NHSG Awards Programme - for entry 2023

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The EntryProgrammeAwardsNHSGSeptember2023

Parents of pupils who are joining NHSG for the first time are required to complete the school entrance application form after which their daughter will be required to undergo our entrance assessment process. This means they will:

• Complete the NHSG Year 7 entrance examinations on 21st January 2023. These will include English and Maths examinations as well as the CEM Select Entrance Assessment which measures verbal, nonverbal and mathematical skills

NHSG Scholar Awards are reserved for girls who perform exceptionally well in our entrance examinations and demonstrate all-round academic ability. The Scholar Awards available are for up to a 30% remission of school fees. The actual number and amounts awarded will be dependent on the performance of pupils in our entrance examinations.

NHSG Scholar Awards

Helping your daughter be the girl she wants to be.

This prestigious award is reserved for the girl who achieves the highest combined result across all our entrance examination papers and is subject to approval from the Head. The award is for the value of up to a 50% remission of school fees.

The application deadline for the Year 7 Scholar Award is Friday 16th December 2022.

Available at Year 7 entry, these non-means-tested awards recognise academic excellence and are based on exceptional performance in our entrance examinations. Those awarded will receive a remission of school fees of up to 50% per year for the duration of a girl’s school career at NHSG.

• Provide a recent report from their current school

Making an application

NHSG Scholar Awards for entry into Year 7 only

NHSG Head’s Scholar Award

• Attend an interview with a member of the school’s academic team, subject to performance in the entrance examinations

All applicants completing our Year 7 entrance assessment are considered for a Scholar Award.

Pupils currently in Year 6 at NHSG (and who were therefore assessed for entrance when they joined the School), will not be assessed again for entrance to Senior School but will all undertake the Year 7 entrance examinations in January 2023. These will be the same examinations as those taken by girls applying to join NHSG in Year 7. All girls in Year 6 at NHSG will therefore be considered for a NHSG Scholar Award. Please note: A girl receiving a NHSG Scholar Award is expected to show dedication and commitment to her studies throughout her time at NHSG.

Newcastle High School for Girls is proud to offer an awards programme for girls joining our Senior School at Year 7 and Year 12.

NHSG Scholar Awards

It is our responsibility to create an environment that encourages excellence and educates tomorrow’s leaders, trailblazers and world-shapers which is why we believe in supporting and rewarding the brightest, most talented, gifted and dedicated girls, regardless of their financial Partcircumstances.oftheGirls’ Day School Trust family, Newcastle High School for Girls has a history of ensuring all our pupils fulfil their potential. Across our family of schools, one in five girls benefit from some form of financial assistance, either through a scholarship or bursary. This brochure explains more about the awards available for entry to Year 7 and Year 12 in September 2023*. In summary, the NHSG Awards for 2023 include:

• NHSG Senior Scholar Awards, Year 7 – see page 3

• Bursary Awards, Year 7 and Year 12 – see pages 11-12 Applications can be made online via our website and the application deadline for all awards is Friday 16th December 2022. Late applications cannot be Ifconsidered.youwould like to discuss your application, please contact our Admissions Manager, Miss Howe, on 0191 201 6511, or email entry*Thewww.newcastlehigh.gdst.netadmissions@ncl.gdst.net.awardsshowninthisbrochureareavailablefor2023only. 23

A Head’s Scholar may be combined with a bursary, but no other award. A Scholar Award may be combined with an Exhibition Award and/or a Bursary Award subject to means-testing and academic performance in our Year 7 entrance assessments. Applications received after 16th December 2022 will not be considered. The School’s decision on awards is final and will be confirmed in March 2023.

• NHSG Sixth Form Scholar Awards, Year 12 – see pages 4-5 • Exhibition Awards (Dance, Drama, Music, Sport), Year 7 – see pages 6-10

The deadline for submission of your daughter’s personal statement is Friday 16th December 2022 and this should be sent by email to admissions@ncl.gdst.net. The examination will be held on Saturday 21st January 2023 and interviews will take place in February 2023. Please note: A girl receiving a NHSG Sixth Form Scholar Award is expected to show dedication and commitment to her studies throughout her time at NHSG. A Scholar Award may be combined with a Bursary Award which is subject to means-testing.

Personal Statements received after 16th December 2022 will not be considered. The School’s decision on awards is final and will be confirmed in March 2023.


NHSG Head’s Scholar Award

This prestigious award is reserved for the girl who achieves the highest combined result in the Sixth Form Scholars’ Award Process and demonstrates all-round academic ability. The award is for the value of up to a 50% remission of school fees. NHSG Sixth Form Scholar Awards NHSG Scholar Awards are reserved for girls who perform exceptionally well in the Sixth Form Scholars’ Award Process and demonstrate all-round academic NHSGability. Sixth Form Scholar Awards are available for the value of up to a 30% remission of school fees. The actual number and amounts awarded will be dependent on the performance of pupils in our awards Makingprocess. an application Parents of pupils who are joining NHSG for the first time are required to complete the school entrance application form after which their daughter will be required to undergo our entrance assessment process which •includes:Providing their most recent set of predicted GCSE grades • Providing a recent report from their current school • Advising on preferred choice of subjects for A Level

Sixth Form Scholar Awards

NHSG Sixth Form Scholar Awards for entry into Year 12

• Girls are required to complete an application and personal statement, and undertake a NHSG Sixth Form Scholars’ Examination and can choose Abetween:Mathematics exam which will comprise three sections: Algebra, Number, Trigonometrey. The questions will be at higher GCSE level (Grades 7-9) and involve applying skills to a variety of mathematical problems. OR An essay-based exam requiring intelligent discussion of a question about a topical, philosophical, or general theme. Both papers are one hour in length.

• The highest performing pupils in the examination will progress to the second stage of the application process and be invited to an interview with members of the School’s Senior Leadership Team to discuss their personal statement and examination paper.


IfAward.yourdaughter is already in receipt of a NHSG Year 7 monetary award of the same value or a higher amount than a NHSG Sixth Form Scholar Award, there will be no further monetary award made. Instead your daughter will, if successful, receive an honorary (non-monetary) Sixth Form Scholar Award. If your daughter’s NHSG Year 7 Scholar Award is for a lesser amount than the NHSG Sixth Form Scholar Award, then the higher monetary award would supercede this, to a maximum of 50%.

TheAssessmentassessmentprocess for a Sixth Form Scholar Award is as follows:

• Attending an interview with members of the School’s Senior Leadership Team Pupils currently in Year 11 at NHSG (and who were therefore assessed for entrance when they joined the School), will be required to meet the minimum GCSE grades for Sixth Form, as set out in our Sixth Form brochure, in order to be eligible for a Sixth Form Scholar

Available at Year 12 entry, these non-means-tested awards recognise academic excellence and are based on a satisfactory personal statement and exceptional performance in the Sixth Form Scholars’ Examination and Interview. Those awarded will receive a remission of school fees of up to 50% per year for the duration of Year 12 and 13.

After undertaking and meeting the requirements of the NHSG Year 7 entrance assessment as detailed on page 3, applicants will be invited to a meeting and audition with our Head of Dance where they will be required to demonstrate skills and technical knowledge. Please note:

Exhibition Award for Dance for entry into Year 7 only 67

In addition to completing the school application form, girls applying for this award must complete a separate Exhibition Award application, providing information about their Dance achievements to date. Girls applying for the Exhibition Award for Dance should have attained Grade 3 Distinction in a Dance examination and/or be enrolled on a pre-vocational training programme; for example, Royal Ballet Junior Associates or the Dance City CAT.

A girl receiving an Exhibition Award for Dance will be expected to represent the School in Dance, take part in school performances and be a proactive member of our Dance co-curricular programme throughout her time at school. You may only apply for one Exhibition Award. An Exhibition Award may be combined with a NHSG Scholar Award (but not a Head’s Scholar Award) and/or a Bursary Award subject to means-testing and academic performance in our Year 7 entrance assessment. Applications received after 16th December 2022 will not be considered for an Exhibition.

Exhibition Award for Dance

We offer one specialist award for a girl joining Year 7 who is gifted and talented in Dance and shows significant dancing potential. The value of the Exhibition Award is a fixed sum remission of school fees of up to £1,000 per year for the duration of a girl’s school career at NHSG and is intended to help support the pupil to pursue her development in Dance.

The School’s decision on awards is final and will be confirmed in March 2023.


Applicants will need to demonstrate how they can actively contribute to Dance at NHSG.

Applications must be made by Friday 16th December

Making an application

A girl receiving an Exhibition Award for Drama will be expected to represent the School in Drama, take part in school performances and be a proactive member of our Drama co-curricular programme throughout her time at YourNHSG.daughter may only apply for one Exhibition Award.

Making an application

We offer one specialist award for a girl joining Year 7 who is gifted and talented in Drama and shows significant acting and performing potential. The value of the Exhibition Award is a fixed sum remission of school fees of up to £1,000 per year for the duration of a girl’s school career at NHSG and is intended to help support the pupil to pursue her development in acting.

An Exhibition Award may be combined with a NHSG Scholar Award (but not a Head’s Scholar Award) and/or a Bursary Award subject to means-testing and academic performance in our Year 7 entrance assessment.

Girls applying for an Exhibition Award for Music should play at least one instrument (which may include voice) and have achieved a minimum of Grade 3 Distinction in a music examination, or equivalent. They should also be able to demonstrate a degree of natural musicianship and love of music.

We offer one specialist award for a girl joining Year 7 who is gifted and talented in Music and can demonstrate her skills and potential. The value of the Exhibition Award is a fixed sum remission of school fees of up to £1,000 per year for the duration of a girl’s school career at NHSG and is intended to help support the pupil’s musical education.

Applications must be made by Friday 16th December 2022.

Your daughter may only apply for one Exhibition Award.

APleaseknowledge.note:girlreceivingan Exhibition Award for Music will be expected to represent the School in Music, take part in school concerts and performances and be a proactive member of our Music co-curricular programme throughout her time at NHSG.

The Exhibition Award for Drama

In addition to completing the school application form, girls applying for this award must complete a separate Exhibition Award application, providing information about their Music achievements to date.

The School’s decision on awards is final and will be confirmed in March 2023.

After undertaking and meeting the requirements of the NHSG Year 7 entrance assessment as detailed on page 3, applicants will be invited to a meeting and audition with our Head of Drama where they will be required to demonstrate skills and technical knowledge. Please note:

Girls applying for the Exhibition Award for Drama must have participated in drama/theatre clubs outside of school and have played a significant role in a production on Astage.certificate in acting with LAMDA or equivalent would be an advantage but not compulsory. Overall the applicant should have a genuine love of performance and acting. Applicants will need to demonstrate how they can actively contribute to Drama at NHSG.

An Exhibition Award may be combined with a NHSG Scholar Award (but not a Head’s Scholar Award) and/or a Bursary Award subject to means-testing and academic performance in our Year 7 entrance assessment. Applications received after 16th December 2022 will not be considered for an Exhibition.

Making an application In addition to completing the school application form, girls applying for this award must complete a separate Exhibition Award application, providing information about their Drama achievements to date.

Applicants will need to demonstrate how they can actively contribute to Music at NHSG.

Next steps After undertaking and meeting the requirements of the NHSG Year 7 entrance assessment as detailed on page 3, applicants will be invited to a meeting and audition with our Head of Music where they will be required to demonstrate skills and technical

Applications received after 16th December 2022 will not be considered for an Exhibition.

Exhibition Award for Drama for entry into Year 7 only

The School’s decision on awards is final and will be confirmed in March 2023. 89

Applications must be made by Friday 16th December 2022.

Exhibition Award for Music for entry into Year 7 only

The Exhibition Award for Music

Exhibition Award for Sport for entry into Year 7 only

NHSG is uniquely placed to support the next generation of young female engineers and with thanks to The Reece Foundation we are able to offer the brightest and most able potential engineers access to an outstanding education without financial barriers. The Reece Award can be for a remisision of up to 100% of school fees. Both the Girls’ Day School Trust and Newcastle High School for Girls were founded by philanthropists committed to making outstanding education available to young women –a legacy we are proud to continue today. We believe every girl who is bright and eager to learn should be given the opportunity to fulfil her potential regardless of financial circumstances, therefore we offer a limited number of bursaries to assist girls joining us in Year 7 and Year 12. Applications for Reece Awards are invited from girls in maintained secondary schools who will be completing their GCSEs in summer 2023. In addition to meeting the criteria for a NHSG Bursary Award, successful candidates will be able to demonstrate a strong interest in, and aptitude for, engineering as a future career; will be predicted grades 7 9 in maths and science subjects at GCSE; and will be prepared to follow A Levels in STEM subjects (sciences, technology, mathematics) which will equip them for application to university engineering Makingcourses. an application for a bursary Parents of pupils who are joining NHSG for the first time are required to complete the school entrance application form and tick the box requesting financial assistance. For pupils currently in Year 6 or Year 11 at NHSG, please contact the Admissions Manager for more information Applications(admissions@ncl.gdst.net).andcompletion of the GDST Financial Means Assessment must be made by Friday 16th December 2022.

The School’s decision on awards is final and will be confirmed in March 2023.

Bursary Award assessment criteria continued on page 12 Making an application

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We offer one specialist award for a girl joining Year 7 who is gifted and talented in sport and shows significant sporting potential. The value of the Exhibition Award is a fixed sum remission of school fees of up to £1,000 per year for the duration of a girl’s school career at NHSG and is intended to help support the pupil to pursue her sporting development.

In addition to completing the school application form, girls applying for this award must complete a separate Exhibition Award application, providing information about their sporting achievements to date. Girls applying for the Exhibition Award for Sport should play or compete in two or more sports outside of school, play for a recognised club and train consistently. They should be able to evidence their participation and achievements to date as well as their sporting dreams. Applicants will need to demonstrate how they can actively contribute to sport at NHSG. Applications must be made by 16th December 2022.

We have a limited number of bursaries available for entry into Year 7 and into Year 12 and these can be for a remission of fees of up to 100% per year.

NHSG Reece Awards, Year 12

All bursaries are awarded for the duration of a girl’s school career at NHSG, but are subject to annual means testing.

To be considered for a NHSG Bursary

The Exhibition Award for Sport

After undertaking and meeting the requirements of the NHSG Year 7 entrance assessment as detailed on page 3, applicants will be invited to a sporting assessment with our PE team where they will be required to demonstrate skills and technical

Our Bursary Awards, transforming lives and raising aspirations...

NHSG Bursary Awards available in Year 7 and Year 12

1.Award:Agirlmust have performed exceptionally well in our Year 7 entrance examinations or at GCSE if entering Sixth Form 2. The girl’s parents must be assessed as eligible for a Bursary Award by the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) Financial Means Assessment

Bursary Awards for entry into Year 7 and Year 12 only

Your daughter may only apply for one Exhibition Award. An Exhibition Award may be combined with a NHSG Scholar Award (but not a Head’s Scholar Award) and/or a Bursary Award subject to means-testing and academic performance in our Year 7 entrance assessment. Applications received after 16th December 2022 will not be considered for an Exhibition.

APleaseknowledge.note:girlreceivingan Exhibition Award for Sport will be expected to represent the School in at least one sport and be a proactive member of our sport co-curricular programme throughout her time at NHSG.

All offers for an award will be made in writing and subject to the terms and conditions included within that offer. The offer will be final and no further adjustments will be made.

A pupil’s academic eligibility for a Bursary Award will be assessed through our entrance assessment process where girls are required to: Complete the NHSG Year 7 entrance examinations on 21st January 2023. These will include English and Maths examinations as well as the CEM Select Entrance Assessment which measures verbal, non-verbal and mathematical skills Attend an interview (subject to performance in the entrance examination) Provide a recent report from their current school

In Pupilsgeneral:inreceipt of an award are required to contribute significantly to the School and the particular areas set out in their offer letter and agreement. They are required to work hard and contribute positively to the life of the School and set a good example to other pupils.

• Provide a recent report from their current school Based on the above a pupil may be offered a place in our Sixth Form and a Bursary Award provisionally.

Entry at Year 12

The School’s decision on awards is final and will be confirmed in March 2023.

A pupil’s academic eligibility for a Bursary Award will be assessed through our entrance assessment process where girls are required to:

Confirmation of a place and/or Bursary Award will be made in August 2023 subject to her achieving the GCSE grades required and following receipt by the School of proof of GCSE grades attained. Please note: A girl in receipt of a bursary will be expected to show dedication and commitment to her studies throughout her time at NHSG.

forAdditionalInformationAdditionalchange.InformationallawardapplicantsBursary Awards for entry into Year 7 and Year 12 only Bursary Award assessment criteria continued from page 11

Parents of award recipients are expected to work in partnership with the School and support and encourage their daughters to uphold their obligations. Failure to meet these obligations may lead to the withdrawal of the award. All information is correct at the time of publication of this brochure, but may be subject to

The tenure of any award is intended to be for the duration of the girl’s school career at NHSG, provided that her academic progress, commitment and dedication, general conduct and contribution to the School remains at a high level. On accepting an award, parents and, where appropriate, pupils will be asked to sign an agreement which will outline in detail their obligations. This agreement will remain in place throughout the time the pupil remains at NHSG.

GDST Financial Means Assessment On receipt of your application we will advise you of the next steps, which will include completing an assessment of your family income and financial means. Bursary applicants will be assessed by the GDST and our staff may also make an appointment to visit you at home. On completion of this process, the GDST will advise us on whether you are eligible and the maximum amount of financial assistance we can offer. For example: • If your family’s assessed income and resources are below £87,500 a year, you may be eligible for some support • If your family’s annual income is less than £37,500 a year you may be offered a full bursary • For families whose annual income is between these levels, a sliding scale determines the amount of assistance you may be offered A girl’s academic performance will be a key consideration when the School is deciding whether or not to award a bursary.

A Bursary Award may be combined with a NHSG Scholar Award and at Year 7 may also be combined with an Exhibition Award. Applications and submissions of the GDST Financial Means Assessment made after 16th December 2022 will not be considered for a Bursary Award.

A Bursary Award is reassessed every year and may be reduced or removed if the family’s financial circumstances have changed and no longer fulfil the eligibility criteria or a girl is not showing the expected level of dedication and commitment to her studies.

Academic Assessment Entry at Year 7

• Provide their predicted GCSE grades • State their preferred choices of subjects for A Level study • Attend an interview with a member of the School’s Senior Leadership Team

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