New College Bradford Prospectus 2022

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how we support our students PROGRESS TUTORS Your Progress Tutor will help you settle into college life when you arrive, and will support you as you adjust to the challenge of managing your workload and achieving your grades. Your relationship with your Progress Tutor will be key to ensuring you get the very best out of college life and engage with it fully. Tutorial sessions held once a week in Year 12 will be a mixture of one-to-one support sessions and important relevant topics, such as social and career related issues. In Year 13 your tutorial will be designed to support you with your UCAS application to university or apprenticeship/ job application. CEDAR ASSESSMENTS We need to know how you’re performing so we can help you achieve outstanding results. Both your Progress Tutor and subject teachers will review your progress on a regular basis, focusing on your achievement and attendance in each subject. Together you will agree targets to ensure motivation, direction and a clear plan of action to keep you on track and improving. All this information will be recorded and will be accessible to both parents and students securely via Cedar, our online portal. TEACHER ACCESS PERIODS - ONE-TO-ONE AND SMALL GROUP SUPPORT Every class, every week will have a designated session for additional support, helping students to catch up on missed work, or to complete extension activities. These Teacher Access Periods are one of the most important strategies we use to help students push themselves to achieve higher grades, or catch up if they have fallen behind. There is a direct link between improved performance and contact time with teachers, which is why our Teacher Access Periods can make a real difference.


STUDY SUPPORT Teacher Access Periods are not the only form of academic support available. The Study Support Team will also help you maximise your educational achievements. Our welcoming and professional tutors will give you individual help with any aspect of your studies, through a service that is open to all students, whatever their target grade. Students often seek help with study skills, writing skills and GCSE Maths and English. We actively promote a policy of inclusion, so specialist support is available for students with health problems or disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, autism and dyslexia. Our provision often includes access arrangements for examinations, such as extra time and the use of computers. It is very important that you disclose any disabilities or difficulties on your college application so we can plan in advance to meet your needs. Visit our website for more information.

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