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Adopt a Corner Project
Fortuna Garden Club started a project a few years ago called “Adopt A Corner.” Interested club members selected a corner to beautify. The beds had not been cared for continuously in the past and many of them had soil that needed a lot of improvement. The gardeners spent a lot of time and money enriching the soil so that it could be nutritious for new plantings. The results have been an overwhelming success! Anyone taking a walk down Main Street can’t miss all the beautifully planted corners.
Spring brings tulips and daff odils, followed by so many colors of fl owers from all kinds of plants, diff erent in each corner bed. It is fun to walk around spotting the various fl owers: Daisy, Snapdragon, Dahlias Lupine, sweet pea, Alyssum, the list goes on and on. It is not uncommon to see the garden club ladies working in their gardens, planting, pruning, and weeding. If you see them, be sure to give them a wave and a good word. Fortuna is delighted to have such beautiful corners and lucky to have such an active and dedicated Garden Club.
The Fortuna Garden Club maintains 18 corners with 39 garden beds, including the Fortuna Library and the Blue Star Memorial at the Veteran’s Hall. There are 34 ladies that have dedicated many hours of hard work in these beds. The maintenance of all these beds costs about $5,000 a year. It costs the city nothing as the Garden Club raises all the funds for the beds. This is truly a labor of love for our city.
If you would like to become a member of the Fortuna Garden Club or donate to the upkeep of the corners, please send your inquiry and/or donation to: Treasurer, Fortuna Garden Club Inc., PO Box 212, Fortuna, CA 95540. You can also follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/ FortunaGardenClub. — Submitted by Lynda Flaherty, FGC Vice-President
Photos submitted by the Fortuna Garden Club