NCLR Health Summit Sponsorship Kit

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PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This summer, NCLR’s Institute for Hispanic Health (IHH) will host its fifth annual Health Summit in conjunction with the 2017 NCLR Annual Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Since 2011, the Health Summit has been the premier annual health event bringing together hundreds of health professionals, community advocates, and NCLR Affiliates, in addition to individuals from the government, corporate, academic, and nonprofit worlds. Our partners engage in conversations on the latest and emerging health issues affecting Latino children and families who are part of vibrant and diverse communities across the country. During this critical time, we need to create and protect gains made to our nation’s health and evolving health care system. The Summit intends to provide an environment where you can share peer-to-peer experiences and best practices, while partaking in valuable networking, learning, advocacy, training, and social events. We are committed to providing you with three extraordinary days filled with timely and relevant policy and practice content. Your support and investment in the 2017 Health Summit will also give you access to all events and activities of the NCLR Annual Conference, which is the largest gathering of Latinos in the United States. This year marks the 49th anniversary of NCLR, and so it is fitting that we are returning to the place we were founded: Phoenix. You don’t want to miss access to expert dialogue and resources that will best equip you and your organizations in better promoting and advancing the health and well-being of the 55 million Latinos in the United States. Read on for partnership opportunities with NCLR at this year’s Health Summit!

SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES HEALTH EQUITY CHAMPION: $100,000 The lead sponsor of the Health Summit receives maximum engagement, exposure, and visibility throughout the event. •

Opportunity for corporate representative to give remarks at the Health Summit opening session (three minutes maximum).

Opportunity for corporate representative to participate in Health Summit panel (per NCLR approval).

Opportunity for corporate representative to participate in Federally Qualified Health Center roundtable (pre-Summit, invitation only meeting).

Opportunity for company to be recognized by NCLR leadership as lead sponsor at Health Summit welcome reception.

Opportunity to partner with NCLR Health team in post Summit webinar (content to be mutually agreed upon).

Up to ten (10) full Health Summit registrations (includes access to all Annual Conference events and activities).

@NCLR | #latinohealth |


HEALTH EQUITY CHAMPION: $100,000 (continued) •

One (1) reserved table for up to ten (10) guests at three (3) designated Conference meal events.

Logo on select Health Summit publicity materials.

Opportunity for inclusion of a corporate giveaway in the Health Summit attendee bags.

Logo on select Health Summit signage.

Logo on Health Summit attendee bags.

Inclusion in Health Summit–related marketing and outreach collateral.

One full-page advertisement in the NCLR Annual Conference Program Book.

Logo placement on the NCLR Health Summit website.

Name recognition in the Conference Program Book as Health Summit Champion.

Logo placement on the NCLR Annual Conference app banner.

Photo opportunity with NCLR Health leadership and Affiliates.

Opportunity for inclusion of a corporate giveaway in the Health Summit attendee bags.

Logo placement on the NCLR Health Summit website.

Logo placement on NCLR Annual Conference app banner.

HEALTH ANCHOR: $75,000 •

Opportunity for corporate representative to provide remarks at Health Summit welcome reception.

Opportunity for company to be recognized by NCLR leadership at Health Summit opening session.

Opportunity for corporate representative to participate in Health Summit panel.

Opportunity to partner with NCLR Health team in post Summit webinar (content to be mutually agreed upon).

Inclusion in Health Summit–related marketing and outreach collateral.

Logo placement on select Health Summit signage.

Up to eight (8) full Health Summit registrations (includes access to all Annual Conference events and activities).

One full-page advertisement in the NCLR Annual Conference Program Book.

Name recognition in the Conference Program Book as Health Summit Anchor.

Photo opportunity with NCLR Health leadership and Affiliates.

Logo placement on the NCLR Health Summit website.

One full-page advertisement in the NCLR Annual Conference Program Book.

Logo placement on select Health Summit signage.

Name recognition in the Conference Program Book as Health Community Leader.

Photo opportunity with NCLR Health leadership and Affiliates.

One (1) reserved table for up to ten (10) at two (2) designated Conference meal event.



Opportunity for corporate representative to give remarks at Health Summit training session.

Reserved seating for corporate representative at Health Summit opening session.

Up to six (6) full Health Summit registrations (includes access to all Annual Conference events and activities).

One (1) reserved table for up to ten (10) at one (1) designated Conference meal event.

Opportunity for inclusion of a corporate giveaway in the Health Summit attendee bags.

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Remarks by NCLR leadership on behalf of the company at the Health Summit opening session.

Reserved seating for corporate representative at Health summit opening session.

Up to six (5) full Health Summit registrations (includes access to all Annual Conference events and activities).

One (1) reserved table for up to ten (10) at one (1) designated Conference meal event.

Opportunity for inclusion of a corporate giveaway in the Health Summit attendee bags.

Logo placement on the NCLR Health Summit website.

Logo placement on select Health Summit signage.

One full-page advertisement in the NCLR Annual Conference Program Book.

Name recognition in the Conference Program Book as Health Community Leader.

Photo opportunity with NCLR Health leadership and Affiliates.

Opportunity for inclusion of a corporate giveaway in the Health Summit attendee bags.

Logo placement on the NCLR Health Summit website.

Logo placement on select Health Summit signage.

One full-page advertisement in the NCLR Annual Conference Program Book.

Name recognition in the Conference Program Book as Health Change Agent.


Remarks by NCLR leadership on behalf of the company at the Health Summit opening reception.

Reserved seating for corporate representative at Health Summit opening session.

Up to four (5) full Health Summit registrations (includes access to all Annual Conference events and activities).

Five (5) reserved seats at one (1) designated Conference meal event.


Reserved seating for up to three (3) at the Health Summit opening session.

Logo placement on select Health Summit signage.

Three (3) full Health Summit registrations (includes access to all Annual Conference events and activities).

Full recognition as Health Ambassador sponsor in the Annual Conference Program Book.

Logo placement on the Health Summit website.

@NCLR | #latinohealth |



EVENT/SESSION-SPECIFIC OPPORTUNITIES PLENARY SESSIONS (TOTAL OF TWO): $40,000 Interact with leading health care professionals at the local, regional, and national levels at the Health Summit opening session discussing emerging issues and major achievements by NCLR and its Affiliates in health, and the challenges that lie ahead. This opening session is a highly visible opportunity to strategically align your brand with this great work, and to share the impact being made by your company’s support with Health Summit attendees. Light, healthy refreshments will be provided. BENEFITS INCLUDE: •

Opportunity corporate representative to provide brief remarks.

Opportunity for inclusion of a corporate giveaway in the Health Summit attendee bags.

Opportunity for distribution of a corporate giveaway at the event.

Logo placement on the NCLR Health Summit website.

Reserved seating for up to six (6) corporate representatives.

One full-page advertisement in the NCLR Annual Conference Program Book.

Up to six (6) full Health Summit registrations (includes access to all Annual Conference events and activities).

Name recognition in the Conference Program Book as Health Community Leader.

One (1) reserved table for up to ten (10) at one (1) designated Conference meal event.

Photo opportunity with NCLR Health leadership and Affiliates.

HEALTH TOWN HALL CO-SPONSOR: $40,000 With an estimated 500 attendees at each session, along with thousands more viewing through the NCLR livestream, significant media coverage, and no competing activities, NCLR’s town halls are worth every dollar invested. Town halls offer sponsors an opportunity to share a timely topic or issue with an audience that extends well beyond Conference attendees. NCLR works to ensure the participation of the foremost experts and community leaders, and our town halls consistently receive regional and national media coverage. Topics and panelists change each year to address pertinent issues of importance to the Hispanic community. BENEFITS INCLUDE:


Name/logo on signage for the specified town hall.

Recognition by session coordinators as a sponsor of event.

Opportunity to provide brief remarks (2-3 minutes) related to the event topic (comments to be mutually approved by sponsor and NCLR).

Reserved seating for corporate representatives and VIPs.

Four (4) full Conference registrations .

Meet and greet/photo opportunity with the featured event moderator and speakers.

Opportunity for sponsor to collaborate with NCLR staff on panelists and or content experts for town hall (per NCLR approval).

Space on a display table for a branded corporate giveaway or information for attendees of event (subject to approval by NCLR).

Name recognition in event listing in the NCLR Annual Conference Program Book.

One full-page color advertisement in the Conference Program Book.

Name recognition on the NCLR website and in promotional materials for the event.

@NCLR | #latinohealth |


COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS LEADERSHIP MEETING: $30,000 Be part of an intimate and exclusive conversation with executive leadership of NCLR’s Affiliate community health centers from across the United States. Learn more about how these Affiliates and NCLR are working closely together to tackle significant health care issues at local, regional, and national levels. Partners that support this closed-door meeting will have an opportunity to share in rich dialogue and engage on the potential intersections with these leaders of health within the Latino community. BENEFITS INCLUDE: •

Opportunity for corporate representative to provide brief remarks at opening of Community Health Centers meeting.

Opportunity for corporate representative to engage in dialogue with NCLR and Affiliate leadership.

Opportunity for up to four (4) corporate representative to attend the meeting.

Name and/or logo on select signage and event-related materials, including the

Conference Program Book. •

Designated area for material distribution at the meeting.

Opportunity for inclusion of a corporate giveaway in the Health Summit attendee bags.

Four (4) full Health Summit registrations (includes access to all Annual Conference events and activities).

One (1) full page advertisement in the Annual Conference program book.

HEALTH SUMMIT LOUNGE: $30,000 Host Summit attendees in an exclusive lounge setting at the NCLR Health Summit. This space is designed to provide Attendees a place to check in on work email, hold small meetings, network, recharge devices, and recharge personally with a coffee boost, refreshments, or a comfortable spot to sit while waiting for the next Health Summit session or activity. BENEFITS INCLUDE:

Opportunity for corporate representative to provide brief remarks at Health Summit opening reception.

Select branding on signage in Health Summit Lounge.

Name and/or logo on select signage and event-related materials, including the Conference Program Book.

Designated area for material distribution or company marketing within the lounge.

Branded premium item distribution to lounge guests.

Opportunity to host small meeting with attendees in the lounge.

Four (4) full Health Summit registrations (includes access to all Annual Conference events and activities).

One (1) full-page advertisement in the Annual Conference Program Book.

@NCLR | #latinohealth |



ROUNDTABLE SESSION OR HEALTH TRAINING SESSION: $25,000 EACH ROUNDTABLE TOPIC: Fostering Public-Private Partnerships Committed to Health Equity HEALTH TRAINING SESSION TOPIC: Shaping Our Health Narrative: The Power of Storytelling Meet with industry experts to discuss important health care issues during these 90-minute sessions. In a small group setting, engage in intimate and honest conversations with health leaders. Discuss the different aspects of fostering public-private partnerships that are committed to health equity. This opportunity is limited to two sponsorships. BENEFITS INCLUDE: •

Opportunity for corporate representative to provide two-minute remarks during their sponsored roundtable session.

Four (4) full Health Summit registrations (includes access to all Annual Conference events and activities).

Opportunity for corporate giveaway to roundtable attendees (subject to NCLR approval).

Prominent logo placement in event space.

Name and/or logo on select event signage and event-related materials.

Logo placement on the NCLR Health Summit website.

One full-page advertisement in the Annual Conference Program Book.

Name recognition in the Annual Conference Program Book as Health Summit Roundtable sponsor.

HEALTH WORKSHOP TRACK SPONSOR: $25,000 Each year, NCLR’s Annual Conference offers nearly 40 of the most relevant workshop sessions addressing issues of critical importance to the Hispanic community, presented by the leaders and experts who are implementing innovative program models, trainings, and cutting-edge solutions to these topics. BENEFITS INCLUDE:


Opportunity for corporate representative to share brief remarks at one session in the track.

Two (2) Conference registrations.

Recognition by workshop coordinators at the start of a session.

Prominent logo placement.

Name and/or logo on select event signage and event-related materials, including the Conference Program Book.

Display table with corporate giveaways.

@NCLR | #latinohealth |


HELEN RODRIGUEZ-TRIAS HEALTH AWARD RECEPTION CO-SPONSOR: $25,000 The Helen Rodríguez-Trías Health Award, presented every year during the NCLR Annual Conference, recognizes a Hispanic community-based organization for its significant contributions to improving the health and well-being of Hispanics, including its excellent efforts to reducing health disparities, and implementing health education and disease prevention services in its community through innovative approaches. The Helen Rodríguez-Trías Health Award brings together approximately 150 attendees, including NCLR Board members and funders, NCLR Affiliates who carry out significant health-related work in the Latino community, health scholars, practitioners, and advocates. BENEFITS INCLUDE: •

Three (3) Annual Conference registrations.

Logo placement on select eventrelated materials.

Branded premium item distribution to event attendees (premiums must be delivered by the provided deadlines to guarantee inclusion, subject to approval by NCLR).

Recognition as Health Awards co-sponsor in the Conference Program Book and Conference website.

WELCOME RECEPTION: $20,000 This dynamic evening reception kicks off the NCLR Health Summit for participants. It is the first opportunity for sponsors to address attendees and welcome them to the Summit. BENEFITS INCLUDE: •

Opportunity for corporate representative to provide two-minute remarks to reception audience.

Name and/or logo on select event signage and event-related materials.

Three (3) full Health Summit registrations (includes access to all Annual Conference events and activities).

Logo placement on Health Summit website.

Opportunity to provide branded items to attendees.

Prominent logo placement in event space.

One (1) full-page advertisement in the Annual Conference Program Book.

HEALTH WORKSHOPS: $10,000 Sponsoring a workshop affords companies, nonprofits, and government agencies the opportunity to take a deeper dive into the content of an NCLR Health Summit session. Workshop sponsors can work with NCLR staff on a session, including speakers and content, or receive brand visibility by sponsoring an existing NCLR-created workshop. BENEFITS INCLUDE:

Name on workshop signage.

Opportunity for corporate giveaway to attendees of sponsored workshop (subject to NCLR approval).

Recognition in the Conference Program Book, pocket agenda, and mobile app, as a Health Summit workshop sponsor.

@NCLR | #latinohealth |



NATIONAL LATINO FAMILY EXPO® With a three-day attendance of approximately 20,000 people, the NCLR National Latino Family Expo is one of the largest events in the country focused on providing resources and family-focused activities for the Latino community. NCLR’s mission to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans is demonstrated through the six themed pavilions that make up this event.

HEALTH AND FITNESS/ TU SALUD PAVILION This pavilion offers information, products, and services regarding health care and nutrition. It also features free health screenings for vision, lung health, blood pressure, and cooking demonstrations along with group sports, fitness, and dance sessions.


One (1) 30-by-40-foot exhibit space at the National Latino Family Expo.

Placement of name/logo on event-related publicity material.

One full-page color advertisement and recognition as pavilion sponsor in the NCLR Annual Conference Program Book.

Three (3) full Conference registrations.


LOCAL RATE: $300/$500



CORPORATE RATE: $5,000 (up to 10x20)


Unlimited exhibitor-only badges.

Recognition as an Exhibitor in the NCLR Annual Conference Program Book.


One (1) 10-by-10-foot exhibit space at the National Latino Family Expo.

One (1) full Conference registration.

For questions about partnership or regarding additional opportunities, please reach out to Barlow Flores, Director of Corporate Relations & Resource Development at Additional information about the Summit can be found at Thank you for supporting NCLR’s health efforts!


@NCLR | #latinohealth |

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