KS3 Course Details 2023-2025

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Key Stage 3 Curriculum (Years 7 - 9) 2023 - 25

Welcome to Senior School! Joining Senior School is an exciting step in your daughter’s learning journey. In Key Stage 3 at Newcastle High, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum, encompassing a wide range of subjects, from Science to languages, from Performing Arts to IT, with the aim of enabling each individual girl to follow her passion and to reach her potential. Our curriculum is designed to develop skilled and independent learners, who have a genuine desire to explore the world around them. We nurture intellectual curiosity, and encourage our girls to develop independence of thought and a willingness to respectfully challenge ideas. In addition to academic excellence, we place emphasis on emotional wellbeing and pastoral support to create a happy and secure learning environment for our girls, and the exciting learning spaces we have specifically designed ensure that there are ample opportunities for collaboration and enquiry at the heart of our curriculum offer. To support the curriculum, we have a VESPA approach to learning woven into our academic and pastoral provision. VESPA draws on academic research and our extensive classroom experience to develop a system that supports learning, helping every girl to become the best she can be. By encouraging each individual to focus on five key areas of Vision, Effort, Systems, Practice and Attitude, we explore the common behaviours and characteristics that all girls need to be successful learners and work with each individual girl to identify her own individual barriers to learning and to develop strategies to help her overcome them. As your daughter progresses through Key Stage 3, the wealth of opportunities available to her, within and beyond the curriculum, will allow her to further develop a genuine love of learning, a firm sense of self, her own moral compass and the skills and attributes to grow as a leader. I look forward to seeing her flourish within our learning community!

Mrs A L Hardie Deputy Head (Academic)


Introduction to our Key Stage 3 Curriculum (Years 7 - 9)



Key members of staff

Course information by subject 14



Modern Foreign Languages




Physical Education


Religious Studies and Philosophy







GCSE Requirements
















Key Members of Staff If you would like to discuss these subjects in further detail you are welcome to contact any of the staff listed below.

Head of Year 7

Mrs S Mawhinney s.mawhinney@ncl.gdst.net


Head of Department


Art and Design

Miss A Goldie



Mrs N Cameron



Mr L Willis



Mrs D Hylton



Mrs A Dobson



Ms S Emmett


Modern Foreign Languages

Mr G Bignot



Mrs S Mawhinney



Mr D Hyde



Mrs J Tasker



Mr D Newey


Physical Education

Ms N Watson


Religious Studies

Mrs L Dodd



Mrs E Waton



Art The ethos of the Art and Design department has always been to make Art and Design enjoyable and accessible for every girl in the School. This culminates in the Unendorsed Option at GCSE which enables girls to study a variety of disciplines such as Fine Art, Sculpture, Graphics and Textiles, and then potentially go on to study one or more Art based A Levels. The A Level choices again enable our girls to follow their strengths in Art and Design as they can choose from Fine Art, Graphic Communication and Textiles. During Key Stage 3, girls work on a variety of different projects; these may be Book Illustration, Sculpture, Fashion, Drawing and Painting and many other areas in the Art and Design genre. The girls are encouraged to take part in exhibitions and competitions throughout Years 7 to 9, and also during their GCSE and A Level years, whether they have taken Art and Design as an examination subject or not. Every year we have exhibitions in the Art Department that all girls can be involved in. The most popular is the Photography Competition. Girls also exhibit work that they have produced during their lessons in this space so that parents and friends can see what they have achieved. Visits to galleries such as the Laing and the Baltic also support learning. During Key Stage 3, girls create designs and model them in the annual Fashion Show, which opens up the girls’ understanding of what they can achieve in Art and Design. The Art Department is always open to all girls to use and it is wonderful to see girls from Year 7 and above working alongside Sixth Form A Level girls during lunchtimes and within lesson time.


Classics Year 7 All girls in Year 7 study Latin. We follow the Cambridge Latin Course, which is supported by an interactive e-learning programme. The e-learning programme is used in lessons and can also be accessed by pupils in school for independent learning and research. The course covers an introduction to the Latin language, as well as exploring various aspects of Roman daily life including housing, an exploration of the town of Pompeii, Roman theatre, the importance of the baths and the role of slaves within society.

Years 8 and 9 In Year 8, the majority of girls continue with their study of Latin language, whilst some girls choose to focus on Classical Civilisation. In Latin in Years 8 and 9, girls continue to develop their understanding of the Latin language, encountering more complex sentence construction and grammar as the course progresses. Alongside this, they continue to explore aspects of Classical Civilisation, this year focusing on mythology and the Roman gods. The Year 8 and 9 Latin course provides an excellent foundation for a study of GCSE Latin or GCSE Classical Civilisation in Years 10 and 11.

The Classical Civilisation course in Year 8 provides an introduction to two great civilisations: the Egyptians and the Greeks. We explore key aspects of Egyptian life, including death and burial rituals, gods and goddesses and the role of Pharaoh in society. Following that, we move on to a study of Greek culture, including an introduction to the Greek epic ‘The Odyssey’, with an exploration of key characters in the epic tale and key events such as the storm wrought by the god Poseidon to punish Odysseus. In Year 9 we focus on the Greeks and Romans; girls study various topics which include the Greek gods and Roman home and family life. The Year 8 and 9 Classical Civilisation course provides an excellent foundation for a study of GCSE Classical Civilisation in Years 10 and 11. As part of their Classics studies, girls enjoy curriculum visits to local Roman sites or museums to complement their learning in the classroom. In addition, we encourage all girls to participate in inter-school competitions and quizzes, including the annual regional Classics Quiz, hosted here at Newcastle High, which allows girls to gain experience in either hosting or participating in a major classics event involving a large number of local schools.


Computing/ICT Our ICT / Computing curriculum has been developed alongside the National Centre of Computing Educations computing taxonomy to ensure comprehensive coverage of the subject. Students will cover the subjects stated below whilst; leading with concepts, working together, getting hands on, modelling everything, creating projects and challenging misconceptions. There is a range of formative and summative assessment throughout the schemes of work and students will complete KS3 with a range of digital and personal skills that can be applied to either of the iGCSEs we offer in the department.

Year 9 Python programming with sequences of data Manipulating strings and lists. Creating a programming project Media : animations Creating 3D animations through object manipulating and tweaking and adjusting lighting and camera angles Data science

The Key Stage 3 curriculum covers the following:

Using data to investigate problems and make real world changes

Year 7


Impact of Technology : Collaborating online respectfully

Identify how users and organisations can protect themselves from cyber-attacks.

Identifying how to use online collaboration tools respectfully. An introduction to the computing lab. Networks: from semaphores to the internet Recognising networking hardware and explaining how networking components are used for communication. Using media: gaining support for a cause Creating a digital product for a real-world cause. Programming essentials in Scratch Applying the programming constructs of sequence, selection, and iteration in Scratch. Modelling data : spreadsheets Sorting and filtering data and using formulas and functions in spreadsheet software.

Year 8 Developing for the web Using HTML and CSS to create web pages Mobile app development Using event-driven programming to create an online gaming app Computing systems Exploring the fundamental elements that make up a computer system Introduction to Python programming Applying the programming constructs of sequence, selection and iteration in Python.


The programme of study at Key Stage 3 is designed to create a sound foundation upon which girls can opt to study the Cambridge IGCSE ICT. It also builds the practical skills girls will need both at school and beyond. In usual circumstances, the curriculum is complemented by a weekly Code Club (run by Newcastle University STEM Ambassadors), in which girls are given the opportunity to learn programming, robotics and basic electronics. Girls are also encouraged to become Digital Leaders, where they meet regularly to discuss new initiatives in e-Learning and the opportunity to travel as a Digital Ambassador to the annual conference in London. Every year we take part in the global ‘Hour of Code’ initiative which last year reached a global audience of over 100 million children!

Dance At Newcastle High School for Girls, Dance is valued as an art form that promotes moral decisions, positive attitudes and diversity as well as fitness, a healthy lifestyle, team working and creativity. It combines skills from all subject areas and enhances social interaction both in and out of School. During cross-curricular sessions, girls will be able to recognise and use their transferable skills and consolidate their learning through project based collaborations. Your daughter will gain an insight into her aptitude, abilities and preferences through Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level Dance courses of study, thus providing a valuable grounding for life-long physical and artistic learning. Dance Facilities We are incredibly lucky to have unique Dance facilities. Our Dance Studio provides an ideal space for our Dance lessons and co-curricular activities. With specialist Dance teachers in the Faculty, we are oozing with passion and enthusiasm for the art form which is instilled in our girls. Girls at NHSG find that Dance is not only challenging but that it also provides them with the opportunity to explore ideas creatively in an alternative learning environment both in lessons and co-curricular activities. Collaboration with other Performing Arts subjects allows girls to access the full range of skills and areas of interest the Arts have to offer, providing a truly unique learning experience.

Year 7-9 Dance Curriculum We understand the value of educating girls in healthy lifestyle choices and developing their social skills and creativity. During the three year Dance course, girls develop: • An understanding of the physical and expressive skills required for an effective performance. A combination of Dance styles are taught to develop understanding of the fundamental technical skills including correct posture, weight placement and co-ordination. • Safe practice techniques in Dance. • Composition and choreographic skills. • The ability to realise creative ideas from a starting point into choreography. • Critical appreciation and analytical skills through the study of professional Dance works. Girls develop these skills through individual and group-based tasks.

Dance Clubs and Performances Dance Clubs are open to all ages and abilities and provide an excellent opportunity for girls to work alongside girls from other Year Groups. Clubs are held at lunch times and after school in the Dance Studio and vary in content throughout the year. Girls who participate in Dance Clubs perform their work in the annual Dance Show. Some Dance Clubs are also selected to perform at various events throughout the year.

Theatre Trips and Workshops Again in usual times, a number of theatre trips and workshops are organised for girls to sign up to each year. These events include trips to local theatres, Phoenix Dance Theatre in Leeds and residential trips to London and New York to see performances and take part in professional workshops. We also invite Dance artists, such as dancers from Matthew Bourne’s Dance Company and West End Theatre stars to come into school and deliver workshops.

Whole School Musical production Performing Arts subjects collaborate to produce an annual School Musical. Auditions are open to every girl in Years 7 to 13 whether girls wish to participate as a principal, a member of the chorus or as a member of the technical crew.

The GDST Day of Dance A selection of girls are invited to attend the Trust Day of Dance. This event provides an excellent opportunity for girls to network with pupils from other GDST schools and share their skills, experiences and passion for Dance by taking part in workshops and informal performances.

Links with Professional Dance Organisations and Companies Gateway is a professional dance organisation based in the North East, specialising in professional, educational and community work. Gateway deliver all aspects of the Dance curriculum which provides pupils with access to industry professionals such as Phoenix Dance Theatre, through the Phoenix Youth Academy NE. Through our relationship with Gateway and Dance Cities Centre For Advance Training, guest artists are invited into school each year to ‘talent spot’ our girls who are interested in pursuing a career in dance. Last year a number of our girls were invited to attend auditions for both training programmes and were successful in being offered a place.

Girls are assessed formally at the end of each unit on their practical work.

Co-curricular Dance Activities There are many Dance activities for girls to get involved in which encourage the development of social interaction, fitness, confidence, enthusiasm and commitment.


Drama Drama in Key Stage 3 is a progressive course, covering modules which centre on specific practical skills and techniques, as well as the language and form of theatre. Classes, held in The Space and The Place at school, are largely practical and focus on both improvisation and scripted work. Year 7 begins with an introduction to foundation Drama skills and storytelling. This leads into devised activities and voice work. There is a huge emphasis on group work and communication skills. Year 7 is a chance for girls to express themselves creatively and also to develop their confidence.

Year 8 sees the development of Drama vocabulary in conjunction with intermediate devising and vocal skills. Group work is extended here and girls have a sense of freedom in their devising, making choices as part of a team.

Year 9 includes some more sophisticated role play and a focus on ‘issues’ which can be explored through Drama. Physicality of a role is explored and girls are given a strong foundation for GCSE. We also collaborate with the Music and Dance departments for Musical Theatre.

Beyond the Classroom Drama Club In usual times, girls in Years 7-10 are able to participate in our weekly Drama Club. This is a lunchtime club and is run by our Sixth Form Drama enthusiasts who are all qualifying for their Gold Arts Award. Here the girls play improvisation games and create their own pieces of Drama. This culminates with a public performance in the Summer Term.


Whole School Production This is one of the biggest events in the School calendar: a full scale musical, produced alternately at Northern Stage and our own high spec performing arts facility. Girls from all age groups can participate and we usually boast a 100+ cast. Previous productions have included Hairspray, High School Musical, West Side Story and last year we had the whole school ‘rockin’ and rollin’ to Grease!.

Drama Trips We organise many trips to the theatre. Some of these are part of the curriculum and have included trips to see Wicked and Matilda.

Speech and Drama Lessons We are able to provide Speech and Drama lessons with specialist peripatetic Drama teachers. These are private lessons and can be taken as an individual or in a paired lesson. Girls can choose to focus on Acting, Verse and Prose or Public Speaking. Girls can then be entered for LAMDA qualifications which, at Gold Level, can earn UCAS points for university entrance. Girls may wish to take lessons in order to gain qualifications or some may choose to have lessons as a nonexam entrant, and use the time to improve their speaking skills.

English The study of English has obvious benefits for all girls. We offer a solid grounding in writing and understanding the language that girls will be able to draw upon for the rest of their lives. However, English also offers so much more! We encourage a knowledge and love of literature, an understanding of the cultural diversity that makes our language so rich and offer opportunities to be adventurous and creative across all key stages. At Key Stage 3, our programme of study deliver the skills outlined in the National Curriculum. We teach girls to write in a wide range of different styles over the Key Stage. The language and literature texts covered are diverse and girls explore them in a variety of ways. These include digital narrative, independent research, group tasks and drama work. Year 7 The curriculum covers a huge range, with work on biographies, a novel such as Holes, a selection of poetry, a digital story and a range of nonfiction texts. It is a foundation year and there are opportunities to develop all sorts of new skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Year 9 We begin to introduce the skills required at GCSE. There is a large unit on the Gothic, which culminates in the creation of a Gothic story. Skills of analysis are honed this year, with some challenging drama texts by a contemporary writer as well as a poetry project. The English staff contribute to the co-curricular life of the School in a number of ways. Trips and experiences within school are an important part of our subject. In usual times, we run theatre trips for all ages including trips to the Globe Theatre in London and the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-UponAvon. We organise events with visiting writers and have an annual residential ‘English Plus’ weekend to promote wider understanding of the subject. Debating is also a very important part of our co-curricular programme and we take teams all over the country for competitions. We also offer reading groups for different ages and a public speaking society.

Year 8 This year picks up and enhances the skills introduced in Year 7. The texts are more challenging and writers such as Charlotte Bronte and Shakespeare are introduced to girls. The emphasis is upon tackling these more challenging texts in an interactive and lively way. There is a substantial unit of creative writing in this year and girls have the opportunity to stage and perform some Shakespeare work.


Geography Our key motivation in Key Stage 3 Geography is to inspire in the girls a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Year 8

In the Geography Department, we are passionate about our subject. The Geography curriculum is delivered through innovative and dynamic lessons which enable girls to develop a great range of geographical knowledge and skills. These include:

• Coasts.

• Discussion and debate. • Analysis and evaluation. • Team work and communication. • Independent thinking. • Enquiry skills. • Empathy and understanding. Year 7 In Year 7, girls will be introduced to a range of physical and human geography topics and some core geographical skills. These include: • Global connections - our place in the world. • My place - a geographical enquiry of a local settlement (fieldtrip to Warkwork). • Weather and climate hazards. • Environmental issues campaign. In addition, Year 7 girls participate in a Humanities Deep Learning carousel and lessons are based around developing four key skills: evaluation, analysis, communication and empathy.


In Year 8, girls will learn and develop an understanding of a range of geographical topics, including: • Africa and Development issues – inequalities and wealth. • Physical processes – Ice on the land, Limestone caves. • Landscape in a box. In the Summer Term there is usually a two day fieldtrip to the Lake District where the girls get to experience an upland glaciated area and carry out enquiry work in Keswick and Grasmere.

Year 9 In Year 9, girls continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of both physical and human Geography and even get a head start on the GCSE course. Topics include: • Hazardous environments – earthquakes and volcanoes. • Urban environments. • Tourism. • Energy and sustainability. • Geographical skills.

History The History syllabus is roughly chronological in Key Stage 3. Starting from the Norman Conquest, girls study various periods of English, European and World History. The Middle Ages is studied in Year 7, the period of the Renaissance and Reformation (including Tudors and Stuarts) alongside a study of Britain’s imperial past and the legacy of colonialism is studied in Year 8 and Twentieth Century World History is studied in Year 9.

To aid these processes, we usually take girls out of school on field trips. For example, in Year 7 pupils visit Warkworth Castle as part of a joint Humanities site visit with Geography. They are introduced to the techniques of observing and recording buildings and making deductions about the life associated with them. Girls are also expected to undertake more extended pieces of research work from time to time, including use of digital resources.

In all three years, emphasis is placed on the use of primary as well as secondary sources, including a great range of evidence, such as written documents and text books, buildings, photographs and artefacts.

Girls are encouraged to attend History Society which provides a wide range of fun and creative activities for girls of all ages.

Our teaching methods are aimed at helping girls to develop a wide ronge of skills as well as informing them about the past and its relevance to them. Such skills include the ability to analyse evidence in a balanced way, to detect bias, to develop some empathy with people and periods in the past, as well as the traditional skills of essay writing and relevant expression.


Mathematics Mathematical thinking is an essential approach for all members of a modern society. It is necessary in the workplace, in business and finance, and in personal decision-making. Mathematics is fundamental to national prosperity as it provides the tools to enable understanding of Science, Engineering, Technology and Economics. It is essential in public decisionmaking and for participation in the knowledge economy. Mathematics equips girls with uniquely powerful ways to describe, analyse and change the world. The Key Stage 3 curriculum at Newcastle High School for Girls is shaped by this understanding of the fundamental importance of Mathematics and its associated skills. Our curriculum closely follows the National Curriculum but will also stretch, challenge, inspire and encourage creativity in our girls. The development of the transferable skills of application, problem solving, debate, justification and creative thinking underpins the Key Stage 3 Mathematics curriculum at our school. We aim to develop a highly positive attitude towards Mathematics in every girl, enabling all to think and communicate mathematically, precisely, logically and creatively. The staff use a wide variety of approaches in their teaching, which they adapt to suit all the girls in their groups. Teaching is differentiated to meet the needs of the girls and takes into account their various learning styles. We also run a Mathematics Clinic each week, at which girls from any Year Group can receive help from Sixth Form girls studying A Level Mathematics. Mathematics teaching staff are always available to give help and support.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum The study of Mathematics at Key Stage 3 develops subjects studied previously and provides an excellent grounding for studying the subject at higher levels.

Number and Algebra Numbers are everywhere, but the value of algebra is not that obvious. Algebra works best when you need to generalise your findings. Girls will learn how to share knowledge with other people in an efficient, logical way, and will be able to use and apply algebra, draw graphs, analyse data and carry out calculations to validate their work.

Geometry and Measures Geometry is all around us. Having a grasp of geometrical constructions helps us better understand the surrounding world. Whether playing a game of Minecraft or piloting a spaceship, the principles of geometry guide our decision making. By knowing precisely how shapes and angles fit together to maintain stability, architects, engineers and builders are able to keep a house stable in high winds and allow it to withstand the weight of everything inside. Beautifully curved surfaces in steel, stone and glass would be impossible if not for the immense potential of Geometry and Trigonometry.

Statistics Statistics are used to analyse the world around us. Much of the information we have about the world around us was determined mathematically by using statistics. When used correctly, they allow us to identify trends in what happened in the past and can be useful in predicting what may happen in the future.

Challenge We enter all girls in Year 8 for the UKMT Junior Mathematics Challenge. A very good result in the competition qualifies the competitors for the European Kangaroo.


Modern Foreign Languages At Key Stage 3, all girls at Newcastle High School for Girls study Spanish as a core language. They also get the opportunity to study a second language and can choose between French, Mandarin or German. All girls will then continue to study these two languages in Year 8 and Year 9. This allows each girl to make great progress and be ready to study their preferred language(s) at GCSE level.

From Year 7, there are plenty of opportunities to use the languages learned outside the classroom. Key Stage 3 pupils can usually take part in trips abroad, such as France, China and Spain for example. We also organise several in-school and Trustwide competitions, such as the GDST MFL Festival.

The teaching of Modern Foreign Languages includes the use of technology in almost every lesson. Teachers use a variety of online resources and interactive activities. During the three years, we ensure that each girl learns to be independent and develops her confidence in all skills. Therefore, all our resources used in the classroom are also available from home. This offers girls the opportunity to consolidate their learning in their own time.


Music Music in Key Stage 3


Music in Key Stage 3 is fun, lively and practical. It aims to break down barriers between Music as enjoyed at home, and Music in the classroom, with Music activity at the heart of each and every lesson. Girls learn about a huge range of topics, from studying Matilda the Musical to African percussion. Technology is at the heart of the curriculum; girls create their own adverts and compose and record music to go with them, and learn how to use Garageband, Pro Tools and Sibelius to create fantastic compositions. Girls are constantly creating, listening and performing in a huge range of styles. Solo and ensemble work is highly encouraged. It increases the girls’ confidence, and gives them a range of skills that are valuable in Music as well as their academic lives and beyond.

The Music School has state-of-the-art equipment and boasts the best facilities in the region. We have a newly refurbished Performance Studio with excellent quality PA and lighting. Our Recording Studio is of professional standard with Pro Tools, iMac, and a host of high quality microphones. There is also a suite of high quality isolated practice rooms and a dedicated ICT suite, featuring computers all with the latest software and hardware. In addition, there is a dedicated formal teaching suite for GCSE and A Level Music. We are incredibly well resourced with all the latest equipment to enable girls to be at the forefront of Music learning.

In Year 7, work focuses on core elements of Music. We use exciting frameworks in a variety of genres, from rock and pop to classical and jazz. Girls learn to sing in harmony, have regular performance opportunities, and develop good musical knowledge. Moving into Year 8, girls develop their Music Technology skills and perform in groups and ensembles. Compositions are based on blues, baroque and world music pieces, and girls significantly broaden their musical knowledge. In Year 9, girls achieve a basis for studying GCSE Music should they wish to. They work with media such as film to create soundtracks, and look at more complex structures through Minimalism and 20th century Music. Individual working is emphasised, and the girls develop important skills such as working in a band and notation composition. A recent addition to our curriculum is our now famous Battle of the Bands competition, in which all the girls learn instruments and compete to become the best band in Year 9.


Co-Curricular Our co-curricular programme is extensive and in usual times encompasses everything from Choir and Acapella group to Symphony and Junior Orchestras, Drum Ensemble, Theory Club, Jazz Band and Ceilidh Band. There are numerous performing opportunities both in School and out we hold lunchtime concerts every Thursday in our Performance Studio. We have performed in a variety of locations which have recently included Sage Gateshead, in Berlin with an exchange school, at Northern Stage, St George’s Church and for a host of invited occasions. Bradley Creswick, leader of Northern Sinfonia, is our String Ensemble Patron and gives regular concerts with our girls in School. We have also recently had guest performances from BBC Radio 2 Folk Musician of the Year, Tom McConville, as well as professional cellist, Nick Byrne, and a number of others.

Physical Education The five specialist PE teachers who work with our girls from EYFS to Year 13 are dedicated to providing unrivalled sporting and recreational opportunities for girls. Fitness and health are inherent throughout the curriculum; an additional dedicated programme in Year 9 is focused on developing the girls’ awareness of the role of physical and mental wellbeing in a healthy lifestyle. Our outstanding facilities, including two Sports Halls, a Fitness Suite, a full size astroturf pitch and four outdoor Netball/Tennis courts, ensure the curriculum and co-curricular programme are extensive and wide-ranging. Competition is an important part of modern life. Girls get to play competitive sport regardless of their ability level. A to C teams for Netball and A and B teams for Hockey and most other sports, offer all girls the opportuntiy to represent the School. Our success at County, Regional and National level is tremendous. Our Netball, Cross Country, Swimming and Biathlon teams have regularly reached National Finals.

We have a fantastic record of success locally and hold more City, County and Regional titles than any other school in the area. Badminton, Cricket, Football, Gymnastics and Trampoline are all sports that are offered both as curricular and co-curricular activities. We celebrate sporting achievement and participation at our annual Celebration of Sport evening in June. Attended by over 300 girls, parents and guests, it is a chance to recognise the contribution, commitment and achievements of all of our girls within the academic year. Participation is the key to success in, and enjoyment of, physical activity. Girls enjoy our lessons and respond with enthusiasm to the challenges and opportunities offered to them. We are proud of our School and of everything the girls achieve. Great facilities, great teachers and a great atmosphere allow everyone to be the best they can be.


Religious Studies and Philosophy Newcastle High School for Girls offers Religious Studies and Philosophy to all girls from Year 7. Our aim is to ensure that the study of Religious Studies and Philosophy is both enjoyable and stimulating, equipping our girls with the skills, curiosity and confidence they will need for success during their School career and in the wider world beyond. Why study Religious Studies and Philosophy?

What will your daughter learn? In Religious Studies at Key Stage 3, pupils are introduced to all the major world religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. These are studied through a systematic or thematic approach. Great care is taken to ensure our pupils learn to respect and appreciate the differences between traditions whilst being objective.

Religious Studies makes a key and unique contribution to understanding British heritage, plurality and values. It provides an excellent opportunity for our girls to engage with contemporary contentious issues, developing social, cultural, political, philosophical and historical awareness.

In Philosophy, girls undertake enquiries on a wide range of themes including Wealth and Poverty, Genocide, Morality, the Nature of Reality, Happiness and Arguments For and Against the Existence of God. They also look at a variety of great philosophers and their theories including Descartes, Plato and Aristotle.

Furthermore in Religious Studies our girls learn to respect themselves and understand their own identity, to respect others, and to understand their own and others’ rights and responsibilities. At a time when communities are becoming more diverse there is an even greater need for a more religiously literate, empathetic and tolerant society. Religious Studies plays a key role in creating social cohesion and generating genuine understanding between communities reducing friction, intolerance and social unrest.

What will your daughter gain?

The study of Philosophy greatly encourages our girls to be independent thinkers; to develop a questioning and rational approach to issues and ideas and to arm them with the skill of evaluation and ability to defend their own viewpoint coherently.

Religious Studies and Philosophy is a rigorous and demanding academic discipline in its own right. • It engenders analytical thinking and rigour in the search for truths in uncertain fields. • It encourages philosophical thought, decision-making skills, collaboration and independent working skills and the search for compromise and conflict resolutions that work. • It creates opportunities for girls to develop their skills of dialogue, interpretation and analysis in a coherent context. All these are vital skills in a modern world where communication, collaboration and cooperation are core skills valued at university and by employers.


Science Girls will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics as discreet subjects in Year 7 and Year 8 with specialist teachers in our well equipped laboratories, before starting their GCSE topics in Year 9. The content of the Key Stage 3 curriculum is continually reviewed but is currently based on the National Curriculum. An understanding of Science is key to development in the modern world, so our curriculum will stretch, challenge, inspire and encourage creativity in our girls. The development of the transferable skills of application, problem solving, debate, justification and creative thinking underpins the Key Stage 3 Science curriculum at Newcastle High School for Girls. At Key Stage 4, girls will continue to develop these skills, whilst either following the AQA GCSE Triology Award specification, or by studying all three separate AQA GCSE Sciences. All three Science subjects are extremely popular at A Level.

is supported by a full programme of practical work. The department is supported by a technician team who are responsible for servicing the practical requirements of all Science subjects. ICT is used regularly in lessons with laptops, data projectors, visualisers and interative whiteboards available. We have seven state-of-the-art Science laboratories, a Science Studio, Science Demonstration Area and a roof top Science Terrace for outdoor experiments. The Science Department is highly successful. As well as impressive examination results, we provide many other opportunities for girls, including, in usual times, a weekly Science Club, involvement in the Engineering Scheme, workshops at the nearby Centre for Life, opportunities to be involved in the Crest Awards Scheme, Nuffield bursaries and a visit by Discovery Zoo in Year 7, alongside workshops and opportunities to hear from guest speakers.

The teaching of Science at Newcastle High School for Girls



CONTACT For all enquiries please contact our Admissions Manager on 0191 201 6511 or via email admissions@ncl.gdst.net Senior School Tankerville Terrace Jesmond Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 3BA 0191 281 1768 newcastlehigh.gdst.net

The Girls’ Day School Trust is a Limited Company Registered in England No. 6400 Registered Charity No. 306983 Registered Office: 10 Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DH gdst.net

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