thursday september
Raleigh, North Carolina
‘We the People’ initiative announced by White House Although experts see the electronic petition process as a ploy, they agree on increased involvement. Joshua Chappell Senior Staff Writer
Citizens wishing to have their voices heard by the federal government will have a new way to petition in the coming months. The “We the People” initiative, announced by the White House last week, is a program in which any citizen can create an online petition for
any issue. If they receive enough electronic signatures in a certain amount of time – 5,000 signatures in 30 days – the White House is guaranteeing that they will review and respond to the petition. While a launch date has not yet been announced, the White House said that it will go live “soon.” According to the White House, the main goal of this program is to emphasize a grassroots movement. They plan to do this by only allowing a petition’s unique URL to be searchable on after it has received 150 signatures.
Amanda Edwards, associate teaching professor of political science, said that she believes this effort is part of a larger agenda by the Obama administration. “I think [the administration] is doing this for electoral purposes,” Edwards said. “They have an agenda and this is another way for them to reach out to the public.” Edwards also went on to talk about how the idea of petitioning the executive branch is a new concept in American politics. “Conceptually, you should petition the legislature for policy change, not
the White House,” Edwards said. “But theoretically, the executive branch today can push for policy change based on the President’s role as the representative of a national constituency.” Edwards also said the fact that the President is essentially the only national representative is what validates this effort to reach the grassroots. Technology is also a key component of this program and, historically speaking, has proven useful for our country, according to Edwards. “Technology has always fostered change in our institutions of government -- the executive branch in
particular,” Edwards said. “This use of online petitions by the executive branch is an example of the role of the executive branch as a result of technological advances.” Steven Greene, associate professor of public and international affairs, said that while he thinks the White House has started this program to reach younger Americans, they also have their own electoral interests in mind. “They presumably started this to try to get young people more in-
petition continued page 3
Greyhound launches express services in southeast region Further transportation option at students’ disposal.
amanda wilkins/Technician
Blue and red acrylic paints swirl in a painting by Kirk Adam in the R. A. Bryan Foundation, Inc. Gallery at the Universtiy Craft Center as part of Adam’s Modern Abstracts exhibition on August 30. The collection included paintings of swirled circles, blended lines and a colorful city scene.
Local artist encourages students to ‘Pick up a brush’ Elementary school teacher and on-campus art instructor brings acrylic exhibit to craft center. Erin Schnuit Staff Writer
Kirk Adam, local artist and N.C. State Crafts Center instructor, has an exhibit in the lobby of the Crafts Center called Modern Abstracts which features several different acrylicpainted canvases. The exhibit made its debut on Aug. 17 and will be displayed until Oct. 30.
Kirk Adam spends much of his time teaching. Whether it’s in a college craft room or an elementary school classroom, his passion for art transcends himself. Adam also teaches abstract acrylic classes at the center so that students may learn his techniques. Adam works at the Neuse Charter School in Smithfield, NC as an art teacher for Kindergarteners through fifth-graders. The school was the first public charter school in North Carolina and has a concentration in international studies. Adam is an asset to these students because art expands the mind far beyond the classroom and
into a more creative place. “I encourage all students to pick up a brush and just start painting,” Adam said. This charge is evident in the exhibition stationed at the Crafts Center, and students and staff who stopped to admire the acrylics mentioned the art made them want to paint. Anna Walker, a sophomore in landscape architecture, described the paintings as using different colors and textures to represent different people and ideas coming together in
crafts continued page 3
kappa delta raises spirits
service because of the large passenger market in southeast. “With explosive demand for Greyhound Express in the Midwest and Jatin Bhatia Northeast, we recognized the need to Staff Writer expand and connect these regions to Greyhound, the inter-city bus the Southeast,” Leach said in a press transportation company, has release. He said he is thrilled about serving launched an express bus service, which will link its northeastern the new customers. “Our customers have shown us that market to its southeastern market. Greyhound expanded its pre- they love the value and premium amemium Greyhound Express service nities Greyhound Express offers, and to the Southeast, establishing Rich- we are thrilled to now expand this service into an entirely new region.” mond, Va. as a hub. The expansion introduces 24 Leach said. Lindsay Ash, of the Edelman public new routes and six new markets. Tickets for all new routes went on relations firm, said low rates should draw student and sale on Aug. 25 mi litar y demoand service began graphics. that Wednesday. “ [T h e e x p r e s s The company service] is a very looks to provide popular option for faster premium students, military service of Greya nd ot he r p a s hound Express sengers with wellbet ween key e s t a bl i s h e d a nd markets such as competitive rates in New York, N.Y., several Northern citAt la nta, G.A., Lindsay Ash, Edelman public ies – this is a big adWashington, relations firm dition for Raleigh,” D.C., Ra leig h, Ash said. N.C., PhiladelIn addition to launching into a new phia, P.A. and Richmond, V.A. The Greyhound Express provides region, Greyhound Express is also excustomers with non-stop or one- panding services in the Midwest and stop services on new buses with Northeast for a total of 24 new routes reserved seating. Free Wi-Fi access in six new markets. Students at NC State said didn’t and power outlets will be available at all seats. Extra legroom -- at 14 know much about the new developinches total -- will take the place of ment in Greyhound. They said they smaller cabin seating, according to would probably skip it, and instead use their cars or cars of parents and the company website. Dave Leach, president and CEO of Greyhound, said they started the buses continued page 3
“[The express service] is a very popular option for students [and] military...”
insidetechnician The Future Islands eager to return to Raleigh
N.C. native band view revisit for Hopscotch Music Festival as a ‘homecoming.’ See page 6.
Restaurant owner forfeits big-city glamour
After years with T.V. producers and fashion designers, Shannon Wolf returns to N.C. for a new pursuit. See page 6.
Pack knows that Cain is able
Talented senior forward has her feet on the ground and eyes on the mountain top. See page 8.
jordan moore/Technician
Freshman in business Samantah Yuen walks with her balloon Wednesday, Sept. 7. Yuen was one of many students who wore a balloon during the day, which had positive statements written on them. The balloons were given to women to help them feel proud of themselves and to feel empowered as a woman. “I think it was a sorority that gave the balloons out,” said Yuen. “I just went up to them and asked if I could have one.” She said that her balloon had a positive message written on it. “Mine says ‘you can do anything.’”
viewpoint features classifieds sports
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