NHSG co-curricular programme 2024-25

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The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is the extra...

At NHSG there is nothing ordinary about our co-curricular offer and we strongly encourage girls to discover their passions through our extensive programme. Whether it is trying something new or engaging in a life-long interest, there will be an activity, club or society for your daughter to enjoy.

Research into the benefits of co-curricular activity in schools has found that pupils who participate in these activities attain higher academic results, have better relationships at school, and are more likely to lead healthy, active lifestyles when they leave school. They also learn the value of commitment, teamwork, discipline and open-mindedness.

Our co-curricular programme available from Reception through to Year 13 provides opportunities for our girls to develop leadership skills, build resilience, represent the school, and above all, offers them the chance to make life-long memories and friends.

As well as clubs run by our dedicated staff, our Sixth Formers are encouraged to share their interests with younger girls by setting up and leading activities of their own. This demonstrates initiative and organisation on the part of our Sixth Formers and promotes team spirit across all age groups.

We encourage girls to get involved in a variety of activities as it is important to maintain a healthy balance between their studies and life outside of school work. This approach is key to them leading positive and fulfilled lives and enjoying everything that Newcastle High has to offer.

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with our Co-Curricular Co-ordinators.

Mrs Barnett e.barnett@ncl.gdst.net
Junior School Senior School
Miss Penny s.penny@ncl.gdst.net

Junior School



Bright Sparks has a strong focus on developing a further interest in academic and STEM subjects for girls in Year 2 – Year 6. This programme is tailored to capture your daughter’s imagination and ignite her natural curiosity. Blocks of 6/7 weeks will be delivered in the following areas: Humanities, Science, Technology, Maths and Communication.


This element of the co-curricular programme focuses on the Creative Arts plus Outdoor Learning and your daughter will have the opportunity to experience all fours areas of: Art, Dance, Textiles and Forest School as she progresses through the school year. Your daughter will rotate throughout the blocks over the academic year from September through to May.



Concerts and performances planned for the coming year and the Junior Choir will play an intrinsic part in our performance calendar. We look forward to your daughter performing in small informal concerts as well as in whole school performances.

For experienced gamers or girls looking to try something new! Gaming Club will be an opportunity to discuss your daughter’s favourite games, work collaboratively, learn about ‘gaming etiquette’ and provide opportunities to learn and problem solve whilst enjoying a range of age appropriate video games in a secure environment (online gaming will not be an element of the club).

An introduction to French and German club for girls in Years 5 and 6. Mandarin club will run on Tuesday evenings to build upon the Mandarin lessons that will be introduced for girls in Year 2 from September and girls from Years 1 and 2 are welcome to join this club.


Musical Theatre club is open to girls from Years 4 – 6. This will culminate in a Junior School Musical, which will take place in our Senior School site during the summer term, making use of the excellent facilities for performances that we have at Tankerville Terrace.


Girls who currently learn a musical instrument are invited to join our Junior Orchestra which will run every Wednesday evening. Being part of the orchestra will bring various opportunities to perform in school concerts and Open Days as well as learning fun pieces with friends.


This is a lively and exciting opportunity for any girl who is keen to develop a musical interest. Samba band will be delivered by Mr Dave Lowry who has delivered peripatetic drum lessons at NHSG for a number of years.


Your daughter will continue to have the opportunity to enjoy PE clubs before and after school and these are indicated on the timetable. From September, as an addition to our offer, Years 3 and 4 will have the opportunity to take part in a PE club on our senior school site before school on a Wednesday morning and all Year 3 and 4 will then have a PE lesson from 9am until 10am in Senior School, making the most of the facilities available.

Junior School Co-Curricular Clubs

Autumn Term Timetable 2024

Junior School Co-Curricular Clubs

AutumnTerm Timetable 2024

Junior School Co-Curricular Clubs

Autumn Term Timetable 2024

Senior School

Proten has been designed to inspire and stretch our girls intellectually and culturally. with a passion for learning. The programme will cover a broad range of subjects, as you will see from the timetable below.


Our Winter athletics clubs provides girls to work on technique and fitness during the off season to ensure they are prepared for the Summer months. Girls will have the opportunity to work on all track and field events.


Badminton offers recreation, development and performance opportunities for all girls. Everyone is welcome.


The choir provides girls the chance to sing as a collective. They learn a variety of songs and perform at concerts and major school events such as the Christmas Carol Service. All are welcome.






Coding club will be a space for girls to develop coding skills and create their own computer games, animations and websites. They will learn how to use technology creatively.

This group is for girls who are developing as dancers. They work on a variety of styles, such as Musical Theatre, Ballet, Jazz and Contemporary. They meet weekly to choreograph and rehearse a dance based on a variety of stimuli and they also perform in lots of events.

Dance Company is for girls who demonstrate a high standard of technical ability and creativity in Dance. Company members work collaboratively to develop their skills to the highest level. Girls then perform at NHSG, public events and national competitions. Girls also have the opportunity to work with guest choreographers during workshops and residencies to gain new skills and experience.

Football club develops skills and game understanding which can then be transferred into the competitive environment. The girls will have the chance to represent school in local competitions.


Guitar Group provides girls with the opportunity to perform music from a variety of genres including pop and jazz. Acoustic, electric and bass guitarists are all welcome.


Hockey is a sport for girls training at least once a week. Teams will play local fixtures, cup games, local and GDST tournaments. Every girl who wants to be part of the hockey programme is welcome and we run as many teams as required for everyone to have a competitive opportunity.


Language Leaders club is run by Sixth Formers working towards their Young Language Leaders Award. The younger girls who attend will receive support with their Modern Foreign Language studies including guidance on revision and the opportunity to engage in fun, educational activities that will reinforce their learning.


Netball is a sport for girls training at least once a week. Teams will play local fixtures, cup games, local and GDST tournaments. Every girl who wants to be part of the netball programme is welcome and we run as many teams as required for everyone to have a competitive opportunity.


Orchestra is our instrumental ensemble and they play material from a range of composers – from Mozart to Jessie J. Available for strong instrumentalists, this provides a high quality experience and challenges girls’ musical abilities. Attendees will play in a variety of concerts throughout the year. Those who have an instrument lesson should consider one of our ensembles.




Proten, meaning ‘stretch’ in Latin, is our academic enrichment programme designed to inspire and stretch our girls intellectually and culturally. This programme is available to all girls, but does require girls to sign up.

Trampoline Club offers girls an opportunity to develop a range of skills from simple to complex and put them together into routines to take to competitions. Everyone is welcome.

The club will work towards performing a National Theatre Connections play. Everyone is welcome.

Senior School Co-Curricular Clubs

Autumn Term Timetable 2024

Senior School Co-Curricular Clubs

Autumn Term Timetable 2024

Senior School Co-Curricular Clubs

Autumn Term Timetable 2024

Senior School Co-Curricular Clubs

Autumn Term Timetable 2024

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