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Assessment 1 Details: Individual Report (40

Part 1 Critically analyse your ideation process and justify why you have chosen to progress your selected solution. Part 2 Critically reflect on your personal development across Semester 1 using Entrecomp to guide your reflection. The first part of this report requires you to look back at Semester One and analyse the ideation techniques you used to generate numerous solutions. You should discuss several of the ideation tools you used and evaluate which method/s were the most successful. You then need to justify why you have decided to progress your team’s selected solution. To do so you will outline why you perceive your group’s chosen idea to have potential by evidencing your market research. The second part of this report requires you to critically reflect on your personal development across Semester One. You should first analyse why developing your entrepreneurial abilities is important and reflect on how entrepreneurial you believe you were at the beginning of the module. You should then select one competency from the options below, taken from Entrecomp, and reflect on your progress against this competency. You should refer to some of the 8 progression levels under this competency found in the Entrecomp Framework. The suggested competencies from which to select your key focus are: Spotting Opportunities


Motivation and Perseverance

Self-awareness and Self-efficacy Working with Others

Taking the Initiative. Finally, you must identify one competency from the whole frameworkwhich you believe is the most important for you to develop across Semester 2 and explain your reasons for this choice. The wordcount for this essay is 2000 words (+/- 10%). You can choose how to spread your words across the requirements, but please pay attention to the percentage weighting for each requirement. This can be seen in the left hand column of the assessment criteria below.


NCL2100: Semester 1 Assessment Criteria

Analysis of ideation process

(25%) Fail 0-39

You will simply outline the ideation methods followed, the evaluation of the success of these techniques will be none existent.

Justification of idea selected


Your idea explanation will be vague and/or confusing.

There will be highly limited evidence of market research conducted and as such the justification of the potential behind your idea will be missing.

Third 40-49 2:2 50-59 2:1 60-69 70-79 80+

You will offer a very basic analysis of several ideation techniques outlining how they were used and what results were garnered from each method. This may be lacking in detail.

There will be a vague evaluation of the success of some of the ideation methods mentioned.

You will succinctly explain the idea which your team is taking forwards to develop in Semester 2.

There will be evidence of some market research, but this will be of poor quality and as such the evidence will fail to justify why your solution has been chosen to be developed. You will offer a basic analysis of several ideation techniques outlining how they were used and what results were garnered from each method.

You will offer limited evaluation on the varying success of these techniques. You will succinctly explain the idea which your team is taking forwards to develop in Semester 2. There will be evidence of both secondary and primary market research, but this will be lacking in detail in some respects and as such fail to completely justify You will analyse several ideation techniques, outlining how they were used and explaining how beneficial they were in helping you to generate numerous ideas.

You will explicitly evaluate the varying success of these

techniques. 10

You will succinctly explain the idea which your team is taking forwards to develop in Semester 2.

You will outline detailed market research which demonstrates the potential of your idea. This will include secondary research outlining the size of the sector and your potential target You will analyse several ideation techniques in detail outlining how they were used, explaining how beneficial they were in helping you to generate numerous ideas and identifying how you felt when using each method.

You will explicitly evaluate the varying success of these techniques, comparing and contrasting them to one another.

You will succinctly explain the idea which your team is taking forwards to develop in Semester 2.

You will outline comprehensive market research which demonstrates the potential of your idea. This will include detailed secondary research outlining the size of the sector and your In addition, you will demonstrate true originality of thought and outstanding ideation outcomes.

In addition, you will include analysis from multi-level primary research (more than one round of research) which builds on yourinitial findings.

Your outline of why entrepreneurial competencies are important will be vague and lacking in detail. You will not use Entrecomp to structure your reflection and will simply outline areas of personal progress. There will be secondary or

Critical reflection of personal development


primary research. You will attempt to outline why developing entrepreneurial competencies is important, but this will lack sources or evidence.

You will reflect on your entrepreneurial skills starting point when joining the module but your supporting example will be lacking in detail or confusing.

You will select a competency from Entrecomp and reflect on where you started and what has happened since but you may not make explicit reference to the 8 progression levels which are underneath that competency. why your solution has been chosen to be developed.

The primary market research may be limited or conducted with an inappropriate audience who do not match your target audience.

You will outline why developing entrepreneurial competencies is important in your opinion with limited reference to sources.

You will succinctly reflect on your entrepreneurial skills starting point when joining the module and offer an example which somewhat justifies why your evaluation is correct.

You will select a competency from Entrecomp and reflect on where you started, what has happened to make progress and where you currently stand against the 8 progression levels 11

market and a competitor analysis.

This will also include primary research such as results from surveys, interviews or focus groups with an audience which is relevant to your target market.

You will outline why developing entrepreneurial competencies is important using a range of sources.

You will succinctly reflect on your entrepreneurial skills starting point when joining the module and offer an example which mostly justifies why your evaluation is correct.

You will select a competency from Entrecomp and reflect in detail about where you started, what has happened to make progress and where you currently stand against the 8 progression levels which are underneath that competency. Your potential target market and a comprehensive competitor analysis.

This will also include primary research such as analysis from surveys, interviews or focus groups conducted with your desired target market. You will successfully outline why developing entrepreneurial competencies is important using a range of sources, some of which go beyond the course material.

You will succinctly reflect on your entrepreneurial skills starting point when joining the module and offer a good example which justifies why your evaluation is correct.

You will select a competency from Entrecomp and reflect in detail about where you started, what has happened to make progress and where you currently stand In addition, you will use a wide range of sources which go far beyond the course material and your reflective examples will show excellent self-awareness.

Structure and Fluency


The essay will be incoherently structured and written in such poor English that it is hard to understand. It will include no references, or have many references missing. There will be many major grammatical, spelling, or proofreading errors. You will pinpoint a different competency to develop over Semester 2 but not outline why this has been chosen. The essay will be poorly structured and will contain many written English errors. It will have many references missing. There will be many minor grammatical, spelling, or proofreading errors. which are underneath that competency. Your reflection will demonstrate some honest progress.

You will pinpoint a different competency to develop over Semester 2 but the development need

will be vague. The essay will be coherently structured and will contain few written English errors.

It will include references but there may be some inconsistencies in the referencing system used.

There will be few minor grammatical, spelling, or proofreading errors. reflection will demonstrate some honest progress.

You will pinpoint a different competency to develop over Semester 2 and outline the need for development.

The essay will be well structured and written in fluent English.

It will include appropriate references with only a few minor errors.

There will be few grammatical, spelling, or proofreading errors. against the 8 progression levels which are underneath that competency. Your reflection will demonstrate good progress and may also highlight what else you could do to move even higher up the model.

You will pinpoint a different competency to develop over Semester 2 and outline the need for development with a reflective example.

The essay will be very well structured and written in fluent English.

It will include appropriate references, some of which are from material outside of the course.

There will be no grammatical, spelling, or proofreading errors. In addition, the essay will include many references which go beyond the material of the course.


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