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Trinidad Elementary Community Spotlight Community Spotlight
Look up in Trinidad and you will see a printed quilt created by students from Trinidad Elementary that is now hanging in Trinidad Murphy’s Market. This project was created by Trinidad Elementary’s Education Foundation to support their Gardening, Arts and Music Programs. Trinidad Elementary is responsible for raising $30,000 each year to pay for portions of salaries and materials for these programs. “The students and staff are incredibly grateful for Murphy’s generous support of the Arts at our school and love seeing the children’s work displayed at the market,” said Beth Frink, an Education Foundation volunteer.


Want to join Murphy’s in championing arts and music education for children in our community?

Please consider supporting the Arts at Trinidad School by sending a tax deductible donation to TSEF at P.O. Box 300, Trinidad Ca. 95570, scanning the QR Code to make a donation,or contacting them at tsef2020@gmail.com. Thank you to Trinidad Elementary and Murphy’s Markets for supporting our children’s art, music and gardening education!