Assessments Professional Portfolio Assessment Part One What’s this assessment all about? Professional portfolio assessment 1 is an opportunity for you to present, explain, and justify the personal development goals and related action plans you have developed during semester 1. This is a written submission with a word limit of 1500 words (+/- 10%). More information about the structure of this submission will be discussed in module teaching and provided on Canvas. Why are you assessing me in this way? Taking responsibility for your continuing personal development and keeping a record of this are things you will need to do when you begin your professional life. Being able to reflect upon your strengths, weaknesses, development needs and progress towards goals you have set yourself or which have been set for you as part of your role is a key factor in progressing within or beyond the role you take up after graduation. It is also key to success in further training or study you may undertake to progress towards your longer-term aspirations. Throughout NCL3007 you will build a portfolio of evidence building on the engagement tasks you will complete and your reflection upon these, as well as what you have learned from module teaching sessions and learning resources, and feedback you have received from others. This portfolio assessment comprises written reflection and analysis exploring how and why you have set the personal development goals and related action plans you have prioritised, allowing you to practise the valuable skill of reflective writing. This will be supported with copies of the engagement tasks you have completed and submitted during term 1. How will Professional Portfolio 1 be marked? The criteria overleaf identify what the marker will be looking for when assessing your portfolio and includes some examples of what to refer to in order to address these topics. Further detail will be covered in teaching sessions and learning resources. As this is a reflective portfolio based on your planned personal development, you are expected to critically analyse and evaluate what you say as well as describing it – that is, to explain why you have chosen the areas you are focusing on rather than others that you considered, and to synthesise, or make meaningful links between, aspects of your personal development planning, your career aspirations, the professional experience you plan to undertake for this module, and your existing strengths and weaknesses. You will be given a score for each criterion, with the total mark converted to a percentage. The first three criteria will be given a score based on how fully you have met the criterion, and the level of critical analysis and evaluation included. We will also consider the presentation of your work and your attention to detail (avoiding typos, spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes etc.