VetPAC Impact 2021–2022 VetPAC Cover photo taken at the 2021 American PreVeterinary Medical Association Annual Symposium. “The transition from having online pre-veterinary programming to being in-person was a great learning experience. We saw a return of strong partcipation by students in VetPAC internships and networking events.”
Dr. Trivedi, Director, VetPAC

Interns assisted museum veterinary staff during routine wellness evaluations, treatments, diagnostic tests, and surgeries for their exotic animal collection. During training, the interns worked with arachnids, invertebrates, reptiles, birds and amphibians both within the Museum’s living collection and in the wild. Through the Museum’s Window of Life, interns enhanced their public speaking skills to provide public education about the veterinary care of the museum’s animals.
3 Interns VetPAC Internship
4 Interns
The interns successfully hosted a virtual Fall Seminar Series, and returned both the Pre-Veterinary First Year Orientation and the Networking Event to Riddick Hall. They raised $2500 for conference travel, and completed a service event that collected 5 bags of hygiene products for the Raleigh Women’s Center.
Feline Health Internship
The Orange County Animal Shelter trained three Feline Health interns. These interns gained experience with feline husbandry, performed veterinary assistant skills such as microchip insertion and vaccine administration, and assisted veterinarians with feline spay and neuters, enucleations, and amputations. Besides assisting with foster coordination to prevent neonatal mortality, interns completed the Fear Free Shelter certification course.
14 Interns Museum Medicine Internship
15 Interns Shelter Medicine Internship
VetPAC interns conducted hybrid programming and peer advising for the academic year.
Orange County Animal Shelter was added as another location for this internship, increasing the number of students impacted. Interns assisted health care technicians with physical examinations, deworming, microchipping and vaccinating animals as well as conducting diagnostics. Thanks to the mentorship of Dr. Strong (OCAS) and Dr. McCain (WCAC), interns developed a better understanding of shelter care from the initial intake to adoption.
The Canine College Internship was cancelled for Fall 2021−Spring 2022 due to COVID-19 restrictions.

271 Campers
The VetPAC interns coordinated and attended a total of 16 virtual and inperson high school outreach events that provided presentations and resources to over 780 students across North Carolina. In addition to presentations on pre-veterinary life at NC State, the VetPAC interns also offered hands-on injection lab using tissue blocks for the high school students.
16 CareerSchools/Fairs
86 StudentsHosted Total
VetCAMP VetCAMP extended to two weeks of virtual, yet interactive programming for 271 high school students. The five-day program incorporated behindthe-scenes tours of a large animal veterinary hospital, a live demonstration of a reptile exam at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, a tour of a CVM NC State research lab, and equine anatomy and hematology labs among other seminars. Campers were introduced to veterinary research, exotic animal and large animal medicine as well as DVM admissions representatives from four veterinary colleges across the U.S.
VetPAC interns introduced 86 prospective families to pre-veterinary life at NC State through CALS Spend A Day At State program. Each visiting family was guided through a presentation on VetPAC resources, internships, and programming such as VetCAMP, and were provided a folder of informational materials including a DVM admissions and VetPAC brochure, and NC State’s pre-veterinary resources. Pre-Veterinary Students VetPAC
High School Outreach Program
739 Students OUTREACH
Spend a Day at State (SADAS)

249 Attendees
175 Attendees
Pre-Vet First Year Orientation
“Evolving and Thriving in Veterinary Medicine”
VetPAC Annual Networking Event
The 4th First Year Orientation introduced a myriad of resources and opportunities available through VetPAC. Seminars taught students about experiences that increase VMCAS competitiveness, and how to schedule their semesters to optimize their degree without overburdening themselves. Participants also benefited from a Q&A panel of current VMCAS applicants and first year DVM students. This panel offered insight into profiles of successful pre-veterinary and DVM students.
80 Attendees EVENTS
The 2021 theme, “Evolving and Thriving Within Veterinary Medicine” offered students the opportunity to learn from successful professionals whose careers did not follow a “traditional” veterinary career path. Speakers included mixed-animal, companion animal and industry professionals such as NC State Alumna Dr. Danielle Mzyk, Dr. Jodi Joseph, and Dr. Kimberly Chappell, as well as a technical specialist from Zoetis – Mrs. Andrea DeLoy. Speakers discussed evaluating career fit, reapplying to Vet Schools, and disparate industry positions.
The 12th Annual Networking event returned to Riddick Hall with 175 pre-veterinary students meeting with 55 speakers from local general practice, emergency, and mobile veterinarians; as well as representatives from USDA APHIS, Zoetis and others. Students interacted with 9 CVM NC State faculty, participated in two Q&A Panels with 6 current NC State DVM Students, and visited with representatives from 6 of the NC State Animal Education Units.
VetPAC Fall Seminar Series

ANS 395: Introduction to Animal Behavior and Veterinary Physiotherapy in UK
ANS 281: Professional Development of Pre-Veterinary Track Students
ANS 395: Wildlife Conservation Management in South Africa
100 AdmittedStudents
Cancelled due to COVID-19. Applications were accepted for Summer 2022.
Cancelled due to COVID-19. Applications are planned to be accepted for Summer 2023. interns tour Rollins Animal Disease Lab
The professional development course was offered as a hyrbid course through in-person lectures combined with virtual guest speaker presentations and Q&A panels. Students learned about the profession from a variety of veterinarians including the Museum of Natural Sciences Chief veterinarian, a lab animal veterinarian, Hoof and Horn mobile veterinarian, and current DVM students. To prepare for hybrid DVM interview formats, one lecture covered CASPer, Kira Talent and Zoom interview formats by a current VMCAS applicant.

VetPAC YouTube Launched in fall 2020, the VetPAC YouTube channel is an advising and advertising resource for students and prospective families interested in learning more about VetPAC opportunities. 27 Subscribers VetPAC Student Spotlight: Mallory Flanagan (134 views) VetPAC How-to: VMCAS ePortfolio Builder (10 views) VMCAS Experience Categories (23 views) Exploring Veterinary Medicine through VetPAC’s Pre-Veterinary Fall Seminar Series (16 views) What to Know Before Applying: Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) (25 views) VetPAC How-To: Schedule an Advising Appointment (4 views) VetPAC Spotlight: DVM Interview Platforms with Bryson Jacobs (15 views) Attending the American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association’s Annual Symposium (6 views) 2021-22 YouTube Videos VetCAMP @ncstate_vetcampInstagram The VetCAMP Instagram advertises summer camp programming to prospective families and offers virtual interactions. The account hosts biweekly posts during the VetCAMP application season about camp schedules, vet camper experiences and application reminders. In the weeks leading up to and during VetCAMP, Instagram serves as a weekly advertisement to introduce camp materials and improve communication between camp staff and campers. 524 Followers VetPAC @ncsu_vetpacInstagram654 Followers SOCIAL MEDIA VetPAC Student Spotlight: Bryson Jacobs on YouTube

North Carolina Veterinary Conference (NCVC) VetPAC supported the attendance of 15 interns to the NCVC in Raleigh, North Carolina. Interns attended seminars on innovative and expanding research including “The Essentials of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine,” “Abdominal Organ Biopsy Techniques,” “Understanding Common Morphological Abnormalities,” and “The Ethics of Chemotherapy in Companion Animals.”
APVMA Webmaster 2022-23
“I loved the opportunity to attend APVMA and to be able to network with so many pre-vet students from across the country.
Sophia Jodka VetPAC Intern, 2021-2022
American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association Annual Symposium In partnership with NC State PVMA, VetPAC accompanied 16 students to the APVMA Symposium attended by 350 pre-vets in Manhattan, KS. In VetPAC’s “winning-est” year yet, one 2021-22 VetPAC intern successfully competed for the Webmaster position within the APVMA National Executive Board, one NC State PVMA member was awarded the APVMAAAVMC One Health Scholarship ($1000) and another was awarded the Overall Outstanding Pre-Veterinary Student Award ($500). An ANS senior was recognized with the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award ($500). For the fifth time in 11 years, the NC State PVMA won the APVMA Outstanding Club Award.
Dianna Miller VetPAC Intern, 2021-2022
Beyond attending lectures, interns networked with different veterinary professionals through hosting an informational booth on the Center. Interns commented on a newfound enthusiasm for all the career options veterinary medicine has to offer outside of a clinical setting. “NCVC allowed me to expand my network by providing numerous indivuals and businesses in the veterinary field. The conference also gave me the opportunity to attend lectures from world-renowned leaders in veterinary medicine. It was a privelege to attend this conference and grow within this field."
Running for an executive board position gave me an opportunity to bring my leadership skills to the national level.” (919) 515-1277 @NCStateVetPAC VetPAC ncsuvetpac ncstate_vetcamp APVMA-AAVMC One-Health Scholarship ($1000) Anna Froneberger APVMA- Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award ($500) Bryson Jacobs APVMA- Overall Oustanding PreVeterinary Student ($500) Emily Haupt APVMA- Outstanding Club Award NC State PVMA AWARDS & HONORS APVMA Dr. Robert Van Saun Outstanding Advisor Award Dr. Shweta Trivedi APVMA Webmaster Sophia Jodka Food Animal Scholar Virginia Bass (2021-22 VetPAC Intern) Outstanding CALS Honors Senior Award Bryson Jacobs