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Corporate Identity & Design Manual

Contents In the Corporate Identity & Design Manual, you will have all the information need about the Ambershaws brand. By following these guidlines we will ensure brand consistency through all ways of communication.



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Page 3

Position and size of Logo

Page 4

Incorrect use of logo

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Page 7

Compliment Slip

Page 8

Business Cards

Page 9


Colours The colours of Ambershaws are grey, amber, burnt amber and black. The colours must stay the same. At no point should the values of the colour be changed or altered.

CMYK 0/0/0/90 RGB 64/64/65 HEX # 191919

CMYK 0/26.67/93.33/0 RGB 254/191/40 HEX # ffbd12

CMYK 22.39/47.92/100/12.99 RGB 179/125/39 HEX # ad7327

CMYK 0/0/0/100 RGB 0/0/0 HEX # 000000



Logo There are two basic versions of our logo: a coloured, a grayscale (black). All logos are designed for use in print and in electronic media.

four colour version

Black & White version



Position and size of logo There should be a minimum background clearance space around the logo equivalent to the size of the lower case (e). Regardless of Logo size. *The background must always be Ambershaws grey.

To maintain clarity and legibility, there is a minimum size for the logo. The absolute minimum size that the logo can be used is 35mm. The preferred size is 50mm 35mm




Incorrect use of the logo At no point should the apperance of the Ambershaws Logo be changed. The examples show incorrect use of the logo. By using the logo inncorectly can leave the company open to copyright issues.

Do not change the shape and proportions of the logo.

Professional property mnagement

Do not change the typography or position of the slogan.

*The background must always be Ambershaws grey.


Do not change the colours of the logo.



Helvetica 25 UltraLight

Any fonts other than Myriad Pro and CoolveticaRG may be used in the stationary. these fonts are for logo and heading purposes only.

Helvetica Light

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123456789

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123456789

Myriad Pro

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123456789

CoolveticaRg The font Myriad Pro is a registered trademarks of Adobe Incorporated. They are a part of the Adobe Type Library and can be purchased online at www.adobe.com


abcdefghijklmnopq rstuvwxyz ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123456789



Scaled at 45% of actual size.

Any fonts other than Myriad Pro and CoolveticaRG may be used in the stationary. These fonts are for logo and heading purposes only.

Bramley Cottage Chinham Road Bartley SO40 2LL T: 02380 811980 info@ambershaws.co.uk

The Letterhead Should stay 100% to scale (A4). Under no circumstances should aspects of the letterhead be moved, altered or changed in any way.

Regulated by RICS Ambershaws is a trading name of Bartley West Limited, The Charmwood Centre, Bartley, SO40 2NA. Registered in England (8409527). Registered for VAT (156329402).



Compliment slip Any fonts other than Myriad Pro and CoolveticaRG may be used in the compliment slip. these fonts are for logo and heading purposes only.

Bramley Cottage Chinham Road Bartley SO40 2LL T: 02380 811980 info@ambershaws.co.uk

With Compliments Regulated by RICS. Ambershaws is a trading name of Bartley West Limited, The Charmwood Centre, Bartley, SO40 2NA. Registered in England (8409527). Registered for VAT (156329402).

The Compliment Should stay 100% to scale (W: 210mm H: 102mm). Under No circumstances should aspects of the Compliment slip be moved, altered or changed in any way.


Scaled at 70% of actual size.


Business cards

Scaled at 100% of actual size.

The Business cards stay 100% to scale (W: 85mm H: 55mm). Under No circumstances should aspects of the Business Card be moved, altered or changed in any way.

(Hons) MRICS Tonya West BSc Principal

Bramley Cottage Chinham Road Bartley SO40 2LL


T: 02380 811980 info@ambershaws.co.uk


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