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New College encourages all students to participate in the Work Experience Programme. For students applying to some university courses, work experience is a requirement. For others, it may be an integral part of their college course. For all students it will provide them with a valuable experience of the workplace and the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge to support their future career goals. You will be given support before, during and after your placement to ensure you have a successful experience in a relevant, safe and friendly environment.
Qualified Careers Advisors work alongside our Progress Tutors to ensure you receive specialist guidance as you plan for your next steps after college. You will be encouraged to research your options carefully as you plan for your future, whether that be in the world of work or university.
Progress Tutors also provide career guidance as you plan your next step after leaving us, whether this is going on to university, an internship, gap year or employment. They will encourage you to research your options and support you along the way, helping you to plan your future, whether that be in the world of work or university.

A large number of New College students progress to Higher Education each year.
We provide specialist advice for students considering applying for competitive courses such as dentistry, medicine and veterinary science, as well as supporting students applying to universities from across the country. In the summer we hold an annual Careers Day with over 80 speakers from local universities and employers.
We also work hard to support our students who may be seeking employment or apprenticeships after studying at college.
We support our students seeking employment with application form preparation, CV writing and interview practice, and with adverts for suitable vacancies and apprenticeships. Verve provides students with an introduction to many virtual opportunities available to them. Opportunities to compliment traditional work experience and in some cases, as an alternative.