Technician - August 25, 2011

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thursday august

25 2011

Raleigh, North Carolina

Hillsborough Street business owners left wondering Another large-scale building project will further change the street’s aesthetics.

doors. “We know nothing,” Schwetz said. “Nobody [on the block] seems to know anything. We ought to hear something soon.” Businesses on the block, since they John Wall sit on University-owned land, are tenNews Editor ants and pay rent to the endowment The University left Hillsborough fund. Administrators have not decided Street business owners in the dark concerning plans for a hotel and retail whether to lease the land or sell it outright to developers. Leffler said it will space to replace their shops. The University owns land between depend on how the two alternatives affect the return Enterprise Street on investment. and Maiden The Bernstein Lane, a block Cos. Did not recontaining busiturn phone calls nesses like Sadrequesting comlack’s Heroes and ment Wednesthe Bell Tower day. Mart, and it acRose Schwetz, Sadlack’s Heroes Owner L e f f le r s a id cepted a proposal he worked from developer Bernstein Companies to do what it with Schwetz throughout the process wants with all 1.38 acres of land us- of acquiring the restaurant land. He said she was not a holdout when it ing the endowment fund. Developers decided a hotel and re- came to selling. “The goal is not to have any of those tail space would be the best fit for the land, according to Vice Chancellor for particular [businesses] go away – like Business and Finance Charles Leffler. Sadlack’s. Whether it fits into what The University will have no part in the happens on that block in the future is something we’ll have to see,” Lefactual development of the property. “It’s not our desire to be the develop- fler said. “What [Schwetz] decides to er. We are simply becoming the vehicle do long-term is something she will to do that through the University’s en- have to sort out as options become clearer.” dowment fund,” Leffler said. But Sadlack’s is not the only busiBlock tenant Sadlack’s first opened its doors in 1972. Actor and comedian ness in danger. Schoolkids Records Zach Galifianakis, who went to N.C. has been on Hillsborough Street for State for a stint, has been know to visit 38 years and has moved four times. “We knew that there was a plan in the bar and eatery when in town. Rose Schwetz, who bought the res- place, but we have asked for the plan taurant in 1984 and has since sold the and no one has shown us,” Ric Culland to the University, said she has no ross, Schoolkids Records owner, said. Abie Harris, who was the Univeridea when she will have to close the

“Nobody [on the block] seems to know anything.”

Nicole Moering/Technician

Amanda Criner, a graduate of applied mathmatics, plays with her dog Rosco at Sadlack’s Hero on Wednesday. Sadlack’s, a bar located on Hillsborough Street, is one of the buildings that will be torn down to make room for a new hotel. “I don’t feel like [tearing it down] is great for the students. This is a great place to come after school, grab a beer, then walk home. And I can bring my dog,” Criner said.

sity’s architect for 32 years through 1999, works at Roundabout Art Collective located on the block. He also worked in the College of Design during his tenure. He was creating artwork in the gallery Wednesday afternoon. One of his pieces depicting an ideal college courtyard hung on the wall of the art collective. He said he welcomed the change a renovation of the block would bring. “It’s a great idea. It will improve Hillsborough Street, and certainly the University is committed to that. It will be a great project,” Harris said. The goal of acquiring and accepting proposals for property development was not only to make a profitable business decision, but also to continue the facelift Hillsborough Street has experienced over the past couple years, according to Leffler. “We have a long-standing interest and support of helping Hillsborough Street rejuvenate itself and become a more viable business district,” Leffler said. “The goal is to create the demand and to create a desire for the destination that has other businesses wanting to be on the street.” The development is the latest in a multimillion dollar series of changes to Hillsborough Street, the most recent of which occurred between Concord Street and Friendly Street, where businesses like The Brewery were destroyed to make room for a new parking deck, apartments and retail stores. Prior to that, in 2009, the city renovated the entire street by widening it, building a median and roundabouts.

‘Booze it and Lose it’ aims to reduce drunken driving Annual campaign scheduled to last through Labor Day.

“Most of our students are responsible and do the right thing by either not drinking, not drinking in excess or coordinating a designated driver Joshua Chappell or alternate form of transportation,” Senior Staff Writer Barnwell said. “Unfortunately, almost The North Carolina Department of every year without fail we lose one of Transportation has ratcheted up po- our students in an alcohol-related inlice presence in an effort to get N.C. cident, with the bulk of those involvresidents — including N.C. State stu- ing drinking and driving.” Barnwell said during the last acadents — to seriously reconsider driving under the influence of alcohol. demic year, campus police arrested 45 The initiative kicked off August 19 as students for driving while intoxicated. part of the Governor’s Highway Safety This statistic does not include arrests Program, and is scheduled to last until from other jurisdictions. According to Barnwell, campus poSeptember 5. The annual campaign, called lice co-sponsored a DWI checkpoint “Booze it and Lose it,” increases the on Gorman Street on the night of frequency of driving-while-impaired August 19. Emily Robinson, a sophomore in checkpoints and patrols by state and local law enforcement officers in an environmental engineering, drove attempt to “remove impaired drivers through one of the checkpoints and from the roads,” according to a DOT said she thinks the checkpoint itself was effective, but the number of porelease. Gene Conti, NCDOT secretary, said lice officers might have been excessive. “The checkpoint was intense,” Robthe intent of the program is to increase inson said. “I’ve awareness of renever seen more sponsible drivcops in one place ing. in my entire life. I “Celebrating think they could responsibly is h ave s topp e d simple,” Conmore drunken ti said. “Plan driving if they ahead and alEmily Robinson, a sophomore in were in more ways designate a environmental engineering around Raleigh, sober driver.” not just on one According to road. But overall, DOT, there were 500 alcohol-related crashes in the state I think it did work.” Barnwell said he thinks the produring last year’s campaign. Those crashes resulted in 20 fatalities and gram is effective during the dates of the program but does not necessar395 injuries. Campus police is also taking part ily do enough to address the greater in the effort, according to Campus problem. “Through the promotion of the proPolice Patrol Division Commander gram prior to the target dates, I think Jon Barnwell. “[University] police co-sponsor it does have an influence on people to checkpoints with the Raleigh Police think twice before drinking and drivDepartment and support DWI check- ing,” Barnwell said. “In the long run, points run by the Sheriff ’s Depart- I think it only puts a small dent in a fairly larger problem.” ment,” Barnwell said. Robinson also said the program was Barnwell said N.C. State students are generally responsible when it comes to drunken driving, but they are not perfect. Beer continued page 2

“I’ve never seen more cops in one place in my entire life.”

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Nicole Moering/Technician

Ashley Simons-Rudolf, the new director for the University Women’s Center (pictured right,) talks with Joanne Woodard, Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity, at the Women and Gender Studies and The NCSU Women’s Center open house on Wednesday. The event took place in Talley.

Women’s Center sees new director Incoming director to increase outreach efforts and bring international presence. Justin Rose Deputy News Editor

The N.C. State Women’s Center, located in Talley Student Center, will have new leadership August 31 in the form of Ashley SimonsRudolph, an NCSU alumna and a graduate of the psychology and women’s and gender studies departments. Simons-Rudolph said her goals for the semester are primarily outreach-oriented. She went on to say campus advocacy efforts will include programs for The Movement: Ending Interpersonal Violence, training more students, faculty and staff advocates for the Relation-

ship and Sexual Violence Phone line, and presenting the Chocolate Festival in September, which supports breast cancer education and the Kay Yow/ WBCA Cancer Fund. “I have been passionate about equality ever since I can remember,” Simons-Rudolph said. “And I have worked on a variety of equality related projects ranging from assisting children to violent homes, helping mothers overcome substance use addictions and researching men’s role in slowing the HIV epidemic in Africa.” Rudolph-Simons got to speak with students ­­ most of them in women and gender studies, which she teaches through distance education ­­ at an open house in Talley Wednesday evening. Jennifer Castillo, who has served as assistant director for programs since June 2010, had the chance to meet Simons-Rudolph prior to the open house and described her as “incredibly astute, energetic and ambitious.”

NOW OPEN LATER! Mon - Thurs 8am to 8pm Friday 8am to 6pm Saturday 10am to 4pm

“She will be an incredible leader for our team and a tremendous asset to NCSU overall,” Castillo said. “I also know she’ll bring a stronger research background and international experience which will be genuine assets.” Castillo said teamwork will be essential this semester amongst all the changes in personnel and space. The center will move to Harrelson this December because of Talley renovations. Also new to the center is Abigail Conley, a doctoral student in the Counselor Education Program Conley started as a volunteer last spring as a counselor working as an advocate for the Relationship and Sexual Violence Phone line, a crisis hotline that let’s victims of interpersonal violence call in for assistance or counseling. “I want to look for ways to use my counseling skills as a volunteer,”

wc continued page 2 TORES



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Technician - August 25, 2011 by NC State Student Media - Issuu