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March 23, 2010

Dear Representative: T he National Council of L a Raza (N C/5 XUJHV \RX WR FRVSRQVRU WKH ³/RFDO -REV IRU $PHULFD $FW´ (H .R. 4812), which has been introduced by Congressman George M iller (D± C A). This legislation will provide critical funding to states, local governments, and nonprofit community-based organizations to save and create one million jobs in communities around the country. The ³Local Jobs for America Act´ will keep police officers, firefighters, and teachers on the job, restore critical services that have been cut, and create new jobs that meet local needs. Workers could be hired to provide a variety of services, from financial counseling, to child care and youth programming, to community redevelopment. Of particular importance, the bill allots funding to state and local governments, as well as nonprofit community-based organizations, to hire workers in high-unemployment, high-poverty areas. 7KH ³/RFDO -REV IRU $PHULFD $FW´ LV WKH NLQG RI bold action that NCLR, leading economists, civil rights organizations, and other partners have been calling for to create jobs that reach the hardest-hit communities. Many of these stakeholders KDYH DOUHDG\ HQGRUVHG &KDLUPDQ 0LOOHU¶V bill. The act also has the support of the National League of Cities, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and the National Association of Counties. Disparities in unemployment and foreclosure rates between Hispanics and other Americans, together with anecdotal testimonials from 1&/5¶V FRPPXQLW\-based Affiliates, tell the story of millions of Latinos struggling to find and keep work while putting food on the table and keeping D URRI RYHU WKHLU KHDGV 1&/5 EHOLHYHV WKDW WKH ³/RFDO -REV IRU $PHULFD $FW´ ZLOO go a long way to narrow these gaps by reaching the hardest-hit communities with employment opportunities. Your support for H.R. 4812 is an opportunity to restore America¶s confidence in ODZPDNHUV¶ ability to enact high-impact job creation policies to jumpstart local economies. Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Singley, NCLR Policy Analyst, at (202) 785-1670. We look forward to working with you to ensure the ³/RFDO -REV IRU $PHULFD $FW´ LV VZLIWO\ HQDFWHG Sincerely,

Janet Murguía President and CEO

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