wednesday august
24 2011
Raleigh, North Carolina
The Pack not shaken by earthquake Earthquake tremors throughout North Carolina did not cause major damage. Justin Rose and Elise Heglar
Phillips said. Some students, like freshman in First Year College Kathleen Caldwell, did not Earthquake tremors were felt through- feel any of the tremors but found out out North Carolina Tuesday afternoon about the earthquake secondhand. “I was in psychology in Dabney and I due to an earthquake that hit Virginia didn’t know anything happened. I was about 38 miles outside of Richmond. The earthquake, which the United a bit disappointed. I wanted to feel it,” States Geological Survey reported having Caldwell said. Shortly after the University realized the preliminary magnitude of 6.7, is potentially the second largest East Coast earth- tremors were from the earthquake, a Wolf quake in recorded history. The largest Alert was issued. “At 1:50, an earthquake occurred 150 earthquake recorded happened in 1886 in Charleston, S.C. and killed 60 people, miles NE of Raleigh. Minor tremors are possible for the next six hours. No reaccording to the USGS. The last time an earthquake of compa- ported damage to NCSU facilities,” the rable magnitude occurred in N.C. was al- message said. Governor Bev Perdue, who was in most a century ago in Waynesville, N.C., Greensboro, said she was equally surat a magnitude of 5.2. prised and confused Ji-young Shin, a until she, like many freshman in chemothers, turned to her istr y, described cell phone for inforthe experience as mation. somewhat surreal. “I had no idea what Shin was on the was going on until first floor of D.H. I looked at a BlackHill Library. berry and saw it,” “I felt like everyPerdue said. “Who thing was moving would have thought but everyone was we would be talking so calm. I thought Ji-young Shin, freshman in chemistry about an earthquake I was the crazy and a hurricane in the one,” Shin said. Graduate student in food bioprocessing same press briefing?” Perdue went on to say that as of Tuesday and nutrition sciences Johari Jordan was in the food science-building lab and saw afternoon there were no reported damages or injuries. more dramatic effects. “There have been no requests for any “We all kind of felt it and braced ourselves. When we looked at each other we kind of assistance anywhere in the state,” realized it was an earthquake so we were Perdue said. “It is something really untrying to get everything together and get usual, but it does not seem to have really got your adrenaline pump- aged anything significant.” Del Bohnenstiehl, an assistant profesing,” Jordan said. Some students, like Stephanie Phillips, sor of geophysics, was in the middle of a a junior in middle school science educa- lecture when the quake hit Raleigh. The tion, were higher up in buildings and felt graduate level geology class was actually discussing earthquakes when the projecthe effects more easily. “I was in my classroom on the third tor screen started to shake. “My first reaction was that it was confloor of Poe and I started feeling a shaking almost like a train was going by,” struction since earthquakes are so rare Deputy News Editors
“I felt like everything was moving but everyone was so calm. I thought I was the crazy one.”
The time line of earthquakes in the past 150 years. The left side presents the magnitude of the principle earthquakes on the east coast. The right side represents the major cities affected.
Charlotte, N.C. before her first run as Shaw’s interim president, also according to the Shaw website. While under her watch, the school John Wall raised $145 million, and increased its News Editor endowment from $14 million to $53 With pressure coming from around million – something that Shaw needs campus, Irma McClaurin resigned her as damaged buildings still require position as president of Shaw Univer- repair. McClaurin was in charge when a sity Aug. 9. Chairman of Shaw’s Board of Trust- tornado rocked campus. Due to her ees Willie Gary made the announce- efforts, classes began on time, stument, and named Dorothy Yancy as dents had residence halls to sleep in interim president. It is her second time and a temporary cafeteria to eat in – their only on-campus place to eat was serving in the position. Ryan Girlie, a student at Shaw, said totally destroyed. “One thing I McClaurin’s perthink [McClausonality clashed rin] and her adwith those on ministration did the Board. She well was manage described herthe aftermath of self as a “student the tornado in a leader,” and had very safe fashk nowledge of ion. We had a lot administrative of students on goings-on. campus that had “It was a perto be evacuated, sonality as far and I do think as the board was that was handled concerned. It was Ryan Girlie, student at Shaw University well,” Girlie said. her first time beNo official comment was made. The ing president,” Girlie said. The former president had heat com- University’s website made brief mening all sides. Current students as well tion of McClaurin, simply saying she as graduates were not happy with the had resigned. Faculty and staff at Shaw are not way she went about leading the hisallowed to speak with reporters untorically black University. “Some faculty was upset with some less the communications department things. Local alumni had some com- clears them. Sherri Fillingham of pubplaints that they never saw her and she lic relations declined comment, and never went to meetings. Some faculty Chairman Gary could not be reached that were fired – obviously had some for comment. Shaw is up for accreditation by the grievances,” Girlie said. Yancy was the 14-year president Southern Association of Colleges and of Johnson C. Smith University of Schools next year. Although Girlie
“McClaurin is still a leader; I just don’t necessarily know if her leadership qualities were the right fit for Shaw.”
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Charleston, 1886 Magnitude: 7.3
New York: Intensity: Light Damage: None Philadelphia: Intensity: Light Damage: None
Richmond: Intensity: Strong Damage: Moderate
Raleigh: Intensity: Light Damage: None
NC Charleston, 1886 Magnitude: 7.3
Washington D.C.: Intensity: Moderate Damage: None
Giles County, 1897 Magnitude: 5.9
Morgan County, 1914 Magnitude: 4.5
GA St. Augustine, 1879 Minor Damage
Graphic by Sharon eshet
Shaw embraces former leader Shaw president resigns as former interim president returns.
said she thought the school would retain its accreditation, she had some misgivings. “There are some people that have said we might not have accreditation,” Girlie said. “I think Shaw needs to get its house in order.” The Board of Trustees needs to be held accountable for actions of University leaders, and the school needs accountability “across the board,” according to Girlie. In her first term as interim president, Yancy employed a hands-on approach to University management. She could be seen around campus daily, and would take the time to sit in on classes. Students living on campus would see her walking around dorms and attending church in the chapel. According to the Shaw website, Yancy was welcomed back with open arms. “The Shaw family is excited about the prospect of having Dr. Yancy come back to lead us through the SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) re-accreditation and beyond. “There is jubilation in the air and excitement all over campus. We’ve had a great faculty and staff meeting and we all look forward to an outstanding 2011-2012 academic year,” Gary said at a press conference. Although she left under scrutiny, Girlie said McClaurin was a good leader, just not the one Shaw needed. “McClaurin is still a leader; I just don’t necessarily know if her leadership qualities were the right fit for Shaw,”Girle said.
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