FBNS Digest 2021, NC State's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

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Zooming in on Our New Faculty

Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences DIGEST 2021

TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Letter from Department Head 3 Student Activities 4 Zooming in on Our New Experts New Hire Profiles 5 Sensory Service Center 7 Wolfing Down Food Science Podcast 9 Brewing Manual 9 Department Notes New Faculty/Staff Hires In Memoriam

13 FBNS in the News 15 Faculty, Staff, and Student Awards 17 FBNS Distinguished Alumni 22 Partners and Donors

MOVING FORWARD, TOGETHER Despite overcoming numerous challenges during the past year, returning to what we are accustomed to will take time. However, we have neither let that impede our progress nor stop us from exploring new paths. FBNS faculty, staff and students transformed challenges into successes, using them as building blocks of a better and brighter future. We developed new courses and are creating a professional science master’s program for our industry partners. In addition to revitalizing the food safety minor, we created a new minor in brewing science and technology. A Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) laboratory space for our students and external stakeholders is nearly complete. Thanks to our generous supporters, we were able to establish new student scholarships and an endowed professorship. At Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences (FBNS), we recognize success by the innovative approaches of our faculty and staff — in teaching, research and extension. Our course instructors effectively engaged and taught students both in person and online. Our research remains nationally recognized while operating under the strict safety protocols developed last year, thanks to our dedicated and inventive faculty and staff. Our Extension team rose to the occasion and provided much needed product testing for entrepreneurs, employee training for the food industry and safe operating protocols for the food processing sector across North Carolina and beyond. In recognition of excelling in their discipline, several of our faculty and staff received local, national and international awards in the past year. In this issue of the FBNS Digest, we highlight the talented new faculty and staff who have joined the FBNS Pack. I hope that you will get to know them and learn more about their programs and interests as you read their profiles. The pioneering faculty, staff and students responsible for creating a strong foundation for FBNS can rest assured that FBNS is in good hands with our new talent charting the course for our future.

Learn More about FBNS Visit fbns.ncsu.edu for the latest about the department, our academic degree options, research portfolio and extension programs. View the Brochures Links Above!

Articles by Juliana McCully, Alice Touchette, Emily Packard, Matt Shipman and D’Lyn Ford. Design by Joseph Rogers. 2

With experts at four locations across the state: the Center for Marine Sciences and Technology in Morehead City, the Plants for Human Health Institute in Kannapolis, the Dairy Education Center and Creamery in Raleigh, and Schaub Hall on the NC State campus in Raleigh, I am very proud of the department’s continued success. As we launch our Industry Partners Advisory Council (IPAC), I invite our industry and alumni partners to collaborate with our talented faculty, staff and students to spark ideas for new partnerships or rekindle old ones. Thank you to the amazing faculty, staff, emeritus faculty, retirees, students, alumni and industry partners for your continued dedication and support. I am grateful and proud to be a part of this wonderful FBNS family. I look forward to working with all of you as we move beyond what was and explore what will be.

K.P. Sandeep Department Head

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Student Activities

Top: The North Carolina State Fair Food Science Club booth where students serve Howling Cow ice cream to dedicated fans Bottom: Congratulations to NC State’s Food Science Club on winning the “chapter of the year” award from the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT).


ALEXANDER CHOULJENKO ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Director of the Seafood Technology Program

What are you working on right now? Right now, we have a grant to develop seafood safety and sanitation videos for the Spanish-speaking seafood processing industry community. The seafood industry has a lot of H-2B temporary workers hired on a yearly basis who may not have the best grasp of English at the time. It's important to be able to train them at the same time as the English-speaking employees. We're trying to come up with videos that can do this in an effective manner. Sanitation is one of the biggest problems currently in the industry, so this will help with that. In collaboration with the NC State Aquaculture Team, we are working on a funded research project regarding sustainable generation of fish meal and fish oil from smoked salmon byproducts provided by a local smoked fish and pickled fish producer. We will include these ingredients in an extruded fish feed and conduct fish feeding trials. Tell us about working at Center for Marine Sciences and Technology (CMAST).

Where did you grow up? I’m originally from Ukraine and moved to Louisiana as a baby. I came to North Carolina in January of 2020 to work with the department. When you explain what you do to family, friends and people outside of the university, what do you tell them? My work entails the safety and quality of seafood. I work in Extension, reaching out to stakeholders like seafood companies to help conduct a needs assessment in the industry. I develop and deliver various workshops on that front and help them with things like product development, safety testing, certifications and different technical services that the seafood industry always requires. My research is focused on what the seafood industry needs. I aim to conduct research that is relevant to the industry, that’s readily applicable and can cross over to the Extension part.


At CMAST we have a lot of folks from NC State working in many disciplines. I, along with Greg Bolton, Seafood Research Specialist, are the two people from the FBNS department working there. There are also researchers and faculty from marine biology, ecology and veterinary medicine that specialize in those things and the facilities are set up for that. A significant advantage of me working there is having proximity to the seafood industry. It's very close to the water and a lot of seafood companies, so that helps with the Extension and the research aspect. What's your favorite part about what you do? I would say the hands-on work: research in the lab, developing different processes and techniques, discovering things, going out to various industries and learning about them. I also like to see what kind of issues industry may have and figure out how we can help with that. I’m constantly brainstorming about different ways we can help. Moreover, I find the mentorship aspect of my job really rewarding.

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SENSORY SERVICE CENTER KEEPS ON TASTE-TESTING Known for carrying out regular “taste tests” on campus, NC State’s Sensory Service Center (SSC) provides product testing and development for clients around the world. Research that starts with faculty, staff, students and consumers around the Research Triangle giving their opinions on food and drink samples often results in new or improved products sitting on the shelves of retailers nationwide. To conduct taste tests safely during the pandemic, NC State’s Sensory Science Center has modified its procedures. Now the SSC offers opportunities for take-home taste tests, outdoor taste tests, virtual focus groups and online surveys. “What we do has not changed at all, but how we do it has changed tremendously,” says MaryAnne Drake, William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Food Science. “We’ve worked together with various facets of the university, NC State Institutional Review Board (IRB) and our clients to ensure that we’re able to maintain the utmost safety measures and COVID-19 compliance.” Drake and her team of dedicated staff and graduate students transitioned the center’s operations to allow high-quality research and education to continue, seamlessly serving customers and the campus community.

The center is working with many companies and conducting numerous graduate student research activities each month. “Companies are getting back up to speed and we’re responding appropriately,” says Drake. “With or without restrictions, we meet consumer needs and surpass expectations. We’re well on our way to getting back to full capacity testing, even if that looks very different from previous years.” One recent test involved a product for children. Current restrictions mandate that children cannot come on campus for testing, so parents/guardians were required to pick up samples from the SSC and take them home. Graduate students with the SSC then worked with children individually via Zoom, as children must give informed consent under current guidelines for working with human subjects. Ninety-three children tasted two samples and completed two Zoom meetings with SSC staff. Under normal conditions, this test would have been completed over three evenings with eight graduate students. Now, it takes Drake and every graduate student, including those working in food chemistry and processing, seven days to complete the entire test. It’s just one example of the huge amount of effort that everyone involved in the SSC has been putting in over the past year. Many product tests and graduate student research projects are scheduled this fall, including ones for dairy and other food products. Taste tests will still be conducted outside, and the SSC is working hard to be back at full capacity. “This entire experience has provided invaluable opportunities to me and my graduate students,” says Drake. “That’s the beauty of doing this type of work, even if things look a little bit different. We have a think and can-do attitude. We get used to getting through these challenges, we help out our stakeholders, provide an excellent education to our students, and help fulfill the university’s mission.”


NATALIE COOKE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Director of Undergraduate Programs for Nutrition Science

Name something you enjoy about your job. I am passionate about nutrition education. Whether in the undergraduate, professional, or community setting, everyone deserves the chance to understand how nutrition can help build a healthy lifestyle. I love teaching, mentoring, and helping students reach their full potential as nutrition educators, researchers and members of their communities. What I enjoy most about our major is how it combines nutritional biochemistry with applied community and public health nutrition. What are you working on now?

What inspired you to choose this field? I’ve always enjoyed science and its connection to health but wasn’t sure how I could combine the two. I entered NC State in 2006 as a biochemistry major with an intent to pursue a career in health care. In my biochemistry courses we explored biochemical pathways, and what fascinated me most was metabolism. While serving as a teaching assistant for Dr. Bob Patterson, he inspired me to pursue a second major in nutrition science, connecting me with Dr. Sarah Ash, who was director of undergraduate programs for nutrition science at the time. In turn, Sarah introduced me to Dr. Suzie Goodell, who was a new faculty member then. Suzie introduced me to nutrition education in the community and ultimately became my faculty mentor for my doctorate. I added a second major in nutrition science, and the rest is history. I am grateful to have earned bachelor’s degrees in both biochemistry and nutrition science as well as a Ph.D. in nutrition—all from NC State. And now I am more than grateful to be a faculty member at my alma mater.


The research I conduct is called scholarship of teaching and learning. This type of research involves evaluating the impact of classroom innovation, then disseminating those findings to other educators who may benefit from implementing similar teaching methods. My goal is to improve students’ self-efficacy (also known as confidence and belief in their ability) to perform nutrition-related skills. I do this by incorporating innovative teaching techniques and technologies. For example, I have been exploring the use of virtual reality training videos to improve a portion of the Applied Nutrition Education service-learning course. In August I received a 2021-2022 FBNS distance education grant to flip the NTR 419: Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease course from a face-to-face to online course. Dr. Sarah Ash and I are working with Dr. Jessica White and Kokeita Miller on this project and look forward to offering this elective again starting in summer 2022. Where did you grow up? Raleigh. My dad graduated from NC State in 1971, so I was raised a Wolfpack fan. When accepted to NC State, I was awarded a Park Scholarship, which was pivotal in my development as a professional. Now I’m honored to serve as a Park faculty mentor, allowing me to return some of this gift by mentoring current Park Scholars.

HEAR ALL ABOUT IT: The “Wolfing Down Food Science” Podcast An FBNS team has created a food science podcast that explains how your food makes it from the farm to your table. Not a culinary or nutrition podcast, “Wolfing Down Food Science” is all about the chemistry, microbiology and engineering of food. The podcast, launched in April 2021, is the brainchild of Keith Harris, associate professor of food science, Paige Luck, lecturer and outreach leader, and Teresa Risoli, an NC State student and foodie, as pictured below. It’s available on Spotify and iTunes. The podcast, now in its second season, tells stories about how the science of food applies to what we eat on an everyday basis.

Here are a few recent episode titles: > Breaking down the textural contrast of s’mores > Are you team crunchy, chewy or creamy? > Alternative protein sources > Pressure and plasma

More About Paige In addition to her podcasting work, lecturer Paige Luck teaches four food science courses with FBNS: Food Science and the Consumer (FS 201), The Science of Food Preparation (FS 330), The Chemistry of Food and Bioprocessed Materials (FS 402 laboratory) and Hands-on Experiences for Food Science Majors (FS 201 laboratory). She also works with the CASE Institute, a teach-the-teacher project to bring food science activities to high school classrooms so that more students become aware of the major. Luck is working to recruit more food scientists from diverse communities and rural backgrounds through food science literacy for secondary teachers with grant funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Want to learn more? Email us at ncstatecasefoodscience@gmail.com



Where did you grow up? I grew up on a dairy farm in the Texas Panhandle. I have six older brothers and we always joked that mom and dad had a big family because someone had to milk the cows! About every 30 days an inspector would show up. My dad was never excited to see an inspector; however, now that I am immersed in this area of food safety and looking at what's required from a regulatory perspective, I appreciate what I experienced growing up on a dairy farm. What inspires or drives you? The best thing about my job is getting to work with people. While I am driven to assist the food industry, my number one priority is working with students. As I'm working with companies, I look forward to having students join me so that they can apply what they’ve learned in the classroom, see career opportunities and perhaps open doors for them.

When you explain what you do to family, friends and people outside of the university, what do you tell them? I help keep our food safe. I partner with food companies, food processors and fresh produce growers to help them develop their own food safety management systems. This includes compliance with food safety regulations and customer requirements. My goal is to help companies meet and exceed what is required in order to make a safe product and sustain their business. My appointment is 80% Extension and 20% teaching, so a lot of my time is spent on developing and delivering educational opportunities to the industry. My goal is to empower them to not only understand regulations and the technical concepts of food safety, but to appreciate it as well. Every food business has the obligation to keep our food safe. Some distributors—Costco, Walmart or Whole Foods for example— each have their own set of standards, so it's one thing for food companies to comply with regulatory requirements, but oftentimes the buyer requirements are more rigorous than state or federal regulations. So, I want to help the industry meet those thirdparty requirements so that they can leverage food safety to keep consumers safe and expand their business.


Food safety has a strong reputation here at NC State. I certainly look forward to collaborating with colleagues not only in FBNS, but also those in Horticulture, Agricultural and Human Sciences, Poultry Science, to name a few. In addition, working with our county Extension personnel and agents is so very important. They're the boots on the ground, especially when it comes to fresh produce growers. One of the most important collaborators are the regulators including the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Maintaining and creating new connections within the University and beyond is critical to effectively do my job.



People have been making beer for thousands of years, and we have amassed a tremendous amount of knowledge on how to do it well. Over time, the art of brewing has evolved into a science that encompasses chemistry, microbiology and familiarity with various pieces of equipment that most people have no experience with.

New Faculty/Staff Hires

Given everything humanity has learned about beer, and our enthusiasm for the subject, it is no surprise that there are seemingly countless books on brewing. But none of them measured up to what John Sheppard needed as a foundation for the new brewing courses at NC State. Sheppard, a professor of bioprocessing science, runs NC State’s Brewing Lab. When he started teaching an Introduction to Brewing Science course a few years ago, he realized that the book he wanted his students to use as a reference wasn’t available. So he decided he’d have to make it himself. The result is now out: “Introduction to Brewing and Fermentation Science: Essential Knowledge for Those Dedicated to Brewing Better Beer” (World Scientific, 2021). Sheppard edited the volume and wrote the introduction, as well as authoring or co-authoring five of the eight chapters.

Sebastian Wolfrum joined FBNS on Oct. 11 as a lecturer and manager of the Wolfpack Brewery. He will be responsible for teaching Introduction to Brewing Science and Technology (BBS 325), Brewing Practices and Analyses (BBS 326) and Brewing Equipment, Controls and Operations (BBS 427). He will be responsible for managing, operating and supervising brewery operations, including producing and packaging beer in cans and kegs, conducting quality control and testing, ordering supplies, maintaining equipment, reporting to both the ABC Commission and TTB, and managing brewery finances. He will maintain professional relationships with Wolfpack customers and the broader brewing community within North Carolina, including representing the brewery and its products at university and external events. Wolfrum received the German equivalents of a Bachelor of Arts in sociology and political science and a Master of Arts in sociology from Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. He has also participated in certificate programs with Duke University’s political science department and the Institute of Brewing and Distilling in London. He has worked as a brewer, maltster and executive brewmaster for eight years in Germany and 16 years in the U.S. His experience includes working at Ayinger Brewery in Bavaria, Germany; Schloss-Proschwitz Winery in Saxony, Germany; Natty Greene’s Brewing Company in Greensboro, North Carolina; and Capital Broadcasting Company projects in Rocky Mount and Durham, North Carolina. Wolfrum has also served as a consultant to various breweries and trained brewing entrepreneurs. He has been the owner of Epiphany Craft Malt in Durham, North Carolina, for the past seven years. He is a founding member of the North Carolina Craft Brewers Guild. He has given talks at conferences, professional association meetings and universities, as well as authoring a book chapter related to brewing.

New Faculty/Staff Hires Continued Page 11 > 9


What inspired you to choose this field? I grew up on a dairy farm in Southern Honduras and remember watching my father producing milk under adverse conditions to sell to the local processor instead of adding value to it. Our work helps empower farmers and industry to grow economic opportunities that address food security and the environment. What are you working on now? Our lab has a collaborative project to develop a scalable strategy for producing novel food ingredients from high-quality pulse-fruit ingredients to formulate mainstream shelf-stable, ready-to-eat products for a human clinical trial in management of metabolic syndrome and obesity. We are also developing methods to produce elderberry-containing products that will be used for brain health studies.

When you explain what you do to family, friends and people outside of the university, what do you tell them? I’m an assistant professor in the food process engineering area, specifically for fruits, vegetables, and grains. My mission includes research and extension activities that focus on novel food products that are nutritious, functional, sustainable, and suitable for multiple applications in the food industry. I also work on design and development of unit operations, such as drying, extraction, and aseptic thermal processes, to establish sustainable food processing alternatives for the industry and assist in terms of regulations, optimizing processes, and training. An example is bacon bits made from mushrooms – it tastes like real cracklings, but it’s plant-based. Or a high-protein shake that, instead of dairy, uses plant-based proteins that have no allergens. It’s kind of a trend in the United States, this plant-based war. And because of that, NC State has this new program in Kannapolis under the food innovation lab.


We have a special interest in the emerging area of alternative proteins, specifically mushrooms, peas, and industry byproducts to develop products for the plant-based dairy and meat industries. Mushrooms only last a few days, so if we develop a process where we have a constant protein isolate or concentrate, or even a byproduct from that process, we can use it as an ingredient for something else. And as a powder, that ingredient can last for more than two years. Additionally, I am collaborating with an industry partner on a mobile microwave food processing facility for fruits and vegetables, where we can sterilize a puree or concentrate in the field to get shelf-stable products. It’s a total utilization concept to reduce postharvest loss and develop value-added products. With a growing population and climate change, we need to work on preservations. Sometimes crops don’t grow as they’re supposed to, but if we know how to preserve, we can have food for the next year. Or if other countries are in need, we have that processed food and will be able to support them.

New Faculty/Staff Hires (cont.)

In Memoriam: Todd Klaenhammer

The USDA-ARS Southeast Area Food Science and Market Quality and Handling Research Unit welcomed food technologist Lisa LaFountain in March as permanent support scientist for the Johanningsmeier lab. Postdoctoral Researcher Avinash Patel joined Haotian Zheng’s team in February. Senior Research Scholar Roberta Hoskin joined Marvin Moncada’s team in October. Postdoctoral Researcher Stephanie Maggio joined Clint Stevenson’s team in March. Jean-Philippe (JP) Therrien, vice president of dermal delivery at Nufabrx, and independent consultant for multiple start-up and biotech companies developing topical products for the treatment of skin diseases, joined FBNS as an adjunct faculty member. Chris Pernell will work with the ei4f program to assist entrepreneurs with their businesses related to food production. He managed the rheology lab for several years and most recently helped manage the Wolfpack Brewery in Schaub Hall, along with developing and teaching brewing courses. Dana Hanson will serve as department extension leader, creating a coordinated program of FBNS Extension activities. He will assist in developing marketing materials for Extension, maintaining stakeholder information, participating in the annual Extension Conference, and hosting an annual event for stakeholders.

Probiotics pioneer Todd R. Klaenhammer, an NC State faculty member for 40 years and the first food scientist to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences, died March 6 at age 69. The university is planning a special event in spring 2022 in Klaenhammer's honor. Link to full story: cals.ncsu.edu/news/beloved-dairy-researcher-klaenhammer-dies



There is another project where we expose this same air-generated plasma to water to replace conventional liquid sanitizers, such as chlorine and ammonia, used for fresh produce, poultry and egg-washing. Traditional sanitizers leave a chemical residue, whereas plasma-activated water won’t leave any residue. And it’s environmentally friendly because you’re just taking air, passing electricity through it and ionizing that air. We’re also seeing good results using plasma to replace chemical sanitizers for food contact surfaces. There is yet another project where we are treating a hydroponic solution with plasma, which generates nitrogen fertilizer and helps plants grow better. This is more sustainable than conventional fertilizer production. In our work with high-pressure processing, we use very, very high pressure to kill bacteria in juices but keep the sensory properties intact. So, the taste, color and texture make you feel like you’re drinking freshly squeezed juice, but it’s safe and has better nutrient retention. You can also use it to improve shelf life for products like guacamole.

When you explain what you do to family, friends and people outside of the university, what do you tell them? I tell them I’m a food scientist and my work is related to food processing technologies that make food safer and improve its quality. I give the example of pasteurized milk or juice, where heat is used to inactivate bacteria. But instead of heat, I use methods such as high pressure, ultraviolet light, ultrasound or plasma. What are you working on now? Most of our recent projects are focused on the use of cold atmospheric pressure plasma. Plasma is the fourth state of matter, which is all around us in, for example, the sun, lightning, northern lights, neon lights and televisions. We use reactive species from room-temperature plasma for sanitation of fresh produce to prevent outbreaks. People get sick by eating contaminated raw fresh produce. We are using plasma generated from the air inside the package to make it safe. Plasma offers waterless sanitization solutions, which can be important for saving water and for when water quality is a concern.


What do you wish people understood about your work? When people buy food from the supermarket, they take for granted that their food is going to be safe and their cereal will be crunchy and taste the same every time. They don’t understand there are food scientists working behind the scenes to make sure there’s a process to make it happen. That high-pressure orange juice, for example. It has been on the market for 10 years, but it took over 30 years of research on high pressure processing by researchers worldwide.

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FBNS IN THE NEWS Homegrown’s Backyard BBQ Series Brush up on your barbecue skills with meat scientist Dana Hanson, host of a video series with something for every grilling enthusiast, from preparing perfect pork butt or chicken barbecue to smoking spare ribs or crafting a BBQ-Tini. go.ncsu.edu/homegrown-bbq CALS Alumnus Shifts Career to Food Innovation Joseph Hildebrand has been able to forge successful careers in both the pharmaceutical and food science industries. Find out what brought him to the North Carolina Food Innovation Laboratory in Kannapolis. go.ncsu.edu/alum-food-innovation

Small Business Administration Honors NC State Spinoff Sinnovatek The Small Business Adminstration recognized the economic and societal impact of Sinnovatek, co-founded by researcher Josip Simunovic, for work in sub-Saharan Africa, where vitamin A deficiency is widespread among children. go.ncsu.edu/honoring-sinnovatek Howling Success: Gillian Torr Helps Keep the Pack Moving A part-time campus job helped a graduating senior in applied nutrition discover her career path. go.ncsu.edu/howling-success The Beloved Blueberry: Five Facts Researcher Mary Ann Lila with NC State’s Plants for Human Health Institute in Kannapolis shares how berries benefit the body. go.ncsu.edu/beloved-blueberry

Lending a Hand with the Pfizer Vaccine David Huffman, a 2019 bioprocessing graduate, volunteered for the sample management team during a critical window in vaccine development captured in news and documentary programs. go.ncsu.edu/lend-pfizer

NC State’s Cow Camp – An Udderly New Learning Experience A group of teen 4-H members came to campus to learn firsthand what it’s like to be a dairy farmer. go.ncsu.edu/cow-camp

Lactobacillus Manipulates Bile Acids To Create Favorable Gut Environment Research from NC State researchers Casey Theriot and Rodolphe Barrangou reveals how probiotic bacteria create a better environment for their survival. go.ncsu.edu/lactobacillus

Web Series Highlights Wellness Research Associate Professor Suzie Goodell hosts the Wolfpack Wellness Research Web Series, faculty interviews about NC State’s groundbreaking work in nutrition, recreation and sustainability. go.ncsu.edu/wellness-research

What’s the Big Deal About CRISPR? A look at the Nobel-winning technology’s applications in treating genetic diseases, improving crops and making dairy foods better. go.ncsu.edu/big-deal-crispr Online Graduate Found Inspiration at NC State To Expand the Reach of Her Work Graduate student and Clinical Study Manager Lauren Nolley has been inspired to help alleviate the effects of food insecurity through her online studies for a master’s in nutrition at NC State. go.ncsu.edu/nc-inspiration Nutrition Grad Finds Ways to Promote Wellness, From Virtual Reality to YouTube A passion for food and fitness motivates Yue "Gabby" Xiong, who did undergraduate research and started a social media platform to share traditional Asian cooking and wellness information. go.ncsu.edu/grad-promoting-wellness


What inspired you to get into the food safety field? I am from Brazil. When I came to NC State, I had just graduated from vet school, and I had an opportunity to work in the poultry science department. My field of research was microbiology and infectious diseases in poultry. And then I decided to take a microbiology course at the food science department. I fell in love with the work thanks to my professor, Dr. Lee-Ann Jaykus, and I fell in love with the department. That’s what brought me into food safety. I never thought to go more into the food safety portion of the food science of poultry until I took that food microbiology course. I just fell in love with it. What do you enjoy most about your job? I think what I like the best is seeing that light in the students' eyes when they learn something new. And that's why I think that what NC State does is so perfect, in terms of having extension and research in teaching. I think we are the best professionals that we can be when we are involved with research and we are active in learning something new so that we can teach that in the classroom.

When you explain what you do to family, friends and people outside of the university, what do you tell them? The explanation that I usually give is that I am a veterinarian, but I never worked with pets in the hospital or clinic. I have training in microbiology and disease transmission which applies to food safety because disease that is transmitted by food is still disease. My primary job is to teach. Most of my classes are related in one way or another to food safety. This includes preharvest food safety, which encompasses food safety on the farm and production side. And I teach postharvest food safety, which applies to a processing plant or a slaughterhouse for meat. I'm responsible for those classes because they are directly related to my training. I also teach food product development, food packaging, and food laws and regulations. I am also responsible for the capstone class for food science and bioprocessing science students. All my classes have a food safety component.


I see students asking questions, getting excited about learning and what they can do once they graduate. I see them figure out how they can contribute to make a better world, better agriculture. And I like to be part of that.

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Faculty and Staff Awards Suzie Goodell, associate professor and director of the interdepartmental graduate program in nutrition, won the 2021 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Nutrition in Higher Education Award from the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior. Bill Aimutis, adjunct faculty member of FBNS, was recognized as an IFT Fellow. This award recognizes exemplary commitment and contributions to advancing the profession over the course of a career. MaryAnne Drake, William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Food Science, received the Zimpro Award for Excellence in Dairy Science from the American Dairy Science Association. This award recognizes outstanding research in dairy production or manufacturing contributing to improvement or care of dairy cattle, development and improvement of processes, products, equipment, methods, handling and sanitation. April Fogleman, associate professor of nutrition, was recognized as an Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor by NC State, one of the most prestigious undergraduate teaching awards. The award recognizes distinguished service in support of undergraduate teaching. The team of Natalie Cooke, Suzie Goodell, Jessica White, Mike Cuales and Cathi Dunnagan was awarded the 2020-21 Gertrude Cox Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching and Learning with Technology from NC State University for their work with Virtual Reality technologies to train students to teach nutrition in a community setting. Clint Stevenson, associate professor and distance education coordinator, is a recipient of the CALS Teaching Award of Merit for faculty who use innovative teaching methods and revise course material to meet the needs of students. Deepti Salvi, assistant professor of food engineering, was selected as a CALS nominee for the Goodnight Early Career Innovator Award. This award is used to recognize and reward early career faculty with outstanding promise for scholarly achievement and impact in STEM or STEM education. Salvi also won the inaugural Outstanding Postdoc Mentorship Award from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and the Graduate School. Jon Allen, professor and director of graduate programs for food science, was selected as a CALS nominee for the Alumni Association Distinguished Graduate Professorship award.

Fred Breidt, microbiologist and professor with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service, won a technical achievement award from the Association for Dressings and Sauces. Nicola Singletary, assistant teaching professor, received an NC State DELTA Course Redesign Grant for the Food Insecurity and Federal Nutrition Programs course. Pam Van Emden, administrative support specialist for nutrition, was selected to receive an Award for Excellence from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Postdoctoral Researcher Qingyan (Carly) Wang from Deepti Salvi's lab has been selected for a 2021 Professional Development Award from the NCSU Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) and the Graduate School. She received an award for Most Interesting Research Topic at the NC State postdoctoral research symposium.

Student Awards Alex Swanson Boyd, a junior, received a $5,000 Emily J. Prior Scholarship from Research and Development Associates for military food and packaging systems. Boyd is currently working on an international project in Kenya with Josip Simunovic, research professor. Urvi Shah, a graduate research assistant in Deepti Salvi’s lab, was selected as a scholarship recipient to attend the Women in Agribusiness Summit. Wen Rivero Pena, a graduate research assistant in Deepti Salvi’s lab, was a finalist in the 3-Minute thesis competition by the International Association for Food Protection-Student Professional Group, presenting “Cold Plasma-Based Technology for Hydroponic Sweet Basil Growth.” Wen Rivero also won the first place Homegrown Award at NC State’s PackPics Competition for a research infographic on cold-plasma based technology for hydroponic sweet basil growth. Ourania Raftopoulou from Dr. Kathariou's lab received one of the graduate student prizes at the Leo Parks Lectureship event.

Student Awards Continued Page 17 > 15


I had difficulty breastfeeding my first son and didn’t know support was there. It really spoke to me to learn that lactation education and support was a thing, and I realized it was an area where I could really help people. When I struggled again with my second child, it helped me understand how difficult feeding can be and how everyone’s situation is different. I completed an additional lactation consulting credential, then decided to stay on at NC State for a Ph.D. In health care, there’s often this idea that we’re teaching just the clinical information, but it’s so much more. It’s about relationships, inspiring critical thinkers and teaching them how to relate to people as individuals and humans. What are you working on now? Over the past two years, we created immersive videos for our clinical lactation course. We used lots of different cameras and even wore a GoPro during consultations so students could really get a feel for how that looks and sounds. We’re using them in academic courses and outreach now and getting positive student feedback.

When you explain what you do to family, friends and people outside of the university, what do you tell them? I teach nutrition across the lifespan, from lactation and infant feeding to nutrition in older adults, including food insecurity and federal nutrition programs. My position involves teaching versus research or extension work, and my personal focus is specifically on infant nutrition and breastfeeding. What inspired you to choose this field? It’s a long story, but it comes down to family, personal experience, relationships and a love for teaching. I was teaching middle school when my husband was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 35. He made it through, but it led me to consider a health sciences career. I ended up back at NC State doing a master’s degree in nutrition and became really interested in patient work, especially lactation.


I’m also working on developing adult nutrition coursework to help our students understand the participant experience of getting help from federal programs for nutrition. The pandemic has brought many changes, so it’s timely to update content. It’s so interesting to me how society doesn’t seem to emphasize prevention, whether that’s nutrition, physical activity or mental health. And all those things tie together, right? It starts at birth and how you feed your babies, but it goes all the way through. It’s not so much about living longer but keeping our quality of life and health for however long the lifespan.. What’s your favorite flavor of Howling Cow ice cream? I don’t know that I have a favorite. There are people who get the same thing every time, and then you have those who choose something different, just to get new experiences. I think I’m in that second category, but I had the lemon recently and it was delicious!

Student Awards (cont.) Urvi Shah, Wen Rivero Pena and Sudarshan Medagam from Deepti Salvi's lab were selected as the finalists in the North American Big Foodivate Challenge for product development in the protein alternative category. Bhavana Uppili, M.S. student in FBNS, led a winning team in the IFT Product Pitch Challenge that included Chynna Gross from Alabama A&M University and Megha Ramesh from UC Davis. Their product concept, 'Go Snackerz' snack mix offers a low cost, healthy snack mix made of brown rice and sweetpotato crispies, cashew nuts, peanuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds and classic seasonings (BBQ/ranch/cheese). The product is a convenient and tasty way to deliver Vitamin D to address growing deficiencies in work-at-home adults and Vitamin A to support eye health as adults increased their screen time due to the pandemic. Paige Swanson was recognized as the Spring 2021 Bob Patterson Fellow. The Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior's Higher Education Division awarded Latasha Williams (part of Suzie Goodell’s research team) the Ph.D. student research award for her abstract “Registered Dietitian Nutritionists’ Perceptions of Helping Mothers Gain Sustainable Access to Healthy Foods.”

IFT Student Competition Awards Dairy Foods Division Graduate Student Oral Competition: Angelina Schiano (First place) Sensory and Consumer Sciences Division Pangborn Graduate Student Oral Competition: Heather Keefer (Second place) Dairy Foods Division Oral Competition: Dylan Cadwallader (Finalist) Nonthermal Processing Division Student Poster Competition: Wen Rivero Pena (Third place)

American Dairy Science Association Dairy Foods Poster Competition: Ryan Nakamura, Angelina Schiano and Clara Racette (Finalists) Graduate Student Poster Presentation Contest, Dairy Foods Division: Heather Keefer (Third place)

FBNS DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI FOR 2020 AND 2021 Timothy Peppe ’70 B.S. Food Science Retired Maj. Gen. Timothy Peppe is a Distinguished Alumni Award winner for NC State’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Peppe received his B.S. in food science in 1970. After a 33-year Air Force career, he became a corporate lead executive for Northrup Grumman Corp. Post retirement in 2014, he has served as an independent defense consultant. In 2010, he and his wife created the Dr. Isadore and Cynthia Peppe Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences Scholarship, in honor of his parents and inspired by his faculty mentor, Dr. Vic Jones. In 2012, he and his wife, Retired Col RJ Peppe, established the Tim and RJ Peppe Military Leadership Scholars Endowment, part of the Gen. Hugh Shelton Leadership awards. In 2017, he and his sister, Cynthia, created the Cynthia G. Peppe Scholarship Endowment in the NC State Veterinary Medicine Foundation. Allison Sain ’12 M.S. Food Science ’09 B.S. Nutrition Science As an entrepreneurial program assistant with NC State’s Entrepreneur Initiative for Food Program, Allison Sain’s primary role is to assist food companies in safety, quality and regulatory requirements. She provides information and answers inquiries for companies to ensure compliance with Food and Drug Administration regulations within Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Sain provides food entrepreneurs nationwide with food analysis and technical services, including providing processing recommendations for over 3,000 food products and generating over 1,250 Nutrition Facts panels. Allison has also assisted in developing workshops on food safety, regulations and food product labeling. Beyond her career, Sain enjoys her family and a great variety of outdoor activities, including hiking, cycling, kayaking and paddle boarding. She’s always looking to expand the range of her adventures. Distinguished Alumni Continued Pages 19, 21 > 17


One of the primary interests of late has been that new peanut varieties have increased shelf-life and reduced rancidity. Peanuts are rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids, and a suitable feed ingredient for livestock and/or companion animals. Therefore, we need to reevaluate how these new peanut cultivars actually benefit animal health and meat and egg production. What do you wish people understood about your work? I’m a nutrition research scientist. Most people think of a nutritionist as a dietician. However, the reason we have come so far with improved nutrition and quality of foods, and human & animal health, is due in part to nutrition research. This research area figures out the role of the antioxidants, vitamins and new feed components or food components that are being introduced all the time into the food chain. So one of the things I really wish people would understand is that I'm not a dietician. I'm a nutrition research scientist that supports USDA-ARS priorities in research and product development. What inspired you to go into this kind of work?

When you explain what you do to family, friends and people outside of the university, what do you tell them? The primary aim of my research as a Research Chemist for USDA-ARS is identification of new uses for peanuts and/or peanut by-products within the animal food production and food industry. My current research aims to nutritionally enrich meat and/or eggs, using peanuts and peanut byproducts as alternative poultry feed ingredients. Feeding clean feed ingredients to poultry can enhance the nutrition and/or quality of the eggs or meat that's produced. This leads to improved health in the poultry and in humans who consume them. Additionally, I look at functional food ingredients and their health benefits. That includes prebiotics, probiotics, or antioxidant components of fruits and vegetables and how they affect human health in a beneficial way. Why peanuts? The Food Science and Market Quality and Handling Research Unit is a USDA-ARS Research Unit located within the Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences, which aims to conduct research to support the peanut, pickle and sweetpotato production industries.


My undergraduate degree is in biochemistry. For many, many years I competed in pageants—Miss America preliminary, Miss Greater Raleigh, Miss Johnston County to name a few—so I was always dieting and thinking about being healthy. For my advanced degree, I wanted to choose a discipline that I'm very passionate and very curious about. That's how I came to nutrition research science. Furthermore, it is an honor to be a part of USDA-ARS and to support its mission of producing safe and nutritious foods. What would you like people to know about you or your work? People assume that scientists are geeks with pocket protectors. That's not true. When I grew up and I would say, "I want to be a scientist," people would look at me and see I'm African American, I'm female and my love for pageants and the arts; and not take me seriously. Scientists are real, well-rounded people with the ability to critically think about the world around them. We're inventive, we're creative. Anybody can be a scientist. You just need an inquisitive mind and a love for science. Whether you are female, African American, poor or rich, just because you want to be this doesn't mean you're a nerd. I want young women to know that—I specifically want young women of color to know that—because I think I am the first African American female Ph.D. level scientist in the department as USDA-ARS faculty.

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FBNS DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI FOR 2020 AND 2021 (cont.) Caroline Summers ’09 M.S. Nutrition ’06 B.S. Biology, Nutrition Concentration Caroline Summers, a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist in private medical practice in Raleigh, continues to apply her nutrition knowledge by educating her patients as they navigate health challenges during various stages of life. Summers, a Raleigh native, earned a B.S. in biology with a nutrition concentration from NC State. She was actively involved with undergraduate pre-health organizations and volunteered as an Emergency Medical Technician at Cary Area EMS. She also participated in the CALS Honors Program and conducted research under the direction of mentor Jon Allen. Summers earned her M.S. in nutrition with a minor in physiology in 2009. Her graduate thesis, under the direction of Keith Harris, involved inflammatory response modulation of LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells by green and black tea. As a graduate student, Summers was a teaching and research assistant, Food Science Club member and EMS volunteer. Undergraduate and graduate experiences with nutrition and health piqued her interest in a medical career. She earned a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine in Blacksburg, Virginia, in 2013. As a medical student, Summers served as a nutrition tutor, held a leadership role in the OB/ GYN Club, helped enhance the Obstetrics Simulation program, and participated in rural medical missions in Southwest Virginia and the Dominican Republic. She completed her internship and residency in OB/GYN at Carilion Clinic with the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine in Roanoke, Virginia, where she received numerous resident teaching awards. After completing medical training, she returned to the Raleigh area where she has been in private practice since 2017. She is a Fellow of the American College of OB/GYN.

Katie Maloney ’11 Ph.D. Food Science ‘08 M.S. Nutrition and Food Science ’06 B.S. Nutrition Science Katie Maloney is a technical business development manager with Novozymes who uncovers new ways that biology can improve the quality and sustainability of foods and beverages. She serves as an adjunct faculty member in FBNS. Maloney switched her undergraduate major from business to nutrition after discovering her passion in Sarah Ash’s Introduction to Nutrition class. She went on to earn a master’s in nutrition and food science and a doctorate in food science from NC State. Under the direction of advisor Jon Allen, she isolated protein from sweet potatoes and investigated the nutraceutical properties of the extracts. During her time as a student, Maloney was active in the Food Science Club, serving as vice president and in other leadership roles. She participated in the Preparing the Professoriate program and taught a section of Introduction to Nutrition, the class that inspired her academic journey. Maloney interned at Novozymes on the technical service team during the summer of 2010. She loved the company culture and interesting work. She continued part time at Novozymes while writing her dissertation and became a technical service scientist after receiving her Ph.D. in 2011. Her desire for continuous learning led her to various positions within the company, including technical, innovation and business development roles. She designed troubleshooting tools for customers, developed new ways to prioritize and drive innovative projects, and shared the power of biology through presentations at national and international events. She has worked on over 30 different food and beverage applications, including sandwich bread, French fries, frozen pizza, pet food, plant protein, milk, juice and beer. Her customers appreciate her trusted advice, passion and insights. After regularly guest lecturing in nutrition, food science, biochemistry, and biomanufacturing classes, in 2018 Maloney joined FBNS as an adjunct professor. She has served on a graduate student committee and looks forward to mentoring more students. Distinguished Alumni Continued Pages 21 > 19


What do you enjoy about your job? I enjoy learning new things about food and solving hard technical problems. The research itself is very exciting! I also enjoy seeing my students succeed academically and professionally. What are you working on now? We have several projects with potential for use in personalized nutrition and functional foods, infant formula and pharmaceutical applications. We can take a food and manipulate its structure without changing the formula or the overall composition. This means we can create a low-calorie ice cream, for example, without compromising sensory qualities. Our work also brings value-added opportunities for dairy farmers. Think about any food product—you have certain ingredients listed on the label. We don’t necessarily change those components but work to fully understand how they interact so we can modify the nutritional value and texture of processed foods via food structure design.

When you explain what you do to family, friends and people outside of the university, what do you tell them? I organize and lead a research program involving a group of young food science researchers who work hard to make processed foods tastier and healthier with less of an environmental impact. At the same time, I train and teach the next generation of food scientists and technologists. We do both fundamental and applied research on food structure design to improve processability and product stability, to improve sensory qualities of processed foods, and to improve digestibility and bioaccessibility of nutrients.

Consider ice cream or frozen dessert as an example. Usually, if fat content is reduced, creamy taste and mouthfeel are compromised. We can apply technology to make ice cream with the same amount of fat, but significantly reduce the amount of fat that’s digested without chemically modifying it. On the other hand, infants take fat as their primary energy source, so we could improve or increase fat absorption in infant formulas using the same process. We also have research to address shelf stability. In nutrition drinks or protein fortified products, protein content is limited to about 10 percent because the watery system can’t hold all the protein particles. You see sedimentation and lose mouthfeel, so we want to improve processing for quality, texture and physical stability. The beauty of food structure design is we’re not adding chemicals or synthesizing a fundamentally new material. We’ve just arranged the physical attributes in a different way to take a custom approach to lots of different problems in nutrition. You don’t create any environmental burdens and industry doesn’t have to invest in new equipment.


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FBNS DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI FOR 2020 AND 2021 (cont.) Virginia Stage ’13 Ph.D. Nutrition Virginia Stage has a passion for improving how our youngest children eat and learn about food in the classroom. Stage, an associate professor of nutrition science in the College of Allied Health Sciences at East Carolina University, founded the Food-based Early Education (FEEd) Lab. The lab uses evidencebased strategies to empower early childhood teachers to enhance the quality of young children’s diets and improve academic outcomes through food-based education in the classroom. The cornerstone of the lab’s work is the National Institutes of Health Science Education Partnership Award funded by More PEAS Please! PEAS, which stands for Preschool Education in Applied Sciences, was created as part of Stage’s dissertation work under NC State mentor Suzie Goodell. Over the next three years, the program will provide approximately 150 Head Start teachers and 2,000 preschool children with training and resources to support high-quality food science learning experiences in their classrooms.

Chip Manuel ’16 Ph.D. Food Science Chip Manuel conducts research to improve public health as a food safety science advisor for GOJO Industries in Akron, Ohio. In this role, he serves as a food safety microbiology subject matter expert for internal and external stakeholders and represents GOJO Industries at conferences as a thought leader in food safety. Prior to taking his current position, Manuel served as a food microbiologist with Diversey Inc. His academic background includes a B.S. in food science from Clemson University, a M.S. in animal science from Colorado State University and a Ph.D. in food science from NC State. Manuel is the author of several peer-reviewed manuscripts, primarily focusing on the control of two important foodborne pathogens: Listeria monocytogenes and norovirus. He has received numerous awards recognizing his achievements in food safety, including awards from the International Association for Food Protection, Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) and the Institute of Food Technologists. In his spare time, Manuel enjoys playing with his Australian shepherd, Jack, and working on his cars that always seem to be broken.

Stage maintains her Wolfpack ties. Since 2016, she has worked in partnership with NC State’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program to bring nutrition education and resources to Head Start. Collectively, the partnership has provided food and nutrition education to approximately 100 Head Start teachers and families in 41 counties across North Carolina. To date, Stage has published 37 peer-reviewed articles and managed over $3 million in federal funding from agencies such as the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. She has received numerous local and national awards, including the Early Career Award from the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior.


PARTNERS AND DONORS Endowments and Funds Supporting FBNS in 2020-21: Burton M. Newell Food Science Library Endowment

NC Dairy Campaign for Excellence

Dr. Susan F. Barefoot and Mr. Howard E. Barefoot

Benjamin P. Forbes Scholarship

NC Dairy Technology Society Enhancement Fund

Dr. Rodolphe Barrangou and Dr. Lisa M. Barrangou

Benjamin W. Kilgore Food Science Scholarship

NC Meat Processors Association Scholarship Endowment

Dr. Jonathan L. Baugher

Cristie Abigail 'Abbi' Fleming Dairy Science Scholarship Endowment

Neil and Nancy Webb Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Jean N. Bearden

Phi Tau Sigma Food Science Technical Staff Professional Development Endowment

Ms. Molly K. Beardslee

Dairy Farm Enhancement Fund Dairy Golf Tech Event

Pilot Plant Enhancement

Mr. Robert Bowen

Don Hamann Memorial Lectureship Endowment

Plants for Human Health Institute Enhancement Fund

Brassica Foundation

Dr. Frank and Rachel Kirby Thomas Food Science and Family & Consumer Sciences Scholarship Endowment

Randleigh Farm Exhibition Building Gift Support Fund

Mr. Harry Brathwaite

Dr. Isadore and Cynthia Peppe Food Bioprocessing, and Nutrition Sciences Scholarship

Randleigh Museum Fund

Mrs. Judy S. Bridges

Robert N. Wood - NC Dairy Products Association Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Dr. Jack H. Britt

Russell S. Flowers Teaching & Training Endowment for Food Safety & Quality

Mr. Craig A. Bromby and Mrs. Anne L. Bromby

Dr. Peggy Foegeding Memorial Food Science Scholarship Dr. Wanida E. Lewis Food Science Fellowship Award Endowment

Mr. Jeff Broadbent

Southeast Dairy Foods Research Center's Membership Account

Dr. Weston W. Bussler

Sweet Acidophilus Milk Program

Mrs. Pamela C. Byington and Mr. Timothy S. Byington

Extension Emergency Fund - Food Science

T.W. Garner Food Company (Texas Pete) Scholarship Endowment

Mrs. Chris Cammarene-Wessel and Mr. Richard A. Wessel

Food Science Club Endowment

Tarheel Supplymens Fund for Excellence Endowment

Food Science Fund

Mr. Gary D. Cartwright and Mrs. Deborah S. Cartwright

Thomas N. Blumer Endowment

Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences Enrichment Fund

Castle & Cooke Inc.

Todd R. & Amy E. Klaenhammer FBNS Graduate Award Endowment

Ms. Louise Charlebois

Fred R. Tarver, Jr. Poultry Products Scholarship Endowment H. Hawkins Bradley Scholarship Endowment

Todd R. Klaenhammer Distinguished Professorship in Probiotics Research Endowment

Dr. James Clare and Dr. Debra A. Clare

Harvey L. & Kathleen R. Barnes Scholarship Endowment

Victor and Maryetta Jones Scholarship Endowment

Ms. Maura F. Conyngham

Hase H. & Lena Maie Smith Endowed Food Science Scholarship

W. L. Clevenger Department of Food Science Endowment for Excellence

Dr. Natalie K. Cooke

Duong, Green & Gharst Food Science Leadership Award Endowment Eakes Turner Food Science Scholarship

Mr. Andrew J. Butler

Dr. Roy E. Carawan and Mrs. Debbie Carawan

Mrs. Nancy Chumney and Mr. Richard K. Chumney

Mrs. Lisa W. Cooling and Joseph Cooling Dr. Polly D. Courtney

Ivan D. & Lillian T. Jones Food Science Scholarship


Mr. Richard B. Biziak

J. Frank & Margaret B. Neely Scholarship Endowment

Donors to FBNS in 2020-21:

Dr. Alexandra Crawley

James L. and Diana G. Oblinger Scholarship Endowment

Dr. Lisa Aimone

Mrs. Elizabeth Speck

John and Kelli Rushing Food Science Freshman Scholarship


Dr. Gordana M. Djordjevic

John Rushing SE Food Processor's Association Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Jean E. Anderson and Mr. Tony J. Lawrence

Mr. David Dukro

Mr. James N. Andrews and Mrs. Rose S. Andrews

Mr. Rick R. Earley and Mrs. Gwen Earley

Kenan Randleigh Dairy Heritage Museum Endowment

Mr. Kenji Aoyama

Dr. Sofia Feng

Leonard & Frances Crouch Achievement Award Endowment

Mr. K. Britt Austin

Mrs. Shirley O. Fleming and Mr. Jack M. Fleming, Jr.

Livio Ferruzzi Memorial Agricultural Scholarship Endowment

Mr. Kyle M. Bain

Ms. Kelly A. Fletcher

Maternal and Infant Lactation Knowledge (MILK) Program

Mrs. Anna R. Baker

Ms Susan Read Flye

Mose & Helen Kiser Endowed Scholarship

Ms. Kathleen A. Baldwin

Mrs. JoAnna B. Foegeding and Dr. E. Allen Foegeding

Murphy-Brown Bacon and Pork Bellies

Mrs. Megan W. Bame and Mr. Andrew M. Bame

Ms. D'Lyn Chantelle Ford

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Dr. Amanda S. Frey and Mr. Kevin F. Frey

Ms. Margaret M. King

Dr. Kandiyan P. Sandeep

Mr. Charles L. Gaither, Jr. and Carol Lee Van Dyke

Mr. Karl T. Kleeman and Mrs. Edwina G. Kleeman

Mr. John A. Saniga and Mrs. Denise A. Saniga

General Mills Foundation

Ms. Marilyn Kochsiek

Dr. David A. Sela

Ms. Sherri L. Gerepka

Dr. Kai Koo

Mr. C. Scott Shipp and Mrs. Jill Shipp

Dr. Gregory A. Gharst and Mrs. Sheila A. Gharst

Dr. Prabhat Kumar and Pallavi Ratnam

Ms. Olivia A. Shipp

Mrs. Karen P. Giles and Mr. Warren M. Giles

Dr. Stella S. Kwong and Mr. Sheldon A. Mirow

Mr. Matthew P. Shivar

Glanbia Foods Inc.

Mrs. Lisa J. LaFountain

Dr. Josip Simunovic and Mrs. Nada Simunovic

Gojo Industries

Dr. Duane K. Larick and Mrs. Joanne L. Larick

Dr. Joanne Slavin

Dr. Fred Gould

Mrs. Tristan B. Laundon and Dr. W. Russell Laundon

Mr. Edgar R. Smith

Ms. Joanne Groshardt and Mr. Sig Harold Badt, Jr.

Mr. Stanley G. Leslie and Mrs. Jacqueline L. Leslie

Mrs. Ashlyn W. Sowell and Dr. Kevin D. Wilson

Dr. Scott R. Hagedorn

Dr. Mary Ann Lila

Dr. George N. Stoforos

Mrs. Erica B. Hanchey and Mr. Jason D. Hanchey

Mr. Clifford W. Loflin, Jr. and Patsy Loflin

Dr. Harold E. Swaisgood and Mrs. Janet Swaisgood

Mr. Benjamen A. Harman

Carson Loomis

Dr. Stephen F. Sylvia

Dr. Gabriel K. Harris

Dr. Mallorye D. Lovett

Mr. Richard Tallon

Dr. Linda J. Harris

Dr. Helen R. Maddux and Mr. Joseph P. Omlor

Mr. Fred R. Tarver III

Mr. John H. Heckel and Ivonne Heckel

Dr. Clyde S. Manuel

Mrs. Tabitha S. Taylor and Mr. Gregg Marco Taylor

Hershey Foods Corporation Fund

Dr. Roger Floyd McFeeters

The Peanut Institute

Dr. Alice A. Heth

Mr. Thomas E. Mease

The Randleigh Foundation Trust

Mr. William C. Hollifield

Microsoft Corporation

Dr. Richard C Theuer

Mr. John K. Hunt

Mr. David Mills and Kyria L. Boundy-Mills

Mr. Roger R. Townley and Mrs. Jane V. Townley

Mr. T. Dale Hunt and Mrs. Ronda D. Hunt

Dr. Matthew D. Moore

Townley Associates

Mr. Robert W. Hutkins

Ms. Sara J. Morrison-Rowe and Mr. Drew Morrison-Rowe

Dr. Lynn G. Turner and Mrs. Beth E. Turner

Mr. TaiLai D. Hwang

Dr. Prashant Mudgal

Mrs. Pamela L. Van Emden and Mr. David A Van Emden

International Scientific Assoc. for Probiotics & Prebiotics

Dr. Art Ney

Dr. Natalie J. Webb

Mr. Gary Jackson and Mrs. Paula Jackson


Mr. Camden R. Webb and Mrs. Joy R. Webb

Jasper Wyman & Son

Dr. James L. Oblinger and Dr. Diana G. Oblinger

Mr. Brian Weinberg and Mrs. Debbie Weinberg

Mr. Robert A. Jeffreys

Mrs. Mary T. Peloquin-Dodd and Mr. Mark R. Dodd

Ms. Paige C. Wendland

Mr. Frederick M. Jimenez and Mrs. Denise K. Jimenez

Mrs. Virginia W. Pickett and Mr. Marquis D. Pickett

Mrs. Marianne K. White and Mr. J. Graham White, Jr.

Dr. Victor A. Jones

Pickle Packers International, Inc.

Mrs. Sarah E. Winn

Mr. Michael A. Jones and Mrs. Terri A. Jones

Mrs. Audrey W. Pilkington and Larry Pilkington

Mrs. Robyn R. Jones and Mr. Douglas R. Jones

Mrs. Martha Rollins Poe and Mr. Tom S. Poe

Chancellor W. Randolph Woodson and Mrs. Susan W. Woodson

Ms. Cynthia R. Jones

Professional Disposables International, Inc.

Dr. Johnny C. Wynne and Mrs. Jacqueline Wynne

Juice Products Association

Mr. Robert W. Raidt

Ms. Tsu-Hsuan Yang

Ms. Mallory Anne Kelly

Mr. David J. Reynolds

Mrs. Jane W. Youngblood and Mr. H. Edward Youngblood

Mr. Thomas S. Kenan, III

Mrs. Ann Garner Riddle and Mr. W. Arthur Riddle, III

Mrs. Kathy B. Kennel and Mr. Philip D. Kennel

Dr. John E. Rushing and Mrs. Kelli K. Rushing

Mr. Charles D. King and Mrs. Rebecca M. King

SEI Giving Fund

Mr. James A. King, II and Mrs. Joy B. King

Dr. Arnie I. Sair and Mrs. Kara L. Sair

Thank You!


NC State University Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences Campus Box 7624 Raleigh, NC 27695 -7624

Strong Ties FBNS is looking for alumni and industry partners. If you’d like to serve as a guest speaker, work with students on senior design projects, share an internship opportunity or join our Industry Partners Council, we’d love to work with you. Morgan Hembarsky, our industry and alumni liaison, can help find opportunities that match your interests and expertise. Contact her at mrhembar@ncsu.edu or fbnsliaison@ncsu.edu for more information. We look forward to hearing from you. Morgan received her B.A. in journalism and mass communication from Lehigh University and her M.A. in interactive media from Elon University. She also received a certification in project management from James Madison University.

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