Sample Recruiting Philosophy

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Sample Recruiting Philosophy (Make any adjustments per your school/sport) I.


Identification Process A. Login to NCSA (Spring) B. Prospects who are recommended (alumni, coaches, friends) C. High school coaches recommendations a. Does he oversell or undersell his players. Get to know him D. Opposing coaches recommendations a. Establish a special rapport with a coach in each league E. Summer workouts (baseball, basketball, passing league sports) F. Actual game evaluation G. All-­‐State, All-­‐League H. Film evaluations I. Local newspaper articles J. Talking to other college coaches K. Our questionnaire Prospect Evaluation A. Character check, is he a hard worker? a. Talk to his coach b. Captain? Awards? Leader? Hustler? B. Physical requirements a. Height, weight, speed b. Growth potential – very important in our recruiting c. See at game, as walking off field – how does he compare with our players? d. An unusual ability (great hands, strong, overpower) C. Athletic ability a. Foot quickness, coordination, explosiveness, traits for his position b. Evaluate – In person, on film, or in another sport c. Does he make great plays d. His coaches information (40 time, vertical jump, agility test) D. Technique a. Have our position coach evaluate his ability by position b. Have coordinator evaluate him c. Keep records of all evaluations in our process E. Academic criteria a. Class rank b. ACT c. GPA d. Can he compete if academically if admitted?



e. Is he an award type young man? F. General evaluations a. What high school level does he compete at? 1A, 2A, 3A…. b. Don’t continue to look at film ‘searching’ for something good because he probably is not good enough c. See him in person (game evaluation) as often as possible. Take position coach with you, cross evaluate d. Watch him when he is on the sidelines, is he always in the game mentally? e. What is his history with injuries? f. What is his high school program like? Demanding? Good work habits? How Does My School Select Prospects A. Needs by position B. A great athlete regardless of position C. Best player by position as evaluated by a. Coordinator b. Position coach c. Head coach D. Compare recruits to our current players, All-­‐Americans, 1st Team Players The Recruiting Process A. Personal contact a. Be a good listener, he will tell you about himself and background b. Why our school? What separates us from other schools c. Talk about other things, besides your sport d. Do not make, or border on making, an offer until head coach gives the final word e. Keep all appointments, promptly f. Recruit with a positive approach g. Each young man is different, search for the determining factor h. Your personal appearance, look sharp – there is no second chance for a first impression! i. Total honesty will succeed over the long haul j. What about his family? Are they goal oriented? Siblings in college? B. Correspondence a. Stay in contact – the personal note is the best form of correspondence b. Support items from recruiting coordinator i. Press guide ii. Schedule card iii. Recruiting brochure iv. Game invitation c. Telephone calls (have something to talk about)


i. Head coach, current players, professors, our position coaches ii. Talk to whoever answers the phone, get to know the family d. Letters i. Be personal ii. Avoid form letters iii. Include an important thought iv. When sending a letter through someone, always check content (i.e. nothing negative v. Letter from our current players, who are alums of recruit’s school e. Attend other athletic events recruit participates in i. Opportunity to visit with parents ii. Evaluate athletic ability iii. Talk to coaches, faculty, administrators iv. Great public relations v. Talk to classmates of recruit – character check f. Home visit i. Be organized, prepared on time, check, and re-­‐check directions ii. You are on-­‐stage, you solely represent your program at this time iii. Be yourself iv. Show highlight film (tape) v. Know when to leave! vi. Head coach explain the scholarship and close the sale Campus Visit A. Be selective, attempt to bring in only those who we will offer B. Arrange weekends, if possible, so that you do not spread yourself too thin with a large number of your prospects. Quality time! C. Prep head coach before he interviews prospect one to one D. Get info concerning visit to recruiting coordinator as early as possible. Remain in touch with recruiting coordinator until actual visit E. Visit with position coach F. Recruiting coach should personally prep our host, make time, this can make or break a sale. G. If recruit’s family is on visit and you invite them to your home, give his parents the chance to leave when they would like to i. Prep your spouse for visit, can be a great influence, especially on parents ii. Seeing you in your family atmosphere can make parents more comfortable as to how you will care for their child iii. Spend equal time and conversation with each family member H. Be sure recruit leaves knowing exactly where he stands




Take time Sunday night or Monday morning to call his coach and let him know exactly how recruit stands with us. He may not like what you have to say, but honesty will pay off J. Call recruit Sunday night just to make sure he ‘arrived home safely’ K. Follow-­‐up notes and calls i. You ii. Position coach iii. Academic people iv. Student host The Actual Signing Or The Close A. Who will have the most influence on the decision: mom, dad, coach, etc B. Most important deciding factors must be emphasized C. Reinforce deciding factors D. Take nothing for granted E. Make the recruit say ‘no’ in person if this be the case F. Recruit his coach G. Start the application process as soon as possible. Get an academic reading as soon as possible Miscellaneous A. There is a unique quality in you as a person. Use that quality to separate yourself from every other recruiter. Cultivate this quality B. Recruiting is competition. Set your game plan, prepare, make adjustments and be fundamentally sound C. Keep good records and review them D. Build a trust with high school coaches and service them E. Return all calls promptly F. Don’t make promises unless they are backed by head coach

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