thursday september
29 2011
Raleigh, North Carolina
Tuition increase proposal submitted to chancellor Proposed increase in University tuition not expected to impact future enrollment.
Chris Phipps/Technician
Lindsey Lee, senior in food science and nutrition, attends the suicide prevention vigil. She holds a candle in a moment of silence in order to remember those lost to suicide.
Suicide victims honored Candlelight service held in the Brickyard brings attention to suicide prevention. Elise Heglar Deputy News Editor
On Wednesday night, the National Alliance on Mental Illness at N.C. State held a candlelight service to honor those who have been lost to suicide in the United States. The service began with a speech given by Deidre Hughey, a motivational speaker. Hughey spoke about her personal experience with suicide and how the help of others helped her decide not to end her life. “I didn’t feel like there would ever be any hope for me,” Hughey said. Hughey spoke about the signs she exhibited while she was slipping into a deep depression. Neither her friends or family noticed them. “When I came up with the perfect solution [to end my life], I started writing poems. I was entering them in contests, these very dark poems, and nobody said anything,” Hughey said. Looking for signs in friends and family was extensively discussed at the event. Some of the warning signs to look for, according to Angel Johnson, a counselor at the University counsel-
ing center, are mood, behavior, inter- minutes. Those are huge numbers and a lot of lives have been lost,” personal and physical changes. “A lot of students come to us and Riggins said. Officer Timothy Hammonds of say ‘if someone had asked me if I was doing okay, I would have told them Campus Police also spoke at the event. According to Hammonds, at the answer’,” Johnson said. Hughey said that it is important to least one member of every Campus look for signs, because even the small- Police team has been trained in criest signs can be an indication of seri- sis intervention and are able to help students with issues like suicide. ous emotional trouble. After all the speakers had fin“If someone’s giving you a sign… ished addressing there’s a reason,” the crowd, canHughey said. dles were passed There were tables around to evset up at the event eryone who was with information in attendance. about the CounselOnce they were ling Center, things lit, a moment of to look for in people Deidre Hughey, silence was obwho are exhibiting motivational speaker served in honor signs of depression of all the lives and general information about the National Alliance lost to suicide. “We’re remembering the lives on Mental Illness at N.C. State. About 30 students attended the we lost to suicide tonight,” Rigevent with people coming and going gins said. Riggins said that one of the main throughout. After Hughey and Johnson spoke to the crowd, Tim Riggins, reasons for hosting the event and a suicide prevention program coordi- providing the information was nator, spoke about why being aware so that students could act as proof suicide is so important to college tectors for people who might be considering suicide or harming students. “35,000 people in the United States themselves in another way die by suicide every year. On average, a person commits suicide every 15 light continued page 3
“If someone’s giving you a sign… there’s a reason.”
dation is appropriate. He will make changes if he deems them necessary. Woodson’s recommendation will then be forwarded to the University’s Board of Trustees. The board will study the recommendation, and will then send Brooke Wallig & Sruthi Mohan their own recommendation to the Staff Writer & Correspondent UNC System’s Board of Governors. The Tuition Review Committee Ad- Once the BOG has made a decision visory, a group of N.C. State students regarding the tuition increase, their and administrators who meet yearly to recommendation will be sent to the discuss the upcoming academic year’s General Assembly for a final decision. “Pending any input from outside tuition, officially sent their proposal to Chancellor Randy Woodson for sources—General Assembly, Board of Governors, etc.—that $330 is the recfurther examination. According to Chandler Thompson, ommendation from this committee, student body president and voting and will move forward at $330 pendmember on the Tuition Review Com- ing any changes by the Chancellor,” mittee Advisory, this year’s proposal Devore said. However, Devore said it’s important is for an increase of $330 for in-state students and $600 for out-of-state to note that at any moment during this process, the General Assembly has the students. According to Patrick Devore, a power to make and enforce its own senior in meteorology and chair of changes—as was seen two years ago the Student Senate Tuition and Fees when this process was interrupted Committee, his committee—who first by the General Assembly’s mandated made a recommendation to TRAC— $750 increase across the UNC System. “Whatever comes out of this comintended their suggestion to be an exmittee is pretty planation of how much what hapstudents would pens, although best like the tuthere may be subition increases tle changes in the to be handled if distribution of they are absothe money,” Delutely necessary. vore said. “The “Resolution 51 $330 recommenwas the resoludation—along tion the Student with the $ 600 Senate passed for out-of-state per t a i n i ng to students—was tuition. This bill made with it gostates that the Patrick Devore, senior in meteorology ing to four differstudents don’t ent areas: finanwant to see a tuition increase—they never do,” cial aid, quality and accessibility, the Devore said. “It goes on to state that Graduate Student Support Plan and should the tuition committee see the Faculty Promotional Funds. At times need for tuition increases, it should those four percentages have changed make them as small as possible and slightly. Those are the only tweaks help offset [the increases] as much as that really happen, but otherwise that possible by putting money from the amount stays prettyconstant.” According to Devore, the current increase back into financial aid.” While Resolution 51 did not offer a distribution agreement is for 35 perconcrete solution like that of TRAC’s cent of the tuition increase to go torecommendation, Devore hopes it will wards financial aid and support for serve as a guide for the University’s students, 52 percent towards increasing quality and accessibility of services future. “This year’s bill is more of a guid- offered at the University, 8.7% (about ing recommendation of what students $1,000,000) towards the Graduate want to happen and what they want to Student Support Plan, and 4.3% (a see, and what input we can provide on $500,000 preset amount) saved for things going forward—not just this faculty promotional funds. Although it is a small percentage of year, but also in years down the road,” the increase, Devore said the monDevore said. According to Devore, TRAC made ey meant for faculty pay increases, their decision Monday, and their rec- which he said was actually put back ommendation now awaits Woodson, who will decide if the recommentuition continued page 3
“This year’s bill is more of a guiding recommendation of what students want to happen and what they want to see.”
Woodson to hold open office hours
Monthly ‘Chat with the Chancellor’ series will commence Thursday at 11 a.m. at the Innovation Café. Joshua Chappell Head over heels for fall fashion As autumn begins to settle in, so will the latest fashion trends as they take over campus.. See page 6.
State’s cricket team helps students transition Ranked No. 6 in the country, N.C. State’s cricket team popularizes sport. See page 8.
viewpoint features classifieds sports
4 5 7 8
Fall beers go past pumpkin spice Local breweries embrace the season of Oktoberfest and darker malts as opposed to pumpkin flavor. See page 5.
Performances highlight banned books Banned book performances seek to shine light on First Amendment rights.. See page 3.
NC State Class Ring
Senior Staff Writer
On Thursday, Innovation Café on Centennial Campus will have a very important visitor – Chancellor Randy Woodson. Chancellor Woodson is starting a new program, called ‘Chat with the Chancellor,’ that he hopes will better connect him to the student body. “The Chat with the Chancellor is based on the idea of having an informal conversation with students,” Woodson said. Connecting with students is one of the most important duties of a university chancellor, according to Woodson. “I’m essentially the CEO of a large corporation, so I have responsibility for everything here,” Woodson said. “Students, from a corporation standpoint, are our
Alex Sanchez/Technician
Chancellor Randy Woodson gives the Wolfpack sign after speaking in Reynolds Coliseum before Barack Obama’s speech Sept. 14. Obama took the stage an hour later and spoke about the American Jobs Bill he sent to congress earlier in the week.
most important customer. Everything we do is for students, to build up the educational environment that they aspire to be a part of,” Woodson said. “Like any CEO, you want to have opportunities to interact with your customers.”
While this event is occurring on Centennial Campus, future ‘Chat with the Chancellor’ events will be held at locations such as Nelson Hall and Park Shops, according to the Chancellor’s
woodson continued page 3
Extended Thurs & Fri NC State Bookstores from 10pm to 3pm