2012 NCLR Annual Conference Program Book

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commemorative program book

table of contents

Conference Highlights


NCLR Mission


Welcome/ Bienvenidos


A Strong Foundation


Leading the Way


Programmatic Successes


Legislative Successes


Welcome from Governor Brian Sandoval


Welcome from Senator Dean Heller


Welcome from Senator Harry Reid


Welcome from Carolyn G. Goodman,

Mayor, City of Las Vegas


NCLR Affiliate Partners


NCLR Affiliate Council


Conference Highlights


Conference Sponsors


Event Sponsors


Media Sponsors


Workshops and Town Halls


National Latino Family Expo® Sponsors and Exhibitors Workshops and Town Halls


Saturday, July 7


Sunday, July 8


Monday, July 9


Tuesday, July 10

120 NCLR Líderes Summit

NCLR Awards

145 NCLR Awards 146 Affiliate Recognition 150 Affiliate of the Year Award 152 Graciela Olivarez La Raza Award 154 Maclovio Barraza Award for Leadership 156 Ruben Salazar Award for Communications 158 Roberto Clemente Award for Sports Excellence 160 Raul Yzaguirre President’s Award 177 NCLR Board of Directors 179 NCLR Corporate Board of Advisors

2012 Annual Conference Concept and Design by

182 NCLR Corporate Champions 183 NCLR Staff 189 Special Acknowledgments 189

Honorary Host Committee


Community Partners


Additional Special Acknowledgments

193 NCLR Research and Publications




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NCLR mission The National Council of La Raza (NCLR)—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. Through its network of nearly 300 affiliated community-based organizations, NCLR reaches millions of Hispanics each year in 41 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. To achieve its mission, NCLR conducts applied research, policy analysis, and advocacy, providing a Latino perspective in five key areas—assets/ investments, civil rights/immigration, education, employment and economic status, and health. In addition, it provides capacity-building assistance to its Affiliates who work at the state and local level to advance opportunities for individuals and families. Founded in 1968, NCLR is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt organization headquartered in Washington, DC, serving all Hispanic subgroups in all regions of the country. It has regional offices in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, and San Antonio and state operations throughout the nation.

lead the way


Welcome/ Bienvenidos

On behalf of the National Council of La Raza’s Board of Directors and staff, welcome to Las Vegas—a leader in world-class destinations and our home for the next four days.

janet murguía NCLR President and CEO

Las Vegas is a vibrant, welcoming international arena that thrives on diversity. This same spirit of inclusiveness is a value that inspires our work. Over the next few days here at the NCLR Annual Conference, we seek to learn from one another, embrace differing viewpoints, come to consensus on the ideals that unite us, and examine avenues for expanding our role as leaders of change.

What better place than in Nevada to explore the potential of the Latino community. The Hispanic population in this state increased 81% from 2000 to 2010, and the growing Hispanic voter bloc here and throughout the country has the power to be a decisive factor in local, state, and national politics. We are working toward building long-term, sustainable Latino civic engagement, and one element is increasing the Latino vote. With the acquisition of Democracia U.S.A. in 2011, NCLR became one of the largest Latino voter registration organizations in the nation. In anticipation of the 2012 general election, here in Nevada—and in states throughout the U.S.—NCLR is registering thousands of Latino voters while educating them on the issues and preparing them to mobilize to the polls this coming November. In 2008, a record-breaking ten million Latinos voted. Even so, they represented just half of the eligible Latino voter population. We mean to change that in 2012. All of our Conferences are committed to a bright future for America, and we recognize that America’s Latinos must thrive if the nation is to prosper. Yet some things have been slow to change. We are witnessing


2012 nclr annual conference

Welcome/ Bienvenidos

a rise in anti-Latino sentiment and are battling anti-Latino legislation at the state and local levels. We are also contending with epidemic foreclosure rates, record job losses, a faltering education system, and an unclear vision of the future of health care. The Latino community’s concern about these issues and its demand for workable solutions will be at the forefront of policy debates as we close in on Election Day; we all must take responsibility for being a part of the solution, and to inspire others to step forward.

JORGE PLASENCIA Chair, NCLR Board of Directors

NCLR’s community-based Affiliates are leaders in bringing about change. They offer hope to millions of Latino individuals and families who are reaching for the American Dream while being determined advocates for equal opportunity. Their efforts connect Latinos to job training in support of financial self-sufficiency, homeownership tools and opportunities, high-quality and accessible education, and affordable and effective health care. They are the natural extension of NCLR’s mission and the backbone of all that we do. We face many challenges, but we envision a future in which all people are valued and have equal footing. It is our responsibility to lead the way toward that brighter, stronger America.

lead the way


a strong foundation The National Council of La Raza has grown and evolved over the course of its history to become the most authoritative voice on Hispanic issues today. NCLR’s founding and evolution parallel the increasing presence and contributions of Latinos in the U.S., now the largest and fastest-growing ethnic minority. Initially a small regional organization focused on one Hispanic subgroup, NCLR now represents all Hispanic communities throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico, works with communitybased organizations from the Northeast to the Southwest, and conducts both national and state-level advocacy on a range of public policy issues that have the potential to improve outcomes for Latinos.


El Movimiento NCLR traces its origins to the civil rights movement of the 1960s and to efforts that preceded World War II, such as those related to early school and housing desegregation. Although Hispanics—especially Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans— participated in both movements, they did not gain widespread media coverage or national visibility. Without such recognition, legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 had relatively little impact on the Hispanic community. In large part, the invisibility that plagued the Latino civil rights movement was a result of geographic isolation of Mexican Americans in the Southwest and Puerto Ricans in the Northeast, which caused it to be overshadowed by the more highly visible national movements. In addition, these groups lacked the kinds of critical institutions around which they could rally, unify, and organize.

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a strong foundation Recognizing that these hurdles imposed a critical barrier to the mobilization of an effective civil rights movement, a group of Mexican Americans in Washington, DC formed a coordinating body that could provide technical assistance to existing Hispanic groups and bring them together into a single united front. In the early 1960s, this organization— NOMAS (National Organization for Mexican American Services)—met with the Ford Foundation to present a funding proposal. The meeting was one of several factors that contributed to Ford’s decision to finance a major study of Mexican Americans by scholars at the University of California, Los Angeles, the first grant of its kind in the United States.

The Founding Like other philanthropic and government entities in the 1960s, the Ford Foundation was concerned about the paucity of information on, and its own lack of expertise regarding, Mexican Americans and other Hispanics. In this context, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights began to hold a series of important and influential hearings on the status of Mexican Americans, and later other Latino groups, in the U.S. At the same time, the Ford Foundation decided to conduct a second less academic and

lead the way

The findings of these three leaders, published in two reports, revealed that Mexican Americans faced numerous culturally unique obstacles, especially with respect to poverty.

formal investigation, and subsequently hired three highly respected Mexican Americans—Herman Gallegos, Dr. Julian Samora, and Dr. Ernesto Galarza—to travel throughout the Southwest and consult with other activists and leaders. The findings of these three leaders, published in two reports, revealed that Mexican Americans faced numerous culturally unique obstacles, especially with respect to poverty. They also illustrated a clear need for more local, grassroots programmatic and advocacy organizations, for a source of ongoing technical assistance to help coordinate and strengthen the work of these local groups, and for national advocacy on behalf of Mexican Americans.


a strong foundation

Research led to a series of organizational meetings among Chicano* leaders and, as a result, Gallegos, Samora, and Galarza founded the Southwest Council of La Raza (SWCLR), NCLR’s predecessor, in Arizona in February 1968.† Initial financial support came from the Council of Churches, the United Auto Workers, and a Ford Foundation planning grant, and by April of that year, SWCLR had received its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Gallegos, the organization’s first Executive Director, an activist from San Francisco, was highly respected for his strong organizational skills. He was known for his ability to work effectively with every sector of society with which he interacted, including labor, business, foundations, and the press. Samora, a founding member of the Board of Directors, has been described as a rare individual who mentored an entire generation of Latino scholars and whose work, filled with a passion for justice, met the highest academic standards. Galarza, a professor, author, accomplished musician, and expert on farmworker issues, considered by many the dean of Chicano activism, served as a consultant to the new organization. The distinct talents and credibility of these men contributed not only to building a strong foundation for the organization, but also to bringing together leadership in the community.


In Search of Identity In 1968, SWCLR began to help establish and support barrio (community) organizations with the goals of strengthening other local organizations and promoting empowerment, voter registration, leadership development, and other forms of advocacy. Seven organizations‡ in three states became its first “Affiliates”—Mexican Americancontrolled nonprofit organizations with a formal relationship to SWCLR— and SWCLR provided subgrants and technical assistance to these and other advocacy groups. * “Chicano” is a cultural identity for persons who live in the United States and have a strong sense of Mexican American ethnic identity and an accompanying political consciousness. The term’s meaning has changed over time and varies regionally. “Chicano” and “Chicana” are used specifically by some Americans of Mexican descent who are proud of their heritage. [From: http:// www.answers.com/topic/chicano] † Similar efforts resulted in the founding of other Latino organizations in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and in the incorporation of the National Puerto Rican Coalition in 1977. ‡Mexican American Unity Council (MAUC), Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC), Mexican American Community Programs Foundation (MACPF), The East Los Angeles Community Union (TELACU), Spanish-Speaking Unity Council (SSUC), Mission Development Council (MDC), and OBECA/Arriba Juntos Center

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a strong foundation

During these early years, the organization made several formative decisions that have since profoundly shaped its development. It was at this time, for example, that SWCLR’s ideological commitment to nonpartisanship was affirmed. In another important decision, led by Board member Graciela Olivarez, the bylaws were amended to require equal representation of men and women on the Board of Directors. Today, the organization is one of only a handful that maintains such a rule. In 1970, Henry Santiestevan succeeded Gallegos as Executive Director. At the end of 1972, SWCLR became a national organization, and the Board of Directors changed its name to the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) to reflect its commitment to represent and serve all Mexican Americans in all parts of the country. In 1973, the Washington office became NCLR’s headquarters. In 1974, with the Board decision that it was time for a new generation of leaders, Raul Yzaguirre was selected as NCLR’s new Executive Director. Throughout the latter half of the 1970s, Yzaguirre worked with the Board and staff to reorganize and develop NCLR’s mission, programs, and priorities, and

lead the way

in 1978 the NCLR Board adopted a “corporate” structure with Yzaguirre as President and CEO. At the core of Yzaguirre’s aspirations was the realization of pan-Hispanic unity, and gradually NCLR’s sole focus on Mexican Americans began to broaden. In 1979, NCLR’s Board affirmed the organization’s role as an advocate for all Hispanics. Eventually, the bylaws were amended to require numerical Board representation of the major Hispanic subgroups according to their proportion of the population, based on decennial Census data. On December 31, 2004, Raul Yzaguirre retired from NCLR, which brought to a close a remarkable 30-year period in which he transformed a fledgling grassroots organization into the nation’s most influential Hispanic institution. On January 1, 2005, Janet Murguía became the institution’s new President and CEO, building upon NCLR’s history and major accomplishments to address the evolving needs of the growing and dynamic Latino population.


leading the way Our Agenda NCLR’s vision is for Hispanics to reach equality with non-Hispanics in terms of economic empowerment, political empowerment, and social advancement and seeks to improve their lives by enhancing their ability to improve their socioeconomic status. While Hispanics have made advancements in certain areas, prosperity has not reached all segments of the community. NCLR has identified five major areas in its agenda and uses its experience, relationships, and a strategic roadmap to “move the needle” in these areas. First, education is clearly the key to achieving the American Dream, and it is essential that positive learning experiences begin in early childhood and continue throughout students’ educational careers. NCLR is working to ensure that the resources required to help Hispanic and immigrant students of all ages are universally available and that Hispanic parents are empowered to become advocates for quality education.


Second, while many Americans enjoy financial security and economic well-being, not all Latinos have fared well in these arenas. NCLR is working to increase Hispanic access to economic mobility tools to reward work, complement workplace supports, and build wealth. Third, while Latinos are affected by a wide range of risk factors and diseases, nearly every health disparity they experience could be prevented or more effectively managed given timely access to health care. NCLR strives to eliminate the incidence, burden, and impact of health and environmental problems in the Latino community, seeking tangible improvements in Latinos’ access to health coverage and high-quality, culturally competent health care. Fourth, Latinos hold fewer assets than other Americans, proven by virtually every tangible standard. NCLR works to reduce the wealth gap and increase the level of assets held by the Latino community, including pension coverage, homeownership, retirement security, savings, and access to bank accounts and affordable credit.

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leading the way

Finally, the current U.S. immigration system is in need of comprehensive reform. The entire nation benefits from a fair, equal, and fully inclusive society. NCLR works to advance an affirmative agenda that has a positive impact on immigrant communities and links national and local advocacy efforts. NCLR also supports local communities in addressing the impact of negative state and local policies targeting immigrants, ensures equal access to safety-net services for immigrants, and maximizes naturalization and civic participation of new Americans.

Our Strategy NCLR seeks to improve the lives of Hispanics by working in two ways. First, by developing, supporting, and disseminating critical services, NCLR enhances the ability of Hispanics to improve their socioeconomic status. Second, through removing the social and legal barriers to advancement, NCLR ensures that Hispanics have the opportunity to improve their status. By working simultaneously on these two levels, NCLR is uniquely positioned to help Hispanics reach social and economic parity with non-Hispanics in the long term. The work of NCLR’s nearly 300 community-based Affiliates is central to this effort. They are on the front lines, bringing attention to the needs of their constituents, developing and delivering

lead the way

innovative services, and working within the community to improve Latinos’ lives. They also serve as the voice of the community through their advocacy work and are a critical part of the fight to break down barriers. Similarly, NCLR’s efforts are critical to the work of its Affiliates. NCLR’s policy expertise and relationships provide its Affiliates and the Latino community a vital voice on Capitol Hill and around the country. By representing the Affiliates and their constituents, NCLR aggregates the power of the community and brings greater focus to the whole in a way no single Affiliate could. NCLR also facilitates the exchange of ideas and strategies, providing opportunities for Affiliates to leverage each other in programmatic and advocacy work. NCLR and its community-based partners each possess strengths and skills that can make an important difference in distinct arenas. Yet together we represent a powerful force for positive change. Ultimately, NCLR’s network of like-minded organizations is striving to enhance the abilities of and provide opportunities for individuals and families to achieve the American Dream.


Our Partnerships The first priority of Janet Murguía when she became President and CEO of NCLR was to strengthen NCLR’s relationship with its Affiliates. The foundation of this new partnership was the NCLR Affiliate Member Services (AMS) Business Plan . Adopted in 2006, the goal of this plan is engaging more deeply with Affiliates to achieve greater advocacy and programmatic impact and leverage the full potential of NCLR’s national voice and the Affiliates’ local expertise.

and “advocacy” partners who engage with NCLR more deeply on specific initiatives. These partners receive subgrants and technical program support from NCLR, and they in turn implement NCLR programs with fidelity, collect data on their efforts, and share best practices with each other. This partnership structure has significantly enhanced NCLR’s ability to replicate successful efforts and take proven practices to scale.

Since then, NCLR has completed the first and second phases. The first phase of business plan implementation called for the creation of a fully-staffed component within NCLR dedicated specifically to its Affiliates which could elevate and address Affiliate interests internally. NCLR currently has an enlarged AMS team based in Washington, DC and several other offices focused on Affiliate membership, nonprofit management support and technical assistance, and relationship cultivation.

Currently, NCLR is in the midst of the third and final phase—a new regional strategy through which NCLR seeks to bring more financial, human, and technical resources to Affiliates in the field and leverage NCLR-Affiliate partnerships for greater impact in building stronger communities.

The second phase of the plan reorganized the Affiliate Network into key partnerships to advance NCLR and Affiliate initiatives and serve a larger segment of the Latino community. NCLR now has more than 75 Affiliate “program”


NCLR has successfully implemented the plan’s pilot in California, begun in 2009, which focuses on enhancing NCLR’s California Affiliate Network. Among its accomplishments, the revamped California office has developed a model for creating networks to build issue-specific capacity and has trained dozens of Affiliates on nonprofit management issues such as strategic planning,

2012 nclr annual conference

leading the way

Our Vision for the Future resource and leadership development, and social media. An assessment conducted by the California office documented the considerable collective power of California Affiliates which includes nearly $1 billion in combined budgets, employing thousands of Californians, and serving more than one million people a year. As a result of this work, NCLR is now actively engaged with 85% of its Affiliates in the state. A driving force behind this progress is NCLR’s Campaign for Stronger American Communities (CSAC), a multiyear effort to fund the regional strategy work, including expanding efforts to other NCLR regional offices such as Texas and the Midwest. We believe that CSAC is the appropriate response to a truly extraordinary situation. If this nation is to continue to prosper politically, economically, and culturally, America’s Latinos must thrive in all of these areas. For more than 40 years, NCLR has worked to fully engage Latinos in the promise of America. We must adapt organizationally, however, to the rapidly changing demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic realities of American Latinos. And we must do so quickly. Our plan is straightforward and involves three basic components: taking proven practices to scale, advancing key public policy objectives, and strengthening our Affiliates in all regions of the country.

lead the way

The largest ethnic minority group in the U.S., the Latino community has grown much faster than the U.S. population as a whole, representing 17% of the nation’s total population—at 52 million strong. Even more astounding, projections show that by 2050 it will total roughly 132.8 million people, or 30% of the U.S. population. NCLR is committed to meeting the challenges of this new era—building on its many successes and ensuring a hopeful future for millions. As the Latino community continues to integrate into American society, NCLR will be there to assist in every step of the way, from the naturalization process and voter registration to voter mobilization. While the Latino community is experiencing enormous growth, it also has enormous potential—for every Latino who is registered to vote, another member eligible in our community is not. That’s why last year NCLR became one of the largest Latino voter registration organizations in the country. The Mobilize to Vote (M2V) campaign is working with community organizations nationally to build the partnerships and tools necessary to take Latinos from citizenship to voting to advocacy. And we will leverage that same muscle to bring our voices to bear on policy debates that affect our community.


As a nationally recognized institution working on behalf of the Latino community, NCLR is strengthening its partnerships across communities of color. Strong alliances with the African American, Native American, and Asian American communities increase the power of our collective voice. Banded together, we can do more to bring every individual closer to enjoying a higher quality of life. With the unified support of its constituents, NCLR is doing more to share the Latino story with America. For example, NCLR is on the leading edge of improving media portrayals and public images of Latinos. Through the ALMA


Awards®, a television entertainment special, NCLR sends a powerful message: as inclusion strengthens the entertainment industry, diversity strengthens our whole country. While the challenges that Latinos face are complex, the solutions that NCLR seeks are simple—quality education, access to health care, rewards for hard work, prospects for advancement, and respect for common American values. Through NCLR’s approach of collaborating with its many partners, realization of these goals is a victory not only for NCLR and the Latino community, but for all Americans.

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programmatic successes Throughout its history, NCLR has focused on providing capacitybuilding assistance to support and strengthen Hispanic CBOs nationwide, especially those that serve low-income and disadvantaged Latinos. In partnership with its Affiliates, NCLR has developed initiatives and programs that can be replicated at the community level and which strengthen the Hispanic community.

1984 NCLR launches the “Innovative Education Project,” later renamed Project EXCEL (Excellence in Community Education Leadership), the organization’s largescale demonstration of community-based education models.

1992 NCLR establishes a pilot to test new strategies for increasing access of lowincome Hispanics to homeownership opportunities.

1994 NCLR establishes the Center for Health Promotion (now the Institute for Hispanic Health) to address a wide range of health conditions present in the Hispanic community.

1994 NCLR establishes the Youth Leaders Program (now the Líderes Initiative) to increase the number, capacity, and influence of young Latino leaders in the U.S.

1997 NCLR formally establishes the NCLR Homeownership Network, becoming one of the first national intermediary organizations to support community-based homeownership counseling services.

lead the way


programmatic successes



NCLR expands economic mobility activities, helping Hispanic CBOs to develop Schoolto-Work programs and One-Stop Career Centers, and establishes an Economic Mobility policy project to identify workforce development models that open new employment opportunities for Latinos.

NCLR establishes the Early College High School demonstration project as a strategy to increase high school completion and college enrollment among Latino students in select cities.

1998 The Raza Development Fund, Inc. (RDF) is established as the community development lending arm for NCLR to provide flexible, high-quality loans along with technical assistance to entities that provide services and opportunities to low-income Latino families.

NCLR’s Institute for Hispanic Health expands national initiatives and establishes its community-based health education model using promotores de salud (lay health educators) to address disproportionate rates of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, HIV/AIDS, and certain cancers among Latinos.



NCLR’s Center for Community Educational Excellence (now the Office of Education) is expanded with a focus on assisting Affiliates and other CBOs in designing, establishing, and improving professional development opportunities for educators at the community level, and increasing Latino parent involvement in education.

Then-Executive Director and COO Janet Murguía launches Affiliate Listening Tour to learn about the work of NCLR Affiliates and ways to strengthen the NCLR-Affiliate relationship. As a result, NCLR undertakes a business planning process in partnership with the Affiliate Council and Affiliate Network.

2000 NCLR launches the Charter School Development Initiative to support new and existing community-based charter and alternative schools.

2001 NCLR’s Workforce Development component creates and implements the Escalera Program: Taking Steps to Success, an employment and college readiness pilot that promotes economic mobility and leadership opportunities for Latino youth.



2004 NCLR launches its first annual National Latino Advocacy Days—a one-day training on the tools of advocacy and lobbying and a briefing on the current issues affecting the Latino community, followed by a day of meetings with congressional staff on Capitol Hill; nearly 40 organizations representing 21 states attend the inaugural event. In 2012, attendance grows to almost 400 participants representing 135 organizations from 29 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

2012 nclr annual conference

programmatic successes



NCLR adopts the Affiliate Member Services Business Plan which outlines a new strategy to organize its work with its Affiliates, maximizing the value and power of the Affiliate Network.

NCLR launches its redesigned website, in line with the organization’s heightened focus on expanding its reach and enhancing awareness of NCLR’s brand and message.

2007 NCLR partners with national Latino organizations and the country’s largest Spanish-language media companies to launch ya es hora , a campaign that encourages civic participation among Hispanics in the United States and which contributed to a record 1.4 million naturalization applications and registered 23,000 new voters.

2008 NCLR launches the Wave of Hope Campaign and accompanying website (www.WeCanStopTheHate.org) in an effort to end hate in the immigration debate as well as the rhetoric that demonizes immigrants and Hispanic Americans.

2009 With support from NCLR’s Campaign for Stronger American Communities—a multiyear effort to fund implementation of NCLR’s regional strategy work— NCLR launches its California Pilot which is focused on building stronger communities by leveraging NCLR-Affiliate partnerships for greater impact.

lead the way

2011 NCLR establishes the Latino Leadership Institute, a new component in NCLR’s regional strategy to build the advocacy capacity of its Affiliate Network. The Institute offers a comprehensive fiveday training that teaches campaign strategy, issue development, basebuilding, and advocacy skills, and focuses on deepening Affiliates’ understanding of the forces affecting their communities, while setting the framework for additional capacity-building. Affiliates from throughout California attend the inaugural session.

2012 NCLR launches the Mobilize to Vote (M2V) campaign, one of the country’s largest Hispanic-focused civic engagement efforts, with voter registration activities focused on door-to-door canvassing, community-based events, and a digital program offering online registration and voter education tools. M2V promotes a continuum of civic engagement, helping eligible immigrants become citizens, citizens become voters, and the community overall engage in policy debates.


legislative successes NCLR’s policy analyses and research efforts have allowed the organization to play a prominent role in nearly every national civil rights policy debate. These efforts have enabled NCLR to shape policy positions, contribute to the adoption of policies and programs that promote opportunity and equality for Latinos, and help to inform policymakers, the media, NCLR’s Affiliates, and the general public about issues of importance to the Latino community.

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA).

NCLR was very active in the debate that led to the enactment of this measure; three million immigrants attained legal immigration status as a result.

National Affordable Housing Act of 1990.

NCLR’s analysis of the Hispanic housing status provided the credibility and strength for NCLR to have an influential voice on this significant housing legislation.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Expansion of 1993.

NCLR was instrumental in the passage of this EITC expansion through Congress, demonstrating authoritatively that this one bill had the potential of reducing Hispanic poverty.

Balanced Budget Amendments of 1997 (BBA).

NCLR led coalition efforts to address severe restrictions in the 1996 welfare reform law, which denied federal safetynet services to legal immigrants who had been in the U.S. for many years. As a result, the BBA restored more than $15 billion in Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to elderly and disabled legal immigrants who had been in the U.S. when welfare reform was enacted.


2012 nclr annual conference

legislative successes

No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. NCLR helped to draft this

bill, which allows schools to use nativelanguage instruction in the classroom and holds them accountable for helping students with limited English proficiency learn English while making academic progress in reading, math, and science. This act also increased the available funds that CBOs could use to provide before- and after-school services to children and English-as-a-SecondLanguage (ESL) services to adults.

Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002. NCLR was a major player in both the passage and implementation of this act, which allows some legal immigrants, including all legal immigrant children, to access food stamp benefits.

Naturalization and Family Protection for Military Members Act of 2003. NCLR

was actively involved in passing this legislation, which allows legal permanent residents to apply for citizenship after two years of military service, provides waivers for application fees, extends benefits to members of the military reserves in times of war or hostility, and allows family members of immigrant soldiers killed in the line of duty to maintain their pending immigration applications.

Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004. NCLR successfully lobbied for

key provisions in the act which allow for migrant children to be automatically eligible for the school meals program and established standards for communication with participating limited-Englishproficient families.

lead the way

Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act of 2007. NCLR was instrumental in

ensuring that this bill to reauthorize the Head Start Act provided greater access to and improved the quality of Head Start for Latino children.

Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009. NCLR played a leading role in

passage of this act, ensuring health coverage for four million more children in the U.S.—including 270,000 immigrant children—and ending a five-year waiting period for health care to which legal immigrant children and pregnant women had been subjected for more than a decade.

Health Care Reform 2010.

NCLR’s advocacy on health care reform contributed to the creation of new health care insurance options for many of the most vulnerable Latino families and workers. The monumental health care law grants unrestricted access to a new health insurance marketplace for legal immigrants and citizens—securing affordable coverage for millions of working, uninsured Latinos—and makes unprecedented investment in public health measures designed to eliminate the risk factors for chronic disease and serious illness.

Finance Reform 2010. NCLR played an active role in the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which was passed into law on July 21, 2010. This legislation lays the foundation for a banking system that is fairer and more accessible to Latino families, including reform in the areas of mortgages, remittances, and consumer protections.


welcome from Governor Brian Sandoval


2012 nclr annual conference

welcome from Senator Dean Heller

lead the way


welcome from Senator harry reid

July 2012


2012 nclr annual conference

welcome from Carolyn G. Goodman Mayor, City of Las Vegas

lead the way


NCLR afFiliate partners nearly


community-based affiliated organizations

Alabama Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (¡HICA!)

Arizona Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Campesinos Sin Fronteras Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc. Comité De Bien Estar, Inc. Community Housing Resources of Arizona Espiritu Community Development Corporation Friendly House, Inc. Hispanic Women’s Corporation Housing America Corporation Housing Our Communities, Inc. Luz Social Services, Inc. Mexicayotl Academy Valle del Sol

Arkansas Hispanic Women’s Organization of Arkansas

California Academia Avance Alliance for a Better Community (ABC) AltaMed Health Services Corporation Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation Calexico Community Action Council California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)


Camino Nuevo Charter Academy Campesinos Unidos Casa Familiar, Inc. Center for Employment Training Center for Training and Careers, Inc. Central American Resource Center of San Francisco (CARECEN) Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE) Centro Latino for Literacy Cesar Chavez Foundation Chicano Federation, Inc. Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc. Community Child Care Council of Santa Clara County Community HousingWorks Delhi Center East LA Community Corporation Eastmont Community Center El Centro del Pueblo El Concilio, Council for the Spanish Speaking El Proyecto del Barrio El Sol Science and Arts Academy Farmworker Institute for Education and Leadership Development (FIELD) La Clínica de La Raza, Inc. La Familia Counseling Service La Maestra Community Health Centers Lighthouse Community Charter School Los Angeles Leadership Academy MAAC Project Mexican American Community Services Agency, Inc. Mexican American Opportunity Foundation (MAOF) Mission Asset Fund Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) Montebello Housing Development Corporation Mujeres Latinas de Stanislaus National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP)

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NCLR affiliate partners

Neighborhood Housing Services of Orange County Neighborhood Housing Services of the Inland Empire, Inc. Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services, Inc. New Economics for Women Para Los Niños Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) Partnerships to Uplift Communities, Inc. San Diego Home Loan Counseling and Education Center (SDHLCEC) San Ysidro Health Center Self-Help Enterprises Semillas Sociedad Civil Spanish Speaking Citizens’ Foundation Synergy Academies The Accelerated School Community of Schools The Unity Council Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, Inc. TODEC Legal Center Visionary Home Builders of California Watts/Century Latino Organization Women’s Initiative for Self Employment/ALAS Youth Policy Institute

Colorado CLLARO (Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy & Research Organization) Del Norte Neighborhood Development Corporation Dolores Huerta Preparatory High El Comité de Longmont GOAL Academy Mi Casa Resource Center Scholars to Leaders Academy SouthWest Improvement Council

Delaware La Esperanza, Inc. Latin American Community Center, Inc.

District of Columbia Ayuda, Inc. Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) CentroNía La Clínica del Pueblo Latin American Montessori Bilingual (LAMB) Public Charter School Latin American Youth Center Latino Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) Mary’s Center Multicultural Career Intern Program Multicultural Community Service Spanish Catholic Center of Catholic Charities DC Spanish Education Development (SED Center

Florida Amigos for Kids Centro Campesino Farmworker Center, Inc. Coalition of Florida Farmworker Organizations Hispanic Health Initiatives Hispanic Services Council, Inc. Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. Housing and Education Alliance, Inc. Latino Leadership, Inc. Mexican American Council, Inc. Pine Manor Improvement Association Inc. Redlands Christian Migrant Association Rural Neighborhoods, Inc.

Georgia Connecticut Center for Latino Progress – CPRF Hispanic Health Council Humanidad, Inc.

lead the way

Clinic for Education, Treatment and Prevention of Addiction, Inc. (CETPA) Dalton-Whitfield Community Development Corporation


NCLR affiliate partners

Idaho Community Council of Idaho, Inc.

Illinois Alivio Medical Center Association House of Chicago Brighton Park Neighborhood Council El Hogar del Niño Enlace Chicago Erie Neighborhood House Gads Hill Center Humboldt Park Social Services Illinois Migrant Council Instituto del Progreso Latino Latino Policy Forum Latinos Progresando Mujeres Latinas en Acción Poder Learning Center Spanish Coalition for Housing The Resurrection Project Veterans Outreach Program of Illinois, Inc.

Indiana United Hispanic Americans, Inc.

Kansas El Centro, Inc. Harvest America Corporation SER Corporation Kansas Turner House Children’s Clinic

Hyde Square Task Force La Alianza Hispana, Inc. Lawrence CommunityWorks Sociedad Latina

Michigan Cristo Rey Community Center Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation Hispanic American Council Hispanic Center of Western Michigan Hispanic/Latino Commission of Michigan Latin Americans for Social and Economic Development, Inc. (LA SED) Latino Family Services Migrant Health Promotion Northwest Michigan Health Services, Inc. Southwest Housing Solutions

Minnesota Academia Cesar Chavez Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES) El Colegio Charter School Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota

Mississippi Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance (MIRA)

Missouri Louisiana Puentes New Orleans

Maryland CASA de Maryland, Inc. Identity, Inc.


Cabot Westside Health Center Guadalupe Centers, Inc. Hispanic Economic Development Corporation (HEDC) Mattie Rhodes Center

Nebraska Latino American Commission OneWorld Community Health Centers, Inc.

East Boston Ecumenical Community Council (EBECC)


2012 nclr annual conference

NCLR affiliate partners


North Carolina

Community Services of Nevada – CSN Housing for Nevada Mariposa Dual Language Academy

El Centro Hispano, Inc. El Pueblo, Inc. Hispanic Liaison of Chatham County/ El Vínculo Hispano Latin American Coalition Latino Community Credit Union

New Jersey Latin American Economic Development Association, Inc.

New Mexico Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Hands Across Cultures HELP–New Mexico, Inc. La Academia de Lengua y Cultura National Latino Behavioral Health Association Rio Grande Alcoholism Treatment Program, Inc. Siete del Norte Community Development Corporation YES Housing, Inc. Youth Development, Inc.

New York Amber Charter School The Committee for Hispanic Children and Families Community Association of Progressive Dominicans Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation Dominican Women’s Development Center East Harlem Council for Community Improvement, Inc. Hispanic Resource Center Ibero-American Action League, Inc. La Fuerza Unida, Inc. Latino Housing Development Corporation Make the Road New York PathStone Spanish Action League of Onondaga County, Inc.

lead the way

Ohio Adelante, The Latino Resource Center Campaign for Migrant Worker Justice El Barrio, Inc. El Centro de Servicios Sociales, Inc. Esperanza, Inc. Lorain County Community College Nueva Luz Urban Resource Center Ohio Hispanic Coalition Organización Cívica y Cultural Hispana Americana, Inc. Spanish American Committee

Oklahoma Latino Community Development Agency ORO Development Corporation Santa Fe South Schools, Inc.

Oregon Bienestar Centro LatinoAmericano Hacienda Community Development Corporation Latino Network Portland Housing Center Salem/Keizer Coalition for Equality Voz Workers’ Rights Education Project

Pennsylvania Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha, Inc. (APM) Casa Guadalupe Center Centro Hispano Daniel Torres Congreso de Latinos Unidos, Inc.


NCLR affiliate partners

Council of Spanish Speaking Organizations of Philadelphia Esperanza Esperanza Academy Charter High School Hispanic American Organization SACA Development Corporation Spanish American Civic Association (SACA)

Puerto Rico Asociación de Salud Primaria de Puerto Rico, Inc. Consejo Vecinal Pro-Desarrollo de la Península de Cantera

LEARN, Inc. Mexican American Unity Council, Inc. (MAUC) Midland Community Development Corporation Parents Step Ahead South Texas Adult Resource and Training Center Southwest Key Programs, Inc. Student Alternatives Program, Inc. Su Clinica Familiar Tejano Center for Community Concerns The Concilio TMC–Teaching and Mentoring Communities Vecinos Unidos, Inc. YWCA El Paso Del Norte Region

Rhode Island Center for Hispanic Policy and Advocacy (CHisPA)

South Carolina Acercamiento Hispano de Carolina del Sur

Tennessee Conexión Américas Latino Memphis, Inc. Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC)

Texas American YouthWorks Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans (AAMA) Avenida Guadalupe Association Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe D.R.A.W. Academy East Austin College Prep Academy First Mexican Baptist Church Gulf Coast Council of La Raza, Inc. Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. Information Referral Resource Assistance, Inc. (IRRA) KIPP Houston KIPP San Antonio


Utah Centro de la Familia de Utah Comunidades Unidas Utah Coalition of La Raza

Virginia East Coast Migrant Head Start Project Hispanic Committee of Virginia Shirlington Employment and Education Center

Washington El Centro de la Raza Rural Community Development Resources Sea Mar Community Health Centers Washington State Migrant Council

Wisconsin Centro Hispano of Dane County Council for the Spanish Speaking, Inc. HBC Services, Inc. La Casa de Esperanza, Inc. La Causa, Inc. UMOS, Inc. United Community Center/Centro de la Comunidad Unida

2012 nclr annual conference

nclr affiliate council midwest



Victor Leandry Executive Director El Centro de Servicios Sociales, Inc. Lorain, OH

Vice Chair Martha Gonzalez-Cortes Executive Director Hispanic Center of Western Michigan Grand Rapids, MI


José Rodriguez President and CEO El Concilio, Council for the Spanish Speaking Stockton, CA

Carol Ornelas CEO Visionary Home Builders of California Stockton, CA

far west


J. Oscar Ramirez President and CEO Avenida Guadalupe Association San Antonio, TX

Beatrice Garza President and CEO Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans (AAMA) Houston, TX


Yanil Terón Executive Director Center for Latino Progress – CPRF Hartford, CT lead the way

Irma Morin Executive Director Community Council of Idaho, Inc. Caldwell, ID

John Martinez Executive Director HELP–New Mexico, Inc. Albuquerque, NM


Raul Rodriguez Executive Director East Harlem Council for Community Improvement, Inc. New York, NY

Maria Gomez President and CEO Mary’s Center Washington, DC

Andres Tobar Executive Director Shirlington Employment and Education Center Arlington, VA


PepsiCo is proud to support the 2012 NCLR Annual Conference


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Every day, millions of consumers around the world rely on us to bridge cultures, ethnicities and generations with an unrivaled portfolio of brands they love. At Kraft Foods, an open and inclusive culture is a business necessity and a competitive advantage. Discover a family of brands that celebrate differences and reflect the diversity of our consumers.


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Empowering families to acheive their dreams.

Citi is proud of our continued relationship with NCLR. We are excited to collaborate with you and a coalition of the nation’s leading civil rights organizations to develop strategies that empower low-income families and communities of color to save and build assets.

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Stronger together By partnering for the common good we can achieve uncommon results. We proudly sponsor the 2012 NCLR Annual Conference.


Š 2012 JPMorgan Chase & Co.



The Coca-Cola Company salutes NCLR

No artificial flavors, no added preservatives. Since 1886.

©2012 The Coca-Cola Company. “Coca-Cola,” “open happiness” and the Contour Bottle are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company.

conference highlights


conference highlights

AD back of tab state farm

it’s always been about

being there

We know there is nothing more important than being there when it matters most. That’s why State Farm® is proud to support the National Council of La Raza. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.®


Conference Highlights Citi FedEx Corporation PepsiCo, Inc. Southwest Airlines State Farm Insurance

Janet Murguía NCLR President and CEO

july 7

(See Pocket Agenda for Complete Schedule)

Lead the Way

Mandalay Bay Ballroom

Affiliate Roll Call

Awards Presentation


National Affiliate Luncheon


Sonia M. Pérez Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, NCLR

conference highlights


Victor Leandry Chair, NCLR Affiliate Council

Gina Rodriguez Actress, Filly Brown

Welcome Remarks

Keynote Speaker

Hon. Shelley Berkley U.S. Representative (D–NV)

Hon. Eric Holder Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice

NCLR Family Strengthening Awards Latin American Coalition, Immigrant Welcome Center Hacienda Community Development Corporation, Expresiones (See Affiliate Recognition on page 147)

lead the way


conference highlights

saturday july 7

Exclusive Sponsor Comcast NBCU & Telemundo

TOWN HALL From Vote to Voz: Harnessing the Power of the Latino Electorate Mandalay Bay Ballroom E


José Díaz-Balart News Anchor Noticiero Telemundo


Janet Murguía NCLR President and CEO


Manuel Pastor Director, Program for Environmental and Regional Equity, and Professor of American Studies & Ethnicity, University of Southern California

2012 nclr annual conference

Co-Sponsors Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority Macy’s nuvoTV

conference highlights

saturday july 7

(See Pocket Agenda for Complete Schedule)


in partnership with

Invite you to the official

Conference Welcome Happy Hour

Ignite the Night Mandalay Bay Ballroom F

Featuring DJ Dirty Draws A spectacular

Macy’s Fashion Show with top models from

nuvoTV’s brand new shows Curvy Girls and Model Latina South Beach Free Libations • Antojitos • Raffles • Giveaways • Photo Booth • Fun Surprises Ticket Required Priority entrance passes available to Civic Engagement Town Hall participants lead the way

Priority pass collected at the door will be entered in a special raffle


conference highlights

SUNDAY july 8

FEATURED SESSION A Defining Moment: The Supreme Court’s Arizona Decision and Beyond Surf AB


(See Featured Session on page 94)

2012 nclr annual conference

conference highlights

sUNDAY july 8 Co-Sponsors

Latinas Brunch

The Coca-Cola Company

¡Salud, Riqueza y Felicidad! …And the Time to Enjoy Them


(See Pocket Agenda for Complete Schedule)

Mandalay Bay Ballroom

Wells Fargo


Janet Murguía NCLR President and CEO

motivational speaker

Suze Orman Financial Advisor, Author, and Television Personality

lead the way

featured speaker

featured speaker

Catherine Cortez Masto Nevada Attorney General

Nely Galán Founder, The Adelante Movement


conference highlights

SUNDAY july 8


The Adelante Movement (Move Forward!) Mandalay Bay Ballroom E

(See Featured Session on page 101)

Nely Galรกn Founder, The Adelante Movement


2012 nclr annual conference

conference highlights

sUNDAY july 8 Co-Sponsors

(See Pocket Agenda for Complete Schedule)

Town Hall

American Cancer Society

¡Salud! Eliminating Disparities That Block Good Health among Latinos

American Diabetes Association American Heart Association

Mandalay Bay Ballroom E

The Service Master Company


Dr. J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCE Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health (Acting), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health


David Hayes Bautista, PhD Professor of Medicine and Director, Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture, School of Medicine, UCLA

Dr. Victor H. Gonzalez American Diabetes Association Board of Directors; Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Valley Retina Institute P.A.

Dr. Elmer Huerta, MD, MPH Director, Cancer Preventorium, Washington Hospital Center

lead the way


conference highlights

SUNDAY july 8

Lead Sponsor Johnson & Johnson

Helen Rodríguez-Trías Health Award Reception (By Invitation Only)

Co-Sponsors Baxter International Inc.

Mandalay Bay Ballroom E

Eli Lilly and Company

award Recipient Latino Community Development Agency (LCDA)

(See Affiliate Recognition on page 148)

Sponsor American Airlines Gill Foundation

LGBT and Allies Reception Honoring Actor and Activist Wilson Cruz

¡Viva el Orgullo! Breakers KL honoree

Wilson Cruz Actor, Activist, and NCLR ALMA Award® Recipient


special WELCOME REMARKS recognition

Ruben J. Gonzales Deputy Vice President, Resource Development, NCLR

John Berry Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management

2012 nclr annual conference

conference highlights

sUNDAY july 8 Mandalay Bay




7944-01 Intocable COB 2x3 Dura

23.25” x 35.25”


24” x 37”

(See Pocket Agenda for Complete Schedule)


mandalay bay beach concert

= visual opening–DO NOT PRINT

Mandalay Bay Beach

In association with


7944-01 Intocable COB 2x3 Dura v02.indd 1

lead the way

6/15/12 1:37 PM


conference highlights

MONDAY july 9

Lead Sponsor Citi

Affiliate Leadership Breakfast Mandalay Bay Ballroom E

(Open only to Affiliate Executive Directors and their senior staff. See Pocket Agenda for details.)

closing remarks


Sonia M. Pérez Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, NCLR

Victor Leandry Chair, NCLR Affiliate Council

Delia de la Vara Vice President, California Region, NCLR

Making the Latino Vote Count: A Panel of Top Hispanic Experts Discusses the 2012 Election

Affiliate of the Year Regional Honorees Community HousingWorks (CHW) Valle del Sol El Barrio, Inc. Sociedad Latina Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (¡HICA!) (See Affiliate Recognition on page 146)


2012 nclr annual conference

conference highlights

MONDAY july 9 Co-Sponsors Bank of America Kraft Foods Nielsen

(See Pocket Agenda for Complete Schedule)

monday luncheon Mandalay Bay Ballroom

Sprint Univision Communications Inc.


Maria Elena Salinas Co-Host, Noticiero Univision and Aqui y Ahora



featured speaker

Eric Rodriguez Vice President, Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation, NCLR

Richard Trumka President, AFL-CIO

Affiliate Award for Advocacy Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (¡HICA!) (See Affiliate Recognition on page 148)

Janet Murguía NCLR President and CEO

lead the way


conference highlights

MONDAY july 9

town hall Don’t Quit the Dream: A Vision for Homeownership Beyond 2012 Mandalay Bay Ballroom E featured speakers

Shaun Donovan Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Richard Cordray Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau


Gerardo Ascencio President, National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals


Maria Cabildo President, East LA Community Corporation

2012 nclr annual conference

conference highlights

MONDAY july 9

(See Pocket Agenda for Complete Schedule)

evening event Mandalay Bay Ballroom

In Association with

lead the way


conference highlights

TUESDAY july 10

TUESDAY Luncheon

Co-Sponsors Hyundai Motor America

Mandalay Bay Ballroom

JPMorgan Chase & Co. MGM Resorts International Shell


Sodexo, Inc.

Maria Celeste Arraras Al Rojo Vivo, Telemundo

Military Tribute Heroes & Heritage Award presented by

Fernando Rey President & Chief Executive Officer Heroes & Heritage


2012 Heroes & Heritage Award Recipient

Sgt. Alejandro Jose Alvanez United States Army National Guard

2012 nclr annual conference

conference highlights


(See Pocket Agenda for Complete Schedule)

july 10

TUESDAY Luncheon Mandalay Bay Ballroom

introductory remarks

Janet MurguĂ­a NCLR President and CEO

Keynote Speaker

Hon. Joe Biden Vice President, United States of America

lead the way


conference highlights

TUESDAY july 10

Co-Lead Sponsors Anheuser-Busch

president’s reception Mandalay Bay Ballroom EF

Marriott International, Inc.


Awards Gala

Eli Lilly and Company Ford Motor Company

Mandalay Bay Ballroom

UPS Walmart

AWARDEES (See pages 150–161 for more about our distinguished honorees)


Affiliate of the Year Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans (AAMA)

Graciela Olivarez La Raza Award Reverend James Manship and Angel Fernandez-Chavero

Maclovio Barraza Award for Leadership Reynaldo L. Martinez

Ruben Salazar Award for Communications Rossana Rosado

Roberto Clemente Award for Sports Excellence Jesse James Leija

Raul Yzaguirre President’s Award Christine Owens

2012 nclr annual conference

conference highlights

conference sponsors nclr annual conference title sponsor

national latino family expo® title sponsor


Bank of America Comcast NBCU & Telemundo Hyundai Motor America State Farm Insurance TOYOTA Univision Communications Inc.


ConAgra Foods Johnson & Johnson Kraft Foods McDonald’s Corporation PepsiCo, Inc. Wells Fargo


AT&T Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Honey Nut Cheerios®, America’s Favorite Cereal jcpenney Nissan Americas The Walt Disney Company

lead the way


Facebook Hilton Worldwide MGM Resorts International Nationwide Insurance Nielsen The TJX Companies, Inc.


Best Buy Co., Inc. The Boeing Company Central Intelligence Agency Honda Marriott International, Inc. MetLife Auto & Home Pfizer Helpful Answers Prudential U.S. Army Reserve Western Union




conference highlights

event sponsors saturday

sunday july 8

july 9

Líderes Town Hall

Latinas Brunch

Affiliate Leadership Breakfast

july 7

We Have Seen the Future, and the Future Co-Sponsors The Coca-Cola Company Is Ours General Mills Lead Sponsor MASTERCARD NV Energy Best Buy Co., Inc. TOYOTA National Affiliate Wells Fargo


Lead the Way


Citi FedEx Corporation PepsiCo, Inc. Southwest Airlines State Farm Insurance

Town Hall

From Vote to Voz : Harnessing the Power of the Latino Electorate

Exclusive Sponsor Comcast NBCU & Telemundo

President’s Council Reception Co-Sponsors

MGM Resorts International Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

Welcome Happy Hour Ignite the Night


Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority Macy’s nuvoTV


Latinas Brunch Green Room Exclusive Sponsor Macy’s

Town Hall


Lead Sponsor Citi

Monday Luncheon Co-Sponsors

Bank of America Kraft Foods Nielsen Sprint Univision Communications Inc.

tuesday july 10

Tuesday Luncheon Co-Sponsors

Hyundai Motor America JPMorgan Chase & Co. MGM Resorts International Shell Sodexo, Inc.

President’s Reception Co-Lead Sponsors

Anheuser-Busch Marriott International,

¡Salud! Eliminating Disparities That Block Good Health among Latinos




Awards Gala

American Cancer Society American Diabetes Association American Heart Association The Service Master Company

Eli Lilly and Company Ford Motor Company UPS Walmart

Helen Rodríguez-Trías Health Award Reception

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Awards Gala Green Room Lead Sponsor

Lead Sponsor Johnson & Johnson


Baxter International Inc. Eli Lilly and Company

LGBT and Allies Reception Sponsor Gill Foundation

2012 nclr annual conference

EVENThighlights SPONSORS conference National Latino Family Expo®

Workshop Tracks

Other Events and Activities


Affiliate Member

Gaming Area


Services Center

Microsoft Corporation Pavilion


Lead Sponsor

U.S. Army Reserve

Bank of America


Affiliate Regional


Baxter International Inc. Honda Health



Northeast Amtrak


Baxter International Inc. Wells Fargo Policy


American Federation of Teachers

Hotel Keys General Mills

Culture and History/

El Museo Pavilion

Pop-Up Map General Mills Coffee Starters Starbucks Coffee Company Wireless Communication


Walgreens Expo – Sports Center

Lead Sponsor BMW of North America

Bank of America TOYOTA

Pocket Agenda

Wells Fargo

Walking Track

Co-Anchor Sponsors



Expo – Indoor

Community/ El Barrio

Co-Anchor Sponsors

Hyundai Motor America Univision Communica­­tions Inc. Health and Fitness/

Tu Salud Pavilion

Co-Lead Sponsors Eli Lilly and Company Walgreens



Sprint Live Streaming Provider

Humana Inc. Vistakon®, Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc.

AT&T Technology and Environment/ El Futuro Pavilion

Anchor Sponsor Telemundo

NCLR event sponsorships provide you the opportunity to closely interact with national leaders and luminaries who are committed to making a difference in the Latino community. Thank you to our 2012 event sponsors!

lead the way


conference highlights

media sponsors diamond

Busca Las Vegas El Gato 92.7 La Kalle 99.3 FM La Nueva 103.5 FM Nuvo TV Telefutura Tricolor 105.1 Univision 15 Las Vegas


Hispanic Network Magazine KSNV NEWS 3 Professional Woman’s Magazine


Decisive Latino Magazine ESPN Deportes Radio FOX5 KVVU Television, Las Vegas Hispanic Executive Magazine HuffPost LatinoVoices and HuffPost Voces KLAS-TV 8 News Now (CBS-Las Vegas) KTNV-TV Channel 13 Las Vegas La Buena 101.9 Latina Media Ventures LATINA Style , Inc. Latino Print Network PODER Magazine Vegas PBS

lead the way


El Mundo Spanish Newspaper El Sol Latino Newspaper The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine Impacto Latin News La Opinión Las Vegas Review-Journal and El Tiempo Toltec Media Voxxi


Education Next LatinoScoop.com Susan G. Komen, Lazos que Perduran


Shelterforce, a publication of the National Housing Institute Somos Primos Televisa Publishing + Digital


conference highlights

sponsors AND exhibitors

Health and Fitness/ Tu Salud Pavilion Co-Lead Sponsors Eli Lilly and Company Walgreens Co-Sponsors Humana Inc. Vistakon®, Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc.


title sponsor UPS

NCLR Family/ Familia Pavilion Exhibitors Decisive Latino El Mundo Newspaper El Tiempo / Las Vegas Review Journal Entravision Las Vegas Hispanic Network / Professional Woman’s Magazine Hispanic Outlook KTNV-TV Channel 13 Las Vegas Las Vegas Radio Network Latino Print Network NCLR Advocacy Central NCLR ALMA Awards® NCLR Publications New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau Somos Primos Univision Radio UPS Vegas PBS


Exhibitors Access to Healthcare Network Alzheimer’s Association American Diabetes Association BMW of North America Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services COPD Foundation Eli Lilly and Company Families USA and NCLR Health Farmworker Justice FDA/CDER FDA Office of Women’s Health FirstMed Health and Wellness Center Foundation for Positively Kids Humana Inc. LiveStrong March of Dimes Foundation National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH/NIAID) National Institutes of Health, National Eye Institute National Latino Children’s Institute National Library of Medicine NIH AIDS Research Program Office of Minority Health Patient Advocate Foundation Planned Parenthood Federation of America REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.) Roseman University of Health Sciences, College of Pharmacy St. Rose Dominican Hospitals Southern Nevada Health District

2012 nclr annual conference

sponsors AND exhibitors conference highlights

Susan G. Komen, Lazos que Perduran Southern Nevada Youth Tennis Foundation U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control USTA Nevada Vistakon®, Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. Walgreens

Community/ El Barrio Pavilion Co-Anchor Sponsors Bank of America TOYOTA Exhibitors 24/7 Card American Federation of Teachers Bank of America Boys & Girls Clubs of Las Vegas Family Guidance and Wellness Network / Dr. Yuli Network Federal Communications Commission Federal Deposit Insurance

lead the way

Corporation (FDIC) Federal Trade Commission Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada GobiernoUSA.GOV – GSA Hilton Worldwide Honey Nut Cheerios®, America’s Favorite Cereal HUD-FHA Johnson & Johnson Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers MetLife Auto & Home® National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse NCLR Homeownership Network NeighborWorks America Nevada H.A.N.D., Inc. Nielsen Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Peep and the Big Wide World Securities and Exchange Commission SEIU and the Latino Vote Share International USA State Farm Insurance The TJX Companies, Inc. TOYOTA U.S. Army Reserve U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission U.S. Department of the Treasury U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Walmart Wells Fargo


sponsors AND exhibitors conference highlights

Technology and Environment/ El Futuro Pavilion Anchor Sponsor Telemundo


Culture and History/ El Museo Pavilion Co-Anchor Sponsors Hyundai Motor America Univision Communications Inc. Exhibitors AIP Academy of the Arts Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce ConAgra Foods Friends of the American Latino Museum Hyundai Motor America McDonald’s Corporation Nuestro Rio PepsiCo, Inc. Univision Communications Inc.


Exhibitors American Chemical Society American Latino Heritage Fund of the National Park Foundation AT&T Best Buy Co., Inc. The Boeing Company Microsoft Corporation Nissan Americas Springs Preserve Telemundo ValoraMás

Career and Education/ Tus Oportunidades Pavilion Exhibitors AGMUS Ventures CareerOneStop Central Intelligence Agency College of Southern Nevada Education MIC, Strategic Health Solutions, LLC Hispanic Women’s Corporation MGM Resorts International Nevada State College Selective Service System Social Security Administration Southern Nevada Hispanic Employment Program and Youth Council Springfield College, School of Human Services Sprint Transportation Security Administration United States Census Bureau United States Marine Corps USDA Forest Service U.S. Department of Labor: Job Corps Vegas Virtual Online Education YMCA of the USA

2012 nclr annual conference

WELCOME! BIENVENIDO! BEM-VINDO! MGM Resorts International is proud to welcome the 2012 NCLR Annual Conference and to support its mission. We are equally proud to be recognized by the following institutions for our commitment to and support of the Hispanic community: • DiversityInc – Top 10 Companies for Latinos • Hispanic Business – Top 60 Companies for Diversity • U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Million Dollar Club • Latina Style – 50 Best Companies for Latinas

On behalf of our 62,000 employees, please make yourself at home.


INSPIRE TODAY... IMPACT TOMORROW. Shell and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) are working together to impact and shape tomorrow’s workforce. Together through The Escalera Program: Taking Steps to Success at KIPP Houston High School, we are emphasizing the importance of STEM in education. Escalera promotes economic mobility among Latino youth by increasing educational attainment, career planning, and access to information about advanced careers. Providing the youth with an excellent education foundation will shape a new energy future. Learn how you can be involved with Escalera during the 2012 NCLR Annual Conference. www.shell.us

At Ford we recognize the importance of building better communities; that’s why we have partnered with NCLR for more than 25 years. Congratulations to this year’s Affiliate of the Year National and Regional Awardees!


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mcdonalds.com/careers © 2010 McDonald’s. McDonald’s and McDonald’s independently owned and operated franchises are equal opportunity employers committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce.


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WE’VE COME TOO FAR TO SLOW DOWN NOW. At BMW, we understand what it means to have a vision for the future and recognize that diversity plays a key role in the success of our business. For more than four decades, the National Council of La Raza has worked to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans and is the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States. As a company that celebrates independent thinking, BMW is proud to support NCLR for its part in empowering the nation’s 50 million Hispanics and improving opportunities for Latino families.

BMW SALUTES THE NCLR ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND NATIONAL LATINO FAMILY EXPO. ©2012 BMW of North America, LLC. The BMW name, model names and logo are registered trademarks.

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Boehringer Ingelheim ranks among the world’s 15 leading pharmaceutical corporations. Our vision drives us forward. It helps us to foster value through innovation in our company and to look to the future with constantly renewed commitment and ambition.

Value through Innovation At Boehringer Ingelheim, we believe our innovation comes from diverse ideas that spring from an environment fostering a collaborative approach to problem solving. Please visit our website at: http://us.boehringer-ingelheim.com to learn more about our growing, dynamic company, with a vision of making the world healthier one person at a time.


The power of mobility At AT&T, we are proud to support the work of the National Council of La Raza in advocating for enhanced life opportunities for the Hispanic community. With wireless playing an ever-increasing role in creating job opportunities, we are bringing the most advanced mobile technology to more Americans. Over the past four years, AT&T has invested more in the United States than any other public company — $75 billion to upgrade and expand our wireless and wireline networks. We remain committed to delivering next generation wireless technology, and all the opportunities it brings.

Š 2012 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.

The Walt Disney Company is a proud sponsor of the NCLR Annual Conference and National Latino Family Expo.

What do you see? It’s remarkable how many people can look up at the same cloud and see something completely unique. That’s the thing about clouds – in a way they bring us together, yet they still manage to speak to us individually. At The Walt Disney Company, we strive to spark ideas, perspectives and beliefs in everything we do. We welcome everyone for who they are and for the way they think.

Imagine what you could dream up.


ideas that stick



PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL Our familia of individual donors sustains the very core of NCLR, and their donations allow us to quickly and effectively address the most pressing issues faced by the Hispanic community. We extend a heartfelt thank-you to all those who contribute to support our work. For more information, please visit www.nclr.org/SupportUs or contact friends@nclr.org.

ADVISORS $10,000–$24,999 Anonymous Cesar Alvarez Martin Cabrera, Jr. Russell C. Deyo Ingrid Duran and Catherine Pino Monica Lozano and David Ayón Jim and Alice Padilla Jeffrey Urbina and Gaye Lynn Hill EXECUTIVES $5,000–$9,999 John and Minerva Esquivel Ramón and Sally Murguía Robert Ontiveros Hector, Norma, and Andrew Orcí Cid D. Wilson LEADERS $2,500–$4,999 Felix E. DeHerrera Dr. John Diaz Octavio N. Espinal* and Eric O. Meyer Fred Fernandez and Irma Rodriguez Deborah Hevia Mickey Ibarra Richard C. Miller and Linda Miller Janet Murguía* Gene and Monica Ortega Isabel M. Valdés and Family Anselmo and Elvira Villarreal ADVOCATES $1,000–$2,499 Anonymous Julie Castro Abrams Fuad and Debbie Abuabara Felipe E. Agredano-Lozano, MTS Nelson Albareda Dalia and Blanca Almanza Audrey R. Alvarado, Ph.D. and Katie Loughary Aida Alvarez Liany Arroyo* and Jesse Mejia Andrea Bazán Cornell and Melissa Boggs Kathryn Brown Luis Burgos Linda Cabral Maria Elena Campisteguy and Metropolitan Group Jovita Carranza Alcario and Carmen Castellano Martin R. Castro

Tom and Jacqui Castro Filiberto Cavazos Gus and Victoria Chavez David and Rhonda Cohen Susan Colby Pelayo and Donna Coll Roy Cosme Dino J. DeConcini and Elizabeth Murfee DeConcini Delia de la Vara* Jaime Atanacio Diaz Lautaro “Lot” Diaz* Romulo L. Diaz, Jr. Rita DiMartino Carla Giovannetti Dodds Dorene Dominguez Darcy M. Eischens* Anthony Eredia and Diana Bermudez Tommy and Elvira Espinoza Ron Estrada* and Roxana Estrada Flor de Maria Flores and Family Mareth Flores de Francis* Thomas R. “Tom” Flores Joe Formusa Maricela Monterrubio Gallegos Juan M. Garcia Beatrice G. Garza Ruben Gonzales* and Joaquin Tamayo Leni Gonzalez and Lee Mark Niederman J.C. and Deborah Gonzalez-Mendez Zac and Sarajane Guevara Jaime and Linda Gutierrez Sonia Gutierrez Frank and Cecilia Herrera JoAnn Holland Delia Ibarra Antonia Lopez* Monika Mantilla Tom Mars Arabella Martinez and David B. Carlson Eduardo Martinez Dr. Herminio Martinez Leroy V. Martinez* Lupe Martinez Ruben, Annette, and Andréa Martinez Jessica Mayorga* and Dr. Hector Rivera Emily Gantz McKay The Mills Family Foundation Elba Montalvo Alma Rosa Montanez

Dave Montez and Stephan Hampton Cynthia Morales William Moreno, III George Muñoz Lisa Navarrete* James and Kimberly Norman Ricardo Oquendo Daniel R. Ortega, Jr. Felix W. Ortiz III Pete Perez Sonia Pérez* and Luis Duany Maria and David Pesqueira Jorge Plasencia Delia Pompa* Elizabeth Provencio Maria S. Quezada Carmen Ramirez Michael Ramirez Oscar T. Ramirez Athena Ramos Mario Reyna Eric Rodriguez* and Ilia Rodriguez Maria E. Rosa Russell D. Roybal Art Ruiz Nilda Ruiz and Sasha Singh Tony Salazar and Denise De La Rosa Dr. Dennis Sanchez and Virginia Sanchez El Presidente of Southwest Key Programs, Inc. Mark and Lucia Savage Renata Soto and Pete Wooten William and Susan E. Soza Jaime Suarez Deborah Szekely Andres and Lori Tapia Sharon Taylor Kenneth I. Trujillo Hon. Arturo Valenzuela Gilbert R. Vasquez, CPA Carmen Velásquez José and Jennifer Velázquez Victoria Villalba Salvador and Ana Villar José H. Villarreal George Walz Peter Wilkins Alex Wilson and Alan Abramson Dr. Tamar Diana Wilson Howard Woolley Carole Young

*An asterisk denotes NCLR staff members who have made a personal contribution. We are truly grateful for their generosity and commitment to NCLR.

When it comes to diversity, we see color . . . and so much more. It’s about having your community reflected on the big screen and behind the scenes. It’s offering culturally relevant programming that entertains, but also informs and inspires dreams. At Comcast and NBCUniversal, we embrace the diversity of the communities we serve, the vendors with whom we partner, and the students we mentor. We see the full spectrum of possibilities. We are a proud national partner of NCLR.

To learn more about what we’re doing, go to comcast.com/diversity, nbcuni.com/corporate/initiatives/diversity or Comcast Dream Big on Facebook or Twitter.


workshops and town halls

workshops and town halls

We’re proud to support the voices of our community. Thanks to you, things are getting done. Thanks to you, the world’s a better place. Thanks to you, the lives of real people are being changed for the better. BANK OF is AMERICA Bank of America pleased to support National Council of La Raza for their active community involvement. And thank you for being an inspiration to us all.

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workshops and town halls Workshops are presented by NCLR staff in partnership with NCLR Affiliates and other nonprofit, government, and corporate partners who help NCLR deliver vital and relevant programs and engage in policy change with a positive impact in the Latino community. Workshop tracks include Affiliate/Nonprofit Management, Community Empowerment, Community and Family Wealth-Building, Digital Business, Education, Federal Leadership Training, Health, The Latina Perspective, The LGBT Familia , Policy, and Workforce Development. Certificates of Professional Development can be earned by attending, and postcards to track your workshop attendance are available in the Registration area, in the Affiliate Lounge, and at every workshop. NCLR staff and workshop monitors will mark your postcards for the appropriate session.

The following workshop tracks were generously supported by our corporate partners: Community Empowerment Sponsor U.S. Army Reserve

Education Co-Sponsors Baxter International Inc. Honda

Health Sponsor Baxter International Inc.

Policy Sponsor American Federation of Teachers

workshops and town halls

Saturday Community and Family Wealth-Building

July 7

9:00–10:30 a.m.

A Home to Come Back To: Ending Homelessness among Veterans President Obama is committed to ending veteran homelessness by 2015. His administration’s proposed FY 2013 budget is the largest-ever commitment by the federal government to tackle this issue, meaning that new resources and opportunities will be available to assist both nonprofits and the general public in ending veteran homelessness.

• Learn about the issues that homeless veterans face • Understand current and future resources available to nonprofits and the general public

• Explore funding opportunities for nonprofits working to end veteran homelessness

Workforce Development

Beyond 9 to 5: Engaging Employers as Partners Strong employer engagement initiatives are essential to successful workforce development programs. Several NCLR Affiliates work closely with employer partners who act as instructors, assist with mock interviews, offer internships, provide opportunities for field trips, and more. This workshop features a panel of Affiliates and their employer partners who will share their experiences, highlight best practices, and provide tools for attendees to foster relationships that go beyond job placement.

• Explore effective ways to approach employers about program partnerships

• Identify ways to cut training costs through employer engagement

• Learn about long-term employer engagement strategies


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

Saturday Education

July 7

9:00–10:30 a.m.

The ABC’s of Dual Language Learner Teaching: Preparing Your Classroom for Success Through an interactive discussion, participants will learn about and become familiar with teaching competencies that support the language, literacy, and social emotional development of young Latino dual language learners (DLLs). Authors Marlene Zepeda, Antonia Lopez, and Ofelia Medina will lead the discussion.

• Become familiar with a unique set of teacher

competencies developed specifically for the variety of teachers working with young DLL children and their families • Examine and discuss teaching practices that facilitate learning for young DLL children • Discuss the implications of these competencies to teacher assessment and professional development at the program level • Identify and discuss opportunities for policy advocacy to support teachers The Latina Perspective Presented by Fielding Graduate University

Latina Wisdom at Work: Stepping into Our Power as Leaders Latinas make powerful contributions in a wide range of organizational settings and yet continue to be underrepresented in prominent leadership roles and undervalued in our society. Three prominent Latina scholars will share key findings from their research, shedding light on challenges that Latinas face in achieving their personal and professional goals and offering innovative strategies for overcoming individual and organizational barriers.

• Feel empowered to step more fully into your leadership

potential with greater awareness of your cultural strengths • Hear about cutting-edge research findings and success stories of how Latinas are making a difference in the world • Exchange stories of struggles and strategies for success and gain mutual support from other Latinas

lead the way


workshops and town halls

Saturday policy

July 7

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Legislative Update: Is Washington Delivering on Latino Priorities this Election Year? There are numerous issues that the Latino community wants Washington to resolve, but Congress and the Obama administration have differing proposals for addressing laws that affect millions of Latinos. At this session, NCLR’s team of public policy experts provides upto-date information on legislative issues that will have a profound impact on Hispanic communities.

• Learn about health, economic mobility, education, and immigration policy issues

• Receive background materials on NCLR’s public policy priorities

• Dialogue with NCLR policy staff about these and other issues

Workforce Development Presented by Central Intelligence Agency

Meet the Leader in You: The Value of SelfAnalysis for Leadership Development The first step in successful leadership development is the understanding of one’s self. During this interactive workshop, participants will take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)—a well-known psychometric instrument that outlines personality types and behavioral preferences. Use of the MBTI usually occurs in a workplace setting, but earlier use of the instrument with high school and college students provides key personal insights that can impact their role as students, professionals, and community leaders. Through interactive exercises, participants explore how different personalities impact development of leadership styles and behaviors.

• Gain new insights to personality types and how

awareness of it will shape one’s leadership “persona”

• Learn about your specific preferences and how to

leverage them to enhance your influence as a leader

• Understand the preferences of others to leverage them for effective team-building


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls


July 7

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte: Empowering

Health Latinas to Prevent Cervical Cancer The Latina Perspective Cervical cancer screening may help reduce deaths

attributable to cervical cancer; however, screening rates for Latinas are very low in comparison to their nonHispanic White counterparts due to limited knowledge, cultural factors, and lack of access to medical care. To address these barriers, NCLR’s Institute for Hispanic Health, with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, developed the Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte project. Led by promotoras de salud (community health workers), this project addresses the culturally specific needs of Latinas in cervical cancer prevention.

• Identify challenges to increasing cervical cancer screening among Latinas

• Learn strategies for educating Latinas about cervical cancer prevention through promotoras de salud

• Gain an understanding of the cervical cancer prevention project design, evaluation methodology, and outcomes

Affiliate/Nonprofit Management DIGITAL BUSINESS

The Social Network Explained: Get Noticed with New Media Whether you are a direct service provider or an advocacy organization, social media and digital technologies are changing the way organizations work. Don’t get left behind in the new digital age. Learn how you can use technology to build and maintain a network of supporters for your organization. We will share experiences and discuss best practices for using social media, mobile platforms, and email campaigns to further the work and public profile of your organization and for harnessing your supporters to donate online.

• Understand the social media and digital technology tools necessary to execute an online campaign

• Build and tap into a list of supporters for your organization

• Explore how to raise money online and connect fundraising with your organization’s work

lead the way


workshops and town halls

Saturday Policy

July 7

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Unbanked by Choice? New Findings on Hispanic Money Matters Reportedly, one in four American households is unbanked or underbanked, and they are likely to be low-income and minority. With little to no access to basic financial services, such as a checking or savings account, they often employ a variety of other solutions to meet their financial needs. New research from NCLR shows the range of financial needs and solutions within the Latino community. In this workshop, we will share the results of a survey on financial access which NCLR conducted in California, paying particular attention to the needs of immigrants.

• Understand Latino perceptions of and attitudes toward banking and financial services

• Engage with experts on what survey trends mean for service providers

• Learn about policy recommendations to foster greater access to services for Latinos and immigrants

Community Empowerment

Your Time Is Now: Keys to Latino Leadership Success As an emerging majority in the United States, Latinos have an opportunity to take on leadership roles in their communities. This workshop is a highly interactive presentation on Latino leadership development and the value and importance of taking on leadership roles. Participants will engage in individual and group exercises to experience the value of leadership in a culturally relevant setting.

• Learn about communication styles and the role that culture plays in how we communicate

• Discuss the qualities of leadership and messaging on

key topics for leadership, such as presentation skills and team-building • Identify areas of opportunity for service to others


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

Saturday Líderes Town Hall Lead Sponsor Best Buy Co., Inc.

July 7

10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

We Have Seen the Future, and the Future Is Ours Titled after of one of Cesar Chavez’s most inspirational quotes, this town hall addresses the myriad of ways through which Hispanic American youth are keeping alive Chavez’s legacy of seeking social justice—both within the Líderes Network and through NCLR’s partner organizations. In particular, this session explores the role of new technology and social media in the evolution of modern social justice campaigns. Do you want to be part of the movement? Attend this session to view a showcase of some of the most active advocates in our Líderes Network and be inspired by guest speakers from partner programs and campaigns.

• Explore the use of social media in modern advocacy efforts

• Learn about ideas and avenues for Latino leadership • Connect to NCLR’s 2012 Mobilize to Vote (M2V) campaign

Saturday Town Hall

Exclusive Sponsor Comcast NBCU & Telemundo

July 7

3:00–4:30 p.m.

From Vote to Voz: Harnessing the Power of the Latino Electorate Latino voters are the fastest-growing segment of the American electorate; their influence has generated national attention, and 2012 will be no different. However, that attention has not resulted in transformative policy change. While the Latino community works to reduce registration and voting gaps, voter suppression measures and anti-Latino sentiment grow. Strong partnerships to fight these fronts have bloomed strongly. With an election looming, perhaps the clearest choice for Latino voters is to stand up for the community and build the power to achieve policy change.

• Hear from civil rights partners about efforts to prevent voter suppression and how to help Latino voters exercise their rights • Identify ways in which you can help grow Latino electoral participation • Join the effort to ensure that our community becomes a powerful advocacy voice to advance solutions to our nation’s most pressing challenges lead the way


workshops and town halls


July 8

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Featured Session

A Defining Moment: The Supreme Court’s Arizona Decision and Beyond


The passage of Arizona SB 1070 in April 2010, and the rise of more extreme copycat measures in the Deep South, shocked and outraged the Latino community while causing fear and confusion in the community, regardless of immigration status. The Supreme Court will announce its decision on racial profiling legislation by early July, marking a transformative moment for the Latino community. The answer to, “Which side are you on?” will stay with Latino voters for years to come. Whatever the Court decides, the evidence is clear: anti-immigrant laws such as these are a bad prescription for the nation, rife with economic losses and civil rights violations.

• Hear from legal experts about the implications of the

Court’s decision and what is to come in the legal arena

• Explore how state anti-immigrant laws are wreaking

havoc on local economies and the reasons why 31 states have rejected copycat legislation • Discuss the road ahead and what our community can do to protect civil rights and change the national debate on immigration policy Workforce Development

From Dropout to Graduate: Reconnecting Youth to Academic success A staggering number of Hispanic youth are at risk of losing their ties to school and work—or are already disconnected. Curbing the persistent dropout and unemployment rates requires local, state, and federal programmatic and policy solutions. This workshop explores the essentials of programs that prevent disconnection and reconnect youth with school and work, as well as the systems-wide fixes needed to ensure that Latino youth have opportunities to participate in the 21st century economy.

• Discover what NCLR has learned about best practices in serving disconnected Latino youth

• Hear from policy experts about what can be done in

your local communities and in Washington to improve youth-serving systems • Learn how you can implement programs that meet the needs of disconnected youth


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

Sunday Affiliate/Nonprofit Management DIGITAL Business Presented by UPS

July 8

9:00–10:30 a.m.

From the Neighborhood to the World: Boosting Your Organization’s Visibility on the Internet Make an impact. Get noticed. Your website is your face to the world, but is it the best it can be? Are you making the most out of your digital resources? This workshop provides you with an opportunity to learn about the web tools you need to effectively represent and promote your business or organization. Join web and marketing experts from Yahoo, Mary’s Center (the 2011 NCLR Affiliate of the Year), and NCLR in this panel discussion and live review of selected NCLR Affiliate websites.

• Learn new web and digital strategies from industry leaders

• Walk away with solid tips on how to improve your organization’s web presence

• Prepare to advance your organization’s marketing

through an enhanced web and new media package

Community and Family Wealth-Building

building Hope: Life after Foreclosure Families and individuals have been displaced from more than 3.5 million foreclosed properties since 2007. Forced moves strain finances, futures, and family well-being; yet, there is hope. Despite the barriers to stability, resources for post-foreclosure housing opportunities abound, and community-based organizations are primed to help families regain their footing.

• Learn about barriers to housing opportunities and strategies to help families overcome them

• Discuss post-foreclosure housing opportunities that are available in your community

• Share effective resources to help families and individuals navigate life after foreclosure

lead the way


workshops and town halls

Sunday Education

July 8

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Parents Count: The Family Factor in Effective Math Education Students, parents, and schools benefit when families are actively engaged in supporting quality education. NCLR’s Math at Home bilingual program promotes parents’ increased understanding of academic requirements in math and a greater appreciation for the opportunities that a strong math education can yield.

• Learn from experiences shared by sites currently piloting the Math at Home program

• Engage in hands-on activities used in the program • Receive a sample lesson from the Math at Home curriculum

The Latina Perspective Presented by NHLI

It Takes More than Ganas: Building a Latina Leadership Ladder America’s corner offices and executive suites are filled with leaders whose measurement of success combines the highest standards of professional excellence with a commitment to serving others and impacting society. This presentation will characterize a unique, intensive, and highly interactive conversation exploring intuitive leadership transformations among Latinas. The information presented will be received highly by aspiring executives, candidates, as well as supportive private and nonprofit organizations interested in developing and sustaining diverse Latina leadership.

• Hear from a panel that will explore in depth the facts,

challenges, programs, and opportunities for cultivating a pathway for Latinas’ continued development and contributions • Experience and learn how to apply key practices toward leadership advancement through real-life case studies, showcase best practices, and other action-oriented resources • Hear about Latinas from a variety of industries encouraging others not to let professional challenges put them at risk of falling through the gap in the leadership pipeline, or miss opportunities to maximize their organization’s effectiveness


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

Sunday Policy Workforce Development

Affiliate/Nonprofit Management

July 8

9:00–10:30 a.m.

The Newest Frontier: Latinos and America’s Growing Clean Energy Economy Latinos care deeply about living in healthy places with good jobs. We cannot succeed in growing the green economy without Latino voices and leaders. This workshop showcases new research about Latino attitudes and opinions on the environment, plus a closer look at the top Latino metropolitan areas with growing clean energy economies. This must-attend session offers hot-off-thepress tools to lift up the Latino voice on clean energy. • Get a sneak peak at new public opinion research on Latino attitudes about energy and the environment • Learn the truth about where the promise of clean energy jobs is being fulfilled—and where it isn’t • Discuss ways to maximize opportunities for Latinos in a clean energy economy

Taking the Social Enterprise Plunge: Generating Revenue within Your Nonprofit Like most nonprofit leaders in today’s bleak economic climate, you are likely actively looking for innovative ways to diversify your organization’s sources of revenue. While the idea of launching a social enterprise venture may seem daunting, social enterprises can outturn a steady stream of unrestricted funds.

• Learn best practices for effectively developing and launching a social enterprise

• Hear how a nonprofit can be a social entrepreneur in roles such as incubator, intermediary, consultant, or partner • Understand the impact of a social enterprise on the mission

lead the way


workshops and town halls


July 8

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Stop the Hate:

Education Overcoming Modern-Day Bullying the LGBT familia Bullying is as prevalent as ever, perhaps even more

so today when “anywhere” includes not only the playground, but also cyberspace. Before technology, students were able to leave bullies behind when they went home from school each afternoon. But now, bullies can send messages to their victims privately and publicly through cell phone texting and on social media sites. Discuss how to build a safe environment for all youth, whether they are straight, LGBT, or simply perceived to be LGBT.

• Hear from a student about the impact of bullying on

themselves and their family to better understand the ramifications of bullying • Explore how to talk to your child about how to handle a bully if faced with one—or if you suspect that your child or a child you know is a bully • Learn how parents, schools, and communities can all play a role in helping LGBT youth feel physically and emotionally safe Health

Taking Control: Diabetes SelfManagement for Elderly Latinos The elderly in the U.S. are living longer, but not necessarily experiencing healthy living. This is particularly true of Latinos and other minority groups. Latinos tend to be disproportionately affected by chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, compared with non-Latino Whites, and this trend continues into older age. Few studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of diabetes selfmanagement programs for low-income elderly Latinos. In this workshop, NCLR and Humana will present the results of Viviendo Saludable—a program geared to elderly Latinos living with type 2 diabetes.

• Learn the results of using a promotores de salud-

led program to educate older Latinos on successful diabetes self-management • Identify challenges and best practices related to addressing type 2 diabetes among elderly Latinos • Discover the benefits of collaboration between NCLR, grassroots organizations, and private-sector partners


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

Sunday Community and Family Wealth-Building

July 8

9:00–10:30 a.m.

“Touch Points”: Using your Success Stories to get more Funding Latino nonprofits and organizations often shortchange themselves by not showcasing their program successes. Even the smallest among these can leverage large amounts of funding by highlighting their impact. Learning to use success stories creatively to entice current and potential funders can be the lifeblood of an organization’s financial strategy. A purposeful narrative focused on cultural identity and unique experiences attracts stronger partnerships, more in-kind donations, and increased participation—and promotes greater understanding of an organization’s value.

• Receive information and adaptable tools to capture

success stories which can be leveraged for additional funding • Gain an understanding of the “touch point” strategy so that your organization can use its current resources to attract more funding • Learn to capture, develop, and share success stories that describe your organization and its specific programs

lead the way


workshops and town halls

Sunday Education

July 8

1:30–3:00 p.m.

Improving Education Through Partnerships: A Case Study of a Full Service Community School Model A Full-Service Community School (FSCS) is both a place and a set of partnerships between school personnel, community agencies, parents, and students. The FSCS model foci are on academics, health and social services, youth, and community development and engagement as these lead to improved student learning, stronger families, and healthier communities. This session will present collaborative strategies led by the Youth Policy Institute (YPI) on the implementation of an FSCS model within a predominately Latino community and will offer perspectives from program directors, school staff, students, and parents regarding effectiveness and areas for improvement.

• Understand the role of YPI as a lead nonprofit agency

in communication, collaboration, and coordination of services for FSCS target sites • Examine YPI’s methodology to ensure FSCS effectiveness and its responsiveness to community needs while incorporating community perspectives • Learn about student and parent perspectives on the strengths and areas of improvement for an FSCS model to effectively support and impact a Latino community • Obtain flow-charts, handouts, and communication techniques to establish, scale-up, and everything inbetween to support community school opportunities

Health Presented by National Dairy Council

Demystifying Lactose Intolerance: Understanding the Importance of Dairy for the Health of Diverse Communities The health consequences of avoiding dairy foods can be especially serious among diverse populations, where the incidences of real or perceived lactose intolerance may be higher. Avoiding dairy and not getting enough dairy nutrients (e.g., calcium, vitamin D, and potassium) may lead to adverse health outcomes, but what is the best way to get community members excited and informed?

• Gain an understanding of the important role of dairy and dairy nutrients for overall health

• Learn the facts behind the myths about lactose intolerance

• Receive culturally appropriate tips and tools for community programs


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

Sunday Featured Session DIGITAL Business The Latina Perspective

digital Business

July 8

1:30–3:00 p.m.

The Adelante Movement (Move Forward!) Founded by Nely Galán, The Adelante Movement (Move Forward!) is a grassroots movement that unites and empowers Latinas socially, economically, and politically in the U.S. It encourages Latinas to play a leading role in American society, economics, and politics to become an integral part of the national conversation, in order to provide their children with the future they deserve as a rightful part of this country. The Adelante Movement: Tour is a series of national empowerment conferences supported by a digital community—and presented by The Coca Cola Company—which inform, mentor, and inspire Latinas to take action! • Hear from Nely Galán, a first-generation Latina immigrant and self-made media mogul, inspirational speaker, and passionate advocate for the empowerment of Latinas everywhere • Learn about The Adelante Movement and the ways in which it unites and empowers Latinas • Discover how you can access the tools and knowledge to move yourself and your family forward

Latino Entrepreneurs: A Missing Link in the Business of Social Media Fueled by digital power and the growth of the global marketplace, social media startup companies are emerging around the world. Entities such as Facebook, which had an initial stock offering of $104 billion, and Instagram, which sold for $1 billion, are both startups that have made it big. More businesses like these are experiencing immense success in places such as Austin and New York City, yet the market lacks a strong Latino presence. Discuss the emergence and visibility of Latino entrepreneurs while brainstorming how we can help Hispanic startups become household names.

• Explore the opportunities that exist for Latino entrepreneurs in today’s technology market

• Gain insight into the startup experience of

entrepreneurs who have raised venture capital, advanced single family offices, and bootstrapped their companies into being acquired • Discuss the evolution from idea to execution to IPO and how to engage more Latino entrepreneurs lead the way


workshops and town halls

Sunday Community and Family Wealth-Building

July 8

1:30–3:00 p.m.

From the Bottom Up: Turning Financially Excluded Communities into Lending Circles Low-income immigrants face a long, uphill climb out of poverty, made steeper still without access to low-cost credit and responsible banking services. Without checking accounts, savings accounts, or credit scores, millions of Latinos are locked out of the financial mainstream and pushed instead into the fringe, where high-cost financial services erode assets and perpetuate a cycle of poverty. This session explores Mission Asset Fund’s Lending Circles model based on traditional lending common in immigrant communities, which has been incredibly successful at increasing participants’ financial capability and preparing them to better navigate the financial marketplace. The session will explore the model and provide updates on replication efforts nationally.

• Learn about Mission Asset Fund’s Lending Circles model for

increasing low-income immigrants’ ability to navigate the financial market • Receive updates on the model’s national replication efforts Education

Going the Extra Mile: Why Expanded Learning Time Works NCLR recognizes the positive effects of expanded learning time (e.g., after-school, summer learning) on the academic achievement and social and emotional development of Latino children and youth. Join us as we release our newly developed core qualities for successful expanded learning time. This quality framework builds upon existing research and tools and highlights the core competencies that an expanded learning time program should have to effectively address the needs of Latino youth and children.

• Hear how NCLR has been engaged in the field of expanded learning time

• Receive a copy of the NCLR Core Qualities for Successful Expanded Learning Time

• Share and learn best practices on how to implement each core quality in your program


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

Sunday Affiliate/Nonprofit Management Presented by Prudential

July 8

1:30–3:00 p.m.

Innovative Governance: Four Steps to a Stronger and More Effective Board Volunteer board members have lots of passion, but never quite enough time. So how do you get the most out of them? With so much at stake, you need to be strategic about developing and using the talent at the table. You have the power to affect lives and make a difference. Leaders from Prudential Foundation and BoardSource will facilitate this interactive session on how leadership teams can develop a stronger and more effective board.

• Learn how to form a constructive partnership between the executive director and the board which propels the organization forward • Discover how to structure high-impact meetings to engage the full board and tap into intellectual capital • Explore ways to ensure that the board is resultsoriented, with an eye on mission, programs, performance, and organizational sustainability

Policy Presented by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Mis Derechos, Tus Derechos: Protecting the Civil Rights of the Latino Community Generations of Latinos have played a key role in our nation’s efforts to guarantee everyone’s civil rights. Today, the recent growth of Hispanic and other minority and immigrant communities has led to a renewed emphasis in knowing “your rights.” In this workshop, several federal agencies will team up to provide up-to-date information about programs and resources that can have a real impact in protecting your community’s rights.

• Be briefed on the various ways to file a civil rights

complaint dealing with immigration, education, housing discrimination, employment, and others • Learn about the latest policy developments in the federal civil rights arena and receive outreach materials to use in your community • Have an opportunity to dialogue with federal officials about what’s going on in your community

lead the way


workshops and town halls

Sunday Health The Latina Perspective Policy

July 8

1:30–3:00 p.m.

Nuestras Voces, Nuestra Salud: A Critical Conversation about Latina Reproductive Health Recent political developments have great potential to undermine the health and well-being of millions of Latinas. Nationwide, major threats to fundamental health services are front and center, with officials proposing measures that cut off resources for lifesaving cancer screenings, birth control, prevention or treatment of sexually transmitted infections, and other essential preventive services. At the same time, the Affordable Care Act offers an opportunity to positively advance women’s health by guaranteeing new services for many Latinas. As the most uninsured community in the U.S., Latinas have the most to lose or gain from what happens next.

• Learn about state and federal efforts that limit or

expand access to reproductive health care services

• Understand how health care reform, or implementation of the Affordable Care Act, will directly benefit Latina health • Learn about Latino-led campaigns on reproductive justice and find out how to advocate for improved access to reproductive health care for our community The LGBT familia policy

The Right Side of History: LGBT Equality and the Hispanic Perspective Countering popular assumptions that Hispanics are unsupportive of the LGBT community, a new report coreleased by the National Council of La Raza and Social Science Research Solutions (SSRS) finds that compared to the general U.S. population, Latinos are supportive if not more supportive of the LGBT population. Looking at different cross-sections of the Hispanic population, we are able to see that, regardless of location or background, the community is in favor of legal equality and protections against all forms of discrimination.

• Learn about religious implications and how church

attendance does and does not affect a person’s perspective regarding LGBT rights • Be a part of the discussion on how the views and opinions of Latinos have changed in recent years • Have the opportunity to share your thoughts and perspective on how the community can engage on this topic and what you see as obstacles or potential advantages to the continuing evolution of opinions on LGBT rights


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

Sunday Workforce Development

July 8

1:30–3:00 p.m.

Safety First: Working Toward a Healthier Workplace Latino workers have the highest rate of death and injury on the job yet are less likely to report serious illnesses and injuries. Learn from NCLR’s Affiliates CASA de Maryland, Instituto del Progreso Latino, and Make the Road New York about how they are working to improve health and safety in the workplace by informing and empowering their clients to protect and advocate for themselves.

• Find out what the most useful workplace safety resources are, and how to access them

• Learn how CBOs can help clients understand their rights under the law


Staying Afloat: Navigating the Alzheimer’s Tidal Wave in the Latino Community With the high prevalence of associated risk factors, such as older age, low socioeconomic status, and the presence of vascular disease, Latinos face a greater risk of Alzheimer’s disease than the general population. In fact, older Hispanics are at least 1.5 times more likely than the general population to suffer from Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Trends such as these are evidence of a looming public health crisis, one that will prove costly in many ways—not just for Latinos.

• Receive information about Alzheimer’s disease and its impact on the Latino community

• Hear about Alzheimer’s resources, including NCLR’s

Alzheimer’s education program, Mantenga Su Mente Activa • Learn about the work of the Alzheimer’s Association and the National Alzheimer’s Project

lead the way


workshops and town halls

Sunday digital business Health

July 8

1:30–3:00 p.m.

Taking It to the Streets: The Positive Impact of Technology on Health Education The evolution of outcome evaluation and health education has been influenced by technology. Increased access to technology supports direct service staff in the field to provide preventive health interventions on a community level.

• Learn how one multiservice organization has embraced

technology in its focus on data-driven services Hear firsthand from a case manager how piloting an Internetconnected mobile device in the field impacted her work with families regarding family health, well baby care, and other health interventions in an urban setting • Reflect on your organization’s readiness to engage staff through technology

Sunday Town Hall

Co-Sponsors American Cancer Society American Diabetes Association American Heart Association The Service Master Company

July 8

3:30–5:00 p.m.

¡Salud! Eliminating Disparities That Block Good Health among Latinos Hispanics living in the U.S. are heavily burdened by high incidence and mortality rates of preventable chronic and infectious diseases. They are more likely than nonHispanic Whites to suffer from overweight, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. These and other health disparities can often be traced back to language and cultural barriers, poverty, and lack of access to preventive care. Panel experts will discuss plans to meet the specific needs of the growing Latino community toward the elimination of health disparities.

• Gain insight into specific actions being implemented to address Latinos’ health needs

• Engage experts in health care and health care disparities

• Identify concrete ways to influence public health policies and systems


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

monday Health Policy

July 9

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Cutting through the Red Tape: Getting Our Children the Health Care They Need Latino and immigrant children are the most uninsured population in the nation, even though they are highly eligible for coverage. With new requirements for national children’s coverage, advocates have an opportunity to change this dynamic and eliminate the barriers that have kept children from getting insurance and needed care. Strategize about common challenges and determine ways to beat back the bureaucracies that keep our children from getting coverage. We’ll discuss overcoming online technology barriers, stopping unnecessary verification, and getting your state to help open the door to coverage. Participants should have a basic understanding of the Affordable Care Act.

• Get an overview of the most common obstacles to coverage in enrollment systems

• Learn about effective solution ideas to help state officials and administrators promote coverage

• Strategize with community organizations and allies about

overcoming barriers to health insurance in your community

Community Empowerment

Del Diálogo a la Acción: One Community’s True Story Pajarito Mesa, New Mexico shares many traits with colonias— such as first- and second-generation Hispanic immigrants, inadequate infrastructure, and absence of easements. Through deliberative dialogues, relationships built among residents and elected officials have increased resident civic engagement and quality of life in Pajarito Mesa. Workshop attendees will participate in a conversation demonstrating how dialogue contributes to residents developing action ideas, becoming involved, and strengthening their community. An overview will also be provided on how to organize dialogues, as well as action planning and the resulting actions and lessons learned from Pajarito Mesa’s involvement in Strong Starts for Children.

• Participate in a sample conversation, gaining an

understanding of a deliberative dialogue approach used in hundreds of U.S. communities to identify challenges, brainstorm action ideas, and implement those ideas • Learn from the Pajarito Mesa case study about this community’s organizing efforts, challenges along the way, and outcomes from resident civic engagement • Gain an understanding of how to apply communitywide dialogues locally to help create change and receive information about free resources to increase resident involvement in community-building efforts lead the way


workshops and town halls

monday Health

July 9

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Ending the Epidemic: Culturally Sound Solutions to HIV/AIDS among Latinos

Latinos account for more than 20% of new HIV infections, but represent only 16% of the U.S. population. Furthermore, Latino gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men represent the third-largest prevalence population in the U.S., and Hispanic women have five times the AIDS burden of White women. Understanding the latest HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and testing information, contemporary HIV/AIDS risk issues unique to the Latino community, and culturally and linguistically relevant methodologies to disseminate information and engage communities are key to addressing the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Latino communities.

• Discuss recent updates to Latino HIV rates as reported by federal agencies

• Highlight contemporary issues and approaches to HIV prevention and testing within the Latino community

• Provide information about the Latino-focused International AIDS Society 2012 conference initiatives to increase Latino participation and HIV/AIDS information dissemination opportunities

Community and Family Wealth-Building Policy

Eleven Million Reasons to Fix the Housing Market The foreclosure epidemic has cost Hispanic families twothirds of their wealth, and 28% of Hispanic homeowners owe more than their home is worth. In fact, 11 million families have negative home equity—a fact which experts agree is keeping the housing market depressed. The recent Attorneys General settlement on mortgage servicing practices offers the first real opportunity for principal reduction on a meaningful scale, yet concerns persist about whether this effort will be enough. Join us for an interactive session on solutions that will strengthen our economy, help families stay in their homes, and stabilize home values.

• Obtain new data on Hispanic homeownership and the impact of foreclosures

• Learn about policies needed to move families from financial ruin to recovery

• Understand resources available for families facing foreclosure


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

monday Affiliate/Nonprofit Management

July 9

9:00–10:30 a.m.

From Social Service to Social Change: New Advocacy Strategies for Service Organizations Increasingly, social service organizations are recognizing that they must engage in advocacy and organizing for systemic policy change in order to meet the needs of their clients and fulfill their broader missions. At the same time, these organizations are connected to large client networks which, if engaged thoughtfully and strategically, represent a powerful force for advocacy and social change.

• Understand the difference between service and

advocacy/organizing as methods for approaching social problems, and the role that Latino service organizations can play in advancing systems change • Hear presentations from organizations that have successfully engaged their clients and stakeholders in advocacy and civic engagement activities • Learn best practices for integrating civic engagement and advocacy activities into existing programs and services

digital business The Latina Perspective Presented by Latina magazine

Image and Substance: Managing Your Personal Brand in the Digital Age Facebook. Twitter. LinkedIn. Pinterest. Personal Blogs. Great ways to keep in touch with friends and colleagues, but more and more they are also essential tools for your professional development. Latina magazine’s executive editor, social media director, and a branding specialist show you how to turn social media outlets and personal blogs into assets that will help you build your career.

• Learn how to tell your personal and professional story and align it with your career goals

• Explore ways to manage your online presence across outlets

• Discover how to network effectively online

lead the way


workshops and town halls

monday Education

July 9

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Leamos™: Online Literacy Solution for Spanish Speaking Youth and Adults According to the 2009 American Community Survey, approximately 10% of Latino immigrants, 18 years and older, in the United States are not able to read or write in any language. An October 2010 National Institutes of Health study showed that a mother’s literacy rate is the most important determinant of a child’s academic success. How do we make sure that our programs are reaching and welcoming to the non-literate Latino community who are parents, workers, consumers, and more?

• Learn different approaches/resources for providing adult literacy

• Learn about Leamos™, a tested web-based curriculum

that teaches basic literacy and introduces technology to non-literate adults • Review case studies/profiles of how newly literate adults and their families have benefitted from Spanish literacy as a foundation to ESL • Problem solve with workshop participants best practices to increase participation and enrollment in your adult/parent programs Workforce Development

Moving On Up: How Integrated Job Training Yields Success An estimated 90 million Americans lack the basic literacy, numeracy, and English-language skills needed for continuing education and good jobs. Instruction that combines fundamental education with technical skills— known as integrated training—is crucial to workforce development programming for workers who lack these basics. This workshop explores integrated training as part of NCLR’s Career Pathways Initiative, supported by the Walmart Foundation.

• Understand the core components of program models that use integrated training

• Hear from sites managing health care, customer

service, green jobs, and other programs about how to implement integrated training programs • Learn from NCLR’s early successes and areas for improvement


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

monday Education Policy

July 9

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Occupy the Classroom: Moving Latino Education Reform Forward Polling shows that education consistently ranks as one of the most important topics to Hispanics. Yet, the Latino perspective is often absent from the pertinent debates happening in our nation’s statehouses and the U.S. Capitol. Furthermore, Hispanic educational achievement lags behind that of non-Hispanics, even though there are compelling examples of effective ways to improve education for these students. Given that nearly onequarter of our country’s children are Latino, it is crucial that Latinos are active in the debates that will reform the nation’s educational system.

• Learn about the ongoing national debates in education reform

• Gain a greater understanding of the ways to become involved in education reform

• Join NCLR’s growing Latino education reform network community empowerment Presented by Humanamente

lead the way

Overcoming the Invisible Barriers of Migratory Mourning Most Hispanic Americans share an often-secret suffering known as Migratory Mourning, which is caused by family and sociocultural separation and losses. Left unchecked, the mourning—which affects documented and undocumented immigrants alike—can produce acute and chronic mental distress, negative behavior patterns, and other challenges that prevent even seemingly successful Latino immigrants and their children from fully participating in education, family support, business achievement, and civic engagement. • Learn how to identify Migratory Mourning stressors and symptoms • Discover areas of life where mourning can be unexpectedly triggered • Acquire skills to overcome pain, grief, anger, shame, resentment, and other hidden feelings • Empower yourself to become the primary creative force in your life


workshops and town halls

monday the LGBT familia workforce development

July 9

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Leave No Worker Behind: Ending Legal Employment Discrimination Practices Employees should be judged by the work they do, not by nonmerit factors such as race, color, place of birth, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Shockingly, in 38 states, it is legal to fire an employee because of his or her sexual orientation. Everyone wants employees to be productive and successful—so they can support themselves and their families and contribute to a world free of discrimination for everyone. In this workshop, learn what you can do to attract and protect valuable workers.

• Explore what needs to be done so that more people can work free from discrimination

• Learn what the federal government is doing to protect

federal employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity • Identify areas for improving your own work policies, practices, and environment

Community Empowerment Presented by American Latino Heritage Fund

Our History, Our Future: Cultivating Civic Engagement by Honoring Latino Contributions to America The current political climate lends itself to heated rhetoric and incendiary language consistently defining all Latinos as “immigrants” and classifying Latinos as one homogenous group. This dialogue dismisses the contributions that American Latinos have made to our democracy, economy, and rich cultural heritage. Through the leadership of Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, the National Park Service is developing a theme study that will reframe the national dialogue on American Latinos. The Latino community must take ownership of its history and use this new understanding to further civic participation in their communities.

• Engage with Latino scholars and historians

spearheading a national theme study that rediscovers American Latino history • Learn how understanding historical roots can spark a new narrative that honors and celebrates American Latino contributions to the U.S. • Discuss ways to leverage historical contributions and use information for furthering civic participation


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

monday affiliate/nonprofit management community empowerment

monday Town Hall

July 9

9:00–10:30 A.m.

Lights, Camera, Action! Telling Your Nonprofit Story through Video Telling your organization’s story in an effective and compelling manner is important for a number of reasons—documenting accomplishments, recording your organization’s legacy in the community, demonstrating the services you provide and how they impact your clients, engaging supporters, and raising money! In this session, the National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP) partners with NCLR to share best practices from filmmakers and professional storytellers on how to promote your message while capturing the hearts and minds of your audiences through the power of video. • Discover tips and best practices from NALIP and NCLR on ways in which to showcase your organization in video • Learn about the importance of telling your story effectively and making a compelling impression

July 9

3:00–4:30 p.m.

Don’t Quit the Dream: A Vision for Homeownership Beyond 2012 Are homes in your neighborhood losing value? Have you or someone you know lost a home to foreclosure? Today’s housing system still needs a lot of help getting on the right course. Many families of color have been steered toward toxic mortgages; others lost their jobs in the economic downturn resulting in droves of foreclosures. In the last three years alone, communities of color have lost almost half of their wealth, and the financial crisis is not over yet. To better serve the honest lender and homebuyer alike, we must better stabilize the market by making it more accessible, equitable, and sustainable. The recent Attorney General (AG) settlement was a significant step in what we hope is a series of improvements to the system; other important fixes must be made to mortgage servicing. Join us to discuss how all of these issues can be influenced by your vote in the upcoming elections. • Hear from Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray on their blueprint to advance accountability and meaningful solutions for our families • Gain a clear vision of what you can do through the Home for Good campaign to advocate for housing improvements • Pose questions to the experts to understand what’s on the horizon in light of the AG housing settlement

lead the way


workshops and town halls

Tuesday Community and Family Wealth-Building Presented by U.S. Department of the Treasury, Homeownership Preservation Office

July 10

9:00–10:30 a.m

Making Home Affordable: Exploring Options to Avoid Foreclosure Today’s housing crisis is showing no signs of slowing down, and families facing foreclosure are under the strain of stress, especially those who do not understand the process or their options. Learn how to educate struggling homeowners in your communities on where to find mortgage relief. A variety of programs exist to help families with mortgage modifications, refinancing, deferred payment, or transitioning out of their home while avoiding foreclosure. The more homeowners understand their options, the easier it will be to work with housing experts or mortgage loan servicers on mortgage solutions.

• Gain an understanding of mortgage assistance programs available, including the Making Home Affordable program

• Learn about free resources available to homeowners,

including access to housing counselors, online mortgage assistance tools, and additional mortgage relief information • Find out about homeowner foreclosure events in your area offering free guidance and help

Affiliate/Nonprofit Management

Measure What Matters: Analyzing Your Nonprofit’s Social Impact This is the era of evidence-based programming and policies, in which funders and policymakers are demanding that the programs they fund and the policies they create are grounded in empirical research and evidence of their effectiveness. Effective nonprofits do more than collect, analyze, and provide data: they Measure What Matters! This workshop focuses on a simple approach to gathering, measuring, analyzing, and distributing information on the effectiveness of the total nonprofit organization. NCLR Affiliates Instituto del Progreso Latino and Women’s Initiative for Self Employment will discuss and present reallife examples.

• Hear from nonprofit experts who will discuss their

programmatic, strategy implementation, and governance measurement processes • Learn how using a logic model throughout your program helps organize and systematize program planning, management, and evaluation functions • Explore the ways in which Measuring What Matters can positively impact your nonprofits’ communication and marketing efforts


2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

Tuesday Community Empowerment Policy

July 10

9:00–10:30 a.m

Moving Communities: Advocacy Tools For Change The nation is currently facing an economic crisis. The impact of such a crisis has made employment and income inconsistent in many disadvantaged communities. Consequently, the effects on education, health benefits, and laws have been deeply dependent on policymakers who don’t focus on the needs of the people in those communities. It is now parents and families who must take action and get involved in the policymaking process that affects them and their children directly.

• Empowering parents and families with resources that will help them improve their advocacy skills

• Discuss the importance of helping parents become involved in public meetings

• Learn how to help parents join and organize advocacy efforts

community empowerment Education

Pass It On: How Serving Today Means Leading Tomorrow Young people are shaping our world and our future. This interactive workshop is primarily for teachers and community partners interested in harnessing the power of youth voices with culturally relevant servicelearning projects. The nation’s youth must be engaged in diverse ways to lead the world of tomorrow within their communities today.

• Gain the tools and information to implement a culturally relevant service-learning project

• Hear from young school and community leaders carrying out service-learning projects

• Learn from NCLR’s own experience in applying servicelearning

lead the way


workshops and town halls

Tuesday Health Presented by StrategicHealthSolutions, LLC as the Education Medicaid Integrity Contractor

July 10

9:00–10:30 a.m.

Protect Yourself, Protect Medicaid: Beneficiary Card-Sharing Education

This presentation is an interactive train-the-trainer program with the goal of providing participants with information on how to use the Beneficiary CardSharing PowerPoint presentation for educating Medicaid beneficiaries regarding the issues and consequences of sharing or selling Medicaid identification cards or numbers.

• Gain an understanding of various fraud schemes related to sharing of Medicaid identification cards

• Receive training on how to use the Beneficiary CardSharing PowerPoint presentation

• Receive access to the Beneficiary Card-Sharing presentation for use with beneficiaries

Digital Business Presented by Facebook


Facebook: What You Should Know about Online Safety

Safety is an ongoing conversation between parents and kids, teachers and students, and companies and the people who use their products and services. Ensuring safety requires a coordinated effort from everyone— whether by reporting inappropriate behavior or by making sure your account and passwords are secure. Facebook is a place where you can connect and share openly and are surrounded by your friends and family—let’s work together to maintain a safe community in this space. • Learn how to contribute to an environment where all can share comfortably • Discuss tools to protect your privacy, to unfriend or block people, and to help you protect your information both on and off Facebook • Review key safety precautions from Facebook’s Safety Center and share that knowledge with people you know

2012 nclr annual conference

workshops and town halls

Tuesday Federal Leadership Training

July 10

9:00–11:30 a.m.

Perspective and Experiences of Senior Executives This workshop will provide insights from SESers on their experience in applying for an SES position and on how individuals can develop their leadership style and qualifications. Participants will also learn tips and techniques on how to get into leadership positions.

Federal Leadership Training


Understanding the SES Process This workshop will provide an overview of the SES— what it is and what it entails. Participants will gain an understanding of the SES and knowledge of the selection process, as well as discuss the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs).

July 10

3:00–4:30 p.m.

Familia es Familia: A Public Education with National

COMMUNITY Campaign in Partnership EMPOWERMENT Hispanic Organizations the LGBT Familia

There are many gay, lesbian, and transgender Latinos— there always have been. Ignoring this reality can harm our families and communities by creating division and anger instead of respect and harmony. It can also put Latinos at risk of isolation from one another, increasing the risk of suicide and making it difficult to care for one another. Experience tells us that the most effective approach is to get the conversation out of the shadows. This workshop is designed to help us have those conversations.

• Hear about surprising public opinion research which

shows that Latinos—especially Latino Catholics—are more supportive and receptive than commonly thought and strongly favor equal rights for the Latino LGBT community • Access resources from a first-of-its kind comprehensive public education campaign aimed at empowering Hispanic organizations and Latino voices to build support within Latino communities for acceptance of gay and lesbian family and community members • Learn how to have these conversations respectfully— Latino to Latino lead the way


workshops and town halls

Tuesday Education

July 10

3:00–4:30 p.m.

Math + Youth = Success: A New Answer to an Old Equation If we are to increase the number of Latino students who graduate from high school and are ready for college, we must also change the common perception that some students are simply not good at math. Students participating in NCLR’s Formative Assessments for Learning project have gone from having negative misconceptions about math to being active participants in the classroom by employing certain tools and strategies.

• Hear how NCLR Affiliate schools are using these tools and strategies in their classrooms

• Learn about the tools and strategies that teachers use to keep students excited about math

• Discuss the benefits of these tools and how they support student achievement

Tuesday Federal Leadership Training

Federal Leadership Training

July 10

3:00–5:30 p.m.

Preparing the ECQ’s The workshop will provide guidance on writing effective ECQs when applying for an SES position or an SES Career Development Program. Participants will also learn helpful hints for preparing their submissions.

Perspective and Experiences of Senior Executives This workshop will provide insights from SESers on their experience in applying for an SES position and on how individuals can develop their leadership style and qualifications. Participants will also learn tips and techniques on how to get into leadership positions.


2012 nclr annual conference

WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT FORUM October 2–3, 2012 Los Angeles, CA


Empowering the Latino Workforce, Driving Economic Growth

Join NCLR for its third Workforce Development Forum to explore the state of Latino workers—the fastest-growing segment of the American workforce. www.nclr.org/eventsandmeetings


workshops and town halls

The Líderes Summit is the youth leadership development component of the NCLR Annual Conference. The Summit enhances young people’s participation in the Conference by providing an exciting leadership experience that connects, educates, and inspires. A core pillar of the Líderes Initiative, the Summit brings together hundreds of high school and college students, youth leaders, and young professionals (ages 14–26) from student organizations and youth programs throughout the country. The Líderes Summit is managed by NCLR Líderes , a national initiative designed to increase opportunities for Latino youth which will maximize their influence as leaders in the U.S. Program information is available at http://lideres.nclr.org. The youth conference begins on Friday, July 6—a day before the main NCLR Annual Conference begins—and continues through Monday evening, July 9. Participants explore ideas for community involvement and empowerment, discuss issues that impact the Latino community, and expand their leadership and teamwork skills, all while taking advantage of the many resources available at the Summit. Through a roster of peer-led educational workshops, students are exposed to

lead the way

best practices in a range of issue areas and learn how to found innovative programs in their home communities. Other activities include:

• Themed meal events featuring

prominent leaders from the community • Artistic cultural presentations • Líderes Gozadera (Dance Party) • Check-in sessions featuring professional development presentations • Líderes Networking Contest • Líderes Noche de Premios (Líderes Awards Ceremony) • Líderes Town Hall • Líderes Cultural Talent Showcase Finally, the Líderes Summit agenda incorporates many NCLR Annual Conference events, allowing youth to partake in an invaluable networking experience. Professionals who work with students—counselors, advisors, and program managers—are also encouraged to attend the youth conference. All Líderes Summit activities will take place at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Convention Center. A complete Líderes Summit agenda is included in the NCLR Annual Conference Pocket Agenda.


workshops and town halls

In recognition of the 2012 Líderes Summit sponsors

SUMMIT Champion




Chevrolet Hilton Worldwide

Starbucks Coffee Company


ConAgra Foods Darden Restaurants

Líderes Town Hall SPONSOR Best Buy Co., Inc.

Líderes Contest Sodexo, Inc.

Central Intelligence Agency Shell

Bank of America Central Intelligence Agency State Farm Insurance

Líderes Initiative Year-Round Program Supporters The Allstate Foundation Best Buy Children’s Foundation ConAgra Foods FedEx Corporation Sodexo, Inc.

Líderes Cultural Talent Showcase Marriott International, Inc.


2012 nclr annual conference

DIVERSITY ISN’T A GOAL, IT’S A STRENGTH. At Sprint, we value inclusion because each new point of view brings innovation, success and growth. That’s what makes our company strong and allows us to grow as a leader in our industry and our community. Sprint proudly supports the National Council of La Raza.

The Army Reserve develops leaders who serve their communities and their country. The Army Reserve is proud to support the 2012 National Council of La Raza Annual Conference. www.usar.army.mil

1st Lieutenant Paul Gonzalez of Derby, Kansas, used Army Reserve educational benefits to earn a Bachelor’s degree in fire science and a Master’s degree in organizational leadership. As a Warrior-Citizen, Gonzalez contributes to both his nation and his community in two distinct capacities: as a soldier and as a member the Firefighter and Rescue Team for the Wichita Fire Department. The skills and training he receives from the Army Reserve not only help him better serve his nation, they are also helping to improve his civilian career.

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We’re proud to sponsor the 2012 NCLR Annual Conference. At Nationwide®, we celebrate the value of cultural diversity. It’s part of our commitment to saving, rebuilding and enriching lives in the communities where our customers, associates, agents and their families live and work.

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SUPPORTING A BRIGHTER FUTURE The TJX Companies, Inc. is proud to support National Council of La Raza’s 2012 Annual Conference

TALENT HAS NO GENDER. CURIOSITY HAS NO AGE. EXPERTISE HAS NO ETHNICITY. IF YOU’VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES, LET’S TALK. At Prudential, we don’t attach labels to the qualities that make us a more dynamic organization. We create an environment where the people we hire can contribute, grow and seize opportunity. We believe a diverse workforce is a strong one. If you’re up for the challenge of a company that’s committed to hiring the best and brightest from every walk of life, let’s talk. Find out how you fit in: search jobs.prudential.com

Prudential is a proud supporter of the 2012 NCLR Annual Conference.

© 2011. Prudential, the Prudential logo and the Rock symbol are service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Prudential is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and is committed to diversity in its workforce. 0199711-00001-00 A4100

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EmpowEring SuccESS in EDucATion Verizon Foundation is putting the tools of tomorrow into classrooms today to give our kids, teachers and schools every opportunity to succeed. We are inspiring digital learning and nurturing an online learning community, infusing both with our award-winning Thinkfinity content, which offers thousands of lesson plans, interactive tools and games. Verizon is sharing its technology, resources and passion so that together, we can be even more successful.

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That’s what brings us together, regardless of race, creed or color. We salute those who celebrate our differences and help build a better world.

Everyone brings something different to Marriott.ÂŽ Marriott International welcomes people from everywhere. All walks of life. We believe embracing differences makes Marriott a great place to work, conduct business and stay.

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nclr awards

nclr awards


BIEN HECHO That’s how you say “WELL DONE” in Spanish and what we say to the National Council of La Raza, the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S., for creating opportunities and opening the door to the American Dream for Latinos.

NCLR awards Affiliate Recognition Affiliate of the Year Award Graciela Olivarez La Raza Award Maclovio Barraza Award for Leadership Ruben Salazar Award for Communications Roberto Clemente Award for Sports Excellence Raul Yzaguirre President’s Award

Affiliate Recognition

Affiliate of the Year Regional Honorees California Region Established in 1982, Community HousingWorks (CHW) of San Diego, California, works to help people and neighborhoods move up in the world by providing a full range of housing options combined with training and support. By leveraging a holistic approach that incorporates access to stable housing, asset-building, education, and civic engagement, CHW actively builds multigenerational strength for disadvantaged families while transforming underserved and neglected neighborhoods into proud and vibrant communities.

Far West Region Founded in 1970, Valle del Sol inspires positive change in the underserved communities of Phoenix, Arizona, providing culturally competent health and human services and leadership development opportunities to more than 12,000 individuals and families each year. It offers a comprehensive approach to health, taking into account mind, body, and spirit, and it strengthens families by providing the tools they need to be self-sufficient. It also invests in and nurtures the next generation of leaders through its Hispanic Leadership Institute and African-American Leadership Institute.

Midwest Region Since 1990, El Barrio, Inc. has provided disenfranchised Latinos of the Greater Cleveland, Ohio area with culturally sensitive supportive services that promote self-sufficiency and full participation in the broader society. Through its recent merger with West Side Ecumenical Ministry (WSEM) and the Center for Families and Children (CFC), El Barrio has enhanced its capacity to better serve the Latino community of


Cuyahoga County, providing services such as workforce training, behavioral health, crisis intervention, early childhood education, food pantries, reentry, integrated health care, youth development, and advocacy.

Northeast Region Since 1968, Sociedad Latina has served the Latino community of Boston, Massachusetts, pioneering innovative solutions to end destructive cycles of poverty, health inequities, and lack of educational and professional opportunities. Through its multiservice Pathways to Success Model, Sociedad Latina builds skills in four areas: education, workforce development, civic engagement, and arts and culture. The Pathways programs focus on an assetbased approach to youth development, empowering 10- to 21-year-olds with the tools to overcome barriers to educational and professional success and to grow into leaders who are resilient and self-sufficient.

Southeast Region Founded in 1999, the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (¡HICA!) is the largest and oldest Latino community-based nonprofit in Alabama. It facilitates social, civic, and economic integration of Hispanic families by leveraging four comprehensive programs—Strong Families, Immigration & Access to Justice, Community Engagement & Education, and Asset-Building & Economic Development. This approach holistically addresses the needs of families while empowering them to open doors through community and policy changes. As a founding member and leader of the Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice (ACIJ), ¡HICA! seeks to preserve the social, legal, and civil rights of all immigrants in Alabama and has actively fought to repeal Alabama’s anti-immigrant law, HB 56.

2012 nclr annual conference

Affiliate Recognition

family strengthening awards The Latin American Coalition, in Charlotte, North Carolina, is a community of Latin Americans, immigrants, and allies who promote full and equal participation of all people in the civic, economic, and cultural life of North Carolina through education, celebration, and advocacy. The Coalition’s Immigrant Welcome Center, serving more than 6,000 immigrants each year, is designed to meet the immediate and critical needs of newcomers and their families and to serve as a catalyst for intentional community integration. The goal of the program is to meet people where they are and honor their innate capacity to be their own best advocates, all while building sustainable and interconnected communities. The program moves Latino families through an intentional path that includes crisis intervention, victim assistance, and integration support, all building toward long-term stability and full civic and economic participation in the community.

lead the way

Hacienda Community Development Corporation—Portland, Oregon’s only Latino affordable housing developer and the largest Latino-serving and Latino-led nonprofit in the state— works to ensure that at-risk families achieve success in the face of a myriad of language, economic, educational, and cultural barriers. Established in 2006, Expresiones is an after-school program serving youth in grades K–9 and their families. To ensure the success of youth participants, this program provides a combination of bilingual academic support, culturally appropriate personal enrichment activities, summer programming, and service-learning opportunities. By leveraging its parent involvement component, Expresiones provides educational opportunities and resource connections to parents to help them navigate the U.S. education system, thus supporting their children’s academic and social success.


Affiliate Recognition

Affiliate Award for Advocacy The Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (¡HICA!), located in Birmingham, has carried out remarkable advocacy efforts to combat HB 56, Alabama’s draconian anti-immigrant law. ¡HICA! spearheads the Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice and served as the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit against HB 56. It mobilized faith and academic communities and other allies to call for repeal, coordinated pro bono legal assistance, and crafted a compelling national communications strategy to put pressure on elected officials to fix the nation’s broken immigration system. It also organized various events to push back against HB 56, incorporating innovative tools such as NCLR’s mobile platform to build and engage a list of supporters, and Executive Director Isabel Rubio joined civil rights leaders in the historic memorial march from Selma to Montgomery in March 2012. ¡HICA!’s outstanding advocacy work serves as a powerful model for how Latino organizations can advocate for the Hispanic community in their states.


Helen RodríguezTrías Health Award Founded in 1991, the Latino Community Development Agency (LCDA) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is a family-centered and communitydriven agency that enhances the quality of life in the Latino community through education, leadership, services, and advocacy. Its exemplary health, mental health, prevention, and treatment programs range from HIV/ AIDS education and treatment, a breast and cervical cancer screening program, a tobacco education and awareness program, and immunizations for all ages. LCDA implements two of NCLR’s most successful health programs: Mantenga Su Mente Activa , through which promotores de salud reach members of the community with information about Alzheimer’s disease, and Comprando Rico y Sano, a healthy shopping program. From community development and youth mentoring programs to child development and advocacy, LCDA seeks to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of all members of the community and is a true agent of change.

2012 nclr annual conference

Affiliate Recognition

NCLR AmeriCorps Member Awards Raul Yzaguirre Outstanding AmeriCorps Member of the Year Casey Nunes Association House of Chicago Chicago, Illinois

LEER Literacy Award Jennifer Reynoso The Unity Council Oakland, California

Outstanding Service Project of the Year Gratts Learning Academy for Young Scholars (GLAYS) Garden Project Youth Policy Institute Los Angeles, California

Program Director of the Year Alexander Gil Youth Policy Institute Los Angeles, California

Con Ganas Award Gabriela Trevino Information Referral Resource Assistance, Inc. Weslaco, Texas

lead the way


Affiliate Recognition

affiliate of the year award NCLR’s work would not be possible without strong partnerships with its national network of nearly 300 affiliated communitybased organizations, all committed to advancing the Hispanic community and building brighter futures. The Affiliate of the Year Award is the highest honor bestowed upon an Affiliate for exemplary nonprofit management, service to its community, and active engagement in and promotion of NCLR’s programmatic and advocacy initiatives. This year NCLR is proud to present the 2012 Affiliate of the Year Award to the Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans (AAMA). In 1969, a small group of students, businessmen, and teachers came together to discuss what they could do to address the problems that plagued Houston’s East End. They had a vision of reducing drug abuse, keeping teens in school, providing wholesome recreational opportunities, and preparing students to become leaders. The result was the formation in 1970 of the Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans, an organization committed to making a difference in the lives of at-risk Latino youth and families. Initially, AAMA provided youth services and recreation opportunities


out of a house on Sampson Street in Houston, Texas. Today, it is one of the most influential nonprofits in the state, offering a comprehensive array of innovative programs and services to more than 22,000 individuals each year. To address the growing Latino dropout rate in Houston’s East End, AAMA responded strategically with the founding of the George I. Sanchez (GIS) School in 1973, receiving charter school status from the Texas Board of Education in 1996—one of the first charter schools in Texas serving students in prekindergarten and grades seven through twelve. GIS employs a unique model that incorporates small class sizes, an innovative curriculum, and support services such as on-site childcare for teen parents, counseling, home visits, and referrals for health and social services. In addition, students have the opportunity to earn college credit at no cost while simultaneously earning their high school degree. Each year, this approach bolsters nearly 640 students at the greatest risk of dropping out and transforms them into college-bound graduates. In 1987 AAMA established a unique education program for Latino adults, Adelante, which offers a

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Affiliate of the year award

comprehensive curriculum to provide adults with the skills and education necessary to enter and advance in the workplace. Each semester, Adelante offers math, reading, and writing instruction; English as a second language classes; General Education Diploma (GED) coursework in English and Spanish; and civics classes for preparing to apply for U.S. citizenship. Moreover, with sites in Houston, San Antonio, and South Texas, AAMA is now one of the largest providers of counseling, prevention, and treatment programs in Texas for youth and adults. One example is Barrios Unidos, which offers intervention services to Latino youth in the barrios of Houston and San Antonio who are at risk for gang involvement, drug use, family difficulties, and dropping out of school. Youth participate in highly structured activities through which they are introduced to positive associations that increase self-esteem. All of AAMA’s health and human services help youth take steps to overcome the direst of circumstances: a supportive housing program, life-skills instruction, communicable disease prevention, family counseling, residential substance abuse treatment with an outpatient counseling component, and more.

An NCLR Affiliate since 1987, AAMA has been an active participant in NCLR’s advocacy initiatives, and it has leveraged its expertise in education policy to expand and refine NCLR’s advocacy efforts at the local and national level. Similarly, its ongoing participation in NCLR programmatic initiatives, such as the Líderes Initiative, has helped expand NCLR’s reach into the Texas Latino community; its support, leadership, and guidance has been instrumental to the success of the deployment of the NCLR Regional Strategy in Texas. For more than 40 years, the Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans has demonstrated exemplary progress in meeting the needs of Latinos in Texas and providing them with the tools and resources to achieve measurable and meaningful change. At its heart is the belief that dreams are achievable, and that programs centered on families have the greatest chance of success in building brighter futures. NCLR is proud to partner with AAMA—an organization that embodies NCLR’s commitment to the Latino community.


Affiliate Recognition

Graciela Olivarez La Raza Award In honor of the woman who rightly earned the title “Amazing Grace,” NCLR annually presents the Graciela Olivarez La Raza Award to an individual or organization that has made significant contributions to promoting the interests of Hispanic Americans. It takes courage to stand up for what is right, and courageous leaders to inspire a community to fight injustice. Reverend James Manship and Angel Fernandez-Chavero are just such leaders. St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in New Haven, Connecticut, is a congregation with a significant Latino population in a city that had been 98% White less than a generation ago and uncomfortable with the changing demographics. Rev. Manship and Angel Fernandez-Chavero, a leader on the pastoral council, were well aware of the treatment that members of the community were receiving from police in the neighboring town of East Haven—arbitrary police stops, beatings, stun-gun shots, racial slurs, and illegal searches. In February 2009 Rev. Manship, while videotaping abusive police activities at a bodega, was arrested. The task fell to Fernandez-Chavero to fight for justice. During a Sunday Mass, he asked the congregation to provide official statements if they had been victims of harassment or police violence. More than 100 congregants responded, despite fears concerning their personal safety or possible deportation. “Those are the real heroes, people who risked physical injury, loss of liberty, and harm to their


Reverend James Manship and Angel Fernandez-Chavero

families to tell their stories, who stood up and said, ‘This has to stop,’” said Fernandez-Chavero. The Worker and Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic at Yale Law School filed a civil rights complaint, and the charges against Rev. Manship were soon dropped. According to the New York Times, the Yale analysis showed that from June 1, 2008, to February 28, 2009, of 376 tickets issued on two main streets in East Haven, 210 were given to drivers with Hispanic names. It also found that the police frequently mischaracterized the race and ethnicity of the drivers ticketed, identifying many people of Hispanic background as simply White or Black. The investigation resulted in the arrest of four East Haven police officers on federal charges of conspiracy, false arrest, excessive force, and obstruction of justice. But the Reverend knew that there was more to be done. When undocumented students in his parish told him of their desire to go to college, he took action, and the St. Rose of Lima Education Task Force was formed. Rev. Manship and Fernandez-Chavero went door

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Graciela Olivarez La Raza Award to door to the offices of presidents of private colleges throughout New England, explaining that undocumented students had the right to go to college and asking for special funds so that the students could attend their schools. Sacred Heart University and Fairfield University were two schools that stepped up. They convened admissions counselors from colleges throughout New England and trained them on the needs, fears, and challenges of undocumented students, and together they created a path for success. With the support of the parish, the task force became a source of crucial support for DREAMers on the journey to college. It raised funds to support tuition, books, and other expenses, kept tabs on student performance throughout high school and college, walked students through the college application process, and guided them to opportunities that they never thought possible. “Even a community cannot succeed by itself. We need people from all of our communities. Change can’t happen without some semblance of the greater community to which we all belong,” said Fernandez-Chavero. Rev. Manship was also instrumental in the passage of the Connecticut “DREAM Act,” testifying at the State Capitol and rallying the Fair Haven community to embrace the idea that their children were going to college regardless of where they were born, how much money they had, or their immigration status. The Latino community has these two people to thank for leading the way. “It’s not just about accepting the world as it is,” said Reverand Manship, “but in this case it’s allowing us as a faith community to move closer to the world as it should be.”

lead the way

Graciela Olivarez quit school at age 15 to work; years later, despite not having a high school diploma, she received a college scholarship and became the first woman graduate of the Notre Dame Law School, receiving a J.D. degree in 1970. Her focus throughout her career was sharply fixed on promoting the interests of Hispanics, especially women. She wrote and produced women’s and children’s radio programming in Spanish; established programs for disadvantaged children; surveyed living conditions of Mexican Americans in the Southwest; and worked on improving federal food programs. She was a charter member of the National Organization for Women (NOW). NOW’s original charter declared that women, “like all other people in our society, must have the chance to develop their fullest human potential.” In 1972 she was appointed vice chair of the President’s Commission on Population and the American Future and advocated the immediate development and distribution of safer, more effective forms of contraception. Also in 1972, she led the campaign to require equal representation of men and women on the National Council of La Raza’s Board of Directors. In the late 1970s, she was the highest-ranking Hispanic woman in President Carter’s administration.

Affiliate Recognition

Maclovio Barraza Award for Leadership The Maclovio Barraza Award for Leadership recognizes those who have worked for the betterment of the Hispanic community at the grassroots level and whose leadership has served as a source of strength and support to the Hispanic community. Change is attributed most readily to the public faces of our political leaders, but it is just as often that the efforts of those behind the scenes are woven deep into the American fabric. The Honorable Reynaldo L. Martinez, former Chief of Staff to Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, is a leader in his home state, having worked in politics at the grassroots and federal levels for the entirety of his distinguished career. “Reynaldo Martinez has been giving back to the community ever since I first knew him during high school,” said Senator Reid, who won his first political race for student body president with Martinez running his campaign. From those auspicious beginnings, Martinez has served his country and his community and stood by the senator’s side for many years as his campaign manager, chief of staff, and trusted advisor. Throughout his career with Senator Reid, Martinez was a staunch supporter of the Latino community. Recognizing that a strong leader is one who inspires others to become leaders too, he was instrumental in ensuring that Latinos were hired in key positions on the senator’s staff and that Latino students were represented during each internship session, an important avenue for young aspiring


Reynaldo L. martinez

Latino leaders to gain experience and exposure in the government and political process. He also personally mentored several of the interns to ensure that they completed school and engaged with local community organizations. Martinez created education and leadership opportunities for Hispanic youth beyond the senator’s office. He was a political and legislative consultant for the National Education Association for 13 years, and he also collaborated with the Las Vegas Latin Chamber of Commerce to establish the Latino Youth Leadership Conference in 1993, which aims to increase the number of Hispanic students attending college and build their leadership skills. The demand has been so high that what started as a three-day annual conference grew to six days. In addition, he partnered with the Latin Chamber of Commerce to establish a scholarship fund and helped university and college officials in Nevada lay the foundation for the College of Southern Nevada to be recognized as an Hispanic-Serving Institution. Martinez has also been deeply involved with motivating Latinos to engage in

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Maclovio Barraza Award for Leadership the political process through citizenship, voter registration, campaign engagement, and candidate recruitment. His work with Hispanics in Politics, a group dedicated to increasing the number of elected officials from Hispanic backgrounds, led him to establish the Hispanic Political Academy, which gives Latino community leaders the skills they need to work on campaigns and run for office. Several graduates have gone on to run successful campaigns and win political office. Martinez also saw a need to build a bridge connecting Latinos from many sectors and regions in Nevada, and implemented a plan to hold several statewide Hispanic Leadership Summits. These events were the largest gatherings of Latinos from across the state to discuss vital issues impacting Latinos in Nevada, giving participants the opportunity to network and discuss real solutions. For these efforts and more, Martinez was recognized by the Clark County School District, which named an elementary school in his honor. In addition, several Latino community leaders established the Nevada-based nonprofit organization, Reynaldo L. Martinez Institute for Leadership and Research. Although not every Nevadan may know his name, the Latino community of Nevada is stronger because of him.

lead the way! way

Maclovio Barraza, a lifelong labor activist, helped organize the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union and was part of its executive board until 1967 when it merged with the United Steelworkers Union. His belief in the possibility for social, political, and educational empowerment of Mexican Americans in the Southwest led him to becoming the founding Chairperson of the Southwest Council of La Raza (SWCLR), NCLR’s predecessor. With Barraza’s guidance, SWCLR worked to strengthen local organizations, promoting voter registration, leadership development, and other advocacy work. At the time of his death, he was leading major negotiations to improve the conditions of Hispanics working in the copper industry in Arizona.

Affiliate Recognition

Ruben Salazar Award for Communications NCLR’s Ruben Salazar Award for Communications is given to an individual who has dedicated his or her professional life to portraying issues, concerns, and/or news relevant to contemporary Hispanic America and promoting the positive contributions that Latinos have made to U.S. society. As the Publisher and CEO of El Diario-La Prensa—the largest Spanish-language newspaper in New York and the oldest Spanish-language newspaper in the country—Rossana Rosado takes her role as a leader in the community seriously. “As publisher you become this default leader and you can either embrace that or you can walk away from that, and I’ve never been able to walk away from that,” says Rosado. She was the first in her extended family to attend college, earning a journalism degree, and her can-do approach to pushing boundaries and forging new frontiers is reflected in her career. She began at El Diario-La Prensa in the early 1980s—a young female journalist in a male-dominated industry. When she was named Editor-in-Chief of the paper in 1995, she was the first woman to hold that position since La Prensa’s founding in 1913. Only a few years later, she was named publisher; she now oversees dayto-day operations and is responsible for more than $22 million in annual revenue. Her business acumen is just one aspect of the leadership role that she has embraced. In her career as a journalist,


Rossana rosado

she has taken a stand on promoting “civic journalism.” When she started at El Diario-La Prensa , many of her colleagues were covering international news from their countries of origin. As a Puerto Rican from The Bronx, Rosado recognized the importance of being connected to her readers, which meant writing about the local community in a way that empowered readers with information that affected their daily lives. “While we understood that the readers had one foot back home, we needed to bring the other foot firmly into New York,” she says. She covered The Bronx and City Hall, and her stories focused on housing, local politics, and other issues that were getting little to no attention otherwise. Drug trafficking was one such issue, with consequences that hit too close to home. Manuel de Dios Unanue, former Editor-in-Chief of the paper, was murdered in 1992 by a member of a drug cartel that he had written extensively about in print. Rosado understands that it takes courage to tell the truth. “[Manuel] practiced journalism with the zest some people have for skydiving, only he did it

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Ruben Salazar Award for Communications without a parachute,” she said. “He did not do this for the glory; he did this because he felt it was right.” Beyond the newspaper, Rosado has also taken a leadership role in the larger New York City community. As Public Service Director of WPIX, Rosado received an Emmy for her production of a series of public service announcements featuring organizations that help children. More recently, she participated in two video ads for the Human Rights Campaign for its Americans for Marriage Equality campaign. She has served on task forces and transition teams for mayoral and gubernatorial administrations, and serves on the board of the United Way of New York City, the Community Service Society of New York, The New York Women’s Foundation®, the Women’s Media Center, and on the advisory board of the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. Rosado was named one of Crain’s Most Powerful Women in New York in 2007, and her many awards include a STAR Award from the New York Women’s Agenda and a Peabody Award for Journalism. She is truly a leader in the largest media market in the country and has used that visibility to bring to light issues that affect the lives of her readers and all of New York. Through Rosado’s leadership, El Diario-La Prensa has become a tool for the Latino community in New York to be engaged citizens, empowering members of the community to become leaders themselves. “We’re a small paper in a big newspaper town. But we’re a huge paper within the small town that is the Hispanic community.”

lead the way

Ruben Salazar received a B.A. in journalism from the University of Texas at El Paso and worked as a reporter for several newspapers, eventually landing at the Los Angeles Times . He wrote on the brutality against Mexican Americans in Texas prisons and gave voice to the concerns of Chicanos in East Los Angeles. In his weekly column, Salazar explained Chicano life and culture to the greater community. He spoke out fearlessly, condemning racism and segregation, and reported on abuses by the police and the higher-than-average Mexican American casualty rate in Vietnam. Salazar’s voice for social change led to his being investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department and the FBI. In 1970, while covering the National Chicano Moratorium March protesting the Vietnam War, a swat team raided the March; panic and riot ensued and a policeman’s tear gas projectile hit Salazar in the head, killing him instantly. Salazar’s death became a symbol of the need for reforms and improvements to the American justice system to ensure equality for all people.

Affiliate Recognition

Roberto Clemente Award for Sports Excellence The Roberto Clemente Award for Sports Excellence is presented to an individual renowned in the world of sports and committed to the advancement of Hispanic Americans. The legendary Muhammad Ali once said, “Champions are made from something they have deep inside them—a desire, a dream, a vision.” The story of boxer Jesse James Leija is one in which the power of “I can” overshadows a chorus of “You can’t,” showing that heart matters most in boxing and in life. Although his uncle and grandfather were boxers and his father was a former Texas Golden Gloves champion, Leija’s parents refused to let him box until after he graduated from high school. Instead, he tried to join the high school football team, only to have the coach tell him that he was too small and not powerful enough to be a football player. Despite being discouraged from pursuing a boxing career, Leija took up the sport at age 19. Yet he heard the refrain again and again: he was neither big enough nor strong enough to box. Even after he broke his nose in an early bout and his mother tried to convince him to do something else with his life, he was determined to become a world champion prizefighter and refused to back down.


Jesse james leija

He carried on, and as an amateur he won a San Antonio Golden Gloves title and competed in the 1988 Olympic Trials, only just barely missing the opportunity to compete in the Olympic Games. That same year Leija turned pro, winning his first professional fight by knocking out Oscar Davis in the first round. Sixteen years of professional fighting followed, and though he wasn’t considered an A-list fighter, he didn’t shy away from fighting world champions at the height of their careers. His dream pushed him further forward. Leija’s two world titles for WBC super featherweight along with nine world title fights and wins over 15 world contenders and three Olympians have led to his extraordinary record of 47 wins, including 19 knockouts, only seven losses, and just two draws— knocking down barriers and achieving his dream of becoming a world-class boxer despite the challenges he faced.

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Roberto Clemente Award for Sports Excellence

Even after retirement, Leija is still a champion to his hometown San Antonio community. When friend Michael Miller approached Leija with the idea for the Miracle League of San Antonio—a charitable organization that provides children with mental and/or physical challenges an opportunity to play baseball as a team member in an organized league—Leija immediately signed on to the project. Together they raised the money for a fully-lit four-acre complex, including a Miracle League field with special surfaces to allow players of all needs to participate, as well as three acres of smooth asphalt for wheelchairbound players of football, rugby, basketball, and any other sport they choose. Wounded veterans in treatment at local military medical facilities also enjoy the complex. These kids, and kids like them, may have been told that they would never have the chance to play a sport at all, let alone on a team in an organized league. But where many saw “You can’t,” Leija looked deeper and said, “Yes you can.” As he told Chicano Channel Magazine about the Miracle League of San Antonio athletes, “When you see them out there, you notice that—to them—there is no impossible task.”

lead the way! way

Roberto Clemente Walker was born in Carolina, Puerto Rico in 1934. His skills and passion for baseball led him, in 1955, to the Pittsburgh Pirates, where he played his entire 18-year Major League Baseball career. Clemente was considered by many to be the greatest outfielder in baseball. During his career he was the National League Batting Champion four times, won 12 Golden Gloves, and was voted the Most Valuable Player in the National League (1966) and the World Series (1971). He was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1973. In 1972, an earthquake struck Nicaragua, and Clemente was determined to assist the victims in any way that he could. On New Year’s Eve he boarded a plane that was taking medical supplies, food, and clothing to the country, but the shipment never made it; the plane crashed at sea off the coast of Puerto Rico.

Affiliate Recognition

Raul Yzaguirre President’s Award Every year, NCLR’s President presents the Raul Yzaguirre President’s Award to an individual or organization that has shown outstanding support for NCLR’s mission, goals, and philosophy. As the Senior Vice President of Communications and Brand Management at UPS, Christine M. Owens understands the importance of developing identity for an organization to achieve its goals. Although her purview at UPS extends to 214 countries and more than 400,000 employees worldwide, Owens has dedicated considerable time to strengthening NCLR’s brand—the image that influences external perceptions of the organization. Her guidance has been instrumental in influencing how NCLR tells its story and in improving the way we communicate Latino issues to others who are not familiar with our community. For more than a decade, UPS has been a steadfast, engaged, and accessible Corporate Board of Advisors partner advancing NCLR’s priorities. Owens has served as the Principal member since 2007 and has consistently shown a deep interest in learning about our Affiliates, identifying ways to support them, and engaging with them at the local level. UPS representatives have participated in a range of Affiliate events, and it stepped up as an initial sponsor of the first Affiliate Leadership Breakfast, now in its fifth year. Most recently, NCLR and UPS have developed a “Local Connections Pilot” to increase employee engagement with NCLR Affiliates as volunteers,


Christine M. Owens

board members, and supporters. UPS has further demonstrated its support and commitment to NCLR’s Affiliate Network through extremely generous investments in NCLR’s regional strategy. The UPS Foundation was one of the first major contributors to NCLR’s efforts to build capacity among its Affiliates—giving more than $3 million to the Campaign for Stronger American Communities. Its most recent investment of $750,000 allowed NCLR to surpass its fundraising goal of $15 million. These funds allow us to have a presence outside of Washington, DC, facilitate our work with Affiliate partners, and create vibrant, engaged communities. We believe that NCLR is synonymous with professionalism and passion, and our focused message—stronger communities, a stronger America— combined with a refreshed logo was developed with Owens’ support. She shared her expertise on how something seemingly small—a logo—can have a huge impact on an organization’s overall image and visibility. Owens herself rolled up her sleeves, underscoring this point: NCLR’s critical and relevant program and policy work might not get the visibility it merited if its communications and

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Raul Yzaguirre President’s Award brand were out of sync. She encouraged NCLR to translate its passion and drive for empowered Latinos, civil rights, and equality into a consistent set of messages that would make its work with the media and with Congress more effective. Over the past decade, NCLR’s increased visibility is due in no small part to Owens’ help to build a consistent NCLR brand. Owens’ work at UPS is equally stellar. As the first person to hold the position of Senior Vice President of Communications and Brand Management, Owens has extended the UPS brand’s global presence through high-visibility sports sponsorships, including the Olympic Games, social media channels, and sustainability programs. She frequently speaks on the importance of employee engagement and the power of the brand in the marketplace. She was a founding supporter of UPS’s “Women’s Leadership Development,” which supports women managers to develop professionally and personally. This has personal relevance to Owens, as she started her career at UPS in 1979 as a parttime temporary helper during the holiday peak season, rising to full-time UPS driver and then through the operational ranks. She served on the Illinois Governor’s Commission on the Status of Women, worked with Chicago Mayor Daley as an early adopter and implementer of the Welfare-to-Work Program, and is a board member of the national Women Presidents’ Organization. Owens has made a lasting contribution to NCLR. Her work has taught us that all of our messages should project our values of fairness, equality, and opportunity and convey our vision for an America where our Affiliates thrive and our community’s voice is heard.

lead the way! way

Raul Yzaguirre was born in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. A lifelong community activist, he attended his first political meeting when he was just eight years old. At age 13 he ran away from home with a dream of being his own boss and making his own living. He found work on a merchant ship sailing out of Corpus Christi, Texas and traveled from port to port. Although he enjoyed his freedom, he soon tired of a life without purpose. He returned home, reenrolled in school, and found a job as a driver for Dr. Hector Garcia, founder of the American GI Forum, an Hispanic veterans organization. Dr. Garcia—a physician, community organizer, and civil rights activist—inspired and helped Raul formulate his ideas on how to achieve his goals. Raul officially began his civil rights career at the age of 15 when he organized the American GI Forum Juniors, an auxiliary of the American GI Forum. Raul Yzaguirre is now one of the most widely recognized leaders in the Hispanic community. His involvement in many of the most critical legislative and public policy issues has made him a key national player on behalf of Hispanic Americans. From 1974 to 2004 he served as President and CEO of NCLR, and under his guidance, NCLR emerged as the most influential and respected Hispanic organization in the country. After leaving NCLR, he was appointed Presidential Professor of Practice at Arizona State University (ASU) and founded the Center for Community Development and Civil Rights at ASU, which is focused on community development, education for practitioners, and academic scholarship. Today, he serves as the U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, having been appointed by President Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

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A Gala Tribute to America’s leaders


NCLR Board of Directors Executive committee Chair

vice Chair



Jorge Plasencia Chairman and CEO República Miami, FL

Renata Soto Executive Director Conexión Américas Nashville, TN

Beatriz OlveraStotzer Chief Executive Officer NEWCapital, LLC Los Angeles, CA

immediate past chair

president and CEo

Dr. Juan J. Sánchez El Presidente/CEO and Founder Southwest Key Programs, Inc. Austin, TX

Daniel R. Ortega, Jr. Attorney at Law Ortega Law Firm Phoenix, AZ

Janet Murguía National Council of La Raza Washington, DC

Fred R. Fernandez President Fred R. Fernandez and Irma R. Rodriguez Foundation, Inc. Johns Creek, GA

James Padilla Retired from Ford Motor Company Sarasota, FL

Nilda Ruiz President and CEO Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM) Philadelphia, PA

Cid Wilson Managing Director U.S. Equity Research Princeton Securities Group Leonia, NJ

lead the way


NCLR Board of Directors

general membership

Julie Castro Abrams Chief Executive Officer Women’s Initiative for Self Employment San Francisco, CA

Cesar Alvarez Executive Chairman Greenberg Traurig, LLP Miami, FL

Victor Leandry Executive Director El Centro de Servicios Sociales, Inc. Lorain, OH

Lupe Martinez President and CEO UMOS Milwaukee, WI

Catherine Pino Co-Founder and Principal D&P Creative Strategies, LLC Falls Church, VA

Ernest Ortega President Rural Housing, Inc. Albuquerque, NM

Dr. Clara Rodriguez Professor Department of Sociology Fordham University New York, NY

Tony Salazar President of West Coast Operations McCormack Baron Salazar Los Angeles, CA

new members

J. Walter Tejada County Board Member Arlington County Board Arlington, VA


Giselle Fernandez President Skinny Hippo Productions Los Angeles, CA

Gray B. Stone Chief Executive Officer Strategic Thinking One on One Houston, TX

Lorena GonzĂĄlez Attorney Schroeter Goldmark & Bender Seattle, WA

Dr. Christine Swanson Cannon The Arsht-Cannon Fund Newark, DE

Maria S. Salinas President and Founder Salinas Consulting LLC Los Angeles, CA

2012 nclr annual conference

NCLR Corporate Board of Advisors principals Chair

Walmart Tom Mars Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, Walmart U.S.

AT&T Carol Wilner Vice President, Public Affairs

Bank of America Angie Garcia Lathrop Community Affairs Executive

Chevron Carole Young General Manager, Global Offices of Diversity and Ombuds

Citi Salvador Villar Chairman & CEO, Citibank (Banamex USA)

The Coca-Cola Company Rudy Beserra Vice President, Corporate Latin Affairs

Comcast Corporation David L. Cohen Executive Vice President

ConAgra Foods, Inc. Christopher P. Kircher Vice President, Corporate Affairs; President, ConAgra Foods Foundation

Ford Motor Company James G. Vella President, Ford Motor Company Fund and Community Services

General Mills, Inc. Peter J. Capell Senior Vice President, Wholesome Snacks

General Motors Eric E. Peterson U.S. Vice President, Diversity; Director, Industry Dealer Affairs

Johnson & Johnson Michael E. Sneed Vice President, Global Corporate Affairs

lead the way


NCLR Corporate Board of Advisors



Kraft Foods Anne L. Alonzo Vice President, Global Public Policy

McDonald’s Corporation J.C. González-Mendez President, McDonald’s Latin America

Prudential Sharon C. Taylor Senior Vice President, Human Resources

Shell Francene Young Vice President of Talent & Development for Upstream Americas and Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion for Shell U.S.

State Farm Insurance Companies Joe Formusa Senior Vice President

Time Warner Inc. Steve Vest Senior Vice President, Global Public Policy

Toyota Motor North America, Inc. Patricia Salas Pineda Group Vice President, National Philanthropy and the Toyota USA Foundation

UPS Christine Owens Senior Vice President, Communications and Brand Management

Verizon Howard Woolley Senior Vice President, Wireless Public Policy and Government Relations

Wells Fargo Oscar Suris Executive Vice President, Head of Corporate Communications

MillerCoors LLC Nehl Horton Chief Public Affairs and Communications Officer

PepsiCo, Inc. Albert (Al) P. Carey CEO, PepsiCo Americas Beverages

2012 nclr annual conference

NCLR Corporate Board of Advisors

liaisons Walmart

Mark Espinoza Senior Director, Corporate Affairs Roger Guzman Senior Manager, Hispanic Markets


Norelie Garcia Associate Vice President, Federal Public Affairs


Sandy Fernandez Vice President, National Initiatives

The Coca-Cola Company

Frank Ros Assistant Vice President, Corporate Latin Affairs

Comcast Corporation

Jacquelyn (Jackie) Puente Senior Director, External Affairs

ConAgra Foods, Inc.

Maria Valentin Community Relations Manager

McDonald’s Corporation

Gus Viaño Director of Inclusion and Diversity Initiatives

MillerCoors LLC

Jose R. Ruano Multicultural Relations Manager

PepsiCo, Inc.

Lupe De La Cruz III Senior Director of Government Affairs


Liaison Vacant

Luis Pinto Corporate Affairs Advisor

State Farm Insurance Companies

Liaison Vacant


Kraft Foods Liaison Vacant

Art Ruiz Director of Consulting Services for Multi-Cultural Business Development

Toyota Motor North America, Inc.

Jonathan Beane Executive Director, Workforce Diversity and Inclusion

Luis Rosero National Manager, Corporate Communications

Alma Guajardo-Crossley Director, Diversity Initiatives

Andrea White Chief Privacy Officer

Johnson & Johnson


Freddy Jimenez Assistant General Counsel

Georgette (Gigi) Dixon Director, National Partnerships


General Mills, Inc.

General Motors

Wells Fargo

Bank of America

Time Warner Inc.

Rudy Rodriguez Director, Multicultural Marketing

Emilio Gonzalez Vice President, Public Policy and Strategic Alliances

René O. Deida Senior Director, Integrated Strategy, Prudential Foundation

Ford Motor Company

Joedis (Joe) Avila Community Outreach Manager, Ford Motor Company Fund


Eduardo Martinez President, The UPS Foundation

Kimberly Davis Director, Federal Affairs

lead the way


nCLR corporate champions The National Council of La Raza’s Corporate Champions are a select group of industry leaders dedicated to building stronger American communities. Corporate Champions strengthen NCLR by providing critical general operating support, giving the organization the flexibility to respond to the most pressing and timely needs of Latino families. NCLR offers its sincere gratitude and thanks to these important partners.


Bank of America Comcast Corporation ConAgra Foods, Inc. State Farm Insurance Companies UPS Walmart Wells Fargo



Citi Enterprise Rent-A-Car General Mills, Inc. General Motors Hilton Hotels Corporation Humana Inc. Johnson & Johnson Kellogg Company Lowe’s Companies, Inc. Panasonic Corporation of North America Shell Target Corporation Time Warner Cable


Arbitron Inc. Best Buy Co., Inc. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CenturyLink, Inc. Chevron Diageo NA FedEx Corporation Google Kraft Foods Marriott International, Inc. MGM Resorts International MillerCoors LLC Progress Energy Sodexo, Inc. Southwest Airlines Co. Verizon The Walt Disney Company

2012 nclr annual conference

NCLR staff Executive Staff CEO Cabinet Janet Murguía, President and Chief Executive Officer Charles Kamasaki, Executive Vice President Sonia M. Pérez, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives (New York) Delia Pompa, Senior Vice President, Programs Holly C. Blanchard, Chief Financial Officer Ron Estrada, Vice President, Integrated Marketing and Events (IME) Eric Rodriguez, Vice President, Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation (ORAL)

Leadership Team Delia de la Vara, Vice President, California Region (Los Angeles) Lautaro (Lot) Diaz, Vice President, Housing and Community Development (HCD) Ruben Gonzales, Deputy Vice President, Resource Development (RD)

NCLR Headquarters Office of the President Octavio Espinal, Associate Director Celia Gamboa, Executive Administrative Assistant and Scheduler Lisa Navarrete, Advisor to the President

Affiliate Member Services (AMS) Viviana López Green, Manager Candelaria Moralez, Affiliate Relations Coordinator Rogelio Quintanar, Director, AmeriCorps Programs (Georgia) Daniel Rico, Grants and Special Programs Coordinator

Office of Communications David Castillo, New Media Manager Camila Gallardo, Senior Communications Manager (Miami) Kathy Mimberg, Senior Media Relations Specialist Joseph Rendeiro, Media Relations Specialist Julian Teixeira, Communications Director

lead the way


NCLR staff

Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation (ORAL) Jesus Altamirano, Regional Field Coordinator, Civic Engagement Project (Colorado) Graciela (Grace) Aponte, Senior Legislative Analyst, Wealth-Building Policy Project (ORAL/HCD) (San Francisco) Liany Elba Arroyo, Associate Director, Education and Children’s Policy Project Erika Beltrán, Senior Policy Analyst, Education and Children’s Policy Project Sara Benitez, Research Analyst, Research Department Janis Bowdler, Director, Wealth-Building Policy Project Natalie Carlier, Regional Field Coordinator, Civic Engagement Project (Miami) Edward Carlson, Policy Analyst, Civil Rights Policy Project Rafael Collazo, Campaign Political Director, Civic Engagement Project (Pennsauken) Alicia Criado, Policy Associate, Economic and Employment Policy Project Jennifer Edwards, Associate Coordinator, Digital Organizing Darcy Eischens, Director, Administration Patricia Foxen, Deputy Director, Research Department Jose Garcia, Wealth-Building Policy Fellow (Connecticut) Raul Gonzalez, Director, Legislative Affairs Maria Guerreros, Campaign Operations Coordinator, Civic Engagement Project (Miami) Janet Hernandez, Capacity-Building Coordinator, Capacity-Building Department Karen Hopper, Lutheran Volunteer Corps Fellow Ellie Klerlein, Associate Director, Digital Organizing Clarissa Martínez-De-Castro, Director, Civic Engagement and Immigration Loren McArthur, Associate Director, Capacity-Building Department Matthew McClellan, Associate Director, Issue Campaigns, Civic Engagement Project Leticia Miranda, Senior Policy Advisor, Economic Security Policy Fabio Moyano, Campaign IT Manager, Civic Engagement Project (Miami) Jennifer Ng’andu, Deputy Director, Health Policy Project Jared Nordlund, Field Campaign Deputy Director, Civic Engagement Project (Orlando) Robert Orellana, Campaign Operations Associate, Civic Engagement Project (Miami) Nancy Wilberg Ricks, Policy Analyst, Wealth-Building Policy Project Berenice Rodriguez, Administrative Coordinator Fernando Romero, Regional Field Coordinator, Civic Engagement Project (Las Vegas) Kara Ryan, Senior Research Analyst, Health Policy Project Patti Sharp, Campaign Operations Director, Civic Engagement Project (Orlando) Catherine Singley, Senior Policy Analyst, Economic and Employment Policy Project Drew Smith, Administrative Assistant Marisabel Torres, Policy Analyst, Wealth-Building Policy Project Laura Vazquez, Legislative Analyst, Immigration Policy Project Yanidsi Velez, Regional Field Coordinator, Civic Engagement Project (Orlando)


2012 nclr annual conference

NCLR staff

NCLR Programs Institute for Hispanic Health (IHH) Paul Aguilar, Project Coordinator Melawhy Garcia-Vega, Assistant Director, NCLR-CSULB Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation, and Leadership Training (Long Beach) Alejandra Gepp, Associate Director Guadalupe Lemus, Executive Assistant Manuela McDonough, Program Manager Housing and Community Development (HCD) Lindsay Daniels, Associate Director, Housing and Wealth-Building Initiatives (HCD/ORAL) Andre Sardenberg, Asset Development Specialist Education Irene Cuyún, Senior Director of Special Projects Dolores Gomez, Director of Education, Northeast and Southeast Regions Antonia Lopez, Director for Early Care and Education (Sacramento) Nayda I. Rivera-Hernández, Senior Research Analyst (Puerto Rico) Workforce Development (WFD) Alyssa Beauchamp, Workforce Development Associate Berenice Bonilla, Manager, Líderes Initiative Mario Enriquez, Líderes Associate

Integrated Marketing and Events Sheena Fallon, Editor and Bilingual Content Specialist Samantha Ferm, Marketing Manager Kelly Isaac, Production Assistant and Graphic Designer Jennifer Kadis, Director of Quality Control Kathleen LaTorre, Client Relations Administrator Karen Nava Lazarte, Director of Graphics and Publications Paulo Luizaga, Office Administrator Leroy Martinez, Senior Director of Events and Production Jessica Mayorga, Director of Marketing Keith McAllister, Web Content Specialist Maria Fischer Millet, Senior Event and Meeting Planner Christopher Pulido, Associate Director of Events and Meetings Georgina Salguero, Director of Sponsorships Sherry San Miguel, Graphic Designer and Production Coordinator Susannah Senerchia, Associate Editor Eila Sepúlveda, Account Executive

Resource Development Vanessa Belsito, Corporate Relations Senior Associate Mareth Flores, Major Gifts Officer (Seattle) Juanita Monsalve, Resource Development Associate lead the way


NCLR staff

Office of Finance and Administration Finance Marcela Brady, Accounts Payable Specialist Johanna Greene, Controller David Drake, Accounting Manager Ivelisse Hernandez, Accounts Receivable Specialist Geoff Martiny, Director of Financial Reporting and Analysis Francisco Rodriguez, Staff Accountant Pamela Rodriguez, Database Specialist Fania Tavarez, Accounts Payable Clerk Human Resources Julie Perez, Human Resources Manager Loretta Rodriguez, Human Resources Director Administration Wesley Yarborough, Concierge Information Technology William Berrios, Computer Support Specialist Jimmy Jaen, Computer/Network Specialist Edwin Mejia, Technical Manager


2012 nclr annual conference

NCLR staff

Regional Offices California Regional Office—Los Angeles Luis Barrera, Workforce Development Coordinator (WFD) Paula Gomez, Office Administrator (AMS) Daniel Montes, Organizer and Capacity-Building Strategist, Civic Engagement Project (ORAL) Feliza Ortiz-Licon, Director of Education, California and Far West Regions (Education) Veronica Rodriguez Quincy, California Regional Coordinator (AMS) Pedro Silva, Organizer and Field Strategist (ORAL)

Far West Regional Office—Phoenix Victor Burrola, Director, NCLR Homeownership Network (HCD) Evelyn Cabellos, Grants and Agreements Specialist (HCD) Daniel Guzman, Community Development Specialist (HCD) Edna McLaughlin, Community Development Specialist (HCD) Marcos Morales, Director of Real Estate Programs (HCD)

Midwest Regional Office—Chicago Surabhi Jain, Manager, Career Pathways Initiatives (WFD) Simon Lopez, Senior Director, Workforce and Leadership Development (WFD) Felicia Medellin, Escalera Program Manager (WFD) Maria Moser, Director of Education, Midwest Region (Education) Maria Pestalardo, Carreras en Salud Coordinator (WFD) Vanessa Uribe, Midwest Regional Coordinator (AMS)

Northeast Regional Office—New York Emma Oppenheim, Associate Director, Workforce Development Policy Initiatives (WFD/ORAL) Lucy Torres, Northeast Regional Coordinator (AMS) Tatiana Villanueva, Office Administrator (AMS)

Texas Regional Office—San Antonio Veronica Alarcon, Program Coordinator, AmeriCorps (AMS/AmeriCorps) Oralia Alcala, Administrative Coordinator (Education) Sandra Fuentes, Community Development Specialist (HCD) Jose Ibarra, Texas Field Organizer and Capacity-Building Strategist (ORAL) Maria del Socorro “Choco” Leandro, Director of Education, Texas and Southwest Regions (Education) Angela Martinez, Community Development Specialist (HCD) Elissa Nava, Office Administrator (AMS) Sonia Troche, Regional Director (AMS)

lead the way


NCLR staff

Raza Development Fund, Inc. (RDF) Tom Espinoza, President and CEO Catherine Andrade, Senior Portfolio Manager Laura Avelar, Portfolio Manager David Clower, Chief Credit Officer Brian Champeau, Director, East Coast Lending Alejandro Fuentes, Chief Financial Officer Benjamin Garcia, Communications Specialist Guadalupe Gomez, Senior Loan Officer Juan Madrid, Senior Accountant Star Reyes, Communications Manager Amanda Sanchez, Portfolio Analyst Blanca Sanchez, Controller Angela L. Stephenson, Loan Officer Silvia Urrutia, Loan Officer Mark Van Brunt, Chief Operating Officer Rodrigo Vela, Loan Officer


2012 nclr annual conference

Special Acknowledgments Honorary Host Committee Co-Chairs Hon. Catherine Cortez Masto, Attorney General, State of Nevada Hon. Brian Sandoval, Governor, State of Nevada Hon. Irene Bustamante Adams, State Representative, State of Nevada Andre Agassi, Founder, Andre Agassi Foundation for Education Bob Agonia, Vice President, The National Atomic Testing Museum Foundation Francisco Aguilar, Commissioner, Nevada Athletic Commission Hon. Ricki Barlow, Councilman, City of Las Vegas Kelly Benavidez, Board of Trustees Chair, Las Vegas-Clark County Library District Hon. Shelley Berkley, U.S. Representative, State of Nevada Hannah Brown, President Emerita, Urban Chamber of Commerce Joseph Brown, Partner, Jones Vargas Hon. Barbara Buckley, Executive Director, Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada Brian Burton, President and Chief Executive Officer, Three Square Hon. Richard Carrillo, State Representative, State of Nevada Hon. Bob Coffin, Councilman, City of Las Vegas Hon. Stavan Corbett, Board President, Nevada State Board of Education Tim Crowley, President, Nevada Mining Association Hon. Moises Denis, State Senator, State of Nevada Hon. Olivia Diaz, State Representative, State of Nevada Hon. Lucy Flores, State Representative, State of Nevada Hon. Mariano Lemus Gas, Cรณnsul, Mexican Consulate in Las Vegas Hon. Carolyn Goodman, Mayor, City of Las Vegas Hon. Dean Heller, Senator, State of Nevada Christine A. Johnston, President and CEO, Housing for Nevada lead the way


special acknowledgments

Honorary Host Committee (Continued) Dr. Dwight Jones, Superintendent, Clark County School District Hon. Ruben Kihuen, State Senator, State of Nevada Dr. Noah Kohn, Director, Clinics in Schools Rozita V. Lee, Chief Strategic Advisor, Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Nevada Vida Chan Lin, President, Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce JosÊ L. Melendrez, Assistant Vice President, UNLV Office of Diversity Initiatives Otto Merida, President, Latin Chamber of Commerce Hon. Bob Miller, Partner, Robert J. Miller Consulting; Former Governor of Nevada Ashok Mirchandani, Deputy Director, State of Nevada Department of Business and Industry Luz Marina Mosquera, Director, Hermandad Mexicana Minerva Navarrette, President and Scholarship Chair, Southern Nevada Hispanic Employee Program Assemblyman John Oceguera, State of Nevada Bart Patterson, President, Nevada State College Margarita Rebollal, Executive Director, Community Services of Nevada Hon. Harry Reid, U.S. Senator, State of Nevada Dr. Michael D. Richards, President, College of Southern Nevada Linda Rivera, Co-Founder, Southern Nevada Hispanic Employment Program Tony Sanchez, Board Member, Nevada Partners Lynnette Sawyer, Director, Hispanic Museum of Nevada – Museo Hispano de Nevada Steve Schorr, Adjunct Professor, Greenspun School of Communications, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Javier Trujillo, Chairman, Latin Chamber of Commerce Luis Valera, Vice President, Diversity Initiatives and Government Affairs, UNLV Tim Wong, President, Arcata Associates, Inc.


2012 nclr annual conference

special acknowledgments

community partners Access to Health Care Network American Heart Association Boys and Girls Clubs of Las Vegas Clark County READS Clark County School District College of Southern Nevada East Las Vegas Community and Senior Center Family TIES of Nevada Help of Southern Nevada Know Your Care Las Vegas Senior Center Latin Chamber of Commerce Latino Youth Leadership Conference Luz Community Development Coalition Nathan Adelson Hospice Nevada Child Seekers Nevada Parent Teacher Association (Nevada PTA) Nevada Youth Coalition OCA (Organization of Chinese Americans) Prensa Latina The Public Education Foundation Rancho High School Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services (SNAMHS) Southern Nevada Health District Southern Nevada Hispanic Employment Program (SNHEP) St. Rose Dominican Hospitals United Way of Southern Nevada University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Vegas PBS Workplace ESL Solutions

lead the way


special acknowledgments

additional special acknowledgements Individuals Will Alvey George Ambriz Alfonso Ayala Atzimba Luna Becerril Wajihul Hasan Bilgrami Lisa Bombin Autumn Briggs Casey Cowan Marleen De La Rosa Nancy de los Santos Reza Daisy Diaz Eddie Escobedo, Jr. Vanessa Farragut Dzidra Junior Judy Fleischman Valeria Fraga Susan Garcia Naomi Gomez Noel Gonzalez Richard T. Harper Vanessa Jacobson Christin Kalb Elizabeth LaChall Adrian Lamadrid Nicole M. Gigante Marqués Armando Martinez Christina Martinez Daniel Martinez Gabriela Narvaez Kari Nye Felipe Ortiz Tina Past Linda Paterson Naomi Paz Stephanie Peña Alejandro Perilla Lisa Petterson Stephanie Pollick Erika Quiñonez Pamela Rodriguez Sig Rogich Chris Roman Yesenia Romero Teresa Rusin Ray Santisteban


Mary Ann Sena-Edelen Carlos Silva Naomi Sosa Robert Starnino Oskar Toruno The Vargas Family Luis Vazquez Raul Velez Dione T. Williams Wes Yarbrough Aldo Aguirre

Partners/Vendors 305 Communications and Events Brand Advantage Cárdenas Markets Corporate Press, Inc. Cortés Design CPS || Gumpert, Inc. D&P Creative Strategies Edelman Eventos VIP Pass Exposoft Solutions Fun Design Global Printing Hargrove Inc. Hispana Comunicación Integral (HCI) La Bonita Supermarkets Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Nevada Color O&R Protective Services Plasticard-Locktech International, LLP (PLI) Priority Staffing USA PSAV Presentation Services The Ramirez Group República Senoda Inc. Society Awards Summit Marketing TripBuilder VideoArt Productions Zuno Photographic Studio

2012 nclr annual conference

NCLR Research and Publications

Civic Engagement Title: Evolution of the Latino Vote by Region and in Key States Track: Civic Engagement Author: Sara Benitez Date of Publication: May 2012

Title: Preparing Young Latino Children for School Success: Best Practices in Family Engagement Track: Education, Policy Author: Erika Beltrán Date of Publication: March 2012

Title: LEAP: A Model for Increasing Latino Civic Participation Track: Community Empowerment Author: Lindsay Daniels Date of Publication: May 2012

Title: Preparing Young Latino Children for School Success: Best Practices in Language Instruction Track: Education, Policy Author: Erika Beltrán Date of Publication: March 2012



Title: Acceso a estándares comunes para todos: Materiales comunitarios de acción política para apoyar el éxito académico Track: Education Author: David Castillo and Josef Lukan Date of Publication: June 2012

Title: Children of Immigrants and Their Interactions with the Health System: A Statistical Profile Track: Health, Policy Author: Matthew Mellon Date of Publication: May 2012

Title: Thinkfinity for NCLR: After-School Curriculum Guide Track: Education Author: Marcela Montes and Maria Moser Date of Publication: April 2012

Title: ¿A Dónde Vamos?: New Directions for Culturally Relevant Latino Community Involvement in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Services Research Track: Health, Policy Author: Dr. Britt Rios-Ellis et al. Date of Publication: December 2011

Title: Preparing Young Latino Children for School Success: Best Practices in Professional Development Track: Education, Policy Author: Karen Hopper Date of Publication: March 2012 Title: Preparing Young Latino Children for School Success: Best Practices in Assessments Track: Education, Policy Author: Erika Beltrán Date of Publication: March 2012

Title: The Role of Medicare in Hispanics’ Health Coverage Track: Health, Policy Author: Kara D. Ryan Date of Publication: December 2011 Title: Niños en forma, comunidad saludable Track: Health Author: Manuela McDonough and Denise Daniel Date of Publication: November 2011 Title: Selección sana, vida saludable Track: Health Author: Alejandra Gepp Date of Publication: December 2011


lead the way

2012 nclr annual conference


NCLR Research and Publications


Population Profiles

Title: The Wrong Approach: State AntiImmigration Legislation in 2011 Track: Policy Author: A. Elena Lacayo Date of Publication: January 2012

Title: Toward a More Vibrant and Youthful Nation: Latino Children in the 2010 Census Track: Policy Author: Patricia Foxen and Sara Benitez Date of Publication: August 2011

Juvenile Justice


Title: Counting Latino Youth in the Illinois Juvenile Justice System Track: Policy Author: Marguerite Moeller Date of Publication: September 2011

Title: 2012 Election Spotlight: See How Your Congressional Members Voted on Jobs and the Economy / Prestemos atención a las elecciones de 2012: Entérese cómo votaron los miembros del Congreso en los temas de empleo y economía Track: Community and Family WealthBuilding Author: Nancy Wilberg Ricks Date of Publication: February 2012

Title: School-to-Prison Pipeline: Zero Tolerance for Latino Youth Track: Policy Author: Marlene Sallo Date of Publication: September 2011


lead the way

2012 nclr annual conference


Mi Salud y Bienestar es importante para mi.

En Vista encontraras:

Consejos para tener una vida organizada, balanceada, saludable y feliz. Recetas sencillas y saludables Rutinas de ejercicio para mantenerte en forma Secciรณn experta con la Dra. Aliza sobre salud





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April/May/June 2012 -Vol. 5, N0. 19

SETTER Traveling the world is all in a day’s work for Whirlpool’s top Latino executive, Alejandro Quiroz p.148

Hispanic Executive introduces you to the leaders reshaping the business landscape in the US and abroad. Browse through our latest issue in print or online and join the conversation: HispanicExecutive.com

Hispanic Executive is a proud Gold Media Sponsor of the 2012 NCLR Annual Conference

Your Sou for $ rce Milli 700+ Scho on in The Ess larships ential

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Latino Print Network Presents: WPR BOOKS, dedicated to improving portrayals and expanding opportunities for Latinos in the USA Go to www.WPRbooks.com or call 760-434-1223 to see some of the 20 books we’ll have out in 2012 “The audience was in stiches!” The New York Times

The Hispanic Outlook In Higher Education Magazine


Dedicated To The Advancement Of Hispanics In Higher Education

Congratulates NCLR On their Annual Conference and ongoing support for Hispanics in Higher Education Reaching Higher Ed Administrators & Educators On A National Level In Both Print & Digital Format

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The Voice of the Hispanic 21st Century


VOXXI is proud to be a media sponsor at the 2012 NCLR Annual Conference “Lead the Way”

VOXXI is the premier multi-platform for news, analysis and commentary with a Hispanic focus. As an independent voice, we are committed to transforming the digital media landscape and catapulting Latinos into the forefront of American dialogue. VOXXI is designed to address the Latino gap present in mainstream media by providing excellent journalism and reporting on captivating stories that are intended to educate, engage and entertain. We achieve this while fostering audience engagement and dialogue across multiple digital platforms. It is our unwavering commitment to lead the way to a better representation of today’s Hispanic America. The name “VOXXI” comes from the Latin word for voice, “vox”, and the Roman numeral for 21, “XXI”. Together, the two represent the company’s slogan, “The Voice of the Hispanic 21st Century.”

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las vegas review journal/ El tiempo

The Las Vegas Review-Journal salutes the NCLR for improving the lives of Southern Nevadans.

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2012 nclr annual conference

interview: HUD Deputy Secretary ron Sims

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UPS está orgulloso de apoyar El Consejo Nacional de La Raza y su Conferencia Nacional.

The logistics of crossing borders. It feels good to do good. Just ask Joseph Sosa, a UPS employee in Miami, FL, who travels to Colombia multiple times a year to change lives. He started a foundation to improve the lives of people living in the remote village that his grandmother called home. As president of the foundation, Joseph averages nearly 200 hours a month advocating, fundraising, and serving the village. He is one of thousands of UPSers around the world who generously donate their time to serve others. UPS people collectively volunteer more than one million hours to worthy causes each year. It’s the right thing to do, and it’s a commitment that’s as much a part of UPS as our brown trucks. Community involvement: at the heart of UPS. La logística de cruzar fronteras. Se siente bien hacer el bien. Solo pregúntele a Joseph Sosa, un empleado de UPS en Miami, Florida, quien viaja a Colombia varias veces al año para cambiar vidas. El creó una fundación para mejorar la vida de la gente que vive en el pueblo remoto al cual su abuela llamaba hogar. Como presidente de la fundación, Joseph invierte alrededor de 200 horas al mes abogando, recaudando fondos y ayudando al pueblo. El es uno de los miles de empleados de UPS alrededor del mundo que generosamente donan de su tiempo para servir a los demás. Colectivamente, los trabadores de UPS dedican más de un millón de horas al año en trabajos voluntarios a buenas causas. Es hacer lo correcto, y es un compromiso que es tanto una parte vital de UPS como sus camiones color café. Participación en la comunidad: en el corazón de UPS. community.ups.com

© 2012 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, and the color brown are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved.

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