Main Street. Opening receptions for artists, exhibits and/or performances are held the first Saturday of each month. Phone (707) 442-9054 or go to for more information or to have an exhibit or performance included. 1. EUREKA INN 518 Seventh St. Lauren Cogan Jones, mixed media. 2. HUMBOLDT ARTS COUNCIL at the Morris Graves Museum of Art 636 F St. Performance Rotunda: Music by The Lisa Baney Trio. William Thonson Gallery: “On Being Human,” Kristin Lindseth Rivera, sculptures, and George Rivera, paintings. Atrium & Rotunda Gallery: Selections from the HAC permanent collection. Homer Balabanis Gallery: Humboldt Artist Gallery featuring representational and abstract paintings, prints, jewelry, photographs and ceramics. Anderson Gallery: “Faces of American Heroes: Portraits of WWII Veterans,” Kathrin Burleson. Knight Gallery: “Numina,” Corey Drieth, paintings and drawings; Floyd Bettiga Gallery: “Meet Morris.” Youth Gallery: “Children’s Author and Illustrator Festival,” selected winning illustrations. 3. EUREKA THEATER 612 F St. “Humboldt Made,” red carpet film premiere featuring Humboldt Made short films by local filmmaker Malcolm DeSoto. $5 advance, $10 at the door. Red carpet walk 6 p.m. Program begins 7 p.m. 4. REDWOOD ART ASSOCIATION 603 F St. “55th Annual Fall Exhibition,” featuring pieces by RAA members. 5a. MEGARA’S 521 Sixth St. Lauren Katz, animation art. 5. BOHEMIAN MERMAID 511 Sixth St. Beer Crafts book party with SCRAP Humboldt. 6. PRAXIS FITNESS 530 F St. Holly and Ron Vetter, handcrafted redwood frames with nature photos. 7. F ST. FOTO GALLERY at Swanlund’s Camera 527 F St. “Ansel Adams American Landscapes 1923-1968,” Ansel Easton Adams, photographs. 7a. THE LOCAL 517 F St. Rae Elizabeth City, oil and acrylic paints and prints. Music by Four for Jazz. 8. SACRED PALACE BOUTIQUE - BIKRAM YOGA – HUMBOLDT BRANCH 516 Fifth St. Music by Ron Villagrana. 8a. EUREKA STUDIO ARTS 526 Fifth St. Nancy Shelby, glass mosaic demonstrations. Other work by Micki Dyson-Flatmo, Brent Eviston, Joan Gold, Linda Mitchell, Kathy O’Leary, Stock Schlueter, Rachel Schlueter and Amy Stewart.

9. MIKKIMOVES’ LIVING ROOM GALLERY 805 Seventh St. Rob Hampson, watercolors. Half of proceeds go to the Jefferson Project. Music by Anna Hamilton. 10. EUREKA SPA AND SALON 601 Fifth St. Complimentary hair chalking, braiding, stress fix ritual. Artist TBA. 11. ROSE’S BILLIARDS 535 Fifth St. John Hall, photographs. Signed photos of Women’s Professional Billiards Association champs and other sports memorabilia. 12. SEWELL GALLERY FINE ART 423 F St. Rick Gustafson, blur photography. Louis Marak, ceramic sculpture. Dar Spain, photography. Music by Squeeze Bug. Beverage sales benefit Sequoia Humane Society. 13a. SIDEWALK GALLERY at Ellis Art and Engineering, 401 Fifth St. Music by Pat Durbin. 14. AMIGAS BURRITOS 317 Fifth St. “Barns of Humboldt County,” selected photo and art contest winners presented by Humboldt County Farm Bureau. Coffee shop side: Vince Cavataio, “Ocean Scenes,” photography. 14a. HUMBOLDT REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE 311 Fifth St. D. Nickleson Miller, wildlife paintings. 15. PRIMATE TATU 139 Fifth St. “Old School Art,” Michael Arneson. 16. BAR FLY PUB AND GRUB 91 Commercial St. Marnie Schneider, artwork. Art from Kathleen Bryson’s private collection. 17. CHERI BLACKERBY GALLERY and THE STUDIO 272 C St. “Inter Galaxies,” Deanna Dutra, abstract, acrylic paintings. 17a. C STREET STUDIOS & HALL GALLERY 208 C St., “Whispered Secrets,” Thaddeus Zoellner and Michael Royce, mixed media. 17b. THE WORKS 210 C St. Music by Hypnotic Transference. 18. SAILORS’ GRAVE TATTOO 138 Second St. Tattoo related art, antiques and memorabilia. 18b. MANTOVA’S TWO ST. MUSIC 124 Second St. Music by Bradley Dean. 18c. THE BLACK FAUN GALLERY 120 Second St. “A Gleaming Moon,” donated work by 15 artists to benefit Food For People. Music TBA. 19. STEVE AND DAVE’S First and C streets. Marni Schneider, photography.

- Featuring Work by Malcolm DeSoto Enjoy 20 short films celebrating the entrepreneurial people and artisan products made in beautiful, Humboldt County, California.

Saturday, September 7th • Eureka Theater

Savor local foods. Sip your favorite libations Celebrate community

Premiere ! y a w a e v i g ticket etails on d r o f h c t Wa al’s the Journ Page . Facebook

continued on next page • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 2013


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19a. REDWOOD CURTAIN 220 First St. Lobby Gallery: Garland St. Studio Artists featuring current and former students of Studio founder Barbara Pulliam. Gael Dougherty, Jessica Astorga, Colette Baeupre, Betty Dale, Jac Forthun, Sherry Hornbrook, Edie Llist, Janette Murphy, Barbara, Dennis Rosser, Heather Shelton, Ron Titus, Jr. and Alice Zedelis, chalk pastel on paper. Until 7:30 p.m. “Becky’s New Car” performance starts at 8 p.m. 19b. GALLAGHER’S IRISH PUB 139 Second St. Ron Thompson, oils. 20. CHAPALA CAFE 201 Second St. Kylan Luken, photography. 20a. ACCENT GALLERY 219 Second St. Music by Man in White. 20b. GOOD RELATIONS 223 Second St. Noelle Cox, oil paintings. 21. HUMBOLDT HERBALS 300 Second St. Carrie Elizabeth Wachter Martinez, live performance art paintings. Music by Jan Bramlett, acoustic guitar and vocals. 21a. FOREVER YOUNG 308 Second St. Jan Hollander, paintings. 22. THE SIREN’S SONG TAVERN 325 Second St., Ste. 102. Scott Hemphill, sculptures. 22a. BRENDA TUXFORD GALLERY 325 Second St. “Made by Hand,” open community art show. 22b. ALTERNATIVE BUILDING CENTER 325 Second St. Jan Scurfield, “Sacred Images,” photography. Music by Midnight Flack.


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22c. RUSTIC WEST TRADING CO. 339 Second St. Shullie Steinfeld, hand made jewelry. 4th St Karen Nelson, Day of the Dead art. Vickie McDonald, bead jewelry. Adam Dias, woodworking. 23. CIARA’S IRISH SHOP 334 Second St. Music by Sam and Angela Lundeen. 15 13a 14a 14 24. CLARKE HISTORICAL MUSEUM St and E 5thThird streets. “From Sawdust to Uranium: The History of Electrical Power Generation in Humboldt County” presented in partnership with PG&E. 25. STUDIO 424 424 Third St. James Reid and Mark 6th St McKenna, photography. 26. SHIPWRECK 430 Third St. Anna Amezcua, paintings. Allison Marsh, photography. 27. CAFÉ NOONER 409 Opera Alley. Doug Lunt and Marley, paintings. Music by The Living Rooms. 028. HUMBOLDT BAYKEEPER 500 ft211 E 7th St St. Swimmable © NORTH COAST JOURNAL/Miles Eggleston Humboldt photos. Music by Kenny Ray and the Mighty Rovers. 28a. RAMONE’S 209 E St. Paula Redfeldt, reproductions of Native American pictographs and petroglyphs. Music by Lizzie and the Moonbeams, blues and swing. 30. TRUCHAS GALLERY/LOS BAGELS 403 Second St. Gigi Floyd, mixed media and beeswax collages. 31. BELLE STARR 405 Second St. Craig Michael Anthony (Pedley), landscape oil paintings. 31a. NORTH SOLES 407 Second St. Tomomi Barrett and Aiko Mogi, pressed flower art and jewelry. 33. HSU FIRST STREET GALLERY 422 First St. “HSU



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ART DEPARTMENT: NOW,” HSU faculty and staff exhibition. 34. BAYFRONT RESTAURANT F Street Plaza. Rich12 Duning, paintings. ard 12b35. LIVING THE DREAM ICE CREAM 1 F St. Conrad 10 Calimpong, 11a photography. 36. STRICTLY FOR THE BIRDS 123 F St. “The Best 8a Nest,”8 Louise Bacon-Ogden. 7a 37. EUREKA FABRICS 414 Second St. Huge fourth 7 birthday celebration! 6 THE LITTLE SHOP OF HERS 416 Second St. Kati 37a. 5 5a Barret, paintings. 4 38. TREASURE TROVE 420 Second St. Music by Pat 3 Kanzler. Morris Graves 38a. EUREKA BOOKS 426 Second St. Final voting Museum 2 for new paint colors. to 9 38b. RIVERBEND CELLARS & MORE 434 Second St. 1 Phyllis Barba, ink on board. 38c. MANY HANDS GALLERY 438 Second St. “Advanced Polka,” Mike Vitiello, acrylic on canvas. 39. NATURE GEAR 226 F St. Artwork from Studio S. Music by Guilty Apples. 39a. ALIROSE 229 F St. Jane Cooper “Mix” collection launch. Justine Levy, jewelry. 40. THE WINE SPOT 234 F St. “The Night Stage to Orick,” Bob and Donna Sellers, paintings. 41. OLD TOWN JEWELERS 311 F St. Abbie Perrott, oil pastels, watercolors and cards. 42. COCO & CUVEE 531 Third St. Jennifer BackmanStone, acrylic on canvas, watercolor and mixed media.

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43. DISCOVERY MUSEUM Corner of F and Third streets. Kids Alive Program. Drop off 5:30-8:00 p.m. Call for reservations, 443-9694. 44. AMERICAN INDIAN ART GALLERY 241 F St. 44a. OLD TOWN ART GALLERY 233 F St. Music by Dana Ballard. 44b. HUMBOLDT BAY COFFEE 526 Opera Alley. R. Gouldberg, paintings. Music by The Pyronauts. 45. CODY GALLERY 213 F St. 46. OLD TOWN COFFEE and CHOCOLATES 211 F St. Randy Meyers, photography. Music by Jim Lahman Band. 47. OLD TOWN ANTIQUE LIGHTING Corner of Second and F streets. Amy Granfield, oil paintings. Music by Wynsome Winds (Joyce Carter and Mary Harper). 49. LINEN CLOSET 127 F St. Paula F. Anderson, watercolors. 49a. FIVE ELEVEN 511 Second St. Rob Hampson, large format paintings. Music by The Uptown Kings, 9:30 p.m. 50. WOLF DAWG 525 Second St. Music by John David Young Conspiracy. “Foowitichoo” CD release party. 50b. HUMBOLDT HARDWARE 531 Second St. “Monster Wood Bowls and Carvings,” Vance Balter. 51. PARASOL ARTS 211 G St. Thomas Hunt, mosaic art; Andrew Daniel, paintings. 52. HUMBOLDT BAY TOURISM CENTER Second and G streets. Linda Mitchell, paintings. 53. ORANGE CUP CORAL SALON 612 Second St. Rob Hampson, abstract oils. 54. PIANTE 620 Second St. “Water Ways,” mixed media sculpture and paintings. 55. SMUG’S PIZZA 626 Second St. Brandon Garland, pen and ink. 57. STUDIO S 717 Third St. Multiple artists, paintings of water. 58. ADORNI CENTER 1011 Waterfront St. Kirk Shelton, Howard Rutherford and Melissa Zielinsky. ●

The Sea Grill Always serving you the finest and freshest of our local catch


Fortuna’s First Friday Sept. 6, 6-9 p.m.

316 E ST. • OLD TOWN, EUREKA • 443-7187 DINNER MON-SAT 5-9 •LUNCH TUE-FRI 11-2


Find art, music and fun in downtown Fortuna on the first Friday of every month, 6-9 p.m. Artists interested in participating should contact fortunadowntown@ 1. BARTOW’S JEWELERS 651 12th St. Breanna Ponci, photography. 4. DAKOTA’S DESIGNS 1040 Main St. Acrylics, oils, photography and live painting. 5. EEL RIVER BREWING COMPANY 1777 Alamar Way. Sonny Wong, live painting. 7. FORTUNA ART & OLD THINGS 1026 Main St. Karen Howard, hand-carved and mixed media. 8. FORTUNA DOWNTOWN ART GALLERY Main Street. Come and meet the Fortuna Arts Council. 9. HOPPY’S FROYO 1551 Main St. Jan Carter, handpainted mural. Music by Small Band, blues/rock. 11. L’S KITCHEN 734 10th St. Stir Fry Willie, acrylic on canvas. 12. MAIN STREET ART GALLERY & SCHOOL 1006 Main St. Chuck Bowden, portrait miniatures on


polished clay poker chips. 13. MARIAN’S BEAUTY SALON 741 11th St. Ashley Bones, custom made jewelry. 14. MCLEAN FOUNDATION 1336 Main St. Art from the collection of the River Lodge Humboldt Made Gallery. Music by Melange, alternative dance rock. 15. PRECISION INTERMEDIA 1012 Main St. Amy Leon, upcycled, mixed media. 17. RAIN ALL DAY BOOKS 1136 Main St. Fortuna Art Council artists. 18. STREHL’S FAMILY SHOES & REPAIR 1155 Main St. Penny Saville Fregeau. acrylic on canvas. 19. TACO LOCO 955 Main St. Richard Leamon, oil paintings. ●

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On Arts Alive! nights open until 9pm



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continued on next page

Bayfront Restaurant One F Street, Eureka, CA 443-7489 Open Daily 11-9:30pm |

The Finest Art for your Home, Office & Garden Tues-Sat 10-6pm • Sun Noon-5pm 423 F Street, Eureka • 269-0617 • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 2013


continued from previous page

Trinidad Art Night Friday, Sept. 6, 6-9 p.m.



Beer & Sake on 18th St., between G & H, Northtown Arcata 826-1988

Old TOwn’s Premier TaTTOO sTUdiO

1. Trinidad Trading Company 460 Main St. “Heart of Old,” Natia Natwick, needle felted creations and mixed media jewelry and art. 2. WindanSea 410 Main St. Featured local art and gifts. 3. Trinidad Museum 400 Janis Court at Patricks Point Drive. “Large Baskets from the Permanent Collection,” “Photographs of Native Americans of Northwest California.” Lee Taylor Walashek and J. Goldsborough, visual art. Music by Joe Garceau. 4. Ocean Grove 480 Patricks Point Drive. Afterparty! Tim Breed and Johnnie Zee, original folk rock. Midnight Flock, original rock and light show. Doors open at 9 p.m. Admission $5. 5. CL Leathers 490 Trinity St. Music by Margaret Kellerman and JD Jeffries, original celtic and folk. 6. Trinidad Art Gallery 490 Trinity St. Diane Sonderegger, raku fired animal sculptures. Music by the BlueJayz, jazz. 7. Saunder’s Park start of Patricks Point Drive. “Free Spirit Spin Jam,” 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fire Show Extravaganza, Circus of the Elements, 8:45 p.m. Music by the Mad River Rounders, bluegrass, 7-8 p.m.

8. The Lighthouse Grill 355 Main St. TBA 9. Salty’s 322 Main St. Drew Hyland, landscape and surf photography. Music TBA. 10. The Eatery 607 Parker St. Rick Gustafson, photography. Music by For Folks Sake! 11. Trinidad Town Hall 409 Trinity St. TBA. 12. Beachcomber Cafe 363 Trinity St. Otto Portillo, mixed media. Music by Clouds on Mountain. 13. Ocean Wave Healing Arts Studio behind Beachcomber. Mark “Tree” Allen, furniture and instruments. 14. Seascape Restaurant and Pier 1 Bay St. Jim Welsh, marine paintings. 15. Trinidad B&B 560 Edwards St. Sam Lundeen, Trinidad landscapes. Music by Howdy Emmerson, harp. 16. Moonstone Crossing 529 Trinity St. Wine tasting. TBA. Throughout Trinidad Redwood Express horsedrawn wagon. ●



Shows Big and Small

The wonders of the local and lesser known By Jennifer Savage


hose who work in entertainment media tend to fall into one of two camps. The first camp tells people about what they already know and enjoy, the idea being that the public likes the comfort of familiarity. The second camp figures that people prefer the thrill of discovery. I’m hoping you’re adventurous types, so I’m not going to spend too much time telling you that Mickey Hart and Sara Bareilles are playing. If you have tickets to see Eureka’s most — and deservedly — successful singer ever (that would be Bareilles), then good on you, ’cause that Van Duzer show sold out in a hot minute, and if you’re going to see Mickey Hart at the Arcata Theatre Lounge, then you’re way more into that scene than I am, and I wish you well.

‘War and Peace’ at the Mateel

Let’s move on — specifically, to a show not for the faint of heart. Thursday night, the Mateel presents Immortal Technique and Brother Ali as they kick off their War and Peace tour. On Immortal Technique: He’s Peruvian out of Harlem, he has intense political views that embrace revolutionary activism and my 17-year-old son has been a fan for years now. On Brother Ali: He’s from Minnesota, he brought serious hook and soul when I saw him onstage with Atmosphere at Outside Lands in 2009 and he delivers messages on faith and love with equal parts earnestness and grit. He’s also, to parrot the conventional summary, “Muslim, albino and legally blind.” But you should check him out for his nerve, not his novelty. The gig is hosted by the “ghetto ambassador” and Brooklyn native Poison Pen, tickets are $27 and doors open at 7 p.m. All ages!

says that the first half of the night will be a “Trini”-dance party — all the best soca and calypso tunes from Trinidad. (Assuming that’s the country and not one of California’s smallest incorporated cities, population 367.) A truly Humboldt experience for those 21-and-over. Cover is $15, music starts around 10 p.m. Oh, and given the inevitable life changes, it’s also one of Steel Standing’s final shows.

Entertainment explosion

Saturday night is one of those times where you might just want to drop your head in your hands and despair over the sheer number of choices you face on the amusement front. Over in Eureka, art comes alive with artists making awkward conversation with wine-drunk fans, buskers enticing you to throw your dollars into guitar cases, shopping opportunities galore and the opportunity to catch up with people you know on every corner. Later in the night, the appropriately named “Late Night with Sherae” marks the second time comedian, emcee, radio host and columnist Sherae O’Shaughnessy does the live talk show thing in the Eureka Inn’s Palm Lounge with musical guests SambAmore. Note: Yours truly will also be her guest, and I have a minuscule role in the

See them while they’re Steel Standing

Changing course, Friday night at the Jambalaya, the 10-piece Arcata-based percussive wonder Steel Standing celebrates the release of the band’s Kickstarterfunded debut CD. The very stoked band

Who: Steel Standing Where: Jambalaya When: Fri., Sept 6, 10 p.m. Tickets: $15

Humboldt Made premiere shindig earlier that night at the Eureka Theatre (see the calendar for details), so there’s that.

Jazz wonder woman

Who: Rhiannon Where: Arcata Playhouse When: Sat., Sept 7, 8 p.m. Tickets: $15 advance, $20 door

On the music side of things, you’ve got Rhiannon at the Arcata Playhouse and Lord Ellis at the Alibi. Talk about your yin and yang. Fans of underground jazz know Rhiannon from her decade with Alive! and her tenure with Bobby McFerrin’s Voicestra. Originally from the Midwest, she was, according to her bio, “lured to California by burgeoning lesbian passions.” Her years of singing, touring and living manifested in her onewoman show, “Toward Home.” More than a vocalist, Rhiannon is a storyteller. Tickets to share her experience are $15 advance, $20 at the door. Show starts at 8 p.m. on Saturday.

Rock gods

photos courtesy of the artists.

The members of Lord Ellis will return to that fabled Alibi corner and bring rawk so big you’ll marvel it fits in such a small space. Founded in 2011, Lord Ellis brings together 20 years of Humboldt County kickass rock tradition. The latest in a line of local legends that include The Hitch, Dragged by Horses, Wasabi and Grimace, Lord Ellis promises to, and I quote, “Knock you off your feet, step on your head, then maybe give you a hand up — if you’re not a total dick.” Rounding out the bill, Seventh Rule Recordings artists Diesto, a sludge metal outfit out of Portland. A quick listen to High as the Sun, Diesto’s sophomore effort, confirms the sludginess. Loud and assaultive, natch. Alibi usual — music starts around 11:15 p.m. on Saturday, show is $5, the guy at the door wants you

to have an ID confirming you are at least 21 years old.

Awna Teixeira

Sunday was supposed to bring us the Portuguese-Canadian multi-instrumentalist Awna Teixeira, best known from her band Po’ Girl, at the Arcata Playhouse, but the show has been canceled. It’s being rescheduled for springtime.

Tuesday temptation

Yet another big weekday show takes place in the form of The Slackers, New York City’s self-described “legendary masters of reggae, ska, soul and rock’n’roll” on Tuesday at Hum Brews. In the 22 years the Slackers have been together, they’ve released a lot of albums embodying that sound that seems to go over so well in Humboldt. Many people will like this show — fans of Sublime, Slightly Stoopid or the Dirty Heads, for example. Tickets are $15, show is 21-and-over, things start around 9:30 p.m.


While we here at the Journal strive to provide the most accurate information, every so often unforeseen circumstances mean a show will be canceled or changed. It’s never a bad idea to double-check on websites, Facebook or with a phone call. Full show listings in the Journal’s Music and More grid, the Eight Days a Week calendar and online. Bands and promoters, send your gig info, preferably with a highres photo or two, to • • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013


Bristol Rose Cafe & Palm Lounge

Palm Lounge Special Drink Menu 5:30-7:30 M-F $5 Appetizers $3 Pints $4 Cocktails $5 Wine By The Glass




Corner of 7th & f, eureka • (707) 497-6093 •

Fine Wines Fine Wines







Premium Tobacco

Premium Tobacco


entertainment in bold includes paid listings

clubs • concerts • cafés bands • djs • karaoke • drink & food specials • pool tournaments • and more venue

thur 9/5

fri 9/6

sat 9/7

Try one of our special Bloody Mary’s Blue Lotus Jazz 6-9pm

Serving breakfast, lunch & dinner.

Lord Ellis + Diesto (heavy rock + sludge metal) 10:30pm $5

ARCATA THEATRE LOUNGE 1036 G St. Info line: 822-1220

Mickey Hart Band w/ Tea Leaf Trio 21+ Doors 7:30pm $35

Campbell Creek Connexion Life Tree Film Fest Doors 6:30pm $5

PechaKucha Night Doors 6:30pm FREE w/ $5 food/bev

BAR-FLY PUB 91 Commercial, Eureka 443-3770

Thursday Madness: $8 pitchers 6pm til close. Free pool in back room

Juke Box Karaoke w/ DJ dance music 9pm

The Last Match (classic rock) 9pm FREE

BEAR RIVER CASINO 733-9644 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta

Karaoke w/ Chris Clay 8pm

Jimi Jeff & The Gypsy Band (Hendrix-inspired guitar/dance) 9pm

The Preservation (indie country) 9pm Anya Skidan (singer/songwriter) 8pm FREE Hot Rods Band 8pm

THE ALIBI 744 9th St. Arcata. 822-3731 ANGELINA INN Fernbridge 725-5200

BLONDIES Arcata 822-3453 BLUE LAKE CASINO - WAVE LOUNGE 777 Casino Way, Blue Lake 668-9770

Rhiannon + Tim Randles 8pm $20

Open Mic 7pm Karaoke w/ KJ Leonard 8pm

CECIL’S BISTRO Garberville 923-7007

Karaoke w/ DJ Marv 9pm Free Thirsty Thursday = low beer costs

Happy Friday!

NRF (country) 7:30pm FREE

Gary Stewart 7:30pm FREE

Twango 7:30pm FREE

S.I.N. & Service Night w/ Accurate Productions 6pm FREE

The Tumbleweeds (cowboy) 6-8pm Hookah Stew (Portland) 9pm FREE

The Tumbleweeds (cowboy) 6-8pm Hookah Stew (Portland) 9pm FREE

Fresh squeezed cocktails.

CHAPALA CAFÉ Eureka 443-9514

CHER-AE HEIGHTS - FIREWATER LOUNGE (right over the footbridge)

1644 G STREET • ARCATA • 822-1865

27 Scenic Dr. Trinidad 677-3611


FIVE ELEVEN 511 2nd Street, Eureka 268-3852 THE FORKS Willow Creek GALLAGHER’S IRISH PUB 139 2nd St. Eureka HUMBOLDT BREWS 856 10th St. Arcata 826-2739

Great plates to share, North Coast Market Fare Jimi Jeff’s Open Jam 8:30pm Seabury & Evan 7pm

Thirsty Thursday! All pitchers $2 off

INK ANNEX 47B W. 3rd St., Eureka JAMBALAYA 822-4766 Arcata LIBATION 825-7596 761 8th St. Arcata LIL’ RED LION 444-1344 1506 5th St Eureka



LOGGER BAR 510 Railroad Ave. Blue Lake 668-5000 MAD RIVER BREWERY 101 Taylor Way Blue Lake 668-5680


1.75 Liter 2 1 + O N LY

Shuffle Board, Bumper Pool & Free Wi-Fi

CUTTEN INN 3980 Walnut Dr., Eureka EUREKA INN PALM LOUNGE 518 7th St. Eureka 497-6093

Russian Standard VODKA

Eyes Anonymous 8pm Friday Night Special 6pm FREE

CAFE BRIO 791 8th St., Arcata CENTRAL STATION 1631 Central, McKinleyville 839-2013


Anna Hammilton (blues) 6pm


MATEEL COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Rusk Ln., Redway 923-3368

BBQ & Open Mic 12pm Late Night w/ Sherae ft. No Covers (talk show) 9pm FREE

Live Music some weekends!

Pizzas, oysters, wine + more.

Papa Paul 7pm

Papa Paul 7pm

BA-DUM-CHH Comedy Presents: Jason Dove + Christopher John 9pm $5

Miracle Show (Grateful Dead tribute) 9:30pm $8

Bummerfest (rock/pop/acoustic) 3-10pm Bummerfest (metal/punk/hip-hop) 3-9pm Space Biscuit + Electric Gravy 10pm $5

Darion Gap 7-9pm FREE It’s a bar. Gunsafe 9pm FREE Fred & Jr. (swing jazz) 6pm FREE Brother Ali + Immortal Technique Doors 7pm $27 ALL AGES

Steel Standing CD Release 9pm Tools for Trades: A benefit 9pm $5 Aber Miller + Drew Moore (jazz) 7-10pm FREE Lang, Engleman & Hall (jazz) 7-10pm FREE We have beer. TBA Taqueria La Barca

We also have liquor. Indianola 9pm FREE Bourbon Barrel Aged Extra Stout on tap

Comedy Cabaret: Sean Peabody et al. (stand up) 8pm $10 18+

MOSGO’S 2461 Alliance Rd., Arcata NOCTURNUM 206 W. 6th St., Eureka

Dirty Thursday w/ Pressure Anya 9:30pm

OCEAN GROVE 480 Patrick’s Point Dr., Trinidad OLD TOWN COFFEE & CHOC. 211 F St. Eureka 445-8600 PEARL LOUNGE 507 2nd St. Eureka 444-2017

Buddy Reed (gut bucket blues) 7pm FREE

Bagels, pastries & of course, chocolate.

Jim Lahman Band (blues/jazz/funk) 7-9:30pm FREE Live music & events some weekends.

Serving food from Five Eleven.

Ray Bevatori (singer/guitarist) 7pm FREE

Sam Maez Quartet (jazz) 7pm FREE

REDWOOD CURTAIN BREWING 550 South G St., Arcata 826-7222

Nicholas Williams (Americana/Folk) 8pm

Why not kick off your weekend with a beer & a brat?

Open from noon to midnight tonight!

REDWOOD RAKS 616-6876 824 L St., Arcata

Blues Night 8-10pm (lessons + dancing) $5

1st Friday Folk Dance Party Live Music 7:30pm $5

Birthday Parties & Special Events!

Brian Post 9pm FREE

SB Lounge 9pm FREE


RED LION HOTEL’S LOUNGE 4th & V St., Eureka ROBERT GOODMAN WINES 937 10th St. Arcata 826-WINE

Chris Clay’s Karaoke 9pm-1am FREE The Raven & the Writing Desk 9pm FREE

Kenny Ray & the Mighty Rovers Happy Hour 3pm Lunch 11:30am-4pm (country swing) 7:30pm Opent for Dinner 4pm Open for Dinner 4pm SIDELINES 732 9th St. Arcata 822-0919 Rude Lion: Krunk & Hip Hop 10pm $2 DJ Music 10pm $2 Rude Lion: Krunk & Hip Hop 10pm $2 Good & Evil Twins Karaoke 8pm SILVER LINING 3561 Boeing Ave. Mck THE SIREN’S SONG 325 2nd St. Eureka Datablend 9pm FREE The Vanishing Pints (folk) 9pm FREE DANCE! w/ Pressure Anya Crosby Tyler The Movers & The Shakers SIX RIVERS BREWERY Central Ave., McK. 839-7580 (rock/blues jam) 9pm 9pm FREE (folk honky-tonk) 9pm ShugaFoot (jazz/blues) 9:30pm Buddy Reed Band Fresh, local, organic ingredients THE SPEAKEASY BAR 411 Opera Alley, Eureka 444-2244 Ladies night ($1 off drinks) 8pm (blues) 10pm and a crazy selection of beer. Mean.Cute Caberet 8pm ALL AGES SYNAPSIS 47A W. 3rd St., Eureka TOBY & JACKS Arcata Plaza DJ Music 10pm DJ Music 10pm TIP TOP CLUB Friday and Saturday Throwback Thursdays 6269 Loma Ave., Eureka 443-5696 lap dance specials SHAMUS T BONES 191 Truesdale St., Eureka 407-3550


Charles Bradley (funk/soul) 8pm $5/25

Get your event in next week’s Music & more:


Restaurant 301 & Carter House Inns 301 L St, Eureka (707) 444-8062

BUMMERFEST 2013! Friday & Saturday at Ink Annex


Two-day local music fest with 15+ bands including Shores Galore (pictured).


sun 9/8

mon 9/9

tues 9/10

wed 9/11

Find us on Facebook.

Appetizers and munchies.

Juke box, pool tables + TVs.

Blue Lotus Jazz 10am-2pm

Blue Lotus Jazz 6-9pm

Monster House (2006) Doors 5:30pm $5 Rated PG

Monday Night Football 3:45pm/1st Game 4pm, 2nd 7:15pm

Find more information at

Sci Fi Night: Werewolf of Washington (1973) Doors 6pm All Ages FREE

Kitchen open until 1:30am

Pint Night 6pm-close $2 beer pints

$5 Wing Night & Free Pool in the back room

Bar-Fly Karaoke 9pm FREE

Have a drink in the Thirsty Bear Lounge. Quiz Night 7pm Prime Rib Dinner Special in Alice’s Steak & Sushi $14.99

Book your hotel stay online & save 10%

Sunday Brunch 9am Jazz Night 7pm Karaoke w/ KJ Leonard 8pm Sport Sunday $3.00 Well Drinks $1.00 off all pint draft beers

Happy Monday!

Karaoke w/ Chris Clay 8pm FREE & 9-Ball Tournament 8pm

8-Ball Tournament 8pm

Fat Tire Tuesdays $2.00 Fat Tire Pints

Blues Night 7pm Wild Wing Wed.: Chicken wings & $8 domestic pitchers 5pm

Ladies Night Drink Specials! Speed Channel, ESPN, NFL Network

Open Daily 10am - 2am

Karaoke w/ Chris Clay 8pm FREE

FREE Pool & $3 wells

Closed Sundays & Mondays

Beers on tap and in bottles.

Great plates to share, North Coast Market Fare

Excellent daily specials






Dale Winget (acoustic) 6pm FREE

Pool tables & air hockey in back!

ast akf

8 ved

11 . to

Always great food — and the best cocktails. The Alibi crew cares about you. Please drink responsibly.

CARTER HOUR Mon-Fri, 4-6pm ½ off bar menu 5-6pm

Restaurant open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.

744 9th St. on the Arcata Plaza 822-3731  Bill Evans’ Soulgrass ft. Steve Kimock, Tim Carbone & Jeff Pevar 9:30pm $20

Tomorrow is Taster Tuesday! 10 beer tasters for $8

The Slackers 9:30pm $15 (Jamaican rock n’ roll)

Wing Wednesday! 2 lbs. only $17.59

DGS: Sundaze (EDM DJs) 9pm $5

The Getdown (local funk) 7pm

Robert Walter/20th Congress 8pm $18

BA-DUM-CHH Open Mic 9pm $3

Buddy Reed (blues guitar) 7-9pm

Don’t think of it as work Think of it as fun! littleredlioneurekacalif

Did we mention we had beer?

And liquor?

Potluck 6pm! Bring a dish & share with friends old a new! Football! 49ers vs. Seahawks

FREE pool all day! Service Industry workers come in for $1 off! 2 Football Games on! Kick-off @ 4pm

Ping Pong all day!

Jeff Landen (slide guitarist) 8:30pm FREE 4 for Jazz 6pm FREE

Jonathon Brinkley 6pm FREE (expansive folk from Oregon Coast)

Onhell + Wrye + Dat-1 (EDM) 10pm $5

Rude Lion Dancehall Mondayz 9pm

Enjoy Five Eleven oysters, pizzas + more.

Tequila Tuesdays muchas variedades

Open Mic 7pm w/ Mike Anderson Gary Stewart (singer/guitarist) 7pm FREE

Salsa Rueda 7-9pm

Game Night! Cornhole Tournament! 7pm Monday Night Swing 7-10pm (lessons + dancing) $5

Chris Parreira’s Open Mic Sign up 7pm/8pm FREE Lunch 11:30am-4pm Open for Dinner 4pm

Roots & Culture Reggae w/ DJ T Aura 9pm FREE T-Bone Shuffle Open Mic Jam w/ Jim Lahman Band 7pm FREE

Trivia Night 8pm Bottomless Mimosas 11:30am-3pm

Karaoke w/ DJ Marv 8pm Monday Night Sushi 6pm

Southern Fried Chicken 5pm

Chef’s Cut Wednesdays 5pm

Open Sunday-Thursday 4-11pm Friday and Saturday 4pm-2am

Anna Hamilton (blues/Americana) 7pm FREE

ShugaFoot (jazz/blues) 9:30pm Find The Speakeasy Bar on Facebook!

No Covers (jazz duo) 7pm FREE Specializing in tasty martinis.

Like us on Facebook

2-for-1 DD lap dances

2 Dollar Tuesdays $2 beer / $2 lap dances

Happy Growler Day! Get your growler filled for less $$$!

It’s Happy Day! $1 off most pints & goblets!

Pints for Nonprofit night benefiting CAFF!

West African Dance w/ Live Drumming 5:30-7pm

Many more classes:

Chubrtiza (world music) 8pm FREE

Salsa! (lessons + dance) 9pm $5

Happy Hour 3pm Dinner 4pm

Happy Hour 3pm Dinner 4pm

Marty O’Reilly et al. (soul) 8pm FREE

Rude Lion Sound 10pm

Sara Bareilles 8pm $28/38


Jimmy Cliff (reggae) 8pm $25/55

Ladies/Amateur Night Ladies get in free!

HBG • ROOR • Illadelph • Vaporizers

Sunday-Thursday 4pm-2am Friday and Saturday 3pm-2am

Now serving beer & wine

Featured Artist:


All PER Glass pieces are 15% off for the entire month of September


Locally Blown Glass • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 2013

Humboldt Hoodies • Hats • Beanies • Tshirts

Open Irish Session 3pm / Open Mic 7pm


Fall is almost here, which means pumpkin spice lattes and the kids out of your hair for a few hours each day. Celebrate at Eel River Brewery’s Back to School Backyard Bash on Sunday. Bring school supplies to donate for the chance to win prizes. Talk the kids into dyeing a shirt at the tie-dye booth while you enjoy a beer.

Love garage sales? Of course you do. Well now you can up your garage sale game to the next level by heading to Ferndale this weekend for a massive town-wide garage sale. There’s nothing like haggling in front of pristine Victorian storefronts to make you feel extra triumphant about paying 75 cents less for somebody’s rad cassette collection.

Just cuz we’re simple country folk don’t mean we can’t have a fancy movie premiere like them city slickers. So get all purdy-lookin’ and get yourself to the Eureka Theater on Saturday, because Humboldt Made is putting on a red carpet film premiere. The films are by Malcolm DeSoto and spotlight the best of Humboldt and local businesses.

5 thursday Lecture

Alternatives to Lead Ammunition. 6:30 p.m. Sequoia Park Zoo, 3414 W St., Eureka. Michael Palermo, wildlife biologist for the Yurok Tribe, gives a presentation on problems with lead bullets and presents alternatives. Ammunition exchange follows. Free. mpalermo@ 482-1822 extension 1028.


Brother Ali and Immortal Technique. 7 p.m. Mateel Community Center, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway. The controversial wordsmith returns to the North Coast, this time with activist/rapper Immortal Technique. $22.50-$27. Folklife Singalong. First Thursday of every month, 7-10 p.m. Arcata Community Center, 321 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway. Bring your voice, everything else is provided. Free. 839-7063. Mickey Hart Band with Tea Leaf Trio. 7:30 p.m. Arcata Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St. Former Grateful Dead drummer on tour for his new band’s latest album “Superorganism.” $35.


Becky’s New Car. 8 p.m. Redwood Curtain Theatre, 220 First St., Eureka. By Steven Dietz. A Mid-life comedic crisis. Preview night tickets on Sept. 5 and Sept. 6 are $10. Opening gala tickets on Sept. 7 are $17. Two tickets for $20 on cheap date Thursdays, Sept. 12, 19 and 26. All other dates are $15. Reservations recommended www.redwoodcurtain. com. 443-7688.


Cruz’N Eureka. Sept. 5-7. Old Town Gazebo, F and Second streets, Eureka. Hot cars cruising Old Town for the Boys and Girls Club. Barbecue, sock hop, show and shine, vendors, swap meet, racing, raffle and more! www. 442-3738.

For Kids

Art for Teens. 4:30-6 p.m. Fortuna United Methodist Church, 922 N St. Ink People’s drop-in drawing, painting, mixed-media, sculpting and more for teens. Free. 726-9048.


Henderson Center Farmers Market. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Henderson near F Street, Eureka. Fresh local produce, straight from the farmer. Music from No Covers this week. 441-9999.

McKinleyville Farmers Market. 3:15-6:30 p.m. McKinleyville Safeway Shopping Plaza, Central Avenue. Every Thursday. Fresh local vegetables, fruit and flowers straight from the farmer. Also fresh barbecued meats and live music.


Prison Hunger Strike Solidarity Demonstration. 5-8 p.m. Arcata Plaza, Ninth and G streets. PARC and Redwood Curtain CopWatch are staging “5 p.m. for the Five Demands,” weekly informational demonstrations in solidarity with the California prisoner hunger strike. Free. 442-7465. Human Rights Commission Monthly Meeting. First Thursday of every month, 5 p.m. County Courthouse, 825 Fifth St., Eureka. This month’s agenda includes Ordinance 2488, which restricts access to public facilities, and living conditions and facilities for Humboldt County’s homeless. Free. 668-4095.


Sip and Knit. 6 p.m. NorthCoast Knittery, 320 Second St., Eureka. Join fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers, spinners and other fiber artists as they socialize and work on their current projects. 442-9276.

6 friday Art

Arts Fortuna. First Friday of every month. Fortuna Main Street. Free. 845-2038. See listings on page 26. Arts Trinidad. First Friday of every month, 6-9 p.m. Art and music in central Trinidad. Free. trinidadart95570@ See listings on page 25.

30 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 •


World Dance Party. First Friday of every month, 8 p.m. Redwood Raks World Dance Studio, 824 L St., Arcata. The Humboldt Folk Dancers invite the public for an easy dance lesson and international dance music played by Musaic, Chubritza and other musicians. All ages and dance levels are welcome. $5. 822-8045.


A Walk on the Not So Wild Side. 7 p.m. Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge, 1020 Ranch Road, Loleta. See the beauty of the wildlife refuge without leaving the visitor center. Presented by David F. Thomson. Free. 733-5406.


Lifetree International Film Fest. 7 p.m. Arcata Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St. Dress for the red carpet and enjoy seven award-winning short films hosted by Dr. Ken Owens. $5.


Charles Bradley and His Extraordinaires. 8 p.m. Van Duzer Theatre, 1 Harpst St., Arcata. Funk/soul/R&B artist Bradley performs in support of his No Time for Dreaming album. $25, $5 HSU students. 826-3928.


Becky’s New Car. 8 p.m. Redwood Curtain Theatre. See Sept. 5 listing. An Evening of Vaudeville. 7 p.m. Sapphire Palace at Blue Lake Casino, 777 Casino Way. North Coast Repetory Theater presents live music, appetizers, comedy, musical numbers and circus entertainment at this fundraiser. $10.


Cruz’N Eureka. Old Town Gazebo. See Sept. 5 listing.

Wildcat Gem Festival. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Humboldt County Fairgrounds, 1250 Fifth St., Ferndale. Enormous gem show including more than 35 vendors, demonstrations, classes and displays of gemstones, minerals, jewelry, beads, jade, fossils, opals, gold and more. If you’re into sparkly rocks, this is the place for you. Free. 943-1575.


Garberville Farmers Market. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Garberville Town Square, Church Street. Local farm-fresh produce, meats, cheeses, baked goods and other specialty foods. EBT, Cal-Fresh and WIC accepted. 672-5224.


Humboldt Bay Boat Tours. 9 a.m. Humboldt Baykeeper, 217 E St., Eureka. Humboldt Baykeeper is offering free natural history boat tours of the north Humboldt Bay. The boat can accommodate up to five people. Make reservations one week in advance. Free. 268-8897.




Humboldt Made Film Premiere. 6 p.m. Eureka Theater, 612 F St. Mike Dronkers emcees this red carpet event featuring short films highlighting local businesses. $5 in advance, $10 at the door.


Rhiannon in Concert. 8 p.m. Arcata Playhouse, 1251 Ninth St. Join Rhiannon for an evening of song and improvisation with special guest Tim Randles on the piano. $15 advance, $20 at the door. 822-1575.


Arts Alive! First Saturday of every month, 6-9 p.m. Art,

and a heap of it. All around Old Town, Eureka. Free. www. 442-9054. See listings on page 22.


Becky’s New Car. 8 p.m. Redwood Curtain Theatre. See Sept. 5 listing.


Bargain Lovers’ Weekend. Ferndale Town Hall, 834 Main St. Has your hoard of trinkets, toasters and tea cups gotten a bit out of hand? At the citywide yard sale that is Bargain Lover’s Weekend in Ferndale, one person’s trash is someone else’s come-up. www.victorianferndale. com. 786-4477. CR Farm Open House and Barbecue. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. College of the Redwoods, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka. Free. 599-1338. Cruz’N Eureka. Old Town Gazebo. See Sept. 5 listing. Humboldt Botanical Garden Party Gala. 1 p.m. Humboldt Botanical Gardens, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, College of the Redwoods Campus. The biggest garden party in Humboldt County! Enjoy local food and drink, kids activities and a silent auction. Stroll and sway to the tunes of Vintage Rock’n’Soul at this fundraiser. Presale: $40 members, $50 non-members. $50 at gate. 12 and under free. 442-5139. Natural Fiber Fair. 10 a.m. Arcata Community Center, 321 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway. Demos, workshops, a kids’ craft zone and exhibits of weaving, spinning, knitting, dyeing, felting and basketry. Fiber, fleeces, yarn, tools and clothing for sale. Bring your projects and join the fiber circle! $5, kids and students free. 599-2729. PechaKucha Arcata/20/20. 7 p.m. Arcata Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St. An informal evening of rapid fire presentations featuring 20 images each that cover art, adventure, health, environment, travel, storytelling and just about anything that inspires. Free with $5 food or beverage purchase. 834-3428.

Sweet Ride

Poppin’ hoods at Cruz’n Eureka.

We love us some vintage here in Humboldt, and nothing says vintage like the rolling roar of a classic car. If you’re still jonesing for the smell of diesel after the Fortuna AutoXpo, Cruz’n Eureka is here to help.

Sanctuary Forest Benefit. 8 p.m. Beginnings, 4700 Briceland Thorn Road, Redway. Live music by Asha Nan and Vidagua, Asian-fusion dinner, silent auction and beer and wine. $25 entrance, $20 for dinner. Tour of Trinidad Bike Ride. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Trinidad Hall, 409 Trinity St. There’s nothing like whipping along the North Coast on a bicycle. The 2013 tour has three levels of difficulty so pro-racers and families can participate. All races start at Trinidad Elementary School. Entry Fee TBA. 845-3095. Wildcat Gem Festival. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Humboldt County Fairgrounds. See Sept. 6 listing.

For Kids

KEET Kids Club. First Saturday of every month, 12-2 p.m. Morris Graves Museum of Art, 636 F St., Eureka. Kids aged 2-8 hear a story and then create art, building their reading or comprehension skills. Each family leaves with a free book. Free. 442-0278 ext. 201.


Arcata Farmers Market. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Arcata Plaza, Ninth and G streets. Locavores’ delight: fresh vegetables and fruit from local producers, food vendors, plant starts, flowers, live music every week at 10 a.m. The Striped Pig String Band plays this weekend. Free. 441-9999. Herb Drying Demo. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Arcata Plaza, Ninth and G streets. Master preservers demonstrate herb drying during Farmers Market.


American Association of University Women. 9:30 a.m. Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, 921 Waterfront Drive, Eureka. Presenters from the Sequoia Zoo. The public is welcome, and membership is open to men and women with 2-year degrees and above. Call 445-2924 for reservations. $10. 443-1291.




And What Remains

Born for the Stage

SEPTEMBER 6TH, 7PM Enjoy a Red Carpet Event, with local host, Dr. Ken Owens, HSU professor. 7 Short Films.

Hosted at the Arcata Theater Lounge

Tickets $5

En Route

Saving Valentina

Breaking Through: Memories of the Tuskegee Airmen

The Last Race

Dream Job

Questions about the Lifetree Film Fest may be directed to Rachel at (707) 616-3777 or Sponsored by Lifetree Café. Lifetree Café is hosted weekly at Campbell Creek Connexion, corner of Union and 13th St., Arcata.

continued on next page

This auto-obsessed fundraiser for Boys and Girls Club of the Redwoods hits the road with a poker run from the Eureka Inn to the Fresh Freeze, where everybody’s meeting up for the after-party social. Engines start for the cruise through Old Town at 5:30 p.m. on Friday. No wheels? You can still grease your hair, hang out on the curb with a soda pop and watch the four-wheeled beauties go by. On Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., it’s a full-on retro street fair with food vendors, a show and shine (the pinnacle of fancy car ownership — polishing it up and standing around while people circle and admire), raffle and swap meet (another thrill for collectors — the hunting and haggling!). Have a milkshake, take some photos (go super retro and use an actual camera?) and check out those white walls. — Jennifer Fumiko Cahill

Mon-Sat: 10am-6pm Sun: 10am-5pm

(707) 826-7435

Hwy. 101, between Eureka & Arcata in the Bracut Industrial Park






ALL GENERAL H YDROPONICS THRU SEPTEMBER • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013


continued from previous page


Arcata Marsh Tour. 2 p.m. Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary Interpretive Center, 600 S. G St. Meet a trained guide for a 90-minute walk focusing on the ecology of the marsh. Free. 826-2359. Audubon Society Arcata Marsh Tour. 8:30 a.m. Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary. Redwood Region Audubon Society is sponsoring a free public field trip. Bring your binoculars and have a great morning birding! Meet the trip leader in the parking lot at the end of South I Street (Klopp Lake) in Arcata, rain or shine. Trip ends around 11 a.m. Free. calendar.html. 267-4055. Bike Rodeo. 10 a.m.-noon. Pierson Park, 1608 Pickett Road, McKinleyville. Learn bike safety skills, get your bike fixed or pedal yourself a bike-powered smoothie. Helmets required. Free. 839-9003. Hammond Trail Work Day. First Saturday of every month, 9-11 a.m. Hammond Trail, Mad River Bridge, Arcata. Work on a water drainage project, remove graffiti, pick up trash and paint bollards. Dress for work. New volunteers welcome. Contact for meeting place. humtrails. 826-0163.


2013 Goddess Games. Women’s disc golf tournament Saturday and Sunday. Search 2013 Goddess Games on Facebook for locations, times and registration fees.


Women’s Peace Vigil. 12-1 p.m. County Courthouse, 825 Fifth St., Eureka. Dress warmly and bring your own chair. No perfume, please. Free. 269-7044.

8 sunday Art

Art Talk with Corey Drieth. 2 p.m. Morris Graves Museum of Art, 636 F St., Eureka. Join artist Corey Drieth as he discusses his current exhibition at the Morris Graves Museum, “Numina.” $5 suggested donation. Trinidad Artists Market. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Murphy’s Market parking lot, Main and View avenues, Trinidad. Art and crafts from local artisans, live music and barbecue. 834-8720.


Bayside Grange Music Project. 5-9 p.m. Bayside Grange, 2297 Jacoby Creek Road. From 5-7 p.m. anyone playing any instrument with any ability is invited; 7-9 p.m. people with wind instruments for Bandemonium. Donations. www.relevantmusic. org/Bayside. 442-0156. Sara Bareilles. 8 p.m. Van Duzer Theatre, 1 Harpst St., Arcata. Local girl, Grammy nominee and Billboard charttopper Bareilles returns to Humboldt to take the stage at HSU. $38, $28 students.


Back to School Backyard Bash. 2-5 p.m. Eel River Brew-

Madrigal Choir Rummage Sale. 8 a.m. Arcata High School, 1720 M St. Gently used items for sale in the gym (at the Northwest corner of the school). Browse, buy and help these students travel to a choir competition in Italy this April. 25 cents and up.

The best thing about the local food movement is how it lends political, nay, moral weight to indulging in the pleasures of eating. Get ready for some righteous noshing, because September is Local Food Month! All over Humboldt this month, everybody and their local farmer is putting on some sort of event to help us all appreciate and enjoy the food we produce right here on the North Coast. And there’s usually something to eat. There are over 40 events planned — go to for a full menu of the goings on. Some highlights this weekend include a master preservers herb drying demo from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Arcata Farmers Market on Saturday (where some family farm produce tasting is also going on) and a farm tour and open house at the College of the Redwoods farm in Shively. On Sunday from 1-3 p.m., take a tour of the Mycality Mushroom farm

A month of socially and ecologically responsible gluttony.

Dig in

in Samoa. Mushrooms! There are grange breakfasts, dinner events, tastings, potlucks and gardening workshops. Learn to can! See beer brewed! Save seeds! The world is your locally harvested oyster. And it will be delicious. — Jennifer Fumiko Cahill

ing Company, 1777 Alamar Way, Fortuna, Fortuna. Donate school supplies and win prizes at Eel River Brewery’s back-to-school bash, featuring a calypso band and tiedye booth. All ages welcome. Free. Bargain Lovers’ Weekend. Ferndale Town Hall. See Sept. 7 listing. Natural Fiber Fair. 10 a.m. Arcata Community Center. See Sept. 7 listing. Wildcat Gem Festival. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Humboldt County Fairgrounds. See Sept. 6 listing.


Mycality Mushrooms Farm Tour. 1p.m. 1900 Bendixsen St., Building 22, Fairhaven. Tour of mushroom production labs and fruiting facility. 834-6396.


Guided Nature Walk. Second Sunday of every month, 9 a.m. Richard J. Guadagno Visitor Center, Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge, 1020 Ranch Road, Loleta. This free, two-mile walk is open to the public and is a great way to familiarize yourself with the flora and fauna of HumCo. Binoculars are available at the visitor’s center. Free. 733-5406.


Sandlot Baseball. 1 p.m. Sandlot league that’s been around for seven or eight years in Arcata — all skill levels — open invite hardball. Games are every Sunday on the field behind the CHP station in Arcata. 18-plus. Bring glove. 497-9594. 2013 Goddess Games. See Sept. 7 listing.


Madrigal Choir Rummage Sale. 8 a.m. Arcata High School. See Sept. 7 listing. Redwood Coast Scrabble Club. 1-5 p.m. Mosgo’s, 2461 Alliance Road, Arcata. Scrabble. Nothing more, nothing less. 677-9242.

9 monday Dance

Friendship Circle Dance. 7-10 p.m. Moose Lodge, 4328 Campton Road, Eureka. Dancing for people in their 50s and older, with live music featuring tunes from the 1930s-50s. $4. 725-5323.

Spoken Word

Poets on the Plaza. Second Monday of every month, 8 p.m. Plaza View Room, Eighth and H streets, Arcata. Read/perform your original poetry or hear others. $1.

10 tuesday Music

Jimmy Cliff. 8 p.m. Van Duzer Theatre, 1 Harpst St., Arcata. Reggae music’s reigning godfather, Jimmy Cliff, of The Harder They Come fame, performs live at HSU. Adult $55, child $35, HSU student $25. carts@humboldt. edu. 826-3928. Ukulele Play and Sing Group. 1:30 p.m. Humboldt Senior Resource Center, 1910 California St., Eureka. All genres of music, from “Greensleeves” to “Kansas City,” “Cupid” to “El Paso.” If you can carry a tune and play a stringed instrument, come party! Free. Donations appreciated.


HUMbucks Monthly Exchange. Second Tuesday of every month, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Bayside Grange, 2297 Jacoby Creek Road. Event to exchange goods and services using HUMbucks, a non-monetary, local exchange system. 834-9019.


Eureka Farmers Market. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Old Town Ga-

32 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 •

zebo, Second and F streets. Fresh, local produce direct from the farmer. Free. 441-9999. Fortuna Farmers Market. 3-6 p.m. 10th and Main streets. Fresh, local produce, meats and cheeses. Miranda Farmers Market. 2-5 p.m. Miranda Gardens Resort, 6766 Avenue of the Giants. Farm-fresh produce, etc. 672-5224. Shelter Cove Farmers Market. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Machi Road. Local farm-fresh produce, meats, cheeses, baked goods and other specialty foods. 672-5224.


Humboldt Cribbage Club. 6:15 p.m. Moose Lodge, 4328 Campton Road, Eureka. Play some cards. $7. 444-3161.

11 wednesday Movies

SciFi Pizza and Pint Night. 6 p.m. Arcata Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St. Every week, the Arcata Theatre Lounge plays an old science fiction movie. Main feature starts at 7:30 p.m. The Werewolf of Washington plays this week. Free with food or beverage purchase. www.


Sea Scouts. Second Wednesday of every month. Woodley Island Marina, 601 Startare Drive, Eureka. Learn to sail! The Humboldt Bay Sea Scouts is recruiting new members for their coed sailing program for ages 14 to 20. Sea Scouts combines the adventure of sailing with maritime tradition. $5 a month. 633-8572.


Bike Polo. 6-9 p.m. Highland Park, 100 Highland Ave., Eureka. Just like on a horse, but with bikes. Bring your bike and helmet, or just cheer. Extra mallets available. Free. 541-531-6671.

12 thursday Dance

LINES Ballet. 8 p.m. Van Duzer Theatre, 1 Harpst St., Arcata. Alonzo King’s choreography brought to life by the dancers of Bay Area ballet company LINES. Adult $45, child $25, HSU student $15. 826-3928. Red Skunks. 6:30 p.m. Eureka Theater, 612 F St. A blues lesson from Kimberli and Brian, followed by blues, swing and gypsy jazz from the Red Skunks. $10. Swingarcata@ 845-8795.

Spoken Word

The Siren’s Song Poetry Slam. Second Thursday of every month, 7:30 p.m. The Siren’s Song Tavern, 325 Second St., Eureka. The only local competitive poetry show on the North Coast. Come early to sign up. Open mic in the first half for all those just getting their feet wet. Music and feature by DJ Gobi. Hosted by A Reason to Listen. $5. www.thesirenssongtavern. com. 530-448-9458.


Becky’s New Car. 8 p.m. Redwood Curtain Theatre. See Sept. 5 listing.


Open House. 5:30 p.m. CASA of Humboldt, 2356 Myrtle Ave., Eureka. CASA of Humboldt is hosting an open house. Stop by to learn more about the ways they serve abused and neglected kids. Guest speaker Jamie Carroll will talk about her experience growing up in the local foster care system, and door prizes and refreshments will be available. Free. 443-3197.

Gear Heads If you’re into two wheels instead of four, the Tour of Trinidad might be more your speed. On Saturday morning, cyclists can put on those clickety shoes and ride through the beachside town and beyond, starting at Trinidad Elementary School, enjoying the gorgeous views. Show up at 7:30 a.m. to register or sign up online at Beginner? Sign up for the Family Tour ($15). It starts at 10 a.m. and goes to the end of Patrick’s Point Drive through the redwoods for a total of 12 miles. There are some hills on the course, so you’ll want a bike with gears. And don’t forget a helmet and water! The Family Challenge ups the game a little with a 28-mile course of downright inspiring scenery that runs along Westhaven Drive, Highway 101, Dow’s Prairie Road and Old Stagecoach Road ($20). Start time is 9:30 a.m. What, not tough

enough for you? You must want the Rider’s Challenge ($35). Beginning at 9 a.m., you’re looking at over 65 miles of winding roads and hills. This course picks up where the Family Challenge leaves off, touring through Fieldbrook and Blue Lake before returning to the starting line. Anybody else get tired reading that? Well, suck it up. Because the ride benefits Project Share Life, which helps find bone marrow donors for people in need, and it is well worth your sore muscles. Besides, you can feed your pain afterward with a spaghetti dinner from Abruzzi covered by your fee. When it’s all over, you’ll have Tour of Trinidad bragging rights, and if you want to fudge which course you did, we will totally back you up. — Jennifer Fumiko Cahill


HSU freshman, Dakota Ware, was our bike raffle winner from the Centennial Celebration on the Arcata Plaza.


FLEA MARKET Sunday, Sept. 8th 8am-3pm

Mattole Valley Charter School

Humboldt County’s most experienced Public Charter School is accepting fall enrollment for TK–12th grades. • Learning Centers offer dynamic daily instruction • Independent Study offers choice and flexibility • Personally-tailored programs • MVCS serves students county-wide Online Classes • College Co-Enrollment • Tutoring • Highly Qualified Credentialed Teachers • WASC Accredited H

Ride with a view.


Prison Hunger Strike Solidarity Demonstration. 5-8 p.m. Arcata Plaza. See Sept. 5 listing. Humboldt Handweavers and Spinners Guild Meeting. 7 p.m. Wharfinger Building, 1 Marina Way, Eureka. After a short meeting starting at 6:45 p.m., the guild will host Malika Rubin-Davis giving a presentation on natural fibers. Free.


Humboldt Grange 501 Potluck. Second Thursday of every month, 6:30 p.m. Humboldt Grange, 5845 Humboldt Hill Road, Eureka. Grange Women’s Auxiliary meets at

Enter to compete in KMUD’s annual battle of The Rock Bands. Email, call 9232513 or send a three-song demo to P.O. Box 135, Redway, CA. Submissions must be received by Sept. 19. Register now for the Waterfront Walk and Run on Sept. 29. Download a registration packet at www.6rrc. com or pick one up at Eureka Natural Foods, 1450 Broadway St., Eureka, or at the Jogg’N Shoppe at 1090 G St., Arcata. Early registration ends Sept. 13. Look both ways. Contact Jenny Weiss about the Redwood Crossing Guard program and help get little ones to school safely. Compete in the first-ever Mr. Humboldt Pageant by contacting or Register by Sept. 15. The National Park Service hosts a public scoping meeting about invasive plant management at Redwood National Park on Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at the Humboldt Area Foundation at 363 Indianola Road in Bayside. Contact

b Pu

Henderson Center Farmers Market. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Henderson Center, Eureka. See Sept. 5 listing. McKinleyville Farmers Market. 3:15-6:30 p.m. See Sept. 5 listing.

Heads Up…



6 p.m., potluck at 6:30 p.m., Grange meeting 7:30 p.m. 443-0045. Sip and Knit. 6 p.m. NorthCoast Knittery. See Sept. 5 listing.

e aliz rson in Free Pe

Art for Teens. 4:30-6 p.m. Fortuna United Methodist Church. See Sept. 5 listing. KEET Kids in the Garden: “Windy Windy Fall”. 10 a.m. Humboldt Botanical Gardens, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, College of the Redwoods Campus. The theme is: “Windy Windy Fall.” Watch Sesame Street’s Word of the Day, “Wind” and Curious George Swings into Spring. Read A is for Autumn, followed by nature crafts and garden activities. Free for kids ages 2-8. www. 442-5139.

aren t Choice

For Kids

Admission Fee: $1 After 9am Kids 12 & Under FREE Early Birds $2

on o ri ng P

Redwood Acres Fairground

lic Ed uc atio n

For Reservations Call Dayton (707) 822.5292 • (707) 629-3634

l • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013





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Movie Times Film times reflect the most current listings as of Tuesday afternoon. As schedules at individual theaters sometimes change, we recommend calling ahead to avoid any inconvenience.

Broadway Cinema

1223 Broadway St., Eureka, (707) 443-3456 Despicable Me 2 Fri-Thu: (1:50, 4:20) Elysium Fri-Thu: (12:05, 2:40), 5:30, 8:15 Getaway Fri-Thu: (12:15, 2:35, 4:55), 7:20, 9:40 Lee Daniels’ The Butler Fri-Thu: (12, 3), 6:05, 9:05 The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones Fri-Thu: (11:50a.m., 2:50), 5:50, 8:50 One Direction: This Is Us Fri-Thu: (4) One Direction: This Is Us 3D Fri-Thu: (1:35), 6:20, 8:45 Planes Fri-Thu: (11:55a.m., 2:20, 4:40), 7 Riddick Fri-Thu: (11:55a.m., 2:50), 5:45, 8:40, 9:20 The Spectacular Now Fri-Thu: (1:10, 3:35), 6, 8:30 This Is The End Fri-Thu: (1:30, 4:10), 6:50, 9:35 We’re the Millers Fri-Thu: (1, 3:45), 6:30, 9:15 The World’s End Fri-Thu: (12:45, 3:30), 6:15, 9 You’re Next Fri-Thu: 6:55, 9:25

Mill Creek Cinema

1575 Betty Court, McKinleyville, (707) 839-2222 Elysium Fri-Sun: (1:10, 3:50), 6:30, 9:05; Mon-Thu: (3:50), 6:30, 9:05 Lee Daniels’ The Butler Fri-Sun: (12, 3), 6, 9; Mon-Thu: (3), 6, 9 The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones Fri-Sun: (12:15, 3:15), 6:20; Mon-Thu: (3:15), 6:20 One Direction: This Is Us Fri-Thu: 8 One Direction: This Is Us 3D Fri-Sun: (1, 3:20), 5:40; Mon-Thu: (3:20), 5:40 Planes Fri-Sun: (11:55a.m., 2:20, 4:40); Mon-Thu: (4:40) Riddick Fri-Sun: (12, 2:55), 5:50, 8:45, 9:20; Mon-Thu: (2:55), 5:50, 8:45, 9:20 This Is The End Fri-Sun: (1:55, 4:30), 7:05, 9:40; Mon-Thu: (4:30), 7:05, 9:40 We’re the Millers Fri-Sun: (1:30, 4:10), 6:50, 9:30; Mon-Thu: (4:10), 6:50, 9:30 You’re Next Fri-Thu: 6:55, 9:20

Minor Theatre

1001 H St., Arcata, (707) 822-3456 Blackfish Fri: (3:55), 6:10, 8:25; Sat-Sun: (1:40, 3:55), 6:10, 8:25; Mon-Thu: (3:55), 6:10, 8:25 Blue Jasmine Fri: (4:15), 6:40, 9:10; Sat-Sun: (1:50, 4:15), 6:40, 9:10; Mon-Thu: (4:15), 6:40, 9:10 Closed Circuit Fri: (4:40), 7, 9:20; Sat-Sun: (2:20, 4:40), 7, 9:20; Mon-Thu: (4:40), 7, 9:20

Fortuna Theatre

1241 Main St., (707) 725-2121 Elysium Fri: (5), 7:25, 9:50; Sat: (12:10, 2:35, 5), 7:25, 9:50; Sun: (12:10, 2:35, 5), 7:25; Mon-Thu: (5), 7:25 Kick-Ass 2 Fri-Sat: 7:15, 9:40; Sun-Thu: 7:15 Lee Daniels’ The Butler Fri: (4), 6:55, 9:45; Sat: (1, 4), 6:55, 9:45; Sun: (1, 4), 6:55; Mon-Thu: (4), 6:55 Planes Fri: (4:40); Sat-Sun: (12:20, 2:30, 4:40); Mon-Thu: (4:40) Riddick Fri: (4:10, 5:30), 7, 8:30, 9:50; Sat: (1:10, 2:15, 4:10, 5:30), 7, 8:30, 9:50; Sun: (1:10, 2:15, 4:10, 5:30), 7; Mon-Thu: (4:10, 5:30), 7 We’re the Millers Fri: (4:25), 7:05, 9:45; Sat: (1:30, 4:25), 7:05, 9:45; Sun: (1:30, 4:25), 7:05; Mon-Thu: (4:25), 7:05

Garberville Theatre

766 Redwood Drive, (707) 923-3580 The Wolverine Fri-Tue: 7:30; Wed: 6:30; Thu: 7:30

34 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 •

They don’t call them “cuddler whales.”

Cut Bait

Affecting killer whale doc marred by technical flaws By Dev Richards


BLACKFISH. It’s often hard to separate the power of a documentary’s content from the quality of its presentation. The substance of Blackfish is heavy-hitting, devastating and dramatically eye-opening; however, much of the presentation is distracting and poorly devised. Blackfish tells the story of a male orca whale named Tilikum. You may remember this particular orca for his role in the death of SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau in February of 2010. Brancheau was not Tilikum’s first victim, but hopefully she will be his last. The documentary draws attention to the beauty and majesty of orcas, their highly developed brains and how living in captivity pushes them to the brink of insanity. The film does not tiptoe around the heinous reality surrounding orca whales in captivity; the footage is graphic to the

point of making you shift uncomfortably in your chair (baby orcas in nets, mommy orcas crying, trainers being brutally attacked, etc.), and the testimonials from former trainers are heartbreaking. Director and writer Gabriela Cowperthwaite (Animal Nightmares) tells nearly all of the story via newsreel montages, personal and expert testimony, and excerpts from the SeaWorld v. OSHA case that was settled last year. Though the montages and testimony are moving, the court excerpts are awkward. No actual footage was available, so quotes from the case are typed out across the screen, with pencilstyle drawings in the background. To be clear, the drawings are not courtroom sketches; these are faceless, cartooned figures with typed text running over them. The illustrations ruin the flow of the film’s narrative, and make a relatively short

Sept. 6Sept. 9 Fri Sept. 6 - Campbell Creek Connexion Life Tree Film Fest Doors at 6:30 p.m. $5 Sat Sept. 7 - PechaKucha Night Doors at 6:30 p.m. Free w/$5 Food/Bev purchase Sun Sept. 8 - Monster House (2006) Doors at 5:30 p.m. $5 Rated PG Mon Sept. 9 - Monday Night Football Doors at 3:45 pm 1st game at 4 PM/2nd game at 7:15 PM • 822-1220 • 1036 G St.

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movie feel a lot longer. The repetition of some of the narratives also makes for poor pacing. It feels less like the director is trying to hammer a point home and more like she’s trying to stretch for time. Blackfish presents plenty of airtight arguments, despite its flaws in composition. It would be surprising if people came out of this film without completely reconsidering their thoughts on animals in captivity. Cowperthwaite is clearly talented, and she’s certainly working her way up the documentary film maker ladder, but she still has a lot to learn about style. PG13. 83m. CLOSED CIRCUIT. This isn’t the first time a movie trailer has led to a total letdown. The two-minute preview set up Closed Circuit as a fast-paced conspiracy thriller with sexy British accents, but that was a cloud of lies. The directing talent of John Crowley (Intermission, Boy A) did little to bolster Steven Knight’s (Dirty Pretty Things) pathetically written screenplay, and no amount of sexy pronunciations could draw the ear away from the clumsy dialogue and boring plot. Following a terrorist attack at an open market in London, an arrest is made and a trial is quickly approaching. The original defense lawyer for the prime suspect dies in an apparent suicide, and Martin Rose (Eric Bana) is handed the case. He must work closely with his former lover, Claudia Simmons-Howe (Rebecca Hall), to get to the bottom of the case (gotta hate it when that happens). Once the two of them start to get too close to the truth, it becomes apparent that their lives are in danger. If it sounds exciting, be warned, it’s not. At all. The lack of writing quality is apparent in the first few lines of dialogue. Clumsily inserting the entire exposition into seemingly casual dialogue is a rookie mistake, and Knight has penned too many scripts to be a rookie. Similar lazy writing errors are made throughout the entire film, with graceless explanations of the British legal system, shoddily written romantic entanglements and emotionally flat moments of attempted tension. The ending of the film (which held absolutely no surprises) smacked of cliché and convenience. More than one person in the theater had to be woken up when the credits rolled. So, if you need a two hour nap that will cost you about ten dollars, Closed Circuit might be exactly what you need. If you want a compelling British conspiracy film, then you’re better off renting Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. R. 96m. — Dev Richards


THE FAMILY. Luc Besson directs Robert DeNiro, Michelle Pfeiffer and Tommy

Lee Jones in this mob/witness protection action-comedy. R. RIDDICK: RULE THE DARK. Vin Diesel returns as the sci-fi anti-hero with night vision on a dark planet full of monsters, bounty hunters and bad weather. R. 119m. THE SPECTACULAR NOW. Boy wakes up on girl’s lawn, girl falls for boy, coming of age tale ensues. R. 95m.

THE STUDIO SCHOOL. Art classes for kids ages 5− 18 held Sat., Sept. 14−Nov. 2. Kids will explore sculpture and 3D art with instructor Donovan Clark. Sponsored by the College of eLearning & Extended Education and Dept. of Art at Humboldt State University. Fee: $95 per student. To register, call 826−3731. For more info, call 826−3819 or visit (AC−0905) WHEEL THROWING 1&2 W/ PEGGY LOUDON. Thurs’s 5:30− 7:30 p.m., Sept. 19 −Nov 21 (10 weeks), $180 Complete introduction to basic wheel− throwing & glazing techniques. Perfect for begin− ning & returning students, Class will put you on the road to developing your own personal style. Fire Arts Center. 520 South G St. Arcata, (707) 826−1445 (AC−0905)


BLUE JASMINE. Cate Blanchett is a socialite on the cusp of a breakdown who slums it with her sister in this well made Woody Allen drama. PG-13. 98m. DESPICABLE ME 2. Gru (Steve Carell), the girls and the minions are back saving the world in this fun animated sequel. PG. 98m. ELYSIUM. Matt Damon turns workman’s comp into revolution in this effective dystopian sci-fi with Jodie Foster as his sharp-suited foe. R. 110 m GETAWAY. Speedster Ethan Hawke is pressed into service by mysterious Eurovillain John Voigt, who kidnaps his wife. Disney princess Selena Gomez rides shotgun. PG13. 94m. KICK-ASS 2. Teen superheroes and villains clash again. Just not as kick-ass as Kick Ass. R. 103m. LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER. Moving Civil Rights era tale with Forest Whitaker as a White House butler through the decades. PG13. 132m. MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES. Attractive, young “shadowhunters” battle demons in an even scarier New York that’s invisible to mere humans. PG13. 130m. ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US. Directioners, rejoice. All others, run. PG. 92m. PLANES. Like Cars, but not. Really, not. PG. 92m. WE’RE THE MILLERS. Implausible drug smuggling comedy wastes the usually funny Jason Sudeikis and Jennifer Anniston. R. 110m. THE WORLD’S END. Slow start, but a quality apocalyptic pub crawl with the boys from Shawn of the Dead and their mates. R. 109 m. YOU’RE NEXT. Thrilling action and scares during a family vacation that’s ruined by killers with crossbows and creepy animal masks. R. 96m.


THE HARDER THEY COME. Jimmy Cliff start in the 1973 cult classic as a singer on the wrong side of the law. R. 105m. At the Minor on Thursday at 9 p.m. only. THIS IS THE END. The end of the world stoner bromance with Seth Rogan and company is back in case your short-term memory is fuzzy. R. 107m. — Jennifer Fumiko-Cahill

List your class – just 50 cents/word per issue! Deadline: Monday, noon. Place online at or e-mail: Listings must be paid in advance by check, cash or Visa/MasterCard. Many classes require pre-registration.

Arts & Crafts

AUTUMN ACRYLIC PAINTING. Fri.s, Sept. 20−Oct. 25, 9:30 a.m−12:30 p.m, CR Community Education 525 D St. Eureka. $99. Join us in this 6−week class and create an acrylic painting focused on autumn colors and themes. We will start with an idea and see it through to completion. Learn artistic skills, art appreciation, and new avenues of artistic expression. Supplies required: Liquitex Acrylic limited palette paints (8 colors), brushes, palette, and canvases. Call (707) 269−4000 to register. (AC−0905) FUSED GLASS JEWELRY FOR INTERMEDIATES. $50/$35 members, $15 materials fee. 2 workshops offered Sat’s 10:00−noon. WS #1− Oct 5 & 12 WS #2 − Nov 9 & 1. Learn advanced techniques to bring your fused glass jewelry to the next level. Learn to hand etch dicrohic glass with various design elements. You will create pendants & earrings then learn to wire wrap & make your own bails & earring hooks. 520 South G St. Arcata, (707) 826−1445, (AC−0905) HANDBUILDING FOR ADVANCED BEGINNERS & INTERMEDIATES. Thurs.’s 10−noon, (5 weeks) Oct. 24 −Nov. 21, $90. Join Otamay Hushing for some fun with handbuilding clay projects. Bring your own ideas or try out some new ones. This class has a flexible format to encourage your creativity and build your confidence. Previous clay experience required. Fire Arts Center. 520 South G St. Arcata, (707) 826−1445 (AC−0905) MAKING PHOTOGRAPHS I: Thurs.s Sept. 12−Oct. 24. 5:30 p.m−7:30 p.m. CR Community Education 525 D St. Eureka. Fee: $85. Don’t just take photographs, MAKE them! Learn to better use your camera to make more compelling photographs and truly capture life’s special moments. Visit ments/community−ed/ to view us online. Call (707) 269−4000 to register today! (AC−0905)

WOODWORKING, BEG/INTER INSTRUCTION. Learn basic woodworking and/or lathe work. Open instruction, focus on what you want to make. Tues’s, 6−8 PM, McKinleyville Middle School. (707) 499−9569


A COMMUNITY OF WRITERS. Find and strengthen your unique voice within a community of writers of all levels. Different types of poetry and short prose will be presented and discussed. With Pat McCutcheon. Tues’s, Sept. 17−Oct. 22, 10 a.m.−noon. $80/OLLI members, $105/nonmembers. OLLI: 826− 5880. (CMM−0912) HOW LOSS CAN TRANSFORM YOUR PERSPEC− TIVE WILL BE EXPLORED. At Lifetree Café on Sun., Sept. 8 at 7 p.m. Share your stories of loss with people who care˙and consider how we can become stronger through tragedy. This hour of discovery and discussion is for anyone who’s expe− rienced loss. Lifetree is a conversation cafe located on the Corner of Union and 13th St., Arcata. (CMM −0905)


BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS FOR THE HOME−USER I. Tues.s & Thurs.s, Sept. 10−Oct. 3, 1 p.m−3 p.m, CR Community Education 525 D St. Eureka. $79. This very basic, hands−on class is designed to take the fear out of using computers. Starting with use of the mouse and keyboard, you will then move into browsing the internet, setting up and using email, and downloading and saving attachments; all tools you need for safe, confident use of the computer and navigating the internet for online resources and staying in touch with family and friends. Call (707) 269−4000 to register. (CMP−0905) BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS FOR THE WORKPLACE. Tues.s, Sept. 10−Oct. 1, 5:30 p.m−8 p.m, CR Commu− nity Education 525 D St. Eureka. $84. This course is designed to provide the basic computer skills needed to survive and prosper in today’s work− place. The course will focus on practical applica− tion for software most common to the workplace. When students finish this course, they will be familiar with Office 2010, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Call (707) 269−4000 to register. (CMP−0905)

continued on next page• • NORTH North COAST Coast JOURNAL Journal •• THURSDAY, Thursday, SEPT. Sept. 5,5, 2013 2013


continued from previous page

BEGINNING MICROSOFT WORD 2010. Wed. & Thur., Sept. 11−12, 8:30 a.m−12:30 p.m. CR Commu− nity Education 525 D St. Eureka.$65. Topics covered include the Help system, navigating documents, and how to enhance the appearance of a docu− ment. Learn tips to create tables, insert headers and footers, proof and print documents, and insert graphics. Visit ents/community−ed/ to view us online. Call (707) 269−4000 to register. (CMP−0905) MICROSOFT EXCEL BASICS. Get the basics of Excel: worksheet design formulas and functions, charts, saving and printing worksheets and work− books. With Joan Dvorak. Mon., Sept. 16−Oct. 7, 6−8 p.m. Fee: $75. Pre−registration required. Call HSU College of eLearning & Extended Education at 826− 3731 to register, or visit extended (CMP−0905)


BEGINNING STEEL DRUM. Mon. evenings Sept. 9− 30, 7−8 p.m & Fri. Mornings Sept. 6−27, 11:30−12:30 Pan Arts Network, 1049 Samoa Blvd., Suite C. $50, (707) 407−8998, info@panarts (DMT− 0926) CHAKRA NATION HOOPERS. Arcata Core Pilates Studio is now happy to offer Hoop dance classes to their schedule. Classes begin Sept. 2. Learn how to get your hoop on or improve and learn new tricks. Call 845−8156 for more information (DMT− 0926) DANCE WITH DEBBIE: BALLROOM, LATIN & SWING. Have fun learning to dance with a partner through our group or private lessons at North Coast Dance Annex. Tues = Ballroom, Thurs = Latin. $40/person/month. Private lessons are the best way to get the instruction that you want. Single person = $40/hour, Couples = $60/hour. (707) 464− 3638 (DMT−0926) MUSIC LESSONS. Piano, Guitar, Voice, Flute, etc. Piano tuning, Instrument repair. Digital multi−track recording. (707) 476−9239. (DMT−1226) REDWOOD RAKS WORLD DANCE STUDIO, ARCATA. West African, Belly Dance, Tango, Salsa, Swing, Breakdance, Jazz, Tap, Modern, Zumba, Hula, Congolese, more! Kids and Adults, 616−6876. (DMT−1226) WEST AFRICAN DANCE. Tues.s, Thurs.s, 5:30−7 p.m., at Redwood Raks, Arcata. All levels welcome. Live drumming. Dulce, 832−9547, Christina, 498− 0146. (DMT−1226)



AIKIDO. Aikido is a beautiful, powerful, yet non− aggressive martial art that provides an effective method for developing our human potential. You will gain center, balance, coordination, flexibility, self−confidence and fluidity as well as insight into deeper meaning in your life. Beginning enrollment is ongoing for both kids and adults! Come observe anytime. The dojo entrance is off the F St. parking lot behind the Arcata Plaza. Adult class every weeknight 6 p.m.; kids Mon, Wed. 4 p.m.,, 826−9395.(F−1226) DANCE−FIT. Dance, aerobics & strength training all in one class ! Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9−10 a.m First class is free. Drop in for $5 per class or 14 classes for $55. No Limits tap & jazz studio, corner of 10th & K st. Arcata. 825−0922. (F−1226) NORTH COAST FENCING ACADEMY. Fencing (with swords!). Improve your mind and body in a fun, intense workout, and a very chill environment. Ages 8 and up. 1459 M St., Arcata. Contact Justin (707) 601−1657 text or phone, or email (F−1226) NORTH COAST SELF DEFENSE. Looking for a place to develop reality−based self defense training? Want to expand your skills and gain self confi− dence? Train in Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai Kick Boxing, Lau Kune Do Kung Fu, Judo, and Filipino Kali. Group and private lessons available 7 days a week for men, women, and children. All experience and fitness levels welcome. Come and see what you can accomplish at North Coast Self Defense Academy. Located at 820 N St Building # 1 Suite C Arcata. Call (707) 822−6278, Like us on Facebook,− fenseAcademy or visit web page (F−1226) SUN YI’S ACADEMY OF TAE KWON DO. Classes for kids and adults, child care, fitness gym, and more. Tae Kwon Do Mon−Fri 5−6 p.m., 6−7 p.m., Sat 10−11 a.m. Come watch or join a class, 1215 Giuntoli Lane, or visit, 825−0182. (F− 1226) ZUMBA AND ZUMBA TONING WITH ANN! Zumba, Mon., Arcata Vet’s Hall. Zumba Toning, Thurs., Redwood Raks. Classes− 5:30−6:30 p.m.; $6 drop−in, punch−cards avail. Ann has 20 yrs. of dance/fitness instruct. Bring your water! More info? Visit or call (707) 845−1055. (F−0905) ZUMBA WITH MARLA JOY. Elevate, Motivate, Celebrate another day of living. Exercise in Disguise. Now is the time to start, don’t wait. All ability levels are welcome. Every Mon. & Thurs. at Bayside Grange 6−7 p.m., 2297 Jacoby Creek Rd. $6/ $4 Grange members. Every Tues. & Thurs Vector Pool, Aqua Zumba 9:15 a.m. (3289 Edgewood Rd, Eureka). Every Tue. at Trinidad Town Hall 12 p.m.& every Thur. at Eureka Vets Hall 12 p.m. Marla Joy (707) 845−4307. (F−1226) ZUMBA WITH MIMI. Dance fitness to Latin & Pop music, sure to leave you sweaty and smiling! Mon, Wed. & Fri. 9:30 a.m. at Redwood Raks World Dance Center in the Old Creamery Building, Arcata. $5 class or $50 for 11 class pass. First class free!


BEGINNING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2010. Mon. & Tues., Sept. 10−11, 8:30a.m−12:30p.m. CR Community Education 525 D St. Eureka. $65. Learn to use the Help system, navigate worksheets, workbooks, enter and edit text, values, formulas, and pictures. Course covers functions, formatting and printing. Work with ranges, rows, and columns. Visit http://−ed/ to view us online. Call (707) 269−4000 to register. (CMP−0905)

Home & Garden

DIY: DESIGN YOUR OWN LANDSCAPE. Mon.s & Wed.s, Sept. 16−Dec. 11, 4 p.m−7 p.m, CR Commu− nity Education 525 D St. Eureka. $299. Interested in designing your own landscape? Save the cost of expensive professionals, and join us to learn how to create your very own Conceptual Landscape Design for your home. By taking this 12 week class, students will learn how to take accurate site measurements and plot them to scale, create a site analysis for their landscape, and develop and create a Conceptual Landscape Plan for their home. Call (707) 269−4000 to register. (G−0905)

Kids & Teens

ACTIVE KIDS = HAPPY KIDS. Come learn self− confidence, discipline and respect while gaining true life skills through martial arts. North Coast Self Defense Academy is offering two introductory lessons for only $14 with this ad. Call or visit− (707) 822−6278 or 820 N St, Building #1 Suite C, Arcata (K−1226) CERAMICS FOR YOUNGER KIDS, AGES 4−7. With Amanda Steinbach, $75 per class. Sat’s Sept 21−Oct 19. Children will have a great time creating with clay. Will make one to two pieces per week and each project is designed to bring out their creativity. Fire Arts Center. 520 South G St. Arcata, (707) 826−1445 (K−0905)


CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH. Take your Spanish to the next level! Join us for a 12−week Conversational Spanish Fluency Booster Series at Libation Wine Bar on the Arcata Plaza. Mon.s, Sept. 9−Nov. 25, 6 p.m−7:30 p.m. To register, visit (L−0905)

INTRO TO JAPANESE. Basic Japanese grammar structure, vocabulary and writing systems. Focus on useful conversational skills. With Mie Matsumoto. Tues/Thurs, Oct. 1−22, 5:30−7:30 p.m., Fee: $125 ($50 additional for one unit of optional credit). Pre−registration required. Call HSU College of eLearning & Extended Education at 826−3731 to register, or visit (L− 0919)

50 and Better

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE (OLLI). Offers dynamic classes for people age 50 and over. Call 826−5880 or visit to register for classes (O−1226) GENEALOGY & FAMILY HISTORY. Make your ancestors’ lives part of your life. Discover what to expect as you research records and find out who else has already done research. With Michael Cooley. Sat.s, Sept. 21−Oct. 5, 10 a.m.− noon. $55/ OLLI members, $80/nonmembers. (O−0919) MEMOIR: WRITING YOUR LIFE STORY. Designed to help all writers use a variety of techniques to recall pivotal life shaping experiences. With Sharon K. Ferrett. Wed.s, Sept. 25−Nov. 6, 10 a.m.−noon. $80/OLLI members, $105/nonmembers. OLLI: 826− 5880. (O−0919) TAKE IT SLOW: TAKE THE TRAIN. Learn the ins and outs of preparing for train trips including secrets of packing, ordering tickets, sleeping and dining. With Louise Bacon−Ogden and David Ogden. Thursday, Sept. 12, 2−4:30 p.m.. $30/OLLI members, $55/ nonmembers. OLLI: 826−5880. (O−0905)

WINEMAKING IN HUMBOLDT COUNTY UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL. Join local winemaker Donald Bremm from Moonstone Crossing in ex− ploring winemaking techniques past and present. Sun.s, Sept. 22, Oct. 13 and Oct. 27, 1−3 p.m. $65/ OLLI members, $90/nonmembers. OLLI: 826−5880. (O−0919) WINTERIZE YOUR WILDLIFE GARDEN. Enjoy birds and wildlife in your yard this winter with tips from Louise Bacon−Ogden. Thursday, Sept. 12, 6−8 p.m. $30/OLLI members, $55/nonmembers. OLLI: 826− 5880. (O−0905)


ARCATA ZEN GROUP MEDITATION. Arcata & Eureka. Beginners welcome. ARCATA: Sun’s 7:55 a.m. At NorthCoast Aikido on F Street (entrance in alley between 8th and 9th, upstairs). Call 826− 1701 or visit EUREKA: Wed’s 5:55 p.m., 730 K Street upstairs. Call 845−8399 or (S1226) AWAKENING THE ILLUMINATED HEART© WORK− SHOP BY DRUNVALO MELCHIZEDEK. Taught by Viola Rose. Experience the Sacred Space of the Heart and Unity Consciousness. Westhaven Center for the Arts. Sept. 21−24, 9 a.m−6 p.m. Fee: $444. Contact Viola (503) 936−4117; or visit (S−0912) KDK ARCATA BUDDHIST GROUP. Under the direc− tion of Lama Lodru Rinpoche. We practice Tibetan meditation, followed by discussion. All are welcome. For more info contact Lama Nyugu (707) 442−7068, Sun’s 6 p.m, Community Yoga Center 890 G St, Arcata. Our webpage is (S−1226) TAROT AS AN EVOLUTIONARY PATH. Classes in Eureka, and Arcata. Private mentorships, readings. Carolyn Ayres. 442−4240 (S1226)

Sports & Recreation

ROLLER SKATING. Blue Lake Parks & Recreation, Fri./Sat. 6:30−9:30 p.m, Sun. 2−5 p.m. Theme Skate: Fri. Sept. 27. Dress like a Superhero and receive $1 discount! Adult Skate: Sun. Sept. 8, 6:30−9:30 p.m. Planning a party? Call 668−5932 for info. Like us on Facebook at "Blue Lake Roller Rink"! (SR−1226)

Therapy & Support

FREE DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP. Walk−in support group for anyone suffering from depres− sion. Meet Mon.s 6:30 p.m −7:45 p.m, at the Church of the Joyful Healer, McKinleyville. Questions? Call (707) 839−5691. (TS−1226) FREE GAMBLING TREATMENT. Call (707) 496−2856 Shawna Bell, LMFT, MFC #47122 (TS−1226) SEX/ PORN DAMAGING YOUR LIFE & RELATION− SHIPS ? Confidential help is available. 825−0920 or 845−8973, or (TS−1226)



"TWO MONTHS TO A NEW CAREER". College of the Redwoods (CR) and The Job Market are hosting a free Job Training Event on Wed., Sept. 18, 9 a.m−12 p.m at the Wharfinger Building, 1 Marina Way, Eureka. CR staff, local employers and workforce funding agencies are coming together to advise job seekers about training and funding available to prepare for high−demand jobs in our County. Don’t miss this informative opportunity to meet the professionals who can help you upgrade your job skills or pick and train for a new career. For more information call 441−JOBS or visit (V−0905) PERSONAL TRAINER PREP COURSE. Take your fitness knowledge to the next level. Study to take the ACE Personal Trainer Certification Exam with HealthSPORT Academy. Study and gain practical experience training others and leading small groups. Course runs from Sept. 9 − Nov. 13, twice per week, Mon’s 6:30−8:30 p.m and Wed’s 6:30−8:00 p.m at HealthSPORT Arcata, 300 Martin Luther King Way, 707−822−3488. Sign ups taken at Health− SPORT Arcata and HealthSPORT By the Bay, 411 First St, Eureka, (707) 268−8220. (V−0905) VOLUNTEER TRAINING FOR HOSPICE OF HUM− BOLDT. Hospice of Humboldt offers patient care and grief support volunteer training July 27 & 28, 11 a.m.−3 p.m. This eight hour introductory training provides information on how you can become part of the patient care team and bring specialized sup− port to patients and families at a time when care matters the most. For more information, call (707) 445−8443 ext. 355 or visit our website

Wellness & Bodywork

AI CHI, WATSU, AQUASTRETCH AT VECTOR AQUATIC CENTER, EUREKA. New Ai Chi class starts Sept 3. Flowing aquatic meditation in 92 degree water! Tues’s 5−6 p.m. Watsu & AquaStretch by appointment. Call 441−9262, (W−0919) ARCATA CORE PILATES Is happy to now offer Yoga classes with Sasha Milsis,and Adult Ballet with Katie Kanzler. Call for more information. 845−8156 (W−0926) DANDELION HERBAL CENTER. Beginning with Herbs, Sept. 18−Nov. 6, eight Wed. evenings at Moonrise Herbs plus two herb walks. Learn the basics with many hands−on activities, pre−req to 10 month course. Festival of Herbs − Visiting Teacher Series Oct. 2013−Apr. 2014. Meets 1st weekend of the month. Rosemary Gladstar, Candis Cantin and more! 10 Month Herbal Studies Program Feb.−Nov. 2013. In−depth materia medica, therapeutics, flower essences, formulations and harvesting. Register online or call (707) 442−8157. (W−0912) ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS WELLNESS CLASSES: YOGA & PILATES. Mon.−Fri. 9:30 a.m & 5:30 p.m. Please see our website for our regular schedule. All classes include community use of our sauna 30 minutes prior to class. $15 drop−in and discounted passes, with no expiration. 15% discount for Students and Seniors. 1639 Central Ave., Ste. A. McKinleyville, (707) 839−7772, for more info. on services, or classes visit, or email (W−1017)

ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS PRESENTS COMPLIMEN− TARY COMMUNITY PREVENTATIVE CARE CLASSES. Every Wed.’s 5:30 p.m, Sept. 11: (doTerra Essential Oils Series) Learn how to incorporate essential oil medicinals into your daily life. Oils can be used to support your cellular, muscular, and emotional health. Sept. 18: (Acne: Cause and Treatment). Sept. 25: (Creating a Home Family Yoga Practice) Classes will support the system of focus from Holistic Health Night. 1639 Central Ave., Ste. A, McKinleyville (707) 839−7772, (W−0905) FREE ROLFING CONSULTATION. With Lee Tuley, Certified Rolfer. Find out what Rolfing can do for you. (541) 251−1885 (W−1226) INTRODUCTION TO HOLISTIC MEDICINE WITH JOHN YAMAS. Learn about the four major block− ages to healing (emotional, biochemical, toxins, structure/energetic flow), and self care for health. Explore different systems of holistic medicine, history of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and emotional components and treatments including flower essence therapy, neuro−emotional tech− nique, TCM and Qigong. Tues., Sept. 17−Oct. 29, 7− 8:30 p.m. Fee: $70. Pre−registration required. Call HSU College of eLearning & Extended Education at 826−3731 to register, or visit extended (W−0912) RETRAIN YOUR BRAIN, REFRAME YOUR LIFE. Sat., Sept. 7, 1−4 p.m. Humb. Bay Aquatic Ctr. Join Dr. Farmer on a journey through the brain; learn about neuroplasticity and acquire the skills to reframe any self−defeating thoughts that limit your pure potential, featuring practical, user− friendly solutions involving positive thinking, nutri− tion, supplements and strategies to maximize well− being. $75 general admission/$45 for North Coast Co−op members. Contact Lauren Fawcett at (707) 443−6027 ext. 102 to register. (W−0905)

3 Workshops with Master Knitter Lily Chin Sat, Sept 14 & Sun, Sept 15 • Reversible Cables (9/14, 9am -Noon) Learn which stitches, yarns, and needles are ideal for reversible cables,and how to chart them. Make scarves, shawls, afghans where both sides look great! • Alternative Closures (9/14, 2-5 pm) Learn several stylish alternatives beyond buttons and buttonholes for closing up garments. Learn trick and hints and what to avoid. • Reversible Color Knitting (9/15, 11 am-6 pm) Colorwork techniques that make both sides lovely. Covered will be double-knitting, pinstriped brioche or tuck, and several knitpurl combinations.

Call 707.442.9276 for details or NorthCoast KNittery 320 2nd St. between D&E, Eureka Space is Limited!


Trillium Dance Studios Artistic Director Erin McKeever

START YOUR CAREER IN MASSAGE THERAPY! Daytime classes begin January 2014 at Arcata School of Massage. 650−Hour Therapeutic Massage Certification will prepare you for Professional Certification in California, and the National Exam. Our comprehensive program prepares your body, mind and heart to become a caring, confident professional massage therapist. Call 822−5223 for information or visit (W−1226) T’AI CHI WITH MARGY EMERSON New Location!!! Redwood Raks in Arcata’s Old Creamery, 8th & L St. Three programs: T’ai Chi for Back Pain and Arthritis, Traditional Long Form (Wu Style), and The 42 Combined Forms (all 4 major styles). 13−week term starts 9/17. Begin as late as the third week. Visit a class with no obligation to pay or enroll. See or call 822−6508 for details. (W−0919) TUES. & THURS. AFTERNOON MASSAGE WITH DIANE DAVIS. Enhance your Pilates or yoga prac− tice or just unwind and relax with a massage ses− sion at Arcata Core Pilates Studio! Nationally certi− fied since 1997, Diane is trained in Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, Myofascial Release, Swedish, Craniosacral, Acupressure and Reiki. Questions? Call (707) 268− 8926 to schedule an appointment.

Dance Classes for ages 4 & up. Ballet, Pointe, Contemporary, Modern, Latin Dance & New Creative Dance for Toddlers ages 2-4. TWO ARCATA STUDIO LOCATIONS 1925 Alliance Rd & 180 Westwood Center

822-8408 or • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 2013



I, John Bartholomew, Humboldt County Tax Collector, State of California, certify that: The real properties listed below were declared to be in tax default at 12:01 a.m. on July 1, 2010, by operation of law pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 3436. The declaration of default was due to non-payment of the total amount due for the taxes, assessments and other charges levied in the fiscal year 2009-2010 that were a lien on the listed real property. Tax-defaulted real property may be redeemed by payment of all unpaid taxes and assessments, together with the additional penalties and fees, as prescribed by law, or it may be redeemed under an installment plan of redemption. The amount to redeem, including all penalties and fees, as of September, 2013, is shown opposite the assessment number and next to the name of the assessee. All information concerning redemption of tax-defaulted property will be furnished, upon request, by John Bartholomew, Humboldt County Tax Collector, 825 Fifth Street, Room 125, Eureka, California 95501 (707) 476-2450.


The Assessor’s Parcel/Assessment Number (APN/ASMT), when used to describe property in this list, refers to the assessor’s map book, the map page, the block on the map (if applicable), and the individual parcel on the map page or in the block. The assessor’s maps and further explanation of the parcel numbering system are available in the assessor’s office. Property tax defaulted on June 30, 2010 for the taxes, assessments and other charges for the fiscal year 2009-2010: Assessor’s Assessment No 201-101-003-000 107-236-020-000 110-121-006-000 312-171-038-000 531-083-013-000 531-083-014-000 006-331-021-000 516-101-077-000 212-181-014-000 215-213-016-000 510-451-003-000 509-141-047-000 509-121-033-000 401-011-017-000 110-281-022-000 110-281-031-000 010-051-003-000 111-142-010-000 110-261-013-000 306-121-028-000 002-032-006-000 316-172-018-000 530-081-004-000

109-292-057-000 522-044-043-000 514-132-003-000 514-132-006-000 004-243-001-000 109-211-023-000 109-211-022-000 111-031-033-000 111-031-034-000 110-021-014-000 110-241-007-000 110-241-008-000 110-241-009-000

Assessee’s Name 167 Fortuna Blvd Land Trust & State Trustee Services LLC Access Equities Inc Adams Charles E & Lucy B Adams Colin W Alameda Henry C Jr Alameda Henry C Jr Albright Leslie & Delbert Allen Edward Z & Theresa A Anderson Deni Andres James Aponte Scott & Alicia Arndt Edwin & Pearl Arndt Edwin & Pearl Arzner Judy M Aslakson Eric R Aslakson Eric R Atkins Michelle M A Bailey Steven & Christine Bank Of California Barker Robert W & Mary E Barnett Michael L /Price Patricia M Barr Pablo G Bartow Lauretta J/West Alberta/Bear Bud Jones Clifford Est Of/Kinder Clifford/Sitts Delores/Grant Elinor/Orcutt Harvey/ Pollard Joan/Jones Clifford N/Jones Samuel Jr/ Traumann Joseph F III/Orcutt Lawrence Jr/Bauer Marcia/ Nickerson Merle/Traumann Peter D/Jones Sam Jr Est Of/ Saathoff Wayne/Bartow Lauretta Est Of Bastian Bradley S & Debbie E Bauman Bruce C Bedell Wendell D & Morton Amber Bedell Wendell D & Morton Amber Beidleman Sylvia L Benjamin Daniella O Benjamin Michael Benjamin Michael Benjamin Michael Benjamin Michael J Benjamin Michael Benjamin Michael Benjamin Michael

Amount to redeem 51,815.50 4,357.00 2,083.74 3,296.16 624.11 624.11 8,292.51 72.29 7,232.82 3,904.07 1,895.65 4,542.54 5,310.59 4,666.16 1,461.97 1,474.57 11,784.22 3,439.17 1,723.51 144.84 2,835.82 10,117.76 370.52

4,284.74 668.64 2,161.80 1,249.76 2,453.39 1,750.23 1,783.22 2,160.55 2,160.55 1,948.09 1,849.24 1,849.24 1,849.24

Assessor’s Assessment No 207-121-004-000 111-151-033-000 001-103-004-000 522-311-059-000 305-073-016-000 503-401-035-000 052-222-008-000 008-181-008-000 519-331-005-000 517-251-021-000 314-321-009-000 223-061-004-000 301-231-005-000 211-382-021-000 223-231-003-000

Assessee’s Name

Bennett Debra Bettis Mark & Fanucchi-Bettis Leah Betty Js Building Corp Borden Robert Bowman William Boysen Bruce & Leslie Bradley Kevin Brady Murray T & Beverly J Brazes William Bryant Susan R Buchner Gary P Buck Mountain Ranch Limited Partnership Burgh Wallace & Sallie Campbell Steven C & Campbell Auxilia Cangiamilla Justine/Cangiamilla Adam/ Cangiamilla Danielle J/Cangiamilla Monti 525-201-060-000 Carpenter Thomas Jr 519-301-007-000 Carr Norman D & Paula M 506-103-001-000 Carson James R 109-182-013-000 Case Charles V 110-181-020-000 Central Sierra Development Co 111-022-022-000 Central Sierra Development Co 109-292-044-000 Central Sierra Development Co Inc 052-171-005-000 Chaffee Ethlyn V 081-051-002-000 Chagolla Jon & Sally E 109-211-037-000 Chan Tony H & Oriana W 203-094-023-000 Chatterton Randy 106-101-058-000 Chesebro Gordon R 052-291-025-000 Chesebro Gordon R 014-271-008-000 Christie Darrell J & Kathy L /Christie Ray & Jennifer 512-151-077-000 Christie John F & Betty L 513-121-006-000 Christie John F & Betty L 513-131-001-000 Christie John F & Betty L 513-141-001-000 Christie John F & Betty L 017-111-002-000 Christie Raymond & Jennifer / Christie Darrell J & Kathy L 017-121-005-000 Christie Raymond & Jennifer / Christie Darrell J & Kathy L 507-271-023-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L 507-282-004-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L 507-283-009-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L 506-171-001-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L 021-011-004-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L / Christie John F 021-011-005-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L / Christie John F 021-011-006-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L / Christie John F 021-121-002-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L / Christie John F 501-044-004-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L / Christie John F 503-211-032-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L / Christie John F 503-211-033-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L / Christie John F 503-211-034-000 Christie Raymond F & Jennifer L / Christie John F 010-154-016-000 Clark Daniel T & Joanne C 503-381-031-000 Clark Joanne C 110-261-014-000 Clarke Kenneth C /Rhodes Nancy L 208-112-012-000 Coleman Robert M/Eye Lawrence W 002-061-013-000 Collom Kathleen 006-252-002-000 Compton Zackariah & Stacey 300-041-030-000 Condit Keith L & Shirley J 020-039-009-000 Condon Winslow K & Caltlin E 020-039-010-000 Condon Winslow K & Caltlin E 009-071-021-000 Cordero Steven R & Stauffacher Marlyne U 110-111-006-000 Cortazar Jim 110-291-011-000 Cortazar Jim 507-370-010-000 Crawford Darrell & Christensen Arlo 209-331-004-000 Crothers Leonard III 523-026-003-000 Dahlia Ranch LLC 222-171-005-000 Davis Gregory S 509-112-009-000 Davis Kenneth S 010-052-021-000 Davis Oscar F & Beulah M 205-212-021-000 Day Clarence E 110-251-035-000 Demartini Paul D & Bette M 081-091-001-000 Detlefsen Harlan E & Maxine J 005-101-012-000 Dougherty Beverly J & Linda M/Bauer Catherine L 109-141-020-000 Doyle James 109-042-024-000 Dubroski Peter 081-051-027-000 Duclo Michael K & Michael 012-072-007-000 Duncan Linda S 109-351-008-000 Dwelley K Bruce & Deloris J & Mark S & Jeanette M Dwelley 013-152-027-000 Easley Sherry D 400-141-004-000 Edrich Daniel F 400-141-007-000 Edrich Daniel F 400-141-008-000 Edrich Daniel F

38 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 •

Amount to redeem 177.97 3,856.29 20,774.80 2,163.00 3,776.67 2,503.24 14,470.82 3,184.48 2,809.56 11,763.13 8,524.46 2,327.71 5,370.56 12,774.08 4,850.98 2,538.37 4,374.63 4,762.63 2,258.09 1,847.47 3,509.39 4,643.72 2,310.28 5,234.57 1,550.31 7,108.62 11,737.47 6,658.75 13,937.82 9,066.63 657.13 1,347.58 11,848.43 4,579.77 7,511.03 8,291.44 1,282.04 16,359.14 70,443.65 529.09 843.83 728.58 987.27 517.58 22,556.99 875.27 770.38 3,956.16 6,533.57 1,723.51 5,775.23 8,116.08 713.57 215.82 505.77 1,987.86 2,264.70 5,967.79 19,364.93 5,506.23 3,234.03 4,533.97 22,132.94 7,393.90 2,572.41 1,153.72 307.82 222.13 2,574.08 722.77 1,567.63 8,776.49 12,301.42 840.61 401.64 634.57 357.97 471.08

Assessor’s Assessment No 400-121-018-000 316-174-015-000 109-141-036-000 109-211-031-000 014-234-019-000 503-322-064-000 512-141-030-000 111-201-031-000 001-071-004-000 004-093-009-000 212-201-013-000 109-221-021-000 109-221-025-000 525-121-030-000 016-011-015-000 016-011-035-000 020-011-005-000 020-011-006-000 020-201-004-000 020-201-005-000 033-281-003-000 301-152-004-000 107-261-018-000 507-301-070-000 503-032-003-000 016-031-002-000 109-091-046-000 111-071-010-000 110-131-004-000 109-131-044-000 111-221-026-000 109-182-047-000 205-081-001-000

Assessee’s Name

Edrich Daniel Ellsworth Shawn Esteban Josefina D Esteban Josefina D Estes Steven K & Thomas C Suc Co-Tr Ettner Carl & Daryl Farnsworth Donald D Clpf & Redlich Stella D Family Trust Faust Lloyd E FB Squires Family Trust Fells David R Sr Felt David L /Felt Donald G Fiedler Jesse & McKee Barry Fiedler Jesse & McKee Barry Fletcher Troy S Flickinger Jon & Edelmina M Flickinger Jon & Edelmina M Forsyth Cynthia L Forsyth Cynthia L Forsyth Cynthia L Forsyth Cynthia L Fraser Robert L & Marjorie Gibson Brad M & Angela C Ginn Carolina M/Hamilton Eugene/ Miller Justin E Giuntoli Storage Goodrich John C Grad Properties Graves Mark A Graves Mark A Greene Jeffrey Grush Debra J Guilford Adrian P/Guilford Frances M Gutierrez Louis F/Esquer Laurie C Haberstock Craig R/Haberstock Annette A/Haberstock Raymond G 202-092-008-000 Haberstock Raymond G & Annette A 109-361-007-000 Hahn Andreas & Childress Jennifer D 053-174-002-000 Hahn Andreas 110-041-012-000 Hahn Andreas 306-026-001-000 Hahn Andreas 109-042-014-000 Hahn Andy 110-041-034-000 Hahn Andy 111-011-027-000 Hahn Andy 216-225-004-000 Hall Lucas I 216-225-006-000 Hall Lucas I 531-072-019-000 Hamilton James 015-231-026-000 Hancock Bruce E & Darrow-Hancock Diane L 310-051-001-000 Hansen Clive Jr & Lori 310-043-003-000 Hansen Lori /Hansen Clive Jr 109-101-012-000 Hargrave Jack & Autumn 110-141-023-000 Hargraves William P Jr 109-131-015-000 Harper Marchetta 008-182-003-000 Harrow Stephanie 111-012-013-000 Hartshorn Kijuana & Richard A 110-121-019-000 Hartshorn Kijuana C & Richard A 107-271-001-000 Hartzell Samuel D 511-431-064-000 Hawkins Russell C & Helen K/Lindblad Deborah A/ Hawkins Helen K/Wells Jerrie/Cruz Joaquin/Tollett Lorale/ Brousseau Peter/Hawkins Russell C/Lindblad Terry R/ Brousseau Peter Family Trust/Wells Jerrie Family Trust 511-431-065-000 Hawkins Russell C & Helen K/Lindblad Deborah A/ Hawkins Helen K/Wells Jerrie/Cruz Joaquin/Tollett Lorale/ Brousseau Peter/Hawkins Russell C/Lindblad Terry R/ Brousseau Peter Family Trust/Wells Jerrie Family Trust 511-431-066-000 Hawkins Russell C & Helen K/Lindblad Deborah A/ Hawkins Helen K/Wells Jerrie/Cruz Joaquin/Tollett Lorale/ Brousseau Peter/Hawkins Russell C/Lindblad Terry R/ Brousseau Peter Family Trust/Wells Jerrie Family Trust 511-431-067-000 Hawkins Russell C & Helen K/Lindblad Deborah A/ Hawkins Helen K/Wells Jerrie/Cruz Joaquin/Tollett Lorale/ Brousseau Peter/Hawkins Russell C/Lindblad Terry R/ Brousseau Peter Family Trust/Wells Jerrie Family Trust 511-431-068-000 Hawkins Russell C & Helen K/Lindblad Deborah A/ Hawkins Helen K/Wells Jerrie/Cruz Joaquin/Tollett Lorale/ Brousseau Peter/Hawkins Russell C/Lindblad Terry R/ Brousseau Peter Family Trust/Wells Jerrie Family Trust 511-431-069-000 Hawkins Russell C & Helen K/Lindblad Deborah A/ Hawkins Helen K/Wells Jerrie/Cruz Joaquin/Tollett Lorale/ Brousseau Peter/Hawkins Russell C/Lindblad Terry R/ Brousseau Peter Family Trust/Wells Jerrie Family Trust

Amount to redeem 2,666.62 4,949.73 2,113.84 2,344.25 1,268.40 14,431.83 8,293.47 6,603.09 270,558.20 13,155.81 17,727.82 1,739.24 1,771.55 5,485.63 8,098.21 1,170.24 1,687.38 714.80 1,026.37 9,756.29 674.42 12,409.04 3,375.24 358.29 3,755.03 11,783.95 3,943.49 10,650.46 6,050.42 2,329.88 2,105.05 1,767.21 247.97 2,517.11 5,027.64 13,225.45 1,717.26 19,547.65 2,378.07 1,855.22 2,680.25 13,060.47 6,226.37 4,284.51 10,160.03 8,023.19 18,494.94 2,929.86 946.29 1,645.93 3,577.23 1,774.73 1,369.66 4,449.91 2,704.91






Amount to Assessor’s Assessee’s Name Assessment No redeem 511-431-071-000 Hawkins Russell C & Helen K/Lindblad Deborah A/ 3,086.48 Hawkins Helen K/Wells Jerrie/Cruz Joaquin/Tollett Lorale/ Brousseau Peter/Hawkins Russell C/Lindblad Terry R/ Brousseau Peter Family Trust/Wells Jerrie Family Trust 511-431-072-000 Hawkins Russell C & Helen K/Lindblad Deborah A/ 3,223.65 Hawkins Helen K/Wells Jerrie/Cruz Joaquin/Tollett Lorale/ Brousseau Peter/Hawkins Russell C/Lindblad Terry R/ Brousseau Peter Family Trust/Wells Jerrie Family Trust 511-431-073-000 Hawkins Russell C & Helen K/Lindblad Deborah A/ 3,087.35 Hawkins Helen K/Wells Jerrie/Cruz Joaquin/Tollett Lorale/ Brousseau Peter/Hawkins Russell C/Lindblad Terry R/ Brousseau Peter Family Trust/Wells Jerrie Family Trust 011-191-016-000 Hefner William V/Acme Revocable Trust 1,673.56 316-313-003-000 Henneberry Julian L 1,903.04 108-033-004-000 Hessler Nya & Heidi 3,788.12 509-233-031-000 Hoffman Jana 451.02 217-381-001-000 Hoisington Randy & Dawnita 9,756.45 218-121-005-000 Hoke Jerry L 8,973.17 220-092-009-000 Holmes Mir 6,870.52 533-062-002-000 Hopkins Anthony M 220.26 316-175-015-000 Huff Lyle D & Anita M 1,117.05 214-233-006-000 Hughston Dustin R 17,770.74 217-281-016-000 Humphrey David 1,939.68 526-121-027-000 Jackson Athos G & Eleanor F 127.12 526-102-037-000 Jackson Pliny Est Of 1,549.18 110-291-034-000 Jacobsen Young 1,915.08 110-291-036-000 Jacobsen Young 3,746.09 110-291-037-000 Jacobsen Young 2,901.04 010-092-007-000 Jones Bill I Jr 2,942.62 503-401-024-000 Jordan Michael R & Mary L 5,372.88 404-051-034-000 Jordan Stephen L & Betty F 3,121.96 109-331-009-000 Kalman Fredrick J Ii & Erickson Lisa M 1,737.50 109-202-043-000 Kavanagh Hubert L Jr/Kavanagh Hildegard R 3,967.14 014-173-001-000 Keasey Ken C & Kimberly C 296.62 220-081-005-000 Keith Skylar A 327.02 200-091-042-000 Kemp Aubri J 3,407.77 204-331-003-000 Kenney John E Jr & Carol J 1,069.89 511-450-015-000 King Daniel H & Tiffany L 11,638.81 111-191-034-000 King Terry R 3,723.31 110-191-023-000 Kitchen Scott & Lay Jennifer E 303.01 511-431-063-000 Kohlmeier Louis A & Arlene N 2,577.92 306-102-001-000 Kooy John A & Karr-Kooy Jennifer L 13,636.70 109-261-032-000 Kouchekpour Sassan S 2,127.97 109-042-018-000 Kutina Susan K/Nivinsky Stanley 4,239.86 509-073-007-000 Lackey Danny J & Jessica L 7,198.99 105-091-036-000 Lapacek Jerry W 3,026.57 040-263-015-000 Lavanty Angela M 27,615.47 509-201-049-000 Lawrence Brian & Teresa 27,329.84 509-240-070-000 Lawrence Brian D & Teresa M 22,430.12 111-141-001-000 Lawrence Joanne 2,456.76 111-121-022-000 Lenhoff William 8,118.38 208-241-001-000 Lesko Steven L/Hunter Jonah S/Gulizio Marc J 23,657.68 109-302-010-000 Lively Eric J & Stephanie A 3,107.70 110-101-027-000 Lopez Epimenio V & Janet J/Wiscovitch Albert L 1,768.58 110-121-008-000 Luber Julia 1,800.55 010-272-018-000 Lyman Kellee R & Henry Lisa P 11,965.56 109-292-025-000 Mageau Gerald F 733.09 522-391-026-000 Maki Karen A & David M 6,550.16 109-171-045-000 Manares Antonio C & Medelita O 2,413.30 010-154-005-000 Maxon David M/Maxon David L/Maxon Terri A/Maxon 30,952.64 Travis R 031-085-015-000 McCanless Jack W 33,537.70 106-061-061-000 McCanless Jack W 2,765.90 106-171-011-000 McCanless Jack W 363.65 200-071-028-000 McEvoy Harry J Sr 11,747.37 314-172-012-000 McGill Roberta L 3,748.60 315-202-005-000 McGill Roberta L 1,192.65 315-203-001-000 McGill Roberta L 841.26 522-381-040-000 McKinnon Donald D 959.99 203-061-034-000 McKnight John L & Patricia L 6,162.73 100-281-030-000 Meade Carolyn S & Mesher Gwen S 3,769.22 052-281-006-000 Mela Paul & Jerrie 4,186.29 111-051-016-000 Meyer Bob 1,234.02 111-051-017-000 Meyer Bob 1,059.25 509-076-006-000 Mielke David F & Dorothy A 14,397.10 111-151-055-000 Miller Anne K 3,732.08 505-322-007-000 Miller Drew A & Dietrich 10,100.78 202-281-010-000 Miller Robert & Latisha 5,013.81 001-034-001-000 Miracle Properties LLC 243.54 216-392-022-000 Mitchell Marianne 1,214.35

Assessor’s Assessment No 111-112-008-000 110-181-010-000 109-111-005-000 109-111-006-000 110-181-009-000 111-112-032-000 109-202-032-000 206-291-016-000 203-125-003-000 305-162-006-000 305-171-015-000 305-201-016-000 307-101-008-000 030-172-004-000 221-061-036-000 111-111-006-000 014-234-016-000 206-371-013-000 316-186-019-000 110-221-044-000 110-221-045-000 110-221-046-000 109-241-043-000 109-241-044-000 207-161-013-000 525-311-019-000 016-094-002-000 503-222-009-000 008-012-001-000 109-311-024-000 212-192-003-000 109-071-017-000 032-071-010-000 309-141-004-000 210-231-017-000 017-022-046-000 016-202-049-000 008-205-016-000 208-251-008-000 109-202-034-000 110-251-046-000 012-162-004-000 012-162-007-000 104-052-016-000 104-052-020-000 509-191-039-000 201-084-006-000 202-331-003-000 201-124-008-000 001-175-007-000 219-061-006-000 530-121-001-000 530-134-002-000 522-114-001-000 308-251-011-000 053-131-005-000 033-061-022-000 021-222-010-000 021-222-006-000 400-101-039-000 500-181-005-000 216-251-004-000 216-251-005-000 533-064-014-000 110-101-020-000 208-271-010-000 109-121-039-000 109-201-009-000 107-054-018-000 020-091-001-000 033-170-025-000 510-231-030-000 520-082-003-000 003-031-003-000 107-291-009-000 506-181-006-000 010-021-011-000 109-301-007-000

Assessee’s Name Mobley Stephen E Mobley Stephen Mobley Steve Mobley Steve Mobley Steve Moore James W Morales Gaspar/Vasquez Rachel D Mulder Bonnie M Murphy Patrick Murphy Stanwood A Jr & Pamela J Murphy Stanwood A Jr & Pamela J Murphy Stanwood A Jr & Pamela J Murphy Stanwood A Jr & Pamela J Nesvold Stephen Nevedal Kristin Newmeyer Robert W Nielsen Carol E Noble Adrian A B/Church Edgar Obanks Deborah A & Peterson Irving L IV Oheren Gary D Oheren Gary D Oheren Gary D Okeefe William C & Gorbe De Okeefe William C & Gorbe De Olsen Eric J ONeill William & Katherine A Osburn Constance P Osburn Rodney/Peterson Constance L Oshaughnessy Blaine D Pan Ting C Parkin Andrew Pascual Rhoniel Perras Claude D & Lillian & Volpi Donna Perras Claude D & Lillian M Perras Renee & Richard D Peterson Constance L Phillips Kevin R Pierce Dylan J Pigg Jacob Poindexter Thomas A & Joanne Ponce Andrew C & Donna M Poppen Elizabeth A Poppen Elizabeth A Quinn Michael R Quinn Michael R Reed Allen & Johnson Amanda Reeves Martin G & Delores Reeves Martin G & Delores Reprop Financial Mortgage Investors Retzloff Jackie L Richman Travis J Riggan Benjamin T Riggan Benjamin T Rinesmith Myrna S Riness Ellen M/Bird Terry J/Riness Thomas J/Rinness Timothy J Roberts Shaun Robles Rodney A Rogers Samuel W Rogers Samuel W Ross Jennifer N Ruegg James A & Irma D Russell Christina Russell Christina Sadler Deborah Sagredos Evangelos & Christopher J Saltekoff William E Salvucci Debra A Salvucci Debra A Sammel Michael P Sanders Michael B Scanlon Matthew M Schulenberg Toshiko Secor Robert E Jr & Shennan L Sequoia Investments XXIV LLC Shinn Jim Sierra Pacific Industries Siggins Guthrie C Silverado 10 Inc

Amount to redeem 2,229.41 2,157.86 1,675.36 1,675.36 1,893.98 2,668.54 2,454.15 6,054.97 2,279.00 7,660.94 76,374.11 16,967.39 24,658.68 8,579.30 11,737.92 638.98 4,638.25 2,538.37 7,433.28 3,000.78 12,849.90 2,533.75 1,780.78 1,780.78 2,762.35 343.16 398.69 1,635.66 445.42 1,982.14 3,350.92 826.18 32,256.95 43,310.09 5,148.63 989.14 8,984.48 998.19 13,177.63 489.16 306.77 1,155.04 3,425.20 468.74 585.84 3,006.41 872.06 9,953.65 11,005.65 8,078.37 1,927.93 4,014.86 2,990.11 616.06 1,240.06 1,428.99 415.91 804.48 4,717.07 1,496.19 2,978.08 1,038.45 1,728.04 3,771.70 1,908.47 8,271.15 5,830.41 1,842.84 1,127.13 3,131.13 10,389.80 3,702.79 4,825.78 29,607.06 9,217.68 2,126.79 9,642.70 6,576.48

Assessor’s Assessment No 109-251-052-000 512-063-037-000 509-191-034-000 221-101-015-000 206-151-015-000 109-341-037-000 203-331-040-000 010-061-011-000 005-053-007-000 511-443-015-000 004-203-001-000 208-221-018-000

Assessee’s Name

Simonton Brad & Souther William H Singer Bernard Sloan Kristopher & Nedelcoff Paula Soper Julie Sordal Erik & Eric Cld Soto Michael A & Gerrie L Sousa Justin & April Squires Floyd E III/Ford Betty Squires Floyd E III & Betty J Squires Floyd E III & Betty J Squires Floyd E III Starkey Raymond E & Johnnie L/Frey Lenny/Thomas George/Jackson Berkeley B/Brandli Roxann 306-201-066-000 Starr Ruby B & James R 218-061-009-000 Stempson Matthew J 217-391-001-000 Stevens Kurt H & McEvoy Harry J 217-151-002-000 Stockton Judith 217-165-003-000 Stockton Judith 013-143-006-000 Storre Rick C 202-072-017-000 Stowe Tracy & Caprice 025-121-003-000 Strobel William & Patricia/House Cynthia L/Wilson Nicholas P/Wilson Robin L/Wilson Stephen V 018-332-004-000 Sullivan-Bryant Mary L 111-112-020-000 Switzer George F 081-042-008-000 Switzer Obadiah E 216-393-030-000 Switzer Obadiah E T 525-231-010-000 Thom Charles R Sr 301-041-005-000 Thomas William W Jr & Cynthia A 109-271-016-000 Trappen Kenneth J 004-086-007-000 Trent Christopher W 109-031-037-000 Trent Christopher W 109-031-038-000 Trent Christopher W 203-383-070-000 Turner Dennis W & Nicole 314-332-007-000 Tuttle Laura J 111-031-047-000 Villamil David 216-393-020-000 Walker Matthew B 533-053-019-000 Walker Michale L & Patricia A 202-331-011-000 Walstrom Michael S & Kristy J 216-381-035-000 Walters Patricia E 216-392-020-000 Walters Robert J 516-101-047-000 Warvi Karen S 012-184-015-000 Waterman Mark & April 220-191-012-000 Watson Charles F & Anderson Beatrice P 202-342-006-000 Watson Nicholas & Pleshakov Sara 530-082-023-000 Webster Jacqueline D 110-111-067-000 Westby Donald C 509-112-017-000 Whitehurst Daniel L & L Gabrielle 531-082-002-000 Whyte Daniel M & Matthew C 530-061-023-000 Wildman Daniel 306-232-003-000 Williams Britni & Torry 107-145-012-000 Wilson John W 206-101-057-000 Wilson Kevin L 208-331-012-000 Wilson L Lynne 109-051-006-000 Wokanovicz David A & Plank Seth 201-251-009-000 Woodard Eric/Tonkin June T/Taylor Roy A 202-102-017-000 Wortman Ruth E 531-085-005-000 Wright Christopher L 110-301-022-000 York Tommy A & Pauline N 110-301-023-000 York Tommy A & Pauline N 210-051-078-000 Zavala Ryan 401-171-039-000 Zerlang Leroy L & Dalene S 010-093-014-000 Zizza Carli 109-182-067-000 Zolnir Donna L

Amount to redeem 5,830.41 6,875.31 2,735.80 2,685.23 26,185.49 1,875.36 10,728.99 4,966.51 8,322.35 33,061.39 7,043.52 2,810.04 5,407.47 8,856.76 7,344.13 1,776.39 13,648.01 4,940.02 350.30 1,453.62 10,909.63 759.77 693.18 585.51 676.37 6,589.94 2,407.02 19,845.23 2,661.38 2,661.38 7,906.02 435.12 2,422.61 16,769.64 260.10 2,933.78 5,393.53 9,527.14 1,536.83 14,190.44 5,960.89 697.61 626.99 340.82 1,650.59 6,712.79 440.45 12,194.24 844.29 27,486.98 6,117.56 1,301.22 3,304.41 5,677.23 2,942.24 1,396.10 3,400.98 19,058.63 9,755.78 989.09 2,539.27

I certify or (declare), under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct.

John Bartholomew Humboldt County Tax Collector Executed at Eureka, Humboldt County, California, on August 23, 2013. Published in the North Coast Journal on August 29th, September 5th, and September 12th, 2013. 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/2013 (13-233) • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013


affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in Cali− fornia law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person inter− ested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE−154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: LEON A. KARJOLA, CSB#69056 ATTORNEY AT LAW 732 FIFTH STREET EUREKA, CA 95501 (707) 445−0804 August 15, 2013 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2013 (13−227)


the hearing and state your objec− tions or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person inter− ested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE−154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: NATILIE A. DUKE, CSB# 269315 DAVIS & POOVEY, INC. 937 SIXTH STREET EUREKA, CA. 95501 (707) 443−6744 August 26, 2013 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: DENNIS LEE KEEHN A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by ANGELO MARCELLI in the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that ANGELO MARCELLI 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2013 (13−227) be appointed as personal represen− tative to administer the estate of NOTICE OF PETITION TO the decedent. ADMINISTER ESTATE OF THE PETITION requests the dece− WILLIAM JOSEPH HOSICK, AKA dent’s will and codicils, if any, be WILLIAM J. HOSICK, AKA BILLY admitted to probate. The will and HOSICK, AKA BILLY J. HOSICK any codicils are available for exami− CASE NO. PR130249 nation in the file kept by court. THE PETITION requests authority to To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, administer the estate under the contingent creditors and persons Independent Administration of who may otherwise be interested in Estates Act. (This authority will the will or estate, or both, of: allow the personal representative to 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/2013 (13−235) WILLIAM JOSEPH HOSICK, AKA take many actions without WILLIAM J. HOSICK, AKA BILLY obtaining court approval. Before HOSICK, AKA BILLY J. HOSICK NOTICE OF PETITION TO taking certain very important A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been ADMINISTER ESTATE OF actions, however, the personal filed by MARILYN HUTTON DIANE FRANCIS KEEHN representative will be required to in the Superior Court of California, CASE NO. PR130239 give notice to interested persons County of Humboldt. To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, unless they have waived notice or THE PETITION FOR PROBATE contingent creditors and persons consented to the proposed action.) requests MARILYN HUTTON be who may otherwise be interested in The independent administration appointed as personal representa− the will or estate, or both, of: authority will be granted unless an tive to administer the estate of the DIANE FRANCIS KEEHN interested person files an objection decedent. A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been to the petition and shows good THE PETITION requests the dece− filed by ANGELO GENE MARCELLI in cause why the court should not dent’s will and codicils, if any, be the Superior Court of California, grant the authority. admitted to probate. The will and County of Humboldt. A HEARING on the petition will be codicils are available for examina− THE PETITION FOR PROBATE held on September 12, 2013 at 2:00 tion in the file kept by the court. requests that ANGELO GENE p.m. at the Superior Court of Cali− THE PETITION requests authority to MARCELLI be appointed as personal fornia, County of Humboldt, 825 administer the estate under the representative to administer the Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. Independent Administration of estate of the decedent. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of Estates Act. (This authority will THE PETITION requests the dece− the petition, you should appear at allow the personal representative to dent’s will and codicils, if any, be the hearing and state your objec− take many actions without admitted to probate. The will and tions or file written objections with obtaining court approval. Before any codicils are available for exami− the court before the hearing. Your taking certain very important nation in the file kept by court. appearance may be in person or by actions, however, the personal THE PETITION requests authority to your attorney. representative will be required to administer the estate under the IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a give notice to interested persons Independent Administration of contingent creditor of the dece− unless they have waived notice or Estates Act. (This authority will dent, you must file your claim with consented to the proposed action.) allow the personal representative to the court and mail a copy to the The independent administration take many actions without personal representative appointed authority will be granted unless an obtaining court approval. Before by the court within the later of interested person files an objection taking certain very important either (1) four months from the date to the petition and shows good actions, however, the personal of first issuance of letters to a cause why the court should not representative will be required to general personal representative, as grant the authority. give notice to interested persons defined in section 58(b) of the Cali− A HEARING on the petition will be unless they have waived notice or fornia Probate Code, or (2) 60 days held on September 19, at 2:00 p.m. consented to the proposed action.) from the date of mailing or at the Superior Court of California, The independent administration personal delivery to you of a notice County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth authority will be granted unless an under section 9052 of the California Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. interested person files an objection Probate Code. Other California IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of to the petition and shows good statutes and legal authority may the petition, you should appear at cause why the court should not affect your rights as a creditor. You the hearing and state your objec− grant the authority. may want to consult with an tions or file written objections with A HEARING on the petition will be attorney knowledgeable in Cali− the court before the hearing. Your held on September 12, 2013 at 2:00 fornia law. appearance may be in person or by p.m. at the Superior Court of Cali− YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by your attorney. fornia, County of Humboldt, 825 the court. If you are a person inter− IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. ested in the estate, you may file contingent creditor of the IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of with the court a Request for Special deceased, you must file your claim the petition, you should appear at Notice (form DE−154) of the filing of with the court and mail a copy to the hearing and state your objec− an inventory and appraisal of estate the personal representative tions or file written objections with assets or of any petition or account appointed by the court within four the court before the hearing. Your as provided in Probate Code section • Thursday, months fromSept. the date of first North Coast Journal 5, 2013 • appearance may be in person or by 1250. A Request for Special Notice issuance of letters as provided in your attorney. form is available from the court Probate Code section 9100. The IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a clerk. time for filing claims will not expire contingent creditor of the dece− ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: before four months from the


grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on September 12, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the Superior Court of Cali− fornia, County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objec− tions or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the dece− dent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the Cali− fornia Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in Cali− fornia law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person inter− ested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE−154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: LEON A. KARJOLA, CSB #69056 ATTORNEY AT LAW 732 FIFTH STREET EUREKA, CA 95501 (707) 445−0804 August 15, 2013 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2013 (13−228)

NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC AUCTION Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property pursuant to Sections 21700 −21716 of the Business & Professions Code, Section 2328 of the UCC, Section 535 of the Penal Code and provisions of the Civil Code. The undersigned will sell at a public auction by competitive bidding on the 6th of September 2013, at noon, on the premises where said prop− erty has been stored and which are located at South Bay Mini−Storage, 2031 Eich Road, Eureka, County of Humboldt, State of California, as follows. Items to be sold include but are not limited to the following: Unit #170− Melissa Smith−boxed items, disc player, furniture, clothing Unit #277− Michael E Sovereign − mattress set, boxed items, speaker box, car rim, toys Unit #315− Delisse L Jones−boxed items, wood furniture, suitcases, 2 televisions Unit #412− Christopher J Nicholson− misc furniture, misc boxed items Unit #605− Vonda Wilson−drill press, washing machine, dishwasher, misc tables Unit #661− Christopher Garza − tables, chairs, dresser, doll house, boxed items Unit#760− David C Hostler−boxed items, stroller, car seal, clothing, toys

mattress set, boxed items, speaker box, car rim, toys Unit #315− Delisse L Jones−boxed items, wood furniture, suitcases, 2 televisions Unit #412− Christopher J Nicholson− misc furniture, misc boxed items Unit #605− Vonda Wilson−drill press, washing machine, dishwasher, misc tables Unit #661− Christopher Garza − tables, chairs, dresser, doll house, boxed items Unit#760− David C Hostler−boxed items, stroller, car seal, clothing, toys Unit #821− Rachael E Moore− fans, drip system, water tank, drying system, misc lights & pvc Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase in cash only. All purchased items are sold "as is" and must be removed from the premises within 24 hours. Sale subject to cancellation in the event of a settlement between owner and obligated party. Bring a flashlight and padlock(s) Dated this 22nd of August and 29th day of August 2013 CA BOND NO. 0336118 8/22, 8/29/2013 (13−226)

PUBLIC SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property pursuant to Sections 21700 −21716 of the Business & Professions Code, Section 2328 of the UCC, Section 535 of the Penal Code and provisions of the civil Code. The undersigned will sell at public sale by competitive bidding on the 18th of September, 2013, at 9:00 AM, on the premises where said property has been stored and which are located at Rainbow Self Storage, at 4055 Broadway Eureka, Ca, County of Humboldt the following: Janet Polizzi, Unit # 5006 Heather Yates, Unit # 5019 Deanna Anderson, Unit # 5069 Ivy Carreno, Unit # 5222 Roy Hathaway, Unit # 5247 Theresa Bering, Unit # 5307 Ramon Hernandez, Unit # 5322 Michael Chandler, Unit # 5326 The following units are located at 639 W. Clark Street Eureka, Ca, County of Humboldt and will be sold immediately following the sale of the above units. Steve McKinney, Unit # 2409 Mark Andersen, Unit # 2703 Alvin Machado, Unit # 3113 The following units are located at 3618 Jacobs Avenue Eureka, Ca, County of Humboldt and will be sold immediately following the sale of the above units. Sofona Wade, Unit # 1116 Richard Wilks II, Unit # 1151 Michael Barrette, Unit # 1205 John Post, Unit # 1211 Pamela Millsap, Unit # 1350 Carol Cowart, Unit # 1367 Matthew Jensen, Unit # 1688 Alvin Machado, Unit # 1713 The following units are located at 105 Indianola Eureka, Ca, County of Humboldt and will be sold immedi− ately following the sale of the above units. Alan Marini, Unit # 142 Loren Smith, Unit # 207 Jennifer Fuentes, Unit # 221 Rachel Hope, Unit # 413 Storage Facility, Unit # 464 Floyde Odom, Unit # 484 Items to be sold include, but are not limited to: Household furniture, office equipment, household appli− ances, exercise equipment, TVs,

The following units are located at 105 Indianola Eureka, Ca, County of Humboldt and will be sold immedi− ately following the sale of the above units. Alan Marini, Unit # 142 Loren Smith, Unit # 207 Jennifer Fuentes, Unit # 221 Rachel Hope, Unit # 413 Storage Facility, Unit # 464 Floyde Odom, Unit # 484 Items to be sold include, but are not limited to: Household furniture, office equipment, household appli− ances, exercise equipment, TVs, VCR, microwave, bikes, books, misc. tools, misc. camping equipment, misc. stereo equip. misc. yard tools, misc. sports equipment, misc. kids toys, misc. fishing gear, misc. computer components, and misc. boxes and bags contents unknown. Purchases must be paid for at the time of the sale in cash only. Anyone interested in attending the auction must sign in at 4055 Broadway Eureka CA. prior to 9:00 A.M. on the day of the auction, no exceptions. All purchase items sold as is, where is and must be removed at time of sale. Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settle− ment between owner and obligated party. Auctioneer: Rainbow Self− Storage, 707−443−1451, Bond # 40083246. Dated this 5th day of September 2013 and 12th day of September 2013 9/5, 9/12/2013 (13−238)

SUMMONS CASE NUMBER: DR130210 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: CHARLES "CLIFF" WILLIAMS, CHARLES "MARC" WILLIAM, CAROL BYMASTER, ET AL. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: FRANCIS FISCHER− MORIARTY Notice! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more infor− mation at the California Courts Online Self−Help Center (, your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (, the California Courts Online Self−Help Center (− help), or by contacting your local court or county bar association.

You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (, the California Courts Online Self−Help Center (− help), or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and cost on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. HUMBOLDT COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 825 5TH STREET EUREKA, CA 95501 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF KELLY M. WALSH, SBN: 159155 MATHEWS, KLUCK, WALSH & WYKLE, LLP 100 M ST. EUREKA, CA 95501 (707) 442−3758 Dated: April 02, 2013 Clerk, by Amy McP, Deputy NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served as an individual defendant Filed: August 06, 2013 Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt 8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2013 (13−221)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 13−00434 The following persons are doing Business as LAVENDER ROSE FABRIC & NOTIONS at 3479 Pine Street, Eureka, CA 95503 Patricia Louise Underwood 3479 Pine Street Eureka, CA 95503 The business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the ficti− tious business name listed above on August 1, 2013 /s/ Patty L. Underwood This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on August 1, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2013 (13−219)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 13−00442 The following persons are doing Business as ST. JOSEPH HERITAGE HEALTHCARE at 500 S. Main St., Ste. 1000 St Joseph Hospital Yorba Linda 500 S. Main St., Ste. 1000 Orange, CA. 92868 The business is conducted by A Corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the ficti− tious business name listed above on 3/28/13 /s/ St. Jude Hospital Yorba Linda, By C.R Burke, President, and CEO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on August 05, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/2013 (13−223)



The following persons are doing Business as Dave’s 76 Service at 1666 Main Street, Fortuna, CA 95540 Anita L. Ansley, Executor David Ansley Estate 2020 So. Second Ave. Fortuna, CA 95540 The business is conducted by A Individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the ficti− tious business name listed above on n/a /s/ Anita L. Ansley, Executor This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on August 12, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk

The following persons are doing Business as HAWTHORN UNIVER− SITY at 475 Hungry Gulch Rd., Ste. C, Whitethorn, CA. 95589, PO Box 546916, Surfside, FL. 33154 Bright Conduit Corporation 9441 Harding Ave. Surfside, FL. 33154, Delaware The business is conducted by A Corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the ficti− tious business name listed above on n/a /s/ Jose F. Pedreira, Secretary This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on August 19, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk

8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5/2013 (13−220)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 13−00456 The following persons are doing Business as BAYVIEW CONSULTING at 204 Dean Avenue Manila, CA. 95521 Leigh Ann Pierre− Oetker 204 Dean Avenue Manila, CA. 95521 Lawrence Paul Oetker 204 Dean Avenue Manila, CA. 95521 The business is conducted by A Married Couple The registrant commenced to transact business under the ficti− tious business name listed above on n/a /s/ Leigh A. Pierre− Oetker This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on August 12, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/2013 (13−222)

9/5, 9/12, 9/19, 9/26/2013 (13−237)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 13−00473 The following person is doing Business as MOUNTAIN MAN MOWING at 686 Forest View Dr. Willow Creek, CA. 95573, PO Box 83, Salyer CA. 95563 David Joseph Maloney III 686 Forest View Dr. Willow Creek, CA. 95573 The business is conducted by An Individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the ficti− tious business name listed above on 8/21/2013 /s/ David J. Maloney This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on August 21, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 9/5, 9/12, 9/19, 9/26/2013 (13−239)

8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/2013 (13−222)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 13−00467 The following person is doing Busi− ness as SLICE OF HUMBOLDT PIE at 1335 14th Street Amber Saba 1335 14th Street Eureka, CA. 95501 Kristen Thompson 1335 14th Street Eureka, CA. 95501 The business is conducted by A Married Couple The registrant commenced to transact business under the ficti− tious business name listed above on 8/16/2013 /s/ Amber Saba. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on August 16, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 13−00477 The following persons are doing Business as HUMBOLDT ACUPUNC− TURE at 123 F St., Eureka, CA. 95501 Jeffrey Haloff 2707 M St. Eureka, CA. 95501 Chelsea Colby 2707 M St. Eureka, CA. 95501 The business is conducted by A Married Couple The registrant commenced to transact business under the ficti− tious business name listed above on n/a /s/ Jeffrey Haloff. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on August 26, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 9/5, 9/12, 9/19, 9/26/2013 (13−236)

8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2013 (13−230)

legal NOTICES continued on next page



YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED March 25, 2011. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE, IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on September 26, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m., on the steps to the front entrance to the County Courthouse, located at 825 5th Street, City of Eureka, County of Humboldt, State of California, PRIME PACIFIC, a corporation, as Trustee will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state, all payable at the time of sale, real property situated in the County of Humboldt, State of California, and the purported address is 737 Briceland Thorn Road, Redway, CA (APN: 077-051-022-000), and is more particularly described in the Deed of Trust referenced below. Directions may be obtained pursuant to a written request submitted to the beneficiary: MICHAEL D. CALLAHAN, REBECCA CALLAHAN, and JANICE STENLUND, Successor Trustees - c/o Selzer Home Loans, 551 S. Orchard Ave., Ukiah, CA 95482, telephone: (707) 462-4000 or by contacting the Trustee, Prime Pacific at (707) 468-5300 or mailing request to Prime Pacific, P.O. Box 177, Ukiah, CA 95482 - within 10 days from the first publication of this notice. If a street address or common designation of property is shown in this notice, no warranty is given as to its completeness or correctness. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid obligation, together with reasonable estimate of the costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of this notice is $181,994.00. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. The sale will be made without covenant or warranty of title, possession, or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of the sale conferred in that certain Deed of Trust, all advances thereunder, interest provided therein, and fees, charges and expenses of the trustee. The Deed of Trust was executed by JOHN SCHAAFSMA, a single man, as the original Trustor, to RICHARD P. SELZER, as Trustee, for the benefit and security of DAN W. CALLAHAN, Trustee of the Dan W. and Roma L. Callahan Family Trust dated 9/17/2004, as Beneficiary, dated March 25, 2011, and recorded March 31, 2011, in Document No. 2011-6792-6, Official Records of Humboldt County, and said property will be sold “as is” and no warranty or representation is made concerning its present condition. PRIME PACIFIC was substituted as trustee under that certain document recorded May 22, 2013, in Document No. 2013-011975-2, Official Records of Humboldt County. The address and telephone number of the trustee is: PRIME PACIFIC, Post Office Box 177, 215 W. Standley Street, #3, Ukiah, California 95482; Telephone: (707) 4685300. Notice of Default and election to sell the described real property under the mentioned deed of trust was recorded on May 22, 2013, Document No. 2013-011976-4, Official Records of Humboldt County. The name, address, and telephone number of the Beneficiary (or Beneficiary’s agent) at whose request this sale is to be conducted is: MICHAEL D. CALLAHAN, REBECCA CALLAHAN, and JANICE STENLUND, Successor Trustees - c/o Selzer Home Loans, 551 S. Orchard Ave., Ukiah, CA 95482, telephone: (707) 462-4000. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call PRIME PACIFIC at (707) 468-5300 Ext. 11 [telephone message recording] or you may can call PRIME PACIFIC at (707) 468-5300 Ext. 10 and talk to a person directly. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information (Ext. 11). THE BEST WAY TO VERIFY POSTPONEMENT INFORMATION IS TO ATTEND THE SCHEDULED SALE. The mortgagee or beneficiary is not required to give notice under CA Civil Code Section 2923.5. Dated: August 26, 2013 PRIME PACIFIC – Trustee /s/ By: Mary F. Morris, President No. S-13-02F 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/2013 (13-232) • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013




CROSSWORD By David Levinson Wilk

legal notices

ANSWERS NEXT WEEK! ACROSS 1. Up 7. IMHO cousin 11. Z4 automaker 14. Gary of “Apollo 13� 15. Kitchen flooring, for short 16. “Seinfeld� uncle 17. Surgical inserts 18. Concerning 19. ____ Miss 20. Reason the pet owner gave for not neutering Felix? 23. It’s quite a story 24. Litigators’ org. 25. 1930s film dog 28. Task for a Saudi Arabian public relations man?

33. Hydroelectric structure 34. Hit hard 35. Stomach, to a tot 36. “Don’t ____� (2005 hit song) 39. Actress Zadora 41. Chapter 42. Govt. agency that’s assbackwards? 43. Casual greetings 44. Marble, e.g. 45. Sch. named after a televangelist 47. Something that requires a huge cleanup crew? 52. Baseball great ____ Speaker 53. Quick swim 54. “Let the Sunshine In� musical

57. Words spoken during a swearing-in (or what’s found in 20-, 28- and 47-Across) 62. ____ Beta Kappa 64. Harmony 65. 1914 Edgar Rice Burroughs novel “At the ____ Core� 66. It’s quite a stretch 67. California-based oil giant 68. Ghost 69. Something to hang your hat on 70. Look 71. Dogmata

DOWN 1. Elves, to Santa: Abbr. 2. “Die Hard: ____ Vengeance� (1995 film) 3. Light breakfast 4. “The Autobiography of My Mother� author Jamaica 5. First-year Spanish verb 6. One out on a limb? 7. Like bananas Foster 8. Smarty-pants 9. The “I� in IHOP: Abbr. 10. It may be spun 11. 49-0 NFL games, e.g. 12. Man’s name that’s Latin for “honey� 13. Blue state?

21. Character who says “Sorry, we’re closed,� the last line of the series finale of “Cheers� 22. Wagering locale: Abbr. 26. Shih ____ (Tibetan dogs) 27. Princess in L. Frank Baum books 29. Kind of trail 30. Big guns in the Mideast 31. Bounce (off) 32. Stoudemire of the NBA 36. Target of some surgery 37. Rush ____ 38. Aiming high 40. Patient waiting 46. Herald

48. Suffix with Taiwan 49. Show teens watch for laughs, in slang 50. Org. trying to clear the air? 51. He declined the 1964 Literature Nobel 55. “Somebody shot me!� 56. Chills, so to speak 58. Some health warnings: Abbr. 59. “Reader, I married him� heroine 60. Big celebration 61. It’s on a roll 62. Vigor 63. Garden tool

Hard #29

Solution, tips and computer program at



Opportunities BECOME A MENTOR! California MENTOR is seeking committed people willing to share their home with an adult with developmental disabilities. We are seeking Mentors who have experience with insulin dependent diabetics & live in the McKinleyville/Arcata area. We offer a competitive monthly stipend & 24 hour support. Call Jamie at (707) 442−4500 ext. 14 (E−1226)


PETITION OF: LUCIE HEBERT−MYERS TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: LUCIE HEBERT−MYERS for a decree changing names as follows: Present name ISAAC DAVID HEBERT−GRAVES to Proposed Name JACK HENRY DAVID HERBERT− GRAVES THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objec− tion at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objec− tion is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 30, 2013 Time: 1:45 p.m., Dept. 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT 825 FIFTH STREET EUREKA, CA 95501 Date: August 9, 2013 Filed: August 9, 2013 /s/ W. BRUCE WATSON Judge of the Superior Court 8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/2013 (13−225)



Acreage for Sale Apartments for Rent Commercial Property for Sale Commercial Space for Rent Houses for Rent Realtor Ads Vacation Rentals

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707.445.9641 2930 E Street Eureka, CA 95501

CONTINUED ON next page

classified employment Opportunities







AMERICAN STAR PRIVATE SECU− RITY. Is Now Hiring. Clean record, Drivers license required. Must own vehicle. Apply at 922 E Street, Suite A, Eureka. (707) 476−9262. (E−0926)

HOME CAREGIVERS PT/FT. Non−medical caregivers to assist elderly in their homes. Top hourly wages. (707) 362−8045. (E−1226)

CARE PROVIDERS NEEDED NOW! Make extra money, great opportunity. Special Needs Adults live w/you. Earn up to $3,600 tax−free/mo. Bring 4 references. Application on−site. Must have extra bedroom, HS/ GED & clean criminal record. Call Jamie today for appt ! (707)442− 4500 #14, (E−1226)

REDWOOD COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY Assistant Cook, p/t $9/hr. Licensed Childcare Center needs: Teacher, p/t 20/hrs week $10/hr Sub Teacher $10/hr. Both posi− tions require ECE’s. Go to or 904 G St. Eka for full job descrp and req’d applica− tion. (E−0829)

y y y y y yy yy 

707.445.9641 2930 E Street Eureka, CA 95501 default


   

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14 W. Wabash Ave. Eureka, CA 268-1866


Part-time opening (22.5 hours/week) anticipated to work until 7/31/14. This position conducts office and community based activities to support enrollments on CalFresh. Starts at $14.11/hr. Must be able to pass criminal history fingerprint clearance.


Entry level position responsible for a variety of water distribution and sewer collection maintenance, repair, and construction assignments with general supervision. Must be 18 and have valid CDL. Complete job description and required application available at or City of Fortuna, 621 11th Street, 725-7600. Application packet must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday, September 13, 2013. default

Assistant City Engineer / Deputy Director of Public Works

$67,005.12 – 81,445.14/yr. Performs, coordinates, manages, and supervises assigned personnel, programs, and activities within the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department, including performing professional engineering work related to supervising, designing, planning, reviewing, and inspecting public works projects and facilities; performs all other related duties as assigned. Filing Deadline: 4:00 p.m. September 19, 2013. Application materials available at Arcata City Manager’s Office, 736 F Street, Arcata, CA 95521; by calling (707) 822-5953 or at EOE.


Application and job description available at, 2259 Myrtle Ave., Eureka, CA 95501, or (707) 444-8293. Please submit letter of interest, resume, and application to Nanda Prato at the above address by Monday, September 9th at 5 p.m. EOE



Large construction project needs carpenters who are well rounded from the ground up. If you have 3-5 years of commercial/residential construction experience we would like to talk to you right away! Pay is $15.00-$17.00/hour DOE. Call Today! NO FEE!


County of Humboldt


$2,685 - $3,446/mo. plus excellent benefits To provide individual and group counseling focused on rehabilitating drug and alcohol abusers and participate in substance abuse prevention and education programs. Must be certified as an Alcohol and Drug Counselor and have two years FT work experience providing drug and alcohol counseling. Filing deadline: September 18, 2013 Apply online at or call Human Resources (707) 476-2349 825 Fifth St., Rm.100, Eureka. AA/EOE

RN CLINIC COORDINATOR (Supervisor) 1 F/T Willow Creek



County of Humboldt


1 F/T McKinleyville

MEDICAL ASSISTANT 1 F/T Arcata. 2 F/T Eureka, 1 F/T Willow Creek

DENTAL HYGIENIST 1 F/T Crescent City We are also seeking the following providers:

FAMILY PRACTICE/INTERNAL MEDICINE MD 1 F/T Eureka, 1 F/T McKinleyville, 1 F/T Crescent City

PA/FNP 2 F/T Eureka, 1 F/T Arcata PSYCHIATRIST 1 F/T Crescent City LCSW 1 F/T Crescent City Go to for online application.

$2,753- $3,533 mo. plus benefits

Provides difficult or specialized fiscal, financial and accounting office support work in County offices; may assign, direct and review the work of a small staff. Must be skilled in resolving fiscal office administrative problems; preparing fiscal, accounting, payroll and statistical records; reviewing and assigning the work of others; and the use of personal or online computers. Filing deadline: September 9, 2013 Apply online at or call Human Resources (707) 476-2349 825 Fifth St., Rm.100, Eureka. AA/EOE • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013


the MARKETPLACE Opportunities


Art & Collectibles

WIND IN THE WILLOWS Looking for a teacher’s aide. 6 or more ECE units required. Must be able to pass a background check. Email: windinthewillows@rocket (E−0905)

GARDENING SPECIALIST Local horticulture company has an immediate opening for an inside sales position. Candidate must have 5+ years of retail experience in the horticulture industry or equivalent; must have knowledge of electrical systems/ lighting and irrigation; green− house construction and solar experience a plus. Knowledge of current industry products or the desire to learn them also manda− tory. Strong sales, organizational and interpersonal skills are necessary, as well as the ability to be a quick study. Salary range $10−$20/hr. We are searching for a team player who is eager to excel at providing customers with the best service, selection and solutions on the market. For an interview and/or appoint− ment email resume to Please add B2S in the subject line. (E− 0905)



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Auctions default

General Contractor Retires



ď …ď ?ď ?ď Œď ?ď ™ď ?ď …ď Žď ” ď ?ď ?ď ?ď ?ď ’ď ”ď •ď Žď ‰ď ”ď ‰ď …ď “ ď ƒď ˆď …ď ’ď€­ď ď …ď€ ď ˆď …ď ‰ď ‡ď ˆď ”ď “ď€ ď ƒď ď “ď ‰ď Žď ? ď ?ď ď ’ď ”ď€­ď ”ď ‰ď ?ď …ď€ ď ?ď ?ď “ď ‰ď ”ď ‰ď ?ď Žď “ ď ƒď ˛ď Żď ˇď Žď€ ď ƒď Źď ľď ˘ď€ ď ’ď Ľď ° ď Šď Ąď Žď Šď ´ď Żď ˛ ď ?ď ˛ď Ľď °ď€ ď ƒď Żď Żď Ťď€Żď „ď Šď łď ¨ď ˇď Ąď łď ¨ď Ľď ˛ ď ‡ď Šď Śď ´ď€ ď “ď ¨ď Żď ° ď “ď Ľď ˛ď śď Ľď ˛ ď ƒď Ąď §ď Ľď€ ď ƒď Ąď łď ¨ď Šď Ľď ˛ ď „ď Ľď Źď Šď€ ď —ď Żď ˛ď Ťď Ľď ˛ ď€•ď€ƒď€?ď€ƒď€śď ˆď †ď ˜ď •ď Œď —ď œď€ƒď€˛ď ‰ďƒ°ď€ƒď †ď ˆď • ď †ď •ď Œď Œď€­ď ”ď ‰ď ?ď …ď€ ď ?ď ?ď “ď ‰ď ”ď ‰ď ?ď Žď “ ď Œď Šď Žď Ľď€ ď ƒď Żď Żď Ť ď ƒď ¨ď Ľď ˛ď€­ď ď Ľď€ ď ˆď Ľď Šď §ď ¨ď ´ď łď€ ď ‰ď Žď ¤ď Šď Ąď Žď€ ď ƒď Żď ­ď ­ď ľď Žď Šď ´ď šď€ ď Żď Śď€ ď ´ď ¨ď Ľď€ ď ”ď ˛ď Šď Žď Šď ¤ď Ąď ¤ď€ ď ’ď Ąď Žď Łď ¨ď Ľď ˛ď Šď Ąď€ ď …ď ­ď °ď Źď Żď šď ­ď Ľď Žď ´ď łď€ ď ď °ď °ď Źď Šď Łď Ąď ´ď Šď Żď Žď łď€ ď Ąď śď Ąď Šď Źď Ąď ˘ď Źď Ľď€ ď Šď Žď€ ď ˆď ľď ­ď Ąď Žď€ ď ’ď Ľď łď Żď ľď ˛ď Łď Ľď łď€Ż ď “ď Ľď Ąď łď Łď Ąď °ď Ľď€Żď ƒď ¨ď Ľď ˛ď€­ď ď Ľď€ ď ˆď Ľď Šď §ď ¨ď ´ď łď€ ď ƒď Ąď łď Šď Žď Żď€ ď Żď ˛ď€ ď Żď ľď ˛ď€ ď ˇď Ľď ˘ď łď Šď ´ď Ľď€ ď Ąď ´ď€ ď ˇď ˇď ˇď€Žď Łď ¨ď Ľď ˛ď Ąď Ľď ¨ď Ľď Šď §ď ¨ď ´ď łď Łď Ąď łď Šď Žď Żď€Žď Łď Żď ­ď€ ď ƒď ¨ď Ľď ˛ď€­ď ď Ľď€ ď ˆď Ľď Šď §ď ¨ď ´ď łď€ ď Šď łď€ ď Ąď Žď€ ď Ąď Źď Łď Żď ¨ď Żď Źď€ ď Ąď Žď ¤ď€ ď ¤ď ˛ď ľď §ď€ ď Śď ˛ď Ľď Ľď€ ď ˇď Żď ˛ď Ťď °ď Źď Ąď Łď Ľď€ ď ˇď Šď ´ď ¨ď€ ď ˛ď Ľď ąď ľď Šď ˛ď Ľď ¤ď€ ď ´ď Ľď łď ´ď Šď Žď §ď€Ž



SEPT. 8TH 11:00 AM ď ď ľď Łď ´ď Šď Żď Žď€ ď ”ď Żď€ ď ‚ď Ľď€ ď ˆď Ľď Źď ¤ď€ ď ď ´ ď€łď€°ď€ľď€˛ď€ ď ’ď ¨ď Żď Žď Ľď ˛ď śď Šď Źď Źď Ľď€ ď ’ď ¤ď€Ž ď †ď ?ď ’ď ”ď •ď Žď ď€Źď€ ď ƒď ď ?ď ’ď …ď –ď ‰ď …ď —ď€ ď “ď •ď Žď „ď ď ™ ď€šď€şď€°ď€°ď€ ď Ąď ­ď€ ď ´ď Żď€ ď “ď Ąď Źď Ľď€ ď ”ď Šď ­ď Ľ ď Šď Żď ¨ď Žď€ ď „ď Ľď Ľď ˛ď Ľď€ ď ´ď ˛ď Ąď Łď ´ď Żď ˛ď€Źď€ ď ˛ď Šď ¤ď Šď Žď §ď€ ODZQ PRZHU PDFKLQLVWÂśV ď Źď Ąď ´ď ¨ď Ľď€Źď€ ď€´ď€°ď€°ď€°ď —ď€ ď §ď Ľď Žď Ľď ˛ď Ąď ´ď Żď ˛ď€ QHZ Âł$JUD &DW´ ď ´ď ˛ď Ąď Łď ´ď Żď ˛ď€ ď Šď Žď Łď Źď€Žď€ ď ˘ď ľď Łď Ťď Ľď ´ď€Źď€ ď ˘ď Ąď Łď Ťď ¨ď Żď Ľď€Źď€ ď ˇď Šď Žď Łď ¨ď€Źď€ ď Źď Żď §ď€ ď łď °ď Źď Šď ´ď ´ď Ľď ˛ď€Žď€ ď ?ď –ď …ď ’ď€ ď€łď€°ď€°ď€ ď Œď ?ď ”ď “ď€ ď Żď Śď€ ď ´ď Żď Żď Źď łď€ ď€Śď€ ď Ľď ąď ľď Šď °ď ­ď Ľď Žď ´ď€Ąď€ ď Œď Šď łď ´ď Šď Žď §ď€ ď Ąď Žď ¤ď€ ď ?ď ¨ď Żď ´ď Żď łď€ ď Ąď ´ ď ˇď ˇď ˇď€Žď Łď Ąď ˛ď Źď Şď Żď ¨ď Žď łď Żď Žď Łď Żď€Žď Łď Żď ­ ď “ď Ąď Źď Ľď€ ď ƒď Żď Žď ¤ď ľď Łď ´ď Ľď ¤ď€ ď ˘ď š ď ƒď Ąď ˛ď Źď€ ď Šď Żď ¨ď Žď łď Żď Žď€ ď ƒď Żď€Ž $XFWLRQHHUV Ć

Art & Collectibles THE BEAD LADY. For all your needs in beads! Glass beads, leather, shells, findings, jewelry. Kathy Chase Owner, 76 Country Club Dr. Ste. 5, Willow Creek. (530) 629−3540. (BST−1226)


Art & Design

Art & Design default

Fall Registration OPEN NOW

BECOME A FOSTER PARENT. Provide a safe and stable environment for youth 13−18 for them to learn & grow in their own community. Contact the HC Dept. of Health & Human Services Foster Care Hotline (707) 441−5013, ask for Peggy

(707) 826-1445

Pets & Livestock 520 South G Street across from the marsh Arcata, CA 95521



BUY SELL TRADE livestock here! 20 words and a photo, in full color for only $25 per week. 442-1400

$$$ CASH FOR OLD CLOTHES $$$ LOOKING FOR WOMENS VINTAGE FROM 1920S−1970S Call or email to make an appt. (206) 412−4002 FURNITURE, TV’S & HARDWARE HALF PRICE! September 3−7. Famous Quarter Rack. Dream Quest Thrift Store− Helping Youth Realize Their Dreams! (M−0905)

LOOK FOR KITTENS AT PETCO. Sat’s 11−3 p.m. Our kittens are always fixed, vaccinated, and deparasited. $66 or $110/pair Non−profit Bless the Beast (707) 444−0408 (to prearrange) (P−1226)

Sporting Goods

PEGALOMANIA PRODUCTIONS PROUDLY PRESENTS (AKA: PEGGY MOLLOY) Promoter & Arbiter of the Visual & Performing Arts, Peggy Molloy has founded a service to provide services to both the public interested in artist studio tours and/or classical concert events, and the artist is interested in an online presence on her site Presented as a clearinghouse for the wealth of talent we are surrounded by in Humboldt County. Molloy has completed an MS in Entertainment Business to couple with her years of retail experience. Consultation coffee or tea always welcome. Fees gener− ated on a percentage basis per individual situation. (707) 267−0218 http://www.artcommerce


YOUR ROCKCHIP IS MY EMER− GENCY! Glaswelder, Mobile, windshield repair. 442−GLAS, (S−1226)

Cleaning ARCATA CLEANING COMPANY. The non−toxic cleaning solution for your home or office. (707) 822−7819. (S−1226) CLARITY WINDOW CLEANING. Services available. Call Julie 839− 1518. (S−1226)

ď€Źď ‘ď ‡ď ’ď ’ď •ď€ƒď€ľď „ď ‘ď Šď ˆ ď€Şď ˜ď ‘ď –ď€ƒď€‰ď€ƒď€¤ď ?ď ?ď ’ ď€Şď ˜ď ‘ď€ƒď€ľď ˆď ‘ď —ď „ď ?ď –


Auto Service

JEANNIE’S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. $15/hour or by the Job (negotiable). References avail− able. (707) 445−2644. (S−0829)

 

Computer & Internet default

Art & Design default

J.B. Fabrication

Custom Welding & Artwork

ď †ď Œď ď “ď ˆď ‚ď ď ƒď ‹


On the Plaza


ď “ď Ľď °ď ´ď Ľď ­ď ˘ď Ľď ˛ď€ ď “ď Ąď Źď Ľď€ş ď “ď Ľď Źď Ľď Łď ´ď€ ď Œď Ľď Ąď ´ď ¨ď Ľď ˛

116 W. Wabash 443-3259 Approx. 1-6 Closed Mon. & Tues.

ď‚“ď ƒď Źď Żď ´ď ¨ď Ľď łď€ ď ˇď Šď ´ď ¨ď€ ď “ď Żď ľď Źď‚”


Special artwork for home or business. Custom work for your vehicle. (707) 498-1067

616 Second St. Old Town Eureka 707.443.7017 artcenterframeshop

837 H Street, Arcata, CA 95521


ď “ď Ąď Źď Ľď ł

ď “ď Ľď ˛ď śď Šď Łď Ľ

ď “ď Żď Źď ľď ´ď Šď Żď Žď ł

Computer & Internet


Musicians & Instructors



PIANO LESSONS. Beginners, all ages. Experienced. Judith Louise 476−8919. (M−1226)

    

 

           


Other Professionals A’O’KAY JUGGLING CLOWN & WIZARD OF PLAY. Amaz− ing performances and games for all ages. Events, Birth− days, Festivals, Kidszones. I’ll Juggle, Unicycle, & bring Toys., (707) 499−5628. (S−1226)

WRITING CONSULTANT/ EDITOR. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Dan Levinson, MA, MFA. 443−8373. (S−1226)

Moving & Storage



Macintosh Computer Consulting for Business and Individuals Troubleshooting Hardware/Memory Upgrades Setup Assistance/Training Purchase Advice 707-826-1806

Garden & Landscape ALLIANCE LAWN & GARDEN CARE. Affordable, Dependable, and Motivated Yard mainte− nance. We’ll take care of all your basic lawn needs. Including hedging, trimming, mowing, and hauling. Call for estimates (707) 834−9155. (S−1226) PROFESSIONAL GARDENER. Powerful tools. Artistic spirit. Balancing the elements of your yard and garden since 1994. Call Orion 825−8074, (S−1226)

Home Repair 2 GUYS & A TRUCK. Carpentry, Landscaping, Junk Removal, Clean Up, Moving. No job too big or small, call 845−3087 2guysandatrucksmk777, (S−1226) ERIC’S SERVICES. Home Repair, Maintenance, Affordable Prices (707) 499−4828. MITSUBISHI HEAT PUMPS. Heat your house using 21st century technology. Extremely efficient, cheap to run, reason− ably priced. $300 Federal Tax Credit−Sunlight Heating−CA lic. #972834− (707) 502−1289, (S−1226)

2 GUYS & A TRUCK. Carpentry, Landscaping, Junk Removal, Clean Up, Moving. No job too big or small. Call 845−3132, 2guysandatrucksmk777

Musicians & Instructors BRADLEY DEAN ENTERTAINMENT. Singer Songwriter. Old rock, Country, Blues. Private Parties, Bars, Gatherings of all kinds. (707) 832−7419. (M−1226) GUITAR/PIANO LESSONS. All ages, beginning and intermedi− ate. Seabury Gould 444−8507. (M −1226) PIANO LESSONS BEGINNING TO ADVANCED ALL AGES. 30 years joyful experience teaching all pi− ano styles. Juilliard trained, re− mote lessons available. National− ly Certified Piano Teacher. (707) 502−9469. (M−1226) SAXOPHONE/FLUTE LESSONS. All ages, beginner−advanced, jazz improvisation, technique. Susie Laraine: (707) 441−1343 susielarain default




body, mind

Other Professionals default


         default


 Registered nurse support Personal Care Light Housekeeping Assistance with daily activities Respite care & much more insured & bonded



Serving Northern California for over 20 years! TOLL FREE


Sewing & Alterations FD1963

        

LEATHER, BAG, SHOE REPAIR. In Trinidad. We stitch, sew, glue, rivet, produce bags, belts, dog collars, horse tack, work clothes, upholstery, bar stools, benches, leather repair of all kinds. 490 1/2 Trinity Street, at Parker. Call (510) 677−3364. (SA−0926)

  

  

ASTROLOGY & TAROT. With Salina Rain: Readings, Counseling and Classes. Mon., 1:25 p.m. KHSU 90.5 FM. (707) 668−5408., (MB−1206)

STITCHES−N−BRITCHES. Kristin Anderson, Seam− stress. Mending, Alterations, Custom Sewing. Mon−Fri., 8a.m− 3p.m. Bella Vista Plaza, Ste 8A, McKinleyville. (707) 502−5294. Facebook: Kristin Anderson’s Stitches−n− Britches.


Ongoing Classes Workshops Private Sessions Diana Nunes Mizer Parent Educator

BUILD A BETTER ATTITUDE. Clinical Hypnotherapist Dave Berman, C.Ht. Accepting new clients to reduce stress/fear, boost confidence/ motivation/self−esteem. (707)845−3749. CERTIFIED ROLFER ANGELA HART, B.A . Rolfing® Ten Series, Tune−up, injuries, Chronic Pain, Repetitive Motion Injury. (707) 616−3096 (MB−1121) CHERYL JORDAN, LICENSED ESTHETICIAN. Organic facials, waxing & aromatherapy massage. Mention this ad and receive 25% off. at Tangles, 554 N Fortuna Blvd., Fortuna (707) 953−7619.

707.445.4642 default

COACHING FOR PERSONAL EVOLUTION WITH REBECCA OWEN. Access your wholeness by cultivating your Presence in the Now and learning to clear old patterns. 822−5253 THE SPINE IS YOUR CONDUIT FOR LIFE−FORCE ENERGY. Open to the Alignment of Your Whole Self: Chiropractic by Dr. Scott Winkler, D.C. and Energy Work by Rebecca Owen. 707−822−1676 (MB −0919) FREE ROLFING CONSULTATION. With Lee Tuley, Certified Rolfer. Find out what Rolfing can do for you. (541) 251−1885


Treating Bulimia, Anorexia, Binge-Eating. Kim Moor, MFT #37499

HIGHER EDUCATION FOR SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT. Bachelors, Masters, D.D./ Ph.D., distance learning, Uni− versity of Metaphysical Sci− ences. Bringing professional− ism to metaphysics. (707) 822 −2111


  


classified SERVICES

Call 441-1484 default

KICK BUTTS! Stop smoking now with Clinical Hypnotherapist Dave Berman, C.Ht. 707−845−3749. • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 2013


body, mind default



classified HOUSING




4677 Valley West Blvd. Arcata


Est. 1979

     

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Medical Cannabis Evaluations

  

in Arcata’s Old Creamery 8th & L St.

Michael D. Caplan, M.D. Gary W. Barsuaskas, N.P.

Call for Walk-in Availability Veteran / Senior /SSI DiscountS

24/7 verification by greenlife, medical systems


   

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fi d e n t i a l &


assionate mp


  HEAT THERAPY




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Facilitating patient use of medical cannabis for over 10 years.


 

with Margy Emerson

Call 442-5433 for an appt. 616 Wood St. ~ Eureka default

13-Week Term Starts Sept. 17 3 PROGRAMS: Traditional T’ai Chi UÊ/½> Ê Êv ÀÊ >V Ê*> Ê and Arthritis UÊ{ÓÊ L i`Ê À Ã ÀÊ-V i`Õ iÊ `Ê iiÃ\ or 822-6508 Visit any class free! default 

Low Cost 215 Evaluation Center All Renewals Starting At



Renew Your 215 From Any Doctor or Clinic For Less

Walk-ins Welcome

Wed & Sat 11-5pm Special discount for Seniors, SSI, Veterans & Students

 



445-7715 1-888-849-5728

  


443-6042 1-866-668-6543 RAPE CRISIS TEAM CRISIS LINE

New Patients ONLY


Medical Cannabis Consultants   









Apartments for Rent

Vacation Rentals

Comm. Space for Rent


EVENT RENTAL. Chemise Mountain Retreat, a perfect natural environment for your wedding or event. King Range. Easily accessible. Solar powered, handicap friendly, new lodge. Information 986−7794,

CREATIVE STUDIO SPACE. 2 Spacious studios available for classes & Events, Attention Dance instructors, Musicians, Artists, a great space for Yoga, Martial Arts & More. For more infor, & rate call. Studio of Dance Arts (707) 442−1939 (CR−0912)


Opening soon available for HUD Sec. 8 Waiting Lists for 2, 3 & 4 bedrm Apts. Annual Income Limits: 1 pers. $20,100; 2 pers. $22,950; 3 pers. $25,800; 4 pers. $28,650; 5 pers. $30,950; 6 pers. $33,250; 7 pers. $35,550; 8 pers. $37,850.

Comm. Space for Rent

EHO. Hearing impaired: TDD Ph# 1-800-735-2922. Apply at Office: 2575 Alliance Rd. Arcata, 8am-12pm & 1-4pm, M-F (707) 822-4104 1192 GASSOWAY #1 2/1 Apt, carport, hook−ups, shared yard, w/c small pet. Rent $765 Vac 9/ 15, Rental hotline (707) 444−9197 (R−0905) 230 WABASH AVE #2. 2 /1 Apt. Centrally located, on−site laundry, w/c cat. Sec 8 OK. Rent $675 Vac 9/5. Rental hotline (707) 444−9197, (R−0905) EUREKA APT BY THE BAY & OLDTOWN. 1 bdm/1ba, no smoking or pets, W/S/G paid. $700 month, $1000 dep. Ref. req. 445−4679 (R−0919)

Houses for Rent 2917 SPRING. 3/1 home, fenced backyard, hook−ups, w/c pet. $1095 Vac Soon. Rental Hotline (707) 444−9197 (R−0905) 3303 UNION. 2/1 home, fenced backyard, detached garage, hook −ups, w/c small pet. Rent $1000. Vac Now. Rental Hotline (707) 444−9197 (R−0905)

Vacation Rentals default


Getaway in beautifully furnished cabins on the Upper Trinity River. Hike, bike, fish or just relax in seclusion. OPEN YEAR ROUND (530) 266-3505 (530) 531-5315

COMMERCIAL SPACE IN ARCATA Ground floor retail space available $1700 or $3000 per month, size varies. Upper floor suites starting at $325. Great visibility, off street parking, close to the plaza! Call Linda Disiere (707) 845−1215 PARKING SPACES FOR RENT IN DOWNTOWN EUREKA LOT. S & W Properties. $40 per month per space. Call 443−2246, 499−6906. (R−0926) EUREKA DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE. Available at 7th & I Streets in Eureka. 650 sf. New paint and carpet. Great location. Parking & janitorial included. Call S & W Properties, (707) 499− 6906. (R−0926)

S&W PROPERTIES LLC. 2,740 sq ft building. Has been used as a charter school. 433 M Street downtown Eureka. (707) 443− 2246 for details. (R−0926)

Comm. Prop. for Sale default

home & garden

2850 E St., Eureka (Henderson Center),




2355 Central Ave., McKinleyville




Starting on Page 14 NG: LISTI





■ FIELDBROOK SEARCHING FOR SECLUSION? Charming custom home will appeal to artists, writers and anyone looking for quiet and complete privacy. Nature views from every window. On a clear day you can see the ocean. This 13 acre parcel has a horse stall. Tack room with paddock. Big deck, great for entertaining. MLS#237857 $549,000


Acreage for Sale Apartments for Rent Commercial Property for Sale Commercial Space for Rent Houses for Rent Realtor Ads Vacation Rentals


4 bed, 2.5 bath, 2,050 sq ft stunning remodeled Westgate home. Exquisite setting among redwoods. Gourmet kitchen, formal dining, family room w/ wood stove. Expansive decking. Large lot.


2 bed, 1 bath, 732 sq ft Jacoby Creek home situated on 15 acres. Nicely landscaped w/room for gardening. Many upgrades on plumbing, electrical & new curving deck. Lovely rock wall. Private.


3 bed, 2.5 bath, 1,585 sq ft well maintained Eureka home close to Henderson Center. New roof, newly painted interior & exterior. Double pane windows, wood stove & alarm system.



Sylvia Garlick #00814886 • Broker GRI/Owner 1629 Central Ave. • McKinleyville • 707-839-1521

An Association of Independently Owned and Operated Realty Brokerages

Charlie Tripodi Land Agent #01332697

707.83 4.3241 Kyla Tripodi Realtor/Land Agent

707.445.8811 ext.124


NEW DIRECT LINE - 24/7 - 707.476.0435


Salyer Land/Property

+/- 50 acres of picturesque property located in trinity county on Salyer Loop Road. this property is two adjoining legal parcels. enjoy a combination of gently sloping meadow and forest land, excellent southern exposure, a well on each parcel, and year round county road access. Custom barn has been upgraded to include a finished 20 X 20 studio with power, loft, washer and dryer hook-ups and more. Beautiful views of Ironside mountain, and conveniently located just 15 minutes from Willow Creek.


Weitchpec Land/Property

this +/- 40 acre parcel on dowd Road boasts harvestable timber, great county road access, and a small amount of klamath River frontage. don’t miss out on this gorgeous river view!


Hoopa Land/Property

Beautiful +/- 18 acres on Bloody Camp Road has Hoopa Valley views ready for your enjoyment. undeveloped land awaiting your personal touch. Water and power are available to the parcel. Call Charlie today for your own private showing.


2120 Campton Rd. Ste #C – euReka, Ca 95503

w w w. h u m b o l d t l a n d m a n . c o m • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 2013













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