2009 Affiliate Booth - Exhibitor Form

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2009 NCLR Annual Conference July 25 28, 2009, McCormick Place West

Chicago, Illinois

Exhibitor/Advertiser Agreement 1. TYPE/PRINT Company name as it will appear in program book: _________________________________________________________

Please type or print clearly. 2. CLIENT INFORMATION


Contact ________________________________________

Total from Section 3 Total from Section 4 Total Amount Due

Title ___________________________________________

$____________ $____________ $____________

Address ________________________________________ City________________________ State_____ Zip_______


Telephone________________ Fax___________________

We understand and agree to comply with the Terms of Sale (Section 5 of this Agreement), the attached Exhibit Rules and Regulations, and the Ad Specs.


An Exhibit Service Manual will be sent to the above-listed contact.

Name (Print) ______________________________________


Authorized Signature _____________________________

One (1) full Conference registration is included in the booth price. Booth dimensions are 10 x 10 .

Date ___________________________________________

(Select one)


NCLR Affiliate Organization


Chicago/ Milwaukee Affiliate

$0.00 Total $________

Title ___________________________________________

American Express Visa MasterCard

Purchase Order Enclosed Check Enclosed Please Send Invoice

Card Number ____________________________________ Expiration Date __________________________________

Affiliate ID#


(To obtain your Affiliate ID, please contact Affiliate Member Services at affiliate@nclr.org.) All booths come with standard furnishings, which include one 6 skirted table, two chairs, one wastebasket, and one 7 x 44 identification sign. Additional tables, chairs, or listed items may be ordered through the Exhibit Hall Decorator, Hargrove, Inc.

(Deadline for submission: May 22, 2009)

Print Name ______________________________________ Federal Purchase Orders Must Provide the Following: Name of Procurement Officer ________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________



Card Holder Signature ____________________________

$2,300 Total $________

5. TERMS OF SALE NCLR shall base all space assignments on total support of NCLR, level of participation, organization s history with NCLR, and size and configuration of exhibit. Furthermore, NCLR reserves all rights to reassign exhibit space to ensure safety and convenience, and to avoid conflict of products and/ or exhibitors. Exhibit(s) must be confined to the space leased. This signed contract, ad(s), and full payment must be received NO LATER than June 26, 2009. Any exceptions must be presented in writing and approved by NCLR. Exhibit and advertising cancellation requests received in writing before June 26, 2009 will be charged 15% of the total purchase price. No refunds will be made after this date. All rates quoted are inclusive and noncommissionable. Payments received after August 28, 2009 will be assessed a late fee of 1.5% per month (18% per annum). We, the undersigned, agree to abide by the Exhibit Rules and Regulations, which can be found online at www.nclr.org/conferenceexhibitors. Advertising specifications are provided in a separate spec sheet and are incorporated herein as part of this contract.

10. RETURN AGREEMENT AND/OR AD NO LATER THAN MAY 22, 2009 TO: Attn: Sylvana Foreman Strategic Communications Group National Council of La Raza 1126 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036 FAX: (202) 318-0744 EMAIL: sforeman@nclr.org

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