NCLR, CNAN FALL CAUCUS NOTES November 14, 2003 Connie Hernandez called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. Introductions were made across the room. Connie Hernandez then opened up the floor to the first item on the agenda. Recap of Austin – Disappointment was expressed at the low turn out of affiliates. Possible that there were too many distracting functions at Conference, which drew, affiliates away. Committees gave their reports since the last caucus in Sacramento, 2003 Executive Committee proceeded to give its report on the meeting held on 11/13/03. Jose Rodriguez stated that the topic of focus was to seek participation from affiliates. He also asked that participating/active affiliates write to neighboring affiliates who are not active and do not participate in CNAN functions. The Executive Committee also discussed developing a master calendar for CNAN dates such as legislative dates to Caucuses. Affiliate Co-Chairs Alfredo Villasenor and Elvira Diaz gave an update on the Affiliate Council -
Handed out California Affiliate Council Report Affiliate Council meetings are open for all affiliates to attend. CNAN will send word of all CNAN activities to other regions.
Elvira mentioned that there would be an organized legislative day on Capitol Hill February 23 -24 in Washington, DC. Both Elvira and Fred will be asking affiliates which issues are important to them. Once all issues are collected they will create a briefing book for reference. Cristina added that affiliates should refer to the Public Policy Briefing Book, which was available at Conference and is on the web. NCLR is not paying for affiliate travel, but is currently trying to secure very affordable hotel room rates ($65/night for a triple.) Also, there will be opportunities for affiliates to participate from the field, such as a call in day.
On February 23, 2004 there will be a policy briefing and advocacy training in Washington, DC.On February 24, 2004 there will be legislative visits to the Hill. Please contact Clarissa Martinez De Castro of the DC office with any questions. NCLR Staff Updates Education - Jacqueline Duvivier - Continuation of CSDI initiatives - 23 applicants for grants - 11 applications from California - 15 schools are grantees or affiliate schools California Cluster will be meeting on 11/15 for training on the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). ** Presentation of NCLB Act was requested at next Caucus by affiliates (possiblyRaul Gonzalez can facilitate). Bios and general information on all the schools in the California NCLR cohort were required. ECP - Early College Project -
Pilot project for students to graduate from high school with diploma as well as 60 credits/AA degree Twelve schools nationwide have been selected for the cohort.
Workforce Development - Margaret Perez-Clark - Signature Project - Corporate Projects - Regional Sectoral Projects - Federal Workforce System Partnership California Health Care Project - Work with community clinics to obtain qualified health care workers.
Margaret Perez-Clark encouraged the CAWFDWG to recommend new people to be appointed to the State Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Policy- Cristina Huezo - Many changes in Sacramento: Governor- Elect Schwarzenegger will be sworn in on November 17, 2003 - Discussion of next Advocacy Day in Sacramento o Possible meet-and-greet or roundtable discussion with new Administration, target key officials who cover our issues. o Possible meeting with Latino Caucus. o Timing: March (Do not want to coincide with National Advocacy Day in late February). DREAM Act Senator Feinstein wrote an amendment to the bill deleting funds to immigrant students. CNAN was encouraged to make calls and visits to Sen. Feinstein’s office. Hugo Cardona Expressed greetings to everyone on behalf of Raul Yzaguirre. Hugo stated that he was glad to be participating and mentioned he just came from the Texas caucus, and every region strives to be like CNAN. Hugo stated that he would like CNAN to create a clear definition of what partnership means to them. He would also like to see more peer-to-peer workshops and trainings with practical purpose. He also added that the 2004 Annual Conference will be held in Phoenix, Arizona June 26-29, 2004 NCLR OFFER AFFILIATES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
ORAL/Policy-Unique accomplishment in California with the relationship between the Sacramento Office and affiliates. Programmatic Organizational Capacity Affiliate Member Services Focused Funding Opportunities Event Participation: Annual Conference, Capital Awards, etc.
Attend Conference/Events Respond to Action Alerts and Communications Pay Dues $400 a year Display NCLR Logo/Name (if it will be displayed along with other organizations, please check with NCLR first)
Break for Lunch 12:00-12:50 p.m. Resumed with Committee reports: Marketing/Public Relations Reported on the CNAN website. Education The Education Committee decided to suspend movement of a statewide education summit for lack of interest and volunteers. The education committee will have three taskforces: 1) Early Education, 2) Primary and Secondary Education, 3) Charter Schools. Early Education affiliates met yesterday for a universal preschool workshop and will be convening via conference call in three weeks. Committees broke for 30 minutes to discuss and work in committees. Discussion on Winter/Spring Caucus as a meet-and-greet/lobby day in Sacramento March 16-17 2004. Staff will approach an affiliate or another CBO for sponsorship. Staff will try to approach an affiliate for sponsorship or another CBO Meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.