2013 Conference Schedule

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July 20–23, 2013

Morial Convention Center New Orleans, LA


NCLR and its Affiliate Council request that you Save the Date for the 2013 Fall Regional Meetings Far West: October 3–4, Seattle, WA Northeast: October 3–4, Boston, MA Texas: October 7–8, McAllen, TX Midwest: October 9–10, Cleveland, OH California: November 7–8, Orange County, CA Southeast: November 7–8, Tampa, FL Agenda Color Key Annual Conference Agenda

Líderes Summit Agenda and Workshops National Latino Family Expo® Sponsors Unless otherwise noted, all events take place at the New Orleans Morial Convention Center.

JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE www.nclr.org/events #NCLR14

Shuttle Schedule Shuttle Schedule

Route 1 – Red* Dispatch Locations: New Orleans Marriott Hotel 555 Canal Street New Orleans, LA 70130 Morial Convention Center 900 Convention Center Boulevard New Orleans, LA 70130 Saturday, July 20 Shuttles running to and from both dispatch locations. 6:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m.

Shuttles arrive every 10–15 minutes.

Sunday, July 21


Shuttles running to and from both dispatch locations.


6:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.

Shuttles arrive every 10–15 minutes.

Monday, July 22 Shuttles running to and from both dispatch locations. 6:00 a.m.–Midnight

Shuttles arrive every 10–15 minutes.

Tuesday, July 23 Shuttles running to and from both dispatch locations. 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Shuttles arrive every 10–15 minutes.


Level 2 Lounge

8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Affiliate Lounge Lead Sponsor, Bank of America (Open only to staff/ board of NCLR Affiliates) Room 224

9:00–10:30 a.m.


Saturday, July 20

8:30–9:00 a.m. Coffee Starter Sponsored by Starbucks Coffee Company

Take Two Aspirin and Text Me in the Morning: Advancing Health through Technology Co-Presented by Qualcomm Incorporated and Verizon Health • Policy • STEM Rivergate Room


Mobile technology is transforming the way communities live, work, and play and the way that health care is delivered. This workshop will explore how Latino communities can leverage this platform to improve their overall quality of life. Panelists will explore how health information technologies such as mobile health are being implemented at the community level and what these advancements mean throughout the country. New mobile innovations will be particularly critical as we experience one of the largest overhauls of health information exchange in our nation’s history through implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). While Latinos are among the most digitally connected, they are also among the most medically underserved. Digital tools can help empower our communities, making health care services and information more accessible and continuous,


Saturday, July 20

ensuring that patients aren’t left out. This featured session, sponsored by Verizon and Qualcomm Incorporated, focuses on Latinos’ role in the digital evolution of our health care system. Panelists Robert Jarrin, Senior Director, Government Affairs, Qualcomm Incorporated

Roselena Martinez, National Healthcare Associate Director, Verizon Foundation Jennifer Ng’andu, Director, Health and Civil Rights Policy Projects, Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation, NCLR 9:00–10:30 a.m.


And Still We Rise: How Culturally Competent Service-Learning Empowers Youth


Education Room 217


Despite staggering obstacles and challenges, Latino youth have historically been a catalyst of change. However, resiliency and leadership are attributes that must be cultivated in students to positively contribute to the larger Latino community. This interactive workshop is primarily for teachers and community partners interested in harnessing the power of the youth voice with culturally relevant service-learning projects. Panelists Feliza Ortiz-Licon, Director of Education, California and Far West Regions, NCLR

Heather McManus, Principal, Camino Nuevo Charter Academy

Veronica Haro, Project Coordinator, Lighthouse Community Charter School

Building Community Wealth through Successful Collaborations Presented by Capital One Community and Family Wealth-Building Room 226

Collaboration is a key to success in today’s working world. Capital One and the Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC) represent a case study in successful economic development partnerships between a nonprofit organization and a communityminded financial institution. At this session, participants will learn how this collaboration has evolved over three years from a small grantorgrantee relationship to a collaborative partnership that affects businesses, affordable housing, and board leadership.

Theresa Bedeau, Senior Manager, Capital One Collaborative Fundraising: Leveraging Partnerships for Greater Community Impact Affiliate/Nonprofit Management Room 225

Funders are increasingly showing interest in collaborative partnerships between nonprofit organizations. However, while collaborative fundraising and project implementation can maximize funding opportunities and strengthen your impact in the community, they also pose some challenges.


Panelists Christina Stockamore, Senior Small Business Lending Officer, Latino Economic Development Center

Saturday, July 20

Leila Diltz, Project Coordinator, Lighthouse Community Charter School


Saturday, July 20

Panelists Jillian Spindle, Director of Development, Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA)

Jonathan Segarra, Development and Communication Officer, MEDA DIY Program Design Workforce Development Room 219

Implementing a successful workforce development program can be intimidating, but this workshop will put your fears to rest by sharing easily replicable best practices in program design. Come learn everything from recruiting participants to follow-up techniques. We will explore the core components of workforce programs for both youth and adults, discuss program tools and resources, and provide opportunities to network with fellow attendees.


Panelists Diana Hernandez, Center Director, East Los Angeles AHEC, AltaMed


Surabhi Jain, Manager, Career Pathways Initiative, NCLR Latino Student Achievement with an Attitude: Building School Success and Critical Consciousness Presented by Teach For America Education Room 212

Latino students face many social, cultural, historical, and political barriers that academic achievement alone cannot destroy. The challenge in Latino education is not simply to raise levels of academic achievement, but to develop a generation of Latinos who will broker a better deal for Latinos in the broader society. We don’t just need honor students; we need revolutionary intellectuals who conceive

of their education as a weapon in their struggle for liberation and freedom. This session shares the work of Teach For America to make this education possible.

Legislative Update: Is Washington Delivering on Latino Priorities after an Historic Election Turnout? Policy Room 214

There are numerous issues that the Latino community wants Washington to resolve, but Congress and the Obama administration have differing proposals for addressing laws that affect millions of Latinos. NCLR’s team of public policy experts will provide up-to-date information on legislative issues that have a profound impact on Hispanic communities.

Moderator Albert Jacquez, Director, Congressional, Legislative, and Political Affairs, NCLR Panelists Laura Vazquez, Senior Legislative Analyst, Immigration Policy Project, NCLR

Enrique Lopezlira, Senior Policy Advisor, Economic and Employment Policy Project, NCLR Steven Lopez, Senior Policy Analyst, Health Policy Project, NCLR


Welcome Eric Rodriquez, Vice President, Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation, NCLR

Saturday, July 20

Presenter Victor H. Diaz, PhD, Director of Design, Teacher Preparation Support and Development, Teach For America



Saturday, July 20

Edward Carlson, Policy Analyst, Civil Rights Policy Project, NCLR


Invited Guest Speakers Cesar Gonzalez, Chief of Staff, Representative Mario Diaz-Balart (R–FL)

Susan Collins, Chief of Staff, Representative Luis V. Gutierrez (D–IL) Listen Up! Educating Latinas about Cervical Cancer Health • The Latina Perspective Room 215

Latinas have the highest rate of cervical cancer among all racial and ethnic groups, as well as the second-highest mortality rate from this disease. To address the culturally specific needs of Latinas in cervical cancer prevention, NCLR’s Institute for Hispanic Health developed Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte, an educational project led by promotores de salud (community health workers). Now in its third year, this program has taught us much about why Latinas are so affected by this disease and how we can best reach this population with relevant information. Moderator Marcela Vargas, Program Coordinator, Institute for Hispanic Health, NCLR Panelists Britt Rios-Ellis, PhD, Professor of Health Sciences, California State University Long Beach, and Director of NCLR/CSULB Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation and Leadership Training

Manuela McDonough, Program Manager, Institute for Hispanic Health, NCLR Dilcia Molina, Gender and Health Program Coordinator, La Clínica del Pueblo

Making Every Student Count: Uniting to Raise Latino Graduation Rates

When it comes to graduating high school, Latinos continue to lag behind their White peers by as much as over 20%. Taking active steps to close this achievement gap must be a priority. Representatives from AAMA, 2012 NCLR Affiliate of the Year, will present strategies for teachers, counselors, administrators, parents, and community partners on making concrete strides in supporting the persistence, engagement, and motivation of the Latino student.

Saturday, July 20

Education Room 218

Panelists Matt Rosas, Lead Counselor, AAMA, Inc.

Marilu Flores, Retention and Recruitment Specialist, AAMA, Inc.

The Latina Perspective Room 220

In an ever-growing world of social networking (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+), how do you keep track of your online presence and ensure that it is working to advance your career? Latina Magazine’s Director of Digital Operations and Audience Development Manager will show you how to use social media tools to build your personal brand, find a job, and create the successful career you’ve always wanted.


#Promuévete: Using Social Media to Build Your Personal Brand Presented by Latina Magazine


Saturday, July 20 2013 NCLR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 12

Panelists Dan Koday, Director of Digital Operations, Latina Magazine

Irina Gonzalez, Digital Audience Development & Marketing Manager, Latina Magazine The Dynamic Health Duo: How Integrating Primary Care and Behavioral Health Services Will Improve Outcomes for Uninsured Latinos Health Room 213

With the full implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) imminent, nonprofit organizations are moving toward integrating primary care and behavioral health services. In this workshop, National Latino Behavioral Health Association in collaboration with Valle del Sol will discuss the benefits of integrating primary and behavioral care into existing services, how ACA creates healthier outcomes for the Latino community, and effective outreach and enrollment practices for uninsured Latinos. Moderator Carlos Galindo-Elvira, Chief Development Officer, Valle del Sol Panelists Kurt R. Sheppard, Chief Executive Officer, Valle del Sol

Fredrick Sandoval, MPA, Executive Director, National Latino Behavioral Health Association The Leader Next Door: Building Coalitions with Communities Community Empowerment Room 221

Look to your left. Now to your right. The people next to you are already leaders in their families, their social networks, and their communities. So how can we better engage community members to

Panelists Brenda Aguilera, Director of Best Start Metro Los Angeles, Para Los Ni単os

Sheena Nahm, Director of Senderos, Para Los Ni単os The New Crescent City, After the Storm: Rebuilding, Recovering, and Revitalizing Community Empowerment Room 227

Moderator Mikel Schaefer, News Director, WVUE-TV Fox 8 New Orleans Panelists Beth Fussel, PhD, Associate Professor, Washington State University

Luz Molina, JD, Jack Nelson Distinguished Professor of Law, College of Law, Loyola University New Orleans


Seven years after the levees broke, New Orleans continues its comeback journey. Hurricane Katrina changed the face of New Orleans, but the way the city has bounced back demonstrates that nothing can kill the soul of this resilient city. Discover how New Orleans has changed and how it has stayed the same, preserving its notorious culture and flare. Learn about the role that Latinos have played in this renaissance. The story of the New Crescent City will be told through individuals who have lived it, researched it, and helped others find their way home.

Saturday, July 20

become leaders in social change? This interactive workshop provides a unique opportunity to learn how to mobilize communities using a strengthsbased approach.



Saturday, July 20

Martin O. Gutierrez, Vice President, Community Services Ministry, Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans


Timolynn Sams, Executive Director, Neighborhoods Partnership Network Transforming Your Board through Board Assessments Presented by Prudential Affiliate/Nonprofit Management Room 222

A board assessment allows your board members to reach the next level of leadership by measuring their performance to recognized roles and responsibilities of exemplary boards. BoardSource’s Board SelfAssessment benchmarks your board methods with proven, tangible practices that characterize an effective and high-performing nonprofit board. Presenter Vernetta Walker, JD, Vice President of Consulting, Training and Assessments, BoardSource 10:45–11:00 a.m. ®

Opening Ceremony and Ribbon-Cutting Hall B-2, Exhibit Hall Entrance

11:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. ®

Hall B-2

Room 216

This orientation provides an opportunity for new Affiliates, new staff from existing Affiliates, and potential Affiliates to become familiar with NCLR’s programs, policy priorities, and Affiliate Member Services. 12:30–2:30 p.m. National Affiliate Luncheon Rise as One Co-Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Citi, FedEx Corporation, PepsiCo, Inc., State Farm

Saturday, July 20

10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m. NCLR 101 (Open to NCLR Affiliates and organizations interested in NCLR affiliation)

The Great Hall

Emcee Azucena Diaz, News Anchor, Telemundo 42

Victor Leandry, Chair, NCLR Affiliate Council Welcome Remarks Hon. Mary L. Landrieu, U.S. Senator for Louisiana

Hon. Mitchell J. Landrieu, Mayor, City of New Orleans Welcome and Introductory Remarks Janet Murguía, NCLR President and CEO Keynote Speaker Marc H. Morial, President and CEO, National Urban League


Affiliate Roll Call Sonia M. Pérez, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, NCLR



Saturday, July 20

Awards Presentation Jorge Plasencia, Chair, NCLR Board of Directors


Featured Speaker Jay Timmons, President and CEO, National Association of Manufacturers 2:30–4:00 p.m. Affiliate Lounge Event Need Technical Assistance or a Strategy for a Community Development Project? (Open only to staff/board of NCLR Affiliates: RSVP Required) Room 224

Is your organization exploring plans for expansion of its charter schools, health clinics, or housing developments? Does your organization need technical assistance with community development financing from project conception to project closeout, and all phases in between? Experts from the Raza Development Fund (RDF) will be available to discuss your plans and preparations. RDF will provide technical assistance on how to develop sound redevelopment project strategies and guide you on how to work with a lender. Staff will offer expertise to strengthen your plans and discuss many innovative financing products. RSVP with Francisca Montoya at fmontoya@razafund.org today!

3:00–4:30 p.m.


Riverside Rooms RO2–RO4

Within a few months, the United States could have much awaited comprehensive immigration reform, providing the opportunity to legalize millions of immigrants currently in the country. The processes through which these new Americans become integrated into U.S. society are just as important as the legislation creating new pathways to citizenship. Community-based organizations, government programs, and private entities will provide English classes, teach civics lesson, and otherwise support immigrants on their road to full citizenship. But none will have the same place in history, make use of public/private efforts, or have the same kind of impact on immigrant families and their children that schools have.

Panelists Janet Murguía, NCLR President and CEO

Eva Longoria, Actress and Activist Dr. Marcelo-Suarez Orozco, Dean, UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies Reyna Hernandez, Assistant Superintendent, Center for Language and Early Child Development, Illinois State Board of Education Gina Pupo Walker, Parent Coordinator, Nashville Public Schools and Board Member, Conexión Américas Cecilia Muñoz, Director, White House Domestic Policy Council


Moderator José Díaz-Balart, News Anchor, Noticiero Telemundo

Saturday, July 20

Beyond Immigration Reform: Education as the Catalyst for Integration Exclusive Sponsor, Comcast/NBCUniversal/Telemundo


3:00–4:30 p.m.

Saturday, July 20

LÍDERES SUMMIT WORKSHOPS: SESSION I I Got It! Ace Your Next Job Interview Presented by Bank of America Líderes Room 222

Nab the job of your dreams! Learn to prepare for an interview, present your best self, and offer effective post-interview follow-up. Speak with professional recruiters and walk away with tips and tools on how to put your career in motion with an exceptional résumé and successful interview. Stay Cool! Maximize Your NCLR Líderes Summit Experience Presented by Ernesto Mejia, Vice President, CoolSpeak, Inc. and by representatives from the 2013 Líderes Youth Advisory Committee


Líderes Room 221


Students are often brought to conferences and expected to know what to do, how to speak, and how to network, but very rarely are they taught how to present themselves before attending the event. Get a jump on what to do! Learn to communicate and network in a professional and polished manner, and make the most of your Summit and Conference networking opportunities. Tips from Insiders: A Fed’s Guide to Launching a Career in the Government Presented by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Líderes Room 223

Securing a job with the federal government may seem like a daunting task given the many agencies that compose it and the paperwork associated with

4:30–5:30 p.m. Affiliate Lounge Event Meet Your Affiliate Council Representatives! (Open only to staff/ board of NCLR Affiliates) Room 224

5:00–6:30 p.m. Welcome Reception Co-Sponsored by BP America, Inc., Macy’s, New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau The Great Hall Foyer


The NCLR Affiliate Council is the vehicle through which Affiliates influence NCLR’s policy and operations. It serves as a voice for, and represents the bond between, NCLR and its most important constituency. The Affiliate Council is made up of two members (one male and one female) democratically elected by Affiliates from each NCLR region: California, Far West, Texas, Midwest, Northeast, and Southeast. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet your representatives and learn more about the role of the Affiliate Council! During this time, we will also recognize all Southeast Affiliate organizations celebrating over 40 years of serving the community.

Saturday, July 20

the applications. But the benefits of a career in the government are too many to miss out on. Let an “insider” (a federal employee) walk you through the Office of Personnel Management’s USAJobs website (and other federal websites ) and help you take the first step toward landing what could turn out to be the job of your dreams.


Sat, July 20–sun, JULY 21

6:30–8:00 p.m. NUVOtv Comedy Show Lead Sponsor, NUVOtv The Great Hall

Host Jose Sarduy Comedians Dillon Garcia

Erik Rivera Gina Brillon

SUNDAY, JULY 21 8:30–9:00 a.m. Coffee Starter Sponsored by Starbucks Coffee Company


Level 2 Lounge


8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Affiliate Lounge Lead Sponsor, Bank of America (Open only to staff/ board of NCLR Affiliates) Room 224

9:00–10:30 a.m.


Conversation on Crime and Safety in the Latino Community: Philadelphia and New Orleans Community Empowerment Room 222

Everyone plays a role in crime prevention. Learn how a handful of simple tools and community-based strategies along with true cultural awareness can help Latino communities improve relations with law enforcement and take ownership of their own neighborhoods.

Panelists Eva Hurst-San Martin, Community Liaison and Language Access Advocate

Hon. Nelson Diaz (Ret), Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Rose Gray, Senior Vice President, Community and Economic Development, APM Nilda Ruiz, President and CEO, APM

Sunday, July 21

Moderator Rick Olmos, Senior Director of Communications and External Affairs, Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM)

Officer Janssen Valencia, Hispanic Liaison, “El Protector” program, New Orleans Police Department Salvador Longoria, Board President, Puentes New Orleans Day One of Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Preparing the Road to Citizenship

NCLR’s Affiliates and allies have a long history of helping immigrants integrate into society, such as by providing English language courses and citizenship preparation services. Now, as we face the possibility of immigration reform becoming reality, we need to be prepared. Trusted community-based organizations will be the go-to experts for reliable information and assistance. Join us to learn how organizations can plan to help their community members embark on the road to citizenship as soon as immigration reform legislation is passed.


Policy Room 214



Sunday, July 21

Moderator Delia Pompa, Senior Vice President, Programs, NCLR


Panelists Jeanne Atkinson, Executive Director, CLINIC

Maria Pinzón, Executive Director, Hispanic Services Council Defending the Latino Vote from Coast to Coast Community Empowerment • Policy Room 231

Learn from Affiliate leaders on opposite sides of the country who have extensive experience in championing Hispanic voter participation through voter registration, voter education, Get-Out-theVote, and Election Protection programs that combat repressive voting regulations and expand the Latino vote to gain leverage to advocate for our community’s needs. Moderator Rafael Collazo, Director, Political Campaigns, Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation, NCLR Panelists Carmen Lopez, Board Member, MAAC Project

Yvette A. Núñez, Vice President, Fundraising and External Affairs, Congreso de Latinos Unidos Justice for All: Defining Our Civil Rights in Health Care Health • The LGBT Familia • Policy Room 215

The Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently implemented numerous efforts to prevent discrimination and uphold the rights of Latinos and other Americans. Participants will learn about the infringement of Latinos’ rights, such as discrimination

Moderator Jennifer Ng’andu, Director, Health and Civil Rights Policy Projects, Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation, NCLR Featured Speakers Juliet Choi, Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor, Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Sunday, July 21

based on national origin and against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Latinos, and important safeguards in the Affordable Care Act that protect those rights as we usher in a new era of health care.

Jorge Lozano, Regional Manager (Region VI), Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Making Tough Choices in Uncertain Times: Strategic Lessons from Latino Service Providers and National Community Development Finance Experts Presented by Raza Development Fund

Most Latino community-based organizations have watched public and private funding for their traditional business models decline or even cease. As the U.S. economy moves from crisis mode to longterm fiscal austerity, how do these organizations continue to serve the growing number of poor families in their communities? Solutions range from new disciplines and practices for fiscal planning and management to a new generation of business models to address constituency needs.


Affiliate/Nonprofit Management • Community and Family Wealth-Building Room 227


Sunday, July 21

Moderator Rodrigo Vela, Chief Financial Officer, Raza Development Fund Panelists Carol Ornelas, CEO, Visionary Home Builders of California

Victor Leandry, Executive Director, El Centro de Servicios Sociales, Inc.; Chair, NCLR Affiliate Council Carlos de Quesada, Consultant, Raza Development Fund Silvia Urrutia, Director of Housing & Healthcare, Raza Development Fund


Move It! Shaping Policy to Promote Physical Education and Physical Activity in Schools Presented by the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network


Health • Policy Room 213

Nearly one in three Hispanic girls and more than one in six Hispanic boys are physically inactive. Regular physical activity leads to a longer, healthier life and can lower a person’s risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and some cancers. Yet physical education in schools has decreased in recent years. Join the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network for a workshop on how quality physical education programs can improve our children’s health and performance in school. Moderator Aida Giachello, PhD, Professor, Northwestern University, Member, Board of Directors, Latino Diabetes Action Council, American Diabetes Association

Panelists Laurie Whitsel, PhD, Director of Policy Research, American Heart Association

Amelie G. Ramirez, DrPH, Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Partnerships of the Future: Accomplishing Community Development Goals in the New Normal

Sunday, July 21

Jayne Greenberg, PhD, District Director of Physical Education and Health Literacy, Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Community and Family Wealth-Building Room 212

Moderator Lautaro “Lot� Diaz, Vice President. Housing and Community Development, NCLR Panelists Marisa Calderon, Senior Manager of Operations, National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals

Sergio Barajas, Community Development Relationship Manager, National Community Stabilization Trust Michael D. Meyer, President, Brooke Community Development Sandy Fernandez, Senior Vice President, Citi Community Development


A large portion of community development investments have addressed the effects of the foreclosure crisis, but with the housing market recovering and the federal budget under constraint, future resources for community development work are uncertain. What channels remain for producing homeownership and other housing options? What is an organization to do next?


Sunday, July 21

Power Up! Mobilizing Your Organization’s Digital Identity Presented by UPS Affiliate/Nonprofit Management Room 225

Nonprofit leaders will explore their digital assets, including web and social media, and will be offered realistic advice for maximizing traffic and engagement. In a day and age when most people are consuming news and information via their mobile devices, it is important to ensure that nonprofit websites are compatible with handheld devices and tablets, making information easily accessible and useful to constituents. You don’t have to be a technical expert or web guru to benefit from this valuable information.


Moderator Lisa Lynn, Director of Corporate Relations, The UPS Foundation


Presenter Dan Breeden, Senior Partner Marketing Manager, Yahoo! Preparing for the Storm: Educating Latinos about Pressing Health Matters Health Room 218

Latinos are at least 1.5 times more likely than the general population to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. To address this looming public health crisis, NCLR’s Institute for Hispanic Health developed Mantenga Su Mente Activa, a multifaceted Alzheimer’s awareness program. Participants in this program have demonstrated increased knowledge of Alzheimer’s symptoms, risk factors, and resources, yet there is much more work to be done.

Moderator Alejandra Gepp, Associate Director, Institute for Hispanic Health, NCLR

Debra Wesley, CEO, Sinai Community Institute, Chicago Put Data to Work! Using Labor Market Research to Meet Your Local Economy Needs Workforce Development Room 211

Panelists Karla Bachmann, Vice President of Programs, CLUES

Surabhi Jain, Manager, Career Pathways Initiative, NCLR Sin Vergüenza: Tackling the Taboos around Universal HIV Testing in the Latino Community Health • The LGBT Familia Room 216

The Sin Vergüenza (Without Shame) web series is an innovative strategy designed to increase awareness of the importance of universal HIV testing among the Latino community. This four-part bilingual web series addresses stigma, shame, infidelity, and transgenerational issues in the family as contributors


The job market has changed fundamentally over the past few years. Unemployment remains high and the skills gap remains wide. While workforce providers are committed to creating a skilled workforce, by the time students graduate the in-demand skills have changed. This workshop will show how to use real-time labor market data to select prospective industries and create meaningful training programs through program design, communicating with industry partners, and marketing these occupations.

Sunday, July 21

Panelists Constantina Mizis, CEO, Latino Alzheimer’s & Memory Disorders Alliance


Sunday, July 21

to risk and the ongoing spread of HIV. AltaMed Health Services has partnered with the NCLR/CSULB Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation, and Leadership Training to evaluate the effectiveness of this campaign. Panelists Britt Rios-Ellis, PhD, Professor of Health Sciences, California State University, Long Beach, and Director of NCLR/CSULB Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation, and Leadership Training

Thomas Siegmeth, MPH, CHES, Director of Wellness and Cultural Competency Programs, AltaMed Health Services Strengthening Our Financial Future


Community and Family Wealth-Building • Policy Room 219


Nationally, 20% of all Latino families are living outside the mainstream financial system and do not own a bank account. This rate is even higher for immigrants and Spanish speakers. Immigrants who could naturalize under comprehensive immigration reform will need access to safe and affordable banking products to help with the costs of citizenship. NCLR will share research and policy recommendations, and NCLR Affiliates will discuss best practices on how to connect more Latinos to the financial system. Moderator Amy Brown, Program Officer, Ford Foundation Opening Remarks Zixta Martinez, Associate Director, External Affairs, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Panelists Alejandra Guillen, Programs Manager, Mission Asset Fund

Marisabel Torres, Policy Analyst, Wealth-Building Policy Project, NCLR

The Evolution of Normal: Positioning Your Organization for Change

Feel like change is looming in your nonprofit? Do you want to increase your nonprofit’s ability to shift focus and become more nimble? Do you want to know the recent best practices in organizational change? Participants will learn about innovative organizational change approaches and tools from a noted Latino expert. Presenter Alfredo Vergara-Lobo, Principal, Vergara-Lobo Associates

Sunday, July 21

Affiliate/Nonprofit Management Room 226

The Thrill of Victory, Latinas, and Sports: Making an Impact, Shaping an Industry The Latina Perspective Room 223

Moderator Jessica Priego, President, JPriego Communications/ Made Image Management Panelists Wendy Lewis, Senior Vice President, Diversity and Strategic Alliances, MLB

Sabrina Macias, Director, Marketing Communications, NASCAR


Are you aware of the many behind-the-scenes business roles women play in the sports industry? How Latinas enter this industry and set themselves up to succeed? As fans and consumers, how Latinas are marketed to and courted by America’s teams? The sports industry in America is worth $422 billion and employs 1% of the population. Sports teams, players, and rivalries drive Latinas to stadiums across the country and to spend sizable sums of “discretionary” income on this passion point.


Suzanne Medina, Senior Director at MLBAM

Sunday, July 21

Fabiola Rangel, Marketing Manager, FOX Deportes Nicky Patriarca, Marketing Manager, San Diego Padres Transforming Lives: A Community-Based Approach to Social Emotional Learning Community Empowerment • Education Room 220

Research points to a link between social emotional learning (SEL) development and academic success. A partnership between Enlace Chicago and eight Chicago public schools has transformed school spaces into hubs for community learning, leading to impressive gains in social emotional learning for Latino students. Join an interactive presentation on creative approaches to engaging youth in programs that impact their social, emotional, and academic success.


Panelists Fanny Diego Alvarez, Director of Community Schools, Enlace Chicago


Hector Herrera, Resource Coordinator, Enlace Chicago/ Rosario Castellanos Elementary School Tonantzin Gamboa, Resource Coordinator, Enlace Chicago/ Madero Middle School Elias Corral, Resource Coordinator, Enlace Chicago/ Little Village Lawndale High School Campus What If‌College? Education Room 217

What if every Latino student in this country graduated from high school ready to succeed in college and beyond? What if all students had role models and mentors to support them through the application process? To close the achievement gap and graduate more Latinos from college, we must

Panelists Angela Vicar Romero, Student, University of Central Oklahoma

Matthew J. Rosas, Guidance Counselor, Sanchez Charter School/Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans 9:00–10:30 a.m. Affiliate Lounge Event Bank of America: Together We Can Help Build Stronger Communities! (Open only to staff/ board of NCLR Affiliates; appointment needed)

Sunday, July 21

establish a college-going culture that supports all students and their families. This session will share best practices from the work of three NCLR Affiliates to support college readiness for every student.

Room 224

10:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. ®

Hall B-2


Come meet a dedicated team of associates and see what’s new at Bank of America Home Loans. Get updates from the Neighborhood Lending Team on the Connect to Own® Program, our consumer education curriculum offerings, and Bank of America’s new BetterMoneyHabits™ online financial learning experience. The Home Retention Advocacy Team will discuss how Bank of America helps struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure. Learn about home retention and home transition initiatives, the escalation process, and other tips to assist counselors.


11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Sunday, July 21

Latinas Brunch

Embracing Our éxito Co-Sponsored by The Coca-Cola Company, General Mills, Inc., Nielsen, TOYOTA, Wells Fargo The Great Hall

Emcee Giselle Fernandez, NCLR Board of Directors Welcome Remarks Janet Murguía, NCLR President and CEO Featured Speaker Maria Celeste Arrarás, Al Rojo Vivo, Telemundo


Keynote Speaker Rita Moreno, Actress and Entertainer


1:00–2:30 p.m. Affiliate Lounge Event Need Technical Assistance or a Strategy for a Community Development Project? (Open only to staff/board of NCLR Affiliates: RSVP Required) Room 224

Is your organization exploring plans for expansion of its charter schools, health clinics, or housing developments? Does your organization need technical assistance with community development financing from project conception to project closeout, and all phases in between? Experts from the Raza Development Fund (RDF) will be available to discuss your plans and preparations. RDF will provide technical assistance on how to develop sound redevelopment project strategies and guide you on how to work with a lender. Staff will offer expertise to strengthen your plans and discuss many innovative financing products. RSVP with Francisca Montoya at fmontoya@razafund.org today!

1:30–3:00 p.m.


Community Empowerment Rivergate Room

Despite a 500-year presence in North America, Latino culture, heritage, and history are severely underrepresented in educational curricula, historic landmarks, and cultural institutions. National groups are working intently to uncover, document, and bring forward the many contributions that Hispanic Americans have made to this country since its formation.

Sunday, July 21

The Making of America: Untold Stories from American Latino History Presented by PBS Project “LATINO AMERICANS” and REI–Recreational Equipment, Inc.

Moderator Ray Suarez, Senior Correspondent, PBS NewsHour

Adriana Bosch, Series Producer, “LATINO AMERICANS” Estuardo Rodriguez, Principal, The Raben Group; Director, Friends of the American Latino Musem Maria Cardona, Board Member, Friends of the American Latino Museum (Invited) Eduardo Diaz, Executive Director, Smithsonian Latino Center Dolores Huerta, Founder, Dolores Huerta Foundation (Invited) Stephen Pitti, Professor of History and American Studies; Director, Ethnicity, Race, and Migration; Master, Ezra Stiles College, Yale University


Panelists Midy Aponte, Executive Director, American Latino Heritage Fund


1:30–3:00 p.m.

Sunday, July 21


Advancing Academic Success through College Access: A Case Study in Early College Education Room 225

What if our students had the confidence and skills to succeed in the college classroom before they graduate from high school? Early college programs throughout the country have resulted in brighter academic outcomes for students while they are in high school and as they transition into college. Bell Multicultural High School in Washington, DC utilizes the early college model to provide academic interventions and increase student motivation and performance for diverse learners.


Presenter Ali Standish, Early College Program Coordinator, Columbia Heights Educational Campus


Affordable Foods, Healthy Families: Bringing Better Options to Latino Communities Health Room 212

The Latino community faces an extremely high incidence of diet-related chronic diseases, such as diabetes. By building partnerships with food producers and retailers, we can leverage resources and engage Latinos at the local level, empowering them to advocate for access to healthy foods and practice healthy shopping behaviors. Walmart and General Mills are working together to bring affordable, healthier foods to all communities and will discuss their efforts toward this goal. Moderator Manuela McDonough, Program Manager, Institute for Hispanic Health, NCLR

Denisse Icaza, QuĂŠ Rica Vida contributor, Blogger and Founder of Ahorros para MamĂĄ Creating Connections: Supporting Latino Communities Impacted by HIV/AIDS Health Room 211

Latinos continue to be increasingly and disproportionately impacted by HIV/AIDS. Despite the need for culturally and linguistically relevant prevention programs, few exist that address the specific contextual factors that place Latinos at risk. A newly released white paper that explores needed prevention strategies and the incorporation of structural-environmental models to address risk will be discussed.

Ann Watson, MSW, Project Director, Farmworker Justice


Moderator Mara Bird, PhD, Research Associate, NCLR/CSULB Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation, and Leadership Training

Sunday, July 21

Panelists Dr. Lisa Sutherland, Food & Nutrition Counsel, Walmart Stores, U.S. President/Principal of LA Sutherland Group

Jesus Ramirez-Valles, PhD, MPH, Professor, Community Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago (Invited)


Panelists Britt Rios-Ellis, PhD, Professor of Health Sciences, California State University, Long Beach, and Director of NCLR/CSULB Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation and Leadership Training

Kurt Organista, PhD, Professor of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley

Sunday, July 21

Data-Driven Dollars: Using Latino Early Childhood Data to Strengthen Program and Policy Work Education • Policy Room 216

As the president’s budget line for universal preschool falls into place, it is increasingly important for early child care practitioners and advocates to apply competitively for resources in their states. Accessing reliable data on young children is crucial, as is preparing teachers who serve them. Learn how to mine data from the NCLR Latino Kids Data Explorer to find state- and national-level data on Latino child well-being. Moderator Antonia Lopez, Director, Early Care and Education, NCLR


Presenter Patricia Foxen, PhD, Deputy Director, Research, NCLR


Focus! Strategic Planning for Your Organization’s Success Affiliate/Nonprofit Management Room 220

Are you dreading your next round of strategic planning? Do you wonder what approaches could complement or augment the success of your planning? Do you want to learn about the latest planning processes for nonprofits? A seasoned Latino nonprofit management expert will cover cutting-edge frameworks and approaches that can combine with your existing strategic plan for enhanced results. Presenter Alfredo Vergara-Lobo, Principal, Vergara-Lobo Associates

Health • Policy Room 227

With full implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), nine million Latinos in the United States will be eligible for health coverage and opportunities for benefits through state and federal programs. The health reform law, passed by President Obama in 2010, provides new resources to improve health care quality, public health infrastructure, and the availability of health services central to the well-being of Latinos. Direct community outreach will be necessary to raise awareness of key processes and timelines for involvement in the application of the ACA.

Sunday, July 21

Latinos and the ACA: Fighting for the Healthiest Generation Presented by Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Opening Remarks Karen Carter Peterson, Louisiana District 5 State Senator

Panelists Teresa NiĂąo, Director of the Office of Public Engagement, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Yvonne Gutierrez, Vice President of Public Affairs and Government Relations, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Inc. Alana Sutherland, Health Program Coordinator, League of United Latin American Citizens Ashley Allison, JD, MEd, Director of Constituency Engagement, Enroll America


Moderator Vanessa Gonzalez-Plumhoff, Director of Latino Leadership and Engagement, Planned Parenthood Federation of America


Sunday, July 21

Latinos Mobilize! Creating Opportunities One Smartphone at a Time Presented by Mobile Future STEM Room 226

Latinos are embracing mobile broadband at a record pace and using technology to create new economic and social opportunities. This panel will explore how mobile apps, tools, and services help amplify the community’s voice and empower Latino entrepreneurs. Panelists Roell Vento, Mobile Entrepreneur & CEO, Silver Fox Studios

Marisela Montenegro, Marketing Manager, YaSabe Allison Remsen, Executive Director, Mobile Future Latino Policy Forum: Policy Impact and Community Engagement


Policy Room 223


Though just five years old, the Chicago-based Latino Policy Forum has established itself as the go-to organization for Latino issues, working to advance education equity, affordable housing, just immigration reform, and leadership development. A “grasstops” organization, the Forum informs, influences, and leads to ensure that investment in the Latino community keeps pace with its growth. Moderator Sylvia Puente, Executive Director, Latino Policy Forum Panelists Isabel Anadon, Immigration Policy Analyst, Latino Policy Forum

Juliana Gonzalez-Crussi, Housing Policy Analyst, Latino Policy Forum

Cristina Pacione-Zayas, Education Director, Latino Policy Forum

Meet the Leader in You: The Value of Self-Analysis in Leadership Development Presented by Central Intelligence Agency Workforce Development Room 219

The first step in successful leadership development is understanding one’s self. Through interactive exercises, participants will explore how different personalities impact the development of leadership styles and behaviors. The facilitator will use the construct of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a well-known psychometric instrument, to outline personality type and behavioral preferences. At the end of this workshop, participants will have a basic understanding of personality type and how their own type can influence their growth as leaders.

Preparing Latino Students for STEM Education: The NCLR Approach Education • STEM Room 217

Unfortunately, most Latino students are not well prepared in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). To address this, NCLR is involved in massive efforts to ensure that teachers and parents can properly support STEM education for Latino students. In this workshop, participants will learn firsthand from schools that have partnered with NCLR to increase parents’ understanding of STEM education and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).


Presenter Ilka Rodriguez-Diaz, Chief of Workforce Planning and Analytics, NRO, Central Intelligence Agency

Sunday, July 21

Sara McElmurry, Communications Manager, Latino Policy Forum


Sunday, July 21

Panelists Roger Ramirez, Math Teacher, Sanchez Charter School/Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans

Dora Murrieta, Math Teacher, Adalberto M. Guerrero Middle School/Luz Social Services Ready, Set, Launch! Your First Social Enterprise Affiliate/Nonprofit Management Room 221

Given cuts in government and foundation funding, many NCLR Affiliates are trying to figure out how to create sustainable sources of funding to meet the ever-growing demand for services. Some are considering social enterprise strategies. Mi Casa Resource Center in Denver, Colorado, has recently gone through a dynamic social enterprise startup process.


Panelists Caryn Capriccioso, interSector Partners, L3C


Christine Márquez-Hudson, CEO/Executive Director, Mi Casa Resource Center, Headquarters “¡Sobre Viva!” Helping Latino Families Find Resilience in the Aftermath of the Trauma of Domestic Violence Health • The Latina Perspective Room 215

Domestic violence and trauma are highly stigmatized issues in the Latino community that affect lives daily. This workshop will present the experiences of a Latina Domestic Violence Program, and its work providing culturally specific, trauma-informed services over the last seven years. Congreso’s Latina Domestic Violence Program will share its current model and provide a framework for helping communities find resiliency in the aftermath of trauma.

Presenter Julie Avalos, LSW, Vice President, Health Promotion and Wellness Division, Congreso de Latinos Unidos

Community and Family Wealth-Building Room 218

Purchasing a home in today’s economy is complex, and for many Latino families it appears unattainable. Yet homeownership remains one of the best ways for families to build wealth. To directly address the erosion of homeownership, The Resurrection Project (TRP) enhanced its home purchase program by adding real estate sales to its existing homebuyer counseling and education services. Panelists will share TRP’s program and describe how it ensures that buyers’ interests are represented and the message of affordable, sustainable homeownership is delivered from beginning to end.

Daniel Bahena, Managing Broker, TRP Realty, The Resurrection Project 1:30–3:00 p.m.

LÍDERES SUMMIT WORKSHOPS: SESSION II Destination: Real Life Presented by State Farm

Líderes Room 213

Life after college comes with a unique set of triumphs and challenges, with one of the crucial feats being landing that first big job. Why not embark on the adventure as prepared as you


Panelists Rodrigo Carrillo, Home Purchase Manager, The Resurrection Project

Sunday, July 21

The Mission before Commission: Models for Building Latino Wealth through Homeownership Presented by the NCLR Homeownership Network


Sunday, July 21 2013 NCLR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 42

can possibly be! Presented in a panel style, this session will help students make sound decisions after graduation by offering advice from experts in the areas of recruitment, financial planning, and successful interviewing. From the Community to the Workplace: Why Service Makes You a Great Leader Presented by AmeriCorps LENS Líderes Room 209

Ever wonder how to tell the story of your service experience? Join this session to find out. In today’s economy, knowing how to tell your unique story and differentiate yourself as a professional will help you land that dream job. It can also help you create a competitive graduate school application. This panel session—composed of NCLR’s AmeriCorps program participants and alumni—will engage you in a conversation about just how to do so. Moderator Veronica Alarcon, Senior AmeriCorps Program Manager, NCLR Panelists Magdalena Travieso, NCLR AmeriCorps LENS Member, Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe

Diana Hinojosa, NCLR AmeriCorps LENS Member, Instituto del Progreso Latino Willy Gloria, NCLR AmeriCorps LENS Alumnus and Program Coordinator, MAAC Project Alexander Gil, AmeriCorps Alumnus and NCLR AmeriCorps LENS Program Director, Youth Policy Institute Yvonne Nieves, NCLR AmeriCorps LENS Program Director and Volunteer Services Coordinator, Instituto del Progreso Latino

Líderes Room 210

In the 21st century, STEM careers and young people pursuing a STEM education are increasingly important. Learn from fellow youth leaders about how engineering can be a fun and exciting career choice. These workshops will cover strategies for academic excellence in high school math and science, while inspiring participants to explore STEM careers. In addition, attendees will gain access to a wide range of resources that support the pursuit of a future in the STEM field.

Room 224

The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics advises the President and the Secretary of Education on matters pertaining to the educational attainment of the Hispanic Community. The Initiative is working to increase opportunities and improve outcomes in education for Hispanics of all ages, and they are interested in engaging NCLR Affiliates to further the effort. At this session, the Initiative staff will share their plans for the President’s second term, invite you to share pressing challenges, and discuss successful models and best practices throughout the nation to inform the administration’s education agenda.


3:00–4:30 p.m. Affiliate Lounge Event White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics (Open only to staff/ board of NCLR Affiliates; appointment needed)

Sunday, July 21

STEM Careers in the Spotlight: Explore Becoming an Engineer Presented by the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers


3:30–5:00 p.m.

Sunday, July 21


The Great Recession Recovery Package: Ensuring Our Families Have the Financial Tools They Need to Prosper Co-Sponsored by Citi, State Farm Bank Media Sponsor, Univision Communications Inc. Rivergate Room

The Great Recession has undoubtedly affected the way American households are managing their finances. Record unemployment, foreclosure, and loss in household wealth have hit Latinos and Blacks particularly hard. As our country continues to make steps toward economic recovery, we must ensure that our communities have access to the right financial products and services that will help them save hard-earned income and build tangible assets to pass to the next generation.


Host Ricardo Arambarri, Journalist, Univision


Panelists Monica Tavares, Chief of Staff, New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs

José Quiñonez, Executive Director, Mission Asset Fund Dr. Manuel Pastor, Professor of Sociology and American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California 4:30–6:00 p.m. Affiliate Lounge Event Strategic Planning 101 Roundtable: Do You Know What It Takes? (Open only to staff/ board of NCLR Affiliates— Closed door session; appointment needed) Room 224

Feel like your organization is ready to design an overall strategy for the future? Wonder how your

5:30–7:30 p.m. Helen Rodríguez-Trías Health Award Reception (By Invitation Only) Lead Sponsor, Johnson & Johnson Co-Sponsored by Baxter International Inc., Kaiser Permanente New Orleans Marriott, Salon D, 3rd Floor

Sunday, July 21

nonprofit can become more proactive and less reactive? Feel like you want to “connect the dots” of administration, programs, and fundraising into one set of priorities? Participants will learn about the value, process, and products that come with strategic planning. There will be an extensive Q&A session in both English and Spanish.

6:00–7:30 p.m. The Making of America: A Reception Honoring U.S. Latino History (By Invitation Only) Sponsored by Friends of the American Latino Museum

New Orleans Marriott, Mardi Gras Ballroom, ABC, 3rd Floor

New Orleans Marriott, Salon E, 3rd Floor

6:30–8:00 p.m. 2014 NCLR Annual Conference California Reception Co-Sponsored by Facebook, Wells Fargo Enter for a chance to win two registrations to the 2014 Annual Conference at this reception!

New Orleans Marriott, Grand Ballroom, Acadia, 3rd Floor


6:30–8:00 p.m. A Night OUT with NCLR LGBT and Allies Reception Co-Sponsored by American Airlines, Hilton, Human Rights Campaign


Sun, July 21–Mon, July 22

6:30–8:00 p.m. 2015 NCLR Annual Conference Kansas City Reception (By Invitation Only) Co-Sponsored by El Centro, Inc., Guadalupe Center, Kansas City Convention and Visitors Association, Kansas City Power & Light, Mattie Rhodes Center, Sprint New Orleans Marriott, Grand Ballroom, Bissonet, 3rd Floor

9:00–11:00 p.m. NCLR Club 41 (By Invitation Only) Lead Sponsor, Marriott International, Inc. Sponsored by Google Inc.

New Orleans Marriott, Riverview, 41st Floor



8:30–9:00 a.m. Coffee Starter Sponsored by Starbucks Coffee Company


Level 2 Lounge

8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Affiliate Lounge Lead Sponsor, Bank of America (Open only to staff/ board of NCLR Affiliates) Room 224

8:30–10:00 a.m. Sixth Annual Affiliate Leadership Breakfast Moving Forward Locally: A Dialogue among Latino and African American Community Leaders (Open only to executive leadership and board members of NCLR Affiliates. All registered Affiliate Executive Directors must present their Conference

Riverside Rooms RO2–RO4

Opening Remarks Sonia M. PĂŠrez, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, NCLR Welcome Remarks Victor Leandry, Chair, NCLR Affiliate Council Special Remarks Gail C. Christopher, Vice President of Program Strategy, W.K. Kellogg Foundation Closing Remarks Delia de la Vara, Vice President, California Region, NCLR


NCLR brings together local leaders for a thoughtful, off-the-record discussion on the progress and gaps in relationships between Latino and African American communities. With NCLR and others working collaboratively at the national level across communities of color, this discussion will focus on what is happening locally to highlight examples of impact when communities come together as well as sensitively explore areas where more work is needed. Speakers will share their experiences about ways in which both communities are engaging each other to advance common goals and address social and economic concerns. In addition, with the advent of potential immigration reform, there are challenges to integrating communities and prospective opportunities. How can NCLR and its Affiliate leadership help to strengthen relationships across communities of color so that all communities benefit?

Monday, July 22

badge to enter the event and will have one ticket in their badge for a senior staff member or board of directors leader.) Lead Sponsor, Citi


9:00–10:30 a.m.

Monday, July 22


A 360° Latino Health Overview by LatinA Senior Federal Officials Presented by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), National Park Services (NPS), and U.S. Department of Agriculture Health • The Latina Perspective Room 220

Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with LatinA federal officials representing important and innovative Latino initiatives. This includes health coverage opportunities such as Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and the New Health Insurance Marketplace; the Promotores Initiative; Tu Parque, Tu Salud; Let’s Move! En Español; and nutrition programs for low-income Latino communities.


Moderator Jennifer Ng’andu, Director, Health and Civil Rights Policy Projects, Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation, NCLR


Panelists Teresa Niño, Director of the Office of Public Engagement, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Lisa J. Pino, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Agriculture Celinda Peña, Senior Advisor, National Park Service Office of the Director

Avoiding Housing Discrimination in Immigration Reform

Each year, more than four million incidents of housing discrimination occur nationally, and recent state and local legislation—which seeks to address immigration-related issues—may be putting Hispanic families at risk of increased levels of discrimination. Families impacted by federal immigration reform may be in transition, making it essential to learn more about the types of housing discrimination that Latinos could be subjected to. In addition, NCLR will release new fair housing testing data from three southern cities.

Monday, July 22

Community and Family Wealth-Building • Policy Room 227

Moderator Lindsay Daniels, Deputy Director of Housing and Wealth-Building Initiatives, NCLR Panelists Don Kahl, Executive Director, Equal Rights Center

Norma Roberts, Homeownership Program Specialist, Avenida Guadalupe Association Beyond Black and Brown: Race, Power, and Immigration Community Empowerment Room 222

New Orleans has always been considered a gumbo of culture and ethnicities. After Hurricane Katrina, the social fabric of New Orleans continued to change as a new influx of Latinos helped rebuild the city. This discussion analyzes the dynamics of established communities, displaced Black residents, and recent Latino immigrants in New Orleans.


James Perry, Executive Director, Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center


Monday, July 22

Moderator Scarlett Lanzas, Executive Director, Puentes New Orleans Panelists Colette Pichon Battle, Director, Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy

Alfredo A. Cruz, Program Director, Foundation for Louisiana Joseph Givins, Executive Director, Isaiah Institute of New Orleans Rev. Dr. Oscar Ramos-Gallardo, Board President, La Semilla (Centro Hispano Latino para el Desarrollo Educacional) Combating Hate: Understanding and Addressing Bullying and Cyberbullying Presented by the Anti-Defamation League


Education • The LGBT Familia Room 211


The many forms of bullying affect a significant number of our youth today. There are disturbing reports that the Internet and cell phones are been used to bully and harass others, and even to incite violence. The targets of cyberbullying may be subject to additional distress due to the pervasive and invasive nature of modern communication technology. Many adults are unaware of the problem, and schools are often unsure how to respond. Panelists Susan Shawn, Director of Education Programs, Associate Regional Director, Anti-Defamation League, Southwest Office

Sonia Spar, Coordinator, Latino Community Relations, Anti-Defamation League

Dignity for All: Advocating Against Anti-Immigrant Legislation from a Faith Perspective

Have you heard the story behind the Catholic Church’s involvement in immigration legislation in the conservative southern state of Louisiana to prevent it from becoming the next Arizona, Georgia, or Alabama? The Vice President of Community Affairs of the Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans and the Associate Director of the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops will share with you the ways in which a major faith group was able to uphold the dignity of all individuals in Louisiana through effective advocacy.

Monday, July 22

Community Empowerment • Policy Room 216

Presenters Martin O. Gutierrez, Vice President, Community Services Ministry, Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans

Do REO Repurposing Programs Equal Community Stabilization? Lessons from the Field Community and Family Wealth-Building Room 226

The foreclosure crisis took the homes of millions, drastically reducing their wealth and forcing them into other housing. The HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program, a key federal response, formed a major part of the community stabilization effort in high-foreclosure areas. This workshop presents a practitioner’s view on the success, scale, and lessons of community stabilization programs.


Robert M. Tasman, Esq., Associate Director, Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops


Monday, July 22

Moderator Marcos A. Morales, Director of Real Estate Programs, NCLR Panelists Jim O’Donnell, Mortgage Banking, Government and Community Partnerships, Chase Bank

Jacob Carroll, President, BridgeBilt Stephen Torsell, Executive Director, Homes on the Hill, CDC Humanizing Data: Using Client Stories to Demonstrate Long-Term Social Impact


Affiliate/Nonprofit Management Room 218


Organizations routinely struggle with using data to effectively convey the work they do in their communities. At this hands-on workshop, MAAC Project will walk you through the tools used to guide its evaluation model. From the development of a theory of change to the creation of logic models, MAAC will provide tips that can help NCLR Affiliates organize their data collection and demonstrate their long-term impact. Panelists Karim Bouris, Director of Community Development, MAAC Project

Victor Alcala, Job Coach/Program Assistant, MAAC Project Nickelodeon’s “Beyond the Backpack” Kindergarten Readiness Presented by Viacom Education • STEM Room 215

Join Nickelodeon for a discussion about kindergarten readiness. “Beyond the Backpack” is Nick Jr.’s

Presenter Andrew Machles, Manager, Public Affairs and Viewer Services, Nickelodeon

Padres Creando Éxito: Engaging Latino Parents in Education Reform Community and Family Wealth-Building • Education Room 212

Panelists Laura Nayeli Torres, Parent Organizer, Alliance for a Better Community

Laura Flores, Parent Organizer, Alliance for a Better Community Promise Pathways: Reengaging Out-of-School Youth Workforce Development Room 231

Learn about the Youth Policy Institute’s strategic partnerships with the Los Angeles Unified School District; University of California, Los Angeles; and the City of Los Angeles to create and provide support mechanisms to young adults and out-of-school


Parent engagement has been identified as a key component of student success. Yet parents can go beyond supporting their own children by becoming advocates for systemic change in education. Through the strategic use of their personal stories and collective power, parents can shape the future of public education for Latinos in the United States.

Monday, July 22

nationwide initiative to help parents and caregivers prepare preschoolers for kindergarten. Not nearly enough kids are ready for kindergarten on day one. “Beyond the Backpack” lends a hand by providing tips, activities, and resources focusing on language and math skills, social and emotional skills, physical wellness, and parent involvement in schools.


Monday, July 22

youth. Program objectives are to support young adults to either reenter comprehensive schools or obtain appropriate training and skills to successfully enter the workforce. Panelists Michelle Cheang, MPA, Director of YouthSource Center, Education Department, YPI

Iris Zuniga, MPA, Chief Operating Officer, YPI “Seamos Proactivas”: Empowering Latinas with Resources and Education to Take Action against Breast Cancer Presented by Susan G. Komen


Health • The Latina Perspective Room 214


Breast cancer is often detected at a more advanced stage in Hispanics than in non-Hispanic White women in the U.S. Through this open forum, participants have the opportunity to engage with the local Komen Affiliate, talk to a Latina survivor, and learn more about Komen, its mission, and why it’s the largest source of nonprofit funds in the world dedicated to the fight against breast cancer on all fronts: through community programs, lifesaving research, advocacy, and global outreach. Moderator Soraya Acosta, Newspaper Publisher, Radio/TV Personality Panelists Lori A. Barthelemy, Board Secretary/ Education Chair, Susan G. Komen New Orleans Affiliate

Karen J. Peterson, PhD, Vice President, Programs, Prevent Cancer Foundation

Ellen L. Zarkis MD, Director, Department of Radiation Oncology, Touro Infirmary, and Susan G. Komen New Orleans Board Member

The ABCs and Ñ of Media Interviews Presented by Jim Estrada, author of The ABCs and Ñ of America’s Cultural Evolution Affiliate/Nonprofit Management Room 225

If you’re responsible for delivering messages for your organization or community, you need media training. Whether it’s conducting an interview with local media, fielding questions from stakeholders, or giving a speech, you must convey your message in an effective, credible manner. This workshop, conducted by a former NBC affiliate TV news journalist, will help you develop core themes and fine-tune your messages for TV, radio, and print media.

The Perfect Formula: Stakeholders + Strategies = Communities Ready for College and the Workforce Education • STEM Room 223

Educating our children is a shared responsibility of all stakeholders in vital communities. The Texas Valley Communities Foundation (TVCOF) will discuss their community engagement and mobilization efforts in 48 South Texas school districts in support of college and workforce readiness in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers.


Presenter Jim Estrada, author of The ABCs and Ñ of America’s Cultural Evolution

Monday, July 22

Sonia Briseno, Breast Cancer Survivor and Hispanic Talent, Susan G. Komen Media Campaign “I am Susan G. Komen”


Monday, July 22

Moderator Maria Rita Jaramillo, Senior Advisor to the President, Texas Valley Communities Foundation, Washington, DC Panelists Gilbert Maldonado, Chief Executive Officer, Texas Valley Communities Foundation, Mercedes, TX

Giovanni Ferrigno, Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Texas Valley Communities Foundation, Mercedes, TX Fernando Gomez, President & CEO, Ignite Public Schools & Community Service Center (NCLR Affiliate), Edinburg, TX Maria Luisa Guerra, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Edinburg ISD, Edinburg, TX The Promotores(as) Model and the Affordable Care Act: Promoting Health Education while Reducing Health Care Costs


Health Room 213


Promotores de salud (community health workers) use culturally and linguistically appropriate messages to engage with patients. They will play an integral role in meeting the goals of the Affordable Care Act, especially in promoting health education to reduce health care costs. Alivio Medical Center and Migrant Health Promotion present an example of a program connecting a primary care Patient Centered Medical Home with the community outreach, support, and education provided by promotores.

Panelists Juana Ballesteros, BSN, RN, MPH, Project Manager, Alivio Medical Center

Patrick Yao Tang, MPH, Program Manager, Peers for Progress 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. ®

Hall B-2

California Affiliate Regional Meeting Room 219

Far West Affiliate Regional Meeting Room 210

Midwest Affiliate Regional Meeting Room 225

Northeast Affiliate Regional Meeting Room 217

Southeast Affiliate Regional Meeting Room 209

Texas Affiliate Regional Meeting


10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Affiliate Regional Meetings The Affiliate Council looks forward to greeting all Affiliate staff and board members at their respective meetings to identify and develop action plans for local and state priorities. This forum also serves as a vital link for critical information-sharing between Affiliates and NCLR staff.

Monday, July 22

C. LeRoy Cavazos, MPA, Senior Managing Director of Policy and Contracts, Migrant Health Promotion

Room 226 57

Monday, July 22

12:30–2:30 p.m. Monday Luncheon Co-Sponsored by Bank of America, Kraft, Sprint, Univision Communications Inc. The Great Hall

Emcee Aimee Garcia, Actress Award Presentation Eric Rodriguez, Vice President, Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation, NCLR Featured Speaker Al Cardenas, Chairman, American Conservative Union


President’s Message Janet Murguía, NCLR President and CEO


2:30–4:00 p.m. Affiliate Lounge Event Ask an Expert: Grant Writing Advice Just for You! (Open only to staff/ board of NCLR Affiliates) Room 224

As nonprofit organizations throughout the country face the challenge of meeting greater demand for their services with fewer resources, it is becoming even more critical that their fundraising efforts and grant proposal submissions be successful. This session will provide participants with proven grant writing strategies and techniques. Affiliates will receive the opportunity to work one on one with a professional grant writer to ask specific questions, get detailed answers, and solicit feedback on their fundraising strategies and grant writing. RGI Corporation President and CEO Robert Ozuna will be available to help organizations match their needs with funding opportunities and present compelling requests that are responsive to grant criteria.

2:45–4:15 p.m.


Líderes Room 222

Power takes myriad forms in young lives—in peer relationships, within family, throughout neighborhoods, and more. Ours is a society with a long history of power imbalance that can deeply limit the sense of individual and community choice. This workshop explores the topic of power and how having it or a lack of it affects our daily lives. Using a performance-based technique called body sculpting, participants will turn their ideas about power into physical shapes, acting as sculptors to create images that reflect the discussion.

Speak with Confidence y con ganas! Presented by Aurora University Líderes Room 221

Do you get nervous speaking in front of others? Join us for this workshop with Latino college students and learn how to speak with confidence before large groups. During the session, you will be asked to reflect on what you look for in a leader and then present your thoughts to others through a mini speech. Public speaking is an important leadership skill that requires attention and practice—join this session to begin your preparation in a safe and affirming environment. ¡Los esperamos!


NOTE: Participants don’t have to be actors, sculptors, or artists. They just need to be willing to play, participate, and reflect.

Monday, July 22

Exploring the Topic of Power through Body-Sculpting Techniques Presented by Kelly + Yamamoto Productions


Monday, July 22

Sticking Together! Recruitment and Retention for Latino Students Presented by University of the Pacific Líderes Room 223

Passionate about education? Help your school recruit more Latino students, encourage your peers to stay in school, and inspire them to obtain a graduate degree or secure a post-college fellowship. University of the Pacific will share its strategies for recruitment and retention so that students can put these ideas into action at home. 3:00–4:30 p.m.


Immigration: The Moral, Economic, and Political Imperatives for Winning Reform Sponsored by Walmart


Riverside Rooms RO2–RO4


Without a doubt, immigration is a galvanizing issue for the nation’s Hispanics, 75% of whom are United States citizens. The toxic rhetoric on immigration has affected this community deeply, and that is why Latino voters last November generated a game-changing moment for this debate, creating an opportunity to arrive at a solution. Fair and effective immigration reform will not only benefit immigrants and America’s Hispanics, but is in the best social and economic interest of our country. Achieving reform will require bipartisan compromise and political will, and multi-sector voices and constituencies on the left and right of the debate to build the political space and pressure to win legislation. Undeniably, the wide array of forces pushing for reform makes not only the moment different, but real solutions possible.

Moderator Janet Murguía, NCLR President and CEO

Hilary O. Shelton, Washington Bureau Director and Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy, NAACP Julie Kitka, President, Alaska Federation of Natives Ana Navarro, Republican Political Strategist 4:30–5:30 p.m. Affiliate Lounge Event Bank of America: Together We Can Help Build Stronger Communities! (Open only to staff/ board of NCLR Affiliates)

Monday, July 22

Panelists Joe Trauger, Vice President, Human Resources Policy, National Association of Manufacturers

Room 224


Come meet a dedicated team of associates and see what’s new at Bank of America Home Loans. Get updates from the Neighborhood Lending Team on the Connect to Own® Program, our consumer education curriculum offerings, and Bank of America’s new BetterMoneyHabits™ online financial learning experience. The Home Retention Advocacy Team will discuss how Bank of America helps struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure. Learn about home retention and home transition initiatives, the escalation process, and other tips to assist counselors.


Mon, July 22–Tue, July 23

8:00–11:00 p.m.

Evening Event

Noche Musical Presented by Hyundai Motor America and Walmart Co-Sponsored by Goya Foods and Wells Fargo The Great Hall

Host RaqC Welcome Remarks Ron Estrada, Vice President, Integrated Marketing and Events, NCLR Featuring Leslie Grace

Jon Secada



8:30–9:00 a.m. Coffee Starter Sponsored by Starbucks Coffee Company


Level 2 Lounge

8:30 a.m.–Noon Affiliate Lounge Lead Sponsor, Bank of America (Open only to staff/ board of NCLR Affiliates) Room 224

8:30–11:00 a.m.


Perspective and Experiences of Senior Executives Federal Leadership Training Room 227

This workshop will provide insights from SESers on their experience in applying for an SES position and on how individuals can develop their leadership style and qualifications. Participants will also learn tips and techniques on how to get into leadership positions.

Moderator Veronica E. Villalobos, Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Calvin Turner, National Finance Center, Deputy Director and Chief Financial Officer, U.S. Department of Agriculture 10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.*

Tuesday Luncheon

Co-Sponsored by Hilton Worldwide, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Shell, Sodexo, Inc. Underwritten by W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Tuesday, July 23

Presenters John White, National Finance Center Director, U.S. Department of Agriculture

The Great Hall

Keynote Speaker Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States of America

Special Remarks Mel Martinez, Chairman, Southeast & Latin America for JPMorgan Chase & Co. Military Tribute Heroes & Heritage Award Presented by Fernando Rey, President & Chief Executive Officer, Heroes & Heritage * Program details and updates to be announced during Conference general sessions or via NCLR mobile app.


Featured Speaker Sterling K. Speirn, President and CEO, W.K. Kellogg Foundation


1:30–3:00 p.m.

Tuesday, July 23


Best Partnership Practices to Recruit, Retain, and Develop Hispanic Talent Workforce Development Room 220

For over 30 years, HACE has positively impacted the U.S. Latino workforce by providing insight, access, and professional development to 40,000+ members and employer partners seeking to recruit, retain, and develop talent. We will discuss initiatives and strategic alliances that build strong pipelines of talent. HACE and employer partners will share best practices. Panelists Patricia Mota, MPA, Senior Director of Community Outreach, Business Development & Women’s Leadership


Simon Lopez, President, Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE)


Disaster-Proof IT: Preparing Your Business to Weather the Unexpected Presented by McGladrey Affiliate/Nonprofit Management Room 225

Several disasters have impacted the United States in the past decade; while it is difficult to predict the impact of such events, businesses must expect the unexpected. It is probable that your business will face a disaster that could bring your operations to a halt. Is your business prepared for such an event? Learn how to implement or improve upon your plan to restore operations quickly to minimize potential losses. Panelists Diego Rosenfeld, Principal of Technology Infrastructure Services, McGladrey LLP

Troy Harris, Director of Technology Risk Advisory Services, McGladrey LLP

Elevating Language Access: Education, Health, and Civic Engagement

A lack of provision for language access poses barriers to full civic engagement for families and communities. Community members and nonprofits are working together to promote public policies that improve language access for limited-English-proficient individuals and create responsive public services that meet the needs of this growing population.

Elevando el Acceso al Idioma: Educación, Salud y Participación Cívica

Tuesday, July 23

Community Empowerment • Education • Health Room 222

Educación • Empoderamiento comunitario • Salud Salon 222

Moderator Scarlett Lanzas, Executive Director, Puentes New Orleans Panelists Daesy Behrhorst, Co-Chair, Louisiana Language Access Coalition

Minh Thanh Nguyen, Founder and Executive Director, Vietnamese American Young Leaders Association of New Orleans (VAYLA-NO)


La falta de servicios de acceso al idioma crea barreras para la inclusión cívica de familias y comunidades. Miembros comunitarios y organizaciones sin fines de lucro colaboran para promover políticas públicas que mejoren el acceso al idioma para individuos que poseen limitado conocimiento del idioma Ingles así como también la creación de servicios públicos que corresponden a las necesidades de esta creciente población.

Keith G.C. Twitchell, President, Committee for a Better New Orleans 65

Tuesday, July 23

Focusing on Energy: Literacy, Job Opportunities, and Economic Impact Presented by Shell Workforce Development Room 221

The oil and natural gas industries touch our lives in countless ways each day—from fueling our cars to heating our homes and from cooking our meals to carpeting our homes. Today’s emphasis is on “clean” fuels (which include renewable fuels and natural gas) as well as innovations in the production of traditional fossil fuels. This session will offer insider perspectives on job opportunities and the broader impact of the energy revolution under way. Moderator J. Michael Treviño, American Petroleum Institute, President, Treviño & Company


Panelists José L. Pérez, Chairman & CEO, Hispanics In Energy – California Utilities Diversity Council


Carlos Rodríguez, PhD, STEM and Education Principal Research Scientist, American Institutes for Research Rashi Bates, Reliability Manager, Shell Wind Energy Senior Business Leader, Spectra Energy (Invited) Homeownership after the Crisis: Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Latino Communities Community and Family Wealth-Building Room 226

The recent banking and home foreclosure crisis devastated many Latino and low-income communities. It will take years for many individual households and communities to make up for the loss of their homes and their equity. This interactive session will examine the lessons we learned, and

Panelists Jillian Spindle, Director of Development, Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA)

Jonathan Segarra, Development & Communications Officer, MEDA Pathways to Success: A Bridge for Latinos to Careers in Advanced Manufacturing

Tuesday, July 23

share best practices that can be replicated on the path to recovery. We will also examine the most promising policy solutions we can support in assisting Latinos and low-income folks achieve sustainable homeownership and build assets.

Workforce Development Room 215

Discover how a nonprofit organization and a private training program can partner to develop fast-track careers for Latinos in advanced manufacturing. Erie Neighborhood House and Symbol Training Institute will discuss their unique and successful partnership.

Diana Peters, Co-Founder, Symbol Training Institute Tom Peters, Director of Business Operations, Symbol Training Institute Teen Parents: A New Generation of Padres Comprometidos Education Room 211

GOAL Academy, a charter high school, used NCLR’s Pre-K Padres Comprometidos program to support its teen parents in facing the challenges of raising a baby while staying in school. NCLR and GOAL Academy modified this program to explicitly address the unique social and emotional challenges


Panelists Sandra Morales-Mirque, Workforce Development Coordinator, Erie Neighborhood House


Tuesday, July 23

that teenage parents face. This workshop is also applicable for EHS programs serving pregnant teens and teen parents. Panelists Antonia Lopez, Director, Early Care and Education, NCLR

Cheryl Anderson, Director of Grants, Partnerships and Special Projects, GOAL Academy Kristi Ingram, Lead Teen Padres Comprometidos Facilitator, GOAL Academy Understanding Mortgage Foreclosure Court Mediation Presented by the NCLR Homeownership Network


Community and Family Wealth-Building Room 212


Latino communities historically are afraid of or intimidated by the court process because they are unfamiliar with it and are unaware that they have options available to help avoid foreclosure. A wellmanaged court mediation program can make the court process more people friendly, educate the homeowner on the mortgage foreclosure process, empower and involve the homeowner in the process, and provide information and access to both retention and nonretention options. Panelists Gerardo Ravelo, Housing Counselor/Mediation Program Coordinator, Spanish Coalition for Housing

Rebecca Ortiz, Senior Community Outreach Coordinator, Community Affairs Department, Illinois Housing Development Authority

Women Excelling in the Sciences: Past, Present, and Future Presented by American Chemical Society

Are you a woman or an organization that supports women considering a career in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) field? Are you unsure how to navigate a pathway to success? As with any professional field, there are challenges and obstacles to overcome; however, the STEM field is in need of women (currently underrepresented) who are ready to face the challenges. There are opportunities for Hispanic women not only to succeed but also to thrive in STEM.

Tuesday, July 23

The Latina Perspective • STEM Room 213

Panelists Dr. Maria D. Villagran, Research Fellow, Pet Care, Technology & Process Development, Procter & Gamble

Dr. Amy K. Paris, Advanced Chemical Engineer, Pilot Plant, Eastman Chemical Company

Zaida Morales-Martinez, Mentoring Consultant, ACS Scholars Program, American Chemical Society Immigration Innovation: Addressing Deferred Action and Related Policy in a Digital Age Presented by VISANOW Policy Room 214

Immigration reform has been propelled to the forefront of U.S. public policy. VISANOW Global Immigration will host an interactive workshop on the latest trends and innovations in immigration. This team of experts includes Marty Castro, VISANOW’s


Brittny Humphrey, Member Associate, Diversity Programs, American Chemical Society


Tuesday, July 23

attorneys, and current members of NCLR Affiliates that have utilized technology for immigration services. Panelists Marty Castro, CEO, Castro Synergies

Anne Walsh, Immigration Attorney, VISANOW Jose Cruz, CEO, OurTiempo.com Justino Mora, DREAMER advocate Christian Villalobos, DREAMER advocate 1:30–3:00 p.m.


Dream Bigger, Reach Higher through Spoken Word Presented by Reyes Poetry


Líderes Room 219


Successful Líderes are confident, organized, and visionary. Develop these attributes and leave the Summit a stronger leader by attending this workshop. Through creative and fun exercises, participants will develop a personal mission statement that will guide them to their goals. Presenters will share inspirational poems and pieces to help students envision the best possible future for themselves and then begin to pursue it!

Líderes Room 218

This fun and engaging workshop will highlight young “techpreneurs”—individuals who have developed businesses and startups as part of the technological boom. Workshop participants will learn how and why the Internet is at the center of economic success, and discover ways through which they can enhance their professional prospects. Attendees will also learn about opportunities to invest in broadband and other technologies, and be encouraged to consider pursuing careers in the STEM field. Expand your horizons by learning about all the options available to young people in our high-tech world!

Tuesday, July 23

Plugged In: Seizing Opportunity in a High-Tech World Presented by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Alumni Association

Reproductive Health Education: Why It’s Essential to a Better Future Presented by Advocates for Youth

Did you know that half of Latinas in the U.S. become pregnant by the age of 20? Or that one in 36 Latino males will eventually become infected with HIV/ AIDS? With the information and tools offered at this session, you can become a health advocate in your school and community. Through organized collaboration, Latino youth can promote responsible, safer sexual decisions in our community, and pave the road for a healthy future.


Líderes Room 217


3:00–5:30 p.m.

WORKSHOP Tuesday, July 23

Preparing the ECQs Federal Leadership Training Room 227

The workshop will provide guidance on writing effective ECQs when applying for an SES position or an SES Career Development Program. Participants will also learn helpful hints for preparing their submissions. Moderator Veronica E. Villalobos, Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, U.S. Office of Personnel Management Presenters John White, National Finance Center Director, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Calvin Turner, National Finance Center, Deputy Director and Chief Financial Officer, U.S. Department of Agriculture 2013 NCLR ANNUAL CONFERENCE

7:00–8:00 p.m.


President’s Reception

Co-Sponsored by BMW of North America LLC, MillerCoors LLC New Orleans Marriott, Mardi Gras Ballroom

8:00–10:30 p.m.

Awards Gala

(Gala doors open at 7:30 p.m.) Co-Sponsored by Amtrak, Ford Motor Company, Southwest Airlines, UPS, Walmart New Orleans Marriott, Grand Ballroom

10:30 p.m.–1:00 a.m.

Awards Gala After-Party

New Orleans Marriott, Mardi Gras Ballroom


8:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Líderes Summit and Conference Registration Exhibit Hall B-1

Noon–2:00 p.m. Líderes Open House Room 211

Líderes SUMMIT

FRIDAY, JULY 19 (Optional)

Join our open house for fun and interactive networking activities and energizers. Chat with the Líderes Summit Staff and NCLR Líderes Team to learn more about leadership opportunities and how to apply for Summit Staff or the Workshop Presenters Program in 2014.

Líderes Summit Interactive Workshop Presented by the Department of the Interior

Room RO2–RO5



Join us at the official Summit welcome session and kickoff to the 2013 Líderes Summit. Please arrive on time, as doors for entry will close at 9:00 a.m.


Participate in a unique learning experience! This offsite workshop is an educational field trip that will expose students to careers at the Department of the Interior. Please inquire about this opportunity at the Líderes Welcome Table. Availability is limited and may be reserved for students with a strong interest in STEM careers.

SATURDAY, JULY 20 9:00–10:30 a.m. Líderes Bienvenida (Welcome Rally)

10:45 a.m.–Noon Líderes Expo Tour

Líderes SUMMIT

Exhibit Hall B2-C

Along with your fellow Líderes, experience one of the chief attractions at the NCLR Annual Conference—the NCLR National Latino Family Expo®. You will receive a guide with the booth numbers of all the Líderes Corporate Partners who will be expecting you. Chat with them to learn about opportunities at their companies, and drop off your résumé. 12:30–2:30 p.m. NCLR National Affiliate Luncheon The Great Hall

3:00–4:30 p.m.

Líderes Summit Workshops: Session I Rooms 221–223

7:00–9:00 p.m. Líderes Gozadera (Summit Welcome Dance) 2013 NCLR ANNUAL CONFERENCE

Rivergate Room


SUNDAY, JULY 21 9:30–10:30 a.m. Líderes Connection Point Rivergate Room

This networking event is open to Líderes Summit Sponsor Circle members and members of the Líderes Youth Advisory Committee and Líderes Summit Staff. To access the 2014 applications for these programs, visit lideres.nclr.org. 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. NCLR Latinas Brunch The Great Hall

1:30–3:00 p.m.

Líderes Summit Workshops: Session II Rooms 209–210, 213

Room 214

Attend this session to learn about an exciting program that facilitates internships for high school students interested in federal careers and helps recent college graduates enter into federal jobs. Discover the meaningful training and career development opportunities that the Pathways Programs offer, including the Internship Program, Recent Graduates Program, and the Presidential Management Fellows Program.

Rivergate Room

Attend this Check-In session to hear testimonials from youth in the Líderes Network who are transforming communities throughout the country. Learn about the projects they’re leading, get tips for how to launch your own, and discover how to support your idea through the long term.


5:30–6:30 p.m. Check-In: ¡Líderes en Acción! Presented by Best Buy Co., Inc.

Líderes SUMMIT

4:00–5:00 p.m. Líderes Check-In Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates to Federal Careers Presented by The U.S. Office of Personnel Management


8:00–10:00 p.m. Líderes Cultural Talent Showcase

Líderes SUMMIT

New Orleans Marriott, La Galerie, 4–6, 2nd Floor

Join the fun as you and your fellow Líderes showcase theatrical skits, musical and dance performances, and spoken word and poetry. Corporate partners, Affiliate leadership, and general registered Conference Attendees are also welcome.

MONDAY, JULY 22 10:45 a.m.–Noon Líderes Check-In Presented by Shell Rivergate Room

12:30–2:30 p.m. NCLR Monday Luncheon The Great Hall


2:45–4:15 p.m.


Líderes Summit Workshops: Session III Rooms 221–223

4:30–6:00 p.m. Líderes Summit Awards Ceremony Rivergate Room

TUESDAY, JULY 23 10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. NCLR Tuesday Luncheon The Great Hall

1:30–3:00 p.m.

Líderes Summit Workshops: Session IV 3:30–4:30 p.m. Líderes Despedida Rivergate Room

Join your Líderes cohort at the official closing session of the 2013 Summit. Share your favorite Summit memories, recognize your mentor, and celebrate the Summit Staff superlatives.

Líderes SUMMIT

Rooms 217–219

8:00–10:30 p.m. NCLR Annual Conference Awards Gala New Orleans Marriott, Grand Ballroom


Join us next year at the 2014 Líderes Summit in Los Angeles, California! Sign up for the Líderes Newsletter for free at lideres.nclr.org to get alerts about scholarships, leadership conferences, and Líderes Summit opportunities like Summit Workshops, Summit Staff, and Summit Group Scholarships.


9:00 a.m.–Noon Hotel Checkout and Departure



SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS TITLE SPONSOR 108 UPS NCLR FAMILY/FAMILIA PAVILION EXHIBITORS 512 Decisive Latino 510 El Sol Latino Newspaper 101 Expo Information/Prize Station 514 Jambalaya News 313 Kansas City 2015 309 KGLA Radio Tropical 1540 AM 417 La Caliente 413 La Mega 516 Latino Print Network 411 Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board 301 NCLR Advocacy Central 107 NCLR ALMA Awards 410 PBS (WYES) 408 Puentes New Orleans 108 UPS HEALTH AND FITNESS/TU SALUD PAVILION CO-ANCHOR SPONSORS 935 Eli Lilly & Company 819 Vistakon速, Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. 742 Walgreens 1027 Walmart


1045 Alcoholics Anonymous 711 American Diabetes Association 929 American Kidney Fund 938 Be Natural 837 Be the Generation Bridge 1037 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1030 CDC's Learn the Signs. Act Early. 1233 Centene Corporation and our Louisiana partners: Louisiana Healthcare Connections and EXCELth, Incorporated 945 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 935 Eli Lilly & Company 1227 Farmworker Justice 838 FDA Office of Women's Health 839 Healthy Kids Out of School 722 Johnson & Johnson Division of Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. Consumer & Personal Products Worldwide in partnership with LSU School of Dentistry 943 Mylan Specialty LP 737 National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 1044 National Library of Medicine 1028 New Orleans Pelicans 739 NIH AIDS Research Programs 1042 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation 1142 Planned Parenthood Federation of America 1043 Rx Outreach 1144 Susan G. Komen 936 U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Pool Safely Campaign 836 U.S. Office of Minority Health 819 Vistakon速, Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. 742 Walgreens 1027 Walmart





COMMUNITY/EL BARRIO PAVILION ANCHOR SPONSOR 231 TOYOTA EXHIBITORS 351 AARP Driver Safety 547 American Federation of Teachers (AFT) 142 Amtrak 455 Center for Responsible Lending 446 City of Kenner, Hispanic Resource Center and Kenner Police Department 555 ClearPoint Credit Counseling Solutions 554 CredAbility 546 Discovery Familia 549 Familia es Familia 447 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 545 Friends of the National Museum of the American Latino 343 General Mills, Inc. 448 GobiernoUSA.gov/GSA 444 Jefferson Parish 533 Johnson & Johnson 430 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 442 Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers 454 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) 349 NCLR Homeownership Network 644 NeighborWorks America 539 Nielsen 646 Social Solutions-ETO Software 253 The TJX Companies, Inc. 231 TOYOTA 355 U.S. Department of HUD Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control 654 The U.S. Department of the Treasury 754 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 655 U.S. Securities and Exchange 247 Wells Fargo

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Women’s Media Center

CULTURE AND HISTORY/EL MUSEO PAVILION EXHIBITORS 1002 1018 1004 703 1003 1001 911 914 902 1019 1118 912

Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce (AHCC) ConAgra Foods Hilton Worldwide Hyundai Motor America League of United Latin American Citizens Marriott International, Inc. McDonald's Corporation National Park Service PepsiCo, Inc. REI–Recreational Equipment, Inc. Smithsonian Latino Center Somos Primos


347 450


221 Kraft EXHIBITORS 627 American Chemical Society 321 AT&T 227 Audubon Nature Institute 229 Bing 326 The Boeing Company 620 Chevrolet 522 Federal Communications Commission 421 Federal Trade Commission 221 Kraft 427 Nissan 423 RTT Mobile Interpretation 520 Satellite Works–DirecTV





120 Telemundo CAREER AND EDUCATION/ TUS OPORTUNIDADES PAVILION EXHIBITORS 515 American University Frederick Douglass Distinguished Scholars Program 607 CareerOneStop 612 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) 702 The Education Trust 517 Grand Canyon University 511 jcpenney 605 The Jefferson Parish Public School System 704 National Education Association 712 New American Funding 610 New Orleans Police Department 706 Peace Corps 710 Selective Service System 614 The Sherwin-Williams Company 603 Social Security Administration 503 Sprint 616 United States Marshals Service 611 U.S. Department of Labor Job Corps 613 U.S. Department of State

2013 NCLR Annual Conference Sponsors SPONSORS

Co-title sponsors TOYOTA Walmart ®

Title Sponsor UPS

Gold ConAgra Foods Eli Lilly & Company Hyundai Motor America Johnson & Johnson McDonald’s Corporation PepsiCo, Inc. Wells Fargo


Diamond Bank of America Comcast/NBCUniversal/Telemundo State Farm PLATINUM AMTRAK




Silver AT&T Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. General Mills, Inc. Nissan


Bronze The Boeing Company Centene Corporation Chevrolet jcpenney JPMorgan Chase & Co. REI—Recreational Equipment, Inc. The TJX Companies, Inc. Corporate American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Central Intelligence Agency Honda Marriott International, Inc. Mylan Specialty LP Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation PhRMA

Workshop Track Sponsors

HEALTH Baxter International Inc. THE LATINA PERSPECTIVE jcpenney


EDUCATION American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Honda

workforce development The TJX Companies, Inc.






JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE #NCLR14 www.nclr.org/events #NCLR14

Register Today

for the 2014 NCLR Annual Conference in Los Angeles and Save up to $275!

Premium $850 Regular Registration $375 Senior $150 NCLR Affiliate $200 LĂ­deres Summit $200 Payment must be made by August 16, 2013 to qualify. Visit the Registration booth on-site in New Orleans for details.

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