1 minute read



would have on everything from traffic and water resources to the elementary school. About 100 people attended, and several — including the initiative’s chief proponents — walked away deeply concerned the county was permitting too many farms and exercising too little oversight.

the forbearance period — the part of the year when farmers with water rights are prohibited from drawing surface water from streams and rivers — and require additional studies of groundwater impacts.

Continued on page 13 »

United Indian Health Services, Inc.

Immediate Release

United Indian Health Services is seeking Indian Community Members interested in serving as potential Candidates to be members of the UIHS Board of Directors. Potential Candidates must reside in and around the UIHS Service area within one of the following regions:

Area 2:

In and around Orick, Trinidad, McKinleyville, and Blue Lake – Seeking a Primary Delegate and an Alternate Delegate for a (3) threeyear term (June 2023 – June 2026)

Area 4:

In and around Hoopa and Willow Creek – Seeking a Primary Delegate and an Alternate Delegate for a (3) three-year term (June 2023 – June 2026)

Area 5:

In and around Weitchpec, Johnsons, and Orleans – Seeking an Alternate Delegate to fill the remaining (1) one-year term out of a 3-year term. (June 2023 – June 2024)

All interested Indian Community Members may request a Declaration of Candidacy packet at www.uihs.org, at any UIHS Clinic, or by calling 707.825-4121 or 707.825-4136. The Declaration of Candidacy forms must be submitted or postmarked no later than April 14, 2023 to:

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