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Support and Student Wellbeing

As well as academic support, for example if you need extra help with your courses or if you need advice about careers and future plans, there’s also a lot of personal support available, should you need it.

Your Progress Tutor will often be the person you can turn to if you’re experiencing any personal difficulties. They can help to bring the right people together to support students, and can be a helpful point of contact for parents or carers.

If things get particularly tough, students can self-refer to our team of college counsellors, for one-to-one counselling support. Sometimes it can be good to have someone to talk to privately, and some students benefit from seeing our counsellors for a number of supportive sessions.

Our safeguarding team are there for when a student is at greater risk of harm, trained and equipped to provide more specialist support, and to help find external support when it’s needed.

Our study support team works closely with students with special educational needs or disabilities, so that students make exceptional progress in their courses, and are ready for their next steps after college.

We also have lots of visits in college from other organisations that can provide information, advice and resources to our students. For example, sexual health organisations, mental health organisations, and drugs and alcohol awareness.

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