2017國立成功大學文化資產導覽手冊 National Cheng Kung University Cultural Assets & Heritages Guide Book

Page 1






Dong Fong


Li Hsing Campus 19




Cheng Xin Campus

Ching Yeh Campus





Cheng Kung Campus

N. Tzu Chiang Campus

16 16




Chian Fong Ro


Xiao Dong Road


11 1



21 20

University Road



南自強校區 S. Tzu Chiang Campus

勝利校區 Sheng Li Campus

國立成功大學 校園文化資產


Dong Ning Road

東寧校區 Dong Ning Campus

Lin Sen Road




Chang Rong Road


Sheng Li Road

Kuang Fu Campus




火 車 站 Railway Station


創校 Establishment















不分區 Campus-round








校園常見鳥類(黑冠麻鷺/鳳頭蒼鷹) 撰























成功校區 Cheng Kung Campus











勝利校區 Sheng Li Campus


"Less is More."


光復校區 Kuang Fu Campus



BK24 蒸汽火車





















力行校區 Li Hsing Campus




自強校區 Tzu Chiang Campis





愛迪生 - 霍普金森式直流發電機 島津機構模型

歸仁校區 Gui Ren Campus





成 大 創 校


後甲之於多數的成大人,僅僅是個地名,但是對於日治時期的校友而 言,這裏卻存放著屬於他們揮抹不去的青春印記。1931 年在後甲地 區成立「臺灣總督府臺南高等工業學校」(成大前身),早期只有應用 化學、電氣工學和機械工學三個科系,1933 年作為學校本館的兩層 建築竣工(現成大博物館),前方心型水池旁作為學校舉辦活動慶典 的廣場,校區另端的成功操場,則是學生運動健身、軍事操練的場所。 昔日操場旁側的學生宿舍「寮歌」(非官方的宿舍之歌)聲猶在耳, 後甲處處烙印著臺南高工時期學生生活的點點滴滴。2011 年校友回 家了,感念當年學校的教導之恩, 一些日籍校友集資捐贈「回憶八 十年」紀念碑以茲紀念。

The Establishment of NCKU and Its First Alumni For most alumni and students, "Houja" is merely a name for the local neighborhood. But for the alumni studied and graduated during the Japanese Colonial Period, Houja is a place where they have shared many cherished memories of their youthful years. In 1931, the original predecessor of National Cheng Kung University known as the "Taiwan Governor's Office of Tainan Higher Industrial School" was established. There were only three departments at the time: Applied Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. 2 years after the school's establishment, the main administration building (now NCKU Museum) was built, and the heart-shape fountain in front of the building has served as the primary venue for celebrations. On the further side of the same campus, the running tracks served as the field for sport games and military parade rehearsals. Next to the tracks was the student dormitory, where the unofficial dormitory song still echoes in the memories. In 2011, per celebration for the university's 80 th Anniversary, the old alumni have returned from Japan to erect the memorial of "In Remembrance of the Eighty Years Past" to commemorate their years spent studying in this school.

上| 從本館二樓(現成大博物館)望向校門方向之老照片(成大首任校長若槻道隆家族捐贈) 左下| 2011 年11 月12 日立,由臺南高等工業學校日本校友會「鳳木會」於成大80 周年校慶捐贈 的「回憶八十年」留魂碑 右下| 《寮歌》;小松平五郎(作曲),田尻實一(作詞)

大 學 之 門


勝利路與大學路口有座簡潔而方整的白色校門,常讓人質疑為何該處 有座坊門。回溯 1956 年成大從省立工學院升格為大學時,僅成功與 勝利兩校區,該處乃為本校連結後站的主要進出門戶,而設為校門。 校門形式如牌坊,由戰後來自中國大陸任教於建築系的賀陳詞教授所 設計,簡潔俐落、僅黑白兩色的現代混凝土建築門洞,白色橫眉飾以 立體浮雕的中式傳統捲雲如意紋,黑色基座線腳則仿須彌座,是戰後 現代建築出現中式傳統建築元素的代表作之一。其特色為複刻蔣中正 總統題贈本校「窮理致知」墨寶於校門牌樓上。

The Gate of NCKU On the crossroad of Shen-Li Road and Da-Xue Road is the NCKU's school's gate, which its location often brings much curiosity. It's not surprising to hear people inquire the reason to have put the school's gate in such particular location. In 1956, during the time when the gate was built, the NCKU had only 2 campuses: Cheng-Kung and Shen-Li. Designed Professor He Chen-Tse of the Architecture Department, who has arrived to Taiwan from Mainland China after the civil war, the archway's design was inspired by the elements of Chinese traditional architecture and the modern architecture introduced from the Western worlds. The plain facade of the gate is painted using only black and white. The top frame is decorated with the embossing of traditional Chinese cloud motif; the black base is inspired by the stone foundations of Chinese palaces and temples. The gate was one of the signature buildings in representing the merge of modern building and Chinese design elements after the civil war.

上| 成功大學校門今貌 下| 校門與校訓及鳳凰花開時期(摘自省立工學院1962 年畢業紀念冊,博物館提供)

成 大 校 訓


「窮理」和「致知」兩詞原本分別出自「禮記」,後由朱熹提出「窮理 以致其知,反躬以踐其實」的說法而結合在一起。蔣中正總統大約在 1930 年代之後,便常在公開演講裡呼籲要以研究及科學救國,而提 到「窮理致知」的精神;後來更陸續將「窮理致知」頒為一些科技類 學校的共通校訓,而另將「親愛精誠」頒為一般軍校及黨校的共通校訓。 1951 年 7 月 25 日,總統府第一局行文臺灣省立工學院,隨函檢附蔣 總統頒發題詞為「窮理致知」的字匾;本校則於該年 12 月 15 日經 院務會議通過,以總統題贈本院之「窮理致知」為院訓。1956 年本 校慶祝升格為大學時,於大學路上新建的校門牌樓背面,嵌上「窮理 致知」的總統題字。學生間另外流傳方言諧音版的「窮,你就知」, 也頗有庶民哲理。

The Motto of NCKU The words "study thoroughly" and "knowledge" were originally derived from the "Book of Rites", which was followed by Zhu Xi's argument that "study thoroughly" to know, and reflexively practiced". President Chiang Kai-shek, in about the 1930s, called for the study of science for salvation, and referred to the spirit of "study thoroughly". Later, the "study thoroughly" was assigned to be the common motto of science and technology schools, And the "love sincerely" as the general motto of military schools. On July 25, 1951, the first division of the Presidential Office informed the Taiwan Provincial College of Engineering, attaching an inscription for the "study thoroughly" word plaque by President Chiang. On December 15, the staff meeting of the College decided that "study thoroughly" is the motto of the College. In 1956, when the school celebrated the promotion to a university, "study thoroughly" was embedded on the back side of the new school archway. Students also spread the joke of the homophonic version, "poor, then you know", which also happened to be a quite common folk's philosophy.

上| 〈窮理致知〉匾額 下| 臺灣省立工學院時期蔣中正總統題贈本校「窮理致知」為院(校)訓

鳳 凰 花


每年仲夏之際,當大家行經小東路外牆,或漫遊光復、自強校區時, 不妨抬頭望望天空,觸目可見朵朵艷紅,令人心悸的鳳凰花,這正是 綻放驪歌高唱的季節。 承襲學校所在地以鳳凰樹聞名的臺南城市意 象,鳳凰花成為成大的校花與校徽徽章。全校一百多株火紅豔麗的鳳 凰花,就像南臺灣熱情的人文氣質,炙熱且真誠,對成大人而言更是 蘊藏著特殊的情感。校內許多藝文活動喜以此命名,例如歷史悠久、 鼓勵文學創作的鳳凰樹文學獎、鳳凰樹劇展,提供展演活動的鳳凰樹 劇場與鳳凰樹藝廊,還有來自臺南高工時期灣生校友的回憶錄「鳳木 會報」,皆以鳳凰命名。可見鳳凰木不僅點綴了校園的一抹美麗,更 見證成大溫暖的人文情懷與源續不絕的創作精神。

The Royal Poinciana Trees Every mid-summer, those who walk along Xiao-Dong Road or within Kuan-Fu or Tsih-Ciang campuses may wish to look up at the sky to spot the eye-catching red blossoms of the Royal Poinciana (known to the locals as the "phoenix tree" for its flaming colors). Royal Poinciana blooms mid-summer, which is season of Taiwanese graduation ceremonies. The flamboyant blossom have been an icon in representing the image of Tainan City, and is the emblem of the NCKU. The university's campuses are home to more than 100 royal Poinciana trees. Their strains of red flowers represent the passionate and Ernest temperament of the people of southern Taiwan. For the students and alumni of the university, the Royal Poinciana holds even more significance in their memories, for many facilities and contests are named after it, such as Phoenix Tree Literature Award, the Phoenix Tree Drama Festival, the Phoenix Tree Theater, and the Phoenix Tree Gallery. Also, the alumni studying during the Japanese Colonial Period have named their association after the plant, and are known as "The Phoenix Tree Association".

上| 修齊大樓前鳳凰花景緻(圖片來源:計網中心) 左下| 2017 年光復校區鳳凰花初開 右下| 2017 年力行校區鳳凰花盛開

校 園 藝 術 環 境


成功大學校內的藝術氣息濃厚,並不亞於任何一所藝術學校。近百件 精湛的藝術作品,錯落於花木扶疏的校園,而美好事物的形成,往往 不是一蹴而就。成大校園人文藝術景觀,奠立於 1998 年的「世紀黎 明 - 成大校園雕塑大展」。該次展覽在前校長翁政義的傾力支持與蕭 瓊瑞教授的精心策劃下,成大首次進駐百件公共藝術。展覽期間,大 批人潮湧入校園,堪稱台灣藝術界一大盛事。承襲「世紀黎明」美好 經驗,2009 年,在蕭教授的再度帶領下舉辦「世代對話─校園環境 藝術節」。上述兩件大型藝術活動, 為成大校園儲備豐沛的藝術能量, 也造就今日成大豐富多元的校園藝術景觀。

Artistic Campus Environment of NCKU There are nearly 100 pieces of exquisite sculptures installed on the NCKU campus. The first large-scale of sculpture installation started from "The Dawn of the Century: Sculuptures in NCKU" exhibition in 1998. The exhibition was with the full support of then-president Zhen-Yi Wang and under the meticulous planning of Professor Qiongrui Xiao, where 100 pieces of public art were installed into the university. The exhibition attracted a large amount of visitors into the campus and was remembered by the artistic community as a major event. Succeeding the legacy of The Dawn of the Century, Professor Xiao has organized another event called "The Dialogue between Generations: Campus Arts Festival". The two events set foundation to the NCKU's abundant artistic energy, and left plentiful sculptures that have shaped the campus environment today.

對頁| 〈飛撲〉(朱銘,1995 年,銅,2 件一組,左385 x 582.5 x 475.2 cm、右453 x 353 x 422 cm) 上| 〈東西門〉(楊英風,1973 年,不鏽鋼,320 x 700 x 340 cm) 左下| 〈招弟〉(余燈銓,1994 年,青銅,225 x 110 x 335 cm) 右下| 〈思量〉(詹文魁,1998 年,黑花崗岩,240 x 160 x 90 cm)

校 園 常 見 鳥 類 ︵ 黑 冠 麻 鷺 / 鳳 頭 蒼鷹︶


鳳頭蒼鷹為台灣特有亞種,又稱粉鳥鷹或打鳥鷹。頭後有冠羽,喉部 繡以黑色縱斑,胸部為縱斑,腹部為橫斑,尾下覆羽雪白蓬鬆。牠們 空中盤旋獵食,雙翅快速下壓振翅的技巧堪稱一絕,霸氣的英姿如同 天空的王者。鳳頭蒼鷹營巢濃密的高樹,曾在悠悠湖的雨豆樹上發現 牠們的盤狀巢。不同於猛禽高空盤旋狩獵的方式,棲息在成大校園覓 食的黑冠麻鷺,總是一派優雅地佇立在草坪上等待獵物。黑冠麻鷺體 長約 47 公分,頭頂黑色羽冠,背部為暗紅褐色,腹部有黑色細橫紋。 警覺危險時,會伸長脖子靜止不動,面向對方保持警戒,以擬態方式 欺敵。有趣的是,無論是鳳頭蒼鷹或黑冠麻鷺都不太畏懼人類,總能 優游自在的棲息於都會綠地之中。漫步校園之際, 不妨時而仰望天 空,窺尋林葉茂密處,時而在綠茵草坪下近距觀賞,總能美麗相遇牠 們的行蹤。

Malayan Night Heron and Crested Goshawk Crested goshawk is a unique subspecies in Taiwan; the Taiwanese locals have also called the species as "Pidgeon hunter" or "Bird hunter". There are crest feathers on the back of crested goshawks’ head, black and vertical patterns on their throat and chest, horizontal patterns on their abdomen, and snow-white and fluffy feathers on their tail. They fly in a circular pattern while hunting. One of their special skills is to fold their wings to drop at a very fast speed after targeting their prey. Dashing and spirited, they are the king of the sky. Crested goshawk build their plate-shaped nests on tall trees with dense leaves; one of their nests has been found on top of the Saman trees next to the Yo-Yo Pond. Unlike other birds of prey which circle in the sky for hunting, the Malayan night herons often perch and hunt for food in an elegant way by standing still on a lawn waiting for their prey. Malayan night herons are usually 47cm long, with black crest feathers on the top of their head. Their back feathers are dark reddish brown, with black thin horizontal patterns on their abdomen. When sensing danger, the herons will extend their neck and stay still, maintaining alarmed while facing the enemy and trying to deceive the enemy through imitation. Both crested goshawks and Malayan night herons are not so shy from human presence, which allows them to roam freely in the lushes of urban areas.

左上、左下| 鳳頭蒼鷹(吳震東攝) 右上、右下| 黑冠麻鷺(吳震東攝)

臺 灣 特 有 種 成 功 白 花 菜


一般白花菜屬的植物莖呈直立狀,而此種的莖常呈平伏狀,故又名「平 伏莖白花菜」。成功白花菜係由 本校生命科學系郭長生教授及化學系 吳天賞教授在成功校區發現的歸化植物。本種為一年生草本,株高 10~20 公分。三出掌狀複葉互生。花瓣粉紅色或淡紫色,4 枚排列於 半邊。蒴果有長柄,線形,2 瓣裂 ; 種子多數,具白色油體。原產熱 帶非洲至澳洲北部 ; 台灣分佈於全島低海拔地區的路旁、溪流兩岸和 荒廢地,多見於中南部。花果期在 10 月至次年 3 月。常見生長在牆 角或石縫間,因帶有油體的種子,吸引螞蟻前來咬食並搬回蟻貯存, 而有幫助傳播種子的現象。葉片為黑點粉蝶,紋白蝶及八重山粉蝶幼 蟲的食草。在成大分布於各校區草生地、牆角及牆壁隙縫,常見於成 功校區。

The Fringed Spiderflower First Discovered in NCKU The stems of cleome plants tend to grow upright and straight, yet the stems of fringed spider flowers are soft and grow along the terrains. The NCKU spider flower is a naturalized species of fringed spider flower discovered in the Cheng Kung Campus by Prof. Chang-Sheng Kuo from the Department of Life Science and Prof. Wu Tian-Shan from the Department of Chemistry. The species is an herbaceous perennial plant of maximum height of 10~20cm with three palm-shaped compound leaves growing symmetrically along the stem. The petals of the flower are either pink or lavender, with four petals on one side. Their long, bi-valvular seedpods come with a long stem, in which the seeds are white and oily. The species are indigenous species around tropical Africa and northern Australia. In Taiwan, these plants can be found on the roadside, along the riverbanks, and in wastelands in low-altitude areas throughout the island, and most population concentrates in central and southern Taiwan. The flowering and fruiting period is from October to March. These plants often grow in junctions of walls and stone cracks. Its seeds are spread by ants because the oily seeds can attract the insects as a food source, which can prompt the insects to carry them back to their formicary, while its leaves feed the larvae of leptosia nina niobe, cabbage butterflies, and appias olferna peducaea. In NCKU, these spider flowers are often seen on the grasslands, junctions of walls, and wall seams throughout the campuses.

圖| 成功白花菜植株(陳麗卿攝)

校 園 常 見 鳥 類 ︵ 五 色 鳥 / 黑 枕 藍 鶲︶


行徑悠悠湖畔、航太系館前方樹林、小東門遺址等林木較密的地方, 經常傳出「回、回、回、回」的鳥鳴,那是台灣特有亞種,又稱為染 布鳥的黑枕藍鶲。牠們身著靛藍衣裳、公鳥後頭枕部有黑斑,前頸下 方飾以黑色細橫帶,體態雅緻華貴。黑枕藍鶲營巢於樹枝椏的分叉處, 為漏斗形的枝架巢,牠們經常挺立於突出的枝頭上,伺機捕捉飛 行 中的昆蟲,展現精湛的定點獵食秀。除了染布鳥的聲響外,每年 4-5 月的校園另外有「郭、郭、郭郭郭」的鳴叫聲,那是體長約 20 公分, 全身翠綠,頭與喉部有黃、紅、藍及黑色羽毛的五色鳥,成大校園常 見的黑板樹則是牠們啄樹洞為巢的最愛。下次行經校園枝葉扶疏,樹 林濃密處時記得放慢腳步,抬頭看看周遭是否有直徑 10 公分的樹洞, 或許能發現嬌小可愛的五色鳥,正靈巧的從樹洞中探頭。

Taiwan Barbet and Black-naped Blue Flycatcher When walking leisurely by the ponds, the woods in front of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the relics of the Small Eastern Gate with dense woods, you can hear the "hue, hue, hue" cries of birds. They are from black-naped blue flycatcher, also known as dyed birds, a unique subspecies in Taiwan. It looks like they are wearing a blue shirt. There are black spots on the back of the head, in the occipitalis area and a black thin belt under the neck on the front side. These birds are elegant and luxurious. Their funnel-shaped nests can often be found at the bifurcations of forking branches. They usually stand on branches which stick out, waiting for the opportunity to catch flying insects. It would be a wonderful hunting show. Besides the cries of dyed birds, in the campus in April and May, there are also cries of "kuo, kuo, kuo", which are from five-color barbets, with yellow, red, and blue feathers on their head and throat and 20cm-long body in green. Their favorite trees to peck a hole as their nest are alstonia scholaris, a very common tree species in the NCKU campus. When you walk through a place in the campus with thick trees and luxuriant but well-spaced branches and leaves next time, remember to slow down and look around, to see if you can find a tree hole with the diameter of 10cm, in which you may find a small and cute barbet extending its head out nimbly.

左列| 黑枕藍鶲親鳥及鳥巢(王寶琴攝) 右列| 於樹洞築巢之五色鳥(吳震東攝)

最 早 的 校 舍


本校自創建以來,已 80 餘年,從原本的成功校區發展至今,茁壯為 擁有 9 大學院 11 校區的綜合型大學,發展的腳步似乎不曾停歇,至 今遠眺成大天際,一棟一棟嶄新的教學大樓,持續為校園增添新的景 觀樣貌。 然而是否有人知曉,學校最古老的建築位於何處?那是成功校區格致 堂旁的物理化學實驗室(今物理學系前棟)。這棟外觀樸素的兩層建 築,修建於 1930 年,是當時學校成立初期唯一的建築,在此不但舉 行第一屆學生入學宣示典禮,並同時兼具各科實驗室、醫務室、教師 室、講義室、倉庫……等功能,至今若干教室還保留當年的設計風貌。

The Very First Building of the University It has been more than 80 years since the university's establishment. The campus has grown from an engineering school of a single campus (currently known as the Cheng Kung campus) into a comprehensive university that embraces 11 campuses and 9 colleges. The university's skyline changes year by year as the taller new buildings are built to surround or replace the older buildings of the university. The oldest building of NCKU resides in the Cheng Kung campus as the Physical Chemistry Laboratory (currently known as the Frontal Building of the Department of Physics). This simple two-story building, built in 1930, was the only building built during the earliest days of the university's establishment. The building has served an array of purposes such as being the joint laboratory of all the departments, the infirmary, the lecture hall, the teaching staffs' office, and the storage, and has witnessed many of the earliest ceremonies of the school, including the very first student admission ceremony. In current days, some classrooms still retain the building’ s original architecture.

上| 物理系館 中| 物理系館入口 下| 昭和12 年理化學實驗室與講堂間水池老照片(成大首任校長若槻道隆家族捐贈)

被 遺 忘 中 的 校 鐘


臺大有一座代表該校精神的「傅鐘」,那麼位於南臺灣的高等學府─ 成大有……「鐘」嗎?答案是有的,並且它和臺大的「傅鐘」還有那 麼一點「親屬」關係。臺灣省立工學院時代,校鐘位於成功校區,現 今化學系館東側牆邊,懸掛於樸素的鐵架框裡,每天肩負著提醒上下 課的使命。1990 年代末,校鐘遷至工學大道南端,換上了厚實的水 泥基座, 此時校鐘功能早已被電子音響取代。沒有「傳說」賦彩的 校鐘,在 2013 年為因應道路改善工程,再度遷移,現今默默地放置 在博物館二樓展廳。或許,某天的未來,它會再度華麗變身,成為校 園美麗的一景。

The School Bell of NCKU During the time when the NCKU was still known as the Taiwan Provincial Institute of Technology, the school bell was first settled in a steel frame located in Cheng Kung Campus, close to the east side of the Department of Chemical Engineering Museum. The bell was moved to the southern end of the Engineering Avenue around the end of the 1990s and has been put on top of a thick cement base as an ornamental piece. It was then again been taken down in 2013 during the campus revamping. The bell is now seen as an artifact to be displayed in the university museum on the second floor of the exhibition hall.

左上| 目前存放於博物館的校鐘 右上| 臺灣省立工學院時代的校鐘及鐵架框(摘自1973 年畢業紀念冊) 右下| 攝於2010 年之成大校鐘及水泥底座,下方嵌有成功大學舊式校徽

若 槻 道 隆 校 長 敕 任 官 文 官 大 禮 服


「若槻道隆敕任官大禮服」為國立成功大學首任校長若槻道隆於典禮 時之正裝。1939 年 5 月若槻辭官返日時為高等官一等正四位。整套 禮服計含 9 件配件,除禮服上衣、背心與長褲外,尚有禮劍、禮劍掛帶、 禮帽、禮帽盒、領結、與褲裝吊帶等物齊備。由若槻校長長媳妥善保 存超過半個世紀的大禮服,於 2013 年初夏由校長的長孫專程長途跋 涉,親送捐贈給成大博物館。除了外套部分五七桐等紋飾繡線斷裂、 金色珠片脫落外,整體保存狀況相當良好,是臺灣難得一見的日本時 代高等教育機構校長的西式大禮服。目前該禮服為成大博物館最珍貴 的典藏品之一。成大博物館已於 2016 年委託國立台灣師範大學文物 保存維護研究發展中心,合作聘請專研日本西式軍服修復之日本東京 文化財研究所研究員石井美惠教授進行修復。預計將於 2017 年 11 月成大博物館十週年館慶時,修復完成,華麗登場。

The Dress Uniform of Michihiro Wakatsuki, the First President of NCKU In 1939 as the first president Michihiro Wakatsuki left Taiwan for Japan, his imperial rank was Syoushii (similar to the ranks of associate counselor of the imperial court of Japan at the time), and was given an Imperial Civil Officer Dress Uniform fit for his rank. The whole set of clothing is comprised of 9 pieces of attire and accessories including the dress jacket, vest, trousers, a ceremonial rapier and its holster, a hat adorned with ostrich feathers and its storage box, a piece of bow tie, and a set of suspenders for the trousers. After President Wakatsuki's passing, the dress uniform has been kept by his eldest daughter-in-law for more than 50 years. In 2013, President Wakatsuki's oldest grandson has personally visited Taiwan to donate this precious heirloom to the NCKU Museum. The entire set has been kept in good condition, except for partial deterioration of the embroidery threads and golden beads which adorns the details of the dress jacket. Considering its academic relationship to the higher education system, it is one of the rarest artifacts from the Japanese Colonial Period, and is one of the museum's most precious collection.

上| 日本東京文化財研究所石井美惠教授與臺師大文保中心人員修復大禮服外套 左下| 本校首位校長若槻道隆身著全套大禮服之容貌 右下| 日本東京文化財研究所石井美惠教授修復大禮服外套上之五七桐紋飾繡線

基 礎 科 目 大 會 考


成大的「黑色星期五」不是某年某月的 13 日,而是二戰後本校理工 科大一共同科目微積分、普通物理、普通化學每週大會考的日子。當 時的考試地點在小禮堂(今格致堂),通常在放學後晚上舉行。學生 要同時應付考題、酷熱的天氣及蚊子, 一點都不輕鬆。由於考試難 度高、輔以交錯排列的座位表防堵作弊,不少學生很難通過,也樹立 了成大工學院難混、分數不高的傳統,成為校友難忘的回憶。 因此,不只週五都變成了黑色星期五,格致堂也被戲稱為「屠宰場」 ; 甚至也有格致堂兩側小池塘(悠悠湖、 夢夢湖)是淚灑考場而來的 傳說。後來雖然因為學生人數逐漸增多,無法在格致堂共同舉行;但 是因為有這樣嚴格要求學業的傳統, 從大一開始能通過一關又一關 大小考試、實習淬鍊的學生,有了紮實的基礎與專業知能,畢業後求 職時頗受企業的歡迎。

The Weekly Exams on General Subjects The "Black Friday" of NCKU was known as the weekly exam on general subjects for the freshmen, including calculus, general physics, and general chemistry. The exam takes place in Ge-Zih Auditorium every Friday after school, usually in the evenings. During summer, students who were taking the exams were expected to cope with the stress from the test questions, high temperature, and even mosquitoes. Due to the high difficulty of the exam supplemented by randomized seating orders to prevent cheating, it was difficult to pass the exams. The Black Friday exams have become a signature to the demanding reputation of the school, and a unforgettable memory of the old alumni. Meanwhile, the Ge-Zih Auditorium has been dubbed as the "slaughterhouse", and rumors were told that the two ponds next to the auditorium were made to collect the students' tears.

上| 2017年整修完成之格致堂 左下| 日治時期格致堂老照片(校友吳永璇捐贈) 右下| 「黑色星期五」格致堂大會考老照片(博物館典藏)

"Less is More.

舊 總 圖 書 館

座落在勝利校區臨大學路的方盒子舊總圖書館乃設計於 1957 年,是 臺灣地區校園中首棟「國際式樣(international style)」的建築,其 設計理念強調簡潔的水平與垂直線條,講求比例與尺度美感的幾何形 式,可謂是戰後美援時期最具代表性的現代建築風格。美援時期成大 與美國普渡大學進行合作,該校派赴本校的教授為建築系帶來現代建 築新觀念,蔚為學習風潮。成大因此興建了一系列的現代建築,包括 已拆除的舊活動中心;其中,舊總圖書館為本校建築系王濟昌、吳梅 興、謝永溪、陳萬榮……等教授與普渡大學土木系傅立爾教授合作的 具體建物,表徵著兩校合作的成果。

The Old Main Library The old main library is located in Shen-Li campus. Designed in 1957, it was the first international style building built on a Taiwanese campus. The design emphasizes the simplicity of vertical and horizontal lines and the harmonious aesthetics of proportional geometry. Such style was an exemplar of post-war American contemporary architecture style. During the US Aid period, the Purdue University cooperated extensively with the NCKU, where the visiting professors would bring novel perspectives on modern architecture. The cultural import thus sprouted a series of modern style buildings, including main library and the now demolished student activity center.

上|舊總圖書館採用玻璃帷幕,強調水平與垂直線條的幾何形式(博物館提供) 下|2017年修復後之舊總圖書館

B K 2 4 蒸 汽 火 車


臺灣現存第三資深的蒸汽火車頭 BK24 為四輪水櫃式,於 1958 年來 到成大。靜默沈睡在管理學院旁涼亭下的鐵柵欄裡。這座赫赫有名的 蒸汽火車,是日本第一代自製的蒸汽火車,是鐵道迷朝聖的目標;他 以開膛剖腹的方式呈現蒸汽火車結構,是國內第一部也是唯一的火車 大體教具。

The BK24 Steam Locomotive The BK24 locomotive was the first generation steam locomotive built entirely by Japan, and is the third oldest existing model in Taiwan. After retirement, the locomotive has been kept by NCKU since 1958 under a specially made pavilion next to the College of Management, where its interior mechanics have been put on public display for educational purposes.

上| BK24 蒸汽火車頭 下左| BK24 蒸汽火車頭內部零件(陳政宏提供) 下右| BK24 蒸汽火車頭正面(陳政宏提供)

小 西 門


鄰近成功湖畔的小西門是臺灣校園中唯一的古城門,也是成大獨特的 景觀,多人議論座落反向,城內變城外;然而座落空間的平移正述說 著成大是臺南古城歷史建築保存的肇始者。1967 年市府決定拆除「小 西門」以拓寬道路,當時羅雲平校長與市府積極溝通後取得同意,並 於 1970 年搬遷、重築於光復校區,座落在小東門城垣遺址中。連成 一氣的歷史場景氛圍,成為日後師生留影的最佳地點,也是尋幽探密 的場所。 臺灣府(臺南)於 1723 年建木柵城,十年後於周邊環植莿竹,1740 年興築土城環繞,1759 年又於莿竹外增植綠珊瑚強化防禦,1775 年 整修砲台、窩舖並增建小西門。1797 年乾隆皇諭令軍機處在臺興建 磚、石城,並以府城為優先,然因臺灣窰座少,從內地(大陸)輸送 耗費經費,府城濱海地質鬆軟,石材運輸困難,乃因地制宜以三合土 傳統夯土工法建城,成大校園內小東門段城垣殘蹟即映證著這段歷 史。

The Minor West Gate Located close to Cheng Kung Lake, the Minor West Gate of the old Tainan City Fortress is the only ancient Chinese gate that's been included on campus as a part of the landscape. Many would mention how the gate has been reversed during the relocation. However the effort of relocating the gate from its original location to the school's campus has always been regarded as the pioneer of heritage preservation during the modernization of Tainan City. In 1967, the city government has originally made the decision to dismantle the Minor West Gate to broaden the road, when NCKU President Yunping Luo has tried to negotiate extensively with the city government to gain the permission to relocate the gate to the university's campus. The relocation started in 1970 by disassembling the building brick by brick and to rebuild it on Kuang-Fu Campus where it would be next to the remnant walls of the then-demolished Minor East Gate. It became a historical site in remembrance to the Dynastical Chinese period and a popular site for photo shooting.

上| 歷史系105級畢業生於小西門前合照 下| 修復前的小東門段城垣殘蹟,牆面上可看到層疊之夯土工法

日 本 步 兵 第 二 聯 隊 營 舍


大學校園出現軍營的特殊景觀揭露了校地發展與擴編的艱辛。日軍第 二聯隊營舍為日本臺灣總督府時代日本國土最南端的軍事部署地,成 為日本皇室成員行啟、巡行臺灣必至之地。1923 年裕仁皇太子行啟 臺灣,4 月 21 日至第二聯隊閱兵,並手植紀念榕樹於營庭,即今榕 園中最壯大者。戰後,營區國軍接收,1966 年轉移本校,目前分別 由歷史系、工設系與藝研所使用。校區內原日軍營舍於 1999 年指定 為市定古蹟,2003 年再指定為國定古蹟。 成大不僅保存始建時校舍,尚包括日軍舊營舍、醫療建築群;該 2 批 建築始建於 20 世紀初日本政權已趨穩定之際,正如火如荼學習西方 式樣,其形式特色為日軍為適應臺灣炎熱、潮濕氣候而抬高樓板、下 設通氣空間的磚造混凝土建築,初期設南北兩側外廊,採連續性羅馬 圓拱與拱券,呈現壯麗景觀表徵軍隊的強盛,是目前臺灣極少數僅存 的日本時代步兵軍用建築。

The Administration Buildings and Dormitories of the Second Brigade of the Japanese Imperial Army The unusual sight of military buildings appearing on the university campus was a sign of challenges faced during the development and expansion of the school's perimeter. Located in Tainan, the base of the Second Brigade of the Japanese Imperial Army was the southernmost military base camp of the Japanese reign at the time. It was a mandatory site to be visited by the members of the Japanese royal family during their trips to Taiwan. In 1923, Crown Prince Hirohito visited Taiwan and spectated the military parade of the Second Brigade on April 21. There he had planted a banyan tree on the base to commemorate the event. After the Sino-Japanese War was ended, the base was received by the Chinese KMT National Army and was then transferred to NCKU in 1966 as buildings for the History Department, the Industrial Design Department, and the Institute of Art Studies. The three buildings served as administration offices and dormitories of the Japanese army have been designated as municipal heritages in 1999, and then designated as national heritages in 2003.

上| 原日本步兵第二聯隊舊營舍之背立面,今大成館(工設系系館) 中| 原日本步兵第二聯隊舊營舍之背立面,今禮賢樓(藝術研究所) 下| 原日本步兵第二聯隊舊營舍之正立面(修復前),今歷史系系館

榕 園


提及成大,許多人心中浮現的是榕園幾棵綠蔭蒼蒼的榕樹,其中位於 大成館前,蓊鬱拔萃的老榕樹,曾幾何時,已經成為學校的最佳地標。 這棵已有百年樹齡的老榕樹,位於光復校區的榕園,1923 年 ( 日本 紀年大正 12 年 ) 由裕仁皇太子訪察臺南時,親手栽植。當時此處為 日本步兵第二聯隊,是南臺灣的陸軍部隊指揮中心,前方的大成館、 歷史系分屬於聯隊營舍,一旁的禮賢樓則為聯隊本部。這片綠意盎然 的榕園,從日治時期的練兵場、國民黨時期的光復營區,到 1966 年 收為學校版圖的榕園,物轉星移幾度秋,裕仁的榕樹仍舊茂密茁壯, 年復一年,成大畢業生在這株榕樹前留下屬於他們的青春年代。

The Banyan Garden When people hear about NCKU, most would relate to the name to the massive banyan trees located in front of the Industrial Design Department building. The trees have indeed become the school's most recognizable landmark. One of the many century-old banyan trees located in the Bayan Garden on the Fu-Xing Campus was planted in 1923 by the Crown Prince Hirohito during his visit to Taiwan. At that time, the parameter belonged to the Second Brigade of the Japanese Imperial Army and was the command center of the army stationed in southern Taiwan. The current History Department and Industrial Design Department buildings were the dormitories, and the Institute of Art Studies building was the administration building.

上| 畢業生於成大榕園拍攝大合照,為本校傳統(博物館提供) 左下| 成大榕園中的百年老榕(博物館提供) 右下| 「臺灣步兵第二聯隊皇太子植樹儀式」宣仁親王植樹時之照片(枠木誠一於1926年攝)

成 功 湖 與 光 復 操 場


臺灣省立成功大學時期校園建築雖然雅逸秀美,景緻寧靜怡人,然而 卻缺乏一處得以浪漫賞景的靜謐空間。當時正值財務艱難的年代,刻 意挖湖造景,增添浪漫聽來像是天方夜譚,然而在一個偶然的工程事 件中,卻成就了這個美麗的未來。羅雲平校長時期,在光復校區開闢 大運動場,為求樽節經費,分別挖掘原先為一片空地的成功湖舊址及 商學院館前側邊之舊城牆垣,作為操場所需土壤。如此,如同生命共 同體般的同時誕生兩處校園美景:光復操場與成功湖。這個美麗的偶 然,傳遞的是過往遺跡的重生,以及學校資源承先起後、生生不息的 永續精神。

The Cheng Kung Lake During the years of the Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, although the buildings were elegant in the quiet and beautiful campus, there lacked a space to appreciate the tranquility. The financial situation of the school was not well at the time, and constructing an artificial lake for leisure sounded like a fantasy. Yet this dream came true as a byproduct of another construction project. During Prof. Luo Yun-Ping's term of office as the president of the University, a large sports ground was planned to be built in the Kuang-Fu Campus. To save budget, the soil needed for the sports ground was dug from a vacant land adjacent to where the Cheng Kung Lake and the Small East Gate's ancient walls are located now. Two beautiful sites on the campus were thus created: the Kuang-Fu Sports Ground and the Cheng Kung Lake.

上| 成功湖

日 軍 衛 戍 病 院


位於力行校區之臺文系館,原為日軍衛戍病院醫療群(戰後稱 804 醫院)。2003 年由臺南市府指定為古蹟。其屋架使用珍貴的阿里山檜 木,除外型採用典型的紅磚砌圓形拱券,於醫護人員宿舍的紅樓並置 栱心石。 與第二聯隊步兵營舍相同也抬高樓板,以設樓板下通氣空 間,並於南北側設外廊,後因北向無烈日而拆除,南向外廊則起了遮 蔽直射陽光之作用。立面開設瘦高型窗面迎南向自然風與陽光,屋頂 並設銅製通風塔,達到室內外空氣對流之通風兼採光效果,是適應臺 灣氣候的綠建築之代表。

The Medical Facility of the Second Brigade of the Japanese Imperial Army The Department of Taiwanese Literature in the Li-Hsing Campus was originally the medical facility of the second brigade of the Japanese imperial army (called 804 Hospital after the war). In 2003, the Tainan City Government declared it as a monument. The racks were made of precious timbers from Alishan. The arch was built with classic red bricks and the dorm of the medical staffs was designed with keystones. Like the camp for the Second Battalion, the floor was raised to create a space for ventilation. Verandas were built on the northern and southern sides. The northern one was demolished for there was no burning sunshine from north. The southern one is effective for blocking direct sun light. There are long vertical windows on the elevation, facing south so that natural wind and sunlight can go through them. There is a copper ventilating tower on the roof, facilitating good ventilation of indoor and outdoor air and good lighting. This building is a representative green building that can adapt to the climate in Taiwan.

上| 日軍衛戍病院(戰後稱804 醫院),現為臺文系系館 下| 臺文系講堂

愛 迪 生 - 霍 普 金 森 式 直 流 發 電 機


成大電機系的愛迪生 - 霍普金森式直流發電機,可能是日治時期因教 學需求而引進的。該機由英國曼徹斯特的 Mather & Platt 公司所屬 Salford 鐵 工 廠 於 1880 年 代 獲 愛 迪 生 授 權 後,經 由 霍 普 金 森 博 士 (John Hopkinson) 改良後製造, 總重 1.1 噸、長 1.42 公尺、寬 0.83 公尺、高 1.45 公尺,產生 105 伏特電壓及 144 安培電流。 它不僅因為實用的設計而被大量使用,成為世界電力發展史上的重要 里程碑,也是成大電機系早期校友難忘的回憶。臺灣從日治時期開始 普遍使用電力設備,本校當時在電力技術的學習與實作上貢獻卓越, 每每在電力史的關鍵時刻, 不論是 1930 年代的日月潭水力發電工 程,或二戰後修護全島電力時,本校校友與師、生都扮演舉足輕重的 角色;而這台愛迪生 - 霍普金森式發電機正是當年啟蒙、培育他們的 的重要教具。

The Edison Dynamo The Edison-Hopkinson Dynamo of the Department of Electrical Engineering, NCKU was probably imported during the Japanese Colonial Period for teaching purposes. The machine was improved and manufactured by Dr. John Hopkinson of the Salford Iron Works under Mather & Platt in Manchester, UK in 1880 after obtaining the authorization from Edison. Its weight, length, width, and height are 1.1t, 1.42m, 0.83m, and 1.45m, respectively. It could generate electricity of 105V and 144A. It had been broadly used due to its practical design and thus became an important milestone in the history of electric power in the world and is a hard-to-forget memory of the early alumni of the Department of Electrical Engineering, NCKU. In Taiwan, electric equipment has been commonly used since the Japanese Colonial Period. Back then, the University had made some great contributions to the learning and implementation of the electricity generating technologies. In all the crucial times in the history of electric power, such as the 1930's with the Sun Moon Lake hydroelectricity construction project and the period after WWII when the power facilities all over the island were being repaired, alumni, teachers, and students of the University had played important roles. This Edison-Hopkinson Dynamo was the key teaching aids that had inspired them.

左上| 愛迪生- 霍普金森式直流發電機商標字樣銘牌 左下| 愛迪生- 霍普金森式直流發電機全貌測繪 右| 發電機上寄贈牌拓印

島 津 機 構 模 型


機械系系史室的外牆上,一面晶瑩剔透折射著光影的玻璃展架,陳列 著一系列小巧精緻的模型,它們是日本時代以及二戰後,陪伴著機械 系學長們學習機構原理的手動機械教具,是一種縮小比例模擬齒輪或 皮帶傳動的重要實體教學工具。該類模型兼具便利性與操作性,可由 師生直接操作,理解機構在各瞬間的運動。臺南高等工業學校(今成大) 為了讓機械科學生更瞭解機械運作原理,仿效德式教學方法而引進, 1870 年教學模型的製作於日本萌芽,位於日本京都的島津製作所隨 後也跟進發展,20 世紀初開始仿製德國生產的機構模型。當時在臺 灣的工業講習所(今北科大)、臺南高等工業學校及臺北帝國大學(今 台大),與工程相關的教學部,都分別向島津購買。至今台大尚留存 52 件、成大 55 件、北科大也有 12 件。數量最多的成大,在造船系 成立時由機械系分送了幾部作為教具,故目前這些機構模型由機械系 及系統系分別典藏於其系史室外展示牆上,是兩系重要的文化資產。

The Shimadzu Mechanical Models On the wall of the History Gallery of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, there is a crystal glass showcase exhibiting a series of delicate models, which were used as teaching materials for mechanical theories during the Japanese Colonial Period and after WWII for the students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. With the undistorted gear wheels and drive belts, they were important physical teaching materials. The models were convenient and could be operated by teachers and students directly to learn how the parts work at every moment of a motion. To help students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering understand how mechanical parts work, the Tainan Technical College (now NCKU) adopted the German teaching method and introduced these models. The manufacturing of teaching models began in 1870 in Japan. Later, Shimadzu Corporation in Kyoto, Japan began to develop this kind of models. In the beginning of the 20th century, Shimadzu started to copy the German models and produce its own mechanical models. Back then, the engineering related departments of Industrial Training School (now NTUT), Tainan Technical College, and Taihoku Imperial University (now NTU) all bought some models from Shimadzu. Now there are still 52, 55, and 12 pieces in NTU, NCKU, and NTUT, respectively. In NCKU, where most of the pieces are preserved, some of them were given to the Department of Naval Architecture by the Department of Mechanical Engineering as a gift for its establishment. Currently, these mechanical models are displayed outside the history galleries of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering. They are important assets for the two departments.

上| 島津儀器各式 下| 日本島津製作所(1984年攝)

成 大 的 飛 機 群


成功大學校內保存著良好的「F-100 超級軍刀機」、 「F-104 星式戰鬥機」 及「PL-1 介壽號教練機」。這些飛機在實驗聲隆隆作響的歸仁校區內, 安享餘年。這群象徵不同時代意義的飛機,以其沈默而堅定的身影, 鼓舞著成大的師生,在成功的天空裡,進行一項又一項前瞻性的航太 研究與實驗。 F-100 超級軍刀(Super Sabre)式噴射戰鬥機,由北美航空公司設計 製造,在越戰及臺海對峙期間居功厥偉。F-104 星式(Starfighter)戰 鬥機,由美國洛克希德公司設計製造,1954 年 2 月 17 日首飛,飛行 時可達雙倍音速,具有高空攔截戰鬥力,捍衛臺領空數十年。PL-1 介 壽號初級教練機,是國人自行製造的單發動機螺旋槳的雙座小型飛 機,作為教練機使用。

The Fighter Aircrafts in NCKU There are F-100 Super Sabres, F-104 Starfighters, and Cheihshou PL-1Bs well preserved in NCKU. These aircrafts are now resting in peace in the Gueiren Campus where there are always rumbles from laboratories. These aircrafts symbolizing different times are now inspiring with their silent and firm figures the teachers and students to continuously conduct various proactive research and experiments in NCKU. F-100 Super Sabres were designed and manufactured by the North American Aviation Inc. and made many contributions during the Vietnam War and the time of the Taiwan Strait standoff. F-104 Starfighters were designed and manufactured by the Lockheed Corporation in the US. This model made its maiden flight on February 17, 1954. Starfighters could fly at the speed two times faster than the speed of sound. With the ability of high-altitude intercept, they had been defending the territorial air space of Taiwan for decades. Cheihshou PL-1Bs are two-seat propeller-driven single-engine small aircrafts made in Taiwan and used as trainer aircrafts.

上| F-100 超級軍刀機 左下| PL-1 介壽號教練機 右下| F-104 星式戰鬥機

國立成功大學文化資產導覽手冊(2017 年版) NATIONAL CHENG KUNG UNIVERSITY Cultural Assets Guide Book 2017 發行人 主編 作者 編輯群 美術設計 行政 出版 地址 電話 傳真 電子信箱 網址 印刷 出版日期


蘇慧貞 吳奕芳 吳奕芳、郭美芳、陳政宏、陳恒安、張幸真、侯平君 陳政宏、吳奕芳、郭美芳 蘇筱彤 張 揚 國立成功大學博物館 臺南市東區大學路1號 06-2757575 #63020 06-2766516 em63020@email.ncku.edu.tw http://museum.ncku.edu.tw 苑美企業社 2017 年 8 月初版

Huey-Jen Jenny Su Yifang Wu Yifang Wu, Mei-Fang Kuo, Jeng-Horng Chen, Heng-An Chen, Hsing-Jen Chang, Ping-Chun Hou Jeng-Horng Chen, Yifang Wu, Mei-Fang Kuo Hsiao-Tung Su Yang Chang National Cheng Kung University Museum No. 1, University Rd, Tainan, TAIWAN 701 +886-6-2757575 #63020 +886-6-2766516 em63020@email.ncku.edu.tw http://museum.ncku.edu.tw Perfection Output August 2017




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