North Coast Journal 01-24-13 Edition

Page 1

6 NCJ launches Washington bureau 7 Will! Hippie! Wow! 8 Look what Arcata might get sued for 26 Pet a dinosaur 32 Barry and the volcano

2 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 •

table of

Living History


Media Maven Recoil Thronging to the Inaugural

7 Seven-o-Heaven cartoon by andrew goff

8 Blog Jammin’ 10 On The Cover Charter School Rift

16 Table Talk DIY Delicioso Enchiladas

19 The Hum on top

20 Music & More!

Service Directory

23 Calendar 26 Filmland funny in the head

28 In Review a dvd

28 Workshops 32 Field Notes Instant Volcano

33 Sudoku 33 Crossword 34 Marketplace 38 Body, Mind & Spirit 39 Real Estate This Week

The Peg House

EncHanTEd BrowniE

of Unusual Size

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I n s e r t c r a z y r e l i g i o u s d i a t r i b e h e r e . t h e s e b r o w n i e s w i l l s e n d y o u o n a j o u r n e y o n G o d ’ s S p a c e s h i p e a r t h !

6 News

22 Home & Garden

t o s i m p l i f y & e n j o y l i f e m o r e , s t o p & c o n s u m e o n e e N C H A N t e D B r o W N I e . D i l u t e b y s h a r i n g w i t h f r i e n d s .

4 Mailbox 4 Poem


T he G lass W orks

sTained Glass supply sTore JanuaRy 22 - FebRuaRy 2 12-5 pm R etiRement S ale 324 s. G sTreeT , a rcaTa • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013


Editor: Congratulations on your recent stories covering gun control/constitutional rights (“The Gun Issue,” Jan. 10). It showed the many facets of this divisive issue without taking a side, which is good journalism. It is rare to see true journalists these days who dig and report. I was blown away by the “Bad Guys With Guns” article. I assumed that a list of people who should not under any circumstances be allowed to possess a gun existed, but to know our police did not know of its existence is scary. This information could save an officer’s life. I would have thought that when police work any kind of crime investigation that names would be taken. Why couldn’t these names be checked against the “bad boy” list during or after the investigation? Not knowing about the bad guy list lies with the chain of command and is troubling. What other tools are available? The city of Detroit in 2012 had 513 people killed with guns. The president’s home city as well as the state of Illinois has gun laws, but over 500 were killed by guns. ”Fast and Furious” killed hundreds of Mexican citizens as well as an American border agent. Our government supplied those guns to the Mexican drug cartels. This of course was never investigated and was swept under the rug because ”journalists” never asked the questions. What needs to be done is to be able to identify people with serious problems. We need to act to help these

people. We also must recognize that there are people who snap. That is why we have the horrific scene at Newtown. We also know that the Second Amendment is talking about possessing a gun in order to fight a government that has reached the point of putting its citizens into slavery in one way or another — not for hunting. Rick Brennan, Eureka

Raspberry Regret Editor: I first want to say that I’m definitely a fan of Amy Stewart! However, to all who enjoyed her fabulous article “Put a Berry in It” (Jan. 10) as I did, I just want to offer up a big, thorny warning that they might want to think twice before they decide to plant raspberries in their yard. Raspberries are “ridiculously easy to grow,” as she said, but the problem is that they can be a little too easy to grow! A number of years ago I planted a few canes that were great the first year, but the next year new plants started showing up outside of the planted area, and by year three, they were popping up all over the place! I finally had to dig them up (which was a lot of work chasing roots) and move them to a wine barrel, where they’re still doing great. But, to this day, I’m still “weeding” raspberries out of my garden. Amy Lennox, Eureka

Quandary of Color Editor: Why did ancient languages have so few words for colors, asks Barry Evans (“Homer’s Wine-dark Sea” Jan. 10 and 17), and why do some languages use the same word for both blue and green? Were the ancients colorblind, and have some of us just lately learned to see? No, says Evans, we only differ as to which sections of the spectrum we happen to name. We could always see a full range of colors, he concludes, but we have varied ways of describing (or not describing) them. It is now possible digitally to produce nearly 16.5 million colors. Unfortunately the human eye can discern “only” about 10 million, and we’ll never have enough descriptive words. But wait, there are

Cartoon by joel mielke

Cop Slip-up ‘Scary’

still more colors. Birds and insects can perceive hues in the ultraviolet range that are invisible to us poor homo sapiens. The German/American artist Josef Albers taught what he called “the interaction of color.” He said that “color is the most relative medium,” meaning that the appearance of a color is affected by its environment.” The very same color could look reddish against one background, for example, or greenish somewhere else. Then there is color symbolism. What colors stand for purity or passion, sorrow or death? It depends on where you were born, and there are surprising differences from one culture to another. And what on earth are the hues of an off-color remark or a colorful anecdote? Our perception of color is so subjective, so strongly influenced by changeable physical and emotional factors, and our words are so limited, that they will never be precise. We can’t fault Homer for the vagueness of his wine-dark sea. No one is guilty of misusing the names of colors; in this realm, so to speak, there are no white hats and no black hats. Orr Marshall, Eureka

Write a letter! Please try to make your letter no more than 300 words and include your full name, place of residence and phone number (we won’t print your number). Send it to l 4 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 •

Living History He still fills a room: Smiles and laughter, Hugs and kisses, Holding hands. A flight jacket And singular dare Near a crescent bay Started his journey With six Presidents, And countless hours Of public service Building a nation. We drive slowly Back to his room And read a speech He wrote years ago. History does not Hang on walls, Dwell in books, Or adorn displays. It lives intently In the worn frame Of one who cares And dared to lead. — Kirk Gothier

Jan. 24, 2013 Volume XXIV No. 4

North Coast Journal Inc.



he pen is mightier than the sword. But neither can match the firepower of a gun. And when you try to use a pen to combat guns in this country, prepare for backlash. In December, the Journal-News in New York (the current manifestation of my hometown paper) published a map of people issued handgun permits in Westchester County — some 33,000. The national backlash was intense. The publisher had to hire armed guards because of threatening calls and emails to the paper’s staff. Even the journalism community recoiled. The respected Poynter Institute, which for many journalists is the go-to place for best practices, said the paper didn’t carefully weigh the permit holders’ right to privacy against the public’s right to know when it published street level information with little context. In other words, it ran something personally invasive, automatically inflammatory and did so in a superficial way. In 2010, students in my investigative class read through every search warrant on file at the county courthouse and mapped out addresses. What we read in those warrants had all kinds of personal information about private individuals. We published the map in this paper, but without any identifying information. We weighed what we thought readers needed to know — the frequency of searches in their neighborhoods — against the privacy rights of homeowners. In some cases, we believed, the people searched might no longer live in those houses. There are a number of things the Journal-News should have considered. Just because you have a permit to own a gun doesn’t necessarily mean you actually own it. Just because someone used an address when he/she filed for a permit doesn’t mean that person still lives at that address. The permit doesn’t tell readers why the person needed the gun. It could be they were stalked and felt threatened. It could be they were the victims of violence and felt the need for protection. And meanwhile, if the map was supposed to put the horrible killings at Sandy Hook Elementary into some kind of context, the paper ended up comparing apples and oranges. The worry is high capacity rifles, not handguns. Still, maybe people deserve to know whether that yellow house with a white picket fence next door houses an arsenal. John Bennett in this paper last week wrote about how guns are sexy. I think

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that’s part of what makes them scary. Something that facilitates murder shouldn’t be sexy. I think men are more comfortable with the connection between sex and violence than are women, since women are more often the victims as a result of that connection. I’d love to see a good survey of gun owners’ reasons for purchasing guns. I’d bet a lot more women than men get guns out of fear, not for fun. For journalists, just talking and writing about guns is scary. When you do your job as a journalist, you tend to anger about half your readers. People who own guns tend to get really angry when they read articles that counter their pro-gun views. Angry people who own guns are scary. Too many media outlets, which masquerade as journalistic enterprises, broadcast or publish inflammatory and vitriolic interviews that stoke passions. They make it seem as if armed police will be at our doorsteps demanding that we hand over all our hunting rifles. That’s why I liked the special coverage of guns in last week’s issue of the Journal. The articles and columns did a nice job of provoking thought without inflaming passions. I liked many of the online comments too. One sent me to FBI stats which did show that rifles of any kind made up a small percentage of weapons used in murders compared to handguns. And the Journal pointed out that murders as a whole in this country have been steadily declining. That’s noteworthy considering that fictional murders on TV and in the movies have increased exponentially in the same time period. We should all agree on this: For an issue that affects us in so many complicated ways, we need to discuss it without anger or fear of reprisal. This shouldn’t be a debate about whether the Second Amendment right to bear arms is more important than the First Amendment of freedom of speech or press. I remember a time when cigarette smokers swore that you couldn’t infringe on their right to smoke. But now most people recognize that children shouldn’t be anywhere near cigarette smoke. At one time in California, motorcycle riders swore you’d never make them wear helmets. Auto drivers swore you couldn’t make them wear seat belts. But over time we all recognized that a lot of people we loved were dying and we could prevent those types of deaths. Look. People are dying from gun violence — including children. Maybe there are ways we can prevent those tragedies. But we need to feel comfortable talking about how to do this in ways people can accept.

We need to have a threat-free debate. Any threats made by gun owners against people who want to ban guns, well to me, that’s a reason to ban guns. If you can convince me that gun owners really just like fondling their guns in the privacy of their homes, and blasting them against rocks in the desert or old washing machines in the woods or in the safety and comfort of the local gun range, great. But we live in a country where many of us are afraid to flip another driver other off on the road because we don’t know if the guy who cut us off has a gun. We are afraid to complain to our neighbors about the trash that seems to travel from their yard to ours because we don’t know how armed they might be. There are teachers who are afraid of angry parents and managers afraid of their employees. Some gun owners argue that the Bill of Rights includes the right to bear arms so that we can protect ourselves against tyranny. But as a trade-off for the comfort of knowing we can protect ourselves against fascists or communists, we now live in fear of our neighbors or co-workers or employees. Right now the gun lobby wants to focus the post-Sandy Hook discussions on mental health. If we are going to limit gun ownership, it wants us to do that only for crazy people. But that ignores the danger posed by people who are generally sane, but for some reason get really, really angry. Like someone who finds out his wife is sleeping with another man. Or someone just fired. Or some otherwise nice Niners fan who just saw his team lose the Super Bowl after consuming three shots of Red Label with a Red Bull chaser. We need to have a discussion about guns that doesn’t involve any threat of guns. And we can’t have that national discussion without journalists feeling free to write about it. The National Rifle Association says let’s focus on our mental health system and treat mentally disturbed people before they can shoot anyone. I say, yes! But I fear that most of us are mentally disturbed. And that’s an awful lot of people to treat.

– Marcy Burstiner

The North Coast Journal is a weekly newspaper serving Humboldt County. Circulation: 21,000 copies distributed FREE at more than 350 locations. Mail subscriptions: $39 / 52 issues. Single back issues mailed / $2.50. Entire contents of the North Coast Journal are copyrighted. No article may be reprinted without publisher’s written permission. Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink.

publisher Judy Hodgson editor Carrie Peyton Dahlberg art director Holly Harvey production manager Carolyn Fernandez staff writer/a&e editor Bob Doran staff writer/copy editor Heidi Walters staff writer Ryan Burns calendar editor Andrew Goff contributing writers John J. Bennett, Simona Carini, Barry Evans, William S. Kowinski, Mark Shikuma, Amy Stewart graphic design/production Lynn Jones, Alana Chenevert, Drew Hyland production intern Kimberly Hodges general manager Chuck Leishman advertising Mike Herring advertising Colleen Hole advertising Shane Mizer advertising Karen Sack office manager Carmen England classified assistant Sophia Dennler mail/office:

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press releases letters to the editor events/a&e music production sales classified/workshops

Marcy Burstiner is a professor of journalism and mass communication. It is safe to say that no one wants to see her armed. • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013



Here’s how close we got to the president. Photos by Andrew Goff.

Thronging to the Inaugural ‘You’re crushing children!’ one cop shouted. ‘What kind of people are you?’

The glorious morning sky (seen here behind the Washington Monument) made us forget our frozen digits.

By Jennifer Savage


eople weren’t kidding about the cold or the crowds or the miles we’d walk. Get there early, they advised. I meant to, had planned on catching the Metro at 4 a.m., when the trains started running, but in my tiredness, I’d set the alarm for 3:15 p.m. instead of 3:15 a.m. I woke up sans ring and an hour late, jet-lag fog giving way to panic — we’d never get close now. When I’d won two tickets to the inauguration from the office of our new U.S. congressman, Jared Huffman, I hadn’t been sure about going. Notice was short — the office contacted winners one week before the event — and flights to D.C. were pricey. But one friend offered his airline miles, another invited me to stay with her in Fairfax, Va., and the Journal dangled an assignment that would cover gas to PDX and back. How could I refuse? North Coast Journal Calendar Editor Andrew Goff tagged along to take photos and, we all hoped, be inspired to bring back Seven-O-Heaven. If that happened, I figured, any expense and the short time away from my regular job with Ocean Conservancy would be worth it. From my friend’s house to the Metro

station is an easy jaunt — or rather, it looked simple enough on the map. In reality, we missed a turn and ended up two stations down the line. Another delay. We pulled into the Federal Triangle Station around 5:45 a.m., joining tens of thousands of people jostling toward the U.S. Capitol building. We exited the station into 28 degrees of frigid biting through our clothing. I’d expected a chill and had worn thick tights, tall boots, a scarf and wool gloves in addition to my long coat and obligatory cute skirt and shirt. On a map, the distance between the station and the Orange Gate appeared short. Getting there looked simple. When I asked inauguration volunteers for directions, they helpfully pointed us the way. Except they didn’t point us the same way. And most of the streets surrounding the Capitol Building were blocked off, so we ended up stymied time and time again. Finally we called in the military. The gray-haired camo’d guy we asked for help clarified the deal to us: “Listen to me. There’s no other way to get there other than what I’m going to tell you. Understand?” Yes, sir. He informed us we had to retrace our steps and go all the

6 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 •

Jesse, our pedi-cab driver.

way around the blocked-off parade route. “You got about a four-mile walk ahead of you.” He was mostly right. His instructions were spot-on, and I’m sure we strode at least two miles. But then, we were saved, in true American form, by ingenuity and enterprise — specifically the ingenuity and enterprise of a fleet of pedicabs, one of which we were able to flag down. Our driver waved us into the back and launched toward our destination, confidently weaving around pedestrians, cornering around official vehicles and

dodging whatever popped up in our path. He was in from Texas, where he usually makes a living pedi-cabbing post-football game crowds back to their cars. In a few minutes, we’d reached our destination. A glance at the phone said 7:30 a.m., half an hour after the gates had opened. We merged into the crowd under a sky streaked with pink and orange, remnants of a glorious sunrise. Theoretically we were in line, but in reality it was more of a crush. I clung to Goff’s elbow as he threaded ahead. First, getting through the gate. Next, getting through security. The whole ordeal was similar to catching a flight, if that flight was overbooked, about to depart and only took off once every four years. We hustled to the next checkpoint, the actual entrance to the grand event. A cop, short and stout, announced to all ticketholders that we were being diverted to the “overflow area.” People complained and tried to dodge through, but she refused any and all pleading. Other cops escorted dozens of people to the grassy area outside of the assigned space until disappointment and complaint surrounded us. “It’s not my fucking problem. They

left: At a certain point you just give up and watch the Jumbotron. above: The invitation!

should have got here earlier,” snapped one cop to another. “I just work here,” responded a third cop, tasked with guarding the perimeter of our barricaded grounds. Dozens of people decided to leave rather than be stuck with a view dominated by a long line of porta potties and trees obscuring the action. On the upside, the quantity of people and quality of aggravation counteracted the cold. Goff and I joined a throng of people pushing for the exit — only the exit wasn’t one, because too many people in the overflow area were refusing to move off the street and onto the grass, so the oncoming crowd had been halted until a solution could be found. No one was getting in. No one was getting out. After several minutes, the cops relented and opened the gate to our ticket-holder area. People shoved for position. A petite woman to the side of me hollered about being pushed. The cops bumped up their communication. “You need to stop hurting each other!” they said. “Everyone just move slowly!” Better behavior held forth for a moment, but too many people in too small a space in too big a hurry makes for poor restraint. “You’re crushing children!” one cop shouted. “What kind of people are you?” Fortunately, the children in question made it through safely, as did Goff and I. At last, the main event — with an hour or so to go before anyone was going to start talking. We could see the Jumbotron and the perimeter of where the

action was. A lot of what I’m sure was technically talented music emanated from the speakers — the U.S. Marine Band certainly knows what it’s doing, as does the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir — but what would have been truly inspiring would have been some music with a beat. Look, you have 800,000 cold, tired, impatient people standing around for hours. Give them a little dance party, already! Instantly create warmth, inspiration and happiness! (I’ll have to float this to Huffman for the next go-round.) The true value of attending the inauguration wasn’t to see the lawmakers and power brokers — not that I wouldn’t have hung out with Michelle, Barack and Uncle Joe if asked. The reward of the day came from standing with our fellow Americans. We applauded when those who pleased us descended onto the big screen — Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Kelly Clarkson — and all around us boos broke out when Newt Gingrich and Paul Ryan’s faces lit up the Jumbo-tron. When Richard Blanco ensured that poetry has no chance of breaking into popular culture for the next few years, the combination of pain while he spoke and relief when he stopped appeared universal. When Obama delivered his inauguration speech, I cheered along with all the other women at the line about equal pay. My heart and the hearts around me rejoiced at his strong words supporting gay marriage. We caught our collective breath at the mention of Newtown. We burst into applause filled not only with joy of the moment, but relief that the election in November had swung our way. Our time in D.C. was brief, but the experience was huge. We thought we’d planned well and were instead nearly overwhelmed with unexpected challenges, barriers and bad directions. Yet we ended up helped along our course by authorities and innovators, finally reaching a place where unity and hope didn’t seem impossible. I can’t think of anything more American. l

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1st building on the left as you enter Eureka Mon-Fri, 6:30a.m.-4p.m. Sat, 8a.m.-3p.m. • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013


Blog Jammin’ BUSINESS / BY RYAN BURNS / JAN. 22, 2:40 P.M.

On Fieldbrook Market Closing On Friday, the owners of the Fieldbrook Family Market announced via Facebook that the store will be closing Feb. 2. “We hope to be opening up again soon, but as for now we are reaching uncertain territory with no guarantees,” the announcement said cryptically. Reached by phone this afternoon, owner Richard Seaman politely declined to provide details but reiterated that permanent closure “is not a hundred-percent certainty.” I know I’m not alone in my fervent hope that Seaman or someone else will find a way to reopen the adorable little convenience store, because here’s the thing about the Fieldbrook Market: It’s really an essential part of the community. For decades it has offered far more than six packs, candy bars and the staples that save residents another long drive over the hill. The Fieldbrook Market is the gathering place for a community of fewer than 900 folks spread all over the surrounding hills. My family moved to Fieldbrook in the summer of 1987, right before I started sixth grade. Back then the store was owned and operated by brothers Ron and Bill Daley, who held onto the place for 34 years before selling it to a young couple back in the early aughts. Seaman took over the business from them in October 2005. Fieldbrook is small enough that residents can pretty much count on bumping into someone they know at the market. I haven’t spent nearly as much time there over the past two decades, but I’ve been







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back frequently enough to see that it still serves this purpose: It gives Fieldbrook folks the sense that they comprise a community rather than just a smattering of houses in the woods. Seaman has placed less emphasis on the “store” and more on the gathering spot, booking lots of live music, hosting kids’ birthday parties, increasing the offerings at the deli, adding beers on tap and taking out an aisle of merchandise to make room for more tables and chairs. For the past four years the store has been preparing and delivering the school lunches for Fieldbrook Elementary students. But Seaman said this afternoon that economic times have caught up with him. (Central Kitchen in McKinleyville is set to take over the school lunch production.) Here’s hoping it’s not closed for long. ● ARCATA, COPS / BY CARRIE PEYTON DAHLBERG / JAN. 21, 11:48 A.M.

Cop Wants Arcata to Pay The Lost Coast Outpost reports that Kevin Stonebarger, an Arcata police officer who served briefly in the county’s Drug Task Force, has filed a claim against the city of Arcata, alleging that he was defamed and lost his slot as a firearms instructor at College of the Redwoods. What did that claim of defamation involve? Stonebarger alleges that someone tipped the college off that he had been disciplined for a Feb. 22, 2012, dispute with a tow truck driver, who had been called to tow the illegally parked vehicle of another task force member. It was a messy episode, LoCO reports, with allegations of shouting, bullying, flashing badges but then refusing to give a badge number or name, and threatening a candy store owner with arrest because he started recording the thing with his cell phone. (His was the parking space occupied by one of drug enforcers while they were lunching at Eureka’s Pho Thien Long.) The claim, which LoCO says the city of Arcata has denied, was backed up with a fat bunch of documents that apparently have been dragged into what could become a lawsuit. Among them are a Sept. 7, 2012, notice of disciplinary action from Arcata Police Chief Tom Chapman to Stonebarger. It reads in part: “Asserting your authority as a sworn police officer to order people to stop engaging in perfectly legal conduct was inappropriate and a violation of departmental policy. Furthermore, the manner in which you handled this incident was discourteous, disrespectful, and frankly an embarrassment to the Department. I


am shocked to hear that you believe you handled it the ‘best I possibly could.’ …” The notice also points out that Stonebarger had had previous conversations with the chief about “poor interpersonal skills and judgment” and was only allowed onto the task force under special provisions for additional supervision. Jan. 22 update: Wonder what beat this guy is working now in Arcata? So did we. Chief Chapman told the Journal Tuesday morning that Stonebarger has been out on medical leave – at full pay – since Aug. 27. Almost five months. Interestingly, the disciplinary records show that the morning of Aug. 27 was when he and the chief had been scheduled to meet so that Stonebarger could offer an oral response to the decision about his transfer and loss of specialty pay. Instead, that morning, Stonebarger’s lawyer said his client would be responding in writing, because he had sustained an injury the night before. The nature of the injury was not specified. ● BUSINESS / BY RYAN BURNS / JAN. 18, 2:47 P.M.

Arcata Fig’s Video Closing Oh, this is sad for me — not only because I hate to witness the slow demise of video stores but because of my personal connection to this one in particular. I worked at the Arcata branch of Figueiredo’s for years (hence my ease with all those vowels in the name). Met my wife there, in fact. No word yet on the official last day, but the press release on our website says the other locations will remain open. There will also still be a drop box in Arcata for movie returns. The release says in part: David and Dana Figueiredo, owners of the Figueiredo’s Video locations in Arcata, McKinleyville and Fort Bragg, have decided it’s time to close the Arcata branch, which has been part of the community for 30 years. The McKinleyville location will still offer the same great prices and extensive selection, and there will be a drop box in Arcata for the convenience of customers who rent from the other Fig’s locations. Fig’s will be incorporating many of the

Arcata movies into the McKinleyville store. David’s brother, Bob Figueiredo still operates his Eureka and Fortuna locations. ● CRIME, JAIL /JOURNAL STAFF / JAN. 17, 2:26 P.M.

Inmate Leaps to His Death The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office said that a 56-year-old man has died after jumping from the second tier of a housing unit. It was the second jail death in just over a month, and brief press releases about each episode are on our website. Update Jan. 22: The fatal fall brings to 16 the number of inmates who have died in Humboldt County’s jail since 2000, according to county sheriff’s records. Except for 2001, when four inmates died, the annual death rate has ranged from zero to two. A threeyear streak of no deaths at all behind bars ended in 2012, when two inmates died. ●

JAN. 16, 4:18 P.M.


How Good Are You at Naming Airports? If you think you’ve got a snazzier name for our local airport than the current lame “Arcata/Eureka Airport” moniker then speak up now, citizen! In a press release issued today, the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors announced it is seeking public input for a new airport name. Send your ideas to One caveat: the board really, really wants the new name to include the words “Humboldt” and “Redwoods.” So, seemingly, “Bob Marley Memorial Airport” is out. Good luck, wordsmiths! The release is on our website. ● ENVIRONMENT /BY HEIDI WALTERS / JAN. 16, 12:13 P.M.

Who Shot The Ducks? Somebody with a deep desire to enter the new year with some seriously bad karma blasted the life out of 21 ducks up off Fickle Hill Road. It happened on Dec. 29. Five different duck species were represented among the dead. The weapon used was possibly a shotgun. And not a one was plucked and stripped of its meat, but rather, as the California Department

of Fish and Wildlife news release reports: “… the ducks were abandoned to spoil next to the road.” Hence the bad karma: This was no hunger killing. State code prohibits such waste. And, besides, 21 ducks would be over the bag limit. If you know anything about this, Fish and Wildlife would like to talk to you: (707) 445-6493. ● ADVICE / BY ANDREW GOFF / JAN. 15, 11:35 A.M.

Stop Having Snow Fun in Kneeland, Jerks


The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office sent out a press release this morning to remind Humboldt County residents that neither Kneeland nor its bountiful piles of white joy belong to them. Also, be really careful wherever non-Kneeland place you fools end up. The entire release says: The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office has been receiving complaints from private property owners in the Kneeland-Greenwood Heights area due to low snow levels. The Sheriffs Office and property owners would like to remind snow seekers that Kneeland is primarily all private property, and deputies are issuing misdemeanor citations for trespassing. Snow seekers should utilize the Horse Mountain, Six Rivers National Forest areas for recreational activity. If you do plan to recreate in the snow remember wet and cold weather can cause hypothermia. A cell phone, map or GPS is also very helpful. Keep in mind not all rural areas have cell phone coverage and cell phone batteries need to be fully charged. The Journal was curious about how many citations had been handed out to local snow thiefs. Sheriff’s Lt. Steve Knight says that deputies warned some folks who were trespassing on Sunday afternoon, and another batch on Monday morning, but so far haven’t actually cited anyone for misdemeanor trespass. So why put out a press release saying deputies “are issuing misdemeanor citations”? “Because we will. And we can. And we have in the past,” says Knight. So there. ● • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 2013


Charter School Rift The prospect of sharing campus space has a community fretting about inequality Story and photos by Ryan Burns


n a brisk and blazing-bright Monday morning, school kids frolic on the playground of Redwood Preparatory Charter School in Fortuna. Fourth, fifth and sixth graders in sweatshirts scamper through the wood chips around the swing set, tromp across the giant tractor tires laid flat in the grass and lob basketballs in rainbow arcs toward the iron hoop. In the winter sun their elongated shadows dance across the asphalt and their breaths form steam plumes that evaporate in laughter. Since opening in fall 2011, Redwood Prep school has been housed at Fortuna Church of the Nazarene, on a hill just south of town. With donations of time, money and labor from parents and staff,

the chapel’s ancillary rooms have been converted to classrooms and the small playground at the back of the parking lot has been tricked out with handmade picnic tables, a drinking fountain and new equipment. A few kids are distracted from their play by a reporter with a camera and a notebook. “Are you the news?” asks a tall girl in jeans and a blue hoodie. In seconds a crowd has formed, more than a dozen confident and bright-eyed kids eager to explain why their school is so awesome. “There aren’t as many people. … It’s smaller. … Our teachers are really nice. … You can eat whatever you want.” They’re talking over each other, excited



and hollering to be heard. “Technology!” shouts another girl. (Was that Charlotte, the fifth grader? Or Katie from sixth?) “We have 40 laptops and 25 iPads,” she brags. One of the boys (Jack? AJ? Trey?) makes eye contact and says, “We have a really good, like, relationship with our teachers.” “But we have a lot of responsibilities,” explains another. “We have to earn our privileges.” Those privileges are in demand — not just by students but by their parents, too. A smaller girl in a puffy pink jacket seems to appreciate this. “We have, like, a big waiting list,” she says proudly. It’s true. Last fall, a lottery was held to determine which kids would get admitted

to Redwood Prep and which would be sent instead to one of Fortuna Elementary School District’s four traditional public schools. There were 20 spots available in the incoming kindergarten class. Nine went automatically to kids who had siblings already enrolled at the school or parents on the staff or board of directors. (California’s education code allows this preferential treatment at charter schools.) So 11 kids got in through the lottery. Roughly 40 others were turned away. The school’s charter document and parent handbook lay out a high-minded educational philosophy, describing a school where college-bound kids are held

One of the county’s newest charter schools, Redwood Prep is housed — for now — at Fortuna Church of the Nazarene.

to rigorous academic standards while learning the importance of social responsibility, emotional development and community involvement. The school day lasts nearly an hour longer than at traditional schools, and each family commits to 30 volunteer hours per year. According to the charter, students develop long-term relationships with teachers who tailor their approach to each child’s needs. While Redwood Prep’s enterprising methods have proved popular, some in the community are less than happy with the impact the school has had on the rest of the district. The grumbling began even before Redwood Prep opened its doors. The five women who founded the school all used to work at Ambrosini Elementary, a K-4 traditional .public school in the same district. (Both schools were part of the Rohnerville School District until it was consolidated with the Fortuna Union Elementary School District last July.) As the women began developing the charter, one had been laid off — a result of funding cuts and deferrals, declining enrollment and her lack of seniority. Not long afterward, three of the other four were also given pink slips. Now they’ve started their own school, and some of the teachers who remain at Ambrosini feel bitter. When parents started pulling their kids out of Ambrosini in favor of Redwood Prep, a lot of veteran teachers were laid off, according to Fortuna Elementary School District Superintendent Dr. Patti Hafner. With the charter school siphoning off students, Ambrosini lost scarce state funding, which is based on average daily attendance numbers. “They laid off eight or 10 people who had been teachers for a very long time. We’re talking years. That’s where a lot of the hard feelings came from originally.” Lisa Jager, the director of Redwood Prep, disputes that account, saying staff cuts would have been made regardless of the charter school, and indeed some of the teachers were laid off well before

planning had even begun for the school. “Lawyers were involved and the whole school atmosphere was very tense,” she said in an email. Regardless, many in the community are now complaining that Redwood Prep is elitist, attracting mostly wealthy, welleducated families and exploiting their resources to buy iPads and take field trips while the traditional public schools are left to deal with the learning disabled kids, the poor kids, the English learners and other students who require more resources and tend to score lower on standardized tests. Last school year those resentments mostly simmered in private conversations. But in the fall, that all changed. Administrators at Redwood Prep approached the district with a request. The school, they said, was growing. It began as a K-5, but this year it’s a K-6; the plan is to keep adding one grade level per year until 2014, when it will be K-8. Attendance is now up to 125. Teachers and students are running out of room at Fortuna Church of the Nazarene. It was time to invoke Prop. 39. Introduced by ballot initiative in 2000, Proposition 39 requires every school district in the state to provide facilities for any charter school that has at least 80 full-time, district-resident students. The reasoning goes like this: Charter schools may be run privately, but they’re publicly funded and thus still considered public schools. And all public school students in a district should be entitled to reasonably equivalent classrooms and other facilities. And so here was Redwood Prep, asking for space either at Ambrosini or one of the district’s three other traditional public schools. Ideally, administrators said, they could use 10 classrooms, an office and a large auditorium/multi-purpose room. Prop 39 dictates that the request must be granted; Redwood Prep is entitled to space. The Fortuna Elementary School District Board has yet to determine exactly how to accommodate the request. A six-person committee has been formed — with an administrator, a teacher and a board member from both Redwood Prep and the traditional schools — to examine the possibilities. But while these bureaucratic accommodations proceed in an orderly fashion, a number of parents and teachers in the district are positively livid about what’s happening. They’re outraged at continued on next page


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continued from previous page the prospect of having to make room on their own campuses for the school that stole some of their brightest kids and caused some of their best teachers to be fired. They’re incensed at the idea that their kids will be forced to rub shoulders with the iPad-toting, field-trip-taking rich kids of Redwood Prep. They’ve shouted their displeasure at recent district board meetings, where the crowded gatherings have devolved into tears, accusations and ultimatums. In a county where charter schools have proliferated — we now have 14 with a combined enrollment of 2,264 — parents and educators in Fortuna are struggling to figure out how to coexist with their first one. And that struggle is stirring up

a host of issues ranging from class to race to privilege, all swimming around one core concern: the education of their children.

When lawmakers

passed the Charter Schools Act of 1992, California became just the second state in the country (after Minnesota) to embrace this model of publicly funded but privately operated education. The idea was that by allowing charters more autonomy over student curriculum, the state would encourage innovative teaching methods, expand options for parents and students and “provide vigorous competition” with traditional schools as a way to stimulate improvements across the board. The law says special emphasis should

clockwise from left Redwood Prep students at recess. Students at Redwood Prep get regular access to laptops and iPads in the classroom. Fifth and sixth graders lounge on a futon in a portable classroom.

12 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 •

be placed on expanding learning opportunities for kids identified as “academically low achieving.” Another key component? Charter school teachers aren’t unionized, so they can be fired for poor performance, unlike at traditional schools where tenure makes dismissing bad teachers challenging. Charter school teachers are also cheaper. “Our staff took huge pay cuts” to start the charter, Jager said. Salaries at traditional schools in the county range from $28,400 (for a first-year teacher in Orick) to $73,300 (for a well-educated teacher with 30 years’ experience in the Northern Humboldt Union High School District). Salaries at Redwood Prep range from $30,000 to $42,000. There are now 5,618 charters in the country, educating more than 2 million K-12 students. In California, one in 10 public schools is now a charter school

(though their enrollment accounts for less than 4 percent of the state’s total). Here in Humboldt County, our 14 charters offer a wide variety of approaches — Spanish immersion at Fuente Nueva; creative freedom at Redwood Coast Montessori; an international baccalaureate program at North Coast Preparatory and Performing Arts Academy, and more. Jager is the director of the newest addition to the bunch, Redwood Prep. In a recent interview at the charter’s office she said that the five founding women, who began working on the charter in 2010, share a common philosophy. All five were trained in the RTI (response to intervention) model, which emphasizes identifying kids with challenges as early as possible to help them improve. “We wanted to work in a collaborative manner with families and children and to really push a project-based learning philosophy,” Jager said. She believes traditional schools are being “strangled by politicians.” And even though she’s the only founding member who had enough seniority at Ambrosini to avoid being laid off, she still didn’t approve of the system. “What’s happened throughout the state is there are a lot of passionate, young, enthusiastic, knowledgeable teachers who were let go because of budget cuts.” Demand for Redwood Prep was high from the beginning. The founders expected to start the school with 75 students, but after months of recruitment efforts — including visits to preschools and sporting events, ads in the TimesStandard and Humboldt

Beacon and fliers distributed around town — the families of 102 aspiring students were lining up. With some logistical shuffling, Redwood Prep was able to accommodate all 102 students who applied to attend when the school opened in fall 2011, and the school’s popularity has continued to grow. With enrollment up to 125 this year and 76 kids on the waiting list, Jager said, “We’re kind of bursting at the seams at this point.” The school added a portable classroom this year, but the electrical system at the church isn’t set up to accommodate another one. Plus, with so many students using laptops and iPads, they’re bumping up against the limits of the site’s bandwidth. There’s simply not enough room if the school hopes to add another grade level next school year. Why are teachers and parents at the traditional schools so opposed to making room? The reasons are numerous, but most are tied to a central theme: inequality. Sheri Rodriguez is a member of the parent-teacher organization at Ambrosini, where her two kids are enrolled, one in kindergarten and the other in second grade. She feels that Redwood Prep enjoys an unfair advantage over traditional public schools like Ambrosini. “Our schools don’t have the option to limit enrollment to only those who can meet our ‘rigorous academic standards’ or our ‘high behavioral expectations,’” said Rodriguez, quoting the charter school’s website. At a school board meeting last month, outspoken Redwood Prep critic Irene Werner, who coordinates the Gifted And Talented Education (GATE) program at the traditional Toddy Thomas Elementary, where her daughter is a student, stood up and described the charter system as “de-facto segregation” and “elitism,” calling Redwood Prep “a school not open to everyone.” Like all public institutions, charter schools are legally prevented from discriminating. But critics of Redwood Prep and other charter schools say that the system is set up in a way that can’t help but breed inequality. As Rodriguez pointed out, Redwood Prep advertises its “rigorous standards,” which is a pitch bound to appeal to parents with high

expectations of their own. “They advertise themselves as preparing kids for college,” Werner said in a phone interview. Parents and teachers at the traditional schools get sarcastic about it, she said. “The joke is, ‘Our school is preparing the future janitors of the world, or the McDonald’s workers.’ It’s almost funny in a way, but it’s just a very emotional issue.” Then there’s the requirement for 30 hours of volunteer time from students’ families. Jager said the charter school depends on that help. “We have parents who come and clean our toilets. We have parents who do construction, parents who come and help in the classroom.” She said the collaboration fosters a strong sense of family, but does it also weed out blue-collar families? Rodriguez thinks so. “A lot of our parents are working parents and can’t afford time off to be in the classroom,” she said. There are more hurdles for poor families. For example, Redwood Prep doesn’t offer public transportation. Nor does it provide free or reduced-cost lunches to the socio-economically disadvantaged kids who qualify for them. This, according to critics, effectively disqualifies families who can’t drive their kids to and from school every day or who can’t always provide packed lunches. Enrollment data seems to justify these complaints. As of October 2011 (the most recent figures available), more than 60 percent of students were considered socio-economically disadvantaged in the two districts that have since been unified as the Fortuna Elementary School District. The concentration among the four traditional public schools ranged from Toddy Thomas Elementary, where 44.5 percent of students qualified for free or reduced-cost lunches, to South Fortuna Elementary, where the figure was above 80 percent. At Redwood Prep, meanwhile, just 28 percent of students fall below the income line. Jager counters that her school receives $1,000 less per student in average daily attendance funding from the state. The estimated statewide average ADA funding for traditional K-6 students this year is $6,450, compared to charter school rates of $5,527 for K-3 and $5,603 for 4-6. Other funding comes from local fundraising efforts and grants, including a two-year federal start-up grant of $350,000 as well as a $10,000 matching grant for technology from the Mel and Grace McLean Foundation, a Fortuna-based philanthropic organization founded by the late owner continued on next page

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continued from previous page and founder of Eel River Sawmills. Critics such as Werner say other needy kids are effectively discouraged from attending, too, including special education students and children who are still learning English. Again, the numbers seem to bear this out. Last year, more than 18 percent of students in the district were special ed. At Redwood Prep the figure is just 12 percent. The disparity among English learners is even larger. District-wide, 21.7 percent of students are considered “EL.” At Redwood Prep only four of the 125 students, or 3.2 percent, are English learners. Critics say that Redwood Prep didn’t do enough outreach to Spanish speakers. Jager said that an interpreter was available for every enrollment meeting with parents. She added, “We purposely have a member of the Hispanic community on our school board as part of the outreach to that community.” But she acknowledged that the school’s website, the ads placed in local papers and the fliers posted around town were in English only. (The school is currently working on making the website bilingual, she said.) The Hispanic community has been growing for years in and around Fortuna. In the 2010 Census, the 95540 zip code was 17 percent Hispanic/Latino, with the highest concentration in and around town. Last school year, the student body in the Fortuna Union Elementary School District was 45 percent Hispanic while the more rural Rohnerville Elementary School District south of town was 18 percent

above Lisa Jager and Jeremy Stanfield of Redwood Prep say the charter school has reached out to all ethnicities. right Jeff Northern, principal of South Fortuna Elementary, says a committee is brainstorming on options for the charter school.

Hispanic. Now combined, the district is 31.3 percent Hispanic. Again, Redwood Prep lags behind. Just 13.6 percent of its student body is Hispanic.

These trends are not unique

to Redwood Prep. In an extensive study published in 2010, the Civil Rights Project at UCLA found that charter schools isolate students by race and class. Across the country, the report found, charter schools have tended to exacerbate race and class divides in their communities. In urban areas, the pattern is for charters to see high levels of minority

segregation, especially among black students. Seventy percent of black charter school students in the country attend “intensely segregated minority charter schools,” where 90 percent to 100 percent of students are minorities. In more racially diverse western states, including California, the pattern is different. Here, the report found, evidence suggests that “charters serve as havens for white flight from public

Humboldt County Charter Schools School Coastal Grove Charter Fuente Nueva Charter Union Street Charter Northcoast Preparatory and Performing Arts Academy Laurel Tree Charter Six Rivers Charter High Trillium Charter Jacoby Creek Charter Pacific View Charter

location Arcata Arcata Arcata Arcata

Arcata Arcata Arcata Bayside Eureka Eureka Mattole Valley Charter (independent study) Eureka Alder Grove Charter (independent study) Redwood Preparatory Charter Fortuna Freshwater Charter Middle Freshwater South Bay Charter Humboldt Hill





Arcata Elementary Arcata Elementary Arcata Elementary Humboldt County Office of Education Northern Humboldt Union High Northern Humboldt Union High Pacific Union Elementary Jacoby Creek Elementary Loleta Union Elementary

8/27/2002 8/29/2005 8/29/2006

221 91 101

Inspired by Waldorf Spanish immersion Balance of academics and arts



International Baccalaureate

8/29/2011 7/1/2004 8/27/2002 6/1/2002 1/3/2000

109 102 40 443 165

Family-style/sustainability Project based Thematic unit curriculum Traditional/service learning At-risk foster group students

Mattole Unified



Remote learning

South Bay Union Elementary



Personalized learning

Fortuna Elementary Freshwater Elementary South Bay Union Elementary

8/29/2011 8/28/1999 8/29/2011 Total:

SourceS: california Department of eDucation, HumbolDt county office of eDucation

14 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 •

125 54 80 2707

Project based Project based Small school

schools.” Just like the student body at Redwood Prep, charter schools in the West tend to have higher concentrations of white students than the communities that surround them. Humboldt County is no exception. Even before Redwood Prep arrived, the report found that our charter schools were 80 percent white, compared to just 69 percent in traditional public schools. Latinos made up just 6 percent of our county’s charter school enrollment. In traditional schools it was twice that. The study also echoes Redwood Prep critics by pointing out that English learners and lowincome students may not have the same access to charter schools as white and middle-class children, especially without providing transportation and subsidized lunches. As for academic performance, Redwood Prep has excelled. Third graders at South Fortuna Elementary narrowly outscored Redwood Prep third graders in English-language arts on the 2012 STAR tests, and its second graders performed better than the charter’s second graders in math. But with those two exceptions, Redwood Prep students outscored students from other district schools in math, English and science at every grade level. According to the UCLA report, extensive studies have revealed “no net academic gains for [charter school] students as indicated by test scores.” But for now, at least, Redwood Prep is an exception. Rodriguez said the differences are just too stark. “I’m fine with them being a charter school, and if their demographics matched our district I would not even have a problem with them sharing our campus,” she said. “It’s just the fact that they’re so different and there’s so much tension there.” Dianna Butcher, who teaches sixth grade at Toddy Thomas and whose kids are enrolled in Ambrosini, is similarly concerned. And she doesn’t see any justice in the way Prop 39 entitles the school to facilities. “I just can’t believe a group of people can come in and say, ‘OK, now we want this and we want this and we want this, and just get out of our way,’ basically, and take away things from kids who really need it the most. You know? I just

am appalled.” Margie Plant, a third grade teacher at Ambrosini, agreed. “I think we need to maybe review this Prop. 39,” she said. “It doesn’t seem fair or equal, and the facts are that it’s not.” The thing that concerns Rodriguez the most is the prospect of students noticing the differences and feeling either jealous or self-conscious. “I just don’t think it’s good to teach children that they’re superior or inferior, and I just worry that if they share a campus that would happen. Let them be at their place; let us be at our place.”

How have other

local charter schools managed to coexist with the traditional schools in their districts? “I would have to say that we have a very good working relationship,” said Arcata School District Superintendent Pamela Jones, whose district now has four charter schools. “We’ve made a really big effort to bring them on board and be part of our team,” she said. “They’re here to stay, and we need to make the best of the situation.” Jones attributes the harmony in part to combined staff-development efforts. “We’ll eat breakfast, we’ll eat lunch, and people have gotten to know one another. That’s made a big difference.” When told of the strife in Fortuna, Freshwater Charter School Principal Thom McMahon said he wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a common reaction to any new charter school. “Anything new tends to have some humps you’ve got to get over,” he said. McMahon’s charter school (grades 7 and 8) was created in 1999 to serve students graduating from the traditional Freshwater Elementary (K-6). Those elementary students used to head to Eureka for middle school, but Freshwater residents liked their school so much they helped create a charter to effectively expand Freshwater into a K-8. McMahon said the inherent differences between the charter and traditional school systems haven’t caused problems in Freshwater. “I can say this: Our schools actually benefit from that,” he said. As an example, he said that the traditional school provided equipment to the shared computer lab that every student now benefits from. “So I really think it’s about creating that relationship between the two.” But even in the best situations, charter schools can be a dangerous topic of conversation. “It is a testy issue for people,” said Julie Giannini-Prevede. She’s director of student services at McKinleyville Middle School, a traditional public school, but for a variety of reasons including

proximity, social circles and curriculum, she chose to enroll her kids at Fuente Nueva Charter School. “I don’t bring it up in mixed company.” It’s like circumcision, she said. “People have strong opinions about it.” Giannini-Prevede sympathizes with parents in Fortuna but expects the tensions will settle down. “With anything new in education there’s going to be backlash — for at least three years, if not five,” she said. “Change is hard.” She speculated that the low numbers of special ed and English learning students at Redwood Prep might not be the charter school’s fault, entirely. “Generally speaking [traditional] public schools have more resources for special needs kids,” she said. Families with disabled students who require individualized education programs (IEPs) often form relationships with resource teachers early in their child’s life and don’t want to sever that bond. Garry Eagles, the county’s superintendent of schools, said there may be a similar dynamic at play with English learners. Yes, there are more of them at Fortuna Elementary School District’s traditional schools, he said, “but I don’t know if that’s necessarily by design of Redwood Prep as much as by the support system provided in the Fortuna program. I mean, they have a lot more resources devoted to [EL] students.” Eagles also said that concerns about Redwood Prep siphoning off the best students should be put in perspective. “There is a perception that kids are being stolen away, and in some cases that might be true,” he said. “But that is the purpose of charter schools, is to provide competition and options for parents.” Still, there remain questions about whether those options are available to all parents. Last year, Redwood Prep was visited by a two-member inspection team from the Charter School Development Center, a nonprofit group that serves as an approved review board for the California Department of Education. The inspectors spent three days at the school, examining documents, visiting classrooms and generally “taking the temperature of the school” to make sure it was abiding by the guidelines laid out in its charter, said Eric Premack, the organization’s director and founder. That charter, a 96-page document, lays out strategies for achieving a broad range of goals, including serving and recruiting English learners, low-achieving and economically disadvantaged students. How did the inspectors feel the school is doing? “Their impressions for the school, particularly for one this new, was that they’ve

made a ton of progress and they’re doing quite well,” Premack said. When it comes to demographics, he said, what’s important is making sure that charter schools are making “good faith efforts” that align with the promises laid out in the charter. And he said the situation in Fortuna is a common one. “It’s not uncommon for folks in the traditional schools to get a little freaked out” when charters ask for facilities, he said, especially when resources are in such short supply. “In some localities these become brutal knock-down drag-em-outs” that wind up in court, he said. Administrators in Fortuna are hoping it doesn’t come to that here. “We want to collaborate in every aspect,” Jager said. “If there are things that we could possibly offer the other students, we will make every attempt to do that — and vice versa. It’s all how you approach it.” Jeff Northern is principal of South Fortuna Elementary School, and he’s currently serving as chair of the committee that’s trying to figure out how to grant Redwood Prep’s facilities request. “We’re taking a look at everything. We’re brainstorming every option that we can conceive of,” he said. That includes looking at Fortuna Church of the Nazarene to see if Redwood Prep could possibly stay at its current site. The committee will present options for the district school board to consider. The board will then make an offer to the charter school, probably within the next month, Northern said. “I think demographics will work themselves out,” said Redwood Prep School Board President Jeremy Stanfield, who works as a realtor locally and serves as another member of the facilities committee. “We haven’t had a chance to become a familiar part of the public education system.” Critics remain upset about the inequities, and some wounds aren’t likely to heal anytime soon. “I’ve seen a lot of friendships destroyed,” said Butcher, one of the Ambrosini moms. She’s worried about her kids — that they’ll feel inferior, that they’ll lose space at their school, that they’ll be overlooked in classrooms packed full of kids. But of course, don’t all parents worry about their children? “I try to keep the focus on the kids, because the emotion is all coming from adults,” said Hafner, the district superintendent. “We need to realize that regardless of how we feel about charter schools, we are one community, and these are all our kids. So we’ve got to come to some solutions.” ●

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Max’s Sauce This sauce is the simplest. If you use stock, it will be more full-bodied, but just agua works too. Makes about 2 ½ cups. Ingredients and Method: 1 ½ cup each chicken stock and water or 3 cups water (keep another cup of either in reserve) 4 dried New Mexico peppers (red, available at Rita’s Mexican groceries) At least ¾ t. salt (I use more but I love salt) Juice of one lime ENCHILADAS WITH ARNO’S GREEN SAUCE AND MAX’S RED SAUCE. PHOTO BY DARIUS BROTMAN

DIY Delicioso Enchiladas

The secret’s in the peppers By Jada Calypso Brotman


’m so white. I feel nervous about even suggesting recipes for enchilada sauce. What chutzpah! Honestly, I am not any kind of Mexican master chef; I’ve used the same enchilada recipe from The Vegetarian Epicure my whole life. Besides, we live in California — trying to make my own Mexican food at home seems like more effort than it’s worth. Rita, Luzmila or Alma can make whatever it is with aplomb and low, low prices. That said, my mind was blown when my brother Max, fresh from the ethnic haven of Fruitvale, Oakland, arrived home bursting with Smug Tales of the City, including: a) What The Urban Gentlewoman Is Wearing and b) a really wonderful enchilada sauce that takes much less time than my tomato-based 1970s stand-by. Enchiladas are not usually my favorite dish. They are inextricably tied with memories of fourth grade potlucks and usually seemed to involve gallons of tomato sauce, under-salted hippie beans and congealed cheese. As an adult, making adequately seasoned frijoles became feasible, but the tomato sauces I used, while tasty, lacked a certain je ne sais quoi (No sé por qué?). Basically it seemed like a bland dish.

Fundamentally enchiladas are quite simple: tortillas and sauce and cheese, maybe some protein filling. But like most good Mexican food, the genius lies in the execution of familiar ingredients. These days I make more interesting fillings, and lately, much tastier sauces. This week we’re mostly exploring sauces. Good enchilada fillings can be found or invented without much trouble. To try out my sauce recipes, I filled corn tortillas with shredded chicken, a generous half cup of one of the sauces, chopped spinach, pine nuts and crema (sour cream thinned with water and a little lime juice). After rolling and arranging them snugly in a baking dish, I poured the remaining sauce over the rolls, sprinkled on a little cheddar and baked them for half an hour. These simple but deep-flavored sauces, made primarily out of peppers, were a revelation. Still working off the classic French model that a cooked sauce should be complex, it hadn’t occurred to me that a sauce could be made of virtually nothing but peppers and not be too acrid. I also include my jazzed-up version of the old Vegetarian Epicure sauce, improved by — you guessed it — a roasted pepper. ●


1 t. cumin (do you say COOmin or CEWmin?) Bring liquid to a boil in saucepan. Add peppers. Boil till soft over medium flame, about 30 minutes. If liquid looks like it’s getting low, add more from reserve. You should gradually add most or all the reserve. Remove saucepan and pull stems off peppers with tongs or brave fingers. Pour pan contents into blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend thoroughly. Strain and adjust seasonings. Make enchiladas.

Arno Holschuh’s New Mexico Hangover Sauce (My favorite.) Makes about 2 ½ cups Ingredients and Method: 2 Anaheim peppers 1 pasilla or poblano pepper 1 jalapeño pepper (unless you don’t want any heat, then skip) 1 Tbl. butter ¼ cup flour 1 cup milk 1 cup chicken stock, veggie stock or water 1 cup water in reserve Juice of ½ lime ¾ t. salt (or more) to taste 1 t. cumin First, roast the peppers over an open flame. I use my stove burner. Rotate peppers with tongs until blackened all over. This should take about seve n minutes. Remove peppers to sink and rub under warm water till blackened skin is removed. Cut off tops and remove pith and seeds. You’ll want to wear gloves when seeding jalapeño. Taste just a

little jalapeño — if it’s a very hot one , you may want to use a half, or even a quarter of it. Chop peppers roughly. Set aside. In a saucepan, make a roux with butter and flour, which means melt the butter over a medium flame and gradually whisk in flour so it looks like clumpy melty sand. Add milk a bit at time, whisking furiously, still at medium heat. You should now have a thick white sauce. If there are lumps keep whisking. Keep whisking regardless. It’s a whisky business. Gradually add second cup liquid, raising heat so it comes to a low simmer, and yes, whisking. It should be the consistency of a thin pancake batter — if it’s too thick add more liquid, too thin, keep simmering. When desired consistency is reached pour into blender. Add peppers, cumin, salt and lime. Pulse till coarsely homogenized. Taste for seasoning adjustments. If it’s too thic k to pour flowingly, add a little liquid and reblend for a second.

Jada’s Enchilada Sauce Based on The Vegetarian Epicure by Anna Thomas (slightly revised). Makes about 3 cups, enough for eight smallish enchiladas Ingredients and Method: 3 Tbs. olive oil ½ yellow or white onion, chopped 4 cloves minced garlic 1 pound chopped tomatoes (1 large can) ¼ teaspoon each dry oregano and basil 1 cup tomato juice, thinned tomato paste, or water

1 cup vegetable broth with 1 t. cornstarch stirred and dissolved 1 roasted red pepper ½ t. salt Roast pepper, peel and seed as above. Chop finely. Heat olive oil and sauté diced onions till transparent. Add garlic. A minute later add red pepper, tomatoes, salt and herbs. Add tomato juice or water. Simmer for 10 minutes, then add stock and cornstarch. Cook slowly for another 15 minutes, stirring often. If sauce is too thick add a little water. Add salt to taste. Make enchiladas. Eat them.

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Custome r Fa Firecrac vorite: ker Beer & Sake on 18th St., between G & H, Northtown Arcata 826-1988 • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013


18 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 •

Slightly Stoopid.

On Top

Slightly Stoopid, plus Blue Scholars, 100mph Soul, Rita Hosking, assorted alt. and EDM By Bob Doran


tart with a surfer dude’s devilmay-care attitude, add a touch of ganja-fueled reggae, a little taste of punk rock and hip hop and you have Slightly Stoopid. The band got its start in the mid-‘90s in Ocean Beach when best buds Miles Doughty and Kyle McDonald were in high school. Bradley Nowell from the like-minded trio Sublime heard them and signed them to his label, Skunk Records. He even guested on a track on Slightly Stoopid’s 1996 debut, Slightly $toopid. Sadly, Nowell died from a drug overdose before the record came out. Stoopid stuck with the slightly sublime reggae-ish beach vibe and ended up working the festival circuit, playing Coachella, Lollapalooza and the N.O. Jazz Fest. The lineup expanded to seven along the way, pulling members from The B Side Players and John Brown’s Body along with special guests from other bands. Stoopid’s most recent disc, Top of the World, includes guest spots by Angelo Moore from Fishbone, Chali 2na from J-5, reggae veterans Barrington Levy and Don Carlos, and saxophonist Karl Denson, an unofficial eighth Slightly Stoopid member. Denson is along on the winter tour that brings Slightly Stoopid to the Mateel Saturday night. (He’s also playing the Mateel’s Black and Red Ball on Feb. 2, with his own band Tiny Universe.) Hip hop hits the Van Duzer stage Wednesday, Jan. 29, with Seattle duo Blue Scholars. The Scholars formed a decade ago when Filipino-American rapper Geo-

logic (aka George Quibuyen) met Sabzi (aka Alexei Saba Mohajerjasbi), an IranianAmerican jazz pianist turned beat-maker and turntablist. The guys were scholars studying at University of Washington but shifted to music, creating what they call “cinema art rap” aimed at social and political change. Local support for the Duzer show comes from J the Sarge, Itchie Fingaz and Missing Link DJs Matt ‘n’ Adam. DJ Red‘s “100mph Soul Party” Thursday at the Jambalaya features master cratedigger Red with Mantease and Matt ‘n Adam spinning “nothing but up-tempo, hip-swingin’ ’60s soul,” says Red. “Joining us will be Humboldt Pin-Ups, with their lusty new 2013 calendar available for purchase. (Rumor has it some of the models will be there to sign calendars, but only if you ask nicely.)” Across town at the Arcata Theatre Lounge Thursday, it’s a wild alt. extravaganza with the synth-pop girl group Blood Gnome playing songs about “kittenless futures, gator wrestling, Italian horror films, jerks and tsunamis.” The gals are joined by surf-noise garage rock duo Shores Galore with Ellis Wallace from The Kiwis and Gregg Dix from Super Brown, and The Hand of Doctor Foxmeat Paints a Monochromatic Rainbow, a doom-pop, witch-house, death-rattle glitch-hop solo project. If you’ve been paying close attention you know that the recently opened Siren Song Tavern on Second Street in Old Town is a new venture from the folks who used to run the Accident Gallery on

C Street (a little art shop off The Works remains). Thursday the gallery’s Accident Slam poetry night returns at the Siren Song with a poet’s open mic, a competitive slam and a reading by David Holper, who has a new chap book, Ghosts of Silence (Kindle only). In addition there’s bluesy music by ShugaFoot, house band at the nearby Speakeasy. Proceeds go to sending a poet to the Slam Nationals. Davis folky Rita Hosking sings about forest fires, demolition derbies, culture clash, the working class and hope at a Humboldt Folklife show on Friday at the Arcata Playhouse. Hoskings is backed by Cousin Jack, a combo that involves no cousins — instead it includes her husband, Sean Feder, on Dobro and banjo, Andy Lentz on fiddle and Bill Dakin on standup bass. Expect tunes from a new CD, Little Boat, available only at shows until its official release in March. Looks like the Fieldbrook Family Market might be closing shop in February, at least for the time being. While neighborhood grocery stores do not typically serve as music venues, this one has had folk and rock bands playing in the store and out back on a regular basis for years. Old Dog plays country rock there on Friday, then there’s at least one more party Feb. 1, featuring Jeff Jolly. The Jambalaya calendar may say Children of the Sun are at the club Friday night, but the band’s bassist, Drew Mohr, says otherwise. He also plays fretless bass for the HSU Calypso Band spin-off Steel Standing, a 10-piece steel pan ensemble led by Rebekha Zdunich. That’s who’s playing. Opening the show: Gobzilla, with Zach Lehner from Area Sound on the mic and Gobi on turntables. Guitarist Greg Camphuis‘ new jazz/ funk/Afrobeat big band, Motherlode, returns to the Jambalaya Saturday night for a show that just happens to fall on drummer (and Jambalaya owner) Pete Ciotti’s birthday. (Catch a preview of Motherlode on KHUM Friday noonish.) Pete’s Nucleus band mate Piet Dalmolen debuts his new “post-rock/analog-funk” band Free Rain with an opening set Saturday — that’s Piet on guitar, Tomek Zajaczkowski on keys/ synths, Aaron Drago on bass and Moog, and Corey Winer on drums. Love Piet’s free reigning guitar excursions on the tunes posted on SoundCloud — definitely a band to watch. More funk Saturday at Humboldt Brews with New Orleans jammers Earphunk (Hammond organ and guitars) on tour with Seattle’s horn-based “funk-tronica” combo Klozd Sirkut. Blues diva Karen Lovely brings her stellar band to the Riverwood Inn Saturday. Lovely is relatively new on the scene, and her second album Still the Rain earned her three nominations at the 2011 Blues Music Awards for “Best Contemporary

Blues Album,” “Best Song” (the title track) and “Best Contemporary Blues Female Artist.” The Angelina Inn has been home to Mike Riley’s Country Jamboree on Sunday afternoons for a couple of months now, with a core band featuring Nashville transplant “Mighty” Mike Riley on vocals and guitar joined by lead guitarist John De Mello (also from Nashville) and bassist John Dias, formerly of The Bandits. It’s not exactly an open jam session, but a wide range of local musicians show up to take part. This week Riley and company also play Saturday night as Mike Riley’s Country Band. The Bamboozlers play Sunday at Robert Goodman Wines, a show that bassist Chuck Johnson describes as the trio’s first “real” gig, “since we usually just play parties, Arts Alive and such.” The band definitely swings. “Dancing? You decide,” says Chuck. Deep, dark music at the Jambalaya Tuesday, as ex-16 Horsepower frontman David Eugene Edwards brings his alt. folk powerhouse Wovenhand to town with local psyche drone masters White Manna opening. Portland band-o-the-week: Water Tower, a hard rockin’ alt. Americana stringband formerly known as Water Tower Bucket Boys. The Trouble opens the Tuesday show at Humboldt Brews. On the EDM front: The KMUD electronica contingent is throwing a benefit at the Mateel Friday night: Luminous New World features “glitch-a-delic soul whomp” by L.A.-based producer Nico Luminous, Oakland’s Knowa Lusion and Humboldt’s own Hypha, plus visuals by Duff and a fire show by The Mischief Lab. Same Friday, Humboldt Hospitality brings EDM to The Groves in Myers Flat with Damn Son! featuring Grasshoppa and DJ Trey. Mia NorCal and Bass Harvest present a Conquest Records showcase on Saturday at Red Fox with junglist DJs 45 Thieves and Walkingstick and local support from a busy Grasshoppa. And Deep Groove Society’s Sundaze on Sunday at the Jambalaya celebrates Tiffany’s Blacklight Birthday Bash with Ximon, JSun and Derek Watts crafting the soundtrack. Savage Henry’s monthly CU Last Tuesday stand-up night at the Jambalaya features big deal S.F. comics Matt Lieb, Ryan Papazian and OJ Patterson headlining a night of stand-up with locals Josh Duke, Tony Persico and John McClurg, all hosted by Joe Whiskey-Whiskers Deschaine from Ba-Dum-CHH. If Tuesday isn’t good for you, the S.F. crew is hanging around to do two more shows Wednesday, an early all-ages thing at the Works followed by the first ever comedy night at the Angelina Inn. Ha! ● • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013


entertainment in bold includes paid listings

clubs • concerts • cafés bands • djs • karaoke • drink & food specials • pool tournaments • and more venue THE ALIBI 744 9th St. Arcata. 822-3731 ANGELINA INN Fernbridge 725-5200

thur 1/24

fri 1/ 25

sat 1/26

Dirty Dancing Thursday Pressure Anya 10:30pm

Find us on Facebook

Satya Sena (technical grind duo) Miasmic (Eureka black metal) 11pm

DJ Marv Karaoke 9:30-12:30pm

Mike Riley’s Country Band 9:30pm

Blue Lotus (dinner jazz) 6-9pm

Rita Hosking & Cousin Jack 8pm

ARCATA PLAYHOUSE 822-1575 ARCATA THEATRE LOUNGE 1036 G St. Info line: 822-1220 BAR-FLY PUB 443-3770 91 Commercial, Eureka BEAR RIVER CASINO 733-9644 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta BLONDIE’S Arcata 822-3453 BLUE LAKE CASINO 777 Casino Way, Blue Lake 668-9770

Blood Gnome, Shores Galore, Doctor Foxmeat (alt.) 8pm $5 Happy Hour everyday 4-6pm $1 off wells & pints Karaoke with Chris Clay 8pm

CLAM BEACH INN McKinleyville EUREKA INN PALM LOUNGE 518 7th St. Eureka 497-6093

On the Web at

White Trash Costume Party 9pm

707 (rock) no cover 9pm

Vintage Rock N’ Soul (rock/soul) no cover 9pm

NightHawk (rock) 9pm

Zounds! and Gagged Benefit 6pm Dr. Squid (rock) 9pm in Wave

The Tumbleweeds (cowboy) 6-8pm

The Tumbleweeds (cowboy) 6-8pm

Speakeasy Saints (R&B & soul) no cover 9pm

Speakeasy Saints (R&B & soul) no cover 9pm

River Valley Mud (jazzy funk) 9pm

David and Jenni Sweet Soul Band 9pm

Open Mic 7pm Karaoke with KJ Leonard 8pm

CHAPALA CAFÉ Eureka 443-9514 CHER-AE HEIGHTS 27 Scenic Dr. Trinidad 677-3611

Hot Fuzz (Rated R) Doors 7:30pm $5

Throwback Thursday DJ Night w/ Accurate Productions 9pm Kindred Spirits (bluegrass) 9pm Pint Night Microbrew pints $2

Old Dog (country) 7-9pm

FIELDBROOK MARKET 839-0521 FIVE ELEVEN 511 2nd Street, Eureka 268-3852

Hours Tuesday through Sunday 5pm until everyone’s gone

Live music on the weekends

GALLAGHER’S Eureka 442-1177

Seabury Gould (Celtic) 6:30pm

Pappa Paul (folk) 6:30pm

Pappa Paul (folk) 6:30pm

Open daily noon-11pm until 2am most music nights

Liquid Kactus Farmhouse Odyssey 9:30pm $5

Earphunk (jamfunk) Klozd Sirkut 9:30pm $10

DJ Red’s 100mph Soul Party 9pm

Steel Standing/Gobzilla 9pm

Motherlode, Free Rain 9pm

Blue Lotus (jazz) 7-10pm

Ali and Baron (jazz) 7-10pm littleredlioneurekacalif

It’s a bar.

We got beer.

Restored historic bar Pint-sized Margaritas and Mimosas

Staff Infection 7pm

Logger Bar house band: Jeff DeMark and the LaPatinas 7pm

Siedschlag/Seney (acoustic roots) - 6pm

Hoppy Hour Mon-Fri $2.50 pints/$8 pitchers

Second Annual Chili Cookoff Big Brothers, Big Sisters benefit 2pm

Luminous New World KMUD Benefit

Slightly Stoopid w/Karl Denson 7pm

Experience: Fresh roasted coffee & espresso

Free wireless Internet Computer rentals

Bah Dum Chh Comedy 9pm DJ Lost later

DJ TBD (dance music) 10pm

Itchie Fingaz (dance music) 10pm


Calder Quartet (JVD) 8pm $45

LIBATION 761 8th St. Arcata 825-7596 LIGHTHOUSE GRILL Trinidad 677-0077 LIL’ RED LION 444-1344 1506 5th St Eureka THE LOCAL 517 F St. Eureka 497-6320 LOGGER BAR 510 Railroad Ave. Blue Lake 668-5000 MAD RIVER BREWERY 668-5680 101 Taylor Way Blue Lake THE MATEEL Redway 923-3368





Humboldt H umboldt H Hoodies oodies • Hats • Beanies • Tshirts

Locally Blown Glass

HBG • ROOR • Illadelph • Vaporizers rs

MOSGO’S 2461 Alliance Rd Arcata


4 For Jazz (jazz) 7-9pm

OCEAN GROVE 480 P.P. Drive Trinidad OLD TOWN COFFEE & CHOCOLATE 211 F St. Eureka 445-8600 PEARL LOUNGE 507 2nd St. Eureka 444-2017 RAMONE’S 2297 Harrison Ave. Eureka RED FOX TAVERN 415 5th St Eureka

Good Company (Celtic) 6-9pm

Soulful Sidekicks 6:30-8:30pm

Rump Shakers: Pressure Anya 10pm $5

45 Thieves, Walkingstick, Grasshoppa

REDWOOD CURTAIN BREWING 550 South G St., Arcata 826-7222

Wandering Weenie Wagon is here!

Wandering Weenie Wagon it’s here again!

Open from noon to 9pm

REDWOOD RAKS 616-6876 824 L Street, Arcata

Blues Night: Brian Smith & Kimberli Hudson 8-9pm class, Dance 9pm

Zumba with Mimi 9:30-10:30am Fire FLOW Fusion 7-8:30pm

Argentine Tango with Lee & Barbara noon-1:30pm 5-week course

ROBERT GOODMAN WINES 937 10th St. Arcata 826-WINE

Irish Music Session 8pm

Kindred Spirits (bluegrass) 8pm

SHAMUS T BONES 407-3550 191 Truesdale St., Eureka

Kenny Ray and the Mighty Rovers (country swing) 7:30-9:30pm

Open daily 11:30am-9:30pm

Come in for a great dinner!

Karen Lovely (blues) 9pm

RIVERWOOD INN Avenue of the Giants


Karaoke 7-10pm

SIDELINES 732 9th St. Arcata 822-0919

DJ music 10pm

SILVER LINING 3561 Boeing Ave., McK SIX RIVERS BREWERY 1300 Central Ave. McK. 839-7580 THE SIREN’S SONG 325 2nd St. Eureka THE SPEAKEASY 411 Opera Alley, Eureka 444-2244

DJ Itchie Fingaz (dance!) 9pm

THE WORKS 310 3rd St Eureka

DJ music 10pm Good & Evil Twins Karaoke 8pm

Jill Cohn (songwriter, pianist, guitarist) 9pm

Former Friends of Young Americans (alt. rock) 9pm

ShugaFoot Band (jazz/blues) 8pm Ladies night ($1 off drinks) 8pm

Buddy Reed Band (blues) 8pm

DJ music 10pm

DJ music 10pm

Accident Lab Revival 7pm Open Sunday-Thursday 4-11pm Friday and Saturday 4pm-2am

TOBY & JACKS 764 9th St. Arcata TIP TOP CLUB 6269 Loma Ave., Eureka 443-5696 WESTHAVEN CENTER FOR THE ARTS

DJ music 10pm Joey Blaine (folk) 7-9pm

Throwback Thursdays

Friday and Saturday lap dance specials Westhaven Talent Showcase 8pm

Blood Gnome plays Thursday at Arcata Theatre Lounge

sun 1/27

mon 1/28

tues 1/29

wed 1/30

Find us on Facebook

Menu at

Find us on Facebook

Blue Lotus (dinner jazz) 6-9pm

Savage Henry Comedy 9:30-11:30pm

Mike Riley’s Country Jamboree noon Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Doors 5:30pm $5

Voted Best Music Venue 2011 & 2012 Journal Best Of Humboldt readers’ poll!

On the Web at

Sci-Fi Pint ‘n’ Pizza Night: The Matrix Doors 6pm

Closed Sunday

Happy Hours 4-6pm $1 off pints/wells Pint Night 6pm-close $2 beer pints

Happy Hours 4-6pm $1 off pints/wells Wing Special 1 lb. for $5 Free pool

Karaoke with DJ Marv 9pm-1am

Sunday Brunch 9am

Enter to win a Dodge Dart

Enter to win a Dodge Dart

No Limit Texas Holdem Tournament 6:30pm

Karaoke with KJ Leonard 8pm

$14.99 Prime Rib Dinner in Alice’s 5-9pm

Dollar Taco Tuesdays with $5 Blue Margaritas in Wave, 5-10pm

Wild Wing Wednesdays: 25¢ chicken wings and $8 domestic pitchers 5-11pm

Karaoke w/Chris Clay 8pm 9-ball tournament 8pm

8-Ball Tournaments at 8pm

Karaoke with Chris Clay 8pm

Chubby Checker & The Wildcats coming Saturday, March 23

Cocktail lounge in the historic Eureka Inn

Martini Mondays $5 house Martini

Top Shelf Tuesday

Happy Hour Monday thru Friday 5-7pm

Closed Mondays.

Open Tuesday-Sunday 5pm Food served until 10pm

Family friendly dining.

All shows 21+

Open daily noon-11pm until 2am most music nights

Water Tower (stringband) The Trouble (Americana) 9pm $10

Beer & Buffet: Lagunitas Brewing Company 6:30pm $30

Erth’s Dinosaur Petting Zoo (JVD) 7pm

Blue Scholars (cinema art rap) 9pm

C-U- Last Tuesday (comedy) 10pm

Liquid Kactus 9pm

Quiz Night 7pm

Joe Lovano Us Five (jazz) 8pm $35 DGS: Ximon/JSun/Derek Watts 9pm

Wovenhand, White Manna 9pm

Buddy Reed (blues guitar) 7-9pm Tim Breed (songs) 5-7pm Don’t think of it as work Think of it as fun!

We also have liquor.

Repeat: We got beer. littleredlioneurekacalif Buddy Reed (blues) 8pm

Sunday night potluck dinner 6pm

More details on Facebook Book your band: 362-6715

Ping Pong Night

Wednesday Open Mic 8pm

All Age Venue - No Cover

Growler Mondays $3 off growler refills

Lisa Sharry (acoustic folk) 6-8:30pm

Jazz Night 6pm

Open Mic 7-10pm Rude Lion Sound (reggae) 8pm Now serving beer and wine

Open Sunday-Thursday 7am-9pm Friday/Saturday 7am-10pm.

Open mic w/ Mike Anderson (music/spoken) 6:30pm

Sunday-Thursday 4pm-2am Friday and Saturday 3pm-2am

Tequila Tuesdays muchas variedades

Happy Growler Day! Fill your growler for less $$$

Blue Monday with Buddy Reed (blues) 7pm

It’s Happy Day and the Weenie Wagon is back!

Dry Hop Wednesday Nature’s Serving out back!

Breakdance with Reckless Rex Atienza 5-7pm $10

Monday Swing Night 7-10pm $5

Beginning Salsa with Jessica & Trill 7pm Intermediate Argentine Tango 7:15pm

Zumba with Mimi 9:30-10:30am West Coast Swing Wednesdays 7:30pm

The Bamboozlers (swinng) 8-10pm

Find us on Facebook

Have a signature cocktail in the bar!

Open daily 11:30am-9:30pm

Check out the Sunset from our bar!

Come have lunch 11:30-4:00

Trivia Night 8pm

Karaoke with DJ Marv 9pm w/ sushi

Sunny Brae Jazz 9pm w/ fried chicken

Kindred Spirits (bluegrassy) 8pm

Sunday Mimosa and Bloody Mary specials

Live music 7pm

ShugaFoot Band (jazz/blues) 7pm

Wednesday Happy Hour 4-6:30pm

Like us on Facebook

2-for-1 DD lap dances

2 Dollar Tuesdays $2 beer / $2 lap dances

Ladies/Amateur Night Ladies get in free!

Halloween w/Jimi Jeff $10

Good & Evil Twins Karaoke 8pm

Savage Henry Comedy 7pm • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 2013


continued on page 25

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24 thursday SPOKEN WORD

Accident Lab Revival. 7 p.m. Siren Song Tavern, Eureka. Poetry slam that originated at the Accident Gallery returns with poets Andrea Gibson, Jared Paul, Billy Tuggle and Rudy Francisco. Music by Shugafoot. First half of evening open mic format. $3/$5 sliding scale. 530-448-9458.


American Buffalo. 8 p.m. North Coast Repertory Theatre, 300 Fifth St., Eureka. NCRT continues its 29th season with the drama by David Mamet. Includes champagne reception after the show. $15. 442-6278. Three Trees. 8-9 p.m. Dell’Arte, 131 H St., Blue Lake. Joe Krienke, Stephanie Thompson and Lauren Wilson return to the stage to tell the story of three circus clowns who defy their country’s militarism and lust for war with laughter. $15/$12 students and seniors/$10 kids under 12. 668-5663.


Blood Gnome, Shores Galore and Doctor Foxmeat. 8 p.m. Arcata Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St. Night features synth pop delerium, two-piece garage rock and a seasoned Gravitron expert. $5. 822-1220.


Fortuna’s Favorites. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Fortuna River Lodge, 1800 Riverwalk Drive, Fortuna. Fortuna Chamber of Commerce event with samples from local restaurants, Humboldt Grass Fed Beef and Eel River Brewery. $20. 502-8018.


Aligning Forces Humboldt Community Dinner. 5 p.m. Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, 921 Waterfront Drive, Eureka. Features speaker and cancer survivor Dave deBronkart, widely known as “e-Patient Dave,” on patient empowerment. RSVP. 445-2806. Figure Drawing Group. 7-9 p.m. Cheri Blackerby Gallery, 272 C St., Eureka. In the courtyard. Weekly group. Live

model. An Ink People DreamMaker project. 442-0309. American Rhododendron Society. 7 p.m. Eureka Women’s Club, 1531 J St. Eureka chapter holds its monthly meeting. 443-0604. Marketing Brown Bag. Noon-1 p.m. The Link, 1385 Eighth St., Arcata. Learn more about how to to enhance your business’ marketing efforts by identifying your target markets. RSVP. 822-0597. Free Tango Lesson. 7-9 p.m. Trinidad Town Hall, 409 Trinity St. 445-2655. Our Pathways to Health. 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Redwood Rural Health Center, 101 West Coast Road, Redway. Free chronic disease self-management workshop providing health education and peer support for people living with long-term health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, COPD, depression or chronic pain. 445-2806.

with her band in support of her new album Burn. $15. 822-1575. Humboldt Talent Showcase. 6-10:30 p.m. Westhaven Center for the Arts, 501 S. Westhaven Drive. Local artists, community ears. $5/$10 sliding scale. 822-5693. Luminous New World. 8 p.m. Mateel Community Center, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway. Benefit for KMUD Community Radio features glitchy dance music by Nico Luminous, Knowa Lusion and Hypha, fire show by The Mischief Lab, visuals by Duff. $20, $18 in advance. 923-2513.


Family Art Night. 5-7:30 p.m. Arcata High School, 1720 M St. Spend an evening exploring the art-making process through a series of small workshops taught by Arcara Arts Institute students and staff. Make masks, musical instruments, paper airplanes and shadow puppets. Email 825-2400.


25 friday THEATER

American Buffalo. 8 p.m. North Coast Repertory Theatre, 300 Fifth St., Eureka. Benefit for Eureka Humboldt Bay Kiwanis. $20. 442-6278. Songs For A New World. 8 p.m. Ferndale Repertory Theatre, 447 Main St. Collection of stories about a defining moment, when each character’s life seems to be going as planned then suddenly everything changes. $18/$16 students and seniors. 599-7587. Three Trees. 8-9 p.m. Dell’Arte. See Jan. 24 listing.


Rita Hosking and Cousin Jack. 8 p.m. Arcata Playhouse, 1251 Ninth St. Country-folk artist plays and harmonizes

Book Sale. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Humboldt County Library, 1313 Third St., Eureka. Quarterly library book sale. 269-1995. Our Pathways to Health. 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. General Hospital, 2200 Harrison Ave., Eureka. See Jan. 24 listing. Bridge Club. 1-4 p.m. Humboldt Senior Resource Center, 1910 California St., Eureka. Local trick-takin’ gathering. 443-9747.

26 saturday EVENTS

The Big Chili Cook-off. 2-5 p.m. Mad River Brewing Company, Blue Lake. Best chili grand prize: $100 gift certificate to Pierson’s Building Center. Proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of the North Coast. $10. 445-4871.

Murder Mystery Masquerade. 6 p.m. Clarke Historical Museum, Third and E streets, Eureka. Murder By Dessert presents an interactive murder mystery to benefit the museum. $50. 443-1947. OLLI Spring Open House. 1-3 p.m. Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, 921 Waterfront Drive, Eureka. Meet faculty and register for classes through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.


American Buffalo. 8 p.m. North Coast Repertory Theatre, 300 Fifth St., Eureka. $15. 442-6278. Songs For A New World. 8 p.m. Ferndale Repertory Theatre. See Jan. 25 listing. Three Trees. 8-9 p.m. Dell’Arte. See Jan. 24 listing. Zounds! and Gagged. 5:30 p.m. Sapphire Palace, Blue Lake Casino. Benefit for Redwood Curtain Theatre with comedy sketches broadcast live on KHUM. Appetizers at 5:30, buffet dinner at 7 p.m. $50. Advance reservation required.


Slightly Stoopid. 7 p.m. Mateel Community Center, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway. Ineffable Music presents the rock, reggae and blues fusion band along with guests Karl Denson, Marlon Asher the Ganja Farmer and Los Rakas. $29.50. 923-3368. Calder Quartet. 8 p.m. Van Duzer Theatre, HSU. Group combines musical genres, spanning the classical and contemporary music worlds in venues ranging from art galleries and rock clubs to Carnegie Hall. $45/$22 HSU students. 826-3928.


Audubon Society Marsh Field Trip. 8:30 a.m. Meet at the parking lot at the end of South I Street. Led by Cindy Moyer. Bring binoculars and have a great morning birding. Trip held rain or shine. 442-9353.

continued on next page • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 2013


continued from previous page

Volunteer Restoration Day. 9 a.m.-noon. Trinidad State Beach Parking Lot. English ivy pulling party and restoration activity in beautiful Sitka spruce forests. Bring a lopper if you have one. Extra gloves and tools available. 677-3109. Lanphere Dunes Restoration. 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Meet at Pacific Union School. Help remove non-native invasives at the Lanphere Dunes Unit of the Humboldt

Mapping High Costs As the hoopla subsides and Humboldt waits to see if Jimmy Kimmel will grace us with his presence in May, Humboldt State University’s Institute of Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research soldiers on with its green studies. For the first 2013 installment of its marijuanathemed speaker series, the institute will feature HSU geographer Monica Stephens presenting “Data Shadows of the Underground Economy” on Tuesday, Jan. 29, at 5:30 p.m., in Humboldt State’s Native Forum. Stephens’ talk will focus on variations on the cost of buds in different regions. As you can imagine, gathering info on where people are getting their ganja can be a bit difficult. (Insert pothead/paranoia quip.) Thus, Stephens will analyze data collected at the website priceofweed. com — a site that allows users to anonymously submit where and when they last scored their medicine, as well as what specific strain they secured and how much it set them back. “This site, along with statistical measures used

to model the price, demonstrates that within the U.S. there is a geography to marijuana pricing characterized by lower prices in states with medical marijuana programs and higher prices farther from such areas,” says Stephens. If you’re inclined to invest some faith in’s whoever-wants-to-weigh-in polling methods, the handy dandy color coded map on the site illustrates Stephens’ assertion: The Pacific coastal states and Colorado appear to be blessed with the cheapest weed. On the flip, the Midwest’s marijuana budget is the steepest — total buzzkill, North Dakota. (Note: We might have skewed the results a bit with our submission claiming that we’d bought 20 grams of medium quality Yumboldt in Moab, Utah, for $840. But surely everyone won’t do that, right?) Right. For more info on the HIIMR speakers series, email co-director Josh Meisel at meisel@ — Andrew Goff

Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Tools and gloves provided; wear work clothes and bring water. Carpool to the protected site. 444-1397. Salmon Creek Tree Planting. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge, 1020 Ranch Road, Loleta. Bring water, rain gear and appropriate footwear for inclement weather and unstable terrain. Sponsored by the California Conservation Corps Watershed Stewards Project and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 725-1060. Friends of the Arcata Marsh Tour. 2 p.m. Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary Interpretive Center, 600 S. G St. Meet leader Milt Boyd for a 90-minute walk focusing on the ecology and history of the marsh. 826-2359.


is limited, pre-registration is required. $12/$12 members. 677-0147. Book Sale. 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Humboldt County Library, 1313 Third St., Eureka. Friends of the Redwood Libraries holds their quarterly book sale. 407-5565. Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Meditation. 11 a.m. Arcata Holistic Health Center, 940 Ninth St. Dalai Ani Kunzang Drolma leads meditation sessions. structuralthomas@ 825-1088.

27 sunday

Rose Pruning Demo. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Shafer’s Ace Hardware and Garden Center, 2760 E St., Eureka. Conducted by members of the Humboldt Rose Society. 442-5734.


Pancake Breakfast. 7:30-11:30 a.m. Humboldt Grange #501, 5845 Humboldt Hill Road. Monthly breakfast. Arcata Winter Farmer’s Market. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Open space just outside Café Brio, Arcata. Fresh, local produce.




Mensa Forum. Noon-1:30 p.m. Samoa Cookhouse, Samoa Road, Arcata. No-host luncheon. Maggie Kraft shares her recent experiences in Botswana as a Peace Corps member. 768-9701.


White Trash Costume Party. 9 p.m. The Bar-Fly, Corner of Waterfront and Commercial, Eureka. Dress to depress! 443-3770. AARP Driver Safety Program. 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Humboldt Area Foundation, 373 Indianola Road, Bayside. Space

Joe Lovano Us Five with Esperanza Spalding. 8 p.m. Van Duzer Theatre, HSU. Grammy Award-winning saxophonist Lovano and ensemble joined by celebrated bassist Spalding. $35/$15 HSU students. 826-3928. Songs For A New World Matinee. 2 p.m. Ferndale Repertory Theatre. See Jan. 25 listing. Three Trees. 8-9 p.m. Dell’Arte. See Jan. 24 listing.


Universal Healthcare Discussion. 5 p.m. Coffee Break Cafe, 700 Bayside Road, Arcata. Humboldt Health Care for All invites those interested in universal health care to a meeting with Shannon Miller, state chair of HCA. 822-6508. Redwood Coast Scrabble Club. 1-5 p.m. Arcata Community Center, 321 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. Fun with words. 677-9242.

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28 monday DANCE

Friendship Circle Dance. 7-10 p.m. Moose Lodge, 4328 Campton Road, Eureka. Dancers 50 and older enjoy dancing with live music from the 1930s-50s. $4. 725-5323.


Mental Illness Family Support Group. 4:30-6 p.m. Health Outpatient Building, 720 Wood St., Eureka. For those whose lives are affected by someone with a mental disorder. 268-2963. Our Pathways to Health. 5:30-8 p.m. Community Health and Wellness Center, 2412 Buhne St., Eureka. See Jan. 24 listing. Our Pathways to Health. 2-4:30 p.m. Telehealth and Visiting Specialist Center, 2426 Buhne St., Eureka. See Jan. 24 listing.

29 tuesday THEATER

Erth’s Dinosaur Petting Zoo. 7 p.m. Van Duzer Theatre, HSU. Life-like dinosaurs spring into action in an eye-popping, fun-filled, educational and imaginative performance. $25/$12 kids. 826-3928.


CU Last Tuesday. 9 p.m. Jambalaya, 915 H St., Arcata. With SF comedians Matt Lieb, Ryan Papazian and OJ Patterson and locals Josh Duke, John McClurg and Tony Persico. $5. 822-4766.


“Data Shadows of the Underground Economy.” 5:30 p.m. Native Forum, HSU. HSU geography professor

Monica Stephens reviews the spatialities of illegal drug economies by looking at the geography of marijuana pricing. E-mail 826-4446.


Economic Fuel HSU Information Session. 11 a.m. Nelson East Hall, HSU. Learn how you can win $25,000 to start your dream business. Session covers eligibility criteria, rules and entry guidelines, available resources and more. 476-2780. North Coast Networkers. Noon-1:30 p.m. Rita’s Mexican Grill, 1111 Fifth St., Eureka. Group of local business people who get together once a week to give and receive referrals. 825-4709. Humboldt Cribbage Club. 6:15-9:30 p.m. Moose Lodge, 4328 Campton Road, Eureka. Weekly cribbage tournament. $7. 444-3161. Our Pathways to Health. 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Veterans Memorial Building, Eureka. For veterans. See Jan. 24 listing.

30 wednesday ART

River As Home. Noon-5 p.m. Morris Graves Museum of Art, 636 F St., Eureka. For the first time in its history, the entire museum features art from the Wiyot, Yurok, Hupa, Tsnungwe, Karuk and Tolowa Indigenous cultures and highlights the Klamath River and the surrounding river systems. Runs through March 23. humboldtarts. org. 442-2993.


The Blue Scholars. 9 p.m. Van Duzer Theatre, HSU. AS Presents presents the underground hip hop duo. $20/$10 HSU students. 826-3928.


Comedy in the Afternoon. 6 p.m. The Works, 210 C St., Eureka. With SF comedians Matt Lieb, Ryan Papazian and

continued on next page

home & garden

service directory

continued from page 22

Crossing Cultural Boundaries Saxophonist Joe Lovano was raised on jazz. Growing up in Cleveland, he learned music from his dad, Tony “Big T” Lovano, who led a jazz combo. Joe picked up the sax at the age of 6; when he finished high school he headed for Boston to attend the prestigious Berklee College of Music. He went on to work with and learn from a wide range of jazz greats, from organists Jack McDuff and Dr. Lonnie Smith to big band legends Woody Herman and Mel Lewis. In the ‘80s Lovano joined guitarist John Scofield’s quartet and explored free jazz in a bass-less trio with Bill Frisell and the innovative drummer/composer Paul Motian. Thirty years later Lovano is still searching for new JOE LOVANO PHOTO BY JIMMY KATZ horizons. Earlier this year he released Cross Culture, his 23rd record for Blue Note and his third for his Us shifting from his usual tenor and soprano saxes Five quintet, with bassist Esperanza Spalding, James to a tarogato, a Hungarian instrument similar to a Weidman on piano and dual drummers, Lovano’s clarinet, and an aulochrome, a double soprano sax longtime bandmate Otis Brown III and Cuban drumcrafted for him by the Belgian instrument maker mer Francisco Mela. Francious Louis. You might wonder how Lovano landed rising star When Lovano isn’t blowing a horn, he’s adding Spaulding as his bass player. She leads her own band his own percussion colors with bells, shakers or a and took home the Grammy for “Best New Artist” in Nigerian slit drum called an oborom. “I’ve spent 2011 (beating out Justin Bieber and Drake among otha lifetime feeling the passion of experiencing the ers), then played at last year’s Academy Awards. Yes, spirits in the sounds of the collective ancestors in she’s in demand. In 2008, before her rise and Us Five, these instruments, creating music but feeling like Spaulding and drummer Mela were both at Berklee, the earth,” said Lovano. where Lovano was on the staff. The band started as What’s the sound of the earth? Listen closely something like a faculty trio before Brown and Weid- and you’ll hear it when CenterArts joins forces man were added to make five. with the Redwood Jazz Alliance to present Joe This time out Lovano comes armed with more Lovano with Us Five in concert at HSU’s Van than a saxophone. “Since I started to tour in the late Duzer Theater on Sunday, Jan. 27, starting at ‘70s, I’ve collected instruments from Asia, Africa, the 8 p.m. Tickets are $35, $15 for HSU students and Middle East, Eastern and Western Europe and North are available at the ticket office, 826-3948, or at and South America,” said Lovano in notes on the new album. The Cross Culture sessions found him — Bob Doran

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so fresh, so clean Hwy 101 in the Safety Corridor 707.826.7435 10-6pm M-Sat • Sun 10-5pm •• NORTH NORTH COAST COAST JOURNAL JOURNAL •• THURSDAY, THURSDAY, JAN. JAN. 24, 24, 2013 2013


continued from previous page OJ Patterson and locals Dutch Savage, John McClurg, Ivy Vasquez and Bryant Kellison. $3. savagehenrymagazine. com. Comedy in the Night. 9 p.m. Angelina Inn, 281 Fernbridge Drive. The people above drive south. $5.


Economic Fuel CR Information Session. 11 a.m. College of the Redwoods, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka. Learn how you can win $25,000 to start your dream business. Session covers eligibility criteria, rules and entry guidelines, available resources and more. www. 476-2780.


Our Pathways to Health. 1-3:30 p.m. Royal Crest Mobile Estates. See Jan. 24 listing.

31 thursday EVENTS

Inked Hearts Tattoo Expo. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Blue Lake Casino. Get a tattoo from local and/or guest artists, including Phil Garcia, Liz Cook, London Reese, Tye Harris and Daniel Rocha. 668-9770.


Tommy Emmanuel. 8 p.m. Van Duzer Theatre, HSU. Two-time Grammy nominated Australian guitarist’s career spans five decades. $35/$15 kids. centerarts. 826-3928.


25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. 7:15 p.m. Eureka High School Auditorium, 1915 J St. EHS Players comedy centers on a fictional spelling bee set in a geographically ambiguous Putnam Valley Middle School. $8. E-mail 206-276-5744.


Figure Drawing Group. 7-9 p.m. Cheri Blackerby Gallery. See Jan. 24 listing. Our Pathways to Health. 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Redwood Rural Health Center, 101 West Coast Road, Redway. See Jan. 24 listing.

Heads Up…

Put A Bird On It! Friends of the Arcata Marsh and Redwood Region Audubon Society are co-sponsoring a Student Bird Art Contest in conjunction with Godwit Days. Complete rules and a list of suggested birds are posted at Entries must be received by Friday, March 22. Questions should be emailed to Share Your Thoughts On Peace. Veterans For Peace is seeking submissions for its fourth annual Redwood Coast Peace Poetry Contest from all high school students of Humboldt County. Entries must be received no later than 5 p.m., Monday, March 4. For more info go to or contact Jon Reisdorf 822-4595. Sing. McKinleyville Community Choir is recruiting new members for the spring/summer 2013 season. Interested singers are encouraged to check out a choir rehearsal on Tuesday evenings at the Grace Good Shepherd Church at 1450 Hiller Road in McKinleyville, Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. There are no auditions to join; however, there is a small tuition. Call Jean at 839-2276 or email naofau@ for more info.

Your Kids Are Bored. Here’s Some Dinosaurs Dear Mom and Dad, What have you done for me lately? Do you know that Christmas was an entire month ago? Most of the presents you bought for me are either broken, lost or were clothes to begin with. I’m questioning if I still want to be part of this family. ‘Cuz I’m really bored. Yesterday you asked me if I wanted to go to the zoo. I reminded you that we went last week and also that I hate flamingos — they are stupid and don’t do anything. How about dinosaurs? I love, love, love dinosaurs and would choose to see some over some dumb pink birds any day. But before you launch into some teachable moment about how dinosaurs lived millions of years ago and do I know what “extinction” means, let me tell you about Erth’s Dinosaur Petting Zoo, which is coming to the Van Duzer Theatre on Tuesday, Jan. 29, at 7 p.m. Yes, dinosaurs. I know they’re puppets but, trust me guys, these are rad. Giant, life-like, eyeball-demanding monsters lumbering and flying through lush inflatable environments. When you were passed out on the couch, I used your iPhone to find this YouTube clip where Erth’s Tyrannosaurus Rex ate some kid. I want to be that kid, bad, so take me or we are going to have issues. Oh, I’ll probably learn something too. That will make you feel less pain when shelling out $25 for you to get in. Luckily, it’s only $12 for us kids. Maybe you can wait in the car. If you need to check up on anything I’m saying that you don’t believe, check out humboldt. edu/centerarts or call 826-3928. Report back by Tuesday. Don’t blow this. — The Kids — Andrew Goff

Volunteers Sought. Greater Trinidad Chamber of Commerce is in need of volunteers for the Annual Trinidad To Clam Beach Run. Call Dori Fulk at 677-1610 for more information or visit ●

NORTH Coast COAST Journal JOURNAL • Thursday, THURSDAY, Jan. JAN. 24, 2013 •• 26 North

Rehearsing for the no-pants dance: Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook.

Funny in the Head It may not get bipolar disorder right, but Silver Linings is an actors showcase By Dev Richards


SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK. There are two ways to watch Silver Linings Playbook. You can view it with an open mind and generous concern for the human condition or you can have a background in psychology. I tried my damnedest to achieve the former, but eventually the latter could not be ignored. Despite brilliant performances by every actor involved, the misrepresentations of mental health (and the accompanying industry) were distractingly histrionic. If it weren’t being lauded as a great depiction of bipolar disorder, this would be more easily forgivable. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater, though. In the competitive Oscar-driven atmosphere of this season, accuracy isn’t as vital as drama. Silver Linings Playbook is brimming with drama, just oozing the human condition all over the place. Pat Solitano (Bradley Cooper) leaves a mental health facility in Baltimore against medical advice and returns home with a delusional plan: prove to his exwife that he is no longer the “undiagnosed

bipolar” man who once beat her lover to within an inch of his life. He’s better now. He’s changed. He doesn’t need meds. He’s got this under control. Of course, Pat’s plan goes astray when he meets Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence), a girl with mental health issues of her own. A darkly comedic romance develops and follows the generally predictable rules of quirky romantic comedies. Pat’s family and friends all serve as generous enablers to Pat’s manic behavior, providing a series of speed bumps on his road to recovery. His obsessive-compulsive father, played brilliantly (duh) by Robert De Niro, is one of the largest hurdles in Pat’s lane. The chemistry between De Niro and Cooper bolsters the otherwise hokey premise, and may be responsible for most of the Oscar-related attention the film is receiving. Both actors deserve their nominations, and it’s a shame that Jacki Weaver’s portrayal of Pat’s mother was snubbed. Less Oscar-worthy, but still fairly incredible, is Chris Tucker’s performance as Pat’s hospital-escapee friend. Give this

Movie Times man more work, please … just no more Rush Hour sequels. The slow pace provides an awkward juxtaposition to the manic behavior of the characters, and makes the ending seem unworthy of such a build-up. It’s doubtful that Silver Linings Playbook will beat the other contenders for Best Picture this year; the competition is fierce, with heavy-hitters like Lincoln and Argo in the forefront. But the when it comes to acting accolades, this film deserves some statues. R. 122m. MAMA. Guillermo del Toro’s name is synonymous with the modern creaturefeature. From Hellboy to Pan’s Labyrinth, the beasts that leap from his imagination are at once disturbing and fascinating. Universal Pictures was obviously well aware of del Toro’s reputation as a monster-maker, as his name is all over Mama, like an overzealous stamp of approval. But it’s all a smokescreen; del Toro may have been there in spirit (as an executive producer), but his connection seems to end there. Mama is really nothing more than an extremely basic campfire story; this becomes blaringly obvious once you watch the director’s (Andrés Muschietti) original short film of the same name (available on the YouTubes). The plot is an afterthought; a sloppy structure meant to prop up the title monster. A restless soul with unfinished business haunts an abandoned cabin in the woods of New England. When two young sisters are abandoned in the woods, Mama takes them under her blackened, wispy wings. Once the girls are rescued and put into the care of their Uncle Lucas (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and his too-coolfor-school, bass-playing girlfriend (Jessica Chastain), Mama wreaks poltergeistian havoc. There are tiny, pointless subplots, but they are completely ignorable. Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty) gets most of the screen time, adding an extra layer of frustrating boredom to a film that already had a tenuous hold on my attention. Truly, the most notable performances come from the children, Megan Charpentier and Isabelle Nélisse. Theirs are the only characters in the original short, and they could easily carry the story on their own. In defense of director Andrés Muschietti, Mama is his first full-length film. It’s brimming with potential but falls short of living up to the standards generally guaranteed by the name Guillermo del Toro. With practice, Muschietti could become something much greater. For now, he falls somewhere between mundane and mediocre. PG13. 100m. —Dev Richards


HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS. The Brothers Grimm tale gets updated/ defiled in this action-adventure, which finds the resourceful German siblings all grown up and making a career out of vigilante witch slaughter. Starring Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton. R. 100m. MOVIE 43. Here’s an odd duck — a dozen interconnected short films, each with its own director, center on a lowbrow premise (three kids scouring the Internet to find the world’s most banned movie) and feature one of the most impressive casts ever ensembled, including A-listers (Hugh Jackman, Emma Stone), D-listers (Johnny Knoxville, Snooki), Oscar winners (Kate Winslet, Halle Berry) and J.B. Smoove. R. 90m. PARKER. Since breaking onto the scene in Guy Ritchie’s Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998), Jason Statham has built a résumé of cinematic ass-kicking to rival the likes of Charles Bronson and Chuck Norris. Here he gets a quasiprestigious director in Taylor Hackford (An Officer and a Gentleman, Ray) and a sultry costar in Jennifer Lopez, but this is still Statham’s vehicle. R. 118m. The cheeky Brits behind zombie parody/homage Shaun of the Dead (2004) returned three years later to give buddy-cop movies the same treatment in Hot Fuzz, which comes to the Arcata Theatre Lounge Friday at 8 p.m. R. 121m. The theater’s leisurely Harry Potter retrospective continues Sunday evening with the sixth installment, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009). PG. 153m. And finally, next Wednesday’s Sci-Fi Pint and Pizza night trades camp for gloss with the 1999 insta-classic The Matrix. 6:45 p.m. R. 136m. The Humboldt County Library’s latest based-on-the-book film series, called “Sin in Soft Focus: Pre-Code Hollywood,” will wrap up next Tuesday with Baby Face (1933), in which “a young woman (Barbara Stanwyck) uses her body and her sexuality to help her climb the social ladder.” Scandalous! 6:30 p.m. at the Eureka main branch. 75m. If you’re looking for a film series that puts sin into sharper focus (and on a much larger scale), check out Climate Justice Movie Nights, a trio of hard-hitting environmental documentaries that will be screened over the next three Friday nights. Hosted by the Rhizome Infoshop, 47 W. Third St. in Eureka, the series kicks off this Friday at 7 p.m. with Crude, a 2009 doc about the lawsuit filed by 30,000 indigenous Ecuadorians against Chevron for dumping toxic waste into the Amazon. Organizers say the $5 suggested donations will benefit the Tar Sands Blockade,

a coalition of landowners fighting to stop the Keystone XL pipeline.


ARGO. Ben Affleck helms a thrilling and surprisingly funny account of the 1979-80 Iran hostage crisis, starring alongside Alan Arkin, John Goodman and Bryan Cranston. R. 120m. BROKEN CITY. A shady mayor (Russell Crowe in a tux) hires an ex-cop-turnedprivate Dick (Mark Wahlberg) to follow his wife. R. 109m. CIRQUE DU SOLEIL: WORLDS AWAY 3D. Now you can watch the renowned performance troupe contort, trapeze and twirl from the relative comfort of a theater seat. PG. 97m. DJANGO UNCHAINED. Quentin Tarantino’s violent Blaxploitation fantasy about an avenging slave in the antebellum South is the most audacious and entertaining film of the year. Starring Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz and Leonardo DiCaprio. R. 165m. GANGSTER SQUAD. Despite a talented cast that includes Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone and Sean Penn (as the notorious Mickey Cohen), this picture is all style, no substance. R. 113m. A HAUNTED HOUSE. A Scary Moviestyle parody of the found-footage subgenre, this crude comedy (think ghost sodomy) aims low and still misses. R. 86m. THE HOBBIT. Exploiting the riches of Middle Earth once again, Peter Jackson’s bloated Lord of the Rings prequel (part one of three) looks beautiful but sags. PG13. 169m. JACK REACHER. Tom Cruise stars as an Army major turned vigilante drifter who gets pulled into a mass-shooting case that’s not what it seems. Slick if forgettable. PG. 130m. THE LAST STAND. The Austrian steroid balloon who used to be our governor goes back to what he does best: mumbling one-liners and blowin’ shit up. R. 107m. LES MISÉRABLES. Director Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech) brings the mega-selling Broadway musical (based on Victor Hugo’s French historical novel) to the screen with corny bombast. PG13. 157m. LINCOLN. Daniel Day-Lewis delivers a bravura performance in Steven Spielberg’s handsome and rousing biopic, which portrays the deft political wrangling of our 16th president. PG13. 149m. ZERO DARK THIRTY. Director Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker) crafts a taut thriller that follows a young CIA agent’s (Jessica Chastain) dogged 10-year pursuit of Bin Laden. R. 157m. — Ryan Burns

Because of the holiday, complete movie times were not available at press time. The times below reflect the most current listings as of noon Monday. As schedules at individual theaters sometimes change, we recommend calling ahead to avoid any inconvenience.

Fortuna Theater

707-725-2121 1241 Main Street, Fortuna Times are for 1/25- 1/31 unless otherwise noted.

HANSEL & GRETEL: WiTcH HuNTERS 3D 12:20, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 MOViE 43 1:20, 4:25, 7:00, 9:35 A HAuNTED HOuSE 12:40, 7:15 GANGSTER SQuAD 4:10, 9:35 BROKEN ciTY 1:30, 4:40, 7:10, 9:45 THE LAST STAND 4:00, 9:30 SiLVER LiNiNGS PLAYBOOK 1:00, 3:50, 6:30, 9:10 ARGO 1:10, 6:40

Garberville Theater 707-923-3580

766 Redwood Drive, Garberville JAcK REAcHER

1/25 - 1/31: 7:30 EXcEPT 1/30: 6:30

Wutchood oi n



submit your events online or by e-mail Deadline: Noon Friday the week before publication

Jan. 25 -Feb. 6 Fri - Hot Fuzz (2007) Doors at 7:30 p.m., $5, Rated R Sun - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) Doors 5:30 p.m., $5, Rated PG Wed - Sci Fi Night ft. The Matrix (1999) Doors at 6 p.m., Movie at 6:45 p.m., All ages, Free Wed., Feb. 6 - ATL presents

Jorma Kaukonen w/ Barry Mitterhoff Doors at 7 p.m., $36, 21+ • 822-1220 • 1036 G St. • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013



TEXTILES IN ARCHAEOLOGY, CULTURE & HISTORY. An introduction to the historical, archaeological and cultural significance of the development and evolution of textiles, looking at textile technologies throughout Europe and the Mid-East. Students will use tools found in the archaeological record, including a warp weighted loom, to produce samples. With Barbara Klessig. Wed., Feb. 6-April 3, 5-7 p.m. $60, plus $15 materials. $50 additional for optional 1 unit of credit in anthropology. Pre-registration required. Call HSU Distance & Extended Education to register, 8263731 or visit (AC-0131)

Le Havre Written and directed by Aki Kaursimäki - Criterion/Match Factory The cinematic landscape of Finnish writer-director Aki Kaursimäki is one of offbeat bleakness. In his early films, such as 1988’s Ariel, the flatness of color matches the film’s tone and deadpan, working-class characters. No matter what dreadful situation Kaursimäki’s characters are experiencing in his universe, there is never a sense of romanticism, hipness or sadistic glee. Instead, there’s an understated sense of humor coupled with an empathy reminiscent of Chekhov. Kaursimäki’s most recent full-length feature Le Havre, named for the northern French-Normandie port town where the film takes place, is his most humane work to date. It centers on an elderly Frenchman, Marcel Marx (played superbly by veteran French actor André Wilms) who shines shoes for a living, and how his modest but content life intersects with a young Gabonese refugee, Idrissa (portrayed wonderfully by Blondin Miguel), who is fleeing from local and federal authorities. Kaursimäki uses the current issues and narratives of immigration throughout greater Europe and a sense of a fading “Old World” to weave an ingenious tale. Le Havre is an old port city, simultaneously hosting a sense of permanency and a constant flow of transient existence. For Kaursimäki, it’s a perfect setting. His characters have always lived on the fringes of contemporary life, yet are bound together in an unspoken community. By pulling together native French outsiders and immigrant characters, the Finnish director reveals how outdated social rituals and objects still function to create new myths and communities. Antiquated objects and rituals of the “Old World” are active throughout Le Havre, including a jukebox, rotary phones, neighborhood cafés and shops and reading aloud to one another. Idrissa, who finds himself alone in Marcel’s room, discovers a Victrola turntable and plays the 78 rpm disc on it, which happens to be Blind Willie McTell’s 1928 recording of “Statesboro Blues.” We witness Idrissa’s careful listening to this scratchy blues standard and see how it reflects the young character’s own emotional situation. French film icon Jean-Pierre Léaud, star of French New Wave classics including Truffaut’s masterpiece, The 400 Blows, is cast in a small role, as is Luce Vigo, daughter of cinema legend Jean Vigo, offering a subtle, reverent homage to the language, art and lineage of French film. Cinematographer Timo Salminen fuses rich colors with a flat sheen to produce a hand-tinted postcard effect, as in a Douglas Sirk melodrama. Some critics have labeled the film as fable-like, but it’s mythology that Kaursimäki is interested in, one articulated, preserved and expressed by old-fashioned culture. And Le Havre wonderfully accomplishes just that — in spades. — Mark Shikuma

List your class – just 50 cents/word per issue! Deadline: Monday, noon. Place online at or e-mail: Listings must be paid in advance by check, cash or Visa/MasterCard. Many classes require pre-registration.

Arts & Crafts BEGINNING-INTERMEDIATE DRAWING. Sat.s, Feb 2-March 9, 10 a.m.-Noon, College of the Redwoods Eureka Downtown Site, 333 6th Street. $62. This fun 6-week workshop focuses on learning to observe and draw subjects accurately., visit Community Education Link. Call (707) 269-4000 to register and reserve your seat. (AC-0124) CROCHETING WITH RACHAEL. Thurs.s, 6-8 p.m. $30. For beginners & all ages. Discover the wonderful world of crochet! Origin Design Lab, 621 3rd St., Old Town Eureka, (707) 497-6237, (AC-0131) DYEING THE RAINBOW & BEYOND! With Crystal Estelle (Dobbs). Sat., Jan. 26, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $90. Learn the theory, practice and application to create over 500 dyed colors on a variety of fibers and fabrics. Sign up for both dye classes for $5 discount. Origin Design Lab, 621 3rd St., Old Town Eureka, (707) 497-6237, www. (AC-0124) DYEING VARIEGATED COLORWAYS. With Crystal Estelle Dobbs. Sun., Jan. 27, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $90. Dyeing a multiple colored effect on fabric and yarn creates unique and stunning results that you will learn to recreate at home. Sign up for both dye classes for $5 discount. Origin Design Lab, 621 3rd St., Old Town Eureka, (707) 497-6237, (AC-0124) HAND NEEDLE WORK WITH KATHY LEE. Sat.s, 1-4 p.m. $40 plus $8 supply fee. 3 hour classes, including: English Smocking, Embroidery, Doll Making, Quilting. Origin Design Lab, 621 3rd St., Old Town Eureka, (707) 497-6237, (AC-0131) KNITTED AMIGURUMI CLASS AT YARN. Thurs.s, Feb. 7 & 14, 5:30-7 p.m., cost $30, plus materials. Make a knit toy. Amigurumi builds your knitting skills - learn techniques for shaping your work. Plus it’s super fun! Beginning knitting level required. Call 443-YARN to register. (AC-0131)

EXPLORATION OF TEXTILES, KNITTING ONE STITCH AT A TIME. Beginners Knitting class held at HSU/Center Activities. Weds., Jan. 30-Feb. 27, 6:30-9 p.m. $75 HSU Students, $85 All Others. Sign up: (707) 826-3357. Instructor Crystal Estelle (Dobbs) (707) 8329454, (AC-0124) EXPLORATION OF TEXTILES, SPINNNING WOOL INTO YARN. Handspindle Spinning class held at HSU/ Center Activities. Tues., Jan. 29-March 12, 6:30-9 p.m. $75 HSU Students, $85 All Others. Sign up: (707) 8263357. Instructor Crystal Estelle (Dobbs) (707) 832-9454, (AC-0124) GLASS FUSING. $120 + materials fee: $60 (2 week classes). Mon.s & Wed.s, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Class #2, Jan. 28, 30, Feb. 4 & 6. Tues.s & Thurs.s, 5-8 p.m. Class #4, Jan. 29, 31, Feb. 5 & 7. With Trace Galbraith. Explore elements of design and principles of composition as you create exciting works of art with glass. Fire Arts Center, 520 South G Street, Arcata. 826-1445, www. (AC-0124) HANDBUILDING. $90/$180. Thurs.s, 10 a.m.-Noon (5 weeks). Feb. 14–March 14. With Otamay Hushing. Flexible format to encourage creativity and build confidence. Focuses on basic techniques with slabs and coils as applied to various projects. Fire Arts Center, 520 South G Street, Arcata. 826-1445, www. (AC-0207)


MEMOIRS, WRITING YOUR LIFE STORY. Mon.s, Feb. 4–March 4, 5-6:30 p.m., $64. College of the Redwoods Eureka Downtown Site, 333 6th St. For writers of all levels, learn to put your memories on paper and share your life stories with family and friends. www., visit Community Education link. Call (707) 269-4000 to register today. (CMM-0124) SCHINDLER SURVIVOR. The story of Schindler’s youngest Holocaust survivor presented at LifetreeCafe this week, Sun. Jan., 27, 7 p.m. 76 13th St., Arcata. 672-2919, for more info. (CMM-0124) MEETINGS THAT GET RESULTS. Learn facilitation techniques that allow participants as well as facilitators to ensure much shorter meetings that deliver powerful results. With Janet Ruprecht. Fri., Feb. 8, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $85 (includes materials). Pre-registration required. Call HSU Distance & Extended Education to register, 826-3731 or visit www. (CMM-0131)

Dance, Music, Theater, Film

SEWING WITH TINA. Offering a variety of beginning sewing projects. Every Tues., 6-8 p.m. $35. Origin Design Lab, 621 3rd St., Old Town Eureka, (707) 497-6237, www. (AC-0131)

LEARN 2 HOOP DANCE. Foundational Hoop Dance series starts every few weeks in Arcata. Ongoing int/ adv. workshops. Private lessons. Hoops/collapsible hoops for sale. (DMT-1226)

LEARN TO CROCHET AT YARN. Wed.s., Feb. 6 - 20, 5-7 p.m., cost $60, plus materials. Learn the basics - chain stitch, single & double crochet, fixing mistakes, gauge, and how to finish. We’ll make a simple project too. Call 443-YARN to register. (AC-0131)

ROMANTIC NIGHT CLUB TWO STEP. Learn Romantic Night Club Two Step with the Westie Wed. crew, starting Jan. 9 at Redwood Raks, 9th and L, Arcata, 7:30 pm. $5 for lesson and open dancing. (707) 4452939 or (707) 407-6910. (DMT-0131)


DANCE WITH DEBBIE. Boost your confidence on the dance floor with private lessons. Gift certificates available, too. (707) 464-3638, (DMT-0124) REDWOOD RAKS WORLD DANCE STUDIO, ARCATA. West African, Belly Dance, Tango, Salsa, Swing, Breakdance, Jazz, Tap, Modern, Zumba, Hula, Congolese, more! Kids and Adults, 616-6876. (DMT-0228) PIANO LESSONS BEGINNING TO ADVANCED ALL AGES. 30 years joyful experience teaching all piano styles. Juilliard trained, remote lessons available. Nationally Certified Piano Teacher. (707) 502-9469 (DMT-0606) PIANO LESSONS. Beginners, all ages. Experienced. Judith Louise 476-8919. (DMT-0606) WEST AFRICAN DANCE. Tues.s, Thurs.s, 5:30-7 p.m., at Redwood Raks, Arcata. All levels welcome. Live drumming. Dulce, 832-9547, Christina, 498-0146. (DMT-0228) GUITAR/PIANO/VOICE LESSONS. All ages, beginning and intermediate. Seabury Gould 444-8507. (DMT-0606) SAXOPHONE/FLUTE LESSONS. All ages, beginneradvanced, jazz improvisation, technique. Susie Laraine: 441-1343. (DMT-1226)


ADORNI FITNESS CENTER MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL. Exclusive offer available only in Jan.! Start a new fitness membership & pay no initiation fee! Membership includes Unlimited Group Fitness Classes, Free Personal Trainers & more! Hurry in special ends Jan. 31.Visit the Adorni Center, 1011 Waterfront Drive or call 441-4248. (F-0124) ZUMBA WITH ELENA. Take a high energy cardio dance class with a spunky teacher. Wed.s, 5:30 p.m., at Redwood Raks, Arcata. 510-364-6225. (F-0124) NIA-DANCE FUSION. Modern dance/fitness for all abilities. Mon.s, 6-7 p.m., Studio of Dance Arts Eureka. Starting Jan. 14. Wed.s, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Redwood Raks Arcata. Starting Jan. 9. $5 drop-in, $50/12 classes (707) 441-9102 (F-0328) HUMBOLDT CAPOEIRA ACADEMY. Winter Intersession Dec. 15-Jan. 31. Mon.s & Wed.s: all level kids, 4-5 p.m., all level adults, 5-7 p.m., and Sat.s: open gym/ roda at Noon. Christmas break 12/23-12/31. Rental Space Available. For full class schedule visit www. (707) 498-6155, 865 8th St., Arcata. (F-1226) NORTH COAST SELF DEFENSE ACADEMY. Come learn your choice of Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai Techniques, Filipino Kali, Jun Fan Stand Up Kickboxing, & Muay Thai/MMA Sparring. Group and private sessions available 7 days a week for men, women and children; all experience and fitness levels welcome. Call or visit (707) 822-6278 or 820 N St., Building #1 Suite C, Arcata (F-1226) AIKIBOJITSU. Get your black belt in stick! New beginning classes in Aikibojitsu, The Art of the Staff, taught by Tom Read Sensei, Chief Instructor of Northcoast Aikido, with over 40 years of experience in martial arts. Classes meet Sat.s 9 a.m- 10 a.m., at Northcoast Aikido, 890 G Street, Arcata (entrance in back, by fire station). $20 per class, Visit www. (F-0328) • North Coast JourNal • thursday, JaN. 24, 2013


DANCE-FIT. Dance, aerobics & strength training all in one class ! Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9-10 a.m First class is free. Drop in for $5 per class or 14 classes for $55. No Limits tap & jazz studio, corner of 10th & K st. Arcata. 825-0922 (F-1226) NORTH COAST FENCING ACADEMY. Fencing (with swords!). Improve your mind and body in a fun, intense workout, and a very chill environment. Ages 8 and up. 1459 M St., Arcata, contact Justin (707) 601-1657 text or phone, or email (F-0606) ZUMBA WITH MARLA JOY. Elevate, Motivate, Celebrate another day of living. Exercise in Disguise. Now is the time to start, don’t wait. All ability levels are welcome. Every Mon. and Thurs. at the Bayside Grange 6-7 p.m., 2297 Jacoby Creek Rd. $6/$4 Grange members. Every Wed. 6-7 p.m. in Fortuna at the Monday Club, 610 Main St. Every Tues. at the Trinidad Town Hall, Noon and every Thurs. at the Eureka Vets Hall, Noon. Marla Joy (707) 845-4307, marlajoy.zumba. com (F-1226) ZUMBA WITH MIMI. Put the FUN back into your workout! Latin & Pop music, sure to leave you sweaty and smiling! Wed. & Fri. 9:30 a.m. at Redwood Raks in the Old Creamery Building, Arcata. Tues. & Thurs. 9:30 a.m., Fri. 5:30 p.m., Humboldt Capoeira Academy, Arcata. (F-1226) SUN YI’S ACADEMY OF TAE KWON DO. Classes for kids and adults, child care, fitness gym, and more. Tae Kwon Do Mon-Fri 5-6 p.m., 6-7 p.m., Sat 10-11 a.m. Come watch or join a class, 1215 Giuntoli Lane, or visit, 825-0182. (F-1227)

Home & Garden

SHOVEL-READY SUSTAINABILITY, PERMACULTURE STRATEGIES FOR COMMUNITY RESILIENCE. This free presentation illustrates tangible steps can we take to reduce our carbon footprint and prepare for an uncertain future of climate change and dwindling resources; including forest farming, natural building, water conservation via rainwater catchment and recycling, mycoremediation, watershed restoration, and more. Jan. 29, 7 p.m., CCAT, HSU Campus. (HG-0124) ORGANIC GARDENING. Learn how to create a productive organic food garden. Learn to make garden beds, work with soil and how to compost. Pest mgt., soil fertility and year-round harvest planning are also covered. With Eddie Tanner. Two levels offered. Level 1: Tues., Feb. 12-March 12 (6:30-8:30 p.m.) and Sun., March 17 (10 a.m.-1 p.m.). $62 (includes materials). Level 2 (for experienced gardeners or those who have taken Level 1): Thurs., Feb. 14-March 7 (6:30-8:30 p.m.) and Sun., March 10 (10 a.m.-1 p.m.). $65. Pre-registration required. Call HSU Distance & Extended Education to register, 826-3731 or visit www. (HG-0131) PRACTICAL BEEKEEPING. Learn how to keep and manage honeybees for pollination and honey. Learn bee biology, life cycle and social organization. With Garrett Brinton. Session 1 at HSU: Wed., Feb. 13-May 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m. and Sat., Feb. 23, March 23, April 20 and May 18, 2:30-4 p.m. Session 2 in Southern Humboldt: Thurs., Feb. 14-May 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m., and Sat., March 2, 30, April 27 and May 25, 2:30-4 p.m. Fee for either session: $130. $50/unit additional for optional academic credit. Pre-registration required. Call HSU Distance & Extended Education to register, 826-3731 or visit (HG-0131)

GET ORGANIZED! Mon.s, Jan. 28-March 4, 6:30- 8:30 p.m. College of the Redwoods Eureka Downtown Site, 333 6th St. $99. A class to help you meet your goals of 2013. Topics include: Basics of Organizing, Paper, Kitchen, Closets, Downsizing and Preparing for a Move., visit Community Education link. Call (707) 269-4000 to Register today! (HG-0124)

Kids & Teens

FIESTA KIDS. Latin inspired dance fitness class for kids ages 5-11. Crank up the music, shake, wiggle & have a blast! Mon.s at 4 p.m., starting Feb. 4 at the Adorni Center. $20/child. Register online at www. or visit The Adorni Center, 1011 Waterfront Dr. 441-4244. (K-0124) IMPROV IN ACTION. An exciting theater improv workshop taught by HSU’s improv team Unscripted Sutras. Mon.-Fri., Feb. 18-22, 9 a.m-Noon. Ages 9-14, Call Arcata Playhouse at 822-1575. (K-0214) SHADOW PLAY. Create amazing shadow puppets and learn to perform with them! Taught by James Hildebrandt. Mon. - Fri. Feb. 18 -22, 12:30 p.m- 3:30 p.m. Ages 9-14 Call the Arcata Playhouse at 822-1575 to register today! (K-0214) THE MARSH PROJECT. 6th-12th graders, join us afterschool to learn about conservation through art and exploration. Be inspired on outdoor field trips. Create nature based art and be a part of an Arts! Arcata gallery show. Join for only $10/$11 non-residents. Arcata Recreation 822-7091. (K-0124) TINY TUTUS BEGINNING BALLET II. Increase & expand your ballerina’s skill & grace. Must take Ballet I or have previous ballet experience. John Ryan Youth Center, 1653 J St., Eureka. Thurs.s, 6-6:45 p.m., beginning Jan. 31, $30. Register online at or call 441-4244 for more info. (K-0124) PRESIDENT’S BREAK CAMP. Join us in Blue Lake for our President’s Break Camp for 5-13 year olds. Mon.Fri., Feb. 18-22, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. at Perigot Park. Fullday or half-day option. Roller Skating, Arts & Crafts, Dodge Ball and more! Register today! Download a registration form at or call Kara Newman, 668-5932, for more information. (K-0214) CERAMICS FOR OLDER KIDS, AGES 7-12. $80, 5 week class. Mon.s, 4-6 p.m., Feb. 11-March 11. Tues.s, 4-6 p.m., Feb. 12-March 12. With Bob Raymond. Adventures with clay: Learn various hand buiding and wheel-throwing techniques. Fire Arts Center, 520 South G Street, Arcata. 826-1445, www.fireartsarcata. com. (K-0207) CERAMICS FOR YOUNGER KIDS, AGES 4-7. $75. (5 week class). Sat.s, 9:30-11 a.m., Feb. 16-March 16. With Amanda Steinebach. Have a great time creating with clay. Make 1-2 pieces per week, each project designed to bring out their creativity. Fire Arts Center, 520 South G Street, Arcata. 826-1445, www.fireartsarcata. com. (K-0207) YOUTH BALLROOM (AGES 8-12). By Dance with Debbie. Jan. 19 - May 25, Sat’s 11 a.m.- Noon. $170 (sibling discounts available) at North Coast Dance Annex; 455 5th Street, Eureka. (707) 464-3638 or (K-0124) ACTIVE KIDS = HAPPY KIDS. Come learn selfconfidence, discipline and respect while gaining true life skills through martial arts. North Coast Self Defense Academy is offering two introductory lessons for only $14 with this ad. Call or visit- (707) 822-6278 or 820 N St, Building #1 Suite C, Arcata www. (K-1226)


INTRO TO RUSSIAN LANGUAGE & CULTURE PART 1. For those with little or no knowledge of the Russian language. Natalia Novikova will help you become familiar with the Cyrillic alphabet, basic reading and writing, and everyday communication. Mon.s, Feb. 4-April 1, 5:30-7:30 p.m. $125. Call HSU Distance & Extended Education at 826-3731 to register, or visit (L-0124) HUMBOLDT COUNTY CHINESE SCHOOL. 4th annual Chinese Language and Culture Classes, Cutten Elementary starting Sat. Feb. 23 9:30 a.m-12:30 p.m. All ages welcome, $90 for six Sat.s. Open House/Chinese New Year Celebration potluck Sat. Feb. 9, Noon-2 p.m. Call Bernie @ 445-1781 or email at hccslevy@ (L-0221)

LIVING TAO T’AI JI. This energetic style of Tai Ji focuses on powerfully moving the qi (energy) through our body systems. With Christopher Campbell. Tues./Wed./Thurs., Feb. 19-21, 2-4 p.m. $40/OLLI members, $65/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, www. (O-0207) DISABILITY STUDIES, CULTURE & JUSTICE. Explore the emergence of disability studies through short lecture, film, and discussion. With Devva Kasnitz and Rabbi Naomi Steinberg. Thurs., Feb. 7-28, 1-3 p.m. $45/ OLLI members, $70/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0131) FILMS FROM DOWN UNDER. See and discuss several Australian films with Philip Wright. Wed., Feb. 13-April 3, 6-9 p.m. $70/OLLI members, $95/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0131)


GRADUATE RECORD EXAM (GRE) PREP CLASS. At HSU: If you are applying to grad school and need a good score on the GRE, this course will prepare you. Full 4-week session: Sat., Feb. 9-March 2, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., $395. Math only session: Sat., Feb. 9 and 23, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., $250. Verbal only session: Sat., Feb. 16 and March 2, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., $250. Early registration is encouraged. Call HSU Distance & Extended Education: 707-826-3731 or visit extended/gre (L-0131)

Over 50

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE (OLLI). Offers dynamic classes for people age 50 and over. Call 826-5880 or visit to register for classes. (O-1226) AN INSIDER’S GUIDE, LISTENING TO MODERN JAZZ. Music writer Bob Doran is your guide for a pair of Redwood Jazz Alliance concerts with discussion, music samples and readings prior to each show. Jazz artists featured are Matt Wilson’s Arts and Crafts and Joel Harrison and Spirit House. Wed.s, Feb. 20-April 3, 4-6 p.m., plus concerts on Fri., Feb. 22 and Thurs., April 4, at 8 p.m. $40/OLLI members, $65/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0207) HOT WHEELS SENIOR SKATE. Remember how much fun it was to skate? Enjoy skating fun from yesteryear. For adults 55 & up. Feb. 8, at Eureka Muni, $5 class fee includes skate rental. Must pre-register at the Adorni Center, 1011 Waterfront Dr. 441-4244. (O-0124) THE PITMEN PAINTERS, FROM PAGE TO STAGE. Explore the intersection of visual and theatrical art. Learn about the triumphant story of the Ashington Group of Painters, the subject of Redwood Curtain’s performance of The Pitmen Painters. With Clint Rebik. Thurs., Feb. 21-March 7, 6-8 p.m. $50/OLLI members, $75/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, www. (O-0207) CAREER GUIDANCE FOR CREATIVE, INNOVATIVE PEOPLE. Are you a creative person having a hard time finding satisfaction in traditional, structured work environments? Whether you are in a life/ work transition, just need to rekindle your passion for your current work, or are planning future steps, this seminar will help you understand yourself better and give you practical strategies for creating a more balanced and fulfilling approach to your career/ life choices. With Susan Abbott. Sat., Feb. 9, 2-5 p.m. $100 (includes materials)/OLLI members, $125 (includes materials)/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0131)

continued on next page


Sat., Jan. 26th 10:30 a.m. Call 839-1571x5 to reserve your spot and for details if interested in making one to take home!

1828 Central Ave. • McKinleyville Mon.-Sat. 8:30 to 5:30 •

North Coast Academy

Improve your mind and body in a fun, intense workout, and a very chill environment. Adults & kids ages 8 and up. Contact Justin (707) 601-1657 Text or Phone. 1459 M. St. Arcata. • NORTH COAST JOURNAL • THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 2013


continued from previous page

CREATIVE AGING, THE ART OF LIVING. Brown Bag Lunch Presentations and Discussions. Wed., Noon2 p.m., Jan. 30-May 22, at Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center. Topics include Restoration and Renewal in Redwood National/State Parks; Conversations on Creative Aging; Independence for a Lifetime; Creating Community Assets. Presentations are FREE to OLLI at HSU members. To join/reserve your seat, call OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0131) INTRO TO THE BOOK ARTS. Create Custom Travel Albums. Do you come home from your adventures with loads of ephemera in the bottom of your suitcase? Do you wish you’d kept a journal? Create a customized book to take on your travels, that will hold your treasures and preserve memories. With Michele Olsen. Sat., Feb. 9-23, 10 a.m.-Noon. $50/ OLLI members, $75/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0131) NORTH COAST ARTISTS’ SHOWCASE. Join OLLI and Amy Uyeki for this annual celebration of North Coast artists, including Don Anton, Michael Guerriero, Mimi LaPlant, Kris Patzlaff, Alan Sanborn, and Sondra Schwetman. Thurs., Feb. 7-March 14, 4-5:30 p.m. $75/ OLLI members, $100/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0131) POST-TOTALITARIAN SOCIETIES. The Case of Central and Eastern Europe. Get introduced to critical perspectives on memory politics, focusing on Central and East-European societies, to understand problems and challenges of the traumatic post-totalitarian legacy and practices aimed at reconciliation. With Elena Matusevich. Thurs., Feb. 7-21, 2-4 p.m. $45/OLLI members, $70/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, www. (O-0131) SOUL COLLAGE, DISCOVERING YOUR MULTIPLICITY. SoulCollage is an intuitive collage process that helps us gain access to our inner voices. Make SoulCollage cards representing four suits – Committee, Council, Companions and Community – as well as three transpersonal cards. With Janet Patterson. Mon., Feb. 11-March 18, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. $60/OLLI members, $85/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, www. (O-0131) CHADO, JAPANESE TEA CEREMONY. Learn the history, philosophy and guest etiquette for Chado, the Japanese Tea Ceremony, and observe and participate with Harvey II and Holly Harvey. Mon., Feb. 4-18, 6-8 p.m. $45/OLLI members, $70/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0124) CONTRACT BRIDGE FOR BEGINNERS. Learn the rules and tools to play bridge, the most challenging of card games. With Robert Fornes. Wed., Feb. 6-March 13, 2-4 p.m. $50/OLLI members, $75/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0124) CLOSE TO THE BONE, WRITING FROM THE INSIDE OUT. It’s never too late to become a writer. If you worry that you lack the skills to tap into your experiences, imagination and feelings, this class with Bonnie Shand will offer you the opportunity to learn and create in a safe environment. Tues., Feb. 5-March 12, 1-3 p.m. $75/OLLI members, $100/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0124) HISTORICAL HIDEAWAYS. Learn how and where to look for old photos, newspaper articles and memoirs in the HSU Library, the Eureka Public Library and the Humboldt County Historical Society research center with Jerry and Gisela Rohde. Tues., Feb. 5-12, 1-3 p.m. $40/OLLI members, $65/nonmembers. OLLI: 8265880, (O-0124)

OLLI AT HSU OPEN HOUSE. Sat., Jan. 26, 1-3 p.m., Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, Eureka. Meet OLLI faculty, join or renew your OLLI membership, get the first chance to register for new classes, and purchase discounted tickets to the Redwood Coast Jazz Festival. Learn more about this community of learners age 50 and better. OLLI: 826-5880, www. (O-0124) PILATES PLUS. Build a stronger, healthier body. Improve posture, balance and flexibility with the elegant and flowing movements of Pilates. With Joanne Fornes. Wed., Feb. 6-March 4, 10:30 a.m.-Noon. $65/ OLLI members, $90/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0124) THE ART & CRAFT OF ADVOCACY. You want to change the world. Or sell your idea to a prospective funder or policymaker. Or get your spouse to travel to Antarctica. So where do you start? Learn the art of advocacy, the effective articulation and marketing of your ideas and creating the desired end result. With Jane Woodward. Wed., Feb. 6-20 & March 20, 6-8 p.m. $50/OLLI members, $75/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0124) THE ART OF LIVING. Wed. Brown Bag Lunch Presentations and Discussions. Wed., Noon-2 p.m., starting Jan. 30. Topics include Restoration and Renewal in Redwood National/State Parks; Conversations on Creative Aging; Independence for a Lifetime; Creating Community Assets. Presentations are free to OLLI at HSU members. To join/reserve your seat, call OLLI: 826-5880, (O-0124) THE GOLDEN AGE OF DUTCH PAINTING. Focus on work of Vermeer, Rembrandt and artists of 17th-century Holland, with emphasis on portraiture. With Ron Johnson. Tues., Feb. 5-19, 6-8 p.m. $50/OLLI members, $75/nonmembers. OLLI: 826-5880, www. (O-0124)


12-HOUR IMMERSIONS IN YOGA HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY. With bay area visiting instructor & internationally renowned yoga scholar, Eric Shaw. At Om Shala Yoga. Sat., Feb. 2-Sun., Feb. 3. $50 for each 3-hour workshop/$185 for entire weekend. 858 10th St., Arcata. 825-YOGA (9642), www.omshalayoga. com (S-0124) TAROT AS AN EVOLUTIONARY PATH. Classes in Eureka, and Arcata. Private mentorships, readings. Carolyn Ayres. 442-4240 www.tarotofbecoming. com (S-0228) KDK ARCATA BUDDHIST GROUP. Under the direction of Lama Lodru Rinpoche. We practice Tibetan meditation, followed by discussion. All are welcome. For more info contact Lama Nyugu (707) 442-7068, Sun’s 6 p.m, Community Yoga Center 890 G St, Arcata. Our webpage is www. (S-0502) ARCATA ZEN GROUP MEDITATION. Beginners welcome. Sun., 8 a.m. North Coast Aikido Center, on F St. between 8th and 9th in Arcata. Wed., 6-7 p.m. at First Christian Church, 730 K, Eureka, ramp entrance and upstairs; newcomers please come 5 minutes early. Sun. contact, 826-1701. Wed. contact, barryevans9@, or for more info. call (707) 826-1701. www. (S-0606)


EUREKA MEN’S ROLLER DERBY. Is now recruiting. For questions please email: (SR-0131)


ROLLER SKATING. Blue Lake Parks & Recreation Fri./ Sat., 6:30-9:30 p.m., Sun. 2-5 p.m. Adult Skate: 2nd Sun. of every month, 6:30-9:30 p.m. To schedule birthday parties, call 668-5932 or find us on facebook at (SR-1226)


FREE DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP. Walk-in support group for anyone suffering from depression. Meet Mon.s 6:30 p.m -7:45 p.m, at the Church of the Joyful Healer, McKinleyville. Questions? Call (707) 839-5691. (T-1226) FREE GAMBLING TREATMENT. Call (707) 496-2856 Shawna Bell, LMFT, MFC #47122 (T-1226) TYPE 1 DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. meeting the 3rd Tues. of each month, 6-7:30 p.m, at the Foundation of Medical Care, 3100 Edgewood Rd. Eureka.Contact 443-0124. (T-0214) SEX/ PORN DAMAGING YOUR LIFE & RELATIONSHIPS ? Confidential help is available. saahumboldt@ or 845-8973 (T-1226)


CAREER GUIDANCE FOR CREATIVE, INNOVATIVE PEOPLE. Are you a creative person having a hard time finding satisfaction in traditional, structured work environments? Whether you are in a life/ work transition, just need to rekindle your passion for your current work, or are planning future steps, this seminar will help you understand yourself better and give you practical strategies for creating a more balanced and fulfilling approach to your career/life choices. With Susan Abbott. Sat., Feb. 9, 2-5 p.m. $90, plus $10 materials. Pre-registration required. Call HSU Distance & Extended Education to register, 826-3731 or visit (V-0131) VOLUNTEER TRAINING FOR HOSPICE OF HUMBOLDT. Hospice of Humboldt offers patient care and grief support volunteer training Jan. 26 & 27, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. This eight hour introductory training provides information on how you can become part of the patient care team and bring specialized support to patients and families at a time when care matters the most. For more information, call (707) 445-8443 ext. 355 or visit our website www.hospiceofhumboldt. org. (V-0124) CAREGIVER TRAINING. Area 1 Agency on Aging offers FREE 42-hour course in Fortuna. Prepare for new career, take better care of loved ones, request employment referrals. Sessions held Tues.s and Thurs.s, 6-9 p.m., Feb. 19-March 19. Homework due at first session. Call Caregiver Services at (707) 443-4363 to schedule registration. (V-0214)


FREE REFLEXOLOGY WORKSHOP. Wed. Feb 6, 6-8 p.m. at the Center for Reflexology & Intuitive Healing Arts. Come join the fun, learn how to help yourself and others, and find out how to become a certified reflexologist. For more info & to register go to www. or call 822-5395 (W-0131). TUES. & THURS. AFTERNOON MASSAGE WITH DIANE DAVIS. Enhance your Pilates or yoga practice or just unwind and relax with a massage session at Arcata Core Pilates Studio! Nationally certified since 1997, Diane is trained in Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, Myofascial Release, Swedish, Craniosacral, Acupressure and Reiki. Questions? Call (707) 268-8926 to schedule an appointment. (W-0124)

YOGA FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS. At Om Shala Yoga taught by Christine Fiorentino. 6 session series on Tues.s & Thurs.s, Feb. 19-March 7, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Learn in a safe & supportive environment. No experience or flexibility required! $65 if paid before Feb. 12/$75 after. Must pre-register by Mon., Feb. 18. 858 10th St., Arcata. 825-YOGA (9642), www.omshalayoga. com (W-0124) HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK. Full day workshop in Arcata. March 16. Contact Martin 498-1080. (W-0228) DANDELION HERBAL CENTER. BEGINNING WITH HERBS, Jan. 30-March 27, Eight Wed. evenings 7-9:30 p.m., plus 2 herb walks. 10 MONTH HERBAL STUDIES. Feb.-Nov. 2013. Meets one weekend per Month. PLANT LOVERS JOURNEY TO COSTA RICA with Jane Bothwell & Rosemary Gladstar, Nov. 14-23, 2013. REGISTER:online at or call (707) 442-8157. (W-0124) NORTHWEST INSTITUTE OF AYURVEDA. Classes with Traci Webb and KP Khalsa. INTRODUCTION TO AYURVEDA, 3-Day Introductory Immersion. Jan 25-27, 2013. Learn to Balance Body and Mind using Doshas, Elements, Foods, Herbs, Essential Oils, Yoga, Meditation and Colors, $249. Serves as Prerequisite to 10-MONTH AYURVEDIC HERBALISM PROGRAM, Meets fourth weekend of month, Feb. 22-Nov. 17, 2013. Global Herbs, Ayurveda Therapeutics, Plant/ Mineral/Food Medicines, Formulating, Medicine Making Immersion, Herb Walk. REGISTER ON-LINE:, OR info@ayurvedicliving. com, (707) 601-9025. (W-0124) NEW CLIENTS $10 OFF. Myrtletowne Healing Center 1480, #A Myrtle Ave. A Hidden Gem on Myrtle Ave., specializing in therapeutic massage. We will assist you on your road to recovery or work with you on that chronic pain issue. Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point, reflexology, acupressure, uterine centering, lymph drainage, lomi lomi, and more. Founders Hilary Wakefield and Sarah Maier are both Doulas, we do pregnancy massage as well! You are worth it, call today (707) 441-9175 (W-1226) START YOUR CAREER IN MASSAGE THERAPY! Daytime classes begin June, 2013 at Arcata School of Massage. 650-Hour Therapeutic Massage Certification will prepare you for Professional Certification in California, and the National Exam. Our comprehensive program prepares your body, mind and heart to become a caring, confident professional massage therapist. Call 822-5223 for information or visit (W-1226) ●




NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION ON FEBRUARY 23RD – 26TH, 2013 OF TAX-DEFAULTED PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Made pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 3702 On, December 11, 2012, I, John Bartholomew, Humboldt County Tax Collector, was directed to conduct a public auction sale by the Board of Supervisors of Humboldt County, California. The tax-defaulted properties listed below are subject to the Tax Collector’s power of sale and have been approved for sale by a resolution dated December 11, 2012 of the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors. The sale will be conducted at, from February 23rd through February 26th, 2013 as a public auction to the highest bidder for not less than the minimum bid as shown on this notice. Parcels receiving no bids will not be re-offered this year. Research the item prior to bidding. Due diligence research is incumbent on the bidder. The winning bidder is legally obligated to purchase the item. Only bids submitted via the Internet will be accepted. Pre-registration is required. Register on-line at by February 19, 2013. Bidders must submit a refundable deposit of $2,500.00 electronically, certified check or money order at The deposit will be applied to the successful bidder’s purchase price. Full payment and deed information indicating how title should be vested is required within 48 hours after the end of the sale. Terms of payment are limited to wire transfers, certified checks or money orders. A California transfer tax will be added to and collected with the purchase price and is calculated at $.55 per each $500 or fraction thereof. All property is sold as is. The county and its employees are not liable for the failure of any electronic equipment that may prevent a person from participating in the sale. The right of redemption will cease on Friday, February 22nd, 2013, at 5 p.m. and properties not redeemed will be offered for sale. If the parcel is not sold, the right of redemption will revive and continue up to the close of business on the last business day prior to the next scheduled sale. If the properties are sold, parties of interest, as defined in California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 4675, have a right to file a claim with the county for any excess proceeds from the sale. Excess proceeds are the amount of the highest bid in excess of the liens and costs of the sale that are paid from the sale proceeds. More information may be obtained by contacting the Tax Collector at or by calling (707) 476-2450 or toll free at (877) 448-6829. PARCEL NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPLANATION The Assessor’s Assessment Number (Parcel No.), when used to describe property in this list, refers to the assessor’s map book, the map page, the block on the map (if applicable), and the individual parcel on the map page or in the block. The assessor’s maps and an explanation of the parcel numbering system are available in the Assessor’s Office. The properties subject to this notice are situated in Humboldt County, California, and are described as follows: *Some item numbers are missing due to redemption of taxes or withdrawals. ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

ASSESSOR’S ASSESSMENT NO. 001-048-012-000 005-162-012-000 007-041-005-000 009-186-008-000 011-082-019-000 011-101-029-000 011-183-005-000 033-150-006-000 040-084-009-000 052-011-002-000 081-021-009-000 109-061-019-000 109-061-026-000 109-071-012-000 109-071-018-000 109-071-027-000 109-081-033-000 109-091-003-000 109-121-015-000 109-131-050-000 109-131-065-000 109-131-074-000

ASSESSEE’S NAME Mendoza, Luis O I & Juana A Terry, Juanita A The Stuart, LLC Alder, Robert R III Maki, Reijo J Eaton, Aloma Perry, Albert E Briggs, Daniel & Ryan M Sapp, Everett L & Janice R McWhorter Kralicek, Collyn L Meagher, William E Terry, Kerry L & Terry, Cherise Lange, Lynne Shah, Dinesh Haisten, Miles S & Vicky J Pennell, Larita J Mendez, Marisol Trappen, Kenneth J Hagenhoff, Vivian Doucette, Lori K Hamidi, Usmar M Lawler, Richard & Ruth

MINIMUM BID $12,000.00 $3,800.00 $71,400.00 $38,650.00 $16,750.00 $8,000.00 $16,900.00 $14,650.00 $31,300.00 $8,900.00 $3,700.00 $4,550.00 $3,100.00 $4,200.00 $4,000.00 $1,700.00 $2,550.00 $5,200.00 $3,900.00 $4,600.00 $4,300.00 $3,900.00





26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

109-141-014-000 109-141-015-000 109-141-032-000 109-171-012-000 109-201-004-000 109-211-003-000 109-221-005-000 109-221-010-000 109-231-031-000 109-241-021-000 109-251-010-000 109-251-041-000 109-261-003-000 109-261-022-000 109-271-014-000 109-271-017-000 109-271-019-000 109-271-043-000 109-271-052-000 109-291-006-000 109-291-023-000 109-292-047-000 109-311-030-000 109-331-039-000 109-341-021-000 109-341-040-000 110-071-001-000 110-071-003-000 110-101-004-000 110-101-025-000 110-121-022-000 110-131-043-000 110-151-030-000 110-191-048-000 110-211-041-000 110-221-009-000 110-221-013-000 110-231-043-000 110-241-015-000 110-251-016-000 110-251-039-000 110-251-043-000

$3,800.00 $3,800.00 $4,600.00 $5,300.00 $4,400.00 $4,400.00 $3,600.00 $3,950.00 $6,600.00 $4,100.00 $7,700.00 $3,600.00 $4,950.00 $1,700.00 $1,750.00 $4,450.00 $1,750.00 $4,700.00 $4,900.00 $9,200.00 $9,200.00 $6,900.00 $4,200.00 $3,400.00 $4,300.00 $4,000.00 $5,000.00 $4,200.00 $4,100.00 $4,900.00 $4,400.00 $4,400.00 $1,700.00 $4,900.00 $4,000.00 $3,500.00 $4,800.00 $4,300.00 $4,500.00 $3,900.00 $4,300.00 $4,000.00



69 70 71

111-022-004-000 111-022-032-000 111-081-010-000



73 74 75 76 77 81 82 95 96 98 99 100

111-112-027-000 111-132-030-000 111-202-008-000 111-202-010-000 207-092-003-000 216-251-009-000 216-255-004-000 304-231-020-000 500-273-003-000 510-133-016-000 526-062-062-000 526-261-023-000

Gunkel, Philip M Gunkel, Philip M Williamson, Peter Chu, Danny & Cham, Samantha Lapin, Michael R Rebello, Tony W & Silva, Rosemary A Contreras, Armand Onishchenko Vitaly & Irina Jacobs, Lea D/Casper, Ken II Asato, Kenneth Tran, Annie De Boelpaep, Georges & Kris Cordova, Reyes R & Maria J Medina, Jaime Svoma, Timothy E & Lone B Trappen, Kenneth J Svoma, Timothy E & Lone B Williamson, Peter McDonald, Gary A May, Charles H & Patricia L Lincoln Trust Company/Ryan, Jeff FBO Pham, Chau N Pham, Chau N Duran, Steve & Yvonne Nguyen, Anh T & Dinh Q Tanner, Harry Young, James L Green,Ray/Peckham, Chad Silva, Carlos E & Maria G Kiraly, Frank C & Ottilie M Senecal, Karen M Chu, Danny & Samantha C Van Deventer, W B & Mary R Perez, Jose L Ford, Ernest E & Marguriette Bailey, Jenett R & Skinner, Jeri A Steel, Donald S & Patricia E Shahid, Albert Finley, Sean Hishinuma, Douglas K Shaffie, Mahmoud & Maliheh Finance All, LLC Makins, Dwight W & Evans-Freke, Stephen York, Tommy A & Pauline York, Tommy A & Pauline Comparetto, Juan R & Maia E Equity Trust Company/Weston, Christopher M/Weston, Bruce A York, Tommy A & Pauline N Busters Ventures II, LLC Sorenson, Michael C Kavanagh, H Lee & Hildegard S Rock, Peggy L Rose, Ralph W Roden, Ray C Marsh, Wayne E & Susan E Anderson G E & Jacqueline Combs, Henry A Davis, Gladys H & Hostler, Delbert Magana, Dorothy M & Ackamire, Homer

$4,600.00 $10,500.00 $30,400.00 $5,800.00 $10,100.00 $7,900.00 $20,300.00 $21,900.00 $7,500.00 $31,000.00 $4,100.00 $5,500.00 $9,400.00 $7,900.00 $13,300.00 $5,100.00 $6,850.00

I certify or (declare), under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct.

John Bartholomew Humboldt County Tax Collector Executed at Eureka, Humboldt County, California, on January 18th, 2013. Published in the North Coast Journal on January 24th, January 31st, and February 7th, 2013.

34 North Coast JourNal • thursday, JaN. 24, 2013 •

1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2013 (13-20 )

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County of Humboldt will conduct a public hearing by the Board of Supervisors on February 26, 2013 at the Board of Supervisors Chambers, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, California to the discuss and solicit citizen input on amending the County of Humboldt Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Reuse Plan, and related guidelines: First Time Homebuyer, Owner Occupied Rehabilitation, and Business Revolving Loan Guidelines. The County Administrative Office/Economic Development Division on behalf of the County of Humboldt is proposing to amend the Community Development Grant Reuse Plan. The purpose of the plan is to establish guidelines on the policies and procedures for the administration and utilization of program income received as a result of activities funded under the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, administered by the State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The Guidelines are a part of the Reuse Plan. The purpose of the public hearing is to give citizens an opportunity to make their comments known. Persons interested in this reuse plan should appear before the Board of Supervisors at the above-noted public hearing. If you plan on attending the public hearing and need a special accommodation because of a chemical sensitivity, sensory or mobility impairment/disability, please contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 111 of the County Courthouse, 825 Fifth Street in Eureka, (707) 476-2384, by noon on February 21, 2013 to arrange for those accommodations. If you are not able to attend the public hearing, you may submit written comments to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Documentation to be filed on this matter for the official record MUST CONTAIN AN ORIGINAL AND NINE (9) COPIES OF EACH DOCUMENT. Documentation includes, but is not limited to: written correspondence, audio and videotapes, maps, photographs and petitions. If possible, all documentation should be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 111 of the County Courthouse, 825 Fifth Street in Eureka, (707) 476-2384, by noon on February 21, 2013 for the documents to be placed in the Board’s hearing packets. Otherwise, documents must be submitted during the public hearing on February 26, 2013. FAILURE TO SUBMIT NINE COPIES WILL RESULT IN THE DOCUMENTS NOT BEING PLACED IN THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC HEARING RECORD In addition, a public information file is available for review at the Economic Development Division office, 520 E Street, Eureka, CA between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The County of Humboldt promotes fair housing and makes all programs available to low- and moderate-income families and individuals, regardless of race, religion or religious creed, color, age (over 40), sex (including gender identity and

expression, pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation (including heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality), national origin, ancestry, marital status, medical condition (including cancer and genetic characteristics), mental or physical disability (including HIV status and AIDS), military service, or any other classification protected by federal, state, or local laws. This policy does not require the employment of unqualified persons. Kathy Hayes Clerk of the Board 1/24/2013 (13-14)


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property pursuant to Sections 2170021716 of the Business & Professions Code, Section 2328 of the UCC, Section 535 of the Penal Code and provisions of the civil Code. The undersigned will sell at public auction by competitive bidding on the 1st day of February, 2013, at 11:00 A.M., on the premises where said property has been stored and which are located at INDIANOLA STORAGE, 673 Indianola Cutoff, Eureka, County of Humboldt, State of California. The following units will be sold: Heidi Schrack– Unit# 170–Misc Household items David J Segall– Unit# 133–Misc Household items Purchases must be paid for (cash only) and removed at the time of sale, with unit left broom clean. Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of a settlement between owner and obligated party. Owner reserves the right to bid. Call 442-7613. Indianola Storage, Jerry Avila, bond# 0327592 1/24, 1/31/2013 (13-22)


A California Civil Code Section 2923.5 (b) declaration is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 1/10/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. T.S. No.: 2012F006 A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below.

legal NOTICES ➤ continued on next page • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013


Field notes continued from previous page.

above ApproAching pAricutín's twin peAks Across its bAsAlt lAvA field. note the fumAroles (steAm vents), reminders of recent volcAnic Activity. left lAvA from volcán pAricutín engulfed the villAge of sAn JuAn pArAngAricutiro, five miles north of the volcAno. only the top of the church remAins. photos by bArry evAns

Instant Volcano By Barry Evans


n the afternoon of Feb. 20, 1943, Dionisio Pulido was burning some brush on his Michoacán farm, 200 miles west of Mexico City, when he saw a fissure open up in the ground nearby. In his words, “I set about to ignite the branches again when I felt a thunder, the trees trembled and I turned to speak to [my wife] Paula; and it was then I saw how, in the hole, the ground swelled and raised itself [six or eight feet] high, and a kind of smoke or fine dust, gray, like ashes, began to rise up … and there was a smell of sulfur.” A day later, a 50-foot cone had formed; within a week it was 150 feet high; and a year later the cone — now a full-blown volcano — was more or less at its present height, about 1,400 feet above the surrounding countryside. By 1952, it had stopped growing, the eruptions ceased, and the volcano’s active life was over. Named after the closest village, “Paricutín” is today an extinct 9,186-foot (above sea level) cinder cone, which has the distinction of being the first volcano that scientists have witnessed from birth to death. Within a year of its genesis, lava from the volcano engulfed an area of about 10 square miles, including two villages, San Salvador Paricutín and San Juan Parangaricutiro. The lava moved slowly enough that villagers were able to safely

evacuate and, eventually, to reestablish their lives in a new location nearby, Nuevo San Juan. Today, the towers, facade and altar of the 17th century church of San Juan are all that remain, lone sentinels in a sea of black lava. No one died directly from the eruption, although three people were fatally struck by volcano-generated lightning. Volcán Paricutín is the youngest of about 1,400 relatively small cinder-cone volcanoes scattered over the central Mexican Michoacán-Guanajuato volcanic field, a region about 100-by-150-miles in size. Cinder cones are by far the most common volcanic landform on our planet, most of which are “monogenetic,” i.e. once they’re done erupting, they’re done, never to come back to life. Which isn’t to say there’s no activity whatever on Paricutín. When we hiked around the summit crater last month, we saw many plumes of steam to remind us that it wasn’t so long ago that this was the site of a fierce eruption, when a volcano the height of the Empire State Building dramatically changed the landscape of Michoacán in a few brief months. l Barry Evans ( and his wife walked four hours across a rugged lava field in the cause of journalistic integrity for this report.

32 North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 •

The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranted, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession , or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principle sum of the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Trustor: Rachelle D. O’Brien Duly Appointed Trustee: Professional Trust Deed Services Recorded 1/13/20016 as Instrument No. 2006-1633-5 in book –, page – of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Humboldt County, California. Date of Sale: 2/7/2013 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: In the main lobby of Ming Tree Realtors, 509 J Street, Suite #1, Eureka, CA 95501 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $35,273.32 Street Address or other common designation of real property: 1702 West Ave. Eureka, CA 95501 A.P.N.: #006-151-002 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property.

NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 707-268-1205, using the file number assigned to the this case 2012F006. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Dated: 1/14/2013 Professional Trust Deed Services P.O. Box 115 Eureka, California 95502 Sale Line: (707) 268-1206 s/: Karen Mesa, Collection Officer, Agent 1/17, 1/24, 1/31/2013 (13-13)


YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER THE LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENTS AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENT dated 12/21/2006 with NORTHERN REDWOOD FEDERAL CREDIT UNION TO: William O. Clark Clarine E. Clark Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship 4329 Percheron Ln., Unit 206 Arcata, CA 95521 The Testate and Intestate Successors of WILLIAM O. CLARK (deceased) and CLARINE E. CLARK (deceased), and All Persons Claiming by, through, or under, such decedents, and any and all successors in interest to such decedents 4329 Percheron Ln., Unit 206 Arcata, CA 95521 A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code, and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by the duly appointed agent. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to satisfy the obligation secured by said Loan and Security Agreement. The undersigned agent disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein.

The secured party hereby elects to conduct a foreclosure sale pursuant to the provisions of California Commercial Code, Section 9610, et seq., under the terms of the Loan and Security Agreement, and pursuant to any other instruments between the Debtor and the Secured Party referencing a security interest in personal property. Secured Party reserves its right to revoke its election as to some or all of said personal property and/or fixtures, or to add additional personal property and/or fixtures to the election herein expressed, at Secured Party’s sole election, from time to time, and at any time until the consummation of the foreclosure sale to be conducted pursuant to the Loan and Security Agreement, and this Notice of Sale. Please refer to the Loan and Security Agreement for additional information. The personal property which was given as security for the Debtor’s obligation is described as follows: 1979 BUDDY MANUFACTURED HOME with DECAL NUMBER LAX8045, SERIAL NUMBERS 04750640AM and 04750650BM, and LABEL/INSIGNIA NUMBERS 144180 and 144181. Said property is now located at 4329 Percheron Ln., Unit 206, Arcata, CA 95521. No warranty is made that any or all of the personal property still exists or is available for the successful bidder, and no warranty is made as to the condition of any of the personal property, which shall be sold “as is, where is.” DEBTOR: William O. Clark and Clarine E. Clark DATE OF SALE: February 4, 2013 TIME OF SALE: 10:00 a.m. PLACE OF SALE: Dustin E. Owens, Attorney at Law, 310 Third Street, Suite D, Eureka, CA 95501 PROPERTY LOCATION: 4329 Percheron Ln., Unit 206, Arcata, CA 95521 ESTIMATED OPENING BID: $40,135.39 The total estimated current balance secured by said instrument is stated above, which includes the unpaid balance (including accrued and unpaid interest), and reasonable estimated costs, expenses, and advances as of the time of the initial execution of this notice. This amount will change due to the passage of time. DATE: January 3, 2013 Northern Redwood Federal Credit Union By/S: Dustin E. Owens, Attorney/Agent 1/10, 1/17, 1/24/2013 (13-05)


The following person is doing GO LIGHT at 5161 Greenwood Heights Dr., Kneeland, CA 95549. Molly Robles 5161 Greenwood Heights Dr. Kneeland , CA. 95549 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 01/11/2013 /s/ Molly Robles

1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14/2013 (13-16)


The following persons are doing LOOKING UP CLOTHING COMPANY at 2240 Fairfield St., Eureka, CA 95501. James Osburn 2240 Fairfield St. Eureka , CA. 95501 Helen Yang 2240 Fairfield St. Eureka, CA. 95501 Graham Osburn 2510 Davis Way Arcata, CA. 95521 The business is conducted by A General Partnership. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 01/12/2013 /s/ James B. Osburn This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on January 15, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14/2013 (13-17)


The following person is doing REDWOOD COAST SPREADER BARS at 1358 School Rd., McKinleyville, CA 95519. Matthew Goldsworthy 1358 School Rd. McKinleyville, CA. 95519 The business is conducted by A General Partnership. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on N/A /s/ Matthew Goldsworthy This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on January 15, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14/2013 (13-18)

1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7/2013 (13-10)


The following person is doing business as J. GARLAND COMMUNICATIONS at 677 Driver Road, Trinidad, CA 95570, P.O. Box 4629, Arcata, CA 95518. John Garland Graves 677 Driver Road Trinidad, CA 95570 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 1/1/2013. /s John G. Graves. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on January 8, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7/2013 (13-12)


The following persons are doing business as WISDOM OF THE HEART CHURCH DBA GAIA SAGRADA at 4779 Valley East Blvd., Ste. 2, Arcata, CA 95521, P.O. Box 4505, Arcata, CA 95518. Wisdom of the Heart Church 4779 Valley East Blvd., Ste. 2 Arcata, CA 95521 The business is conducted by A Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 11/10/12. /s Christine Breese, Chief Executive Officer. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on January 8, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7/2013 (13-11)


The following persons are doing business as REDWOOD R & R at 3231 Dolbeer Street, Eureka, CA 95503, P.O. Box 408, Cutten, CA 95534. KLLG Corporation 2835 N Street Eureka, CA 95501 The business is conducted by A Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious


The following persons are doing business as CHAPMANS ROCKS at 7687 Hwy 36, Carlotta, CA 95528, P.O. Box 50, Carlotta, CA 95528. Tasha Reveles 7687 Hwy 36 Carlotta, CA 95528 Matthew Reveles 7687 Hwy 36 Carlotta, CA 95528 The business is conducted by A Married Couple. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 1/1/2013. /s Tasha Reveles. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on December 28, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31/2013 (13-08)


The following persons are doing business as DESIGN BAR at 428 First St., Eureka, CA 95501. JAG Architects, Inc. 428 First St. Eureka, CA 95501 The business is conducted by A Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on n/a. /s John Ash, C.E.O. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on January 2, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31/2013 (13-04)


The following person is doing business as ACCESS UNIVERSAL at 561 Spruce Ave., Trinidad, CA 95570. Robert C. Ennis 561 Spruce Ave. Trinidad, CA 95570 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 1/3/2013. /s Robert C. Ennis. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on January 3, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31/2013 (13-07)


The following person is doing WESTHAVEN BURLWORKS at 1005 Cedar, Westhaven, CA 95570, PO Box

legal NOTICES ➤ continued on next page


The following persons are doing LOTUS ACUPUNCTURE & HEALING ARTS at 825 Bayside Rd., Arcata, CA 95521. Lupine Meredith Wread 1752 Old Arcata, Rd. Bayside , CA. 95524 Sheridan Richardson Barnes 1887 Babler Rd McKinleyville, CA. 95519 Mary Teresa Leathner 999 Kingdom Rd. Trinidad, CA. 95570 The business is conducted by Copartners. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 01/22/2013 /s/ Mary T. Leuthner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on January 14, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk

1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31/2013 (13-02)

ANSWERS NEXT WEEK! ACROSS 1. Easy ____ 6. Lack muscle tone, perhaps 9. Results of most 100-yd. returns 12. Mongol invader 13. Newsstand offering 15. Bemoan 16. What a nonmoderate politician heard from voters after a failed reelection bid? 18. “But then again ...” 19. Peruvian pronoun 20. Old AT&T rival 21. They often create scenes 23. Cozy

25. Poison counteractor 27. ____ pole 29. Word sung on 12/31 30. Con game 33. Conservatory subj. 35. Woody Allen-esque 37. Completed 40. Isl. in the French West Indies 42. Title in S. America 43. Full attention 45. Time period on a financial stmt. 47. ____-Cola 48. Fats Domino’s “It’s ____ Love” 50. Wed 54. Like a cute face

57. Zenith 58. Tethered 60. Thin woman in shorts? 62. “Some ____ meat and canna eat”: Burns 63. Sheller’s discard 64. Shape of a female sheep’s midleg? 67. “____ Maria” 68. Fan frenzy 69. Daybreak 70. ____ Cruces 71. Handbag monogram 72. Went undercover?

DOWN 1. If all goes well 2. Refuses 3. Avoided doing dishes, say 4. Protestant denom. 5. Squeeze 6. Govt. assistance program 7. Attacker 8. Nighttime assignment, often 9. Advice to someone disappointed with the world’s major religions? 10. Simon and Garfunkel song, e.g. 11. Filming locations 13. 1986 rock autobiography whose first chapter is titled “Nut Bush”

14. Opposite of exo17. Elvis’ label 22. “Don’t take ____ seriously!” 24. Absolute beauty 26. Deli order 28. Ruminate 31. Broadcast 32. Beastie Boys bandmate of Ad-Rock and Mike D 34. Keeps one’s distance 36. Queue after Q 37. Bespectacled dwarf 38. Co. milestone 39. Punch some punches? 41. Makes wider

44. It gets hammered 46. Paternity suit evidence 49. Massey of “Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man” 51. Time’s 2007 Invention of the Year 52. Get a bit misty 53. Released (from) 55. Look 56. A patch may cover one 58. Fall birthstone 59. Bossa ____ 61. Amount to make do with 65. About .62 mi. 66. Suffix with ear or arm


HARD #20


The following person is doing business as HUMBOLDT MOBILE NOTARY at 6535 Tompkins Hill Rd., Loleta, CA 95551. Teri L. Ohlsson 6535 Tompkins Hill Rd. Loleta, CA 95551 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 1/1/2013. /s Teri L. Ohlsson. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on January 4, 2013. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk

business name listed above on n/a. /s Kamara Gee, President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on December 27, 2012. CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk

Solution, tips and computer program at

1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14/2013 (13-15)


CROSSWORD By David Levinson Wilk

This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on January 14, 2013 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk • North Coast Journal • Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013



CONTINuED FROM PREvIOuS PAgE. 923, Trinidad, CA. 95570 Scott William graves 1005 Cedar. Westhaven , CA. 95570 The business is conducted by An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 09/15/2010 /s/ Scott W. Graves This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Humboldt County on December 12, 2012 CAROLYN CRNICH Humboldt County Clerk 1/3, 1/10, 1/17, 1/24/2013 (13-01)


PETITION OF: APRIL MCKINZIE TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: APRIL MCKINZIE for a decree changing names as follows: Present name MIKAYLA ANN MCKINZIE to Proposed Name MIKAYLA ANN WILLIAMS THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: March 8, 2013 Time: 1:45 p.m. The address of the court is: Same as noted above, Dept. 8 Date: January 14, 2013 Filed: January 14, 2013 /s/ DALE A. REINHOLTSEN Judge of the Superior Court 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14/2013 (13-21)


To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: EUGENE N. SUPKO A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by BRENDA HALE in the Superior Court of California,

County of Humboldt. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that BRENDA HALE be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on February 14, 2013, at 1:50 p.m. at the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code Section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: Timothy J. Wykle, S.B. # 216943 MATHEWS, KLUCK, WALSH & WYKLE, LLP 100 M STREET EUREKA, CA 95501 (707) 442-3758 JANUARY 14, 2013 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT 1/24, 1/31, 2/7/2013 (13-19)

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: MEREDITH ANN HEINLE, aka MEREDITH M. HEINLE A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by DAVID M. HEINLE AND CAROL A. ESCOBAR in the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that DAVID M. HEINLE AND CAROL A. ESCOBAR be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on January 31, 2013 at 1:50 p.m. at the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code Section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: JOHN R. STOKES SB# 67715 STOKES, HAMER, KAUFMAN & KIRK, LLP 381 BAYSIDE ROAD ARCATA, CA 95521 (707) 822-1771 JANUARY 3, 2013 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT

NorthCoast CoastJournal JourNal • thursday, 24, 2013 • • Thursday, JAN.JaN. 24, 2013 • 34North 34

1/10, 1/17, 1/24/2013 (13-06)


To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: MR. PATRICK J. SHERRY A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by LOWELL NILES in the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that LOWELL NILES be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on January 31, 2013 at 1:50 p.m. at the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt, 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, in Dept. 8. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code Section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. PETITIONER: LOWELL NILES 11515 CAMINITO LA BAR 86 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 (858) 335-9055 JANUARY 7, 2013 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT 1/10, 1/17, 1/24/2013 (13-09)


PT Graphics Admin PT Medical Asst.  PT Admin Asst. Painter  Auto Service Writer Heating Technician Expert  HVAC Technician Insurance Sales/Manager Print Shop Admin.  General Manager Media

707.445.9641 2930 E Street Eureka, CA 95501



$37,040.64 - $45,023.13/yr.

If you are looking for an exciting new challenge, are a great multi-tasker and are able to pass a detailed background test, we are looking for you! To be included in the next required examination scheduled for February 8th, submit applications by 4:00 p.m. Monday, January 28, 2013. The Dispatcher is an entry level position. Application materials are available at; Arcata City Hall, City Manager’s Office, 736 F Street, Arcata, or by calling (707) 822-5953. EOE.

United indian HealtH ServiceS, inc. 1600 Weeot Way, Arcata, CA 95521 • (707) 825-5000

alternate resources technician Arcata – FT – Must have 1 to 3 yrs related exp working with Alternate Resource programs; Exp in a health care setting preferred. Behavioral Health counselor Arcata – FT – Must be a licensed MFT or LCSW with at least 2 yrs of licensed counseling exp or have a MA/ MS degree and be registered as an ASW or MFT Intern. elder nutrition assistant cook Smith River – PT – Must have a HS diploma or equiv, 1 yr food preparation exp preferred. Medical Site coordinator Fortuna – FT – Must have a HS diploma or equiv, 3 yrs exp as a Medical Assistant in a clinic setting; with at least 2 yrs supervisory exp. In accordance with PL 93-638 American Indian Preference shall be given. Must have valid driver license & be insurable. UIHS is an alcohol & drug free workplace w/req’d testing. For qualifications go to or call (707) 825-5000. Closes: January 23, 2013.

CONTINUED ON next page


Employment Program assistant Full-time position performs general office support duties, including routing phone calls, word processing, data entry, and filing. Two years of increasingly complex fiscal, record keeping, and office experience. $9.47/hr. Must be able to pass a criminal history fingerprint clearance. Benefits including paid vacation/sick leave, holidays and paid insurance after 6 months of employment. Application and job description available at, 2259 Myrtle Ave., Eureka, CA 95501, or (707) 444-8293. Submit a letter of interest, resume, and completed job application to Nanda Prato at above address by 5:00 p.m. on monday, February 4th. EOE

Open Door is seeking the following medical professionals:

RECEPTIONIST 1 F/T McKinleyville



1 F/T Crescent City, 1 F/T Arcata

REGISTERED DENTAL ASSISTANT 1 F/T Eureka Call (707) 826-8633 ext 5140 Visit

CHER-AE HEIGHTS CASINO PART-TIME POSITIONS Gift Shop (Candy Cart) Janitorial, 2 Crown Club Representative, 2 Deli Worker Busser/Host, (Sunset) Vault Attendant Security Server/Busser/Host, 2 FULL-TIME POSITIONS Count Team TRINIDAD RANCHERIA Animal Control Officer Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria Employments Applications available in Human Resources/ Seascape/ Cher-Ae Heights Casino or our website at Cher-Ae Heights is an alcohol and drug free workplace with required testing.

AIRLINE CAREERS. Begin here Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial assistance available. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-242-3214 (E-0124) CERTIFIED LUMBER GRADER. Sierra Pacific Industries, Arcata seeks a certified dimension lumber grader. Certificate must be through a reputable association. Knowledge in Shop, Select and Common grades a plus. Must be willing to work any shift & wknds. Apply in person at 2593 New Navy Base Rd, Arcata, M - F, 9 a.m - 4:30 p.m or fax resume to ATTN: Anne (707) 442-4954. We are a drug & tobacco free work place. A verifiable SS # is req’d. EOE. (E-0131) CUSTOMER SERVICE/ENROLLMENT AGENT. MorphoTrust USA. Responsible for electronic applicant fingerprinting processing and delivery of excellent customer service. Must pass Security Screening Process. Part Time. Submit resume on line at https://morphotrustcareers. (E-0131)

Now Hiring:

14 W. Wabash Ave. Eureka, CA 268-1866

FULL TIME LICENSED CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER (LCSW). For Redwoods Rural Health Center. Join our visionary team and practice patient-centered medicine utilizing a high quality EHR while engulfing yourself in the stunning natural beauty of Southern Humboldt County. Our dedicated and compassionate team strives to meet the needs of the whole person, body, mind and spirit for a diverse range of patients. Experience providing substance abuse counseling as well as working with children is school-based settings preferred. LCSWs practicing at RRHC are eligible for up to $30,000 a year in Loan Repayment through the National Health Service Corps: http://nhsc.hrsa. gov/loanrepayment/index.html. Visit RRHC’s webiste to complete application, http://www.rrhc. org. Submit your resume to the Executive Director at P.O. Box 769, Redway, CA, 95560 or ttvedt@ (E-0131) HELP WANTED! Make extra money in our free ever popular homemailer program, includes valuable guidebook! Start immediately! Genuine! 1-888-292-1120 (AAN CAN)(E-0214) JUNIOR PROGRAMMER. Humboldt County Office of Education Requires 2+ years of knowledge and experience with PHP, JavaScript, HTMLS and CSS3, Linux, MySQL, SVN, AJAX, LAMP development. Understanding of programing concepts and web stacks, web services, MVC framework, and CakePHP. Must have the ability to work independently, interest in developing secure high-traffic web sites and solutions. Contracted services, fee to be determined. For further info. contact katkinson@humboldt.k12. or call 445-7039. Classified application available at HCOE or online: Reply to Personnel, HCOE, 901 Myrtle Ave., Eureka, CA 95501. Open until filled. (E-0131) LIVE LIKE A ROCKSTAR. Now hiring 10 spontaneous individuals. Travel full time. Must be 18+. Transportation and hotel provided. Call Shawn 800-716-0048 (AAN CAN) (E-0124) HOME CAREGIVERS PT/FT. Nonmedical caregivers to assist elderly in their homes. Top hourly fees. 442-8001. (E-1226)

CPA Waitstaff Who Can Cook Hotel/Motel/Trailer Park Maintenance Laborers  Smog Tech PAID IN ADVANCE! MAKE up to $1000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! Helping Home Workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! No Experience required. Start Immediately! (AAN CAN) (E-0228) DISPATCHER. CAE Transport. Day/ Swing shifts. Will train! Training wage $10.00/hr. Print CAE Application at www.cityambulance. com and send with cover letter to or mail to 135 W. 7th St., Eureka, CA 95501. (E-0124) MERCHANDISING SPECIALIST, PT EUREKA. Channel Partners is looking for a Part Time Merchandising Specialist. Contact: Thanh Phan, 877-747-4071 ext.1248. Thanh. To apply go to (E-0307) PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER. 6-8 hours/day. $11/hour. Medical reimbursement. 12 ECE units, six months experience. Cover letter & resume to: Little Angels Preschool, 716 South Ave., Eureka, 95503. (E-0124) TAXICAB DRIVERS, PT & FT. CAE Transport. Various shifts, 24/7. Starting $8.00/hour + gratuities. 21+ & clean driving record required. Print CAE Application: www.cityambulance. com and send with cover letter to: or mail: 135 W. 7th St., Eureka, CA 95501. (E-0124) BILINGUAL CLIENT ADVOCATE. North Coast Rape Crisis Team has a 40+ hour/wk position for a Bilingual Client Advocate, fluent in Spanish/English. Help ensure access to crucial services to those in need by providing in-person & telephone support to survivors (all ages & genders) of sexual assault/ abuse. Excellent benefit package, pay starts at $12./hr plus $50./mo language stipend after training. Deadline Feb. 14, 4 p.m. Call (707) 443-2737 for info on applying. Equal Opportunity Employer (E-0207) CALIFORNIA MENTOR. Is seeking committed people willing to share their home with an adult with developmental disabilities. We are seeking Mentors who have experience with insulin dependent diabetics & live in the McKinleyville/Arcata area. We offer a competitive monthly stipend & 24 hour support. Call Jamie at (707) 442-4500 ext. 14. (E-1226)

AIRLINE CAREERS. Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified, Housing available. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-492-3059. (E-0124) HELP WANTED!!! Make $1000 a week Mailing Brochures from home! Free supplies! Helping Home Workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start immediately! www. (E-0228) $$$HELP WANTED$$$ Extra Income! Assembling CD cases from Home! No Experience Necessary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1-800405-7619 EXT 2450 http://www.\ (E-0321)


Post your job opportunities in • 442-1400

Rentals EUREKA 2BD/1BA APARTMENT. 230 Wabash Ave., Apt. #20. W/S/G Pd. Sec 8 OK. Cat OK. Rent $650 Vac 01/06., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0124) EUREKA 2BD/1BA APARTMENT. 3125 Nevada St. #2. W/S/G Pd. Sec 8 OK. On-site laundry. Rent $775 Vac 02/01. www.ppmrentals. com, Rental hotline (707) 4449197. (R-0124) EUREKA 3BD/2BA REMODELED HOUSE. 530 W. Buhne St. W/S Pd. New range, refrige, dw, Hook-ups, yard. Rent $1200 Vac Now. www., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0124) EUREKA 1BD/1BA APARTMENT. 1335 6th St. #11. W/S/G Pd. Sec 8 OK. On-site laundry. Rent $570 Vac Now., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0124) EUREKA 1BD/1BA DUPLEX. 1117 Del Norte St. Garbage Pd. Yard, Patio, garage. Rent $625 Vac 02/09., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0124) EUREKA COTTAGE 1BD/1BA. 1134 A St. Water/Sewer pd. Range, refridge Rent $700 Vac Now , www., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0124)


Openings soon available for HUD Sec. 8 Waiting Lists for 2, 3 & 4 bedrm apts. Annual Income Limits: 1 pers. $20,300; 2 pers. $23,200; 3 pers. $26,100; 4 pers. $28,950; 5 pers. $31,300; 6 pers. $33,600; 7 pers. $35,900; 8 pers. $38,250.

EHO. Hearing impaired: TDD Ph# 1-800-735-2922. Apply at Office: 2575 Alliance Rd. Arcata, 8am-12pm & 1-4pm, M-F (707) 822-4104 EUREKA 3BD/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE. 1409 Williams St. #3. W/S/G Pd. Sec 8 OK, on-site laundry, patio, garage. Rent $995 Vac Now., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0124) ARCATA REMODELED 2BD/2BA SPLIT LEVEL APT. 425 Bayside Ct. #B. W/S/G Pd., w/c cat Rent $1130, Vac. Now., Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0124) EUREKA 2BD/1.5 BA TOWNHOUSE. 2610 Fairfield St. #3, W/S/G Pd. Range, refridge., dw Rent $940 Vac 03/01,, Rental hotline (707) 444-9197. (R-0124) EUREKA STUDIO APARTMENTS. 1140 E St., #26 & #32. W/S/G/Pd. Sec 8, range, refridg, w/c cat. Rent $515. Vac now. www.ppmrentals. com, Rental hotline (707) 4449197. (R-0124) ALL AREAS-ROOMMATES.COM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http://www. (AAN CAN) (R-0620)

Business Rentals DOWNTOWN EUREKA OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE. Close to Courthouse. Call 443-2246 for sizes and pricing. (BR-0131) DANCE STUDIO RENTAL. Humboldt Capoeira Academy offers rental space for the performing arts, beautiful 2800 sq. f.t dance space offers hardwood floors, wall-to wall windows, full length mirrors, and dressing rooms. Convenient location is visible from the plaza, and will help you to promote your classes. Check with us for rates and availability. Contact Sarara at (707) 498-6155, or sararacdo@hotmail. com. (BR-1226) • North Coast Journal • Thursday, JAN. 24, 2013



CONTINUED FROM previous page


Real Estate


own ld T


EUREKA FLORIST FOR SALE. $169,000, Plus inventory. Priced for quick sale. Turnkey, will train. 4434811, (RE-0131) WILLOW CREEK PROPERTY. 1.33 acres, Willow Creek Community Service District Water, underground power & phone at property. R-2 soils report and perk tested. Approved septic system design by Trinity Engineering. Property is zoned RST. Property is located off Highway 299 on private road one mile east of Willow Creek. Ready to build. $99,900 will consider offers. (530) 629-2031 (RE-1226)

real estate

Check out the listings on page 39

this week

or online @

real estate Lodging/Travel

this week

VACATION RENTAL. King Range, Great for family gatherings, workshops, small events, solar powered, easy access, handicap friendly. min. 3 nights, 9867794. (L-0124)

Auto CASH FOR CARS. Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 (AAN CAN) (A-0404)


YOUR ROCKCHIP IS MY EMERGENCY! Glaswelder, Mobile, windshield repair. 442-GLAS, (A-0606)

Buy/Sell/Trade COOKBOOKS, PLATES & PLASTICWARE 1/2 PRICE! Green Tagged Clothes only 25¢ each! Dream Quest Thrift Store Providing Opportunities for Local Youth.Sale ends Jan. 26. (BST0124)

at IT’S FIREWOOD TIME! Alder, Douglas Fir, Juniper, Madrone (sometimes), Oak, Pepperwood, & Kindling. Call for current availability. We can deliver. Almquist Lumber Company, Boyd Road, Arcata. Open 7 days a week. Stop by or call; (707) 825-8880 (BST-0328)


Approx. 1-6 Closed Tues.



THE BEAD LADY. For all your needs in beads! Glass beads, leather, shells, findings, jewelry. Kathy Chase Owner, 76 Country Club Dr. Ste. 5, Willow Creek. (530) 629-3540. krchase@yahoo. com. (BST-1226)

AIR-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS. Use the heat in the air to heat your home, a proven technology, reasonably priced, Sunlight Heating-$300 Federal Tax Credit-CA lic. #972834., (707) 502-1289 (S-0214)

Pets WOOF DEDOO PET WASTE REMOVAL SERVICE. Don’t do it, let us dedoo it! www.woofdedoo. com (P-0124) Oodles of Poodles, covered in kitties? Looking for new homes for some of those pets? Loving new families await. List the darlings here. 442-1400. Visa/MC

• Grooming & Boarding by Linn • Gentle Professional Grooming Since 1989

1701 Giuntoli Lane Arcata • • 826-0903

36 North Coast Journal • Thursday, JAN. 24, 2013 •


Arcata Plaza 825-7760

New manager? Co-worker problems? Personnel issues? Office politics?

20 words and a photo,


11th & K Streets, Arcata




(707) 443-1104 No membership required.




Only funeral provider in Humboldt County to be certified by the Green Burial Council.


TEMPUR-PEDIC FOR SALE. California King Tempur-Pedic mattress and box springs. This is the BellaSonna model and is about two years old. Entire set is in like new condition. This mattress is medium to firm support. Originally sold for approx. $5,000, selling for $2,000. Injuries from a recent accident are forcing us into a softer mattress. Text message to 845-4698 only. Available to view in the evenings. (BST-1226)


Old Town, Eureka 212 F St., 444-2936

for only $25 per week! Call 442-1400 or e-mail


Harvey’s Harvey’s Ha H aarvey’s arvey y

Vintage Clothing Furniture, Housewares & more!

116 W. Wabash

20 words and a photo, IN FULL COLOR for only $25 per week! Call 442-1400 or e-mail

616 Second St. Old Town Eureka 707.443.7017


real estate

this week



HELICOPTER FLIGHT LESSONS/ SCENIC TOURS. $195/hr. www. (S-0627) PIERCE’S COMPLETE ORCHARD CARE. Professional fruit tree pruning and orchard maintenance. Andrew Pierce (707) 672-4398. (S-0228) SEABREEZE CLEANING CO. Office & Rentals, Licensed & Bonded (707) 834-2898 (S-0131) ST I TC H ES - N - B R I TC H ES I N MCKINLEYVILLE. Kristin Anderson, Seamstress. Mending, Alterations, Custom Sewing. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Bella Vista Plaza, Suite 8A, McKinleyville. (707) 502-5294. Facebook: Kristin Anderson’s Stitches-n-Britches. (S-0131) CREATIVE WRITING COACH/ EDITOR Nurturing, collaborative editing and creative coaching will make your work shine. All styles welcome. C.Baku, MFA. www. (S-0207) REACH 5 MILLION. hip, forwardthinking consumers across the U.S. When you advertise in alternative newspapers, you become part of the local scene and gain access to an audience you won’t reach anywhere else. (AAN CAN) (S-0124)

Achieve Your Professional Potential with a Business Coach Louisa Rogers

2 GUYS & A TRUCK. Carpentry, Landscaping, Junk Removal, Clean Up, Moving. Contact (707) 8453087. (S-0124) A’O’KAY JUGGLING CLOWN & WIZARD OF PLAY. Amazing performances and games for all ages. Events, Birthdays, Festivals, Kidszones. I’ll Juggle, Unicycle, & bring Toys., (707) 499-5628. (S-1226)



On the Plaza

837 H Street, Arcata, CA 95521





TAI CHI GARDENER. Maintaining balance in your yard. Well equipt. Maintenance + Projects 18 yrs experience. Call Orion 825-8074, (S-0606) ERIC’S SERVICES. Home Repair, Maintenance, Affordable Prices (707) 499-4828. (S-0808) ALLIANCE LAWN & GARDEN CARE. Affordable, Dependable, and Motivated Yard maintenance. We’ll take care of all your basic lawn and garden needs. Including hedging, trimming, mowing, and hauling. Call for estimates (707) 834-9155, (707) 825-1082. (S-0228) ARCATA CLEANING COMPANY. The non-toxic cleaning solution for your home or office. 707-8227819. (S-0606) CLARITY WINDOW CLEANING. Services available. Call Julie 8391518. (S-0606) WRITING CONSULTANT/EDITOR. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Dan Levinson, MA, MFA. 443-8373. (S-1226)

Legal Services Kathleen Bryson Attorney DUI & DMV Hearings Cultivation/Possession Juvenile Delinquency Misdemeanors & Felonies Former Hum. Co. Deputy DA Member of CA DUI Lawyers Assoc.

home & garden






SCHINDLER SURVIVOR. The story of Schindler’s youngest Holocaust survivor presented at LifetreeCafe this week, Sun. Jan., 27, 7 p.m. 76 13th St., Arcata. 672-2919, www. for more info. (C-0124) ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE. from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice,*Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 800-4819472 (AAN CAN) (C-0124) SEX/ PORN DAMAGING YOUR LIFE & RELATIONSHIPS ? Confidential help is available. or 845-8973 (C-1226) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293 (Void in Illinois) (AAN CAN) (C-0124) BECOME A FOSTER PARENT. Provide a safe and stable environment for youth 13-18 for them to learn and grow in their own community. Contact the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services Foster Care Hotline at 441-5013 and ask for Peggy. (C-0124)









2/8/07, 11:40







jEwElry ◆


some help around homethe& garden house?

flOwErS ◆



service directory

home & garden

service directory see page 22

Humboldt Co. mental HealtH Crisis line

INSI DE Venues Jewelry oes Gowns & Tuxed Flowers Bakeries And More…

445-7715 1-888-849-5728

Humboldt domestiC ViolenCe serViCes

443-6042 1-866-668-6543


rape Crisis team Crisis line


national Crisis Hotline

1-800 SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) national suiCide preVention lifeline

1-800-273-TALK YoutH serViCe bureau YoutH & familY Crisis Hotline



100% N



service directory

CommUnITy CrISIS SUpporT:

Will you be in the North Coast’s only 100% local Wedding Guide?

L IF Call 442-1400 to speak to a rep today! ORNIA Ad space and free listings are still available. The 2013 Wedding Guide hits newsstands in February! A

place your ad ONLINE @




Are you service directory in the wedding home & garden service directory biz? Need INSID E


FREE CONSULTATION 732 5th Street, Suite C, Eureka, CA 95501 707.268.8600

BRADLEY DEAN ENTERTAINMENT. Singer Songwriter. Old Rock, Country, Blues. Private Parties, Bars, Gatherings of all Kinds. 832-7419. (M-0207) PIANO LESSONS BEGINNING TO ADVANCED ALL AGES. 30 years joyful experience teaching all piano styles. Juilliard trained, remote lessons available. Nationally Certified Piano Teacher. (707) 502-9469 (M-0606) PIANO LESSONS. Beginners, all ages. Experienced. Judith Louise 476-8919. (M-0606) MUSIC LESSONS. Piano, Guitar, Voice, Flute, etc. Piano tuning, Instrument repair. Digital multi-track recording. (707) 476-9239. (M-0221) SAXOPHONE /FLUTE LES SONS. All ages, beginneradvanced, jazz improvisation, technique. Susie Laraine: 4411343. (M-1226) GUITAR/PIANO/VOICE LESSONS. All ages, beginning and intermediate. Seabury Gould 444-8507. (M-0606)

CONTINUED ON next page • North Coast Journal • Thursday, JAN. 24, 2013


body, mind



GIT YER VALSSAGE! Swedish, Deep Tissue

& Therapeutic Massage.

Gail Pascoe, RN, MFc

Gift Certificates Available (707) 599-5639

25 years experience, CA License MFC 25083

Emphasis on medical issues, depression, anxiety and traumatic brain injury.

Valerie Schramm

Certified Massage Therapist

Call 362-6951 618 Harris Street, Eureka, CA 95503

All regularly priced merchandise Thru January 31st, 2013

Ongoing Classes Workshops Private Sessions

HAS MOVED! Jessica Baker, Licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist & Instructor has a new office at 607 F Street in Arcata

Diana Nunes Mizer Parent Educator

CERTIFIED ROLFER. Angela Hart. Ten Series, Tune ups, injuries. (707) 616-3096. (MB-0228) FREE REFLEXOLOGY WORKSHOP. Wed. Feb 6, 6-8 p.m. at the Center for Reflexology & Intuitive Healing Arts. Come join the fun, learn how to help yourself and others, and find out how to become a certified reflexologist. For more info & to register go to www. or call 822-5395 (MB-0131).

4677 Valley West Blvd. Arcata


Medical Cannabis Evaluations Facilitating patient use of medical cannabis for over 10 years. Michael D. Caplan, M.D. Gary W. Barsuaskas, N.P.

Call for Walk-in Availability Veteran / Senior /SSI DiscountS

24/7 verification by greenlife, medical systems co n

fi d e n t i a l &



LOSE WEIGHT/GAIN HEALTH. From the inside out with clinical hypnotherapist Dave Berman, C.Ht. (707) 845-3749. (MB-0124) NEED A MASSAGE IN THE EVENING AFTER WORK OR ON THE WEEKEND ? Anna Park CMT now at the Center for Reflexology & Intuitive Healing Arts Tues.- Fri. 5-8 p.m and Sat 10:30 a.m- 5p.m. Same day appointments available. Call 822-5395 to book your appointment today. (MB-0425) GET WIRED FOR JOY! Discover the emotional freedom that comes from re-wiring stress circuits stored in the brain. Learn neuroscience-based tools in a loving environment with psychotherapist Nancy Borge-Riis, LMFT, Certified Emotional Brain Trainer. (707) 839-9496. (MB-0411) BREATHE LOVE. RECEIVE DEEP PSYCHIC HEALING WITH SEASONAL ASTROLOGY MAPPING. Gain clarity for self-empowerment. Rev. Elisabeth Zenker, MSW; (707) 845-1450. (MB-0307)

STRAIGHTEN UP! Structural Integration Bodywork Series. Relieves chronic pain, eases movement, frees emotion. Good posture can be natural! 31 years experience, Cecilie Hooper, 6773969. (MB-0214) GET HEALTHY NOW. Feeling tired and sluggish? You may be missing some of the 40 nutrients our bodies need each day. Let us help you get your health back. (707) 839-4527. (MB-0131) NEW CLIENTS $10 OFF. Myrtletowne Healing Center 1480, #A Myrtle Ave. A Hidden Gem on Myrtle Ave., specializing in therapeutic massage. We will assist you on your road to recovery or work with you on that chronic pain issue. Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point, reflexology, acupressure, uterine centering, lymph drainage, lomi lomi, and more. Founders Hilary Wakefield and Sarah Maier are both Doulas, we do pregnancy massage as well! You are worth it, call today (707) 441-9175 (MB-1226)

assionate mp


Wallet ID cards available (707) 826-1165


do TERRA ESSENTIAL OILS. Amazing results with no side effects. Maureen Brundage, (707) 498-7749, www.californiadoterra. com, maureen@californiadoterra. com (MB-0214) CERTIFIED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Samantha Dudman-Miller, (707) 616-6031. (MB-0124) THE SPINE IS YOUR CONDUIT FOR LIFE-FORCE ENERGY. Open to the Alignment of Your Whole Self: Chiropractic by Dr. Scott Winkler, D.C. and Energy Work by Rebecca Owen. 822-1676. (MB-0919) COACHING FOR PERSONAL EVOLUTION WITH REBECCA OWEN. Access your wholeness by cultivating your Presence in the Now and learning to clear old patterns. 822-5253. (MB-0919)

Services include Acupuncture, Facial Rejuvenation, Nutritional/Herbal Consultations and Classes

(707) 822-4300

Energy Life Center HEAT THERAPY



Call 442-5433 for an appt. 616 Wood St. ~ Eureka


Marriage & Family Therapist, MFC 47122

Gambling Treatment • Trauma Recovery Addiction Treatment • Stress Management DOT/SAP (707) 496-2856 • 381 Bayside Road, Suite C • Arcata, CA 95521

HIGHER EDUCATION FOR SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT. Bachelors, Masters, D.D./Ph.D., distance learning, University of Metaphysical Sciences. Bringing professionalism to metaphysics. (707) 822-2111 (MB-0606) ZUMBA WITH MARLA JOY. Elevate, Motivate, Celebrate another day of living. Exercise in Disguise. Now is the time to start, don’t wait. All ability levels are welcome. Every Mon. and Thurs. at the Bayside Grange 6-7 p.m., 2297 Jacoby Creek Rd. $6/$4 Grange members. Every Wed. 6-7 p.m. in Fortuna at the Monday Club, 610 Main St. Every Tues. at the Trinidad Town Hall, Noon and every Thurs. at the Eureka Vets Hall, Noon. Marla Joy (707) 845-4307, marlajoy.zumba. com (MB-1226) ASTROLOGY & TAROT. With Salina Rain: Readings, Counseling and Classes. Mon., 1:25 p.m. KHSU 90.5 FM. (707) 668-5408. astro@, www.salinarain. com. (MB-0606) DANCE-FIT. Dance, aerobics & strength training all in one class! Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9-10 a.m First class is free. Drop in for $5 per class or 14 classes for $55. No Limits tap & jazz studio, corner of 10th & K st. Arcata. 825-0922 (MB-1226) YOUR next client may be a Journal reader. Offer your health services here in the Marketplace. 442-1400.

2850 E St., Eureka (Henderson Center), 707


2355 Central Ave., McKinleyville 707

Do it Legally

Low Cost 215 Evaluation Center All Renewals Starting At

$ 85

Renew Your 215 From Any Doctor or Clinic For Less Walk-ins Welcome Wed & Sat 12-6pm Special discount for Seniors, SSI , Veterans & Students New First Tim MMJ Patie e nts


$ 50

with men tion of this ad

Lowest Price Evaluations in HC

Medical Cannabis Consultants

(707) 407- 0527 508 I Street, Eureka


real estate

this week

Scan this code to see our listings online. Scan ad codes to visit our realtors’ websites directly.

real e


3 bed, 2.5 bath, 2,400 sq ft single level wonderful home with views of the 7th fairway of Baywood Golf and Country Club, easy access, two living rooms, two fireplaces, decks and much more

Zoom in on our online map to see this week’s featured properties.

Check out our Real Estate & Rental Listings in our Marketplace

(across from HC Court House)



4 bed, 2 bath, 1,500 sq ft Arcata home on a dead-end street, open floor plan, breakfast bar, family room and fireplace, attached double car garage


3 bed 2 bath, 1,250 sq ft Eureka home centrally located between downtown and Henderson Center, remodeled kitchen, fresh interior paint, newer carpet, carport & single garage, move-in ready

real estate

this week

An Association of Independently Owned and Operated Realty Brokerages

■ Mckinleyville

Charlie Tripodi Land Agent #01332697

7 0 7. 8 3 4 . 3 2 41

707.445.8811 ext.124

Private Practice, CA State Licensed School, Career Training in Holistic Health Education

New Year Special

Weekeknd Massage CliniC 2000 – 1/2 Hour Session 3500 – 1 Hour Session For a limited time only




739 12th St., Fortuna

NEW DIRECT LINE - 24/7 - 707.476.0435

YOu Get elBOw ROOm wIth thIS neweR hOme On a quIet cORneR lOt. Lots of natural light, open floor plan, vaulted ceiling in family room. Native landscaping, access to backyard for RV/boat storage. Close to Hiller Park and Hammond Trail. MLS#235587 $284,500

Butler Valley Land/Property +/-40 acres only 35 minutes from arcata. property

Sylvia Garlick

#00814886 Broker GRI/ Owner 1629 Central Ave., McKinleyville 707-839-1521 •

boasts year round creek, old homestead, developed building sites and amazing views. oWC.


Need help finding the home improvement experts?

home & garden

service directory

Zenia Land/Property

this beautiful, flat 40 acre parcel features 2 unfinished cabins, a yurt, small outbuildings, year round developed creek, phenomenal views and easy access. perfect year round homesteading property or summer retreat. Call today!


Weitchpec Land/Property

+/-80 acres near martins Ferry. Wooded property with cleared building sites, small cabin, developed year round spring and county road access. property touches the klamath River.


2120 Campton Rd. Ste #C – euReka, Ca 95503

w w w. h u m b o l d t l a n d m a n . c o m


39 39


Sunny Brae • Glendale • Trinidad • Cutten • Westwood

y Masterson

ine & Cind Roth and Jasm

Meet our staff Murphy’s really is just one big happy family! Hilde enthusiastically says, “Working with my daughter is fine!” And Cindy says, “I love it!” Cindy has worked just over a month at Murphy’s Market Deli, but she brought 25 years of restaurant management experience to the job.

Jim & Hilde M

cConnell and Ja

smine Masterso

Hilde has been with Murphy’s since 2004 and has continued to show her fabulous German cooking flair in the deli’s entrees, side dishes and salads. Hilde and her husband Jim will celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary in 2013. Cindy and her beau, Larry Roth, with Compton Electric, play at the Ferndale river bar as often as they can. Cindy and her daughter Jasmine, like to zip along on the dune buggy. Larry is the one who likes riding dirt bikes. Hilde says of Larry, “He’s a sweetheart!” Since Cindy was “old enough to walk” she has been going to Murphy’s. “We lived close by. When I was five I remember buying Pepsi in a bottle and candy. That was when the store was still located across the street.” Now both mom and daughter work at Murphy’s and are having a good time! The deli has wonderful fresh food for breakfast, lunch and dinner that is hot and ready for you in a flash! Stop by and see how easy it is to grab a quick lunch for yourself or a complete fresh hot dinner for your family.

Jasmine Masterson

and Hilde McCon



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