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Patricia Curtis Retired as Head of NC State Prestage Department of Poultry Science
Transformative, transparent and fair are how colleagues describe Patricia Curtis, department head of the Prestage Department of Poultry Science. Curtis was named department head in 2017 and retired this year.
With only six departments of poultry science in the country, Curtis said NC State stands out from the others because it has all three commodities: layers, broilers and turkeys.
In her more than 30 years working in higher education, 15 of those at NC State, Curtis became well respected in the industry and among her peers.
“We greatly appreciate all that Pat has done for the Prestage Department of Poultry Science,” said John Dole, interim dean for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. “This nationally recognized department prospered under her leadership. The poultry industry is very important to North Carolina and Pat worked to ensure that the department met industry needs.”
What’s next for the outgoing department head? Curtis recently moved to Illinois to be near family, and plans to travel with friends and “just enjoy life.”