15 minute read
NCSA Honors Retirees
from Summer 2020
“Things as simple as facemasks are sometimes not so simple,” said the commissioner. “You may have students who have experienced trauma, and a facemask isn’t going to be acceptable. It’s a percentages game, of getting the majority of folks managing the situation as safely as possible, and then troubleshooting otherwise. Schools are really good at that. They always have been.”
When he does take a moment to step back and reflect from a broader lens, the efforts put forth by Nebraska’s schools do fill Blomstedt with pride.
“The depth of thought at a school level, where it’s clear that their leadership in a community is critical, has been incredible,” he said. “Our schools have organized partnerships within the community to address broader community needs. What our schools have done as far as food security, and beyond curriculum and content, the social/emotional side of schools contact with families has been amazing.”
Dr. Blomstedt praised the work done by ESUs throughout the state in making the transition to remote learning a possibility. Service Units were among the first contacts Blomstedt made when the pandemic materialized, part of an effort to create a network that would make it possible to listen and engage with all of the schools in the state.
“They’ve done a yeoman’s work to keep and maintain regular conversation points,” Blomstedt said. “It’s not always easy on them. We put them right in the middle of it, but I very much appreciate what they’ve done to help organize the school district voices around major themes. It’s been truly remarkable work on their front.”
Each summer, we ask Blomstedt to peer into his crystal ball, to place his finger on a few topics or issues that he sees as pertinent to the upcoming school year. This summer’s crystal ball was a touch clouded, but the commissioner hopes that, by the fall, we’ve figured out the best way to manage circumstances at the most local decision point possible in order to keep people safe.
“School will look different in the fall, and we’re going to have to be prepared to be flexible,” Blomstedt said. “It’s really about people, first. We’re trying to make sure that our communities, our families and our children are, number one, safe and cared for, and, two, that education in and of itself is a critical part of the recovery.” ■
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NCSA Honors Retirees
Each year NCSA is sad to lose but happy to congratulate our members in education who are leaving the profession due to their long-deserved retirement. We are honored to share with you a glimpse of their future plans or just a bit of advice that only those who have worked with children and parents for so long can give!
Please note: The NCSA staff made every effort to include all those individuals who responded to our request for information on retirements.
Tim Allemang 7-12 Principal Elmwood-Murdock Schools
I will miss everyone, but mostly the students! We must always remember to place them first. I look forward to doing a lot of fishing and golfing, but most importantly, spending time with my family and friends. Keep fighting the good fight!!!
Jill Bates Assistant Administrator ESU #8
It has been an honor to work with dedicated and forward-thinking educators from across the state. I truly value the professional relationships established during my 41-year career. Thank you for your encouragement, support, and friendship. Remember, healthy children learn better.
Tom Becker Superintendent Rock County Public Schools
I have enjoyed being in education for 43 years. This has provided me a great opportunity to see the many changes that have taken place in education. When I started technology was not something we talked about. Today, with COVID19, technology is how our teachers are remotely connecting with their students. What is really great about education is you are always learning something new. To do this, I have had many teachers and administrators help me, and I appreciate their help. Being part of an association, NCSA, that supports administrators and good education, makes a big difference in today’s world. I want to thank NCSA for their leadership in education. Like I said, I have enjoyed my years but I never dreamed I would finish out my career by remotely connecting with students, staff, and board members – but change is good and this will lead to a new era in education.
Dr. Toby Boss Director of Professional Development ESU #6
I’ve been blessed for the past 38 years to be part of a wonderful profession. The old adage is “the person at the top of the mountain didn’t fall up there”. It’s also true that they didn’t get there by themselves. At one point or another in each of our careers somebody saw something in us and gave us a chance. Those individual moments don’t seem like much, such as moving from teaching into administration, but taken in totality they become life-changing. So I have two things for you to consider. First, when you get the opportunity to give someone a chance; cherish it. Secondly, go out and thank those folks that gave you a chance at those pivotal moments. I owe a big thank you to Ron Hudson, Bob Meyers, Jim Ossian, Dan Ernst, Phil Warrick, Tammy Heflebower and Don Fritz for taking a chance on me.
Rusty Droescher 7-12 Principal Oakland-Craig Public Schools
I’ve enjoyed almost all of my 34 years in education. All but this last quarter. I hope E-learning never becomes the NORM for our learning environment. This will never replace the power of direct contact with our students.
Sheri Fillipi Principal Wake Robin Elementary School Bellevue Public Schools
During my 25 plus years as an administrator, I have had the opportunity to work with amazing educators who have made my work enjoyable and easy. I have enjoyed serving fabulous students and their families in some outstanding districts. I appreciate NCSA and have loved being involved in this fine organization. What a great ride!
Teresa Frields Director of Assessment/Curriculum/SIP Nebraska City Public Schools
Education has provided me an extraordinary career and I have been extremely privileged to work with incredibly talented professionals throughout my 40 years. I will forever promote a love of public education and be grateful that my chosen profession was always more than a job, but a passion of shared learning and dedication to staff and students. I wish you all the very best and thank each of you that have
enriched my life. Stay strong and always keep our youth at the center.
Lance Fuller Director Human Resources Kearney Public Schools
I can’t believe I’m retiring at 39! Wait, what… this just in. My wife has informed me that I am, in fact, NOT 39. Nor have I been in quite some time. Alrighty then. I’ve been so fortunate in my career to work with outstanding individuals who have influenced me as a leader and as a person. I’m thankful to have learned from some of the best educators in the business. And I will be forever grateful. I can only hope to have served as half the mentor of those I was blessed with. When asked about ending my career during such an unprecedented time in our history, I reply with this thought to ponder. Shortly after announcing my retirement, the entire American educational system essentially shut its doors. Coincidence? I’ll let you decide.
Brian Gegg Superintendent Shelton Public Schools
I want to take this opportunity to thank the NCSA, all of the teachers, administrators, and school board members that I’ve had the privilege to work with during my career in education. It’s through your hard work, support, and dedication that made it such a wonderful experience. God bless and good luck in the future.
Dr. Jamey Haley Superintendent Wood River Rural School
The educational community of Nebraska has been very welcoming and positive to me since I arrived in Wood River several years ago. I thank my colleagues for the wonderful experience, and best wishes as you lead our schools and communities.
Kyle Hoehner Principal Lexington High School
I am thankful to have been blessed to work at two outstanding Nebraska schools the past 39 years: the first 26 years teaching and coaching at Kearney High School and the past 13 in administration at Lexington High School. Without question, the one thing that has brought me the greatest joy are the wonderfully creative, complex children who have made my work in education a genuinely significant, impactful and important labor of love! I am equally appreciative of the camaraderie of my educational peers who have provided significant support and friendship throughout my tenure. A special thanks to the NCSA and the ambassadors who consistently “walk alongside” the organization’s members to ensure that Nebraska schools are absolutely the best of the best!
Dr. Don Johnson Superintendent Fort Calhoun Community Schools
It has been an honor and a calling to serve with such good and honorable people. I appreciate everything NCSA has done for our district over the years and I wish everyone God’s blessings.
Jeff Johnson Principal Papillion-LaVista South High School
I have been blessed to work in some amazing communities (Plainview, Norfolk, Grand Island and Papillion-LaVista) and have enjoyed building relationships with colleagues from around the state. You all do an outstanding job and I wish you all the best. Always remember we are “Better together”.
Kathy Latta Principal Southwest Public School Elementary
In my 35 years in education, the thing that stands out the most for me is the level of dedication and caring for students from the classroom teachers with whom I’ve worked. Carry on!
Julie Martin Principal C Ray Gates Elementary School Grand Island Public Schools
It is with excitement and sadness that I retire from a beloved profession in education. I have had the pleasure to work across the state as both a teacher and an elementary principal. I have served with so many strong fellow educators that truly believed in putting students first. Embracing the joy of watching students, teachers, and parents grow has fueled my soul. Networking amongst the best has been truly a passion as I have learned from so many of you. I salute you all and remind you to give thanks to those around you!
Dr. Al Meier Superintendent/Elementary Principal Deshler Public Schools
Thank you to all the educators who helped me throughout my career.
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David Melick Director of Finance & HR Columbus Public Schools
I have been a member of NCSA since 1984, and have always appreciated the leadership in all facets of education provided by this great organization. My time in NSASSP, NASA, and finally NASBO and NASPA has provided me with numerous professional learning opportunities, a great network of outstanding educators, and the opportunity to be involved in leadership in those affiliates. Coordinating the dissemination of negotiations updates for 10 years has granted me insights into teacher negotiations that I wouldn’t have had otherwise and the regular interactions with other superintendents and business managers was great. I also enjoyed many years of helping kick off Administrators’ Days performing with the singing administrators. Now I plan to experience the NCSA membership through NARSA. Keep up the great work NCSA!
Dr. Suzanne Melliger Principal Pershing Elementary School Lexington Public Schools
It’s been a great ride! After 40 years of spending time working alongside great teachers and administrators, I am retiring with mixed feelings. While I am sad to say goodbye to the hugs, laughter, intellectual banter and challenges that come with the principal’s job, I look forward to the next chapter of my life. Continue your great work, friends, and stay safe!
Jim Moore Assistant Principal Crete High School
Thank you to all my colleagues for the professional guidance and friendships over the years. It’s all about relationships and it doesn’t get any better than the public schools in Nebraska.
Mark Norvell Superintendent Fillmore Central Public Schools
I have been blessed to have spent 42 years in education. I am appreciative of all the friends I have made in teaching, coaching, and being an administrator. Most of you helped me in some way during my career. Being around kids is not a bad way to spend your life; and I feel very fortunate to have been able to do that. Thank you to all for your support during my superintendent tenure-it was necessary!
David Owen 7-12 Principal Burwell Public Schools
What a way to go out. COVID-19 has changed many of my plans. Best of luck to all of you in the future.
Stephanie Owen Business Manager Creek Valley Schools
Being a business manager has been a very challenging, yet very rewarding career. So many challenges over the years! My work and friendship with all staff and the Board of Education has been extremely rewarding – but the best has been the students’ smiling faces and warm greetings and hugs! I will miss them all!
Dan Polk Superintendent Elgin Public Schools
Stay strong and continue to do what is best for students, not what is easiest for them or anyone else. Be there day in and day out to advocate for them, teach them and show them how to become better students, citizens and people. As we all know it’s not always a pleasant process; but it is one that is needed more now than ever. I could not have had the career I’ve had without the support of my wife Deb and I truly admire you all for the path you have chosen and the work you do. God Bless!
Steve Rinehart Superintendent Osceola Public Schools
With 10 grandchildren becoming more involved in high school activities it is time to change paths after 38 years in Nebraska public schools. I could not imagine not being an educator and helping to develop and shape young people into productive adults. I hope that I have provided the guidance that many youth of today are seeking. I will always cherish the relationships I have developed with my former students. Now it is time to help guide my grandchildren! I wish all my colleagues the best as they continue to promote Nebraska public education!!
Rusty Ruppert Superintendent Sargent Public Schools
In the almost half century (49 years) that I have been in education there have been many, many changes. But the most important things have remained the same. Kids and col
leagues. To all of those along this journey that have helped me grow as an educator and an administrator, thank you! Thanks to my family for their unending support and thanks to God for the blessings He has seen fit to share with me. Remember, Success is not owned, it is leased and the Rent is due every day.
Dr. Dennis Shipp Superintendent Bertrand Public Schools
After 38 years in education, all I can think to say is “thank you” to the many students, teachers, and administrative peers that have shaped my educational career. Don Crowder, Gary Oxley, and Tim DeWaard were outstanding mentors along the way. Also, a thank you to the many administrative friends that helped make a tough job…rewarding. Lastly, the most important thank you goes to my wife, Teresa. Being the spouse of an administrator can be very difficult. Good luck to all of my administrative friends as you work to bring education back “into” schools. Take care.
Dr. Mike Sieh Superintendent Stanton Community Schools
My dad always said that you could never have enough friends! I have enjoyed getting to know and learn from all my colleagues and friends throughout my educational career. I hope that I was able to contribute a fraction of what I have learned from others to those around me. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives!
Mark Sievering Superintendent Arnold Public Schools
Have you ever had the feeling you’ve done something before? Two years ago, I thought I was going to retire, and wound up teaching high school English (no, I had NOT been an English teacher before I became an administrator). The joke around the school became that last year would be my “second annual retirement”! In late spring, I answered the call for a school needing a part-time interim superintendent. So …. This year will be my THIRD ANNUAL RETIREMENT, and I am planning on this being the retirement that actually “sticks”! Currently I am looking forward to some more discretionary time, but also living the “lifelong learner” idea, as I am embarking on a doctoral degree in Educational Ministry.
Mark Smith Principal Plattsmouth Middle School
It has been a pleasure to serve the students and families as a teacher, coach, and principal for the last 33 years. I am going to miss the relationships the most. Thanks to the rest of you for serving as well.
Ken Thiele Principal Aurora Middle School
Thank you NCSA for your continuous support to all public school administrators, and especially to me during my 30 years as a school principal. To say that I have loved every minute as an administrator, would be an exaggeration, but to say it has been very rewarding would be extremely accurate. I would also like to THANK the Aurora community for the opportunities provided to me during my 28 years as Aurora Middle School principal. Aurora is not only a terrific community and school system, but a tremendous place to raise a family. Thank you NCSA and Aurora Public Schools for the opportunity to serve students and families.
Dr. Caroline Winchester Superintendent Chadron Public Schools
The networking with everyone at various meetings is a strength of NCSA and greatly appreciated over the years.
Bob Zagozda Chief Financial Officer Westside Community Schools
I’ve enjoyed meeting people from all over the state who have been so helpful in sharing their expertise. Best of luck, and thanks to you all for a job well done serving students.
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