charisindia SINCE 1974
Vol. XIX
Issue No. 06
June 2020
Pentecost of MARY Pray for us, loving Mother, and gain for our nation and world, and for all our families and loved ones, the protection of your holy angels, that we may be spared the worst of Covid 19
charisindia SINCE 1974
Calling all Intercessors
Holy Virgin Mother, Queen of the Angels and our mediatrix. We fly to you today as your beloved children. We ask you to intercede for us with your Son, as you did at the wedding in Cana. Pray for us, loving Mother, and gain for our nation and world, and for all our families and loved ones, the protection of your holy angels, that we may be spared the worst of Covid 19.
NIN on whatsapp & facebook Devote Fifteen Minutes or More Daily
NATIONAL INTERCESSORY NETWORK INTENTIONS FOR JUNE 2020 Country: Let us pray for the pandemic COVID-19, that the Lord may shower his mercies upon the mankind and protect them by his precious blood. May the Lord fill everyone with his unfailing love and help us to cater to those in need. May the Lord shower his choisest blessings on all the front line warriors fighting against the pandemic. NIN Coordinator Mr. Joy Antony
NIN India
Church: May this period of lockdown be a time to reflect on our lives and return back to the Lord. May we strengthen our faith and commitment to the Lord. Let us spend more time to reflect on the Word of God and to pray for all those in need.
Mission 2022: Let us pray for the School of Leadership, an online initiative of NSC that it may fulfill the objective of training the CCR leaders across the country.
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EPISCOPAL ADVISOR Most Rev. Francis Kalist, Bishop
of Meerut
CHIEF EDITOR Prof. Constantine B. Fernandez ASSISTANT EDITOR Savio Mascarenhas
EDITORIAL CONSULTANT Jose Kalathil CIRCULATION Coordinator: Verghese Joseph West: Mervyn Luis South: Shaji Scaria North: Philmon Ekka North East: Elias Lyndoh
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Towards Jubilee 10
Hour of
Mercy 12
NATIONAL SERVICE OF COMMUNION Mr. Joy Antony (Chairman) Sr. Paulina Melite, MSMI (Secretary) Mr. Mervyn Luis (Maharashtra) Mr. Vargheese Ittera (Telengana) Fr. V V George (West Bengal) Mr. Robin D'Souza (Goa) Mr. Verghese Joseph (Karnataka) Mr. Shaji Scaria (Kerala) Mr. Philmon Ekka (Delhi) Mr. Stephen Bernard (Tamil Nadu) Mr. Elias Lyngdoh (Meghalaya) Ms. Mary Prakashi Gade (Andhra Pradesh) Mr. Cyril John (Member, CHARIS) Mr. Ajin Joseph (Coordinator, YU4C) OFFICE Shaji KP, Elizabeth, Tom George & Simon Leo
EDITORIAL BOARD Fr. Francis Dabre Francis D’Souza Mae Britto
JUNE 2020
Pentecost of MARY 20
God's Power IN YOUR
or the Christian, our first love is Jesus. When He is our first love, we influence the world around us. When you return to "first love," God quickly honors your fresh commitment to Him. You are responsible to pursue and walk with God—no one else can do this for you. But you must be intentional about your pursuit and relationship with God to keep your love for Jesus alive, fresh and fiery. True love is passionate—it is an unquenchable fire. God's love for you will never extinguish. However, you can quench the fiery presence of God and His love in your life. Your ability to maintain the fire of God's love and presence in your life is vital. Your passion and intimacy with God are not automatic; you have a part to play in the process. His grace enables you to maintain the fire of his love and presence in your life. The apostle Paul said to Timothy, "This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you" (2 Tim. 1:6). The pursuit of God's presence positions you to fan into flames God's passion and spiritual gifts.
We have to blow up the coals into a flame—the gift of God—all the spiritual gifts, which the grace of God has given us. The Holy Spirit ignites the flame at BHS; we must follow Jesus faithfully and allow the Spirit to burn bright within us. The apostle Paul knew that it was not enough to have gifts imparted. The recipient has a responsibility to steward the presence of God, the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. Hot Fires Need Hot Coals -Maintaining the Fire The Israelites were instructed in Leviticus to maintain the fire on the altar, "The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must never go out. Each morning the priest will add fresh wood to the fire and arrange the burnt offering on it... Remember, the fire must be kept burning on the altar at all times. It must never go out" (Lev. 6:12-13, NLT). God prescribed an order of worship to Moses and the Israelites that required their participation. They had to bring and offer a sacrifice, a first-born male of the herd or flock.
05 The blood and animal parts were offered upon the altar as a sacrifice to God. Even the fire on the altar had to be placed in order and maintained. To have a hot fire, you need hot coals—you must be intentional. The Levitical worship was a type and shadow of the sacrifice to come with Jesus, the lamb slain before the foundation of time for humanity. Jesus, the perfect and spotless one, offered willingly for you and me. The Holy Spirit, given through His sacrifice, provides us fellowship with God and enables us to carry the fire of his love. John the Baptist said of Jesus, "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire" (Mat. 3:11b). With the New Covenant, sealed in the very blood of Christ, we have union with God and unhindered access to His presence by Holy Spirit. However, like the Israelites of old and their free-will sacrifice, you must offer your life willingly upon the altar of God's love and fiery presence. This invitation is open to everyone, beginning with salvation and walking in His kingdom power. Practical Steps to Maintaining the Fire of God in Your Life: Complete Surrender Paul gives an important first step for maintaining God's fire in your life—it is complete surrender. "And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find
With the New Covenant, sealed in the very blood of Christ, we have union with God and unhindered access to His presence by Holy Spirit. acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect" (Rom. 12:1-2). Notice how Paul uses language similar to the instructions given the Israelites for their worship? In fact, Paul is pleading with the reader to "give your bodies to God." No different from an Israelite intentionally giving a pure and spotless sacrifice from the flock or herd. God will not force your sacrifice—you must offer it freely. Your surrender to Christ as a living sacrifice is voluntary, and your life becomes a pleasant aroma before Him. You present your body as living and holy. When the Levites brought the sacrifice near, they had to wash the organs and limbs with water (Lev. 1:9). Through Christ, the Spirit and His Word, you have been washed clean—so live holy (1 Cor. 1:30). Choosing to live surrendered is the first and most vital step to maintaining the fire of God's love in your life. We must pursue finding and knowing God. Living in ongoing encounter with Him keeps our love for God alive,
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charisindia | APRIL 2020
fresh and fiery. Love is passionate and pursues God zealously. Surrender and yield our emotions to God. Do not let our emotions dictate our life; rather, allow our mind and emotions to be transformed to think and act like heaven. Character is key, but so is a supernatural worldview—this only comes as we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us. In Leviticus 9, as Moses and Aaron entered the tabernacle, God's glory appeared, and fire came forth from God's presence to consume the sacrifice (Lev. 9:23-24). Fire fell as they stayed surrendered, humble and obedient to God. They worshipped in Spirit and in truth (John 4:23). How can we maintain the fire of God's presence? Ongoing encounters through a surrendered life—there is no substitute. God will provide the fire; we must be positioned, surrendered and expectant as a living sacrifice. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead, fill and empower us daily (Rom. 8:14). Stay humble. Stay surrendered. Live in his holiness. Holiness is Christ in us; but we must let holiness have its way! The fire of His holiness burns passionately in those whose hearts and lives stay surrendered to God.✞
1972 2022
Towards Jubilee A
s we know that Catholic Charismatic Renewal reached the Indian soil in 1972, we will be celebrating its Golden jubilee in the year 2022. Prior to this celebration a thousand day plan, 'Mission-2022' was inaugurated in Mumbai by His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias on 26th January, 2020.
Golden Jubilee will be a gathering of all those who have tasted the Lord by means of Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR). There are so many across the country who are a part of CCR, but due to many reasons either they don't want to be a part of main stream the National CCR or they are not able to be aligned with the National CCR. The 1000 days plan to prepare for the golden Jubilee- MISSION-22 will be a golden opportunity to upgrade these unlisted leaders into the mainsteam CCR. When Moses was pleading with God for building up new leadership, God used Moses to gather seventy leaders from Israel. "So Moses went out and told the people what the Lord had said. He brought together seventy of their elders and had them stand around the tent. Then the Lord came down in the cloud and spoke with him, and he took some of the power of the Spirit that was on him and put it on the seventy elders. When the Spirit rested on them,
JOY ANTONY National Service of Communion of the CCR in India
they prophesied. However, two men, whose names were Eldad and Medad, had remained in the camp. They were listed among the elders, but did not go out to the tent. Yet the Spirit also rested on them, and they prophesied in the camp. A young man ran and told Moses, "Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp." Joshua son of Nun, who had been Moses' aide since youth, spoke up and said, "Moses, my lord, stop them!" But Moses replied, "Are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all the Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!" (Numbers 11:24-29). Like Mosses we too are looking forward to leaders like Eldad and Medad to bring them into the main steam of CCR, the National Service of Communion. The school of leadership is one of the projects of Mission-2022 to locate and build up all those leaders. Initially we planned to have a live-in program of two days for each month in different parts of our country in almost all the Indian languages. But covid-19, a rampant pervasive pandemic has put each one of us in a period of quarantine. As we are locked in due to different stages of lockdown, now we have, planned to actualise the school of leadership course through online media using the modern
07 communication technologies. The first step of this is identifying people in each language group who are willing to participate in this program. These people will then be grouped under an animator, who will follow them up through the training. There will be Diocesan Course Coordinator and also further above a Regional Course coordinator in this form of National School of leadership (SOL). In fact, this structure itself will build up new leaders and even groom existing leaders. We, the National service of Communion are looking forward to thousands of such leaders. There will be one lesson a week send to the participants on-line on Saturdays of the week through YouTube channel. Each lesson will have few assignments, the participants are to study these lessons and the typed answers or images of the written
assignments or even answers in voice message format will then have to be send on or before the following Thursday to the respective team animator's WhatsApp number. Periodically, the Animator will call the participants for a meeting together (in a feasible way) where, the progress of the program will be discussed and suggestions if any could be intimated to the training team. The program is planned for a period of twelve months. I request the members of all the levels of Service of Communions to motivate the Prayer group members towards the School of Leadership course. Meanwhile the YU4C is also planing to build up the youth leadership through School of leadership (Youth) according to the feasibility as they are busy with academic studies and exams. YU4c has planned a six months Leadership course. TU4C is also doing an online
LSS for pre Teens through with all the contents of Classical LSS including group sharing As we are approaching the Pentecost Sunday, in this period of lockdown, I am happy that many service teams have already planned online Novena and Pentecost Vigil. We recall on this feast which is the birthday of our Mother Church, the experience of the Pentecost was given as and when they prayed for it, I request all of you to make arrangements for 9 days of Novena to the Holy Spirit and pray for a New experience of Pentecost. I am happy to inform you that CHARIS is planning the Pentecost Vigil on 30th May where the Holy Father will be addressing us. Whoever registers through the YouTube will be able to participate in the Pentecost Vigil organised by CHARIS. Let us pray that God blesses us with good health and filles us with His Holy Spirit. Amen. ✞
Copies available in Hindi & English
MANUAL (Revised Edition)
Price ` 50/- (postage extra)
Contributors Mae Britto Prof. Constantine Fernandez Savio Mascarenhas Francis D’Souza
“The Life in the Spirit Seminars (LSS) offers the basic presentation of the Gospel and the fundamental teaching about the action of the Lord in the lives of those who surrender to him. It has been a key tool in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in bringing people to a personal commitment to Jesus. These Seminars are effective means for bringing people into a deeper experience and awareness of the work of the Holy Spirit”.
“The Life in the Spirit Seminars (LSS) has been an important means in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) in bringing people to a personal commitment to Jesus. The Seminars offer the central message of the Gospel and the basic teaching about the action of God in the lives of those who surrender to him. Serious participants of the LSS, in their sustained walk in the Spirit, end up in responsible roles of leadership in the CCR and the Church”.
Bishop Francis Kalist Bishop of Meerut & Episcopal Advisor to the CCR in India
Cyril John Member, CHARIS Vatican
Hour of
Mercy T
he entire world is going through a phase of terrible trial, a great crisis has gripped the world and has paralysed the world that was once bubbling with life. Life everywhere seems to be frozen, dull and tensed as death began to swallow up lives each day. Fear and terror has seized every heart. It's surely going to make a mark in history that the entire world was once locked down and the doors of every Church closed. Human beings are afraid to meet one another. Staying away from friends and neighbours has suddenly become an act of love, since social distancing has been the need of the hour. The disaster of the corona virus pandemic has hit the world hard. The normal routine life has been interrupted. Everything has come to a stand
JOSEPHINE FERNANDES still. A fact, that an invisible virus can threaten the entire world! It has dawned on us how fragile human life is and everything created has to pass away someday. Nothing is permanent in this world, including countries and continents. Yet we depend so much on things that are undependable. This brings us to realization that we can only depend upon the ultimate reality that is not created; the one who exists from all eternity, the one who is permanent, stable, firm and eternal; God the Rock of our Salvation. At such moment of crisis, what is our prime thought? All we can think of is being saved from this disaster. Our cry must have been 'Save us Lord, we are perishing', and ask God for his mercy. Our cry for mercy will surely reach God's
Mumbai heart for he is love and compassion. We can recall the words of Jesus, ''What will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life?� (Mt 16:26). Now is the time to sit back and take stock of our lives. What are we chasing, what are we running after? We chase futile things that don't really matter, finally it's our soul that matters. In the mad rush of life, where time is precious to all, our spiritual side may be neglected. We rarely thank God for life and blessings. Our spiritual barns may be empty and here is an opportunity to fill our spiritual barns, to build up our relationship with God. The
09 words of Jesus come alive during such crisis, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?” (Mt 6:25). And this is exactly what we keep worrying about. Our hearts and minds are so full of all the things of the world, which we greatly treasure. There's little or no time for God in our lives. For Jesus also said, why should we worry when we cannot even add an hour to our span of life (Vs 27). These words of Jesus hit us hard, we cannot add even a single minute to our life. When death comes knocking at the door there may be no time even to repent. Then what can we boast about? Nothing at all. Nothing we have achieved, nothing can be added to our merit, it all comes down to us from His hands. We can only humble ourselves before the power of the Almighty and confess, Lord we have failed, have mercy on us! Our hearts get heavy as we reflect upon the situation of life and death. We can be compared to the grass of the field, here today and gone away tomorrow. Life had become so hectic, but God wants us spend quiet moments with him. This extraordinary world crisislike a teacher has taught us many lessons of life and also taught us to discipline our lives.As the author of the book of Ecclesiastes says, 'For all their days are full of pain, and their work is a vexation; even at night their minds do not rest. This also is vanity. There is nothing better for mortals than to eat and drink, and find enjoyment in their toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God; for apart from him who can eat or who can have
enjoyment? For to the one who pleases him God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy' (Eccl 2:23-26a). The writer of Ecclesiastes further says, 'all is vanity and a chasing after wind'. To those who please God, he fills them with wisdom, knowledge and joy. And as prophet Hosea said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because you have rejected knowledge” (Hos 4:6). Have we also like the Israelites rejected knowledge and gone chasing after wind? We all have failed in some way or the other, at some time or the other, there's none who is perfect. We all have erred and gone astray. Like the Israelites we have rebelled against God and gone away from his love. 'For they are a rebellious people, faithless children, children who will not hear the instruction of the Lord' (Is 30:9). Our generation too has gone astray like faithless and rebellious children. The Israelites were unfaithful to God (YAHWEH) and they worshiped 'Baal' and other gods of the Canaanites. Yet God as a loving father and a faith full over kept going after his chosen ones, calling them back to him. Even though they were unfaithful to him, God has always been faithful. For our God is full of compassion. 'Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show mercy to you' (Is 30:18). No matter how far our hearts may have wandered away from God, in His compassion he brings us back. God surely desires all to be saved.'Truly, O people in Zion, inhabitants of Jerusalem, you shall weep no more. He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when he hears it, he will answer you' (Is 30:19). God wants his flock to come back to him. Like the Shepherd he waits for his sheep
to get into the fold. Soon after Easter, on the following Sunday we celebrate the feast of Divine Mercy, Divine mercy which was revealed to the world through Saint Faustina; the Apostle of Divine Mercy. The merciful heart of Jesus calls us back to Him. Even though we may serve the Lord in his vineyard, we do not know if God is pleased with us. Are our works pleasing to him or is it done for self- glory or selfsatisfaction? God knows us better than we know ourselves. We may not understand how we have spurned God's love. The words Jesus spoke to Saint Faustina can really pierce through our hearts, “Oh, how painful it is to Me that souls so seldom unite themselves to Me in Holy Communion. I wait for souls, and they are indifferent towards Me. I love them tenderly and sincerely, and they distrust Me. I want to lavish My graces on them. They treat Me as a dead object, whereas My heart is full of love and mercy. In order that you may know at least some of My pain, imagine the most tender of mothers who has great love for her children, while those children spurn her love. Consider her pain. No one is in a position to console her. This is but a feeble image and likeness of My love” (Diary 1447). Like Simon Peter we too may say to Jesus, “Lord you know everything, you know that I love you (Jn 21:17). But our love must have grown cold and complacent. As the Lord said to the Church at Ephesus, he says to us today, “But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first”(Rev 2:4), and the message to the Church at Ephesus was 'Repent' and likewise to us all. ✞
GENTLENESS …. but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Gal 5:22-23)
entleness is the quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered. In the Bible gentleness is defined as a humble and gentle attitude that is patiently submissive in every offense, while having no desire for revenge or retribution. In the New Testament it is used to describe three attitudes: submission to the will of God, teachability and consideration of others. The mature Christian in whom the Spirit dwells is a person who is meek, humble and gentle. Gentleness is benevolence in action, a distinctly social virtue. It is also paraphrased as 'not needing to force our way through life.' It is beautifully and aptly said, “Gentleness is immense strength with a tender touch.” The Bible calls us to operate in gentleness i.e. to live in it, to be clothed with it, to restore others with it. It also calls us to pursue gentleness, among other virtues. (Col 3:12, Eph 4:2, Gal 6:1, 1 Tim 6:11-12). Further, Paul says that gentleness must be visible in all of us. (Phil 4:5) When we become gentle and humble of heart, we become like Jesus because that is what Jesus says He is (Matt 11:29). In becoming like Jesus, we please the Father because the Father's desire is that we become like Jesus. (Rom 8:29). One of the greatest exponents of gentleness is Moses. As we know, Moses led a huge number of Israelites out of Egypt. This was not an easy task for two reasons, one is, he was dealing with the powerful Pharaoh and secondly with his own people, the Israelites who were a difficult and stubborn people. But Moses, a gentle person (in fact the meekest person on earth – Num 12:3) could do it. This was because he put his strength in God's hands. This we conclude from his attitude (we note in his request to God in Exodus 33:15) - Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” This also goes on to prove that meekness is not weakness but it is strength under control.
11 Gentleness is benevolence in action, a distinctly social virtue. It is also paraphrased as 'not needing to force our way through life.' When Jesus was arrested the apostles who had so confidently and even boastfully assured Him of their support and even expressed their willingness to die with Him not only deserted Him out of fear but even disowned Him. But Jesus however meek and humble as ever calmly walked to His salvific death by embracing the cruel cross of Calvary. Again proving that meekness is not weakness but it is strength under control. The triumph of gentleness can also be seen from the fable of the Sun and the Wind: The Wind and the Sun had a quarrel about which of them was the stronger one. While they were disputing, a Traveler passed along the road wrapped in a blanket. They agreed that the one who could make the man take of his blanket would be the stronger of the two. The wind being the first to try at once sent a cold, howling blast against the Traveler. With the first gust of wind the ends of the blanket whipped about the Traveler's body. But he immediately wrapped it closely around him, and the harder the Wind blew, the tighter he held on to it. The Wind tore angrily at the blanket, but all his efforts were in vain. Then the Sun began to shine.
At first his beams were gentle, and in the pleasant warmth after the bitter cold of the Wind, the Traveler unfastened his blanket and let it hang loosely from his shoulders. The Sun's rays grew warmer and warmer. The man took off his cap and mopped his brow. At last he became so heated that he pulled off his blanket. The point of this fable is that more can be achieved by gentleness than by force. We are most useful to God and his people when we are gentle and meek A horse is an animal of tremendous size and strength, seven or eight times the weight of a man and gallops, races, leaps, turns, prances at its will while in the wild. However, it is of no use to man until it submits itself to man's will. Once tamed, the horse is called gentle and increases in its usefulness by working along with man for the benefit of both - that is, strength under control. This defines the Christian concept of meekness, where we let the power of God's Spirit work through us by yielding to Him. This shows that there is great strength in meekness. From the following example we can learn how to be gentle in our approach towards correction
A mother does not scold her child for having a dirty face on the contrary she does a loving thing by getting out the washcloth. As she is gently applying soap and water she may correct the child and show the right while continuing to wash her child's face. Some confuse gentleness with self-belittlement. They think that by demeaning themselves or by putting themselves down they are acting in humility. They take the lowest place in order to be invited to go up higher. This is not real humility – it is feigned humility. By demonstrating gentleness, humility, kindness, Jesus was not advocating a spineless acceptance of life or a doormat mentality. He was telling his followers to be submissive to God and be willing to put their strength under His control. The true way to be meek is not to stoop until you are smaller than yourself, but to stand your real height against some higher nature. This will show us how to be humble even in the midst of our self-assumed greatness. Stand at your highest and look at Christ, then go away and forever be humbled. Father, help me live today With thoughtfulness in what I say, Confronting wrong with truth and fact, Expressing gentleness and tact. Hess
Thought: Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength. (St Francis de Sales)✞
4.“Seeing things with the Eyes of Christ” [cf., AL, no:78] If as the cherished Catholic practice has always insisted, the confessor takes the place of Christ sacramentally in the confessional, well then, he cannot but look at the penitents the very way Christ looked at them, i.e. with the infinite mercy of God the Father. Just as in other sacraments, the confessor acts in persona Christi. As such, in No:291 of AL, Pope Francis outlines the Church's role with regard to those who fail to live fully what Jesus taught: Illumined by the gaze of Jesus Christ, “she turns with love to those who participate in her life in an incomplete manner, recognizing that the grace of God works also in their lives by giving them the courage to do good, to care for one another in love and to be of service to the community in which they live and work”. Although she constantly holds up the call to perfection and asks for a fuller response to God, “the Church must accompany with attention and care the weakest of her children, who show signs of a wounded and troubled love, by restoring in them hope and
will that is born, although in different degrees, of a contrite and humbled heart (Psalm 50:19).
The confessor who gives sacramental visibility to the invisible presence of Jesus and his mercy can never be a stumbling block for the penitent to experience that mercy, if he seriously sees “things with the eyes of Christ” which “inspires the Church's pastoral care for the faithful…”(AL 78). As Pope Francis teaches elsewhere: “Nothing of what a repentant sinner places before God's mercy can be excluded from the embrace of his forgiveness. For this reason, none of us has the right to make forgiveness conditional”. In fact, in a Vademe-cum for the confessors, concerning some aspects of the morality of conjugal life, the Pontifical Council for the Family already in 1997 instructed the confessors:
In AL 296, the Pope says: “The Synod addressed various situations of weakness or imperfection. Here I would like to reiterate something I sought to make clear to the whole Church, lest we take the wrong path: “There are two ways of thinking which recur throughout the Church's history: casting off and reinstating. The Church's way, from the time of the Council of Jerusalem, has always been the way of Jesus, the way of mercy and reinstatement… The way of the Church is not to condemn anyone forever; it is to pour out the balm of God's mercy on all those who ask for it with a sincere heart… For true charity is always unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous.”
The minister of Reconciliation should always keep in mind that the sacrament has been instituted for men and women who are sinners. Therefore, barring manifest proof to the contrary, he will receive the penitents who approach the confessional taking for granted their good will to be reconciled with the merciful God, a good
A careful reflection of Jesus' saving ministry here on earth shows us that a fundamental characteristic of his mercy was his ability to look at the concrete details of those who were downtrodden, marginalized and labeled as sinners. In total contrast to the Pharisees of his day, Jesus looked at the person and his/her lived context, and
13 that in fact was his starting point whereas the former's starting point was the law in its abstract form. Following this evangelical lead given by Jesus himself, as a whole AL takes pains to highlight the fact that the importance of laws/norms is to be found not in themselves but mainly in their application to persons who live in diverse concrete situations: At times we have also proposed a far too abstract and almost artificial theological ideal of marriage, far removed from the concrete situations and practical possibilities of real families. This excessive idealization, especially when we have failed to inspire trust in God's grace, has not helped to make marriage more desirable and attractive, but quite the opposite [AL 36]. In fact, AL goes on to point out how the Church's teaching on marriage and family ought to be “inspired and transformed” by love and tenderness, lest “it becomes nothing more than the defence of a dry and lifeless doctrine” [AL 59]. The Pope also says: “It is reductive simply to consider whether or not an individual's actions correspond to a general law or rule, because that is not enough to discern and ensure full fidelity to God in the concrete life of a human being” [AL 304]. In his day, the Patron of Confessors and Moralists, St. Alphonsus already warned those who held that the knowledge of general moral principles was sufficient to be a good confessor: They say that it is enough for a confessor to have the general principles of morality, because with those they can solve all the particular cases. Who would negate that all cases have to be solved with such principles? But here is the difficulty: in applying the principles to particular cases. This cannot be done without an adequate discussion of the reasons that are on either side of the case; and this is precisely what the moralists have done:
they have tried to clarify with what principles they must resolve many particular cases. 5. Seeing things from the Penitent's Point of View [cf., AL 138-39; 144] One of the underlying themes of AL is the vitalneed for seriously considering the particular circumstances that surround various situations of marriage and family in different contexts all over the world. For example, AL illustrates the case of a single mother who has to raise a child by herself and needs to leave the child alone at home while she goes to work; in such a situation, “the child can grow up exposed to all kinds of risks and obstacles to personal growth” [AL 49]. According to Pope Francis, without understanding this concrete situation, there is no point in trying to indoctrinate her with Church's teachings. Similarly, in each of the cases to do with various other issues of family and marriage, a responsible, personal and pastoral discernment is called for since “the degree of responsibility is not equal in all cases”, and so, “the consequences or effects of a rule need not necessarily always be the same” (AL 300). This fundamental moral/pastoral principle is part of the cherished Catholic Tradition, and it obviously is to be applied also with regard to other moral issues, especially in the sphere of sacramental confession. Each penitent is surrounded by a different set of circumstances or different contexts. As such, the confessor cannot simply generalize or 'pigeon-hole' penitents into overly rigid classifications (cf., AL 298) according to the general categories of sins though that is the easiest and the least timeconsuming thing to do. What is at stake here is the priority that is to be given to the person (the penitent) over and above all laws
and norms. After all, the confessional is the personal encounter of the merciful Father and the repentant sinner. If so, it is necessary to “avoid a cold bureaucratic morality” that flows directly from the one's desk (AL 312) with little or no regard for the person seeking God's forgiveness. The Catholic insistence on individual sacramental confession (over and above the other approved community rites of sacramental reconciliation in the Church) has a lot of relevance in this sense, because in an exclusively community service of sacramental reconciliation such personal individual discernment together with the confessor is often practically not possible. For such discernment to take place, an indispensable requirement is the competence of the minister of the sacrament with regard to the Church's official teachings. Ignorance of Church's teachings – which is quite common today among a good number of confessors as already mentioned above – has done a lot of damage to penitents and their salvation, and also to the Church community as a whole, in the long run. If as traditionally held (and already mentioned above), the main role of the confessor is to form the conscience of the penitent, well then, it follows automatically that the confessor needs to be well-versed with official Church teachings. For example, he should know that it is the penitent who has to ultimately make decisions in his/her conscience after having considered what the Church teaches on such and such issue. Then, the confessor should be well aware of the types of sins and the mitigating factors of sins as officially taught by the Church (AL 301-303). He should also know that the offences against the Church's social doctrine are also 'sins' just as those that are against Church's doctrines on sexual ethics,…etc.✞
Pentecost of MARY
entecost is the Feast, to celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles.It is the 50thDay (Greek root Pentêkostê) after Easter. Its name has the history of the Jewish Feast of Weeks – which used to be 50 days after Passover – when the first fruits of the corn harvest were offered to God (Deut. 16:9) and then the giving of Law to Moses was celebrated. During the early Church history, Pentecost was celebrated from Easter to Pentecost Sunday, when no fasting was to be observed, prayers used to be standing (not kneeling) and Alleluia was sung more often.
Fr (Dr) Joel D'Cunha,Vasai Resurrection to Pentecost Against the background of Pentecost it's vital to note that Jesus appeared to various persons in different places after his Resurrection:[1]to Mary Magdalene (Jn 20: 11-17), [2]to the women at the tomb (Mk 16:1-8), [3] to the women (Matt 28:9-10), [4] to two disciples to Emmaus (Lk 24:13-35), [5]to the Eleven (Jn 20:19-23),[6] to disciples and mainly for Thomas(Jn 20: 24-29), [7] to seven disciples on the shore of Tiberius (Jn 21:1-3), [8] to disciples gone fishing and then mandate to Peter (Jn 21:4-23), [9]at Galilee before Ascension (Lk 24:44-53), besides [10] he appeared to 500 people on Mt Galilee and to James (I Cor 15: 67). Moreover, there is a tradition, in the Early Church, that Jesus first appeared to Mother Mary and then also to Joseph of Arimathea, et al. It's true that these persons had the experience of and the encounter with Jesus but, still, they did not appear fully convinced to move out, they were not committed to be 'sent' (in fact some of them wanted to go back to their earlier occupation of fishing), though Jesus had authorised Peter to be the Head.
15 That's why, these disciples coming together in Jerusalem on the 50th Day after Passover – when that year's Passover experience was painful, bitter and fear-cum-frightful as well as worth forgetting – they assembled to pray, along with our Mother Mary. Preparation for and Power of the Spirit Certainly, Mother Mary was present at Pentecost as the Sacred Scripture states: Twelve (Matthias was chosen, by lot, in place of Judas, Acts 1:13,26) Apostles; together with certain women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, as well as other brothers (Acts 1:14) and about one hundred and twenty believers of Christ (Acts 1:15) all these were present and were constantly devoting themselves to prayer. Thus, Mother Mary spent nine days – after Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Pentecost – in silence, reflection, praying together with others for the Gift of the Holy Spirit. She prepared them for and prayed with them for discernment (i.e., to identify, to separate and choose Good from evil, Truth from falsehood, Fortitude from fear) of the authentic Spirit as Jesus had promised (John 14:15-17). She empowered Peter to lead from the front at the descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 1- 4). That's why, without fear or favour Peter exhorts one and all 'to repent, and be baptised (Acts 2: 22-38) and about three thousand persons who spent time in doing four things: [1] listening to the Apostles' teaching, [2] Fellowship, [3] Breaking of
bread and [4] Prayers (Acts2:42).
Though there are subtle references to the liberated and liberating Mary in the Old Birth of the Church Testament (Genesis 3:15, Thus, Pentecost was the Isaiah 7:1-17, Micah 5:2-3, Birthday of the Church, though Jeremiah 31:22) and our 'Mother and Teacher' forerunners such as Sarah, Church (Cfr Encyclical Letter Deborah, Judith, Esther, et al by St John XXIII entitled 'Mater (Exodus 3:2, Judges 6:7-38, et Magistra') is linked with the Song of Solomon 13, Proverbs very moment Jesus' side was 8:22-31). Pope Paul VI pierced by a soldier with a highlights Mary's personality spear and, when blood and with four succinct adjectives: water came out from Jesus' Mary the attentive Virgin (Lk body (John 19:31-37). Again, 1:34-2:19,51), Mary the Virgin the same Church was sprinkled in Prayer (Lk 1:46-55), Mary the with the blood of the martyrs Virgin-Mother (Lk 1:35) and and continues also to be so, Mary presenting offerings (Lk because of the intercession of 2:22-35). Thus, Mary not only Mother Mary. That's why, gives Jesus Christ to the world instead of having a separate but also remains the witness of Document on Mariology, the Jesus and his Church at prudent Fathers of the Second Pentecost and thereafter, too Vatican Council (1962-1965) (Marialis Cultus Nos. 16-23). placed Mother Mary in the very Mary's Resilience in Sorrows foundational Constitution of and in waiting the Church entitled – by dedicating entire Chapter VIII, Mary had first-hand experience 'Our Lady' inLumen of the Holy Spirit from her very Gentium(Light of the inception and more so, in the Humanity) or the 'Constitution context of Jesus' birth at the on the Church' wherein it is Annunciation (Lk 1:26-38). She stated, “…since it had pleased knew the power and presence God not to manifest solemnly of the Third Person of the the mystery of the salvation of Trinity due to the Mystery of human race before he would Incarnation and the Reality of pour forth the Spirit promised Resurrection. That's why, she by Christ, we see the apostles went on telling, “Do whatever before the day of Pentecost he tells you” (Jn 2: 5) to all 'persevering with one mind in through her words and works, prayer with the women and even in her 'Seven Sorrows': [1] Mary the Mother of Jesus, and The prophesy of Simeon (Luke with his brethren' (Acts 1:14), 2:34,35); [2] The flight into and we also see Mary by her Egypt (Matt 2:13,14); [3] The prayers imploring the gift of loss of the Child Jesus in the the Spirit, who had temple (Luke 2:43-45); [4] The overshadowed her in the meeting of Jesus and Mary on Annunciation” (Cfr LG No. 59). the Way of the Cross (Luke 23:27); [5] The Crucifixion Subtle references in the (John 19:18-25-27); [6] Taking Scripture down the Body of Jesus from
16 the Cross (Mark 15:43-46) and [7] The burial of Jesus (John 19:41-42). The realized persons' insights on Mary and Pentecost As we contemplate Mary's gesture of being with the followers, disciples and the apostles before-during-after Pentecost in seven words: contemplative, concerned, convinced, chosen, committed, compassionate, and Christocentric. She was full of Grace and this is why, she continues to be in and be with the Church to receive and intercede for the life-changing'Seven Gifts of the Spirit' in and through the Church: 'Wisdom', 'Understanding', 'Counsel', 'Fortitude', 'Knowledge', 'Piety' and the 'Fear of the Lord'. St. Augustine believes, “What the soul is to the body of man, the Holy Spirit is in the Body of Christ which is the Church. The Holy Spirit acts in the Church as the soul acts in the members of a body” (Sermon, 267). St John Paul II said, “The Church is Christ's living mystical body, breathing with two co-dependent lungs: institutional and charismatic” (Pentecost Vigil at 1998 in Rome). Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has affirmed, “There is no Church without Pentecost and no Pentecost without the Virgin Mary (at Regina Coeli, on 5/23/2010). Our Holy Father, Pope Francis holds, “Mary, the Mother God is with the community in
prayer. She is the living disturbs the comforted and remembrance of the Son and comforts the disturbed and, the living invocation of the starts proclaiming the Good Holy Spirit. She is the Mother of News of Jesus. the Church and, need of the 5. The timid and frightened Holy Spirit to her Intercession” disciples become apostles/ (Pentecost 2016, Vatican City). 'sent' to different difficult Reflections on the Marian and dangerous places for 'Apostolic Interventions', Pentecost not merely for 'Ministries'. Our Church is Divine and human. Church is Institutional 6. The Pentecost experience and Charismatic. The Church is prompts even female 'Already' and 'Not yet' of the members of the Church to Heavenly reality. Therefore, the step out of the 'Comfort Feast of Pentecost provides us Zones' and they also opportunity to think and also continued to cater to the challenges us for reflection on needs of their own our relation with Mary and womenfolk rapport with the Church: 7. Pentecost of Mary 1. From the birth of the continued to build, spread Church at Pentecost – in the and expand the Church due presence of Mother Mary – to collective leadership and upto our own day, all the invites all to jointly work for good that has been done is the last, the least and the the work of the Holy Spirit. lost all over the world. Mother Mary has been in Prayer of St Augustine for and with the Church. We Pentecost cannot push her outside As we celebrate Pentecost this because of our limited year against the background of knowledge. life-threatening Corona Virus 2. The one who experiences pandemic, let us join with St the Person of the Holy Augustine in his Prayer to Holy Spirit, like Mary, gathers Spirit: others for the same / similar Breath into me, Holy Spirit, experience. That my thoughts may all be 3. Due to the descent of the holy. Holy Spirit, persons were Move on me, Holy Spirit, converted (repented, That I may work, too, may be baptised). That holy. transformation is seen in Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, four visible pillars (1) That I may love only what is Intense Prayer Life (2) holy. Listening to the Teaching of Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, the Apostles (3) Fellowship That I may defend all that is (3) acts of charity for holy. community building. Protect me, Holy Spirit, That I may always be holy✞ 4. Even diffident person, like Peter, becomes bold,
JESUS Jos Thattil, Kochi, Kerala
od lives in Heaven in His eternal glory but in Earth in the form of bread and wine which are consecrated to be Body and Blood, in Holy Eucharist. The ultimate joy of man in this world should be, and is to worship and praise God who is 'glorified in the Highest', continuously. Because of His unconditional and unlimited love towards mankind, God is kind enough to be with us in Eucharist. That is why all the saints and angels come and adore Jesus Christ-the Lord during the Holy Mass, with utmost piety. The devotion to the Most Sacred Heart (Sacratissimi Cordis lesu-in Latin) is widely practised in Catholic Church. This practice was started in the Church in its modern form after a series of apparitions by Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque of France, who lived
in 17th century. Later in 19th century, there were mystical revelations to another Portuguese Catholic nun, Blessed Mary of the Divine Heart, a religious of the Good Shepherd who requested through several letters to Pope Leo XIII to consecrate the entire world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Later, the Holy Father commissioned a group of theologians to examine the petition on the basis of revelation and sacred tradition, and as the outcome of this investigation, he decreed the consecration of the entire human race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Devotion to the Sacred Heart developed out of devotion to the Holy Wounds, especially to the Sacred Wound in the side of Jesus. This devotion is believed to be practised in the 11th and 12th centuries that arose in the fervent
atmosphere of the Benedictine monasteries. St. Francis of Assisi in the 13th century and the crusaders returning from the Holy Land promoted and propagated the devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ, particularly the practices in honour of the Sacred Wounds. Later, different religious congregations such as the Franciscans, Dominicans and Carthusians along with individuals continued to practise this devotion. The famous Franciscan, St. Bonaventure wrote: “Who is there who would not love this wounded heart? Who would not love in return Him, who loves so much?� Jesuits also promoted this devotion giving theological basis. The love of Jesus Christ may be metaphorically signified by the word heart of flesh. In real terms the idea of material heart symbolises the emotion and
18 love. We can use the word heart to designate a person also. As a symbol of love of Jesus towards mankind, the worship of Sacred Heart of Jesus is really intended to be paid to the Heart of flesh as it symbolises the love. But the worship does not end with that. It must also be the devotion to the love of Jesus as separate from His Heart of flesh. Thus this devotion has got two dimensions. One is related to the sensible Heart of flesh and the other concerned with its spiritual dimension. These two aspects are not two distinct objects, but they constitute one just as the body and soul do. This is a remarkable point that these two aspects are essential to the devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as body and soul are essential for the man to exist. Of these two elements which constitute the whole, the love is the foremost and prominent feature to cause the devotion. This is like the soul as the principal being for man, which is spiritual and emotional part of a person-for its animate existence and to be living being. In other words, one can say that the devotion to the Sacred Heart may be explained as the devotion to the Heart of Jesus Christ as this Heart represents and recalls His love. This is the symbolic love represented by His Heart of flesh. Now, the argument can be expanded since the Heart of Jesus appears to us as the sensible sign of His love, and the visible wound in the Heart will definitely tell us about the invisible wound of His love. Jesus' Heart is inseparably connected with that of
benefactions and love, and it is sufficient for our devotion that we know and feel this intimate connection. Jesus Christ being ever living, the devotion to the Sacred Heart is the devotion to the living Heart of Jesus. Definitely this points to the fact that the devotee becomes familiar with the inner life of Jesus with all His virtues and sentiments. This directs the devotee towards the infinitely loving and lovable 'Absolute Being'. The revelation and conviction by the devotee about the whole emotional and moral life of Jesus, initiate the process of conversion, to take place in the devotee-from the loving heart to the manifestation of love, as shown by the Sacred Heart. This transition from Heart to Person is 'natural' in character. Thus the characteristics of emotion and moral life become synonymous with the person, alluding the large heart with that person. The person becomes manifestation of Sacred Heart of Jesus. The lack of this conviction by mankind about the unrequited love of God distance the man from the devotion and love of Sacred Heart, and Jesus' love become despised and ignored. Jesus complained about this to St. Margaret Mary in His revelations. Jesus has never failed to show this 'Agape Love' through His words and deeds. In fact He was more generous and lavish to express His loving benefactions. This was showed through various mysteries of Incarnation, Passion and in Eucharist. Eucharist is thus called as 'the most blessed divine mercy'. Eucharistic celebration is the living
enactment of God's compassionate and enduring tender love. The devotion to the Sacred Heart is above all the devotion to “the Heart that has so loved men”, as quoted by St. Margret Mary. It is in this context that one remembers the quote by St. Augustine of Hippo: “A Christian should be an Alleluia from head to foot”. Lord Jesus Christ expects His children to be grateful or offer thanks, for being wounded on the Cross for the mankind, as the love pierced His compassionate Heart with the arrow of an invincible charity. He was teaching us a great lesson how and why our tears be as precious as the blood of His Heart. When Judas came to give a traitors kiss, the Sacred Heart of Jesus embraces the souls. He faced His enemies with love and friendliness, when they sought to capture and kill Him with swords and clubs, like a robber and a lawbreaker. When the enemies struck Him without pity, He returned their blows with affectionate kisses and divine silence. While they scourged Him so cruelly, He prayed for them to His Heavenly Father for their conversion. When they pressed the thorns on His head, He counted the thorns that pierced Him, to place as many precious stones in the crowns of His enemies-The Sacred Heart exchanges the thorns of His Crown for precious stones for us. From the cup of the Sacred Heart we drink the precious Blood which is full of humility, obedience, sanctity and eternal life, to replace the impure, tainted blood, passion, sin and
19 death-inherited from Adam's heart. Probably this conviction about the unconditional love of Jesus Christ towards mankind and the consequent devotion to the Sacred Heart has been the inspiration (by Holy Spirit) for the prayers in the Rosary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to be formulated as: Ÿ Soul of Christ, sanctify me Ÿ Body of Christ, save me Ÿ Blood of Christ, inebriate me Ÿ Water from the side of Christ,
wash me Ÿ Passion of the Christ,
strengthens me Ÿ O good Jesus, hear me Ÿ Within Your wounds, hide me Ÿ Suffer me not to be separated
from You Ÿ From the malignant enemy,
defend me Ÿ At the hour of my death, call
me; and Ÿ Bid me come to You Ÿ That with your saints I may
praise You Ÿ For all eternity
The cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the last three centuries has become more and more common and routine among the children of Church, of the laity as well as the clergy and the religious, and of the theologian. The enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the homes, whether the palace or the cottage, has further deepened the devotion in majority of the Catholic families.
them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to your Sacred Heart. Be you king, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken you, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned you; grant that they may quickly return to their father's house, lest they die of wretchedness and hunger. Be you king of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and unity The feast of Sacred Heart is a of faith, so that soon there may solemnity in the liturgical be but one flock and one calendar of the Roman Catholic shepherd. Be you king also of Church. It falls 19 days after all those who sit in the ancient Pentecost, on a Friday.The superstition of the Gentiles, earliest possible date is 29 and refuse not you to deliver May, as in 1818 and 2285. The them out of darkness into the latest possible date is 2 July, as light and kingdom of God. in 1943 and 2038. Grant, O Lord, to your Church, assurance of freedom and Let us pray: immunity from harm; give Most sweet Jesus, redeemer of peace and order to all nations, the human race, look down and make the earth resound upon us, humbly prostrate from pole to pole with one cry: before your altar. We are yours Praise to the divine heart that and yours we wish to be; but wrought our salvation; to it be to be more surely united with glory and honour forever. you, behold each one of us Amen. freely consecrates himself today to your most sacred (This is the prayer of the consecration heart. Many, indeed, have of the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by Pope Leo XIII – Issued with never known you, many too, the Encyclical Letter Annum Sacrum, despising your precepts, have 25 May 1899)✞ rejected you. Have mercy on
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Newly released Publication
NCO Contributors Benjamin Gonzaga; Savio Mascarenhas; Francis D’Souza
The National Service of Communion (NSC) in India has taken note of the fact that even in the Renewal a consumeristic mind set has crept in and people are on the lookout more for materialistic gains. In view of this, the NSC has taken the bold initiative of bringing out this manual to help all those in the ministry of proclamation of God's Word, prayer groups, communities, ministries and individuals to focus more on the growth in the Spirit. This is an excellent resource for all those who want grow in their spiritual journey and bear good, abundant and lasting fruit as the Lord calls us to do. May this Manual help growth in ecclesial maturity and empowered leadership in the Renewal and the Church. I recommend the book to everyone who wants to grow in holiness and ministry.Cyril John ,
Member, CHARIS, Vatican
e all have our own favourite images and metaphors for God. God is like a shepherd, a friend or a father. God is a judge who takes into account our sins. He's also the sacrificial lamb who died for the sake of those sins. All these metaphors help us to get a sense of who God is. They are incredibly useful in helping us comprehend the incomprehensible. They simplify our understanding of God and help us to relate to Him. However, a real danger exists when we restrict ourselves to these ideas. This prevents us from recognizing the real God when we encounter Him in unfamiliar forms. It ends up being an idolatry of ideas, wherein we worship our idea of who God is and reject the real God. The best biblical example for this is how the Pharisees reacted when Jesus came. These teachers of the law were extremely well versed in the Scriptures. They, more than the shepherds, peasants and fishermen, knew about the coming of the Messiah. Yet they were blinded by their own ideas and images of how this Messiah would look. A triumphant warrior-king was expected; not the man who forgave sinners
and ate with tax-collectors. For this reason they rejected and ended up crucifying Jesus. While we sneer at the blindness of those Pharisees, we fail to see the manifestation of those same mistakes in us. For instance, a lot of Catholics were initially opposed to Charismatic retreats, with their loud praises and shouting. This was because their idea of prayer was of quiet contemplation and meditation. Because they stuck rigidly to their idea of how to relate to God, they ended up missing out on the current of grace flowing through the renewal. Similarly, a lot of the youth, who love spontaneous prayers, aren't big fans of formulaic prayers like the Rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Again it is because we increasingly see God as our friend, and it feels odd to repeat phrases to a friend on the basis of some formula. It thus feels much more natural to talk to God in our own words – and that's how we ended up praying. The idea of God as a friend, when stuck to rigidly, is again hindering us from relating to God in the way so many saints across the centuries related. In all these situations, it's common to hear people with conflicting views denounce the other saying "This is not how
God works". Yet the Bible itself contains opposing view-points of who God is and how He works. As is written in the book of Psalms, God is a God whom we encounter in silence. Yet the same book of Psalms exhorts the people of God to shout praises to Him. God is certainly our best friend with whom we can develop a close bond. He's also an Awe-inspiring God before whom people fall face down in worship. There are so many instances of God accepting spontaneous heartfelt prayers. Simultaneously, there are detailed descriptions of liturgical practices and rituals the people of God must follow. St. Augustine said it best. “If you understood him, it would not be God.” To pretend the meagre understanding and idea we have of God is enough would be arrogance and stupidity of the highest level. The next time we enter a situation where we are tempted to dismiss something as not from God, it would be wise to ponder the question – “Is this really against God? Or is it against the idea I have of who God is?” Perhaps such questions may help open us to the possibility of encountering God in ways that are unexpected. ✞
God's Power
Snead J. Cardozo
Weakness "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." -2 Corinthians 12:9
any times we fall weak, maybe due to our physical or emotional limitations and we have no power to change them at all. We go through a lot of pain, torture, shame and brokenness. Have youll ever wondered what can be done with your brokeness? Are your limitations really limitations? Does your problem confine you to do greater things? 'Dunamis' is a Greek word which means 'power', not just any power but the miraculous power of the Most High. This power has been given to the church and to us believers to be used for the glory of God and can be done only by His grace.
much he needs to rely on God. We also need to rejoice in our weaknesses for God will use them to glorify His name. Isn't it beautiful for us to be used by God himself? Therefore rejoice all ye people of faith! Sometimes weaknesses won't be taken away from us just so that we can rely on God and trust that He will do everything that's best for us. In 2 Corinthians 12:7, we see that God permits Satan to torment Paul just so that he wouldn't give himself into pride. Paul rejoiced in his weakness so that the power of God could rest upon him. For when we are weak, we are made strong by His power.
Grace is a gift that costs everything for the giver and nothing for the recipient. Grace to us is God's riches at Christ's expense. Paul tries to help the people of Corinth realise that God's grace is sufficient for us and that we should boast of nothing else but of His grace.
When you allow the power of God to rest upon you, He is going to remove you from the bottomless pits of misery, shame or brokenness and raise you up to attain glorious victories, making you trophies of His Grace. Thus, every weakness you have is an opportunity for God to show His strength in your life.
Find your weaknesses and accept them as they are, because if you pretend to be strong and a person who is able to do anything and everything, your pride and ego would restrict God's abundant grace from flowing into your life.
Jacob was a cheater, David had an affair, Jonah ran from God, Paul was a murderer, Gideon was insecure, Martha was a worrier, Sara was impatient, Zaccheus was short, Abraham was old, Lazarus was dead and the list is a never ending one.
In 2 Corinthians 12:10, Paul tells the Corinthians that he has nothing to boast about except his weakness because it makes him realise how
The person reading this article is next on the list of God “not choosing the Qualified but Qualifying the Chosen”. Get ready! ✞
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