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Your Progress Tutor and Tutorial Programme

Every student has a Progress Tutor and they’ll be someone you’ll work closely with throughout your two years. They’ll have oversight of your attendance, engagement and academic progress and will help to review any support you may need. They’ll support you in making plans for life after New College, and they’ll provide 1-1 pastoral support and care.

Your Progress Tutor will also deliver your weekly tutorial. The tutorial programme provides students with the opportunity to explore and discuss a range of topical issues relevant to young adults. It will help you settle into college and learn more about how to be an effective independent learner. It will support you in exploring your options in terms of careers, university, apprenticeships and employment, and with the applications processes.

Some of the topical issues you’ll explore include:

• Mental and physical health

• Healthy relationships - sexual relationships, controlling relationships

• Body confidence, bullying and online abuse

• Being a citizen in modern Britain – fundamental British values, inclusive environments, recognising and responding to extremism and exploitation, multicultural Britain, equality and diversity within society

• Staying safe outside of college - gun and knife crime, honour-based violence, forced marriages

• Living independently - bills, mortgages, wage slips, loans and finance

• Living on a budget and healthy diets

Students have a very good understanding of how to keep themselves safe from all risks. They understand the potential risks of radicalisation and extremism at college and in their personal lives. They have a strong understanding of what constitutes sexual harassment and are fully aware of the importance of demonstrating appropriate behaviour towards other students.

Ofsted, December 2021

Students benefit from excellent pastoral and academic support.

They [students] feel safe at college and are confident that, if they have any concerns, these will be addressed quickly.

Support for students with high needs is very strong. This support enables students with high needs to settle into college life, contribute to lessons well, and make significant progress in achieving their planned outcomes.

Ofsted, December 2021

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