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Affiliate Awards
from Summer 2020
Also Retiring:
Dr. Michael Ashton Superintendent Archdiocese of Omaha
David Barrett Principal Adams Central Public School
Tami Clausen (retired December 2019) Business Manager Logan View Public Schools
Rob Hanger Superintendent Palmyra District OR-1 Gene Haynes Principal Omaha North High School
Kirk Hughes Superintendent Crawford Public Schools
Dr. Jami Isom Superintendent Valentine Community Schools
Don Jacobs Principal Pawnee City Public Schools
Dana Jeppson Superintendent McPherson County Schools Terri Martin Director of Curriculum & Assessment Gering Public Schools
Darus Mettler Director of Special Education ESU #7
John Osgood Principal C L Jones Middle School-Minden Public Schools
Dr. Dale Rawson Superintendent Mead Public Schools
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NSASSP Announces 2020-2021 Nebraska High School Principal of the Year By JEFF STEINBECK, NSASSP Public Relations Representative
The Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals has selected Susan Cassata as the 2020 High School Principal of the Year. This award is presented annually to a principal who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, region, and at Cassata the state level. The award honors principals who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of: Personal Excellence, Collaborative Leadership, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Personalization. Congratulations to Susan Cassata for her outstanding perfor

Ms. Cassata has been in education since 1992 and has been the Principal at Lincoln East High School since 2008 and also has served as the Assistant Principal at Lincoln North Star High school from 2005-2008. Prior to working in school administration she taught Social Studies and was an Educational Coordinator at Lincoln Southeast High School. She has also worked as an Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership at Doane College. Ms. Cassata, a native of Fremont has been a member of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA), the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals (NSASSP), and the National Association of accomplishments, it also a
Secondary School Principals (NASSP) for 10 years.
Dr. Matt Larson, Associate Superintendent for Instruction at Lincoln Public Schools stated, “One of Nebraska’s highest-achieving high schools, the Lincoln East culture Ms. Cassata has collaboratively nurtured with staff is not only one of high academic expectations and accomplishment, it is also a culture known for its inclusive, caring and supportive environment.”
A Lincoln East Senior, Pranav Rajan states, “In my life, her encouragement is something that has positively influenced my attitude towards school and education. Overall, Ms. Cassata’s presence creates a fun environment where I can enjoy learning and feel safe.”
Dr. Patrick Hunter-Pirtle, Director of Secondary Education at Lincoln Public Schools notes, “If I need an opinion or feedSue will be honest. Sue is excellent at asking questions to help me navigate to the best decision.”
Ms. Cassata received her Bachelor of Science degree in History from Nebraska Wesleyan University in 1991. In 2001, she earned her Masters of Education in Educational Leadership from Doane College. Ms. Cassata has been the PBiS committee chair at Lincoln East High School and has been an active member of the Lincoln Schools district appraisal committee. She has attended the Solution Tree Professional Learning Communities at Work conferences and in 2008 she visited China with the Confucius Institute. In 2018, Susan received Principal of the Year recognition from the Region 1 principals group.
mance as a Secondary School Principal at Lincoln East High School. Ms. Cassata will represent Nebraska and NSASSP at the National Principals Conference hosted by NASSP in October of 2020! NSASSP appreciates the contributions to the profession and is proud to name Susan Cassata of Lincoln East High School the 2020 High School Principal of the Year! ■
"One of Nebraska's highest achieving high schools, the Lincoln East culture Ms. Cassata has collaboratively nurtured with staff is not only one of high expectations and back, Sue is usually the first person I contact because I know
culture known for its inclusive, caring and supportive environment." — Dr. Matt Larson, Superintendent for
Instruction at Lincoln Public Schools