Advocacy Day Registration Form

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NATIONAL ADVOCACY DAY March 9 and 10, 2005 Registration Form ♦ Registration is limited to NCLR affiliates, Emerging Latino Community project groups, Mott grantees, and Líderes program participants and must be received by no later than February 23rd. ♦ There is no fee to participate, but registration is required. ♦ If you are attending as part of a group, each group member must register separately. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Organization: ____________________________________________________________________ Group leader/contact person (if applicable): ____________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________

State: _________ Zip: __________________

Phone: __________________________________

Fax: ________________________________

Email: __________________________________ Other information: Please indicate the event(s) you plan to attend:

Translation needed: ______ Yes ______ No

_____ Wed., March 9: Briefing and Advocacy Training

NCLR Network Affiliation: _______ Affiliate _______ ELC ______ Líderes

_____ Thurs., March 10: Capitol Hill Visits

_______ Associate Member

______ Other

An important part of becoming an advocate is building relationships with your congressional members and state legislators. For this reason, we strongly encourage you to set up your own meetings with members of your state’s congressional delegation. “How To” tools for setting up meetings are available on the Advocacy Day event page ( However, if you do need assistance in setting up your meetings, we would be happy to help. Email ( or call Vanessa Clemens (202-785-1670) in the NCLR Policy Center if you need assistance. Please register for the event and call your delegates’ offices as soon as possible to improve the chances of securing a meeting, and inform NCLR of your meeting schedule no later than February 23, 2005 (by emailing Which Members of Congress will you seek meetings with: __________________________________________________________________________________

Email completed forms to:

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