13 2011
Raleigh, North Carolina
Educating students on GLBT Students and faculty gather to learn more about the same-sex marriage ban facing the state. Brooke Wallig Staff Writer
N.C. State held a forum on samesex marriage and issues of equality Wednesday night in an effort to resolve questions and hold discussion about the recent proposal to put a ban on same-sex marriage into the North Carolina constitution. Maxine Eichner, a UNC-Chapel Hill law professor and forum panelist, said how the public reacts to this amendment in the May 2012 primary is important because of its lasting consequences. “Once this amendment is passed, it is bedrock in the state,” Eichner said. “I have been telling my students that if you care about issues of equality and family, on a scale of 1 to 10, this is a 12.” Senate Bill 514, the bill in question, states that “marriage between one jordan moore/Technician man and one woman is the only do- Tom Stafford, vice chancellor of student affairs, talks to a group of students about the importance of diversity on mestic legal union that shall be valid campus at a seminar held in Witherspoon Cinema, Wednesday. Stafford made a parallel between the lack of ethnicity or recognized in this State. This sec- in his photo of the class of 1889 and the lack of knowledge about sexuality on campus today. tion does not prohibit a private party panelist, the conflict surrounding from entering into contracts with an- to make funeral and burial arrange- rights for domestic partners. But according to Eichner, the ma- same-sex marriage is not a soliother private party; nor does this sec- ments, to inherit from one another tion prohibit courts from adjudicating and to be named guardian or conser- jority of North Carolinians are not in tary issue of discrimination, but vator if one partner favor of limiting these rights. Instead, instead has been a recurring issue the rights of private becomes incapaci- she said the way the amendment is throughout American history. parties pursuant to “We struggle with an anxiety written is too confusing, both for the tated. such contracts.” Eichner also said public and for legislators themselves. about how to interact with people A common mis“When N.C. citizens are asked if who sometimes do not look like us the list of rights conception Eichner infringement goes they support same-sex marriages or or do not sound like us. And that said people have on— and she ac- civil unions, we are currently above anxiety is causing some of us to is that the amendk nowledged t hat the 50 percent level. In the past few want to keep other Americans in a ment would only her list likely doesn’t weeks, if N.C. citizens are asked if they category of ‘they’ versus ‘we,’” Naban same-sex marinclude all of the support the language of the amend- coste said. “The problem, though, r i a ge . Howe ve r, effects, especially ment, by the comfortable majority is we have made a diversity promise Eichner said many those that would they are saying they would vote for to all Americans. Diversity, as it turns more rights would be limited or com- Maxine Eichner, UNC-Chapel Hill affect N.C. State [the amendment],” Eichner said. out, is the core value of the American law professor students on cam- “That shows that most voters don’t identity. It is the American promise.” pletely eliminated The Student Senate, in an effort to pus—to include the understand what this amendment should the amendment pass, including rights to family denial of domestic violence protection means.” For Rupert Nacoste, an N.C. State hospital visitation, to make medical for unmarried couples as well as the forum continued page 3 decisions for an incapacitated partner, denial of the current child custody psychology professor and forum
“Once this amendment is passed, it is bedrock in the state.”
Genetics professor wins prestigious award The North Carolina Award is the highest civilian award in the state. Joshua Chappell Senior Staff Writer
Trudy Mackay, professor of genetics, was recently announced as one of the six North Carolinians to receive this year’s North Carolina Award. The North Carolina Award is the highest honor that the state bestows and has been awarded since 1961 to individuals who have made significant contributions to the fields of fine arts, literature, public service, and science. According to the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, more than 250 people have received the award. This award puts Mackay in a prestigious group of N.C. State greats, including John Caldwell and William Friday. John Caldwell was the chancellor of the University for more than 15 years. William Friday is an alumnus who served as president of the University of North Carolina system for more than 30 years. Additionally, famous North Carolinians such as James Taylor, Maya Angelou and Billy Graham have won North Carolina Awards. According to a press release, Mackay’s work focuses on the gene equencing of the Drosophilia melanogaster —also know as the fruit fly. Her work, which has been made available to other researchers, has become a prominent resource for those studying gene discovery and evolution. David Threadgill, head of the Department of Genetics, said Mackay’s research has very high societal relevance and importance.
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Students in small major see big results
Paper science graduates enjoy 100 percent job placement yearly. John Wall News Editor
Bronson shows how it’s done
See page 8.
Streak of good hair days for fall season See page 6.
Mr. Wuf an inspiration for clothing line See page 5.
viewpoint features classifieds sports
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As part of a weeklong event schedule, the paper science department hosted a job fair on the heels of last week’s engineering fair. Mechanical and chemical engineering students were also invited to the fair that hosted 14 companies — up from five last year. Only in its second year, students sought jobs from prominent companies such as International Paper, the largest paper provider in the world. Chemical and mechanical engineering go hand-in-hand with paper production, according to Pat Hill, paper science student services assistant. “It takes many inputs and mechanical processes to create paper products,” Hill said. Graduates in the paper science department, although only about 30 per academic year, have enjoyed 100 percent job placement, according to Hill. 140 students total study paper science. Jeff Reese, an engineering fellow, was on-hand to represent International Paper. “We offer manufacturing experience and good training opportunities. We have a broad range of fields for students to go into, and they get to work with people their own age,” Reese said.
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Students who take a job with International Paper can look forward to working with a tight-knit community with members committed to their jobs, according to Reese. “[The pulp paper] school here is like a small community in a huge college,” Reese said. “Our Reach program is like having a small community in a greatbig company.” The company is in the process of hiring 75 people, and has been interviewing candidates in paper science throughout the week, according to Reese. “We are wrapping up our recruiting season this year,” Reese said. Temple-Inland, another large-scale paper company, had a booth set up directly across from Reese’s. International Paper acquired Temple-Inland for $4.3 billion in September, according to Forbes. Reese said the deal is certain to go through, and “federal paperwork” is all that stands in front of International Paper expanding its reach. Ashley Massey, a junior in paper science and chemical engineering, said she is confident she will get a job upon graduation. “I don’t have a job yet. Actually, I was just talking to a representative who said I might have a job offer. I haven’t heard anything official yet, so I am out here looking for a position,” Massey said. The timing of the engineering and paper science fairs helps students determine where they stand in the workforce, according to Massey. “With the engineering fair last week, [the paper science fair] is a great way
chris phipps/Technician
Maria Luna, senior in paper science and engineering, receives paper products from P&G at the Pulp and Paper Foundation industry night. Paper science and engineering students came to the event to meet with different industry leaders and to apply for internships and jobs.
for us to find opportunities,” Massey said. Massey had her eye on International Paper. “I am really interested in International Paper. They do a wide range of products. I feel like most of their products are things that you touch everyday. I was looking at the cups that the school uses today, and I.P. makes them,” Massey said. A panel—new this year—will discuss women’s roles in the paper science engineering field Thursday, according to Massey. Taylor Resparc, a senior in chemical engineering and paper science, was also seeking employment at the fair. “I’m here tonight hoping to get an
interview with one of these companies,” Resparc said. Resparc said he would take a job from whoever would give him one. “I’m an opportunist. Wherever I can get a job, I will take a job. Paper science helps us out a lot. They help set up interviews and help us get upclose and personal with companies,” Resparc said. Other events this week, as part of the Pulp and Paper Foundation Week, include a banquet Thursday and golf Friday, according to Hill. The foundation offers students in the field scholarships, and events throughout the week allows the foundation to see the students it supports, Massey said.
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