2006 Líderes de Hoy Contest Packet

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 Deadline: 5 p.m. CT on Friday, July 28, 2006. Recommended postmark date: Monday, July 24, 2006.

(type or print with Student Name Home Address City Home Phone Number (

State )

Zip Code


Date of Birth High School or College Grade Level


Parent or Guardian Name

 I certify that this essay is my own work. I agree to abide by all guidelines and requirements of the Líderes de Hoy essay contest. I understand that my essay will not be returned and will become the property of Allstate and NCLR to use at their discretion and that the judges’ decisions are final. Student Signature


Parent or Guardian Signature


Please submit two copies of your completed application, signed release form, letter of recommendation, official transcript, and essay by mail to Líderes de Hoy essay contest, Attn: John Heiderscheidt, 2775 Sanders Road, Suite F3, Northbrook, IL 60065. Submissions must be received no later than 5 p.m. CT on Friday, July 28, 2006. Recommended postmark date: Monday, July 24, 2006. The Líderes de Hoy essay contest is not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, stolen, or Monday misdirected mail. Thank you for your submission!

Contest Background According to the U. S. Department of Education, 37% of Hispanics do not finish high school, compared to the national average of 15%. In fact, overall statistics show that Hispanic students do not perform as well as nonHispanics, African Americans, or Asians. They have higher dropout rates, lower test scores, and fewer college graduates, leading to less involvement in community affairs. However, there are many young Latinos who are exemplary in their leadership and dedication to both their own educational success and the empowerment of their communities. These facts have charged Allstate to support initiatives that empower the Hispanic community, specifically the Líderes de Hoy essay contest. The Líderes de Hoy essay contest is an Allstate and National Council of La Raza (NCLR) initiative that recognizes and celebrates the work of Hispanic youth leaders making a difference in their communities. Essay Topic: The Líderes de Hoy essay contest provides an opportunity for young Hispanic leaders to share their perspectives on what it means to be a leader in their community. Essays should answer the question:

As a young leader, how have you been a catalyst for positive change and contributed to inspiring your community? Essays should also include examples of individual leadership or work with a community organization or group and how the applicant plans to continue to be involved in community and civic affairs in the future. Supplemental materials including but not limited to media clips, photos, and videos will also be accepted.

How to Participate


Students of Hispanic descent currently enrolled in high school or college as a full-time undergraduate student (with a minimum GPA of 2.0) can participate in the Líderes de Hoy essay contest by submitting two copies of a typed essay via mail to: Líderes de Hoy essay contest, Attn: John Heiderscheidt, 2775 Sanders Road, Suite F3, Northbrook, IL 60065. All essays must be accompanied by an official transcript and two copies each of the application form, release form, and a letter of recommendation from a community leader or mentor in a sealed envelope. Application and release forms can be obtained online at http://lideres.nclr.org.

There will be six high school and six college winners. For each category, one grand prize winner will receive a one-time payment of $10,000. The other five winners in each category will receive a one-time payment of $5,000. Winners will receive a scholarship from Allstate for education expenses and will be invited to participate in the Líderes de Hoy awards ceremony in Washington, DC as a part of the commemoration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Round trip airfare and hotel accommodations will be provided for each finalist and one guardian/guest.

Deadline Selection Process Essays will be judged on the basis of the entrant’s commitment to his or her community, exemplary leadership individually or within a group, and promise of continued involvement in community and civic affairs. Ten winners will be selected by an independent panel of judges. All winners will be notified by mail by Friday, August 25, 2006. The decisions of the judges are final.

All submissions must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, July 28, 2006. Recommended postmark date: Monday, July 24, 2006. The Líderes de Hoy essay contest is not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, stolen, or misdirected mail. Allstate encourages all youth to strive for academic excellence and become involved in their community. Through our partnership with NCLR, we are providing Hispanic youth with access to the resources and training needed to become the next generation of Hispanic leaders.

About Líderes With nearly half of all Hispanics in the United States under the age of 25, young Hispanics are a primary source of new leaders. However, too often, educators, policymakers, and community leaders have failed to recognize the need to support programs that encourage Hispanic education, leadership, and training, which in turn has led to less involvement of Hispanic youth in community affairs. Still, there are many young Latinos who are exemplary in their leadership and dedication to their own educational success and the empowerment of their communities. The Center for Emerging Latino Leadership is an initiative of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) created to increase the number, capacity, and influence of young Hispanic leaders in the United States by building a national network that supports and strengthens programs and organizations that help Hispanic youth. The Center provides local, community-based programs and campus-based student organizations that serve Hispanic youth with regular updates on internships, scholarships, seminars, and education programs at the local and national level. In addition, the Center focuses on providing technical assistance to these groups to improve their effectiveness, providing youth with opportunities to convene at the regional level, and connecting them with community leaders, which ultimately creates greater opportunities for collaboration and networking. Long-term partner, Allstate Insurance Company is committed to supporting initiatives that empower the Hispanic community. Allstate has partnered with NCLR to advance the work of the Center through the development of the Líderes website (http://lideres.nclr.org) – the web presence and interactive resource for the Center. Allstate’s continued support of the Center helps thousands of promising young Hispanic leaders to positively impact Hispanic communities throughout the United States. Interested campus groups, community-based organizations, fraternal organizations and regional and national youth organizations promoting leadership among young Hispanics can be an active part of the NCLR national Líderes Network online at http://lideres.nclr.org.

Release Form Please read the following release and sign where indicated. The signed release must accompany your essay entry. As a condition of entering the Líderes de Hoy essay contest, I hereby certify that: I am the author of the essay submitted to the Líderes de Hoy essay contest. I am the sole and exclusive owner of all rights thereto and there are no disputes regarding ownership of the submission. I have full authority to submit the essay to the Líderes de Hoy essay contest. I guarantee the submitted essay does not invade or defame the rights of any person living or dead, and I fully indemnify Allstate and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) against any claim made for such invasion, defamation, or other violations of law. I will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Líderes de Hoy essay contest, Allstate, NCLR, its employees, judges, individually and collectively, including their heirs, personal representatives, officers, directors, successors and assigns, from and against all claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, judgments, liabilities and expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims of third parties, whether or not groundless, based on any essay, or other materials submitted by me to Allstate, NCLR, and/or the Líderes de Hoy essay contest. I hereby grant Allstate and NCLR the nonexclusive right to use my name, photograph, and likeness in connection with any and all publicity and promotional activities regarding Allstate, NCLR, and/or the Líderes de Hoy essay contest. I understand the Líderes de Hoy essay contest accepts no liability whatsoever for loss or non-receipt of my essay or for the unauthorized use of all or part of my essay by any person and I agree to remain fully liable in connection therewith. I understand that the Líderes de Hoy essay contest will not return and is not obligated to return my essay, or any other materials I have submitted to the Líderes de Hoy essay contest. I hereby agree to abide by the decisions of the Líderes de Hoy essay contest judges with regard to all matters and decisions, including those decisions involving their sole discretion, relating to the Líderes de Hoy essay contest. I have read all of the competition rules, regulations and release, understand them, and have complied with them. I understand that failure to adhere to the Líderes de Hoy essay contest rules, regulations, and release will result in disqualification.

Title of Work


Applicant’s Signature

Print Name

Guardian’s Signature

Print Name

Letters of Recommendation What Works Help the judges understand in what capacity and context you know the candidate: as community service supervisor, through volunteer activities, educational experience, etc., and for what length of time. Whenever possible, indicate that you know the candidate personally. Provide concrete evidence of the candidate’s leadership and service activities. The more specific the examples, the better. Effective letters use narrative technique to highlight the candidate in action, as an innovator, activist, volunteer, etc. These letters should convey the candidate’s enthusiasm and dedication. Convey to readers the scope of responsibility the candidate assumed; readers look for evidence of results. What impact did the candidate’s actions have? Address the scholarship criteria specifically. Scholarships will be awarded based on the individual’s potential to shape the future within the Hispanic community and for their demonstrated dedication to this community-oriented work. Readers look for sustained participation within the Hispanic community, assumption of leadership roles, and evidence of initiative that complements their activities and education goals.

What Doesn't A letter that is so generic that almost anyone’s name could be inserted. Telling readers that the candidate did the community work and showed up on time. This should be expected. Letters that focus exclusively on the candidate’s potential for success in an undergraduate school program. Activism and leadership are more important qualities for the scholarship.

Questions & Answers What is Líderes de Hoy? Líderes de Hoy is an essay contest developed by Allstate and NCLR to recognize and celebrate the work of Hispanic youth leaders making a difference in the Hispanic community. What is the topic of the essay? Interested Hispanic youth are asked to submit an essay on what it means to be a leader and how they are actively contributing to their community through their individual leadership or work with a community organization or group. The essay question is:

As a young leader, how have you been a catalyst for positive change and contributed to inspiring your community? Applicants should include examples of their leadership and how they plan to continue to be involved in community and civic affairs in the future. Who can participate in Líderes de Hoy? Students of Hispanic descent currently enrolled in high school or college as a full-time undergraduate student (with a minimum GPA of 2.0) can participate in the Líderes de Hoy essay contest. Who is not eligible to participate in Líderes de Hoy? The following are not eligible for the Líderes de Hoy essay contest: (1) employees and agents of Allstate Insurance Company, National Council of La Raza and their respective parent, subsidiary, and affiliate companies, and their respective advertising and promotion agencies; (2) persons providing support services to any sales agent authorized to represent Allstate Insurance Company or its parent, subsidiary, or affiliate companies (whether those persons are employed by agent or not); (3) the “immediate family members” and/or “household members” of any of the persons set forth in (1) or (2) above. “Immediate family members” shall mean parents, step-parents, children, step-children, siblings or spouses. “Household members” shall mean people who share the same residence at least three months a year; (4) any person who won the contest the year previous to the current scholarship application year; (5) any person who has previously won will not be given preference. How can young Hispanic leaders participate in Líderes de Hoy? Applications and release forms are available at http://lideres.nclr.org. Young Hispanics can participate by mailing two copies each of the registration form, signed release form, letter of recommendation from a community leader or mentor in a sealed envelope, an original essay on what it means to be a leader and how they are actively contributing to their community through their leadership and an official transcript. Applicants should also include examples of their leadership and how they plan to continue to be involved in community and civic affairs in the future. Supplemental materials including but not limited to media clips, photos, and videos will also be accepted. All materials should be submitted in a sealed envelope. How many copies of the application materials are required? Each applicant should submit two copies of their essay and all required documents. What is the deadline to submit an essay? All essays must be received no later than 5 p.m. CT on Friday, July 28, 2006. Recommended postmark date: Monday, July 24, 2006.

Where do I submit my essay? Applicants can submit their essays via U.S. mail to: Líderes de Hoy essay contest, Attn: John Heiderscheidt, 2775 Sanders Road, Suite F3, Northbrook, IL 60065. Applications and release forms are available at http://lideres.nclr.org. What are the contest official rules and guidelines? All essays must be in English, typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or an equivalent font with numbered pages and 1-inch margins. Essays should contain a cover sheet with the essay title and the student’s name. No identifying information should appear on the first page of the essay (e.g. first and/or last name, initials, social security number). Essays should be no longer than 1,000 words. All submissions must be received by Friday, July 28, 2006. Recommended postmark date: Monday, July 24, 2006. Any submission that does not meet the requirements or is received after 5pm on Friday, July 28, 2006 will be disqualified. How will the essays be judged? Twelve winning essays will be chosen by an independent panel of judges. Each essay will be evaluated on the basis of the entrant’s commitment to his or her community, exemplary leadership individually or within a group and promise of continued involvement in community and civic affairs. How many winners are there? Six high school winners will be chosen (one grand prize winner and five other winners). Six college student winners will be chosen (one grand prize winner and five other winners). What prize does the contest award? For each category, the grand prize winner will receive a one-time payment of $10,000. The other five winners in each category will each receive a one-time payment of $5,000. Why did Allstate Insurance and the National Council of La Raza decide to hold this contest? According to the U. S. Department of Education, 37% of Hispanics do not finish high school, compared to the national average of 15%. In fact, overall statistics show that Hispanic students do not perform as well as non-Hispanics, African Americans or Asians. They have higher dropout rates, lower test scores, and fewer college graduates, leading to less involvement in community affairs. However, there are many young Latinos who are exemplary in their leadership and dedication to both their own educational success and the empowerment of their communities. These facts have charged Allstate to support initiatives that empower the Hispanic community, specifically the Líderes de Hoy essay contest.

Rules & Guidelines Essay Topic Please submit an essay answering the question:

As a young leader, how have you been a catalyst for positive change and contributed to inspiring your community? Essays should also include examples of your individual leadership or work with a community organization or group and how you plan to continue to be involved in community and civic affairs in the future. Supplemental materials including but not limited to media clips, photos, and videos will also be accepted.

Who is Eligible? Students of Hispanic descent currently enrolled in high school or college as a full-time undergraduate student (with a minimum GPA of 2.0) can participate in the Líderes de Hoy essay contest.

Who is Not Eligible? The following are not eligible for the Líderes de Hoy essay contest: (1) employees and agents of Allstate Insurance Company, National Council of La Raza and their respective parent, subsidiary, and affiliate companies, and their respective advertising and promotion agencies; (2) persons providing support services to any sales agent authorized to represent Allstate Insurance Company or its parent, subsidiary, or affiliate companies (whether those persons are employed by agent or not); (3) the “immediate family members” and/or “household members” of any of the persons set forth in (1) or (2) above. “Immediate family members” shall mean parents, step-parents, children, step-children, siblings or spouses. “Household members” shall mean people who share the same residence at least three months a year; (4) any person who won the contest the year previous to the current scholarship application year; (5) any person who has previously won will not be given preference.

Guidelines Submit two copies of the completed registration form signed by you and your guardian. Submit two copies of an original essay in English on the designated topic and any additional supporting materials including media clips, photos, videos, etc. Submit two copies of the release form signed by you and your guardian.

Submit a letter of recommendation from a community leader or mentor. Please provide two copies of the letter. Submit two copies of an official transcript. Any submission that does not meet the requirements or is received after 5 p.m. CT on Friday, July 28, 2006 will be disqualified.

Essay Requirements Entries must be in English, typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or an equivalent font with numbered pages and with 1-inch margins. No identifying information (e.g., first and/or last name, initials, social security number) should appear on the first page of your essay.

Essays should contain a cover sheet with the essay title and the student’s name. Essays should be no longer than 1,000 words.

How Will the Essays be Judged? Winning essays will be chosen by an independent panel of judges. Each essay will be evaluated on the basis of the entrant’s commitment to his of her community, example(s) of exemplary leadership individually or within a group; and promise to continue involvement in community and civic affairs.

Twelve essays will be selected. Finalists will be notified via mail by Friday, August 25, 2006. The decisions of the judges are final.

Prizes There will be six high school winners and six college winners. For each category, one grand prize winner will receive a one-time payment of $10,000. The other five winners in each category will each receive a one-time payment of $5,000. Winners will receive a scholarship from Allstate for education expenses and will be invited to participate in the Líderes de Hoy awards ceremony in Washington, DC. Round-trip airfare and hotel accommodations will be provided for each finalist and one guardian/guest. All expenses not specified herein including, but not limited to, meals, taxes, gratuities, as well as ground transportation (from finalist’s home to airport closest to finalist’s home and back) are the sole responsibility of each finalist and his or her parent/legal guardian.

Mailing Instructions Submissions will be accepted through the U.S. mail. Send two copies of all required materials including the registration form, essay, official transcript, letter of recommendation in a sealed envelope and release form via mail to Líderes de Hoy essay contest, Attn: John Heiderscheidt, 2775 Sanders Road, Suite F3, Northbrook, IL 60065. All entry materials will become the property of Allstate and NCLR once submitted. They will not be returned. No responsibility is assumed for lost, late, incomplete, stolen, misdirected mail, or online entries; or for any computer or communications malfunctions, failures, connections, or availability; or garbled, corrupt, or jumbled transmissions; or service provider/ Internet/web site/use net accessibility, availability, or traffic congestion, or any technical error, or unauthorized human intervention; or the incorrect or inaccurate capture of entry or other information.

Deadline Your entry MUST be received no later than 5 p.m. CT on Friday, July 28, 2006. Recommended postmark date: Monday, July 24, 2006. Allstate reserves the right to amend or stop the contest without advance notice.

Thank you for your essay submission!

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