NCNW Sisters Magazine Vol. VIII

Page 17

CIVIL RIGHTS LEADERS DEMAND RESULTS IN GEORGE FLOYD JUSTICE IN POLICING ACT NEGOTIATIONS Washington, DC, Tuesday, June 6, 2021 - We appreciate the efforts of lawmakers leading the negotiations around the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. We were heartened to see the U.S. House of Representatives pass a strong version of the bill last year and again this year. Yet, more than a year after George Floyd was murdered and weeks after a draft bill was circulated, the U.S. Senate still has not agreed on key provisions of the bill. Congress must deliver justice. We collectively demand that Congress honor its commitment to produce a final bill that can pass the House and Senate before the end of June and ensure a strong George Floyd Justice in Policing Act is passed before the August recess. The nation desperately needs a transformation of policing policies and practices -- from inner cities to suburban neighborhoods to rural counties. The only way to begin this process is with federal legislation that sets meaningful standards and removes legal impediments to holding officers accountable for unconstitutional policing practices. The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act was conceived and created with a focus on accountability and contains provisions overwhelmingly supported by the American people. This vital civil rights legislation is long overdue.



The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) Black Women’s Roundtable and the National Council of Negro Women have partnered with a coalition of Black women leaders and allies to organize the “Black Women Leaders and Allies Freedom to Vote Call to Action Week”. Throughout the week, online and in-person organizing events in an urgent call for Congress to enact federal voting rights reform to protect Black voters from being disenfranchised by a tsunami of voter suppression laws that are being enacted across the country, including the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

Dr . Johnnetta Betsch Cole sets the tone for the occasion.

Metro DC police officer takes Dr. Cole into custody.



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