North Coast Trader — June 15 - June 29, 2021

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Redwood Coast Regional Center


Be a part of a great team!

SOCIAL WORKER (Service Coordinator)

FT in Eureka, CA. Advocating & coord. services for individuals w/dev & intellectual disabilities. Requires BA w/ exp in human services or related field. Sal range starts $3665/mo. Exc. bene. Visit for more info & required docs.

SoHum Housing Opportunities


Full and part time Case Managers and Outreach Workers needed in the Garberville/Redway area of Southern Humboldt County. Competitive pay. Need some experience and education and a willingness to work with homeless populations. Email resume with references and cover letter to or mail to: SHO, P.O. Box 323, Redway, CA 95560. SHO is 501 (c) 3

The City of Rio Dell is now accepting applications for

COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER ($39,985 - $45,003 + Benefits)

Position will perform Code Enforcement and Animal Control duties as a primary function with general support to the Police Department and other city departments as needed. Prior experience in enforcement a plus. Candidate must demonstrate strong reading, writing and verbal communication skills. Applications may be obtained at 675 Wildwood Avenue, or call (707)764-3532. Positions are open until filled. Compensation study underway.

WANT A FREE AD? Yes, that’s right. Let us help you buy, sell, or trade! Limited to text only (just like this). Free ads run weekly based on space available for one issue. Ads must be submitted weekly to be eligible for each issue printed. For details or to submit an ad, visit 10

PHOTO SOURCE: © @sarahgtucker

Tips to Give Bugs the Boot This Summer (statepoint) Warm and wet spring and summer conditions predicted for much of the country are going to make for an extra buggy season, according to the biannual Bug Barometer forecast from the National Pest Management Association. What’s more, ants, roaches and

stinging insects are well-equipped at finding food and shelter in and around your home, and they are smarter than you may think. However, you can take steps to prepare for their arrival. For a safe, healthy and comfortable season at home, follow these pest management tips:

N O RT H COAST T R A D E R • J U N E 1 5 - J U N E 2 9, 2 021

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