Build to edge of the document Margins are just a safe area
2022, Volume 124, No. 1) feaA hazy day at tures an article addressing these Humboldt Bay, moments of Zen critical issues. Watching pelicans play A major concern is these wind generators will degrade Offering thanks to our pristine and valued coastLast night’s dreams, where stories are told line, as well. Even 21 miles In impossible schemes off shore, these numerous Movement and freedom 900-feet-tall generators will Combine in a dance, loosening images always be visible from our Unfurled, entranced. shoreline. As Humboldt County — Lori Cole Supervisor and Coastal Commissioner Mike Wilson states, “These structures will be seen from virtually everywhere.” We will never again be able to appreciate our magnificent ocean view without seeing these generators. I understand the need for clean energy sources, and support the need Editor: to develop other energy sources. But I Thank you for featuring the imdon’t want to stand at Centerville Beach, portant work on Indigenous-centered Trinidad or Sue-Meg park and ask why curricula that young activists are prowe allowed such turbines in our once moting in the local public schools (‘Long pristine oceans. Overdue,’ April 28). I have spent the Richard Kandus, McKinleyville last six years researching youth identity, participation choices and resilience in local high schools. Data from interviews, Editor: focus groups, surveys and ethnography After looking over the draft developclearly show that BIPOC students have ment plans for the proposed Gateway to armor up every day in schools and project, I was immediately opposed communities to withstand the slew of to the idea of eight-story apartments microaggressions, misrepresentations looming over the Arcata Bottoms, an and silences in the curricula. Negative area of known geological hazards, as experiences in schools and towns contribute to how young people feel about well as tsunami and storm surges exacerbated by sea level rise. Bob McPherson themselves and the shape their dreams described those in stark terms in his take. thoughtful letter to the editor some Curricula connected to local Indigenous culture, such as that featured in the weeks ago (Mailbox, Feb. 10). recent NCJ cover story, alongside things Several colleagues also enlightened like Yurok language electives (which are me to the city’s poorly executed planning process, a process where much was currently offered at four high schools: done without much opportunity for Eureka High School, McKinleyville High community input. This is contrary to School, Hoopa Valley High School and how my beloved city has handled things Del Norte High School) are examples in the past and very disappointing. of providing educational access that But the clincher was the immensely promotes respectful pluriethnic coexistence. Yurok language classes affirm enlightening letter (“Audit”) by Dr. Andrea Tuttle, a much respected researchidentities of heritage-speakers and help er and supporter of our community address intergenerational trauma by and how we wend our way through validating Native cultural practices. For the inevitable growing pains of increaswhite students, these classes educate ing population. Her insights demand them about Indigenous peoples as re-evaluation and extensive revision of contemporary neighbors rather than as the awful plan put forward by city staff. past folklore. And students from other Here is a link to Dr. Tuttle’s letter: www. minority backgrounds report feeling motivated to investigate their own audit-of-the-draft-gateway-area-plan/. family backgrounds and to take pride in I urge all residents to read this letter for the identities they find there. In short, a comprehensive understanding of the diverse curricular offerings do many ramifications of the Gateway plan in its kinds of positive things for students present form. Randy Klein, Arcata Continued on next page »
Diversify the Curriculum
Gateway Concerns
WANTS YOU! HE L P HUM BO LDT CO UNTY IM PROVE! Apply Now for the full year term beginning in July 1st. Applications available on using the Grand Jury link or pick up an application at the Grand Jury Office on the first floor of the courthouse. For more information call 707-476-2475 and leave a message. • Thursday, May 26, 2022 • NORTH COAST JOURNAL