Technician - September 20, 2011

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Technician          

tuesday september

19 2011

Raleigh, North Carolina

Company aims to Cathedral to be built near campus combat online fraud ThreatMetrix hopes to quell rampant online identity theft and fraud.

site is trusted before approving the purchase. Projects like BillMyParents are specifically aimed to prevent identity theft. In the U.S., 28 people have their identity stolen every Erin Schnuit minute, and the trend is worsenStaff Writer ing. eBillme is another website to Many shoppers are going online to make their purchases. Some consum- educate the public about the ers claim this is because of discounts dangerous of identity theft, and and online clearance, but the general it states in an article titled, “Proconsensus is that online shopping is tecting Yourself from ID Theft,” becoming more popular due to its ease that about 28 people in the U.S., become victims of identity theft of access. Though shopping online seems every single minute. Ryan J. Hurley, a professor of like a good alternative, it can also be a gateway for fraud attempts and communication at N.C. State, can attest to this. He recently had to identity theft. Students and parents getting ready get a new debit card because his for a new school year to begin are par- information was hacked from an ticularly vulnerable because hackers online site. Though it didn’t take are aware of the high volume of online Hurley long to regain his identity, activity that occurs during August and the fact that it vanished so quickly startled him. November. Hurley’s case is only one of many, A website called ThreatMetrix and the rate aims to counter of ident it y fraudulent activfraud is rapity by providing idly increasbusi ness w it h ing. On Sept. solutions to safe7, a case of guard both their theft was recustomers and ported from their merchana Bragaw Hall dise. As mendorm room tioned in a press t hat escarelease sent out lated to a felby T hreat MeDan Rampe, ony charge of trix, the months ThreatMetrix representative identity theft, involving backaccording to to-school sales are host to billions of opportunities publicly available court records. When a student reported money for fraud to occur. “The back-to-school timeframe had been stolen from her room and represents one of the largest shopping from her bank account, officers surges in the U.S. This year, consum- arrested her roommate, Angelers are expected to spend more than lina Eun Song, a sophomore in $68 billion on books, apparel, paper, biochemistry. If found guilty of a pencils, backpacks and other school felony identity theft charge, Song supplies, according to the National could serve 13 months in prison. Identity theft doesn’t only occur Retail Federation,” Dan Rampe said in the online article “ThreatMetrix when paying for something online, Alert — Five Channels of Online and ThreatMetrix highlights five Fraud to Beware of Just in Time for different channels for online fraud: Back-to-School.” “Of that, an increas- online purchases, online book ing amount is likely to be spent with rentals, online banking, social media sites, and online gaming. online retailers.” Through all of these outlets, Several ideas are being thrown around by ThreatMetrix to keep con- the only things a hacker needs to sumers from being victimized. One invade a person’s life are names, solution is calledBillMyParents. This addresses, email accounts, phone program is said to be a link that will be numbers, social security numbers, placed next to products on websites, credit card numbers, etc. The most important protection so that adolescents or teenagers can simply mark the item they want and for consumers is to be sure that automatically send an email to their the site they are using is secure and that they do not give away any parent. In the email, the parent can review unnecessary information. the product and make sure that the

“The back-to-school timeframe represents one of the largest shopping surges in the U.S.”

Sprawling Catholic ministry and outreach center planned for construction near campus. Jessie Halpern Correspondent

The Catholic Diocese of Raleigh announced Sept. 7 it has made plans to build a new cathedral in southwest Raleigh. The 2,000-seat cathedral will be located somewhere between Centennial Parkway and Western Boulevard; an area that comes very close to much of campus. The cathedral will span more than 39 acres, and is to be seen as part of the church’s social outreach program. The cathedral’s purpose is not only to hold church services; rather, it also a non-denominational para-church offers religious concerts and lectures, organization. Jasmine Prebles, senior staff with as well as a safe haven for the poor, acCampus Crusade for Christ at N.C. cording to the Catholic Diocese. State, noted that Bishop Michael many of its memBurbidge, t he bers worship at bishop heading loca l churches the cathedral’s and attend Bible fundraising efstudies and worforts, was conship meetings oftacted severa l fered on campus. times by phone Kayla DeWald, sophomore in middle W hen a sked for an interview, grades education about the orgabut did not renization’s take turn calls. on the cathedral While the cathedral will not be affiliated with plans, she did not seem worried that N.C. State, its presence so close to the it might take away worshippers from University has caused a stir among the the campus organization. “We were unaware that the Cathoschool’s many religious groups, specifically Campus Crusade for Christ, lic Diocese is building a cathedral,

“I don’t think the new cathedral is going to affect how I worship.”

contributed by

but our hopes for this new cathedral is that more students would actively pursue Christ through this cathedral,” Prebles said. Echoing her opinion that the church would not interfere with students’ current means of worship was Kayla DeWald, a sophomore in middle grades education. “I don’t think the new cathedral is going to affect how I worship now, I doubt it will change much of anyone’s current routine,” DeWald said. Furthermore, Erinn Allen, senior in the CHASS department, agreed with Prebles’ hope that the cathedral would attract worshippers. “It will probably be really convenient for a lot of people to have a big

church continued page 3


‘Ingredients’ awakens students to better eating See page 5.

‘Star Wars’ alterations upset fans

ACC Power rankings See page 8.

See page 5.

climbing commute

Coaches’ Corner to expand funding through Student Government appropriations Bill requesting money with no formal budget causes problems in Student Senate. Elise Heglar Deputy News Editor

Student Senate members were concerned when a bill for the Coaches’ Corner project to receive $1,000, despite a lack of a formal budget request, was passed. Andy Walsh, traditions committee co-chair, has been working on the Coaches’ Corner project. According to Walsh, the reason a formal budget request was not submitted was due to a lack of concrete information about where the money would be going. Sam Dennis, the other traditions committee co-chair, said the reason no formal budget was written was due to the fact that there was the possibil-

ity of a lot of variation in how the money would actually be used for advertising. “There is a lot of variability with what we’re spending money on but we are handling it in a fiscally responsible way,” Dennis said. According to Walsh, the $1,000 will be going towards advertising and marketing for the Coaches’ Corner project. He and Dennis want to raise $170,000 for the project through private donations. Walsh said that while the money was planned to be used strictly for advertising, it was impossible to tell exactly what types of advertising and how much money would go towards each section at the time the bill was submitted. He said it would be “100 percent less accu-

coach continued page 3

jordan moore/Technician

Climbing the stairs of the Coliseum Parking Deck, Eric Stabasefski, a senior in horticulture science, heads to his car after class Monday. Stabasefski commutes to campus every day, which adds about 10 to 20 minutes of driving time to his daily schedule. If traffic is worse, however, his schedule gets even more delayed. “A couple of mornings [traffic has been bad], especially at the beginning of the semester,” Stabasefski said.

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