©2009 Children’s Defense Fund. All rights reserved.
Have 5 million uninsured children been crossed off the nation’s to-do list too soon?
The recent expansion of the Children’s Health Insurance Program was a major step forward. But at least 5 million children will still be uninsured, and millions more underinsured. Now is our chance for comprehensive reform. Let’s make sure that all children get the health coverage and care they deserve.
Client: CDF
Fallon | Minneapolis
Job #: CFCDF9PM065
Congress Daily AM
Issue: 06/10/2009
File Name: CFCDF9PM065v3_8_5x11.indd File Created On: 06/04/09 Rev. Date/Time: Bleed: 8.75”w x 11.25”h Trim: 8.5" w x 11" h Live: 7.5” w x 10” h Gutter allowance: na Media: PM Fonts: Adobe Garamond
Production Artist: Herrmann Art Director: Dean Hanson Copywriter: Dean Buckhorn Producer: Tom Beckel Project Manager: Lindsey Anderson Art Buyer: Dave Lewis Account Executive: Fred Senn
Ink Colors: CMYK
Close: 06/05/2009