Leading girls’ education
Welcome to Newcastle High An exceptional education for every girl.
“At Newcastle High School for Girls we support, nurture and challenge every girl to be herself, to achieve her potential and to approach life both at school and beyond with real enjoyment and enthusiasm.” Michael Tippett Head
02 WELCOME 04 Message from Michael Tippett, Head
12 JUNIOR SCHOOL A journey of discovery 14 Welcome from the Head of Junior School
20 S ENIOR SCHOOL The confidence to take on the world
28 SIXTH FORM A thirst for learning and intellectual challenge
22 Welcome from the Head
30 Welcome from the Director of Sixth Form
06 Who we are
16 Learning
24 Learning
08 Our values
18 Beyond the classroom
26 Beyond the classroom
10 An education like no other
19 Our results
27 Our results
32 Learning 34 Beyond the classroom 35 Our results 36 CONTACT US
We offer your daughter an outstanding education at one of the best schools in the country.
“ Newcastle High School for Girls is the leader in girls’ education in the North East. Everything we do supports the wellbeing, development and academic progress of the girls.” Michael Tippett Head
Every girl has huge potential arising from her unique character and strengths. At NHSG we support, nurture and challenge every girl to be herself, to achieve her potential and to approach life at school and beyond with real enjoyment and enthusiasm. Every day at school we introduce our three-year-olds to the wonders of the world, spark the curiosity of eleven-year-olds and intellectually stimulate and challenge our sixth-formers to engage with learning at the highest level. The very purpose of our school is to design opportunities for our girls to grow in confidence and courage while acquiring the knowledge and skills that will equip them powerfully for life beyond the classroom. Your daughter will be taught and inspired by teachers who are experts in tailoring learning experiences to the needs of girls; through our bespoke curriculum she will discover her strengths and find her niche, in an environment characterised by outstanding facilities. There is an almost tangible buzz to our happy yet purposeful atmosphere and, naturally, we can only give you a taste of this in our prospectus. So I do hope you’ll visit us soon to experience for yourself our unique ambience and ethos, and the sheer joy of our pupils at being part of our strong community.
Michael Tippett Head
Who we are Established in 2014 following the merger of two leading girls’ schools, Newcastle High School for Girls is built upon the foundation of 250 years of excellence in girls’ education. Central High and Church High, our founding schools, were at the forefront of girls’ education. As individual schools they held a powerful position within the region. Together, as Newcastle High School for Girls, we offer an unrivalled educational opportunity for girls in the North East of England. We are part of the Girls’ Day School Trust, the leading UK network of girls’ schools, which educates around 20,000 girls nationwide and is committed to a shared ethos of putting girls first. The expertise and forward-thinking approach to education of the Girls’ Day School Trust are a constant inspiration and support to us. No other school in the region can boast the same benefits and they shape the lives of our girls, parents and staff. An excellent education and a high-performance culture are our norm.
We know that girls need inner-confidence to succeed and the best place to instil this is within a girls-only environment. At Newcastle High School for Girls there are no gender barriers or stereotypes. Our girls can develop self-confidence, take intellectual risks, ask questions and make judgements without worrying about how boys may view them. Classroom studies have shown that in mixed classes boys contribute more to classroom discussions and teachers subconsciously afford boys more time to speak. We give girls the freedom to find their own identity and to overcome the confidence gap that sees so many girls and women underestimating their own abilities. Most of all, we offer an outstanding academic education, always putting our girls first to make sure that every single one of them is supported and grows into a bold and independent young woman, ready to take on the world.
Girls in independent girls’ schools are: Almost
1.5 times
as likely as girls in independent co-ed schools to take Physics A Level
4 times
as likely as girls in state co-ed schools to take Physics A Level
Girls in Girls’ School Association schools are:
“ Our approach helps girls find their identities and push themselves beyond perceived boundaries.”
more likely to take Mathematics A Level*
2 times
more likely to take most Language A Levels*
Source: Institute of Physics research, It’s Different for Girls, based on 2011 National Pupil Database statistics *DFE 2012 – GSA girls compared with all girls in all schools
“ We put girls first in everything we do.” 08 NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS GDST
Our values The values of Newcastle High School for Girls reflect those of the Girls’ Day School Trust: GIRLS FIRST We always put girls first. They are the focus of everything we do. Our girls’ interests, happiness and wellbeing are our first priority and are why we tailor our approach to girls’ specific needs and ambitions. This drives all our decisions, teaching and learning practices and how we allocate resources. FEARLESS We act and speak with conviction and commitment. We are not afraid of thinking differently and encouraging our girls to take risks. They develop the confidence to push themselves, try new things and approach known things in a different way. With us they have the freedom to make mistakes. They are taught not to be dissuaded by setbacks but to learn from them. FORWARD THINKING We stay ahead through purposeful innovation. We employ the latest teaching and learning techniques and girls benefit from the very best resources. Girls are prepared for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century, so that they leave school academically skilled and ready for the workplace. FAMILY We are part of a family of schools. We support each other and share our learning across our unique network. Girls benefit from our excellent connections with fellow GDST schools. In addition, we extend our reach to engage and work with organisations locally and nationally to ensure that our girls gain a wider view of the world.
An education like no other Education is more than studying Mathematics and reading English. It takes understanding and support to help a girl grow, discover and pursue her passions. That’s why we offer an exciting curriculum and an impressive co-curricular programme, taught by the very best teachers within a superb learning environment. Each element of the girls’ education combines to provide a unique experience – an education like no other. Preparation for examinations is an important part of this journey, as we lay down a strong foundation for the girls’ future. Our academic results are consistently among the best in the country. That, however, is only the beginning. Our vision is so much broader. We are committed to equipping girls with the skills they need for work and life in the 21st century. Every aspect of our teaching is guided by our promise to challenge and encourage every girl to fulfil the eight Cs of our Learner Promise: to be curious, confident, caring, composed, creative, communicative, collaborative and courageous.
“ Our curriculum works to enrich the girls’ lives and ensure every day at school is one to look forward to.”
Academic rigour is at the heart of our curriculum. From Nursery through to Sixth Form, we encourage our girls to question, analyse and solve problems. Girls become independent and flexible learners, able to use skills in one area to support learning in others. After all, life isn’t lived in discrete boxes. We break down boundaries between subjects and inspire our girls to see the wider picture and understand how the world really works. Enriching the girls’ lives, our co-curriculum is designed to help girls learn additional skills and uncover interests and talents they never knew they had. With an impressive range of opportunities open to the girls, we make sure every day at school is one to look forward to. We also use our thriving House system to bring together girls across all age groups as they take part in shared activities such as performances, debating, sports, fundraising and so much more. This outstanding and innovative education is delivered within a caring school environment designed to inspire girls to aspire and achieve. Our Junior School in Sandyford and Senior School in Jesmond offer superb facilities to support the curriculum and co-curriculum.
A journey of discovery “Watch your daughter’s passion for learning come alive and her self-confidence soar.”
Young minds are open, curious by nature, always hungry for knowledge. They absorb everything around them as they grow. Their learning is not confined to the classroom. Every life experience is a new lesson. Our job is to nurture this, to encourage and protect this natural thirst for self-improvement and to retain the innate joy and love of learning. We surround our girls with warmth and care so they can feel safe and happy as they follow and satisfy their curiosity. We know that only in such a supportive and nurturing environment can your daughter learn, explore, grow and develop to the very best of her ability.
“ Life is an adventure at any age, and every day is a journey of discovery at Junior School.” Angela Charlton Head of Junior School
Every day is a journey of discovery when you are just starting school. That’s why we extend our lessons far beyond teaching facts and figures. We see these as tools to help us connect with our girls and spark their imaginations and thought processes. Every class is designed to help them delve into topics, discover solutions and, most importantly, think for themselves. We use our innovative and creative curriculum to ensure that learning is always fun and meaningful. We take girls from the indoor thinking spaces to the adventure of the outdoors so that they can bring their knowledge to life. This way, everything they learn in class becomes real and relevant. At our Junior School, your daughter will have the freedom to explore and grow.
Angela Charlton Head of Junior School
“ Every lesson helps our girls discover, explore and develop their passions and talents.”
Right from their first d in Nursery, girls are taught Spanish. 16 NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS GDST
Learning The excitement of discovery drives every day at Junior School. Our girls are constantly rewarded for their independence with the thrill of finding things out for themselves.
We look further afield too. Through our curriculum, girls develop a passion for learning foreign languages. From their first days in Nursery through to Year 6, we teach them Spanish. Setting this foundation in Junior School helps girls gain fluency as they progress into Senior School.
This is our main focus in every lesson, whether in Nursery or Year 6. Our classrooms are designed to be spaces that nurture the girls’ curiosity. Our girls aren’t afraid to be creative and critical in their thinking as we teach them how to grow into better problem solvers.
Sport and physical activity are also important. We want the girls to try different sports so they get a flavour of what they enjoy. Competitive and non-competitive sports are equally valued and our superb facilities mean that the girls enjoy a great range of opportunities.
Every day they learn to apply their wide range of knowledge and understanding. The girls love to engage in discussions, challenge opinions and develop new skills so that they can make sound judgements and analyse the world around them.
The learning journey continues outdoors where concepts begin to take shape. The girls thrive in our sensory garden, while our bog garden enhances their investigative skills. Science lessons come alive as the girls explore and observe plants and creatures at first hand.
All journeys begin somewhere and ours begins close to home. Our unique curriculum reflects the local cultural diversity. Every term, we introduce a Creative Curriculum theme which launches a voyage of discovery; it could be a journey along the River Tyne or a taste of Roman life on Hadrian’s Wall. Our girls’ interest strengthens as they experience first-hand the joy of uncovering local history, landscapes and landmarks.
We are an accredited Forest School. Sitting around the fire pit with a bowl of soup made from vegetables they have grown themselves in our kitchen garden is a memory girls will cherish forever. Every time the girls’ eyes are opened and their minds expanded by these discoveries, their enthusiasm for learning grows and their self-confidence rockets.
Beyond the classroom Our co-curricular programme blends seamlessly with our curriculum. It is not ‘extra’ but joined up and relevant. All our girls are inspired and excited by our wide and varied range of activities, each of which helps them develop new skills and enjoy new experiences. Given natural curiosity and open minds, learning can happen anywhere. We harness this by taking our girls outside of the classroom as well as school so that they can benefit from diverse sources of inspiration. The girls go on at least one educational visit every term to bring classroom teaching to life. The myriad of co-curricular activities we provide is exceptional. Music, art, sport and dance combined with clubs, and House activities are all regular features of school life. We teach our girls to consider the wider community too. They are inspired to support local and national charities and we retain close ties with schools in other countries. Additional skills are also learned within our flexible After School Club. Providing a comfortable and relaxed setting, this is another great resource for girls as well as for parents. Combined with our curriculum, the co-curriculum incorporates all the elements of a truly rounded education and prepares our girls for a seamless transition to Senior School.
“ New skills, joyful experiences and extended learning are at the heart of our extensive range of co-curricular activities.”
Our results Girls in our Junior School consistently exceed national average performance in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. What is important, however, is that we look at the whole development of the girls so that they have a solid foundation on which they can build their knowledge and skills. We are experts in teaching girls and they excel because of our approach to learning; where they are challenged and supported to think for themselves – academically and creatively. In the Early Years Foundation Stage:
of our girls achieve a Good Level of Development (compared to the national average of 77.7%).
The majority exceed national expectations in the Prime Areas of Learning. Rather than taking SATs which we believe narrows the curriculum, girls in the rest of Junior School are assessed each term in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. Results consistently show that the majority far exceed national expectations. At Year 6 our assessments show that our girls far exceed national expectations year on year. Over
of our girls exceed expectations in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
This compares to the national average of 64% of children reaching the expected standard.
Source: Standard Assessment Testing 2018
The confidence to take on the world It is during the Senior School years that your daughter will discover who she is and who she wants to be. Her character grows and strengthens, preparing her for the future and opportunities to come. She develops a true sense of self and the values important to her. That is why we put so much emphasis on creating a warm, relaxed and nurturing environment. Girls need a safe space where they feel free to explore and be themselves, to find where their passions lie and develop the inner strength to be true to themselves and what they know to be right. Our care for each individual helps the girls build self-confidence and self-esteem. Trust and mutual respect are key in helping them shed their fear of failure and they dare to take risks. With a strong foundation and endless support from both her peers and teachers, your daughter will be equipped, confident and ready to take on the world when she leaves school at 18.
“ Our girls become strong, confident and grounded young women.�
“ Our curriculum will inspire your daughter with a love of learning and instil in her a capacity to face life’s challenges. She will be an independent and confident learner, clear about her own aims and values and what she will need to do to achieve them.” Michael Tippett Head
In our Senior School we know each and every girl as an individual. We make the experience of learning meaningful for every one of our girls by supporting them to develop their own strengths and interests, as they in turn develop into strong young women. Our Senior School is a forward-thinking, outwardfacing, dynamic learning environment, firmly and proudly rooted in our city and region. We have an innovative approach which is built upon academic rigour and support for every girl to achieve excellence. We encourage and excite our girls to develop a lifelong love of learning and the confidence and capacity to face challenges academically and in the world beyond school, both now and in the future. At Newcastle High School for Girls we will empower your daughter to become a strong, confident and grounded young woman, who will stand by her principles and values in an ever-changing world.
Michael Tippett Head
“ Our curriculum provides girls with the skills, knowledge and understanding that they will need in the years to come.”
Right from their first d in Nursery, girls are taught Spanish. 24 NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS GDST
Learning The world is changing faster than ever. The way we educate our children needs to adapt too. With endless information at their fingertips, teaching our girls mere facts and figures isn’t enough any more. We need to equip them with the skills and understanding to analyse and apply the knowledge they gain. That is how they will tackle obstacles and succeed in the real world.
Our innovative and exciting curriculum is academically rigorous. Rich in the arts and strong in humanities, sciences, languages and sport, the curriculum presents our girls with a wide range of intellectual challenges. We extend our curriculum from the richness of subject-specific lessons to a cross-curricular approach that enables girls to make more sense of their learning. Knowledge and skills in one subject area are used to reinforce learning in another, preparing girls to be flexible learners. It is liberating to be able to encourage girls to discover and learn independently where
appropriate and use lessons to explore the how and why, to find solutions by applying knowledge and skills gained in various subject areas. This facilitates genuine discussion and significant personal learning becomes commonplace. At Newcastle High School for Girls we don’t believe in teaching to a formula intended to accumulate marks in examinations. Instead, we explore the learning process and encourage our girls to deepen their understanding.
This broad approach to education guarantees that girls develop important life skills that will support them far beyond achieving outstanding results in public examinations. Girls emerge from our Senior School academically strong as well as bold in their work ethic. They will thrive in the real world as they draw on their confidence to take risks, overcome setbacks and stand up for their values.
Beyond the classroom The drive and passion of our approach extends much further than the academic curriculum. Our school is a hive of activity from early in the morning to late in the evening with many weekend activities, longer challenges and trips available. We know that what you learn in class is only half the story. What happens on the sports field, in art, music, dance, drama, clubs and societies is just as important. We have a vibrant arts scene incorporating opportunities in music, drama and dance. Debating and public speaking clubs are incredibly popular. Sports participation is extremely high at all ages and our girls compete at regional and national levels with enormous success. In and out of the classroom, we encourage girls to take risks and develop resilience and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme provides the perfect framework for this. Our House system builds community spirit and offers some friendly rivalry along the way! Leadership opportunities abound too through a huge offering of clubs and activities. Girls can also put themselves forward for formal roles such as Forum Representative, House Captain and Learning Coach, and in Sixth Form as a Prefect or part of the Head Girl team.
Having an understanding of the world as well as an appreciation of our responsibility for others is essential in the 21st century. All girls are encouraged to support charitable activities and get involved in voluntary service. These are very important to school life here at Newcastle High School for Girls. We work to broaden the girls’ horizons through an extensive programme of trips and visits. Day trips to museums, galleries, theatres, universities and other GDST schools are only a few examples. We take advantage of the wide range of local opportunities and encourage the girls to travel to other countries, far and wide. Being part of the GDST enables us to offer unique opportunities that extend far beyond the reach of any other school. Our girls take part and compete on a national stage with fellow GDST pupils in sporting rallies, art exhibitions, dance shows, drama workshops, music competitions and leadership conferences. We believe that it is important to recognise the girls’ achievements. At Newcastle High, each girl’s co-curricular journey is chronicled in her Transcript of Achievement through which she has the opportunity to achieve an NHSG Award for her endeavours.
Our results Consistently performing at a higher level than the national average for GCSE, we add value to the girls’ achievements, helping each to perform to her very best. Excellent GCSE results give the girls real choices when it comes to A Levels and future careers. We encourage them to follow the subjects they love. The A Level choices they make show the range of their interests.
% of entries at A Level by faculty subject area:
Creative Arts, Sport, Languages and Digital Literacy
Humanities and Enquiry
“ What you learn in class is only half the story.”
41% Science and Mathematics
Source: NHSG entries at A Level 2017
A thirst for learning and intellectual challenge “Every class helps girls explore and find their place in the world.”
At this stage, your daughter’s life becomes more complex and the challenges more real. This is her time to explore and find her place in the world. Which role will she play? What can she contribute? What she needs in order to pull through and succeed is passion, drive and belief in the choices she makes. The courage and confidence to sustain her through success and setback. What we offer her is intellectual fulfilment building on the seed nurtured throughout her education. We want her to foster her natural love of learning and immerse herself in academic endeavour. We know that in our Sixth Form she will have high aspirations and a determination to achieve her goals. Excellent examination results will open many doors, but it’s your daughter’s energy and vivacious enthusiasm that will help her step through the right door, take unexpected directions and break new ground.
“ All the girls are taught within the finest facilities in classes with like-minded people.” Helen Harrison Director of Sixth Form
Intellectual development and a love of learning are at the heart of what we offer in our Sixth Form. Your daughter will be taught by inspirational teachers in small classes. She will access the very best resources and facilities. Supported by her personal tutor and her own personal development plan, your daughter will thrive in an environment where she is expected to give her best. Alongside academic work, our unrivalled Sixth Form enrichment and co-curricular programmes will help prepare your daughter for life after school. She will widen her horizons with fascinating trips and visits, talks from experts, workshops with universities and workplace skills training. As she begins to plan her future we will help her to make the right choices. Our Sixth Form is an impressive community, challenging, but great fun too. Inspiration, opportunity, support and joy of learning all work together to produce exceptional results. It is the crowning glory of an education at Newcastle High School for Girls.
Helen Harrison Director of Sixth Form
“ Our small classes mean plenty of opportunities for discussion, interaction and enquiry.”
Right from their first d in Nursery, girls are taught Spanish. 32 NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS GDST
Learning The academic programme in Sixth Form is rigorous. It supports girls in their transition from GCSE into an environment where they begin to be more independent. Within our wide range of A Level courses, we encourage girls to choose the subjects they love. We facilitate that choice so our girls have the freedom to explore a variety of disciplines and choose their own ways to achieve them. They aren’t limited to conventional ideas of which subject goes with which. There is no reason why Physics cannot be combined with Art, or English with Chemistry. Once they begin their studies, girls thrive in our small classes. They participate and encourage each other in discussions as they broaden their understanding and increase in self-confidence.
Sixth Form also offers our girls the opportunity to take an Extended Project Qualification. In this independent project, the girls undertake research and present their findings on a topic of their own choice.
Our forward-thinking approach has proven to be an invaluable foundation for study and life beyond Sixth Form. Your daughter will emerge a confident, well-rounded and flexible learner, eager to adapt her knowledge and skills across subjects and able to hold her own and flourish in the world. These are qualities that are greatly prized by universities and the world of work, and will certainly lead her to success.
Close personal attention enables our teachers to stretch and stimulate each girl’s intellectual curiosity and challenge her to think analytically and critically. A Level offers the opportunity to study subjects in depth and develop a real understanding of what it means to be immersed in the principles and thinking of an academic discipline.
Beyond the classroom We open up a world of opportunities to explore and discover through our impressive Sixth Form enrichment and co-curricular programmes. Girls learn things that are different and maybe a little unusual. These experiences enrich them as individuals. Our range of clubs and activities is a major component of our programme. Girls can extend their music skills, learn to debate, satisfy their wanderlust and dance themselves fit and strong. They can earn awards in the Arts and foreign languages and attend lessons in film studies and financial planning. They can lead a reading group and join some of the best sports teams in the region. The House system in school also provides an impressive array of activities. Our many choices of societies, including MedSoc, LawSoc and PsychSoc, are a great resource for girls as they prepare for their future career or university application. NHSG CareerConnect offers vital links to make girls think and set them on the right track for any career they set their mind to. Physical fitness is as much the key to creative intellectual activity as it is to a healthy body. With this in mind, girls attend PE and enjoy a varied range of exciting options from team sports to Zumba and yoga. 34 NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS GDST
Voluntary service is also an important element of our programme. All of our girls are encouraged to volunteer in the local community in some way, whether it’s working with children, disabled people, the elderly or cultivating an allotment to help feed the homeless. Our girls thrive, mature and grow with a multitude of leadership opportunities. The Head Girl, Senior Prefect and House Captain are only a few of the many roles available to girls in Sixth Form. It is our belief in the girls and our innovative approach to teaching them that provide unique opportunities for each girl and make our school such a special community. Even after moving on to higher education or work, girls continue to be supported through the NHSG and GDST alumnae networks, powerful and thriving communities from which the girls will benefit for the rest of their lives.
“ We like our girls to experience something that will enrich them as individuals.�
Our results University or other Higher Education institutions are the main destinations for girls after they have completed their A Levels at Newcastle High. Each girl is given individual support and guidance in making the best choice for her. Every year, a significant number of girls win places at Oxbridge and other Russell Group Institutions after achieving exceptional A Level results. They study a wide range of courses, from Fine Art to Engineering, and from Languages to Medicine. On average:
take Humanities, Arts, Languages and Social Sciences at University
take Creative and Performing Arts at University or College
take STEM subjects at University
Source: NHSG Higher Education destinations 2017 (Year 13)
If you believe that your daughter will thrive on intellectual challenge within a nurturing environment, get in touch with: Admissions
0191 201 6511
We will be delighted to tell you more about Newcastle High School for Girls and arrange a visit for you. newcastlehigh.gdst.net
The Girls’ Day School Trust is a Limited Company Registered in England No. 6400 » Registered Charity No. 306983 » Registered Office: 10 Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DH » gdst.net This prospectus is for information only and does not form any part of any contract between parents and the school. It has necessarily been prepared well in advance of the entry of a pupil to school and inevitably there may be subsequent alterations.