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SESSION 2: Chongxiao (Sean) Chen
Protozoan Diseases Update Chongxiao (Sean) Chen
Dr. Chongxiao (Sean) Chen, DVM, PhD University of Georgia
Dr. Chen has a DVM from China Agricultural University and a Ph.D. in poultry nutrition from the University of Georgia. From 2020-2022, Dr. Chen worked as a research assistant professor at NC State and studied turkey protozoal diseases. His lab group focuses on alternative treatments for protozoal infections in turkeys and understanding the risk and stress factors involved in histomoniasis outbreaks in commercial production. He also provides extension services to turkey producers related to protozoal infections. Currently, Dr. Chen is an assistant professor/Extension specialist at Poultry Science, University of Georgia. Dr. Chen’s primary focus is poultry nutrition, the interaction of nutrition and health, and developing educational and research programs to support poultry producers and backyard flocks.
Histomoniasis outbreaks in turkeys and broiler breeders can lead to major economic losses for the poultry industry. Histomonas meleagridis is the causative agent of blackhead disease resulting in high mortality in turkeys. Reports of histomoniasis outbreaks dramatically increased after the last approved treatment was taken off the market in 2016. There is an urgent need to understand and develop an intervention strategy to alleviate histomoniasis in turkeys. Cochlosoma anatis is a flagellated protozoan parasite impacting the turkey industry. Infection with C. anatis is associated with runting, diarrhea and depression, with high morbidity in infected flocks. While these symptoms do not typically lead to bird death, farmers may experience high monetary losses. The current presentation provides the research updates from the turkey research group (Drs. Sean Chen, Lin Walker, Franks Edens and Jesse Grimes) on these two protozoa with an emphasis on nutritional factors on disease progression and potential strategies in parasite control inspired by field cases.