Teach ajay to stay away, and you might teach a whole community By Heidi Walters
6 Trail toddles forward 8 Sex and speciation 12 Extreme outdoors 27 The day the earth stood still 28 Gorgeous but shallow Brave
Sunny Brae •Glendale Trinidad • Cutten • Westwood
Prices Effective June 27 through July 10, 2012
Meet our neighbor Ted turned Venice, Italy into a Mexican village!
Chapala Café was the Italian restaurant, Sergio’s, many years ago. Ted chose to take steps to preserve the restaurant’s dramatic old wall mural. Artist Alex Escadero modified it to fit the café’s Mexican ambiance and with a stroke of a brush, Venice became a village square! Ted and Shelley Stewart purchased the existing restaurant in 1996 and serve delicious traditional Mexican dishes. Both Ted and Shelly graduated from Humboldt State University. Shelley is involved at HSU’s International English Language Institute (IELI) and restaurateur Ted is a member of the Old Town Rotary. Besides their general grocery shopping, every morning Ted stops by Murphy’s to grab a paper, mineral water and bananas. “It’s nice to have a store so close by and so convenient,” he says, “and with such a wonderful staff.”
Western Family Soda Pop
All Varieties 28 Oz.
12 Paks
Baked Beans
99 Ea.
99 +
2 North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
Ted Stewart Chapala Cafe
Crystal Gyser
Western Family
24 Pak .5 Ltr
6 Oz.
Alpine Spring Water
99 +
Large Olives
table of 4 5
Mailbox Poem
24 The Hum
Vagabond Couples
25 Calendar 28 Filmland
Mill Creek Woods we have a plan
Asteroid Dodger
Struggle for Survival
10 Blog Jammin’ 12 Get Out!
cartoon by andrew goff
32 Field Notes
Extreme Endurance
Circumhorizontal Arcs
13 Home & Garden Service Directory
14 21 21
29 Workshops 30 Seven-o-Heaven
On The Cover Bright Bird
In Review
a book
Stage Matters
Mary Jane: The Next Generation
33 33 34 38 39
Sudoku Crossword Marketplace Body, Mind & Spirit Real Estate This Week
22 Music & More!
7:07 a.m. 7:07 p.m. 7.07.12
A Moment in Humboldt Details in ad on page 8.
northcoastjournal.com • North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012
3rd Annual
From 12 to 1:30pm
Children & Cannabis
Global Cannabis Scholar
Devil’s Play
Local? From Salinas?
Editor: I’d like to commend Mr. Mendes on the highly relevant, insightful and darkly funny Bayshore Mall articles (“Bayshore Mall before … and after Wal-Mart,” June 21). I have spent equal amounts of time as a Borders wage slave and explorer out at Devil’s Playground, a homeless jungle and graffiti haven behind the mall. I think your point is valid that the mall is a reflection, or a microcosm, of community for better or worse. Blatant meth zombies becoming even more obvious in their fiendish quests to me represent greater socioeconomic issues that have been apparent in the 11 years I’ve enjoyed in this unique place. I’ve lived in nearly every social class in the county, from college kid to homeless, and now a master’s candidate. My work with homeless youth has shown me a whole other side of the mall; a place of (often squashed) hope for a coveted first job. Rumor has it, Devil’s Playground, nefarious home of our town’s only “legal walls” may soon be razed to make room for family friendly bike paths. However you feel about this, I encourage you to keep up the good work documenting the unique history of the community and economic microcosm that is Bayshore and its environs. Lou Corazon, Eureka
Editor: Good article on organics (“What’s Organic?” June 21). It is wonderful to see the chains like Costco and Safeway expanding their selections and mainstreaming such an important item. Worth noting is a label Safeway uses in its produce department. “Local,” the sign says, but when this gardener wondered how any local fruit was available in our area this early in the year, I looked and saw the Salinas, Calif., location on the label. The clerk said that Safeway uses the word “local” very loosely, and it can often simply mean California. Joshua Kinch, Freshwater
Cannabinoids & How They Affect the Body
For more information (707) 672-9860 or (707) 599-1406
4 North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
Cartoon by joel mielke
Anti-Woman Policy Editor: While reading “OB-Gyn Turmoil at St. Joe’s” by Carrie Peyton Dahlberg (Blog Jammin’, June 21,) regarding a near-ban on sterilization for the chain of hospitals which includes St Joseph and Redwood Memorial, I became angrier and angrier at the gall of those people in administrative jobs making these decisions. According to the article, “doctors could not use a woman’s age, her psychological condition or the number of her previous pregnancies as medical grounds for sterilization. … Doctors also would not be
allowed to sterilize women whose future pregnancies might worsen serious heart, kidney or other conditions.” The administrators are making very personal, values driven, health based, financial decisions for each and every woman and man and their family who would be affected by this near-ban on sterilization. The hospital policy is restricting health care and narrowing medical care options for people in our community. I dare say the vast majority of people in this country and this community are against such restrictions of care. I stand up and applaud Dr. William Weiderman for his action in protest of this hospital policy. I describe the policy as anti-family, anti-woman, anti-privacy and anti-health. Anger can move us to action. Let the hospital administrators know your thoughts and beliefs. How else can we change the policy? Boycott the hospitals? Irith Shalmony, RN, Arcata
Fishing Folly Editor: The basic problem (“Tsunami Boats,” June 14) stems from fisherman greed and nepotism. Washington and Oregon have limited entry programs that actually limited entry. California, lead by the PCFFA (Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen ‘s Association), with much southern
influence, in the believers with early 1990s crefear-mongering ated a program and espousal of that Increased hatred toward crab licenses people they from 280 (averdon’t like. What Here I go again. age number of a partnership! The refrain echoes boats landing When I read over and over, crab prior to of the blessing Limited Entry) of Wal-Mart like bird calls, to 750-plus in in the Journal shafts of sunlight one year. (Blog Jammin’, in the thicket of my mind, I was a disJune 14), I had to senting member look to be sure crying maybe of PCFFA I wasn’t reading someday, maybe Limited Entry a “News of the someday, maybe Committee Weird” column. someday. because at the But no, this was — Amy Fontaine time I wanted for real and the preserve our preacher did waters for those actually say, in who were curso many words, rently fishing. that a corporaEverything since then has been a Bandtion that is faithful and puts God first gets Aid to fix a problem “we” created. blessed by God. I guess that’s not such a Tom Lesher, Trinidad stretch in a country whose Supreme Court has declared that corporations are people and their money is speech. Orwell’s vision of “1984” has truly arrived. I have never shopped at Wal-Mart and Editor: I never will, but I’d be really disappointed It’s good to know that Wal-Mart, a if I missed the day that Jesus came back to company that kills local businesses and pick up a few pieces of cheap crap at our profits by exploiting its employees, has new Wal-Mart store. now been sanctified by the Christian Robert C. Van Fleet, Burnt Ranch religion, which exploits its superstition-
Mill Creek Woods
God and Wal-Mart
Editor: I read in the 14 June Journal that pastor Jeff Beltz of the Hydesville Community Church lead a blessing over the new WalMart at its opening. He structured his blessing in accordance with an employee organization chart, starting at the bottom and working his way to the top. He concluded as follows; “Father, please help the top leaders lead like Christ would lead.” Now I don’t know just how much significance I would give to a prayer over a new Wal-Mart, but I, and I believe a whole lot of others, would say the pastor’s efforts would be better served if he took this same blessing both to Sacramento and Washington, D.C. because, as best as I can tell, those are places where our leaders are truly lost and definitely in need of some form of divine guidance. Sherman Schapiro, Blue Lake
Write a letter! Please try to make it no more than 300 words and include your full name, place of residence and phone number (we won’t print your number). Send it to letters@ northcoastjournal.com l
northcoastjournal.com • North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012
FLEA MARKET Sunday, July 1 8am-3pm
Redwood Acres Fairground Admission Fee: 50¢ After 9am Kids 12 & Under FREE Early Birds $2 For Reservations Call Dayton (707) 822.5292
Is your business smoke-free? Many of your potential customers would like a smoke-free environment as 88 percent of Californians are non-smokers. Take the online survey to let your customers know. Your smoke-free status will be included in our “Smoke-Free Living Guide” for Northcoast residents and visitors. Complete the survey at: www.surveymonkey.com/s/ SmokeFreeLivingGuideSurvey For more information, call Tobacco-Free Humboldt at 268-2132
6 North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
We have a plan I’ve been busier than usual these past four months on a project not related to the Journal. In March I joined Dennis Rael (co-owner of Los Bagels) and Rees Hughes (a retired HSU administrator) to form the Bay Trail Advocates. We began meeting regularly with three members of the Timber Heritage Association to get their input. Our meetings were informal and unofficial. We had one purpose: to see if we could find enough common ground for rail and trail improvements around Humboldt Bay. We wanted to get a plan on paper we could rally the community behind. At every step we asked, “Can we find money to do this?” Our motto became: “We love trails and trains — and we have a plan.”
The plan includes three things Bay Trail Advocates support: A Class I bicycleand-pedestrian trail around northern Humboldt Bay; some improvements to the existing track between Samoa and Arcata so THA can run a tourist train; and support for THA’s proposed Redwood Heritage Museum. The trail would start in Eureka behind Target, run north along the waterfront through Arcata and end at Timber Heritage’s leased property behind the Samoa Cookhouse, where historic train and logging equipment is stored. The trail could be built within the North Coast Railroad Authority’s right-of-way — a rails-withtrail project from Samoa to Arcata, and a rails-to-trail (trail only for now) project between the bay and Highway 101 from Arcata to Eureka. The key to this museum/tourist train/trail plan is the 1983 federal law that allows unused rail corridors like ours to be “railbanked” — saved for future passenger and freight train use forever. But in the interim, until rail service returns, the property can be used for a trail and a tourist train. If you travel much outside Humboldt County, you will see hundreds of communities across the nation that have used this law for rails-to-trails and rails-with-trails projects. A good source of information is the Rails-to-Trail Conservancy, www.railstotrails.org. You will also see there are now more than 30 examples of the return of freight service. Does this mean our THA friends support the Bay Trail Plan? Not exactly. Some do, some don’t — and likely some have not made up their minds yet. (I do apologize for my unclear blog post earlier this week.) That’s OK, because there’s plenty of time for everyone to weigh in. What the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors voted to do Tuesday (4-0, with Jimmy Smith FILE PHOTO/NORTH COAST JOURNAL
absent) was to send a letter to the North Coast Railroad Authority asking it to form a committee to study railbanking — and to bring back options in four months. We will present our Bay Trail Plan to the NCRA on July 11, when it meets in Eureka. It will return here in November. If the NCRA board agrees to form this committee of stakeholders, and if the board decides railbanking is a good idea, then our plan has a chance. Luckily, we already have a study ready that’s been sitting on the shelf since 2007. The Humboldt Bay Trail Feasibility Study was commissioned by the Humboldt County Association of Governments. Its Option Four, railbank, is a blueprint on how to create this trail relatively soon for a price we can afford: about $4 million. These past four months we also sought advice from the staff of the cities of Eureka and Arcata, Humboldt County, the Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG), Caltrans, the Harbor District, the Coastal Commission — and other potential stakeholders. We began reaching out to community groups that could be affected. Finally, we began lobbying our elected officials in Eureka and Arcata, and our Humboldt County supervisors, one-on-one. This is not an issue of freight vs. trails. In fact, supervisors Tuesday beefed up the language in the draft letter to the NCRA to make it clear: Trails are an interim use for railbanked lines. And supervisors “recognize the potential economic benefits of rail and port development for our county and the region.” (That was a nod to the East-West Railroad Coalition, on a proposal that has yet to be heard by the board.) We support the letter as amended. To use the right-of-way for a trail would not conflict with a train once the railroad’s private operator, Northwest Pacific Railroad (NWP), has funds and a viable business plan. When freight service returns, trains have priority. The right-of-way could be shared, however, and the trail relocated alongside. The upside for those working today on the return of freight service is that the railbanked corridor infrastructure would be preserved and maintained, and the line would be kept whole and unfragmented. With either rail-with-trail or rail-to-trail projects, the liability and maintenance would be transferred to another entity for trail operation, so the project could go forward with non-NCRA funds. For more information and to register support for the Bay Trail Plan, visit: www. baytrailplan.org And thanks to all of the Bay Trail Plan supporters who showed up Tuesday to back this plan. ●
– Judy Hodgson
June 28, 2012 Volume XXIII No. 26
North Coast Journal Inc. www.northcoastjournal.com ISSN 1099-7571 © Copyright 2012
15% OFF all accessories with kayak purchase
call the eureka store and sign up for friday’s try-before-you-buy kayak class
The North Coast Journal is a weekly newspaper serving Humboldt County. Circulation: 21,000 copies distributed FREE at more than 350 locations. Mail subscriptions: $39 / 52 issues. Single back issues mailed / $2.50. Entire contents of the North Coast Journal are copyrighted. No article may be reprinted without publisher’s written permission. Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink.
publisher Judy Hodgson judy@northcoastjournal.com editor Carrie Peyton Dahlberg carrie@northcoastjournal.com art director Holly Harvey production manager Carolyn Fernandez staff writer/a&e editor Bob Doran bob@northcoastjournal.com staff writer/copy editor Heidi Walters heidi@northcoastjournal.com staff writer Ryan Burns ryan@northcoastjournal.com staff writer Zach St. George zach@northcoastjournal.com calendar editor Andrew Goff calendar@northcoastjournal.com contributing writers John J. Bennett, Simona Carini, Barry Evans, William S. Kowinski, Mark Shikuma, Amy Stewart graphic design/production Lynn Jones, Alana Chenevert, Drew Hyland production intern Kimberly Hodges sales manager Mike Herring mike@northcoastjournal.com advertising Colleen Hole colleen@northcoastjournal.com advertising Shane Mizer shane@northcoastjournal.com advertising Karen Sack karen@northcoastjournal.com office manager Carmen England classified assistant Sophia Dennler mail/office:
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Full Line of Jackson fishing & whitewater kayaks in stock 650 10th St., Arcata • 822-4673 125 West 5th St., Eurka • 445-1711 ADVENTURESEDGE.COM • OPEN DAILY MON-SAT: 9-6, SUN: 10-5
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on the cover:
Photo by Drew Hyland.
hodgson@northcoastjournal.com northcoastjournal.com • North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012
The Sea Grill
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A Moment in Humboldt
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Northern spotted owl photo by zach st. george
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7:07 a.m. 7:07 p.m. 7. 0 7. 1 2 Marvelous photos are waiting to be taken all over Humboldt, of people and animals, roads and rivers, struggle and delight. So go, take them! At exactly these moments: 7:07 a.m., and/or 7:07 p.m. on Saturday, July 7. (We know, that’s 7-7-12, but we didn’t want to wait for 2077.) We’ll print a whole bunch of the best. Surprise us with the wildest, loveliest, most heartbreaking, most unusual or even the most mundane Humboldt you can photograph. NO Photoshop though — we want real images. Just get us your pictures, licketysplit, by noon on Sunday, July 8, in high-resolution jpg files, with a brief caption describing who and what we’re seeing. Email your entries (10MB max per email) to Humboldtmoment@ northcoastjournal.com, and include your full name, address and phone number.
Yes, prizes!
8 North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
Struggle for Survival
Killing one owl to save another By Zach St. George zach@northcoastjournal.com
he federal Fish and Wildlife Service is almost ready to implement its controversial study on protecting the endangered northern spotted owl. The public input period has just ended, and once the agency finishes reviewing the roughly 100 letters it received, it will put together its final plan. There is a good chance that the chosen option, which should be in writing by the end of the year, will include killing the spotted owl’s invading eastern cousin, the barred owl. We spoke with evolutionary biologist Dr. Jack Dumbacher about the value of genetic diversity and why the northern spotted owl is worth saving. Dumbacher, curator of the Ornithology and Mammology Department at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, is studying the genetic progression of both species, and is a partner in local biologist Lowell Diller’s experimental removal of barred owls. (See Shooting Owls, Sept. 1, 2011.) Here are condensed and edited excerpts from our phone conversation: North Coast Journal: Fish and Wildlife’s proposed plan to protect spotted owls and barred owls is complicated and controversial, in part because it’s a little
unclear exactly how closely these birds are related. Tell us a little about the biological confusion. Dr. Jack Dumbacher: Basically, until 50 years ago, when these owls came back into contact with each other, everyone recognized these as separate species. They have different calls, different niches, different food preferences, different sizes, different feather patterns. All these things make them different species by many definitions. They lived in geographically distant areas, and where they do overlap, in the southern United States with the Mexican spotted owl subspecies, they don’t interbreed. So that’s also pretty good evidence that they’re separate species. But now the two species are coming back together in the northern spotted owl subspecies’ range, and we do know that they have on occasion interbred. Hybrids have been identified in the field. NCJ: Darwin said that if two individuals can interbreed and produce fertile offspring, then those two individuals are actually the same species. Might the barred and spotted owls just be two subspecies of the same species? JD: It all depends upon how viable those hybrids are, whether they’re able to breed with the parent species. I don’t
think we have much information on that yet. Also, sometimes you can bring species into captivity and get them to interbreed and produce fertile offspring, but in nature that event is so rare that the two lineages remain genetically distinct. NCJ: What does it mean for the survival of northern spotted owls as a species if they are able to interbreed with barred owls and produce fertile offspring? JD: There are a couple possible outcomes. It might happen that they overlap in range, but, like the Mexican spotted owls and the barred owls, they become very clearly different species up there too. If the hybrids aren’t viable, then the species quickly evolve ways to recognize each other so they don’t make that mistake, because those pairings are a genetic dead-end. It’s called the evolution of reinforcement. The other potential outcome is, the hybrids are more fertile and more fit than either of the parent species, and there’s actually a selective advantage. They would merge their gene pools and become one species again. NCJ: The Endangered Species Act legally obligates Fish and Wildlife to try to protect the northern spotted owl. What could hybridization mean for the owl’s protected status? JD: The spotted owl is not listed as a protected species — the northern spotted owl is listed as a protected subspecies. Only two of the three spotted owl subspecies are listed. Now we have this other species, the barred owl, that is encroaching, but they are still clearly identifiable as a separate subspecies, if not a separate species. I don’t think there will be a legal issue with it. At the same time, it’s going to be really interesting to see what happens with time, because if there’s a lot of interbreeding between the two then the differences might break down. However, most of the people who work on the ground don’t think that the spotted owls are picking up many barred owl genes, and they don’t really think hybridization is an issue for the spotted owls as a pure species. But the other question is, are barred owls picking up genes from the spotted owls? From some of the samples I’ve seen I think that’s very possible. NCJ: And what would that mean if the barred owls picked up a significant amount of spotted owl genes? JD: Think of the perfect storm: Already you’ve got an invasive species. It’s weedy, it’s bigger, it’s more aggressive, it’s got a bigger niche so that it can survive in places the spotted owl can’t. Already the evidence we have suggests that the barred
owl is capable of driving the spotted owl out of its current habitat. The only possible disadvantage the barred owl has is that it’s really more adapted to the eastern U.S. If it’s able to pick up some of the key spotted owl adaptations, its genetic know-how, then the barred owl might become even better adapted to the West Coast. There might be no stopping it. NCJ: Darwin said that because subspecies and species in the same genus — the neighboring branches on the tree of life — are the most similar to each other, they’re the most likely to come into competition, and hence the most likely to drive each other to extinction. Is the spotted owl sitting on the losing side of evolution? JD: I think that’s probably the case, and it’s probably the case because their habitat has been reduced, and their populations are smaller, so they don’t have as much genetic diversity to deal with different issues that come up. NCJ: Trying to save the northern spotted owl will obviously be an uphill battle. Why bother? JD: Most of us believe that these species work together to create this habitat, this forest, and all of them play some sort of role. The barred owl and spotted owls, though similar, don’t do exactly the same thing. The barred owl has a much broader niche. You might say, ‘Oh, then it does an even better job,’ but having a broader niche means it eats things that the spotted owls doesn’t. The fear many of us have is that bringing a new species in will shake up the whole habitat, and instead of just having endangered northern spotted owls you could have endangered frog species, endangered slug species, endangered mammal species. All the species in these forests have their role, and there’s some semblance of balance. When you bring a new species in, it’s going to throw off that balance. In the future, with climate change, we’re going to see the range of a lot of species shift, and we’re going to see a lot of species abutting, like the barred and northern spotted owls, that didn’t used to. It’s going to be a real challenge to figure out what to do. It’s lucky that we have laws that try to protect every species. The Endangered Species Act lets us avoid making these arbitrary decisions, to say, ‘This thing is valuable and this thing isn’t.’ We think diversity is good. Every species has a role, every species has genetic information that’s potentially valuable, every species has solutions to problems that are potentially valuable. Every species is worth protecting. We stand to lose a lot. l
Film Festival Eureka’s own Prestige Film Festival is happening Saturday, June 30th at 5pm at the Eureka Theater! For more information call 707-832-4255 or visit www.prestigefilmaward.com.
Humboldt Crabs Baseball
2012 Season
WEEKLY SCHEDULE Fri & Sat, June 29 & 30 So. Oregon Riverdawgs 7 PM Sunday, July 1 So. Oregon Riverdawgs 12:30 PM Wednesday, July 4 Eel River Eels 12:30 PM Fri & Sat, July 6 & 7 Sonoma County Grape Crushers 7 PM Sunday, July 8 Sonoma County Grape Crushers 12:30 PM www.humboldtcrabs.com
Crabs Ballpark 9th & F Arcata
northcoastjournal.com • North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012
Blog Jammin’ The university does not own all of JPR’s 22 FCC licenses; the foundation owns eight, and talk of a separation has been messy. When the JPR board threatened to resign en masse last week, Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber stepped in, calling for a 90-day “cooling off” period, then a return to mediation. With Kramer leaving, JPR’s future remains uncertain. It’s probably not the kind of cooling off anyone had in mind. ● RADIO / BY BOB DORAN / JUNE 25, 8:36 A.M.
The Mess at JPR Things have been tense for the last few months at the southern Oregon-based public radio network Jefferson Public Radio, with Southern Oregon University and the station’s fundraising arm, the JPR Foundation engaged in a tug-of-war over JPR’s future. In the latest twist, on Saturday, JPR Executive Director Ron Kramer, who has been running JPR for 38 years, announced his resignation effective June 30, when his contract with the university runs out. Starting with a station on campus in Ashland, Kramer built a public radio behemoth with 22 stations between Eugene and Mendocino, including two in Humboldt County: KNHM-FM broadcasting from Bayside and KNHT-FM out of Bunker Hill near Rio Dell. How big is the JPR empire? According to an audit commissioned by the Oregon University System chancellor’s office, JPR and its nonprofit support foundation had a combined annual budget of $4.2 million and assets in excess of $9 million as of June 2010. It owns the Cascade Theater in Redding and a Southern Oregon Internet provider called JEFFNET. As reported in the Medford Mail Tribune, the dispute between the university and JPR began with that audit. The initial concern was with JPR Foundation’s foray in non-radio endeavors, in particular a project to restore the historic Holly Theater in Medford and build a new station headquarters in an adjacent building. The university sees the fundraising needed for JPR’s growth as competition for SOU’s own support foundation. Kramer disagreed.
T-S Outsourcing? Rumor is that the Times-Standard is letting some folks go and outsourcing ad production jobs. One source at the 158-year-old newspaper said two people are leaving but declined to say who or what they do at the paper. Others contacted at the paper said to talk to publisher Dave Kuta, group advertising director Shonnie Bradbury and display advertising director Zach Harrington — none of whom have returned our calls. However, Express KCS Inc., “the largest independent provider of newspaper advertisement production outsourcing” according to its website, announced on June 19 that it has expanded its contract with MediaNews Group and added more California papers to the 40-some for whom it already does some ad production work: “The new agreement which runs until 2016, consists of five additional California based newspapers: The Monterey County Herald, The Chico Enterprise Record, The Eureka Times Standard, The Paradise Post, and the Red Bluff Daily News.” This is the sort of news, though just one more paragraph in a growing-old story, that gives newspaper people the willies — well, ex-
Humboldt County’s best price on Sailor Jerry’s $ 99 $ 99
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*Must be 21 to purchase alcohol.
1644 G Street, Arcata
10 NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
cept for those flush folks at KCS. Their outfit, which also does work for other U.S. Newspaper chains — McClatchy, Lee Enterprises — and a slew of papers in the UK, is growing. One of its news releases notes that Express KCS’s main production facility in Gurgaon, India, is busting at the seams with 400 employees, so it has built another ad and design studio in Pune, Maharashtra, and is building yet another. Said the company’s CEO, Robert Berkeley: “The market’s appetite for outsourcing graphic arts production is bigger than ever.” So, good for them. But sucks for the local folks. Outsourcing isn’t new, and the poor T-S is obviously doing what it can to stay alive. But at what point will all that belt-tugging shut off circulation? Already the company shut down one local paper — the Humboldt Beacon, born in 1901 and died in December 2011 — and this January ceased putting out a Monday print edition of the Times-Standard. Its staff has noticeably shrunk — just a few years ago, there were seven news writers, for instance. Recently we’ve only seen three bylines in the news section. And MediaNews itself is now owned by a bank: It went Chapter 11 in January 2010 and by March its lenders — chief among them Bank of America — were in charge. In a T-S announcement of those changes, back in November 2011, Kuta said the decisions to cut the Beacon and curtail the Monday edition of the T-S were locally made, not directed by MediaNews — although, he was told to “cut expenses.” In that report, he was bleak about the paper’s profit margin: “We’re not where we should be, otherwise we wouldn’t be making these changes.” ● ARCATA, FIRES /GUEST POST / JUNE 22, 10:28 A.M.
The Burned House Ami Brusca lives in Sunny Brae, where she is raising her 7-year-old son and trying to start a community supported herbal farm. She blogs at redwoodcottage.wordpress.com.
She writes: The wailing I heard in the neighborhood on Sunday morning was the kind of cry that wrenches your gut and tells you in an instant that things are just not right. … I looked out the front door to see that the entire right corner of the house across the street was engulfed in flames, and for several moments I forgot to breathe. I went ahead and did what everyone else was doing and called 911, but they already knew, and so we all just stood, sort of bewildered, in our pajamas, on the front lawn. … What ensued is what you can imagine, and have maybe already heard about — the house burned down. As they boarded up the remnants of what was a family home, only hours before, the onlookers dissipated. What happen afterward surprised me. Neighbors I’d never seen went out of their way to walk by. Cars came by and slowed or halted. Occasionally the onlookers would talk with each other. One day as I unloaded my groceries I saw a woman standing on the sidewalk in front of the charred house, sobbing … alone. I thought for a moment to approach her, but recognized that this place had become a little bit of a sacred space. A modern day altar, standing to remind us of something. The preciousness or precariousness of life, perhaps. Who could guess why she was crying, exactly? That burned, ruined home — the way it stands there now, naked and ready for anyone to view. It’s a testament to how easy it is to lose everything. Apparently, the community outpouring of support has been great. But as I was mowing the lawn the other day, several pieces of charred newspaper scattered on the grass, and I thought about the family I didn’t know, who wouldn’t be living there anymore. I realized how lonely we all are, when after living across the street for almost a year, I’d never even met them before. We both have kids, and yet they’d never played together. And what
Hondas Gone Wild If you have a 1990s Honda and like to spend time in central Arcata, it might be a good idea to make sure your locks are in really, really good shape. Someone, probably someone with a few altered keys, has been taking aging Hondas, driving them around for a day or two, and then leaving them, usually undamaged, in one of the remoter corners of the city. The motive?
Final Votes In Well, no one managed an electoraldeath-defying reversal in those late ballots that the county elections office has been dutifully counting for the past two weeks. Estelle Fennell is still in, with 52.59 percent of the vote, Clif Clendenen is still out, with 46.94 percent, and nothing’s looking good in Humboldt for Norman Soloman’s congressional bid, according to final vote tallies released by the county Tuesday. Other tidbits in county tally: In the battle for the soul of Humboldt’s Democratic
party — or at least the four seats representing the 4th District on the Democratic Central Committee — that soul appears to be a conflicted one. The four-person ticket assembled by Richard Marks (“Dem Schism,” April 26) to steer the party right (or center, depending on who you ask), got only one of its candidates on the board — County Supervisor Virginia Bass. She won with 1,237 votes, or 16.85 percent of those cast. Fellow travelers Marks, Eureka Councilwoman Marian Brady and Eureka resident Chuck Ellsworth didn’t get enough support to take one of the other three seats. Those went to Linda Atkins, with 1,286 votes (17.52 percent), Pam Service 1,013 votes (13.80 percent) and Bob Service with 939 votes (12.79 percent). ●
ANDREW GOFF / JUNE 20, 11:29 A.M.
Costello, More at CenterArts Did you get your shiny new Center Arts 2012/2013 season schedule in the mail yet? We did. And it ain’t too shabby (if you don’t mind droppin’ some significant moolah.) Among those Humboldt-bound this year are Crosby Stills & Nash, Sept. 17, Elvis Costello, Sept. 26, Alison Krauss & Union Station, Sept. 28, and Eddie Izzard, Oct. 20. And that’s just two months! See more on our website. ●
“Transportation,” said Detective Sgt. Todd Dokweiler of the Arcata Police Department. Since April, more than a dozen cars have gone missing this way, he said, which pretty much makes it a major crime wave compared to Arcata’s usual rate of auto thefts. The thief or thieves will sometimes take appealing goodies from inside the car — cell phones or other electronics — but police theorize that the culprits are taking these cars mainly to use them, possibly to commit other crimes overnight. And they don’t have to bother hot-wiring them. A well-altered key will not just open an aging Honda, but start it up just fine, Dokweiler said. (Who knew? Well, OK, somebody knew.) Police have gotten some fingerprints from the recovered cars, but haven’t made any arrests yet. A few of the thefts have occurred in residential neighborhoods, but most have been in a central area roughly bordered by Samoa Boulevard, 17th Street, K Street and Highway 101, he said. Along with making sure locks are in good shape, he said, owners of vulnerable cars should park in visible spots and consider getting a club or other steering wheel locking device. ● POLITICS, ELECTIONS / BY CARRIE PEYTON DAHLBERG / JUNE 20, 11:57 A.M.
about all the other neighbors I’ve never met. Would it take their house burning down for me to give thought to them, to their lives? What about all the other people who were moved to donate time and goods to this family? We all rush to help one another in the face of trauma, yet rarely take the time to make the connections before the tragedies. I can’t get past my own disregard for my neighbors — that is, until their house caught fire. I’m trying to learn from this fire. I want to be more connected and aware of my immediate community. I’ve realized that isolating myself in my own square footage actually serves to isolate us all — and that it isn’t right that I didn’t know that family more. No, it isn’t right. ●
northcoastjournal.com • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012
Fortuna Rodeo • July 16-22
Don’t wait in line, Go online! Go to www.FortunaRodeo.com to buy tickets for any rodeo event, including the Barbecue, Cowboy Mixer and admission to all three days of rodeo events. Register for ATV events online, even buy Fortuna Rodeo hats and posters! Available until 5 p.m. Thursday July 12th.
Joie Harrison swears she really loves doing this. Photo courtesy of Joie Harrison
Extreme Endurance By Amy Cirincione
Judy Willis
am a fair weather athlete. The longer days and returning sunshine have dramatically improved my attitude about training. Even on rainy days I keep my shorts and running shoes close by, ready to put in a few miles during a cloud break. I registered for a half marathon at the end of September, so I’m falling back into the familiar rhythm of consulting my running schedule, planning my cross-training and rest days, and smelling at least mildly of mildew most of the time. As I experience motivation spring forward like daylight’s savings time, it’s gotten me thinking about the more consistently dedicated athletes in our midst. Eureka native Joie Harrison has spent months preparing for the Spartan Death Race, which was held earlier this month. The Death Race is brutal; organizers call it one of the most challenging endurance races in the world. It takes place in the woods of Vermont on a 40-mile course with grueling physical and mental obstacles. The exact nature of the challenges and the length of the race itself (anywhere from 24 to 48 hours) is kept secret from competitors. They just have to keep going. Not surprisingly, no more than 20 percent of competitors finish the course. Harrison describes herself as a “fitness addict,” and her training program is intense. She runs, cycles, and participates in “boot camp” style workouts. Recently, she completed an all-night session with a former Death Race champion. She carried a 30 pound sand bag, an 8 pound
12 North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
sledgehammer, and a hydration pack over steep terrain, stopping to chop wood, lift rocks and crawl through mud. In the dark. For real. Joie describes this kind of training as “amazing and challenging.” In 2004, Harrison was involved in a fatal car accident that killed her 6-year old daughter and critically injured her and her son. Three years of extensive physical rehabilitation followed. Since regaining her health, she says, “I have been wanting to live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment of it. I love the challenges that the Death Race has, and it appeals to me.” When facing those challenges, Harrison finds that training with supportive friends is key, whether they are smiling at her, encouraging her to take short walking breaks on her runs, or promising her, “one more mile” — when really there are 10 miles to go. When she is alone with her thoughts, Harrison’s mantra “Life is Beautiful” keeps her motivated, and running helps her see that beauty. “Running allows me to be free from the rest of the world and at peace. I stay focused on the next three or five feet in front of me and try not to think about that distance ahead.” Cathy and Mark Larripa live and train in Manila. They began competing in the Tough Mudder in 2010. Tough Mudder events are 10- to 12-mile obstacle courses that describe themselves as “probably the toughest event on the planet.” Are you noticing a theme here? Cathy and Mark’s first Tough Mudder
celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. Mark says he “whined and heel-dragged right up to the start of the first Tough Mudder. I ended up enjoying it, as the distance and challenges were offset by the surrounding beauty, Cathy’s companionship and the ‘Can do, can I help you?’ attitude of the other participants. I’m sure the altitude-induced oxygen deprivation was a factor, too. ” The Larripas say being outdoors is a key motivation in their training. Cathy says, “We are fortunate in having a garage-gym and the dunes and beach right out our door. Humboldt County is home to trails for running and hiking, lagoons and the bay for kayaking, and no end of rugged beauty. Motivation quickly returns when I step outside.” Like Harrison, Cathy finds serenity in pushing her limits. She says, “I have found that I can more easily access the stillness I yearn for when I’m physically knocked down a couple of notches. No doubt, this is why I gravitate to mud runs, adventure races and long, long hikes rather than seeking out a quiet cave.” Mark adds, training “allows you to work out problems or situations you might be dealing with by not looking directly at them.” Cathy wears a leather bracelet that has has “Defy Gravity” engraved on it. “The words apply whether I am doing an arm balance in yoga, lifting a heavy weight or hill running. When I think of defying gravity, I immediately feel light and unburdened. Not to mention, the rebel inside that gets some satisfaction at least attempting to defy a ‘law,’ even if it’s a law of classical mechanics.” Endurance athletes may perform incredible feats, but they are also indelibly human. Cathy’s motivation to train waxes and wanes. Mark enjoys testing himself, and he also does “a lot of whining — for some reason that helps me ‘git ’er done’.” For many, exercising is a means to an end. We run to lose weight or lower our cholesterol. We cycle to meet goals of time or distance. We lift weights for bragging rights or personal records. Then there are athletes who are able to find joy in the means themselves. They are able to take pleasure in physical hardship and get excited about the consistent push of training. By turning the work into play, they are able to push themselves to the limits of athletic endurance. It’s not genetics, and it’s not rocket science. As Mark says, it’s just “one step at a time. The end always shows up.” l If you would like to write a Get Out! Column, please email Journal editor Carrie Peyton Dahlberg at carrie@northcoastjournal.com
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Bright Bird Teach a jay to stay away, and you might teach a whole community By Heidi Walters
14 NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
f you happened to be hanging around the game pen up at Humboldt State University a couple autumns ago, you might have chanced upon a miserable huddle of characters puking their brains out like over-partied over-partied freshman. These guys were small and bright blue with pointy, soot-colored heads. And they’d just had some baaaad eggs. The birds recovered soon enough. And, much to the delight of their tormenter, Pia Gabriel, the next time these Steller’s jays came across eggs that looked like the ones that had made them sick, they avoided them. Later, Gabriel ventured into the redwood forest in Redwood National and State Parks with hundreds more of the yack-bombs — small chicken eggs, painted to look like marbled murrelet eggs and injected with the emetic (makes ya puke) carbachol. After the first batch was set out and eaten — cue the sad retching sounds — predation on the second batch fell significantly. Gabriel’s attempts to train Steller’s jays to have a “conditioned taste aversion” to marbled murrelet eggs appeared to have worked. And it’s hard to trick a smart bird. Another HSU student, Sara Peterson, tried to scare the bejeezus out of snowy-plover-plundering ravens and crows out on Clam Beach by pretending to murder a raven (a stuffed roadkill) and then hanging it in effigy where plovers, in season, would be wont to nest. It didn’t faze the predators, but Peterson plans to tweak some variables and try it again.
The egg trick looks promising. It’s possible that a deployment of such eggs each spring just before marbled murrelet breeding season could improve the odds of survival for the tubby little bird that forages at sea, nests in the old-growth canopy, and is listed as threatened in California, Oregon and Washington. Centuries of logging and other human activity have destroyed or altered much of the Pacific Northwest’s murrelet nesting habitat, forcing the birds to crowd into smaller, fragmented forests. These forests — with their town-abutting edges, their parks, their picnic tables and hiking trails — attract creatures like Steller’s jays, opportunistic omnivores who come for the heady mixture of foodstuffs. With everyone crowded in tighter, some Steller’s jays have become major nest predators. So scientists want to try to educate these smart birds. And, if recent discoveries in bird brain science are any indication, it’s not that farfetched to expect the bad-egg-eating jays to not only remember the lesson, but to spread the word to their kids and to newcomer jays: “Dude, whoa, stay away from those dark-speckled turquoise eggs. Gack!”
Pre-dawn rain
had misted everything — rose bushes, fences, spider-webbed eaves, forget-me-nots blooming at the base of hedges. Clutching a giant plastic Coffeemate canister in one hand, Pia Gabriel walked quickly along Bayview Street, a narrow lane between houses at the top of the hillside
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neighborhood on the south flank of Humboldt State University. Just a few yards farther up the hill, the tall, dark redwoods of the Arcata Community Forest ruffled up their greenery and breathed. Whee-hoo. Whee-hoo, Gabriel whistled, sounding as if she were calling a dog. Tall and slender, with her wavy brown hair swept into a loose bun, Gabriel wore a blue fleece jacket over jeans and T-shirt. She was in the forest this morning to check on the Steller’s jay pairs she and other HSU researchers have been studying for years, and note who’s here, who’s doing what. As she walked she shook the canister, and the peanuts inside it rattled like kibbles. Whee-hoo. “They know that that whistle means peanuts,” she said, looking up and around, blue eyes scanning cloudblotted sky and bright tree tips. “Here, there’s someone up in that tree,” she said, aiming her binoculars at the bright blue Steller’s jay looking down at her from a roof peak, the crest on its smudgy head cocked up. It flitted to the tip of a tall cedar in someone’s yard, said shack shack. “So this guy,” said Gabriel — the jay yelled again, shack shack shack — “he’s announcing that he owns this place. Could be a girl, too. This is the kind of call that both the girls and the guys do. He/she sits up there, calling, and that means “mine.” She laughed. “Mine mine mine!” Shack
shack! said another jay, joining the first. This one’s legs were muddy, a sign of nestbuilding. Possibly its mate, said Gabriel. Then he said Bleep-bleep! Bleep-bleep! “Oh!” said Gabriel, excited. “That’s the male call!” The male jay leaned over to the other jay and fed her an insect from his bill. “There,” said Gabriel, laughing. “If you had any doubt whether they are a pair, now you know.” Gabriel grew up in Gruenwald, a small town near Munich in Germany, where she scrambled around the countryside with her parents and became entranced by birds and animals. She spent a year at Humboldt State University in 2001 as an exchange student in wildlife management, then returned in 2004 to work as a visiting scholar in wildlife management with Professor Jeff Black as part of her doctoral continued on next page
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program in Germany. Black has been banding and following the campus-area Steller’s jays since 1998. For her doctoral thesis, Gabriel wanted to find out if Steller’s jays have individual personalities — in research-speak, a suite of traits they exhibit consistently, called “behavioral syndrome.” She measured how far an individual would go for food, whether it would try a new kind of food, and how soon it would return to a feeder/ trap after having been trapped in it. Using a fake raven, she also observed which jays mobbed it (ganging up on it and squawking) and which didn’t. “What I found was, individuals who traveled farther, who took greater risks at a trap, they also were more willing to mob a potential nest predator and more willing to explore a novel food source,” Gabriel said. “Then there were ones who hardly traveled, who were very shy of a novel feeding opportunity and who were very unwilling to enter a trap. And I found individuals along this whole continuum.” Most intriguingly, she found that neither shyness nor boldness was the key to overall reproductive success. What matters more, for Steller’s jays, is that they choose a mate with a personality similar to their own. That is, a pair of shy, retiring Steller’s jays and a pair of bold, adventuring jays
will both have more success in fledging chicks than a mismatched-personalities pair of jays — with successful fledging, in this study, meaning that a pair raised at least one fledgling in a season. After HSU wildlife professor Rick Golightly caught Steller’s jays on camera attacking and burgling a marbled murrelet nest, in 2008, the bad-egg project was born, paid for through a fund created to compensate for a 1998 oil spill off the San Mateo coast. Gabriel’s thesis work on personalities proved useful for the egg experiment. Birds eggs are not the usual eats for Steller’s jays. Rather, an egg is something a jay stumbles upon while foraging for something else, like insects — say, along a high, mossy limb where a murrelet likes to nest. The jays likely to discover an egg in this manner are the risk-taking, new-food trying, far-ranging ones. And that means the deployment of puke-inducing fake eggs selectively targets only the culprits; the stay-at-home, non-egg-eating jays won’t be affected. But will the puking jays pass their uncomfortable lesson on to others?
Earlier this month,
wildlife scientist John Marzluff re-captured Elvis. Fooled him with a net gun hidden in a
trash bag, staked out with a plate of french toast and bacon near the entrance to the North Cascades Institute, an environmental learning center in Washington’s Skagit Valley. But that was after Marzluff had spent nearly two hours the day before trying to lure the fat, bacon-loving raven into his car. “I sat in my car covered with blankets so he wouldn’t see me, with my window down and with food next to me — a bag of bread and stuff,” said Marzluff, who’s a professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, by phone a few days after he and Elvis tangoed. “I could hear him outside clicking his bill, and then he jumped on the car so hard I could feel it shake.” Like Steller’s jays, ravens are corvids — a bird family that also includes crows and magpies. They’re smart, and this one needed to be taught a lesson. Elvis has been a backpack-raiding, breakfast-snatching, sandwich-nabbing, chips-gobbling pest. And he’s not normally afraid to enter cars, which he’s done often, pulling things out from under the seats. “Elvis has been getting into a lot of trouble,” Marzluff said. Marzluff last caught Elvis five years ago, and for a few years after that harmless but unpleasant experience Elvis restrained himself from going after people food.
Marzluff hopes this second round of aversive conditioning — getting trapped — will once again imprint on Elvis that french toast and bacon are not for him. The trouble with birds like Elvis is, they’re too smart for their own good. That’s also the nice thing about them. Their intelligence can be manipulated for their good, if need be — such as changing their behavior with aversion treatments. “It’s a way for us to keep the birds out of harm’s way [from angry people] and keep them performing their natural function in the ecosystem — eating dead animals, dispersing pine seeds,” Marzluff said. Marzluff has co-authored several books about crows and ravens. Gifts of the Crow, with writer and illustrator Tony Angell, came out in hardcover this month. Like people, he writes in that book, crows live long lives, have “flexible and complex social lifestyles,” and have large brains relative to their body size. The most exciting stuff Marzluff’s been doing in his lab lately is conducting brain scans on crows. First, he shows a bird images of a “caring” face or “threatening” face — each associated with a good event or bad event previously experienced by the bird. Then, with the bird still awake, he
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connects its brain to the PET scan device which tracks how the crow’s brain has processed the image. “What we have shown them is the person who captured them initially,” Marzluff said. “And then we have shown them the person who fed and took care of them.” (To keep things consistent, and simpler, for such studies, the people in Marluff’s lab wear a mask of the face of one specific person when they capture crows and ravens. They wear the mask of another person’s face when they feed and care for them.) Marzluff’s team then compares what happens in the crow’s brain when it sees the caring face versus the threatening face. “We’ve found that they perceive the face very intently,” he said. “And they use a lot of the place in the fore brain — the visual cortex — to analyze the sight. That means, in both cases, they’re thinking a lot about it.” When a crow sees the caring face, there’s also a lot of activity in the striatum — the middle part of the brain, which in the human brain is where we form associations with things such as rewards. “So in the bird we think the activity signals that the bird has formed an association between food and the caring face.” When the crow sees the dangerous face, the amygdala is activated — which in the human brain is where we process emotions and is associated with learned fears (and pleasures). So they’re having thoughtful and emotional reactions. It’s an important
discovery, but not entirely unexpected. Researchers comparing bird brains to mammal brains over the past decade have discovered that bird brains, though they look different, are architecturally and functionally similar to human brains. If you slice into a mammal brain and look at it with the naked eye, you see a core of gray matter, which is the nerve cells. Then there’s a layer of white matter — axons, the cables linking nerve cells to each other. And then you see the cortex — the thin and highly layered, folded rind where higher level functions are thought only to occur. If you cut into a bird brain, it just looks like the gray matter of the mammal brain. Smooth, simple. The assumption scientists have long made is that as the mammal brain evolved it added the new, sophisticated layers onto that core — the so-called “reptile brain” — giving us consciousness, adaptive learning abilities and other higher functions. The bird brain, meanwhile, remained primitive, they assumed. “That whole idea is really just not fundamentally correct,” said Marzluff’s colleague David Perkel, in the University of Washington’s departments of biology and otolaryngology. “That core is deeply involved in cognitive function … and is intimately connected to the outer layer.” Ever-more-sophisticated techniques for examining the bird brain on the cellular level have revealed a much finer and more complex structure than assumed. “This is still a little bit controversial, but
one idea is that fundamentally the rind in mammals has a counterpart in birds that, though it doesn’t look the same, it has the same types of neurons, the same types of building blocks,” Perkel said. “The architecture is pretty much the same.” Furthermore, Perkel has discovered that birds learn their songs from other birds, just like humans learn to speak from other humans. And this vocal learning occurs along similar neural pathways in both human and bird. “Birds individually learn vocal patterns, usually from their fathers,” Perkel said. “They first listen to sounds. Then they go through a babbling phase. And then they go through a long stage of practice where they’re trial-and-error learning to make sounds like their father’s song. After weeks and months of practice, they achieve that.” And then their father’s song becomes crystallized — it doesn’t change. “Other primates don’t do this,” Perkel said. “Very few mammals do — there’s some evidence for whales and dolphins, and some suggestions about bats.” He learned this by experimenting in the lab with zebra finches — a ubiquitous pet-shop bird that breeds year-round. Raise a baby human in isolation, and you’d get nonsense sounds. Raise a baby bird in isolation — same story. Sure, a naturalist can walk through the woods and pick out the songs of different bird species, which seems to indicate that bird language is innate. And it partly is, said Perkel. But even an amateur birder notices that, from region to region, bird calls in
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18 NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
the same species slightly vary — in other words, birds have dialects. This passing of the song from father to chick, bird to bird, is called cultural transmission. A few birds — mockingbirds, corvids, starlings, parrots and such — can keep learning new stuff, adding to their repertoire. Perkel’s primary interest is the brain, and how a songbird’s brain might be used as a model for understanding human vocal learning — which could lead to development of speech therapies, for instance. But bird researchers like Marzluff find his work just that much more compelling evidence for seeking humane ways to manage “problem” birds like crows and ravens and Steller’s jays.
One early morning at Elk
Prairie Campground in Redwood National and State Parks, as sunshine flooded the openings between the tall trees, it was hard to tell who was busier — the birds or the people. Wrens and chickadees and kinglets chitter-squeaked in the understory of the towering redwoods, a hermit thrush trilled repeatedly and a lone raven with a ragged tail wafted low overhead trailed by a yackety mob of angry Steller’s jays. Mothers towed sleepy-eyed children to the campground bathrooms then walked slowly back, talking quietly. Couples rose from their tents to make coffee and sip it, eyes closed, in the sunshine, while others noisily spread breakfast out on picnic tables. Before long campers were taking
turns scrubbing their dishes at the water spigot, inadvertently leaving soggy crumbs behind for the birds. Soon they would be packing their cars and driving away, leaving behind food scraps and wrappers and other delectables for foragers to eat. Will Goldenberg and Katlin Overeem, meanwhile, were setting up some bird traps in an empty campsite. One was a “bow net” trap — a concealed, coiled net that could be snapped quickly over its victim with the tug of a string; Goldenberg placed a plate of fake pancakes and eggs inside it. This was the latest, and most complicated, trap Goldenberg had used out here, and the jays weren’t familiar with it yet so it might work. Goldenberg and Overeem, master’s degree students in wildlife biology at Humboldt State University, are both studying Steller’s jays. Overeem has been conducting paternity tests on the Steller’s jays who live around campus in Arcata — to find out if the mate-for-life corvids cheat (some do, which might disappoint romantics). She often helps Goldenberg, her boyfriend, with his field work (and both of them have helped Gabriel band and monitor her birds). Goldenberg’s research into jay habits, partly funded by the park service, could have distinct practical applications. By strapping radiotransmitter backpacks onto Steller’s jays, he’s been able to gather basic ecological data — how big their home range is, whether they’re territorial, where they sleep, if
they’re even the same birds from year to year. It’s basic information that remarkably had never been gathered locally on these ubiquitous birds, and serves as a baseline for other researchers. Gabriel has already used his home range data to decide how many fake eggs to bring into the forest and how far apart to space them. Goldenberg’s chief goal was to find out whether urban (campground) jays’ habits and population densities are different from jays who spend their time deeper in the park, away from people. “In Redwood National Park, we fear Steller’s jays are gaining more sustenance by scavenging for human food, and maybe we’re bolstering their population,” Goldenberg said. The radio-
transmitters have revealed that the same jays live in the same territories year after year. And something else rather surprising: The campground jays have the same size home ranges as the non-campground jays. Goldenberg had expected the campground jays to have smaller home ranges because they don’t need to look far for food. But they are different in another way: Their home ranges overlap more with their neighbors’, by as much as 75 percent compared to the about 10-percent overlap of non-campground birds’ home ranges. “There’s so much food, and so many birds coming in for the food, that the birds can’t maintain their territory,” Goldenberg said. “The only space that campground birds call their own is where they sleep and where they nest.” The big question is, is that increased Steller’s jay density impacting the marbled murrelet? “We don’t know,” Goldenberg said. Maybe it makes the jays fat and happy, and less likely to explore for other food and stumble upon a murrelet nest. Or, maybe it makes them robust and able to forage farther afield, increasing their chances of egg discovery. It’s a question for future study, he said. continued on next page
northcoastjournal.com • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012
continued from previous page
With their trap baited, Goldenberg and Overeem walked through the campground, saying “Good Morning” to the campers. “Did you have any jays coming in and robbing your campsite?” Goldenberg asked a group of guys strolling by. “Yeah, been a few,” one of them said, smiling. “Pretty awesome.” (“Well, sort of,” Overeem muttered quietly, laughing.) They passed a campsite whose occupant had scattered her possessions across the picnic table as she repacked her car. A jay landed in the midst of it and began snooping around. Quick as a jay herself, the woman grabbed a rock and flung it at the bird, scaring it off. “That’s the first rock throwing I’ve seen,” Goldenberg said. “I have seen shoe throwing.” Back at the campsite with the traps, Goldenberg took out an MP3 player and hit a button to play a female jay’s call, a sort of buzzing sound. He also “pished” — pshh pshh pshh. Then he played this campground’s male Steller’s jay call — an unusual dialect that includes bill-clicking, never recorded elsewhere. Jays started coming in and, eventually, one fell for the bow net trap. For its trouble, it got a swift health check-up and new orange leg band to replace a faded one.
There is no question
that Steller’s jays, like their big brothers the ravens and crows, are smart — and smart in individual ways. Gabriel has observed some smaller jays, who can’t shove one peanut down their throat before grabbing another, do a thing she calls “doublenutting.” They grab one peanut in their bill, turn it sideways, and then grab another peanut and cross it over the first peanut so the indented middles lock together. Once, after Gabriel scattered peanuts over her computer keyboard and opened her office window, an observing Steller’s jay hopped in and casually retrieved them. One day Goldenberg watched a jay wait by one of his traps until a chipmunk ran in, grabbed the peanut and squeezed back out between the bars of the closed trap. Then he watched the bird follow the chipmunk to see where it cached the nut, wait for the chipmunk to leave, and steal the nut. But are they smart enough to do what Gabriel and others are hoping they
20 NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
can do? Teach others to not touch the marbled murrelet eggs? Marzluff, in “Gifts of the Crow,” talks about how his students took to walking around campus in the same caveman mask that they’d worn when they captured crows for their studies. More than three years after the captures had occurred, most of the crows on campus who encountered the masked student scolded him. “He was hounded the entire time he wore the mask,” writes Marzluff. “Even birds of other species … scolded him.” The scoldings increased in intensity each year after that — and many of these angry birds had never been captured, nor seen another bird captured, by that particular “face.” They were learning to fear it by watching other birds’ actions — a cognitively complex process called social learning. And that’s how smart creatures, including humans, create traditions — or culture — writes Marzluff. Gabriel and Golightly, in a report to the park service late last year, suggested that placing a few fake, treated eggs in the park would be a cost-effective, quick way to condition resident Steller’s jays to not eat murrelet eggs. The park service is considering it. Researchers don’t know for certain that the jays would teach their young, nor whether they would need to repeat the egg deployment to condition new jays migrating in. But it’s possible that the Steller’s jays in Redwood National Park could start their own new tradition — staying away from those dark-speckled turquoise eggs. ●
Mary Jane: The Next Generation
book I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts By Mark Dery University of Minnesota Press Mark Dery goes where many fear to tread. He’s a member of that endangered species, the freelance intellectual, not hindered by careerist academic drudgery, stifling ideological lockstep or commercial pressure. He’s grown beyond his earlier books, which paid too much obeisance to the gods of postmodern cultural theory. Here he seems more truly himself, and the writing has a freer vernacular flow. In this new book of essays he surveys a broad expanse of the current cultural scene with mordant humor. Science fiction writer Bruce Sterling wrote the foreword, which makes perfect sense — Dery realizes that in some sense we already live in a dystopian world. Extreme weather events and environmental devastation caused by climate change, medieval religious fundamentalists facilitated by digital technology and plutocratic political controllers who live in their own bubble worlds isolated from the rabble: It’s the stuff of a cyberpunk novel. The first section of the book is a skewed examination of the extremes of modern American life that we often take for granted, ranging from the ubiquity of the gun culture to the pop culture zombie apocalypse. Perhaps the funniest essay in this section is “Jocko Homo,” an examination of queer aspects of the Super Bowl. You’ll never look at football the same way again. In “Tripe Soup for the Soul,” Dery pokes at the mystical in all its permutations, from the Pollyanna placebos of daily affirmations to a hilarious essay on the similarities between Satan and Santa, and their pagan origins. In his examination of “shaman” Daniel Pinchbeck’s ridiculous fantasies of a 2012 psychedelic rapture “triggered by mass activation of the pineal gland,” Dery channels H.L. Mencken in his comic disdain for the ludicrous and irrational. It’s not just New Age nonsense that stirs his satire. The pompous mummery of the Pope’s funeral and the campy, overheated moralism of Jack Chick comic book tracts get equal attention. The final section of the book, “The Anatomy Lesson,” is the most disturbing, because it hits us where we live (and die). Here he examines the gothic and grotesque aspects of the human body, from dental horror to a meditation on severed heads, and here he most resembles J.G. Ballard in his unflinching attention to gruesome forensic detail. Like Ballard, he writes so compellingly that you can’t look away even if you want to. As Dery examines the dark corners of the American cultural unconscious, there’s an exhilarating sense of freedom in facing uncomfortable facts, as scary as some of them may be. At its best, Dery’s book approaches the wicked wit and imagination of his heroes Ballard and Mencken, and is a provocative cultural document of America in the precarious 21st century. For a diagnostician of the national nervous breakdown, he’s damn funny. — Jay Aubrey-Herzog
A sharper focus for Dell’Arte’s musical extravaganja By William S. Kowinski williamkowinski@northcoastjournal.com Joan Schirle as Mary Jane Photo by Bob doran
ast summer’s Mary Jane: The Musical was a box office success that many more people wanted to see than could, so bringing it back this summer made sense — especially with recessionary blues still playing in the background. It was also an opportunity to shape a sharper evening, as well as add some new songs and more dancing. So Mary Jane, Queen of the Emerald Ball, returns with most of the original cast in a show about the business and culture of cannabis in Humboldt. Mary Jane: The Musical 2012 is now onstage in the outdoor Rooney Amphitheatre at Dell’Arte in Blue Lake. They’re back: the Humboldt Honeys, the Bollywood finale with Pratik Motwani, Tim Randles’ “Why Is Whiskey Legal and Pot Is Not” and an even sweeter, breathtaking duet by Joan Schirle and David Powell on Lila Nelson’s “Grow Inside.” There are elaborate, acrobatic new dance routines choreographed by Laura Muñoz. Joan Schirle (as Mary Jane) is again a better world’s bona fide Broadway star. But for all the energy and exuberance, the content tips towards a darker assessment. Dell’Arte’s call to the public to contribute ideas for this year’s edition resulted most specifically in a new song, “The Trimmers’ Flamenco” by Tim Randles, about the women employed to trim the outer leaves from the cannabis buds. Other comments, especially relating to Mary Jane’s song about her son, led to major new themes: the effects on children as well as legacies and responsibilities for the future. There’s not much nostalgia this time. It was pretty much over in the pre-show song set, with Powell’s powerful singing of the John Lennon wordless vocal center of “A Day in the Life,” and its innocent ecstasy and wistful wonder as well as the pain of awe and longing, those foregone
possibilities. Mary Jane replaces reminiscence with reevaluation, seeing a kind of Gold Rush of exploitation leaving “a wreck behind.” Last year she introduced old friends who bantered about their common past. This year those friends are moving on and away. What they leave behind is the devil or the deep blue sea — the black market greed of “The Industry” or the legalized corporate greed of “This Bud’s For You” (both songs by Scott Menzies). Either way, it’s the rule of “Green Like Money” (by Zuzka Sabata): “I’m false like smoke/I’m empty hope.” But if “the pot bubble pops,” it’s a “Ghost Town” (by Joani Rose). When Mary Jane’s estranged son appears and she meets her infant granddaughter, the focus moves to the effects on the next generation, as in Sabata’s new song “Officer and Child” about being taught to lie and hide. “Innocent no more” — a phrase in this song repeated in Randles’ “Nightmare” — might be this year’s subtitle. But the voice of experience is not hopeless, and as in many ancient and modern myths, it is the elder who guides to the future. Mary Jane rallies in an eloquent final speech: “I am tired of living in the shadows. … I am tired of profit over people. … My mantra is: never leave your consciousness at the door.” The introduction of a son and grandchild cries out for human interaction and emotion, but I felt a lack of that in the opening night performance, as well the usual spontaneity. Otherwise this is a more cohesive, confident, resonant and haunting update, as well as upping the entertainment quotient. Michael Fields skillfully guided the script and staging, Daniel Spencer is scenic designer, Lydia Foreman the costume designer, and Michael Foster designed lighting. Musical director Tim
Randles, joined by players Marla Joy, Mike LaBolle and guitarist Dan Perez, comprised the ever-excellent band. Returning members of the dashing cast not yet named are Ryan Musil, Zuzka Sabata, Joyce Hough, Janessa Johnsrude and Meridith Anne Baldwin, joined by Jacob Trillo. Fred Neighbor didn’t return, and he and his character are missed. Mary Jane: The Musical plays two more weekends, Thursdays through Sundays at 8 p.m. That’s the review, now the weather: In the previous 21 years of the Mad River Festival, the outdoor show was rained out only twice. But that number was equaled opening weekend with a complete rainout Friday and a move indoors Saturday. Producing director Michael Fields says he makes the decision to cancel by 6:30 p.m. and it gets posted on the Dell’Arte website. If it rains during a performance, he’ll likely end it then. Because of all the electrical equipment necessary for this show, it can’t be quickly moved inside (as a 2008 performance of Tartuffe was — one that Fields remembers as the best of the run). If the show is cancelled, ticketholders get a raincheck.
Coming Up:
If you’re reading this Wednesday (June 27) you can still catch the final performance of Exit 101, an evening of song, storytelling and discussion on end of life themes, at Dell’Arte’s Carlo Theatre at 7 p.m. — part of the Mad River Festival. The Fest continues with The Prize of Hope presentation to performers Geoff and Dan Hoyle on Saturday, June 30, before Mary Jane, and Red Light in Blue Lake cabaret July 6. More at dellarte.com. Meanwhile, Redwood Curtain opens the comedy Show People on Thursday, July 5. Details at RedwoodCurtain.com. l
Journal • thursday, Thursday, JuNe June 28, 2012 northcoastjournal.com •• North Coast JourNal northcoastjournal.com
Fri., June 29, 7-10pm • no cover
Sat., June 30, 7-10pm • no cover
Wine Bar & Store: Open Monday through Saturday 8th Street on the Arcata Plaza • 825-7596
includes paid listings
see The Hum pg. 24
clubs • concerts • cafés bands • djs • karaoke • drink & food specials • pool tournaments • and more venue THE ALIBI: ARCATA 822-3731 744 9th St. Arc. thealibi.com ARCATA PLAYHOUSE 1251 9th St. ARCATA THEATRE LOUNGE 1036 G St. Info line: 822-1220 BAR-FLY PUB 443-3770 91 Commercial, Eureka barflypub.com
thur 6/28
fri 6/29
sat 6/30
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Thundercloud, Headswell (heavy rock) 11pm $5
Sci Fi Night ft.Cold-War Propaganda 6pm-10pm All ages Free
Dumb and Dumber (1994) 8:30pm $5 Rated PG-13
Random Acts Of Commentary Doors at 7:30pm $6 All Ages
Happy Hour everyday 4-6pm $1 off wells & pints
DJ Marv 9pm-1am
Happy Hour everyday 4-6pm $1 off wells & pints
SambAmore, Motherlode 8pm $5
Taarka 7:30pm $5/20 sliding
BENBOW INN 923-2124
Joe Kennedy (jazz) 7:30pm
Francis Vanek Sextet (jazz) 7:30pm
Sam Maez Quintet (jazz) 7:30pm
Karaoke w/ Chris Clay 8pm
NightHawk (pop/dance) no cover 9pm
Uptown Kings (blues) no cover 9pm
Twice as Good (blues) no cover 9pm
House of Floyd (PF tribute) 9pm $20 Mystic Roots (reggae) no cover 9pm
The Tumbleweeds (cowboy) 6-8pm
The Tumbleweeds (cowboy) 6-8pm
TBA no cover 9pm
TBA no cover 9pm
BEAR RIVER CASINO 733-9644 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta BLONDIES Arcata 822-3453
Open Mic 7pm
BLUE LAKE CASINO 668-9770 777 Casino Way, Blue Lake
Karaoke 8pm-1am
C ST. PLAZA Old Town, Eureka
Incendio (Latin guitar) 6-8pm
CHAPALA CAFÉ Eureka 443-9514 CHER-AE HEIGHTS 677-3611 27 Scenic Dr. Trinidad
BossLevelz w/Masta Shredda & Itchie Fingaz no cover 9pm
CLAM BEACH INN McKinleyville
Kindred Spirits (bluegrass) 9pm Eureka Brass Concert/Dance 8:30pm
EUREKA INN 497-6093
One Direction, Joe Dominick 6pm
EUREKA VETERAN’S HALL 1018 H St. FIELDBROOK MARKET 839-0521 HEY JUAN! BURRITOS 1642 1/2 G St. Arcata HUMBOLDT BREWS 826-2739 856 10th St. Arcata INK ANNEX 47B West 3rd St Eureka
Thieves (folk) 7pm Death Metal Thursday (DMT): 4:30-10 pm AND Happy Hour until Close! Afrobeat Airwaves: A Missing Link Spinoff (dance) 9pm $5
Distracting the cook will only prolong the hunger Taarka (indie gypsy chamber folk) 9:30pm $15/$12
Happy Hour All Day! Grant Farm (Colorado jamgrass) 9:30pm $10
DJ Red , Zephyr, Gabriel Groom 9pm
Silver Hammer (Beatles covers) 9pm
Placebo Metal Night 6pm $4
JAMBALAYA 822-4766 Arcata LARRUPIN CAFE Trinidad THE LOCAL Eureka
Chief (singer/songwriter)
LIBATION 825-7596 761 8th St. Arcata
Summer Hours: until 9pm Monday Thursday, 10pm Friday & Saturday
Blue Lotus Jazz 7-10pm, no cover
Ali Chaudhary (jazz) 7-10pm, no cover
myspace.com/ littleredlioneurekacalif The Trouble (Americana) 6pm
Patchwork Family’s Beyond Eviction Tour (Occupy PDX jam) 9pm
Don’t think of it as work, think of it as fun!
Fred and Jr. (acoustic swing) 6pm
Tour de France party!
LIL’ RED LION 444-1344 1506 5th St Eureka MAD RIVER BREWERY 668-5680 101 Taylor Way Blue Lake
My Double, My Brother 6:30pm
MOSGO’S Arcata
NEW Arcata Store NOW OPEN! at 10th &H Streets
NOCTURNUM Eureka NORTH COAST GROWERS FARMERS’ MARKETS 441-9999 OCEAN GROVE Trinidad OLD TOWN COFFEE & CHOC. 211 F St. Eureka 445-8600 PEARL LOUNGE 507 2nd St. Eureka 444-2017 PERSIMMONS GARDEN GALLERY 1055 Redway Drive 923-2748
Nightly 8pm-3am
1 8 + O N LY
FABULOUSTIPTOP.COM CLUB: 443-5696 BAR: 443-6923 King Salmon Exit, Hwy. 101, Eureka
Dale Winget @ Henderson Center See the NCJ’s 8 Days a Week Calendar Mo and Morgan @ McKinleyville for times and Farmers’ Market info Prince Winston, Ras Melbourne 9pm www.OldTownCoffeeEureka.com
Rob Larkin & Joseph Eid (Americana/folk) 7pm
Musaic (Balkan) 7pm
DJ Jsun & friends (dance music) 9pm-midnight
DJ dance music 10pm
DJ dance music 10pm
The Latin Peppers (jazz) 7pm
Joe Kennedy & Yolanda Nickell (jazz) 7pm
RED FOX TAVERN 415 5th St Eureka REDWOOD CURTAIN BREWING 550 South G St., Arcata 826-7222
DJ Ray’s Free Friday (dance) 9pm
www.persimmons.net or find us on Facebook Fortunate Youth, Tatanka 9pm $10
Check Facebook for updates about live music and other special events
Get your Growlers filled
REDWOOD RAKS 616-6876 824 L Street, Arcata redwoodraks.com
Blues Night with Brian! 8-10pm
Zumba with Mimi 9:30-10:30am $5
Learn more at www.redwoodraks.com
Irish Music Night 7pm Ken Jorgensen Band (folk) 9-10pm
Happy hour M-F 4-6pm Twango Macallan (country rock) 9:30pm-midnight
Chris Parreira (singer songwriter) 7-10pm
Dale Winget (acoustic) 6pm
Good and Evil Twins Karaoke 8pm
RIVERWOOD INN Phillipsville ROBERT GOODMAN WINES 937 10th St. Arcata 826-WINE SHAMUS T BONES 407-3550 191 Truesdale St., Eureka
SIDELINES Arcata Plaza
Karaoke 7-10pm MXMSTR KRSHN2N 10pm
SILVER LINING 3561 Boeing Ave., McK
ARCATA 987 H ST. 707-822-3090
22 NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
Watch the Sunset from our fun bar!
Blue Lotus Jazz (jazz) 9am-2pm on the Arcata Plaza
Rude Lion 10pm
SIX RIVERS BREWERY Central Ave. McK. 839-7580
Brews and Blues Jam 9pm
Buddy Reed (raw blues) 9pm
Comedy Night 9pm
THE SPEAKEASY 444-2244 411 Opera Alley, Eureka
Sangria and Snacks 4-6:30
SugaFoot (blues duo) 7:30pm Ladies night ($1 off drinks) 8pm
Buddy Reed (blues) 9pm
Boss Levelz 10pm
TOBY & JACKS Arcata Plaza
Quintron and Miss Pussycat Monday at The Shanty
sun 7/1
mon 7/2
tues 7/3
wed 7/4
DJ Anya 11pm $3
Your friend on the Arcata Plaza.
2-Fer Tues: buy any breakfast or lunch item 8am-3pm: 2nd for 1/2 off
Irish Pub Wednesdays: with $2 wells
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (1994) 5:30pm $5 Rated PG
Find our website at www.arcatatheatre.com
Immediately like us on Facebook. Now!
Happy, safe 4th of July!
Pool tables, TV’s, Juke box Call 443-3770 to book your band
Free pool in back room Happy Hour 4-6pm $1 off wells & pints
Karaoke w/ DJ Marv 9pm-1am
Double Free Play
No Limit Texas Holdem Tournament 6:30 pm
Magenta (jazz) 7:30pm Bear River Casino Hotel 733-9644
No Limit Texas Holdem Tournament 6:30pm Quiz Night 7pm
Karaoke w/ KJ Leonard 8pm
Fat Tire Tuesdays $2.00 Fat Tire Pints
Wild Wing Wednesday w/ 25¢ wings
Karaoke w/Chris Clay 8pm 9-ball tournament 8pm
8-Ball Tournaments at 8pm
Karaoke with Chris Clay 8pm
8-Ball Tournaments at 8pm
Rule #1: Suck it up! Rule #2: Learn rule #1
Mimosa Mondays $3.00 pints of Mimosas all day long!
Fish Taco Tuesdays $3.50 for one $7.00 for two
Call In Your Order: 822-8433
UPCOMING: Fishbone July 13
UPCOMING: Sola Rosa July 17
Cribbage Tournament 6:30pm Modern Pets, PROBLEMS 6pm
Clouds on Mountain 4pm
Sundaze: Deep Groove Society 9pm
Ron Funches (comedy) 9:30pm $8
www.humboldtbrews.com Luscious Ladies Soul Revue 9pm Aber Miller (piano) 6-9pm
Wine Bar overlooking the Arcata Plaza Fuzz-Huzzi (eclectic rock) 9pm
Happy Hour 6-8pm Monday - Thursday, $1 off wine by the glass
Book your band 444-1344
Repeat: We got beer.
$3 off growler refills
Hoppy Hour 4-6pm $2.50 pints
myspace.com/ littleredlioneurekacalif Live music 6pm
Online at humfarm.org
Chris Parreira @ Old Town Eureka SqueezeBug @ Wildberries
See the NCJ’s 8 Days a Week Calendar for times and Farmers’ Market info
GLDT and ALLY Open Mic 6-8pm
Open mic w/ Mike Anderson (music/spoken) 6:30pm
Closed www.pearlloungeeureka.com
Tequila Tuesdays muchas variedades
Open 2-10pm Wed-Fri
Handcrafted items for children and adults.
Terry Rodriguez, Frances Vanek (jazz piano/sax) 7-10pm
Tasting Room open Mon-Wed 4-11pm Thu-Fri 4-12, Sat. 12-12, Sun 2-10
Happy Hour? Happy Day!
Special Release Day
Breakdancing with Rex 5-7pm
Swing Dance Night! 7:30pm Class, 8:30pm Party, $5
Argentine Tango Int 7:15pm, Beg 8:15pm
Belly Dancing 4th of July Festival on the Plaza 3:30pm
Michael Dayvid (acoustic variety) 6pm
“Like” us on Facebook.
Swing Dancing 7pm
Check out all the game scores from the bar!
Make early reservations for the weekend 407-3550
Call 407-3550 for Take Out
Full cocktail bar
All ages venue Caitlin Jemma (singer/songwriter) 8p
We are a certified wine shipper
Whomp Whomp Wednesday 9pm All markets have fresh fruits and vegetables and much, much more
Rude Lion Sound (reggae) 8pm Now serving beer and wine Closed www.pearlloungeeureka.com Now reopen for spring! Outlaw Nation (hip hop) 9pm $15
Jam Session 9pm
Quintron, Dent May (alt.) 9pm
Good & Evil Twins Karaoke 8pm Wallace and Phines noon-3pm Trivia Night 8pm
Karaoke 9pm w/ sushi
Gwyneth & Monko 9pm w/ fried chicken
Closed for the Fourth
Sunday Mimosa and Bloody Mary specials
Secret Password Hint: South of St. Charles Avenue
SugaFoot (trumpet/guitar duo) 6pm
Wednesday Happy Hour 4-6:30pm
northcoastjournal.com • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012
Vagabond Couples Taarka, Quintron and Miss Pussycat, plus Operation Water Dragon, Patchwork Family, Fourth haps and contest results By Bob Doran
here are a couple of vegetable dishes we’ve been making in our household lately starting with garlic and lots of ginger cooked in butter with thin sliced onions, cumin and mustard seeds, a mixture that’s known in India and Pakistan as tarka, or taarka — very tasty. David Tiller and his wife Enion Pelta-Tiller borrowed the word to name their band, Taarka, playing tasty acoustic music they describe as “indie gypsy chamber folk.” A little history: In the early ‘90s, mandolinist/guitarist David Tiller joined forces with songwriter/guitarist Nathan Moore and bassist Aimee Curl to form the indie folk/rock combo ThaMuseMeant. When that band took a break in 2000, Tiller headed for New York City. That’s where he met Enion Pelta, fiddler for the stringband Brooklyn Browngrass. His mandolin and her fiddle fit together perfectly, everything clicked and the couple ended up moving to Portland, getting married and starting a new band, Taarka. Enion also joined ThaMuseMeant, although that band spends a lot of time on hold while Moore explores solo projects and/ or plays with his other band, Surprise Me Mr. Davis. At this point, David and Enion call new acoustic-epicenter Colorado their headquar-
ters for a shifting line-up of Taarka, always with fiddle and mando (or David’s tenor guitar) at the core weaving together intricate melody lines. The current West Coast tour includes Troy Robey on bass and Grant Gordy on guitar. The vagabond troubadours return to Humboldt for two shows: Thursday they’re at Beginnings Octagon in SoHum, Friday at Humboldt Brews. Check the merch table for a new album, their fifth, Adventures in Vagabondia, officially due out later this year, but available at shows. Another traveling couple, Quintron and Miss Pussycat, bring unique music to The Shanty Monday night. In New Orleans’ 9th Ward, they run a basement music club, The Spellcaster Lodge, where the centerpiece is Quintron’s Hammond organ/Fender Rhodes synth built into the front end of a classic car. He uses it to play a mutant form of voodoo soul-jazz, keeping time with a hi-hat cymbal and an ingenious device he built called The Drum Buddy that involves flashing lights and a spinning chamber. (Check YouTube for the awesome infomercial.) Miss Pussycat supplies occasional vocals, but she’s mainly a puppeteer telling tales of a Happy Tree that sends secret messages from the center of the Earth. Mr.
24 North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
Q and Miss P are on the road with Dent May, a one-man band from Mississippi. While he started out on ukulele, May’s recent work involves synthesizers, drum machines and Beach Boys-esque vocal harmonies (looped), creating sweet, twisted pop music he describes as like a “wedding reception band on acid.” Opening the show is Eureka’s own Mister Moonbeam, whose loopy alt. twang should fit right in. Operation Water Dragon, the version of SambAmore expanded with a horn section, is back from its West Coast tour with Yogoman and ready to record a live album Saturday night at the Arcata Playhouse. The show also marks the debut of guitarist Greg Camphuis‘ megafunk band Motherlode. Wear your dancing shoes. Speaking of dancing, Missing Links’ dynamic duo Matt n’ Adam are partying at Humboldt Brews Thursday with King Maxwell and special guest Mr. Ian Pope making vinyl explorations into “Afrobeat Airwaves.” (Where’s Afrobeat expert Mantease?) More vinyl Friday night at the Jambalaya: Another DJ Red show, this time with DJ Zephyr and Gabriel Groom playing old school hip hop and classic party jams. Grant Farm is another of those Boulder, Colo., bands mixing rootsy rock with jamgrass. Champion flatpicker Tyler Grant used to play guitar with Drew Emmitt from Leftover Salmon, as did drummer Chris Misner (he was in L.S. too). Add Sean Foley on keyboards and funky bass player Adrian Engfer and you have a twangy new take on Rocky Mountain rock ‘n’ roll. The band returns to Arcata (“home away from home”) for a Saturday night show at HumBrews. Saturday is also a big tribute night with Silver Hammer doing Beatles covers at the Jambalaya while House of Floyd brings lasers and Pink-F tunes to the Sapphire Palace. Local reggae singer Prince Winston is a SoCal boy from the Inland Empire, but sounds like he’s a Rasta from Kingston. He rolls out his new album, Power of the Trinity, Thursday at the Ocean Grove with help from Ras Melbourne and The Survival Band; Abba Roots Hi Fi at the turntables. Placebo is keeping the all ages shows coming to Ink Annex: Thursday it’s metal mayhem with San Francisco death metal band Apocryphon, black metal by Chronaexus and Minenwerfer plus locals Miasmic. Tuesday, July 3, Placebo goes international with the German surf punk combo Modern Pets, Portland’s P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S. (jam punk) and local hardcore punks Aleister Christ. The members of Patchwork Family met late last year when the police were busting up the Occupy Portland encampment. “Justin 165” and “Jane Doe 18” tried to stop the cops from taking in resident sign language interpreter Justin James Bridges, injured in the melee, but he was hauled off in an ambulance. Justin and Jane tracked him to a hospital the next day
and volunteered their home for his recovery. That’s when they discovered a mutual interest in music: Justin 165 plays bass, Jane guitar and washboard, and Justin James sings and writes songs, and once he’d healed, plays guitar. Add a drummer and a woman called Mermaid on flute and harmonica, and you have a rag-tag protest band with a jammy sound (members count Dylan and the Dead among their influences). The band has been on the road behind a CD, Beyond Eviction, full of songs expressing what it calls “a passion for personal freedom, self-actualization and compassion for the fate of humanity.” Last stop on the tour is a Friday night show at the Lil’ Red Lion, right down the street from the Occupy Eureka protest, then it’s back to PDX, where the struggle continues. Wednesday is the Fourth-o-July, which of course means party time as we celebrate our independence with fireworks and the like. (Details on the pyrotechnics in our Calendar.) Per tradition, the Fourth also means a bunch of bands play in the street. The Arcata Chamber’s Fourth of July Jubilee includes music by Gin and Guitar Stan, Jenny Simpson, The McKinleyville Community Choir, Cadillac Ranch and Asha Nan with Shoshanna and her Ya Habibi Dance Company shaking bellies somewhere along the line. Eureka Main Street’s Fourth of July Festival has two stages: The Gazebo Stage starts up at 10 a.m. with The Dixieland Gators followed by Shoshanna and company, Doug Fir and the 2X4s, Humboldt Brass Quintet and The John David Young Trio (in that order). The Second and C Stage starts at 10:30 a.m. with Riding Double, then Fathom, Eel River and Enceledus. Also on the Fourth, around 4 p.m. at the Ink Annex, Deadwood Entertainment and Manabu Farms join with the band Clouds on Mountain to bring you “Food For Freedom,” an event to “help the less fortunate families in our community.” Admission is $4 worth of non-perishable food (or cash). The Fourth of July Dance out at the Mattole Grange in Petrolia that evening is a benefit for the Petrolia VFD with music by The Compost Mountain Boys, The P-town Freaks (presumably from Petrolia) and the amazing Petroliaborn jazz violinist Jenny Scheinman. Remember Mary Jane: The Contest (best new brand name for Humboldt pot)? Well, we have our winners: Gerald Hooker’s “Humbuds” won him tickets to Dell’Arte’s Mary Jane: The Musical (continuing its run this weekend and next). Runners up included Jacques for “Humboldt Dream,” George Kush for “HumGrown,” Barrett Kelly for “Humtasty Smooth,” Jeff B. for “Safety Meeting 101” and Timmy for “Los(t) Toast.” Thanks to our expert judges: Joan Schirle, aka Mary Jane, MJ cast member Janessa Johnsrude (Chanterelle La Plaza Dancer), pot writer Sharon Letts, Mr. Garth-Culti-Vader (aka Original Dankster) and the Journal staff. Here’s to independence. Let freedom ring! l
28 thursday THEATER
Mary Jane: The Musical. 8 p.m. Dell’Arte Rooney Amphitheater, 131 H St., Blue Lake. The Diva of Sativa is back with four new songs about weed reflecting community attitudes, cultural divisions, and who benefits from legalization or illegality. $18/$15 students and seniors/$10 kids under 12. dellarte.com/maryjane. 668-5663.
Afrobeat Airwaves. 9 p.m. Humboldt Brews, 856 10th St., Arcata. Missing Link spin-off featuring solo sets by Matt n’ Adam, King Maxwell and Mr. Ian Pope. $5. humboldtbrews.com. 826-2739. Taarka. 7:30 p.m. Beginnings, 4700 Briceland Thorn Road, Redway. Quartet of acoustic gypsy circus troubadours performs in a benefit for the Mattole River and Range Partnership. $5/$20 sliding scale. hezekiah@mattole. org. 826-2739. Placebo Goes Metal. 6 p.m. Ink Annex, 47B West Third St., Eureka. Featuring metal bands Apocryphon, Minenwerfer, Chronaexus and Miasmic. $4. 272-2653. Jazz in June. 7:30-10 p.m. Benbow Inn, 445 Lake Benbow Drive, Garberville. Annual series features local jazz musicians. Enjoy jazz organ with Joe Kennedy featuring Yolanda Nickell. 923-2124.
Sci-Fi Pint & Pizza Night. 6 p.m. Arcata Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St. A pair of Cold War era science fiction flicks: Designation Moon and Rocket Attack U.S.A. Beer and pizza specials all night long. $5. arcatatheater.com. 822-1220.
Henderson Center Farmers’ Market. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Vegetables, fruits, seedlings, plants and local food. Music by Dale Wignet. humfarm.org. 441-9999. McKinleyville Farmers’ Market. 3:30-6:30 p.m. McKinleyville Safeway Shopping Plaza, Central Avenue. Farmfresh produce every Thursday. Music by Mo and Morgan humfarm.org. 441-9999.
CR Nursing Alumni Meet and Greet. 5-7 p.m. Rita’s Mexican Grill on Fifth, 1111 Fifth St, Eureka. College of the Redwoods nursing grads and health educators gather. thedawnoftime58@gmail.com. 530-370-3711. Teen Pizza Party. 6 p.m. Azalea Hall, 1620 Pickett Road, McKinleyville. McKinleyville Parks and Recreation invites teens grades 6-12 to a free pizza party for discussion about how the new Teen Center should be designed. 839-9003
29 friday EVENTS
Lost Coast Kennel Club Dog Show. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Humboldt County Fairgrounds, 1250 Fifth St., Ferndale. Three days of conformation showing and obedience trials. See some of the top dogs in the country and learn about your favorite breeds. www.lostcoastkennelclub. org. 845-9142.
Mary Jane: The Musical. 8 p.m. Rooney Amphitheater. See June 28 listing.
Taarka. 9:30 p.m. Humboldt Brews, 856 10th St., Arcata. Quartet of acoustic Gypsy circus troubadours performs. $10. humboldtbrews.com. 826-2739. Jazz in June. 7:30-10 p.m. Benbow Inn, 445 Lake Benbow Drive, Garberville. Annual series features local jazz musicians. Enjoy music by Francis Vanek Sextet. 923-2124.
and Dan Hoyle. Ticket covers the award program, dinner and drinks plus admission to that evening’s performance of Mary Jane: The Musical. $50. dharla@dellarte.com, 668-5663.
continued on next page
Humboldt Crabs vs. Southern Oregon Riverdawgs. 7 p.m. Arcata Ballpark, Ninth and F streets. Take yourself out to the ballgame, HumCo! $8/$6 students and seniors/$4 kids 12 and under. humboldtcrabs.com. 826-2333.
CASA Q and A. Noon-1 p.m. CASA of Humboldt, 2356 Myrtle Ave., Eureka. Presentation about volunteering to help local foster children. 443-3197.
30 saturday EVENTS
The Prize of Hope: Geoff and Dan Hoyle. 4 p.m. Dell’Arte Carlo Theatre, 131 H St., Blue Lake. Dell’Arte and Denmark’s Institute for Popular Theatre award the annual prize to father/son actor/writer/clowns Geoff northcoastjournal.com • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012
continued from previous page
Lost Coast Kennel Club Dog Show. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Humboldt County Fairgrounds. See June 29 listing.
Mary Jane: The Musical. 8 p.m. Rooney Amphitheater. See June 28 listing.
Operation Water Dragon. 8 p.m. Arcata Playhouse, 1251 Ninth St., Arcata. Music, drum and dance troupe SambAmore returns from a West Coast tour to record a live album. New local funk band Motherlode opens. $5. 822-1575. Jazz in June. 7:30-10 p.m. Benbow Inn, 445 Lake Benbow Drive, Garberville. Annual series features local jazz musicians. Enjoy music by jazz soloist and trumpet virtuoso Sam Maez and his quintet on the hotel terrace. 923-2124. Grant Farm. 9:30 p.m. Humboldt Brews, 856 10th St., Arcata. Roots four-piece features National Flatpicking Champion Tyler Grant. $10. humboldtbrews.com. 826-2739. USA Dance Prom Night. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Eureka Women’s Club, 1531 J St. East Coast swing lesson from 6:30-7:30 p.m. followed by dancing to music by Magnolia. $10/$5 members. usadances@gmail.com. 442-3458.
or prevent conflicts and find a path to inner peace in this presentation by psychotherapist Jerry Fowler. 768-9701.
Marine Science Discovery Day. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. HSU Telonicher Marine Lab, 570 Ewing St., Trinidad. HSU marine science students lead exploration activities in a variety of marine science topics including marine mammals, seaweed, ocean acidification, upwelling, plastics in the ocean, etc. Free. 826-4479.
Lost Coast Kennel Club Dog Show. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Humboldt County Fairgrounds. See June 29 listing. Star Spangled First. 2-4 p.m. Fern Cottage, 2121 Centerville Road, Ferndale. Patriotic concert featuring Eureka Symphony Brass and Woodwinds Ensemble, ice cream social with lemonade and popcorn and tours of historic Fern Cottage. $25. ferncottage.org. 786-4835.
Prestige Film Festival. 5 p.m. Eureka Theater, 612 F St. Screening unique original independent films in many genres from around the world. prestigefilmaward.com. 832-4255. Random Acts Of Commentary. 7:30 p.m. Arcata Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St. Members of Random Acts of Comedy view random and classic videos and provide freewheeling improv commentary, in the tradition of Mystery Science Theatre. $6. 822-1220.
Mary Jane: The Musical. 8 p.m. Rooney Amphitheater. See June 28 listing.
Open Gardens. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Humboldt Botanical Gardens, College of the Redwoods, Eureka. Roam the 44acre fully fenced property. $5. www.hbgf.org. 442-5139. Wildflower Walk. 10 a.m.-noon. Humboldt Coastal Nature Center, 220 Stamps Lane, Manila. Friends of the Dunes naturalist shows you fragrant yellow sand verbena, beach buckwheat, seaside daises and more. 444-1397. Friends of the Marsh Tour. 2 p.m. Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary Interpretive Center, 600 S. G St. Ken Burton leads a 90-minute walk focusing on the birds and ecology of the marsh. 826-2359.
Arcata Farmers’ Market. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Arcata Plaza, Ninth and G streets. Fresh vegetables, fruits, seedlings, plants and local food. humfarm.org. Music by Blue Lotus Jazz. 822-5951.
North Coast Tsunami F.C. vs San Francisco Stompers. 1 p.m. College of the Redwoods, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka. NPSL soccer match. Halftime raffles and entertainment. Catch the Wave. $2. fcmischief@ earthlink.net. 599-8284. Humboldt Crabs vs. Southern Oregon Riverdawgs. 7 p.m. Arcata Ballpark. See June 29 listing.
Mensa Forum. Noon-1:30 p.m. Samoa Cookhouse, Samoa Road, Arcata. No-host luncheon. Learn ways to end
Jazz in June. 7:30-10 p.m. Benbow Inn, 445 Lake Benbow Drive, Garberville. Annual series features local jazz musicians. Enjoy music by Magenta featuring Chris Amberger. 923-2124.
Humboldt Crabs vs. Southern Oregon Riverdawgs. 12:30 p.m. Arcata Ballpark. See June 29 listing. Redwood Coast Scrabble Club. 1-5 p.m. Arcata Community Center, 321 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. Fun with words. 677-9242. Flea Market. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Redwood Acres Fairground, 3750 Harris St., Eureka. Lots o’ stuff! $0.50. 822-5292. Label GMOs Phase Two. 4 p.m. Arcata Co-op, Eighth and I streets. Plan education and outreach to ensure passage of the ballot initiative.
2 monday COMEDY
Savage Henry Presents: Ron Funches. 9:30 p.m. Jambalaya, 915 H St., Arcata. PDX-based standup makes with the yuks. Joined by local standup talents Joe Deschaine, Josh Duke, Dutch Savage and Lucy Castle. $8. jambalayaarcata.com. 822-4766.
Friendship Circle Dance. 7-10 p.m. Moose Lodge, 4328 Campton Road, Eureka. Dancers 50 and older enjoy dancing with live music from the 1930s-50s. $4. 725-5323. Swing Dance Night. 7:30 p.m. Redwood Raks World Dance Studio, 824 L St., Arcata. Swing what your mama gave you! $5. 616-6876.
Another Funny Person! Humboldt’s slow, steady ascent toward comedic respectability continues. In the last couple of years, our once “ha”-famished county has seen a dramatic uptick in smaller venue standup comedy events thanks to the efforts of Savage Henry Independent Times magazine and the Ba-DumChh comedy troupe. Both have nurtured their own stables of locally grown yuk-slingers, while coercing out-o’-town talent to take an out-o’-theway comic safari through the Redwood Curtain. The latest daring adventurer is Portland-based standup Ron Funches. Let’s just get the career stats out of the way: Dude’s been on Conan, tried out for the Portland Thinkers pro baseball team on an episode of Portlandia and I saw him at SF Sketchfest. Respect him. But trivia aside, Funches brings a unique style to the stage. Unlike most successful standups who hustle for club-goers attention, Funches’ laidback, soft-spoken delivery is reminiscent of how you imagine the best fathers go about explaining things to the children they love. Transparent and philosophical, he’s testament to the fact that honesty, in this time and space, is funny. YouTube
will back me up on this. What’s next for Ron? Thursday, before his upcoming Humboldt show, Funches will perform a farewell show of sorts in PDX before taking his comedic ambitions south to Los Angeles. “I’m gonna miss my great comedian friends,” Funches says. “I’m just moving to a place with more opportunities.” Well, that’s all very logical. About that HumCo show: It’s at 9:30 p.m. on Monday, July 2, at Jambalaya in Arcata. Savage Henry’s Chris Durant emcees the night, which also features local joke slingers Joe Deschaine, Josh Duke, Dutch Savage and Lucy Castle. Laughter on this night will cost you $8. The trip should be an educational one for Mr. Funches. We asked him via email to list, off the top of his head, five things he knew about Humboldt County. He responded: “1. marijuana; 2. pot; 3. weed 4. grass; 5. 4052 sq miles.” !!!. Show Ron that Humboldtians are not the stereotypical … meh, whatever. For more info, head over to savagehenrymagazine.com and/or ronfunches. webs.com. Ha. — Andrew Goff
3 tuesday EVENTS
Fortuna Independence Day Festival. 5 p.m. Newberg Park, Fortuna. Celebrate Independence Day early. Clowns, balloon animals, bounce houses, rock climbing wall. Performance by Pyro Spectacular at 9:30 p.m. 725-9261.
Humboldt Folklife Society Group Sing Along. 7-9 p.m. Arcata Community Center, 321 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. Joel Sonenshein leads. 839-7063.
The Day the Earth Stood Still On a scrap of hempen paper, by flickering candlelight, occasionally sneezing from the talcum drifting off his wig, John Adams penned a letter to his dearest Abigail. “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America,” he wrote, the feather-end of his quill tickling his nose. “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.” Almost makes me choke up — wait … did he say the Second? Shoot. Let’s check ye olde Wikipedia. … Ah. Sort of a tomato-tomato deal. Anyway, Mr. Adams, we’re doing it like you said. Thanks to you, good sir, we shall lounge long in our beds next Wednesday morn. When we awaken, likely between the hours of 10 and 2, we will gorge on cobs of corn and dogs that are hot. We will hop in sacks, and cue our barbs. And when it gets dark, we will illuminate. Festivities begin on Independence Eve (July 3), with the Third Annual Fortuna Fireworks Festival in Newburg Park. Things get rolling at 5:30 p.m., with picnicking, barbecuing, clowns and a mighty tug-of-war. Patriotic locals will try to tame Bucking Butch the Steel Steer, and will likely be tossed spectacularly. Kids will don potato sacks and awkwardly hop-step as fast as they can. Some will inevitably faceplant. For those of you who like too much of a good thing, there will be an apple-pie-eating contest. Bring money if you want tritip or corn on the cob, because that stuff costs dollars, but the live music is free. The fireworks start after dark.
The next day, wake up, shake it off, and head to the Arcata Plaza for round two. Bring blankets and picnic food, because that grass is for sitting on. Your kid is antsy, you say? He doesn’t appreciate the full day of live music? Make things right and take that sucker to the kids’ corner, where he’ll be at home with people of similar age and disposition — sometimes 300 or 400 of them, said Brenda Bishop of the Arcata Chamber of Commerce. Each kid will be assigned to a giant hamster wheel, which they will use to power the lights in Everett’s. Actually, not. The truth is, there will be plenty of ethical ways for them to burn off that crazy energy, including a free circus. Arcata isn’t doing the whole firework thing this year, mmkay, so if you want fireworks you’re gonna have to hop on your recumbent bicycle and schmob to Old Town in Eureka. There, you will almost certainly find fireworks, said Charlotte McDonald of Eureka Mainstreet. A week prior, the show was short $3,000, but McDonald said that she fully expected patriotic fireworks fans to open their wallets. Make it happen, citizens. If you like your fireworks without the clouds, then Benbow State Park, in Humboldt’s Garberville sector, might be a better bet.”There’s never a chance of fog during our show,” said Dee Way of the Garberville Chamber of Commerce.”That’s our selling point.” Admission is $8 per car, truck or campervan, and the show starts at 10 p.m. Way said that the sound of the fireworks will echo off of the cliffs across the park, and is sure to blow your funky mind. Humboldt, now you know. Get out there and be independent. — Zach St. George
Old Town Farmers’ Market. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Old Town, Eureka, F Street between First and Third. Fresh farm-grown produce. Music by Chris Parreira. humfarm.org. 441-9999. Fortuna Farmers’ Market. 3-6 p.m. 10th and Main streets. Freshest and tastiest local produce, plants, breads and jams. 726-9371. Wildberries Farmers’ Market. 3:30-6:30 p.m. Wildberries Marketplace, 747 13th St., Arcata. Fresh fruit, vegetables and plants from local growers. Music by Squeeze Bug. 441-9999.
Senior Get Together. 1-3 p.m. Ramone’s Old Town, 209 E St., Eureka. Single seniors meet for coffee, pastries and good conversation. 442-2990. Humboldt Cribbage Club. 6:15-9:30 p.m. Moose Lodge, 4328 Campton Road, Eureka. Weekly cribbage tournament. $7. cribbage.org. 444-3161.
4 wednesday EVENTS
Eureka Main Street Fourth of July Festival. 10 a.m. Old Town, F Street between First and Third streets, Eureka. Live music on two stages, 100-plus vendors, food, art, kids activities, pony rides, horse and carriage rides, Madaket Bay Cruise. Fireworks display after dark over the Bay. 442-9054. Arcata’s Fourth of July Jubilee. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Arcata Plaza, Ninth and G streets. Music all day, food booths, farmers’ market, arts and crafts, children’s activities. 822-3619. Ferndale’s Fourth of July Celebration. 10 a.m. Fire engine rides, parade at noon, picnic follows parade, Woody Guthrie’s American Song at 3 p.m. at Ferndale Rep, 447 Main St., and Bear River Casino’s fireworks show at the fairgrounds at dark. www.victorianferndale.com/ events.htm. 786-4477. Garberville Fourth of July. 10 p.m. Benbow Lake SRA,
1600 Hwy 101. Annual fireworks display. $7/$3 kids. 923-2613. Independence Day at the Zoo. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sequoia Park Zoo, 3414 W St., Eureka. Special free admission day. See the zoo’s new Indian muntjac deer. www. sequoiaparkzoo.net. 441-4263.
Fourth of July Dance. 6:30 p.m. Mattole Grange, 36512 Mattole Road, Petrolia. Petrolia Volunteer Fire Department-sponsored event features music by Jenny Scheinman, Compost Mountain Boys and The P-town Freaks. $10/$25 sliding scale. Sierrasimpson@aol.com.
Friends of the Dunes Work Day. 5-6:30 p.m. Humboldt Coastal Nature Center, 220 Stamps Lane, Manila. Help develop the native landscaping. Bring gloves. 444-1397.
Humboldt Crabs vs. Eel River Eels. 12:30 p.m. Arcata Ballpark. See June 29 listing.
Fourth of July Book Sale. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 1034 H St., Arcata. Sponsored by Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. 822-5711.
5 thursday THEATER
Show People. 8 p.m. Redwood Curtain, 220 First St., Eureka. Bonnie and Ron Halverson star as Jerry and Marnie, a married pair of Broadway actors who haven’t worked in years, desperate to take any acting job. Written by Paul Weitz. $10. redwoodcurtain.com. 443-7688. Mary Jane: The Musical. 8 p.m. Rooney Amphitheater. On more weekend. See June 28 listing.
Henderson Center Farmers’ Market. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. See June 28 listing. Music by Lindsey Battle. McKinleyville Farmers’ Market. 3:30-6:30 p.m. McKinleyville Safeway Shopping Plaza. Music by Jerry Cottrell. See June 28 listing.
Heads Up…
Folklife Festival Seeks Volunteers. The Humboldt Folklife Festival is coming up at the end of July and organizers are seeking volunteers to assist with staffing information, set-up, clean-up, concession tables, poster distribution and more. Those interested should gather for pizza and beverages at Mad River Brewery in Blue Lake on Wednesday, June 27 at 6 p.m. RSVP to Emily at emily.sinkhorn@gmail.com or phone 269-2061. ●
northcoastjournal.com • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012
June 28 July 1 Thurs June 28 - Sci Fi Night ft. Cold-War Propaganda 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. All ages Free Fri June 29 - Dumb and Dumber (1994) Doors at 8:30 p.m. $5 Rated PG-13 Sat June 30 - Random Acts Of Commentary Doors at 7:30 $6 All Ages Sun July 1 - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009) Doors at 5:30 $5 Rated PG
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Asteroid Dodger End of the world not so bad By John J. Bennett filmland@northcoastjournal.com
SEEKING A FRIEND FOR THE END OF THE WORLD. Having seen the trailer for this something like a hundred times in the last few months, I was poised to dislike the movie. Either in spite of or due to this reactionary tendency, I found myself almost immediately disarmed. This feeling of mild but thorough approbation carried through to the end. Seeking a Friend takes us through an asteroid end-of-days scenario as lived by a sweet, luckless everyman named Dodge (Steve Carell). In the face of the impending cataclysm, Dodge’s wife literally runs off, leaving him alone to contemplate a lifetime of missteps. True to his name, he’s engineered escape strategies to keep from making tough decisions. This “name as descriptor” bit is one of the devices writer/ director Lorene Scafaria deploys at risk of preciousness-overload. Somehow the charm and big-heartedness of the story win out, though. Into his life stumbles Penny (Keira Knightley), a serial monogamist with hyper-somnia and a wee-habit. Fleeing riots, they set out on a sketchily planned adventure toward reunion: he with a lost love, she with her family in England. The plot goes the way of all romantic road movies, but there are enough clever asides and well-placed cameos sprinkled throughout (Patton Oswalt, Gillian Jacobs and William Peterson, especially) for me to forgive the predictability. Carell and Knightley muster up some cute, generally believable on-screen chemistry. He’s possessed of a self-effacing charm that makes him hard not to like. And with him as straight man, she gets the chance to play the lovable oddball, which is a welcome departure for her. As they move through their adventure, the relationship between them grows and deepens, and Dodge gradually opens up a little. Again, no surprises as to where that strand goes, but the warmth and compassion of the performers make the dynamic work. While the structure of the narrative comes right out of the rom-dramedy playbook, there is an intelligence and originality to the writing that sets Seeking a Friend apart from the rest. There’s room
28 North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
for honesty and black humor, and in the end Scafaria doesn’t shy away from the hard truths. Not to say this is the final word on final days, but it amounts to more than the sum of its parts. R. 100m. BRAVE. Before I go any further, I have to say Brave looks as good as any animated movie I’ve ever seen. Pixar, not surprisingly, have outdone themselves once again. They created an immense, gorgeously detailed, mythical version of Scotland that speaks to the kid in all of us (I’m assuming we all have a kid inside who wants to live in a castle). The characters come to exuberant life on the screen, underpinned by themes of self-reliance, family and gender equality. But the story itself lacks the certain something, the spark of extra imagination that distinguishes the truly great Pixar offerings from the merely good. Kelly McDonald gives voice to Merida, the fire-haired tomboy princess of the aforementioned Highland kingdom. She has come of age and tradition dictates that a suitable spouse be selected for her. But Merida, anything but a slave to convention, has other plans. She revels in her freedom and exploration and refuses to be shackled by an arranged marriage. So she finds a witch, casts a spell on her mother that unexpectedly turns her into a bear, and must find a cure before the change becomes permanent. Along the way, she’s called upon to defuse tensions between her father and the neighboring clans and defend herself against another, less loving, magical bear. About a third of the way through, it becomes very clear how the narrative is going to be resolved. As that point, I found myself unintentionally checking out. Not that I didn’t care anymore, but with the ending in plain sight the stakes were lowered and my investment in the characters diminished. A brilliant supporting cast (Robbie Coltrane and Emma Thompson, among others) is pushed to the fringes of a script that focuses completely on Merida, only letting the rest of the characters chime in for minor comic relief or to advance the plot. Brave adheres so closely to storytelling convention and an often-retold story that the truly amazing visuals become almost forgettable. The action clips along
briskly, but the story is ultimately too well worn and shallow to distinguish itself. PG. 93m. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VAMPIRE HUNTER. With apologies to its fans, the idea behind this movie strikes me as halfbaked, even dumb. The premise: Honest Abe sees his mother killed by a vampire and seeks revenge. Without training, he doesn’t stand a chance. Enter dark stranger Henry Sturgess, who provides training, discipline and assassination assignments. Abe becomes an axe-wielding killing machine. Then Abe becomes president. Turns out the vampires control the American south, advocating for slavery as a foodsource, of course. Seems like awfully lowhanging fruit, in terms of storytelling. But that’s all well and good: This is a revisionist fantasy, and if it were well executed I’m sure I’d enjoy it as much as anyone. But the action sequences are mishandled from the beginning, trading creative camerawork or fight choreography for hackneyed slow-motion bloodletting. And by the time we meet Lincoln as president, I found it impossible not to focus on his pancake age-makeup. Throw in an unfocused, badly edited climax, and there you have it: no fun at all. R. 105m. - John Bennett
MOONRISE KINGDOM. The latest from arty auteur Wes Anderson is a magical tale of two adolescent lovers (Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward) who run away together in ‘60s New England. PG-13. MAGIC MIKE. Beefcake drama with ex-male stripper Channing Tatum as a veteran male stripper mentoring a young stud (Alex Pettyfer) new to the game. Hard to believe, but it’s directed by Steven Soderbergh. R. 110m. PEOPLE LIKE US. Chris Pine attends his dad’s funeral and is tasked with delivering $150k to a troubled older sister (Elizabeth Banks) and a nephew he didn’t know existed. Expect ruminations on the meaning of family. PG-13. 115m. TED. Seth MacFarlane’s big screen debut as writer/director and voice of a slacker Teddy bear named Ted owned by John (Mark Wahlberg) whose childhood wish for his stuffed toy to come to life came true. Trouble is, the bear doesn’t want him to grow up. R. MADEA’S WITNESS PROTECTION. Writer/director/producer/star Tyler Perry is back in drag as Madea, this time helping protect a banker involved in a Ponzi scheme who is testifying against the mob. PG-13. THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. “Reboot” of the Marvel/Stan Lee franchise reintroduces the web slinger as a skater dude teen (played by Andrew Garfield) exploring his family history, discovering
his superpowers and fighting an evil villain (Rhys Ifans). Yes, it’s in 3-D. PG-13. Arcata Theatre Lounge’s Sci-Fi Pint & Pizza Night on Thursday has a pair of rocket-powered Cold War era flicks: Designation Moon and Rocket Attack U.S.A. Saturday the ATL has Random Acts of Commentary with the Random Acts of Comedy improv troupe offering Mystery Science Theater-style wisecracks for random and classic videos.” Weird weather getting to you? It’s weirder in the CGI kid comedy Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, showing Sunday at the ATL. You can see prestigious award-winning films at the Prestige Film Festival on Saturday at the Eureka Theater where organizers “provide a spotlight for filmmakers and production companies who are looking for public recognition of their creative efforts” in 90 some-odd categories, provided they pay the $75 per award entry fee (actual award for your mantle not included). - Bob Doran
BERNIE. True story, stars Jack Black as a Texas mortician who murders an unpopular widow (Shirley MacLaine) and finds the townsfolk rallying to his defense. PG-13 104m. THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL. British retirees (Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy) head for India, where the indoor plumbing isn’t quite up to snuff. PG13. 124m. MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED. Top-notch voice talent and clever sight gags distinguish the continuing slapstick adventures of goofy zoo fugitives. PG. 85m. MEN IN BLACK III. Will Smith is back as Agent J, the smack-talkin’ government agent sent to dispatch diabolical aliens. PG13. 107m. PROMETHEUS. Ridley Scott’s prequel to Alien (or is it?) features breathtaking visuals and strong performances, especially Michael Fassbender’s as an android with the mannerisms of Lawrence of Arabia. R. 124m. ROCK OF AGES. Maudlin, humorless hair metal Broadway musical about a rock club sports an all-star cast including Tom Cruise and Alec Baldwin. PG13. 123m. SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN. This visually stylish adaptation of the Brothers Grimm tale suffers from an underdeveloped plot. Plus, the dwarfs aren’t even real! PG13. 127m. THAT’S MY BOY. The latest crude yet sappy comedy from Adam Sandler delves into the eternal father/son bond. R. 114m. ●
Movie Times
Dance, Music, Theater, Film
PRACTICE ARGENTINE TANGO! June 29, 7-9 p.m., $6, Studio of Dance Arts, Eureka. Humboldtango.org NO SUMMER CLASSES. (DMT-0628)
Film times reflect the most current listings as of Tuesday afternoon. As schedules at individual theaters sometimes change, we recommend calling ahead to avoid any inconvenience.
THE GESTURES OF COLLABORATION. A choreography and performance workshop with Stephanie Silvia, July 9-13, 9:30 a.m-1:30 p.m, Pan Arts Studio, $175.For Info. www.humboldtdancer.net/gestures, or (707) 677-9323 (DMT-0705)
Broadway Cinema
707-443-3456 1223 Broadway Street, Eureka Times are for 6/29 - 7/2 unless otherwise noted. TYLER PERRY’S MADEA’S WITNESS PROTECTION 1:05, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30 TED 1:00, 3:40, 6:30, 9:10 MAGIC MIKE 12:45, 3:30, 6:15, 9:00 PEOPLE LIKE US 12:05, 2:55, 5:45, 8:45 SEEKING A FRIEND FOR THE END OF THE WORLD 1:45, 7:05 BRAVE 3D 12:40, 3:20, 6:00, 8:30 BRAVE 2D 11:50, 2:25, 5:05, 7:40 ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER 3D 3:50, 6:35, 9:15 ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER 2D 1:10 THAT’S MY BOY 9:35 ROCK OF AGES 3:05, 8:40 PROMETHEUS 3D 12:10, 5:25 PROMETHEUS 2D 3:10, 8:50 MADAGASCAR 3 3D 3:00, 8:15 MADAGASCAR 3 2D 12:20, 6:25 SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN 4:10 BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL 11:55, 2:45, 5:35, 8:25 MEN IN BLACK 3 12:30, 6:05 THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 7/2: MIDNIGHT SHOWING
Mill Creek Cinema 707-839-3456
1575 Betty Court, McKinleyville Times are for 6/29 - 7/2 unless otherwise noted. TED 1:10, 3:55, 6:35, 9:15 MAGIC MIKE 12:25, 3:10, 6:00, 8:45 PEOPLE LIKE US 12:35, 3:20, 6:05, 8:55 BRAVE 3D 3:00, 8:10 BRAVE 2D 12:20, 5:40 ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER 3D 1:00, 6:20, 9:00 ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER 2D 3:40 ROCK OF AGES 3:30, 9:20 PROMETHEUS 4:05, 9:30 MADAGASCAR 3 3D 3:50, 8:40 MADAGASCAR 3 2D 1:20, 6:15 SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN 12:40, 6:25 MEN IN BLACK 3 1:30, 7:00
Minor Theatre 707-822-3456
1001 H Street, Arcata Times are for 6/29 - 7/2 unless otherwise noted.
*2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 *1:40, 4:00, 6:20, 8:40 *1:50, 4:15, 6:40, 9:10
Fortuna Theater
707-725-2121 1241 Main Street, Fortuna Times are for 6/29 -7/2 unless otherwise noted. TED 1:00, 3:45, 6:30, 9:20 MAGIC MIKE 1:15, 4:00, 6:50, 9:40 BRAVE 3D *12:30, 3:00 BRAVE 2D *12:00, 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35 ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER 3D 5:20, 7:45 ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER 2D *12:40, 4:10, 6:40, 9:10 MADAGASCAR 3 *12:20, 2:40, 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 7/2: MIDNIGHT SHOWING
Garberville Theater 707-923-3580
766 Redwood Drive, Garberville MADAGASCAR 3
6/29 - 7/5: 7:30 EXCEPT 7/4: 6:30
List your class – just 50 cents/word per issue! • Deadline: Monday, noon. Place online at www.northcoastjournal.com or e-mail: classified@northcoastjournal.com. Listings must be paid in advance by check, cash or Visa/MasterCard. Many classes require pre-registration.
Arts & Crafts BEGINNING QUIILTING. $30, Sun. July 8, 10 am -3 p.m. No quilting experience necessary. Must have sewing machine and basic sewing supplies. Call Ocean Wave Quilts for more information (707) 4440252. (AC-0705) FAIR ISLE ORNAMENT CLASS AT YARN. Thurs.s, July 12-26, 5:30-7 p.m. $45, plus materials. Christmas in July! Learn the Fair Isle technique while making 3 adorable knit ornaments. One ornament each week, starting easier and getting more complicated. Intermediate knitting level required. Call 443-YARN for more info and to register. (AC-0705) CROCHET FLOWERS. A beginning crocheting class. Thurs.s, 6.00-8:00 p.m. $30. Discover the world of crochet! Learn basic crochet stitches while making fun flowers. Origin Design Lab, 621 3rd St., Old Town Eureka, (707) 497-6237, www.origindesignlab.com. (AC-0628) HAND EMBROIDERY & EMBELLISHMENT. Fri.s 2-4 p.m. $30. Learn how to add stunning designs to clothes and home accessories, new projects every week. Origin Design Lab, 621 3rd St., Old Town Eureka, (707) 497-6237, www.origindesignlab.com. (AC-0628) NEEDLE FELTING. Fri.s, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. $30, all the basics to get you started in this great art form. No experience necessary. All materials provided. Origin Design Lab, 621 3rd St., Old Town Eureka, (707) 497-6237, www. origindesignlab.com. (AC-0628) SEWING CLASS, ANY SIZE PILLOWCASE. Thurs.s, 5:30-8:30 p.m. $35. This is a great class. Learn to use multiple fabrics and sew incase seams. Make any size pillowcase. Fun and easy class for all ages, makes a great gift. Origin Design Lab, 621 3rd St., Old Town Eureka, (707) 497-6237, www.origindesignlab.com. (AC-0628) SUMMER ART CLASSES, SIGN UP NOW. Photo Mural Making July 9, Realism Drawing One, July 10, Eight weeks, 6-8:30 p.m. $25 per class. Call Chuck (707) 845-2038 or come by Main Street Art Gallery & School, 1006 Main St., Fortuna. (AC-0628)
LIFETREE CAFE: JOIN THE CONVERSATION. Class Warfare, the unending struggle for equality in America discussed Sun., July 1, 7 p.m. Lifetree Café, 76 13th St., Arcata. Free Admission. Questions, Contact Bob Dipert 672-2919, bobdipert@hotmail.com. (CMM-0628)
PIANO LESSONS OPEN HOUSE. Come join us on Sat. June 30, 1-3 p.m., 1630 Broadway, Eureka, 15 min lesson $5, all ages welcome. For more info. Call 476-8919, or go to Facebook Piano Lessons for Beginners by Judith Louise. (DMT-0628) TRILLIUM DANCE STUDIOS SUMMER DANCE CAMP Dance class with Erin Fernandez, Julie Ryman and guest instructors. All levels of Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Latin Dance and more! Ages 4-Adult. July 23-Aug. 4. Trillium Dance Studios, 1925 Alliance & Common Ground Studio, 180 Westwood Center. Email or call for pricing. info@DanceWithErin.com, 822-8408. (DMT-0719) LEARN 2 HOOP DANCE. Foundational Hoop Dance series starts every few weeks in Arcata. Ongoing int/ adv. workshops. Private lessons. Hoops/collapsible hoops for sale. www.chakranation.com (DMT-1227) DANCE WITH DEBBIE. Ballroom, Latin, & Swing. Group & Private lessons. Weddings & special events. Learn to dance and have fun doing it! Call (707) 4643638, or visit www.dancewithdebbie.biz (DMT-0628) WEST AFRICAN DANCE. Tues.s, Thurs.s, 5:30-7 p.m., at Redwood Raks, Arcata. All levels welcome. Live drumming. Dulce, 832-9547, Christina, 498-0146. (DMT-1227) GUITAR/PIANO LESSONS. All ages, beginning and intermediate. Seabury Gould 444-8507. (DMT-1227) SAXOPHONE/FLUTE LESSONS. All ages, beginneradvanced, jazz improvisation, technique. Susie Laraine: 441-1343. (DMT-1227) BELLY DANCING WITH SHOSHANNA. Feel fabulous in classes for all levels in Arcata at Redwood Raks. 616-6876 or Shoshannaland.com. (DMT-1227) PIANO LESSONS. Six week session begins Mon. July 9, and goes through Tues.Aug 14 with time slots available on Tues’s and Thurs’s from 2 p.m.-6 p.m. and Wed’s 3:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Per class fees $10/30 minute sessions or $15/ 50 minute sessions. For more information call 822-7091 or visit our website www. cityofarcata.org. (DMT-0712)
LAU KUNE DO: TEMPLE OF MARTIAL ARTS: 445 I St., Arcata. Head instructor, Sifu Joshua Cuppett. Adult Kung Fu: ages 13 & up, Youth Kung Fu: ages 5-12, also offering Tai Chi classes. Students may come free train outside of class during our daily open temple hours. Parents, drop off your child for our monthly, “Kung Fu Movie Night”. Kids uniforms free with membership ! Visit www.arcatakungfu.com for fees, schedule and upcoming workshops in the Chinese martial arts. (707) 496-5510. (F-0913) NEW AT CROSSFIT EUREKA! Offering Core Strength, Kettlebell, FitMom Prenatal Movement, Vinyasa Fow Yoga, Clinics for Endurance Runners, Foundations with Dr. Phil Pritting D.C. www.crossfiteureka.com, crossfiteureka@gmail.com. (F-0719) DANCE-FIT. Dance, aerobics & strength training all in one class ! Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9-10 a.m First class is free. Drop in for $5 per class or 14 classes for $55. No Limits tap & jazz studio, corner of 10th & K st. Arcata. 825-0922 (F-1227) continued on next page
29 29
northcoastjournal.com • North Coast JourNal • thursday, JaN. 12, •2012 northcoastjournal.com northcoastjournal.com Thursday,JUNE •NORTH NorthCOAST CoastJOURNAL Journal• •THURSDAY, June28, 28,2012 2012
continued from previous page HUMBOLDT CAPOEIRA ACADEMY. Summer Intersession: June 16-July 31. Classes: All Level Adults, Mon.s & Wed.s, 5-7 p.m. Open Gym & Roda (all ages, all levels), Sat.s, Noon-2 p.m. Arcata, (707) 498-6155. www.humboldtcapoeira.com. HSU Students First Class Free. (F-0628) NIA. Nia has arrived in Humboldt County! Dance fusion fitness program blending healing arts, dance arts, and martial arts. Weds at the Bayside Grange, 6:30-7:30pm., 2297 Jacoby Creek Rd. Your first class is always FREE! Regular fees $6/$4 Grange Members. Pauline Ivens 707-441-9102, waterpolly@gmail.com (F-0628) AIKIBOJITSU. Get your black belt in stick! New beginning classes in Aikibojitsu, The Art of the Staff, taught by Tom Read Sensei, Chief Instructor of Northcoast Aikido, with over 40 years of experience in martial arts. Classes meet Sat.s 9 a.m- 10 a.m., at Northcoast Aikido, 890 G Street, Arcata (entrance in back, by fire station). $20 per class, Visit www. aikibojitsu.com (F-1206) NORTH COAST FENCING ACADEMY. Fencing (with swords!). Improve your mind and body in a fun, intense workout, and a very chill environment. Ages 8 and up. 1459 M St., Arcata, contact Justin (707) 601-1657 text or phone, or email northcoastfencingacademy@gmail.com (F-1206) ZUMBA. Latin-inspired fitness program using international music and various dance styles including Salsa, Cumbia, Merengue and Reggaeton for a great cardio workout. Every Mon. and Thurs. at the Bayside Grange 6-7 p.m., 2297 Jacoby Creek Rd. $6/$4 Grange members. Every Wed. 6-7 p.m. in Fortuna at the Monday Club, 610 Main St. Every Tues. at the Trinidad Town Hall 12 p.m. and every Thur. at the Eureka Vets Hall 12 p.m. Marla Joy 707-845-4307. (F-0531) ZUMBA WITH MIMI. Put the FUN back into your workout! Latin & Pop music, sure to leave you sweaty and smiling! Wed. & Fri. 9:30 a.m. at Redwood Raks in the Old Creamery Building, Arcata. Tues. & Thurs. 9:30 a.m., Fri. 5:30 p.m., Humboldt Capoeira Academy, Arcata. (F-1227) NORTH COAST SELF DEFENSE ACADEMY. Come learn your choice of Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Lau Kune Do Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Stand-up/Kickboxing & MMA. Group and private sessions available 7 days a week for men, women and children; all experience and fitness levels welcome. Call or visit (707) 822-6278 or 820 N St., Building #1 Suite C, Arcata www.northcoastselfdefense.com (F-1227) SUN YI’S ACADEMY OF TAE KWON DO. Classes for kids and adults, child care, fitness gym, and more. Tae Kwon Do Mon-Fri 5-6 p.m., 6-7 p.m., Sat 10-11 a.m. Come watch or join a class, 1215 Giuntoli Lane, or visit www.sunyisarcata.com, 825-0182. (F-1227) NORTHCOAST AIKIDO FOUNDATION. Instructing non-violent martial arts since 1978. Mon.-Fri., 6-7:30 pm. Adult Beginning Special: 6 weeks for $99, enrollment ongoing. Children’s classes Mon. or Wed., 4-5 pm, $40/month. Visitors welcome! 890 G Street, Arcata, entrance around back. 826-9395. www. northcoastaikido.org. (F-1227)
TROUBLE SHOOTING Q & A. With Kevin Jodrey. Fri., July 20, 6:30-8:30 p.m. $45. Have a question that no one else can answer? Ask Kevin, an expert on all aspects of Cannabis cultivation. Hummingbird Healing Center, 1626 Myrtle Ave., Eureka. Register online, www.707cannabiscollege.com or, (707) 6729860 (G-0719)
30 NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
FOUNDATION CLASS. Cannabis Law, Medicinal Uses and Horticulture. $275. Sat.-Sun., Aug. 18-19, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Beginning level class. Learn how to grow, harvest, dry/cure and store their own medicine. Medical Applications: cannabinoids and their effects, delivery methods, dosage and contraindications. Law class: history of cannabis in US, existing and evolving California law. Hummingbird Healing Center 1626 Myrtle Ave. Eureka. Register online, www.707cannabiscollege.com or, (707) 672-9860. (G-0816) HARVEST, DRYING & STORAGE. With Kevin Jodrey, Master Gardener. Fri., Aug. 17, 6:30-8:30 p.m. $45. Effective practices for processing and storing medical cannabis to retain the best smell, flavor and cannabinoid potency. Hummingbird Healing Center, 1626 Myrtle Ave., Eureka. Register online, www.707cannabiscollege.com or, (707) 672-9860 (G-0816)
Kids & Teens
12TH ANNUAL MOONSTONE BEACH SURFCAMP. Have fun while Safely Learning to Surf. Includes Jr. Lifesaving. Licensed & Insured, male/female instructors. Ages 8+. $195/week. Sessions: July 9-13, July 23-27, July 29-Aug. 3. MoonstoneBeachSurfCamp.com or (707) 822-5099. (K-0705) BEGINNING CERAMICS FOR YOUTH. Fun class teaching decorative and finishing techniques using clay and glazes. Seven-week class at John Ryan Youth Center, 1653 J St., Thurs.s, 6-7:30 p.m., starting July 12, $40, includes materials. Information, call 441-4244 or register at Adorni Center, 1011 Waterfront Dr. (K-0628) BITTY BASKETBALL. Ages 2-4. Learn basic skills of basketball and sharpen gross motor skills. Adorni Center, 1011 Waterfront Dr. Sat.s, 10-10:45 a.m., fourweek class beginning 7/7, $25. Call 441-4244 or visit Adorni Center. (K-0628) BLUE SLIDE CAMP. Faith-building outdoor overnight summer camp. Relaxation, celebration, singing, swimming and prayer. Family Camp July 6-8; Youth Camp (entering grades 4-12) July 8-13 in Maple Creek. Information: blueslidecamp.org, 445-3453. (K-0705) HIP HOP DANCE CREW. Ages 5-9. Learn the art of hip hop dance. Four-week class at John Ryan Youth Center, 1653 J St., Mon.s, 6-6:45 p.m. starting July 9. $25. Call 441-4244 or visit Adorni Center, 1011 Waterfront Dr. (K-0628) SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. Ages 9-14. Learn dance routines and perform for family and friends. John Ryan Youth Center, 1653 J St., Eureka. Sat.s, 10:3011:15 a.m., beginning July 7, $25. Call 441-4244 or visit Adorni Center, 1011 Waterfront Dr. (K-0628) EXCITING PRESCHOOL CAMPS IN ARCATA! Ages 3-5. Visual Arts- July 9-27: explore variety of mediums & crafts. Performing Arts- Aug. 6-24: Learn music, movement, & acting. PLUS daily play on Adventure Playground! Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. LIMITED TO TEN CAMPERS! $600/camp, all inclusive. Strongbridge Montessori School (lic. #123007481), 845-5173. (K-0705) LEARN TO ROW ! Junior Clinics: July 9-20, Mon.Wed.-Fri 6-8 p.m, $175. Ages 12-18. www.hbra.org or (707) 845-4752 for more info. Humboldt Bay Rowing Association, No experience required. (K-0705) YOUNG WRITERS ACADEMY. Redwood Writing Project presents the Young Writers Academy at HSU, Mon.- Fri. for 4-9th grade students. July 9-13: Plays and Scripts; July 16-20: Writing Poetry; July 23-27: Story Writing. For a registration form and more info go to: www.redwoodwp.org or call 826-5109, Mon-Thurs., 9 a.m-2 p.m. (K-0628)
FOLLOW YOUR HEART CRAFT ADVENTURES. June 25-29, July 9-13 and July 23-27, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., lunch, snack and supplies included. $50/session, $200/week, half days available, some sliding scale. Facebook: Jasmine Harmony: Follow Your HeART Craft Adventures, 601-9901, McKinleyville. (K-0705) SUMMER CLIMBING CAMP. Learn climbing techniques, safety and build confidence. Ages: 6-14. When: M-F, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., running through summer. Far North Climbing Gym, 10th and K streets, Arcata. Cost: $135/week. Contact: 826-9558. Website: www. farnorthclimbinggym.com. (K-0726) SUMMER CAMP. Blue Lake Parks & Recreation. Join us for roller skating, arts and crafts, sports and more at Camp Perigot for Ages 5-13, Mon.-Fri., June 18-Aug. 24, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Perigot Park. Very affordable and every camper receives a free breakfast and lunch! Full-day or half-day options. Extended care hours available. Register today! Find registration materials at www.bluelake.ca.gov or call Kara Newman, 6685932, for more information. (K-0816) CAPOEIRA KIDS. Summer Intersession: June 16-July 31. Classes: All Level Kids (Ages 5 & Up), Mon.s and Wed.s, 4-5:30 p.m. Open Gym & Roda (all ages, all levels), Sat.s, Noon-2 p.m. Arcata, (707) 498-6155. www.humboldtcapoeira.com. (K-0628) ACTIVE KIDS = HAPPY KIDS. Come learn selfconfidence, discipline and respect while gaining true life skills through martial arts. North Coast Self Defense Academy is offering two introductory lessons for only $14 with this ad. Call or visit- (707) 822-6278 or 820 N St, Building #1 Suite C, Arcata www. northcoastselfdefense.com (K-1227)
DISASTER PREPAREDNESS IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS. Our region relies on its local businesses to remain open after a disaster to help the community quickly recover. This course provides a simple but effective plan to identify and mitigate hazards, create a sensible business disaster plan, prepare disaster supplies kits, identify and strengthen building weaknesses, plan to reduce injuries and save lives. With Judy Warren of HSU Regional Training Institute — Community Disaster Preparedness. Wed., July 18, Arcata Community Center, 6-9 p.m. $50. For more details, fees and to register: www.humboldt.edu/ rti or call HSU Extended Education at 707-826-3731. (L-0705) NEIGHBORHOOD READY! Discover simple strategies to organize your household and neighborhood for surprise hazard events. The people who live around you could be the community you rely on when things get tough. We’ll help you explore the boundaries of your neighborhood, conduct an inventory of resources, and go step-by-step through developing household and neighborhood plans that could not only make a disaster manageable, but actually help you avoid a disaster and enrich your life. With Judy Sears of HSU Regional Training Institute, Community Disaster Preparedness. Wed., July 11 and Tues., July 31, 6-8:30 p.m., Bayside Grange. $35. For more details, fees and to register: www.humboldt.edu/rti or call HSU Extended Education at (707) 826-3731. (L-0705) WEEKEND RETREAT, HISTORY OF CANNABIS IN SPIRITUAL PRACTICE. Fri.-Sun., July 20-22, Booneville, Ca. $250 + $70/meals. With Pagan Minister and Herbalist Wendy Read at her stunning indoor temple and healing center. Trace use of Cannabis as spiritual sacrament through history. Communicate with spirit of plants. 707 Cannabis College, www.cannabiscollege.com, (707) 672-9860. (L-0719)
FOOD SAFETY. Preparing for any emergency includes food safety. Learn the basics of selecting appropriate nutritious foods, storage and preparation of your edible supplies, especially when there is no power. Participants receive an extensive handbook detailing food safety resources, storage and alternatives for good preparation during disasters. Instructors are Debby Krzesni and Joy Ehlert of HSU Regional Training Institute — Community Disaster Preparedness. $25. Tues., July 10, 6-8 p.m., Rohner Park Recreation Hall, Fortuna. For more details, fees and to register: www. humboldt.edu/rti or call HSU Extended Education at 707-826-3731. (L-0628)
WATERSHED RESTORATION AT REDWOOD NATIONAL PARK. Learn about Redwood National and State Parks’ seminal watershed restoration program through a presentation and field trip with Mike Sanders and Jim Wheeler. Thurs., June 28, 1-3 p.m. and Sat. June 30, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $70/members, $95/ nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880. (O-0628)
Over 50
ARCATA ZEN GROUP MEDITATION. Beginners welcome. Sun., 8 a.m. North Coast Aikido Center, on F St. between 8th and 9th in Arcata. Wed., 6-7 p.m. at First Christian Church, 730 K, Eureka, ramp entrance and upstairs; newcomers please come 5 minutes early. Sun. contact, 826-1701. Wed. contact, barryevans9@ yahoo.com, or for more info. call (707) 826-1701. www. arcatazengroup.org. (S-1227)
OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE (OLLI). Offers dynamic classes for people age 50 and over. Call 826-5880 or visit www.humboldt.edu/olli to register for classes. (O-1227) HIDDEN TREASURES IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD. OLLI members can spend the day enjoying Humboldt’s treasures: Humboldt Bay Wildlife Refuge and the Humboldt Botanical Gardens. Starts with a biologist lecture on the wildlife refuge’s history and birds. Then members will enjoy a boxed lunch at the botanical gardens, and hear a presentation by the gardens’ president Evelyn Giddings on the history of the area and development of the gardens. Sat., July 14, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee (OLLI members only): $50. To register/become a member, call OLLI: 826-5880 (O-0705) MAKING YOUR CASE, THE ART AND CRAFT OF ADVOCACY. You want to change the world. Or sell your idea to a prospective funder or policymaker. Or get your spouse to travel to Antarctica. So where do you start? Learn the art of advocacy, the effective articulation and marketing of your ideas and creating the desired end result, with Jane Woodward, PhD. Wed., July 11-25, 3:30-5:50 p.m. $40/OLLI members, $65/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880. (O-0705) PAINTING THE BAY, A WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP. Join watercolor artist Judy Evenson to explore watercolor techniques on the subject of waterfront life. Tues.-Thurs., July 17-19, 1-4 p.m. $50/OLLI members, $75/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880. (O-0705) RIVERS & STREAMS NATURE WRITING EXCURSION. Enjoy and explore the Mad River, write about your experience, and then create book art to display your writing. With Emily Gibson. Thurs., July 12, Noon-2 p.m. and Fri., July 13, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $50/OLLI members, $75/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880. (O-0705) SOUL COLLAGE©, THE CHALLENGER. Make a collage from cut-out images out of magazines and other sources and access the many different parts of yourself in the process. This second workshop in the series “The Fool, the Challenger and the Friend” focuses on the “challenger” archetype/sub-personality/significant person. With Janet Patterson. (This course may be taken independently of the series.) Tues., July 17, 3:30-5:30 p.m. $30/OLLI members, $55/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880. (O-0705)
TAROT AS AN EVOLUTIONARY PATH. Classes in Eureka and Arcata. Private mentorships, readings. Carolyn Ayres, 442-4240, www.tarotofbecoming. com. (S-0628)
CHILD ABUSE MANDATED REPORTER TRAINING. With Cara Barnes, M.A., and Carolyn Albee, M.A. Fri., July 20, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., $30 fee includes lunch. $25 additional for nursing or education academic credit or MFT/LCSW CEUs. Pre-registration is required. Call HSU Extended Education to register, 826-3731 or visit www.humboldt.edu/extended. (V-0705)
DANDELION HERBAL CENTER. Classes with Jane Bothwell. HIGH COUNTRY HERB WEEKEND, July 27-29. Join us on the top of the world at this special botanical preserve. BEGINNING WITH HERBS. Sept. 19 – Nov. 7, eight Wed. evenings plus two herb walks. Learn the basics with many hands-on activities, pre-req to 10 month course. Register online www. dandelionherb.com or call (707) 442-8157. (W-0726)
LEARN AYURVEDA. With Traci Webb. 3-DAY BEGINNING WITH AYURVEDA introductory weekend immersion, July 20-22, Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Elements, Nutrition, Herbs, Aromas, Colors, Yoga, $249. 5 MONTH AYURVEDA FOUNDATIONS PROGRAM-B, 5 weekend immersions, Aug. 24-Dec.19. REGISTER Northwest Institute of Ayurveda: info@ayurvedicliving.com, (707) 601-9025. (W-0719)
ROLLER SKATING. Blue Lake Parks & Recreation Fri./ Sat., 6:30-9:30 p.m., Sun. 2-5 p.m. Adult Skate: 2nd Sun. of every month, 6:30-9:30 p.m. To schedule birthday parties, call 668-5932 or find us on facebook at parks-rec@bluelake.ca.gov. (SR-1227)
HERBAL ALLIES WITH WENDY READ. Sat., Sept. 22, 2-4 p.m. $45 + $15 lab fee. Part 3 of making herbal medicine series teaches students how to combine other herbs with your cannabis salves infusions and teas to improve effectiveness. 707 Campus, 1881 Barnett Ct., #4, Redway Meadows Business Park. 707 Cannabis College, www.cannabiscollege.com, (707) 672-9860. (W-0920)
LEARN TO ROW ! Adult Clinics: Aug. 7-18, Tues.Thurs. 5:30-7:30 p.m, Sat. 8-10 a.m, $175. Ages 18+. Humboldt Bay Rowing Association, No experience required. www.hbra.org or 707-845-4752 for more info. (SR-0802)
SKATING AT THE EUREKA MUNI. Fun for all ages! Fri. & Sat. 6-8:30 p.m. Roll with your friends and family as you enjoy great music and funky strobe lights at the Eureka Muni (1120 F St.). Youth 17 & under $4, Adults $4.75. Skate rental (inline or quad) included in admission, first-come first served. Call 441-4223 or visit adornicenter.com (SR-0628) SUMMER BOCCE LEAGUE. Join Arcata Recreation for our Summer Bocce League! Players of all abilities, ages 13 and older are welcome to join this league. League runs for 7 weeks, July 12 – Aug. 23, Thurs’s 5:30 p.m – Dusk at our Bocce Courts in Larson Park. $40 per participant / $50 non-resident. For more information call 822-7091 or visit our website www. cityofarcata.org. (SR-0712) SUMMER TENNIS LESSONS. Arcata Recreation is offering 3 sessions for all skill levels: July 2-12, July 16-26, and July 30-Aug 9. Two-week sessions are Mon. Thurs. with time slots based on age. Fees are $5 per class. Drop-ins are welcome. For more information call 822-7091 or visit our website www.cityofarcata. org. (SR-0712) JUNIOR TEAM TENNIS. Sign-up Now! Ages 5-18, Arcata & McKinleyville, starting June 26, no experience necessary, for more inf. contact: HumboldtTennisClub.com, (707) 616-4781, or peter@humboldttennisclub.com (SR-0628)
GENTLE YOGA. A gentle yoga class with focus on both floor and standing poses for strength, balance and flexibility at any age. With Patricia Starr. Mon.s, July 16-Aug. 27, 1:30-3 p.m. $75/OLLI members, $100/ nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880 (O-0628)
SPORTS AND THE MEDIA. Big League vs. Small High School. Does the media give us an accurate account of sports in American life? Do sports journalists always root for the home team? Is the local high school obscured by big league coverage? Discuss these and related topics with Mac McClary, emeritus professor of journalism at HSU. Wed., July 11, 10 a.m.Noon. $30/OLLI members, $55/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880. (O-0628)
SEX/ PORN DAMAGING YOUR LIFE & RELATIONSHIPS ? Confidential help is available. saahumboldt@ yahoo.com or 845-8973 (T-1227)
MARRIED BUT FLYING SOLO? Married, but alone? Support is available! Groups/individual therapy. Insurance/sliding scale. Ginni Hassrick LCSW, 4448797. (TS-0628)
The Gestures of Collaboration
a choreography and performance workshop with Stephanie Silvia. July 9-13, 9:30-1:30 www.humboldtdancer.net/gestures
KUNDALINI YOGA & MEDITATION. With Anne Marie Tse. Learn the ancient practice that uses posture, mantras, mudras, breathing techniques and relaxation to help you feel grounded and reconnected. The course will cover the immune system, detoxing, battling insomnia and more. Mon., July 9-30, 7-8:30 p.m. $40. Pre-registration required. Call HSU Extended Education at 826-3731 to register, or visit www.humboldt.edu/extended. (W-0628) MAKING MEDICINE, SALVES & TEAS. Part 2, with Wendy Read. Fri., Aug. 3, 6-8 p.m. $45 + $15 lab fee. Use infused oil from part one to make salve, new students make salve from oil provided. Also learn to make medicinal teas. 707 Campus, 1881 Barnett Ct., #4, Redway Meadows Business Park. 707 Cannabis College, www.cannabiscollege.com, (707) 672-9860. (W-0802) MAKING MEDICINE, TINCTURES & INFUSED OILS. Part 1, with Wendy Read. Fri., June 29, 6-8 p.m. $45 + $15 lab fee. Learn to make tinctures and infused oils with both fresh and dried medicine. 707 Campus, 1881 Barnett Ct., #4, Redway Meadows Business Park. 707 Cannabis College, www.cannabiscollege.com, (707) 672-9860. (W-0628) CRYSTAL HEALING. Beginning crystal healing, metaphysical properties, geometric formations, make an elixir. Sat., June 30, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Strengthen your connection to crystals, receive crystal quick reference guide, meditation and a few gifts. $50. Call Denise, (707) 839-9540. (W-0628) START YOUR CAREER IN MASSAGE THERAPY! Evening classes begin Sept. 4, 2012 at Arcata School of Massage. 650-Hour Therapeutic Massage Certification will prepare you for Professional Certification in California, and the National Exam. Our comprehensive program prepares your body, mind and heart to become a caring, confident professional massage therapist. Call 822-5223 for information or visit arcatamassage.com (W-1227) ●
North Coast Academy
Improve your mind and body in a fun, intense workout, and a very chill environment. Adults & kids ages 8 and up. Contact Justin (707) 601-1657 Text or Phone. 1459 M. St. Arcata. northcoastfencingacademy@gmail.com northcoastfencing.tripod.com
northcoastjournal.com • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012
Field notes
transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 6/18/12. /s Marnie Cooper. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on June 18, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 6/28, 7/5, 7/12, 7/19/2012 (12-187)
Oriented hexagonal crystal of ice with horizontal base and vertical prism faces. Orientation of tabular crystal is caused by its settling through air.
Observer sees blue light refracted by >46 degrees while red light is refracted by <46 degrees (closer to sun).
Observer sees light from countless crystals, and red appears above blue: Eyeball
above circumhorizontal arc (cha) from the mouth of the mad river, 5/27/12. photo by lori dengler left formation of cha by ice crystals high in the atmosphere. sunlight enters the vertical side of crystals and exits from the horizontal underside, after being refracted, or bent, by an average of 46 degrees. graphic by don garlick
Circumhorizontal Arcs By Barry Evans
received a flurry of emails, complete with photos, following the Rio Dellto-Trinidad appearance of a circumhorizontal arc on the afternoon of Day Two of the Kinetic Grand Championship (which is how we date things around here). Like the Holy Roman Empire (neither Holy, Roman, nor an Empire), the arc is neither circum-, nor arc-like (we’ll get to the horizontal part in a moment), but the alternative fanciful name “fire rainbow” is even more confusing: no fire, not a rainbow. In common with rainbows, circumhorizontal arcs are gorgeous, halo-like phenomena. But whereas rainbows result from sunlight passing through droplets of water comparatively low in the atmosphere, these arcs occur when sunlight is refracted by flat, hexagonal ice crystals found in cold cirrus clouds way up high, three or more miles overhead. Sunlight enters an ice crystal through a side face and exits through the bottom face, producing a redto-blue spectrum, per the accompanying graphic kindly created by Field Notes predecessor Don Garlick (may his name be praised). Note that red is up, blue down, as
in a primary rainbow. The spectrum results from the ice slowing — and thus refracting — blue, shorter-wavelength rays more than red ones. Just as Isaac Newton surmised, over 300 years ago. For a circumhorizontal arc to occur, the sun has to be at an elevation of at least 58 degrees above the horizon, which at our latitude means a couple of hours or so each side of noon during spring and summer. That’s why you’ll never see one at latitudes greater than about 55 degrees north or south of the equator. Additionally, sunlight has to pass through ice crystals (not water droplets), found in high and cold cirrus clouds. I began by saying these things are not circumhorizontal: horizontal, yes, but not extending all the way around the horizon. That seems to be the case in practice. In theory, however, they could circumscribe the entire 360 degree dome of the sky, given extraordinary cloud conditions. Anyone seen that? l Barry Evans (barryevans9@yahoo. com) is keeping his eyes peeled 58 degrees skyward this summer.
32 North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
NOTICE IS GIVEN that TAMERA McCANLESS, as Administrator of the intestate Estate of JAMES DOUGLAS McCANLESS, deceased, will sell at private sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court, on or after June 28, 2012, at 1:50 p.m., at the Humboldt County Superior Court, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, California, Department 8, the following real property of the estate: This property is commonly known as: 3101 Hillside Drive, Fortuna, California 95540 (A.P. No. 200-102-21). Legal Description: All that real property situated in the City of Fortuna, County of Humboldt, State of California, more particularly described as: PARCEL ONE: Parcel 1 as shown on Parcel Map No. 1712 on file in the office of the County Recorder of Humboldt County, in Book 15 of Parcel Maps, page 25. RESERVING THEREFROM a nonexclusive easement, 25 feet in width, for ingress, egress and public utilities, the north line of which is the north line of said Parcel 1. PARCEL TWO: A non-exclusive easement, 25 feet wide, for ingress, egress and public utilities, the south line of which is the north line of Parcel One. PARCEL THREE: A non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress 30 feet in width, the Center line of which is the Southerly line of Parcel One of Parcel Map No. 1712 filed on January 25, 1980, in Book 15 of Parcel Mpas, at page 25, Humboldt County Records. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion lying with the bounds of Parcel One of Parcel Map No. 1712 filed on January 25, 1980, in Book 15 of Parcel Maps at Page 25, Humboldt County Records. Said easement is appurtenant to and for the benefit of Parcel One of Parcel Map No. 1712 filed on January 25, 1980, in Book 15 of Parcel Maps, at Page 25, Humboldt County Records. The terms and conditions of sale are: Cash. Sale “as is” basis, except as to title. The Sale is subject to current taxes, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights, rights-of-way, and easements. At least ten percent (10%) of the amount bide must be paid with the offer and the balance must be paid on close of escrow after confirmation of sale by the Court. Bids or offers for this property must be made in writing and directed to the administrator, Tamera McCanless, in care of her attorney, Stephen G. Watson, Law Office of W.G. Watson, Jr., 715 I Street, Eureka,
California 95501, or may be filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court at any time after publication of this notice and before the sale. The Administrator reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated: June 6, 2012 /s/ Tamera McCanless, Administrator of the Estate of James Douglas McCanless STEPHEN G. WATSON, (SBN #112171) Attorney for the Administrator LAW OFFICE OF W.G. WATSON, JR. 715 I Street Eureka, CA 95502 (707) 444-3071 Filed June 7, 2012 6/14, 6/21, 6/28/2012 (12-178)
The following person is doing business as HUMBOLDT DICHRO at 2219 Spring St., Eureka, CA 95501. Amy Hagan 2219 Spring St. Eureka, CA 95501 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s Amy Hagan. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on May 30, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 6/28, 7/5, 7/12, 7/19/2012 (12-192)
The following person is doing business as THAT TREE GUY at 432 West Henderson St., Eureka, CA 95501, P.O. Box 5608, Eureka, CA 95502. Michael E. Flowers 432 W. Henderson Eureka, CA 95501 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s Michael E. Flowers. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on June 11, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 6/28, 7/5, 7/12, 7/19/2012 (12-188)
The following person is doing business as MARNIE BUGS at 207 G Street, Suite 214, Eureka, CA 95501. Marnie Cooper 2034 Adams Ct. Arcata, CA 95521 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to
The following persons are doing business as CAFÉ NOONER TOO! at 2910 E St., Eureka, CA 95501, 2640 Clay Rd., McKinleyville, CA 95519. Joseph Mark Filgas 2640 Clay Rd. McKinleyville, CA 95519 Lorrena Lucille Filgas 2640 Clay Rd. McKinleyville, CA 95519 The business is conducted by A Married Couple. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s Joseph Mark Filgas. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on June 20, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 6/28, 7/5, 7/12, 7/19/2012 (12-189)
The following person is doing business as COFFEE BREAK at 700 Bayside Road, Arcata, CA 95521 Greenway Coffee 700 Bayside Rd. Arcata, CA 95521 The business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on N/A. /s/ Michelle Greenway, Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on June. 22, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 6/28, 7/5, 7/12, 7/19/2012 (12-192)
The following person is doing business as GLOBAL HARMONY at 1020 8th St., Arcata, CA 95521, 6630 Bret Harte Ln., Eureka, CA 95503. Mariano Bayless 6630 Bret Harte Ln. Eureka, CA 95503 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s Mariano Bayless. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on June 14, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 6/21, 6/28, 7/5, 7/12/2012 (12-183)
The following person is doing business as GALA BELEZA EVENTS & WEDDINGS at 2511 Davis Way,
6/21, 6/28, 7/5, 7/12/2012 (12-185)
The following person is doing business as NORTH COAST IMPACT! VISUALIZATION SERVICES at 1433 McFarlan St., Eureka, CA 95501. Erin Cearley 1433 McFarlan St. Eureka, CA 95501 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 6/8/12. /s Erin Cearley. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on June 8, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 6/14, 6/21, 6/28, 7/5/2012 (12-180)
The following person is doing business as SHINE DESIGN at 1800 Q St., Arcata, CA 95521. Holly Cloutier 1789 Chanterelle Dr. McKinleyville, CA 95519 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 6/1/12. /s Holly Cloutier. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on June 1, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 6/14, 6/21, 6/28, 7/5/2012 (12-179)
6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28/2012 (12-169)
The following person is doing business as DILIGENCE WOOLWORK & DESIGN at 25 Belleview, Rio Dell, CA 95562. Ayala Talpai 25 Belleview Rio Dell, CA 95562 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s Ayala Talpai. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on May 21, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28/2012 (12-171)
The following persons are doing business as HEART BEAD at 830 G St., Arcata, CA 95521. Kimberly E. Wertz 1018 Huntoon St. Eureka, CA 95501 Greg Galardy 1018 Huntoon St. Eureka, CA 95501 The business is conducted by A General Partnership. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s Greg Galardy. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on May 24, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28/2012 (12-173)
6/21, 6/28, 7/5, 7/12/2012 (12-186)
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: MADELEINE MAY FRENCH A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by LOUISA MAY FRENCH PRICE in the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that LOUISA MAY FRENCH PRICE be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on July 19, 2012 at 1:50 p.m. at the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court
legal NOTICES ➤ continued on next page
The following person is doing business as MRM PROPERTY SERVICES at 49 Quail Lane, Fieldbrook, CA 95519. Mark Roger McCullough 49 Quail Lane Fieldbrook, CA 95519 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 6/15/12. /s Mark R. McCullough. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on June 15, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk
1. Cookie used in milkshakes 5. Tijuana’s region 9. Wards (off) 14. One of the Castros 15. Brand name that might ring a bell? 16. “Too rich for my blood” 17. With 55-Across, scandal involving a piece of fruit and pop star Aguilera? 19. Chutzpah 20. Competed 21. “Getting close” 22. They crack the whip at work
25. Scandal involving a shattered vase and an enthusiastic dog? 27. Its state bird is the cardinal 28. Sound of a hard landing 29. Former U.S. gas brand 30. 2009 Panasonic acquisition 32. Left on a Spanish map 34. Scandal involving a goat and a rubber ducky? 39. Gush on stage 40. Young and feminine 42. Fail to mention 46. It’s covered in silk 47. Capital on the Tiber
48. Scandal involving a race of people in “Avatar”? 50. State games 52. Starts to make a scene? 53. BMW rival 54. Occupied, as a lavatory 55. See 17-Across 60. Checkout choice 61. Spa option 62. Actor Corey 63. A blimp may hover over one 64. Avoid flunking 65. Careful phrasing, perhaps
18. Polite title 21. Area component 22. How-____ (handy books) 23. Melville’s mariner 24. Prefix with bus 25. “Masterpiece ____” 26. “Northanger Abbey” novelist 28. In addition 31. Bullfight shout 33. Humpty Dumpty, e.g. 35. Some fitness ctrs. 36. Perfect, as an alibi 37. Home run jog 38. Friend of Zoe and Abby 41. “You rang?”
42. New York tribe, city or lake 43. Way 44. ER hookup 45. Is consistent (with) 49. Actress Garbo 50. Calms 51. Lyrical tribute 53. Goons 55. Words With Friends, e.g. 56. Split ____ 57. Org. offering motel discounts 58. Personality quirk 59. CPR expert
1. Hobbit enemy 2. “Go team!” 3. It borders the Atl. 4. 1980 Shelley Duvall role 5. Maine college 6. Enthusiastic 7. Cryer in a sitcom 8. Ortiz of “Ugly Betty” 9. Last 10. Become clear 11. Film characters Desmond and Rae 12. Down-filled quilts 13. Sound purchase?
HARD #13
The following persons are doing business as FINANCIAL RESOURCE CENTER at 1309 11th Street, Suite 104, Arcata, CA 95521. Consumer Credit Counseling Service of the North Coast 1309 11th St., Suite 104 Arcata, CA 95521 The business is conducted by A Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 5/15/2012. /s Winchell Dillenbeck, Executive Director. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on May 18, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk
names as follows: Present name DAVID CRAIG ARIVETT to Proposed Name DAVID CRAIG ARIVETTE THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: July 31, 2012 Time: 1:45 p.m. The address of the court is: Same as noted above, Dept. 8 Date: June 14, 2012 Filed: June 14, 2012 /s/ DALE A. REINHOLTSEN Judge of the Superior Court
Solution, tips and computer program at
6/21, 6/28, 7/5, 7/12/2012 (12-184)
CROSSWORD By David Levinson Wilk
Arcata, CA 95521, P.O. Box 194, Arcata, CA 95518. Denise Bauer 2511 Davis Way Arcata, CA 95521 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s Denise Bauer. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on June 15, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk
northcoastjournal.com • North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012
CONTINUED FROM PREvIOUS PAgE. before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code Section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: LANT BARNEY, ESQ. SBN #98769 LAW OFFICES OF LANT BARNEY 1155 HIGH STREET AUBURN, CA 95603 (530) 889-5505 Filed June 19, 2012 HUMBOLDT COUNTY SUPERIOR SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT 6/28, 7/5, 7/12/2012 (12-190)
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: IRIS SANWELL, also known as DILLARD IRIS SANWELL, DILLARD I. SANWELL AND DILLARD I. SAMUELL A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by DIANA LOCKETT in the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that DIANA LOCKETT be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration
authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on July 12, 2012 at 1:50 p.m. at the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code Section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: JAMES K. MORRISON, S.B. #30716 MORRISON & MORRISON 3005 G STREET EUREKA, CA 95501 (707) 443-8012 JUNE 6, 2012 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT 6/14, 6/21, 6/28/2012 (12-176)
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: JULIANN I. SIPLE, aka JULIANN IRENE SIPLE, aka JULIANN THOMAS, aka JULIANN I. THOMAS, aka JULIANN IRENE THOMAS A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by VERNA L. WESTPHAL in the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that VERNA L. WESTPHAL be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the de-
cedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on July 5, 2012 at 1:50 p.m. at the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code Section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: NATALIE A. DUKE CSB 269315 DAVIS & POOVEY, INC. 937 SIXTH STREET EUREKA, CA 95501 (707) 443-6744 JUNE 7, 2012 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28/2012 (12-174)
the Employment AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM COORDINATOR. Position available at Van Duzen Elementary, Mad River, Ca. 4 hours per day, 5 days per week, 2-6 p.m. Salary $15:30/ hr. along with annual stipend of $1214 per year. Partial benefits will be offered. Send applications and resume to STJUSD, Attn: Peggy Canale, 680 Van Duzen Rd., Brideville, Ca. 95526, or fax 5746538. Call for more information 574-6237, Accepting applications through July 20. (E-0628) AIRLINE CAREERS. Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-242-3214. (E-0628) ARE YOU HIRING? Place your ad here! 442-1400. VISA/MC. Place your ad onlinle at www.northcoastjournal.com
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT FOR AREA 1 AGENCY ON AGING. Responsibilities include providing administrative and secretarial support to Executive Director, Board of Directors, Contracts Manager and Planner. Strong communication skills and computer proficiency required, good people skills and sense of humor appreciated. Minimum 3 years experience, preferably in non-profit agency setting. $14.50 hr. 35 hour work week, excellent benefits. Applications due July 13. Call (707) 442-3763 for application and full job description or visit www.a1aa. org. (E-0705) HELP WANTED!!! Make money Mailing brochures from home! FREE Supplies! Helping Home-Workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.theworkhub.net (AAN CAN) (E-0705)
CITY OF ARCATA POLICE OFFICER (LATERALS, GRADUATES) $47,523.84 $57,765.52 / yr. Final Filing Date: 4:00 p.m. July 13, 2012. Application materials are available at City of Arcata, City Manager’s Office, 736 F Street, Arcata, CA 95521; by calling (707) 8225953; or at www.cityofarcata.org. EOE.
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Full-Time Positions
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CoastJournal JourNal• Thursday, • thursday, JuNe • northcoastjournal.com June 28, 28, 20122012 • northcoastjournal.com 34 North Coast
LONG-TERM SUBSTITUTE. Position in Southern Trinity JUSD. 4th5th grade at Van Duzen Elementary for dates 9/4/2012- 12/21/2012. Pays $150 per day. Must have valid California Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential. Send resume and proof of credential to STJUSD, Attn: Peggy Canale, 680 Van Duzen Rd., Bridgeville, Ca. 95526 or fax 574-6538. Call (707) 574-6237 for more information. Accepting applications through 8/17/2012 (E-0628) R.N PART-TIME. Exp. working w/elderly preferred, excellent assessment skills required. No weekends/holidays. App./job desc. may be picked up at Adult Day Health Care of Mad River Apps. accepted until position filled. (707) 822-4866 (E-0719) BECOME A MENTOR! California Mentor is seeking committed, positive people willing to share their home & help an adult with developmental disabilities lead and integrated life in the community. Become part of a professional team and reive a competitive monthly reimbursement, training & continuous support. Contact Matthew, (707) 442-4500 ext. 14, 317 Third St., Eureka. www.mentorswanted. com (E-1227)
1 1 2 1 1 1 1
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Gift Shop Clerk Cage Cashier Bingo Admit Bartender (Sunset) Deli Worker Janitorial Security Officer Shuttle Driver Supervisor - Table 2 - Table Games Dealer Poker Room Dealer (internal expires 6/25/12) FULL-TIME POSITIONS
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Charter Boat Captain
Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria Employments Applications available in Human Resources/ Seascape/ Cher-Ae Heights Casino or our website at www.cheraeheightscasino.com Cher-Ae Heights is an alcohol and drug free workplace with required testing.
Rentals Child Care food prograM speCialist Full-time position. Starts at $12.15/hr.
Conduct home visits, data entry, database management, and explain policies and procedures. Must be able to pass criminal history fingerprint clearance. We offer excellent benefits including paid vacation/sick leave, holidays and paid insurance. Job description available at www.changingtidesfs.org, come by our office at 2259 Myrtle Ave., Eureka, CA 95501, or call us at 707-444-8293. Please submit letter of interest, resume, and application to Nanda Prato at the above address by Monday, July 9th at 5:00 p.m. EOE
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University Center is seeking applicants for the following positions: CENTERARTS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE COORDINATOR F/T, $2,521 - $3,469/month. Oversee CenterArts’ administrative & ticket office. Duties include staff supervision, records processing, cash handling, ticket sales. Must be detail-oriented, highly organized, possess strong customer service & computer skills. Strong supervisory & scheduling experience required. Ability to work some evenings & weekends during CenterArts shows. DEADLINE: July 11, 4pm. MANAGER, CENTER ACTIVITIES F/T, $4,000 - $5,500/month. Oversee Center Activities, Student Recreation & Wellness Center, Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, & Arcata Community Pool. Duties include staff supervision; facility & risk management; oversight & development of campus recreation programs. Must have strong administrative & leadership skills, and extensive supervisory, budget & program management experience in a recreational setting. Bachelor’s degree in recreation administration or related field required. DEADLINE: June 29, 4pm. Excellent benefits include medical and retirement. Application procedure: Mail cover letter and resume (indicate position being applied for) to: Hiring Committee, University Center, 1 Harpst St., Arcata, CA 95521; or email: univctrjobs@humboldt.edu
your ideal employee may be a Journal reader. 442-1400. VISA/MC. Place your ad onlinle at www.northcoastjournal.com
ARE YOU HIRING? Place your ad here! 442-1400. VISA/MC. Place your ad onlinle at www. northcoastjournal.com HOME CAREGIVERS PT/FT. Non-medical caregivers to assist elderly in their homes. Top hourly fees. 442-8001. (E-1227) $$$ DANCERS WANTED $$$ No experience necessary. Make your own schedule. Opportunity to make cash nightly! Call The Fabulous Tip Top Gentlemen’s Club 443-5696 or 601-7169. 18+ (E-0816) Help Wanted ads are online at www.northcoastjournal.com
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Rentals FORTUNA 2 BEDROOM APT. Some utilities paid, patio, available now, $795. (707) 443-4357, www.TheRentalHelpers.com (R0628) ARCATA 1 BEDROOM APT. Near bus, carport onsite laundry, cat ok. $600, (707) 443-4357, www. TheRentalHelpers.com. (R-0628) ARCATA 2 BEDROOM APT. Some utilities, onsite laundry, walk to HSU $750, (707) 443-4357, www. TheRentalHelpers.com (R-0628) ARCATA 3 BED HOUSE. Garage, washer/dryer hookups, yard. $1300 (707) 443-4357, www.TheRentalHelpers.com (R-0628) EUREKA 1 BEDROOM APT. Onsite laundry, some utilities paid. $600. (707) 443-4357, www.TheRentalHelpers.com (R-0628) EUREKA 2 BEDROOM APT. Carport, deck, onsite laundry, some utilities paid. $725. (707) 443-8227 www.TheRentalHelpers.com (R0628)
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Become a Mentor! Seeking committed, positive people willing to share their home & help an adult with developmental disabilities lead an integrated life in the community. Become part of a professional team and receive a competitive monthly reimbursement, training & continuous support. Contact Matthew (707) 442-4500 ext. 14 317 Third St. Eureka, CA 95501
Rental Helpers
EUREKA 2BD. APT. 1212 6th St., #D, Security gate, New wood floors, laundry room, garage, new paint/ blinds, credit report req’d. $750.+ $1000./dep. 443-9207 (R-0705) EUREKA 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. Garage, yard, washer/dryer hookups, $1300. (707) 443-4357, www. TheRentalHelpers.com (R-0628) FORTUNA 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. Garage, laundry hookups, fenced yard, $1200. (707) 443-4357, www. TheRentalHelpers.com (R-0628) MCKINLEYVILLE 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOME. Carport, patio, onsite laundry, some utilities. $725. (707) 443-4357, www.TheRentalHelpers.com (R-0628) MCKINLEYVILLE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. Yard, 2 car garage, laundry hookups, pet ok. $1450. (707) 443-4357, www.TheRentalHelpers. com (R-0628) ARCATA 3BD/2BA HOUSE. 3385 Buttermilk. Six Month Lease, On Golf Course, Small Pet OK, Rent $1700, Vacant Now. www. ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628) FORTUNA 2BD/1BA HOUSE. 513 Summer St. Cute Home, Near Shopping, Schools & Hospital, MtM, Will Consider Pets, Rent $1200, Vacant Now. www.ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628) FORTUNA AREA 1BD MOBILE HOME. Yard, country setting. No smoking/dogs. $600/month, $1200/deposit. Available now. Call 725-4634. (R-0628) BY THE BAY & OLDTOWN. Eureka 1BD/1BA Apartment. $650/ month, $1000/deposit. No Smoking/Pets. W/S/G paid. References required. 445-4679. (R-0628) ARCATA 2BD/1.5BA TOWNHOUSES. 840 D St., Units A & Z. 1 Year Lease, Rent $995, Vac 7/1. www.ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628)
ARCATA 2BD/1BA APARTMENT. 1236 L St., #D. 2nd Floor, SEC 8 OK, W/S/G Pd, Bike to HSU, Cat OK, Rent $750, Vac 6/12. www. ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628) ARCATA 3BD/1BA HOUSE. 2220 Wisteria Way. Close to Schools/ Parks. Rent $1195, Vac 6/24. www. ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628) ARCATA 4BD/1.5BA FARMHOUSE. 1387 Janes Rd.1 mile from HSU, NO PETS, Rent $1995, Vac Now. www. ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628) EUREKA 1BD/1BA APARTMENTS. 1335 6th St. 2 Apartments Available, SEC 8 OK, W/S/G Pd., MtM, Call For Rates, Vacant Now. www. ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628) EUREKA 2BD/1BA APARTMENT. 3113 Ingley St. 2nd Floor, SEC 8 OK, W/S/G Pd., Near Shop & Bus Lines, Cat OK, Rent $725,Vac 6/9. www. ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628) EUREKA 2BD/1BA APARTMENT. 225 Hillsdale St., #1. First Floor Apt., W/S/G Paid, Laundry Hooks-Ups, Cat OK, Rent $750, Vac 6/21. www. ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628) EUREKA 3BD/1BA APARTMENT. 1443 5th St., #1. W/S/G Pd, Cat OK, MtM, Rent $795, Vac 6/30. www. ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628) EUREKA STUDIO. 1140 E St., #32. SEC 8 OK, W/S/G Pd, Cat Ok, Near Bus Lines, MtM, Rent $515, Vac 6/25. www.ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628) LOLETA 1BD/1BA DUPLEX. 2721 Eel River Dr., #8. Close to CR, Cat OK, Rent $600, Vac Now. www. ppmrentals.com, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0628)
on Page 39
Openings soon available for HUD Sec. 8 Waiting Lists for 2, 3 & 4 bedrm apts. Annual Income Limits: 1 pers. $20,300; 2 pers. $23,200; 3 pers. $26,100; 4 pers. $28,950; 5 pers. $31,300; 6 pers. $33,600; 7 pers. $35,900; 8 pers. $38,250.
EHO. Hearing impaired: TDD Ph# 1-800-735-2922. Apply at Office: 2575 Alliance Rd. Arcata, 8am-12pm & 1-4pm, M-F (707) 822-4104 AVAILABLE NOW. 3BD/1.5BA, w/s/g included. Energy efficient, new construction, playground, on site coin-op laundry & exercise room. $350.00 deposit/ $860.00 rent, Income limits apply. Call Laura, (707) 822-9000, ex 532 for more info. (R-0628) ARCATA 1BD, 2BD & STUDIOS. Available now. Some or all utilities paid, close to buses. Near HSU! Call for more info! 822-4557 or visit www.strombeckprop.com (R-0628) ALL AREAS - ROOMMATES.COM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http://www.Roommates.com. (AAN CAN) (R-1213) HUMBOLDT BAY PROPERTIES. Apartments, rooms and houses. 443-5228. (R-0628)
Business Rentals
MCKINLEYVILLE, TWO LARGE SUITES AVAILABLE. For rent in Bella Vista Plaza. Suite 11 $875/ month, 3 rooms and bath. Suite 12, $900/month, 5 rooms, bath and reception area. Ample parking. Easy acessibility. Contact Monica at 839-0137 or 633-6146 (Redwood Osteopathy) for details. (BR-0628) ARCATA 2- 1000 SF WAREHOUSE SPACES AVAILABLE. Call S&W Properties, (707) 443-2246. (BR0719) CONTINUED ON PAGE 36
northcoastjournal.com • North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012
Business Rentals EUREKA FURNISHED OFFICE SPACE. Close to Courthouse & banks, services included, call S&W (707) 443-2246 (BR-0719) DANCE STUDIO RENTAL. Humboldt Capoeira Academy offers rental space for the performing arts, beautiful 2800 sq. f.t dance space offers hardwood floors, wall-to wall windows, full length mirrors, and dressing rooms. Convenient location is visible from the plaza, and will help you to promote your classes. Check with us for rates and availability. Contact Sarara at (707) 498-6155, or sararacdo@ hotmail.com. (BR-1227)
Real Estate SECLUDED SUNNY KNEELAND HOME/FOREST FOR SALE. Private drive introduces park setting, camp environment with home luxuries. Equal minutes to Eureka or Arcata. 3 bedrooms 2 bath, large living room + family room, beaut kitchen, 1754 sq. ft, 3.8 flat acres of secnd old growth redwoods. Passive solar/wood and forced air, green house, gar/ workshop, outbuilding (chickens and/or storage), orchard, meadow, RV hook-up, reliable spring. Int wood throughout incl, hardwood floor, skylights, indoor/outdoor flow. Deck, hot tub, patio. $410k Contact is owner-agent: selectivefocus@ hotmail.com, (707) 786-5348 (RE-0628)
Real Estate
TRINITY VILLAGE 1.3 ACRES WITH CREEK. 3BD/2BA main house. PLUS: Guest House, Art Studio/Workshop, Pool, Sauna, 2 Car Garage, Amenities Galore. $375,000. Call Gail Packard Realty, Owner/Broker, (530) 629-4181. (RE-0628) WILLOW CREEK PROPERTY. 1.33 acres, Willow Creek Community Service District Water, underground power & phone at property. R-2 soils report and perk tested. Approved septic system design by Trinity Engineering. Property is zoned RST. Property is located off Highway 299 on private road one mile east of Willow Creek. Ready to build. $99,900 will consider offers. (530) 629-2031 (RE-1227)
VACATION RENTAL. King Range, Great for family gatherings, workshops, small events, solar powered, easy access, handicap friendly. min. 3 nights www. chemisemountainretreat.com, 986-7794. (L-0705)
UNIQUE DRIFTWOOD, REDWOOD. Slabs & base, Whole yard full, $250 (707) 497-6618 (BST-0628)
General Store 707-777-3385
Stop by for sound gardening advice!
Questions? Call 442-1400
Swains Flat OUtpost Garden Center
ALASKAN WILD SALMON SALE! Last Chance! Arcata Farmers Market Sat. June 30, 9 a.m-2 p.m, Smoked, filets sockeye salmon, Great deals! Call (707) 839-8009 for info. (BST-0628) KITCHENWARE 1/2 PRICE! Includes Small Appliances, Knives, Dishes, Plastic-ware and Pots’n’Pans. Green Tagged Clothes 25¢ Dream Quest Thrift Store Helping Provide Opportunities for Local Youth in Willow Creek, next to WC Post Office. Sale Ends June 30.
Weekly specials available on Facebook
36 NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
TOO MANY TUBAS, OVERWHELMED WITH STUFF? Are your crowded shelves an earthquake hazard? List it all here. 442-1400. VISA/MC
707-822-7049 3384 Janes Rd.
THE BEAD LADY. For all your needs in beads! Glass beads, leather, shells, findings, jewelry. Kathy Chase Owner, 76 Country Club Dr Ste 5, Willow Creek. 530629-3540. krchase@yahoo.com. (BST-1227) 616 2nd St. Old Town Eureka 707.443.7017
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CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www.cash4car.com (AAN CAN) (A-0712) YOUR ROCKCHIP IS MY EMERGENCY! Glaswelder, Mobile, windshield repair. 442-GLAS, Humboldtwindshieldrepair.com (A-1227)
20 words and a photo, IN FULL COLOR for only $25 per week! Call 442-1400 or e-mail classified@northcoastjournal.com
Send us your classified ad online. Still in a super user-friendly format. Submit your ad today!
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402 2nd Street • Old Town, Eureka • 445-1344
310 F Street., Eureka, CA 95501 Phone 442-1400 • Fax 442-1401 www.northcoastjournal.com carmen@northcoastjournal.com
Pets LOOK FOR KITTENS AT PETCO. Sat.s, 11-3 p.m. Our kittens are always fixed, vaccinated, and deparasited $66. Non-Profit. Bless the Beasts. or call (707) 444-0408 (P-1227) AKC DOBERMAN PUPS. Deposits Being Accepted, Colors Available. Health Certs. (707) 845-5372. (P-0628) LABRADOODLES. Hypoallergenic and non-shedding. Parents smarter than smart! 10 weeks. Crate trained and weaned, vet checked, dewclaws and shots. Creams, chocolates, blacks. Terms. (707) 441-4913. (P-0628) PAWS OFF MY HERBS. 8% OFF SALE! Bulk herbs aren’t taxed and Buster still gets a break. It’s a dog’s life. Dot’s Vitality, Dot’s Veggie Vitality and Dot’s Arthritis. Find Dot’s at: Moonrise Herbs, Arcata, Humboldt Herbals, Eureka, or order online at wwwhumboldtherbals.com (P-1227)
Harvey’s Harvey’s Ha H arvey’s a arvey y at
Old Town, Eureka 212 F St., 444-2936 HOUSE CLEANING. Riana Terrill. Experienced, Reliable & Efficient to meet your needs. 668-5205, 499-1536. $15/hour. (S-0628) TAI CHI GARDENER. Maintaining balance in your yard. Well equipt. Maintenance + Projects 18 yrs experience. Call Orion 825-8074, taichigardener.com. (S-0628) HUMBOLDT HOUSE CLEANING. Licensed & Bonded #3860. Spring Cleaning Special! (707) 444-2001. (S-0712) ERIC’S SERVICES. Home Repair, Maintenance, Affordable Prices (707) 499-4828. (S-0809)
Arcata Plaza 825-7760
SEWING SERVICE. Stitch in Time repairs & alterations. Fri. and Sat. 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. 1038 11th street, Arcata. 707-496-3447 (S-1227) A-1 STEAM CARPET CLEANING. Ask us about our $99.00 2 room special. Also now offering Green Guard 442-3229 ext 13 (S-1227) ARCATA CLEANING COMPANY. The non-toxic cleaning solution for your home or office. 707-8227819. (S-1227) CLARITY WINDOW CLEANING. Services available. Call Julie 8391518. (S-1227)
FOUND SMALL/ MEDIUM MALE DOG. Has a collar but no tags, at 5th and A st. Eureka 6/15. I just want to help this guy get home. Joseph (707) 845-9025
20 words and a photo, IN FULL COLOR for only $25 per week! Call 442-1400 or e-mail classified@northcoastjournal.com
2 GUYS & A TRUCK. Carpentry, Landscaping, Junk Removal, Clean Up, Moving. Contact (707) 8453087. (S-0712) TUTORING. Experienced, retired elementary school teacher will tutor children ages 5-12/grades K-6. My home (Fortuna) or yours. Scotia to Arcata areas. $15 hourly. Ilene Harris, ileneharris@gmail. com, 725-9043 (home), 267-0438 (cell). (S-0628) LIFE CYCLE LANDSCAPING. Garden Maintenance, Restoration and Design. Serving All of Humboldt County, (707) 672-4398 (S-1206) HOUSE CLEANING BY JEANNIE. Residence $15/hour, Move-outs $20/hour. Call 445-2644. References Available. (S-0809) AMUSING GAMES & AMAZING PERFORMANCES FOR ALL AGES. Events, Birthdays, Festivals, Kidszones. I’ll Juggle, Unicycle, & bring Toys. aokayClown.com, (707) 499-5628. (S-1227)
For more information and to order
(707)443-1104 1500 4th St Eureka
ROAD TRIX ENTERTAINMENT. Live Music. Private Parties, Bars, Gatherings of all Kinds. Bookings, Bradley Dean, 832-7419. (M-0809) MUSIC LESSONS. Piano, Guitar, Voice, Flute, etc. Piano tuning, Instrument repair. Digital multitrack recording. (707) 476-9239. (M-0823)
Lic. #FD1963
Kathleen Bryson Attorney DUI & DMV Hearings Cultivation/Possession Juvenile Delinquency Misdemeanors & Felonies
ALLIANCE LAWN & GARDEN CARE. Affordable, Dependable, and Motivated Yard maintenance. We’ll take care of all your basic lawn and garden needs. Including hedging, trimming, mowing, and hauling. Call for estimates (707) 834-9155, (707) 825-1082. (S-0823)
Custom Pet Portraits by Sophia Dennler •
On the Plaza
837 H Street, Arcata, CA 95521
place your ad ONLINE @
MCKEEVER ENERGY AND ELECTRIC. Residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural. Electrical contracting and design. Renewable energy. Energy efficiency and sustainability. Energy consulting, documentation and field verification. Contact Nate McKeever at 707-822-0100 or info@mckeeverenergyandelectric.com or visit www.mckeeverenergyandelectric. com. Lic. # CA C10 876832 (S-1227) WRITING CONSULTANT/EDITOR. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Dan Levinson, MA, MFA. 443-8373. www.ZevLev.com. (S-1227)
Former Hum. Co. Deputy DA Member of CA DUI Lawyers Assoc. FREE CONSULTATION 732 5th Street, Suite C, Eureka, CA 95501 707.268.8600 kbesq@sbcglobal.net
SAXOPHONE/FLUTE LESSONS. All ages, beginner-advanced, jazz improvisation, technique. Susie Laraine: 441-1343. (M-1227) GUITAR/PIANO LESSONS. All ages, beginning and intermediate. Seabury Gould 444-8507. (M-1227)
FREE BACKSTAGE MUSIC CONCERT PASSES! Learn how to get free backstage passes to the hottest concerts by the world’s top favorite music artists at www. helpbus.net/D6.html (M-0628) PIANO LESSONS OPEN HOUSE. Come join us on Sat. June 30, 1-3 p.m., 1630 Broadway, Eureka, 15 min lesson $5, all ages welcome. For more info. Call 476-8919, or go to Facebook Piano Lessons for Beginners by Judith Louise. (M-0628)
www.northcoastjournal.com northcoastjournal.com • North Coast Journal • Thursday, June 28, 2012
CommUnITy CrISIS SUpporT: Humboldt Co. mental HealtH Crisis line
body, mind
445-7715 1-888-849-5728
Humboldt domestiC ViolenCe serViCes
443-6042 1-866-668-6543 rape Crisis team Crisis line
national Crisis Hotline
LIFETREE CAFE: JOIN THE CONVERSATION. Class Warfare, the unending struggle for equality in America discussed Sun., July 1, 7 p.m. Lifetree Café, 76 13th St., Arcata. Free Admission. Questions, Contact Bob Dipert 672-2919, bobdipert@hotmail. com. (C-0628) SEX/ PORN DAMAGING YOUR LIFE & RELATIONSHIPS ? Confidential help is available. saahumboldt@yahoo.com or 845-8973 (C-1227) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293 (Void in Illinois) (AAN CAN) (C-0628) BECOME A FOSTER PARENT. Provide a safe and stable environment for youth 13-18 for them to learn and grow in their own community. Contact the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services Foster Care Hotline at 441-5013 and ask for Peggy. (C-0726)
1-800 SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) national suiCide preVention lifeline
1-800-273-TALK YoutH serViCe bureau YoutH & familY Crisis Hotline
BEGIN THE PROCESS. Emotional Health Sessions including NLP, Kinesiology. Clearing emotions/ beliefs that no longer serve you. Simple, effective hour sessions, $45. Call Jennifer LMT, BS, 2678686. (MB-0628) COLON HYDROTHERAPY WITH MOLLY LEUTHNER. At Jade Dragon Medical Spa. Closed System. Using an F.D.A. approved medical device, warm water is gently inserted into the colon. When the colon contracts, the water is flushed out through the device. Take an internal bath! 822-4300. (MB-1011) MAMA G AT SIANA SALON. Love your hair and your hair care, you deserve it. 50% discount for first time clients. (707) 497-8042, 685 F St., Arcata. (MB-0628) HAWAIIAN LOMI LOMI MASSAGE. Rejuvenate and Activate your Body, Mind & Soul. Birgit Loehrer, (808) 936-5008. (MB0705)
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Need some help home around the house?
COACHING FOR PERSONAL EVOLUTION WITH REBECCA OWEN. Access your wholeness by cultivating your Presence in the Now and learning to clear old patterns. 822-5253. (MB-0920) KICK BUTTS! Become a nonsmoker in one session with Dave Berman, Certified Hypnotist, Life Coach, and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). (707) 845-3749. www. ManifestPositivity.com. Helping the YOUniverse conspire on your behalf. (MB-0628) CERTIFIED IN MASSAGE THERAPY & FOOT REFLEXOLOGY. Reidun Olsson, (707) 822-7247. (MB-0809) do TERRA ESSENTIAL OILS. Amazing results with no side effects. Maureen Brundage, (707) 498-7749, www.thinkdoterra. com/19719. (MB-0816) CERTIFIED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Samantha Dudman-Miller, (707) 616-6031. (MB-0726) CRANIAL SACRAL THERAPY. Infused with Shiatsu, Quantum Touch Healing, Energywork. Crescent City, (517) 974-0460. (MB-0726) NEEDING SOME SUPPORT RIGHT NOW? Experienced counselor & therapist Linda Nesbitt, MSW, LCSW (Lic#18830) is expanding her practice and welcoming new clients. Focusing on stress/anxiety, depression, grief/loss, trauma recovery, relationship challenges and postpartum support. EMDR Advanced Trained. (707) 268-0929. (MB-1025) TAROT AS AN EVOLUTIONARY PATH. Classes in Eureka and Arcata. Private mentorships, readings. Carolyn Ayres, 442-4240, www. tarotofbecoming.com. (MB-0531)
service directory
& garden
THE SPINE IS YOUR CONDUIT FOR LIFE-FORCE ENERGY. Open to the Alignment of Your Whole Self: Chiropractic by Dr. Scott Winkler, D.C. and Energy Work by Rebecca Owen. 822-1676. (MB-0920) HIGHER EDUCATION FOR SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT. Bachelors, Masters, D.D./Ph.D., distance learning, University of Metaphysical Sciences. Bringing professionalism to metaphysics. (707) 822-2111 (MB-1227) ZUMBA. Latin-inspired fitness program using international music and various dance styles including Salsa, Cumbia, Merengue and Reggaeton for a great cardio workout. Every Mon. and Thurs. at the Bayside Grange 6-7 p.m., 2297 Jacoby Creek Rd. $6/$4 Grange members. Every Wed. 6-7 p.m. in Fortuna at the Mon. Club, 610 Main St. Every Tue. at the Trinidad Town Hall 12 p.m. and every Thur. at Eureka Vets Hall 12 p.m. Marla Joy 707-845-4307. (MB-1227) NORTHCOAST AIKIDO FOUNDATION. Instructing non-violent martial arts since 1978. Mon.-Fri., 6-7:30 pm. Adult Beginning Special: 6 weeks for $99, enrollment ongoing. Children’s classes Mon. or Wed., 4-5 pm, $40/month. Visitors welcome! 890 G Street, Arcata, entrance around back. 826-9395. www.northcoastaikido. org. (MB-1227)
ARCATA ZEN GROUP MEDITATION. Beginners welcome. Sun., 8 a.m. North Coast Aikido Center, on F St. between 8th and 9th in Arcata. Wed., 6-7 p.m. at First Christian Church, 730 K, Eureka, ramp entrance and upstairs; newcomers please come 5 minutes early. Sun. contact, 826-1701. Wed. contact, barryevans9@yahoo. com, or for more info. call (707) 826-1701, www.arcatazengroup. org. (MB-1227) ASTROLOGY & TAROT. With Salina Rain: Readings, Counseling and Classes. Mon., 1:25 p.m. KHSU 90.5 FM. (707) 668-5408. astro@ salinarain.com, www.salinarain. com. (MB-1227) BE A LIFE SAVER! Your blood donation is always needed!! Call the Northern California Community Blood Bank. Call for Bloodmobile schedule. 2524 Harrison St., Eureka, 443-8004
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DANCE-FIT. Dance, aerobics & strength training all in one class! Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9-10 a.m First class is free. Drop in for $5 per class or 14 classes for $55. No Limits tap & jazz studio, corner of 10th & K st. Arcata. 825-0922 (MB-1227)
Treating Bulimia, Anorexia, Binge-Eating. Kim Moor, MFT #37499
Call 441-1484
Loving Hands,
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Wallet ID cards available (707) 826-1165
Institute of Healing Arts
www.northcoast-medical.com Est. 1979
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service servidirectory ce directory see page 13
TIME FOR A MASSAGE? Therapeutic Massage
Ongoing Classes Workshops Private Sessions Diana Nunes Mizer Parent Educator
Valerie Schramm
38 NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012 • northcoastjournal.com
Weekend Massage Clinic Special ½ hour $30 1 hour $45
Mon.-Fri. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sat. 9 to 5; Sun. 12 to 4
Gift Certificates Available (707) 599-5639 Certified Massage Therapist
707.445.4642 www.consciousparentingsolutions.com
739 12th St., Fortuna www.lovinghandsinstitute.com
2850 E St., Eureka (Henderson Center), 707
2355 Central Ave., McKinleyville 707
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GOOD LOCATION ON BUS ROUTE! Built around 1900, this 4 bedroom, 1 bath home has a refurbished kitchen with cherrywood cabinets and an oak floor. The home has a small sunroom, separate laundryroom, and a familyroom with a woodstove. Big corner lot, detached garage. mls#235343 $235,000
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Sylvia Garlick
#00814886 Broker GRI/ Owner 1629 Central Ave., McKinleyville 707-839-1521 • mingtreesylvia@yahoo.com
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4 bed, 3 bath, 2,650 sq ft custom Fortuna home, amazing property, dreamlike setting in lush landscaping encircled by forest, koi pond, waterfall, gleaming wood floors, spacious gourmet kitchen
real estate
Great opportunity to live & work at home in sunny Blue Lake, 2 bed, 1 bath home with additional 420 sq ft artist studio/workshop with 3 car garage, shed, many fruit trees in lovely yard
this week
Eureka downtown commercial business space with lots of visibility to both pedestrians and auto traffic, lit two sided window display, 1700 sq ft main floor, 300 sq ft mezzanine, each w/bathroom
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Eureka Land/Property
Located near Indianola Cutoff between arcata and eureka, this flat 1 acre parcel is an organic farmer’s paradise. this agricultural zoned property features a 1,600 square foot newly remodeled custom mediterranean style home, 2 power meters, unfinished fruit/vegetable stand, excellent exposure, new 2,500 gallon water tank and several additional amenities.
Jack Rabbit Valley Swayback Ridge Land/Property
+/-40 acres Sloping property with valley views, 3 cleared flats, year round springs, developed solar water system, meadows and scattered trees
$ 240,000
Weitchpec Land/Property
+/-6 acres of wooded property off of HWY 169. this undeveloped property boasts timber, river frontage as well as river views and excellent year round access.
$ 44,000
2120 Campton Rd. Ste #C – euReka, Ca 95503
w w w. h u m b o l d t l a n d m a n . c o m
northcoastjournal.com • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012
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