Over-arching Educational Priorities for September 2021-22 1. Student Achievement • •
To identify all learning gaps which have evolved throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and provide the necessary supportive actions to close learning gaps. Support staff to improve their own teaching practice, in order to further develop higher-level pedagogical and metacognitive practice, through a personalised CPD plan, rooted in evidence.
2. Student Personal Development •
To ensure that all students have access to a wide and varied set of experiences to develop their cultural capital. Participation rates in extra-curricular activities should be high across all student groups.
3. Contribution to Social Mobility •
To continue the relentless focus on the performance and progress of disadvantaged, SEND, LAC and EHCP students via the implementation of the Disadvantaged First Strategy.
4. Staff and Student Wellbeing • •
To implement the Trust-wide sexual harassment, violence and sexual abuse action plan. The continued exploration of strategies to increase staff efficiency and effectiveness whilst reducing staff workload and increasing well-being opportunities.