monday october
17 2011
Raleigh, North Carolina
Student Government appropriations process completed less than smoothly Committee on appropriations dishes out over $72,000 to student groups. Joshua Chappell Senior Staff Writer
This year’s appropriations process was recently completed — however, some student groups were left less than satisfied. Each semester, the Student Senate is
responsible for distributing funding to campus organizations. This funding is obtained solely from student fees. Each student pays about $10.85, according to Buddy Bryson, student body treasurer. “Students can see most of these fees being used in the appropriations process, where about 45 percent of our annual budget goes back to student groups,” Bryson said. According to Bryson, student groups have approximately two weeks to com-
plete applications for funding as long as they are approved by the Student Organization Resource Center and have turned in W-9 forms and receipts from previous years if they have been previously funded. “The appropriations committee then sits with each group, asking questions to clarify their applications if needed,” Bryson said. “Then the committee sits down in what we call markups, which is where we look at every application and divide out funding.”
According to Toni Campbell, chairwoman of the appropriations committee, there are a number of factors that the committee takes into account when distributing funds. “These considerations include, among other factors, the type of request, number of students impacted, the amount requested and overall relevance to the student body,” Campbell said. Campbell said student groups collectively requested $144,000 in funds
Students occupy state capital Occupy Raleigh came to the capital Saturday to state their grievances. Will Brooks
sG continued page 3
Students across the U.S. sound off on Obama’s bill Jobs Act yet to be pushed through Congress.
Staff Writer
Members of Occupy Raleigh began protesting at the state capital Saturday morning, bringing a large mix of citizens with one common idea: expressing discontent. Citizens of Raleigh converged, taking turns expressing their problems with the government. Much like the Occupy Wall Street protests of New York, they addressed the issues of corporate citizenship and unfair treatment of minorities and less-wealthy citizens. N.C. State students held a large presence on the microphone. Jill Valentine spoke to a crowd of hundreds Saturday, explaining that after graduating high school she cared for her sick father instead of going to college. After her father passed away, Valentine came to N.C. State at age 30. She is about to earn a degree in anthropology. “I thought that poor people like me don’t belong in college,” Valentine said. Valentine said she would like to see a college degree become realistic for people of all financial backgrounds. “Our government has been bought, laws protect the few and abandon the majority, they are nothing without us,” Jose Chavira, a graduate student in liberal studies, said to the crowd. “We should blame the government for not taking into account the people it serves, we should blame the corporations for backing legislation that only empowers their criminal activity, but most importantly of all we should blame ourselves,” Chavira said. Chavira explained that it is the fault of our citizens for sitting back and allowing corporations to take over, but believes that through the Occupy movement, Americans can redeem
this semester, and the committee had $72,005.11 to give out. “Unfortunately, all groups can’t be fully funded since the amount requested far exceeds the amount we had to distribute,” Campbell said. Last fall, $85,138.24 was made available to student organizations, according to Campbell. This year’s process was met with some difficulty, according to Camp-
Lauren Vanderveen Correspondent
spoke at the event, responding to only minimal outcry from protesters. “You’re here expressing a feeling that things are not right within the economy,” Democratic Representative Bill Faison said, “and I
Since his visit to N.C. State back in September, President Barack Obama has been speaking at schools and facilities throughout the country about the American Jobs Act, rallying support and encouraging citizens to write to their Congress representatives Lisa Chowthi, a senior in economics, and George Beinhart, a sophomore in economics, shared their opinions on the Jobs Act and the current economy. “I honestly think it will be [effective] and what Americans need to realize is that everyone’s worried about increased taxes. Well, the government works in such a way that we’re going to have to pay for it,” Chowthi said. “By cutting taxes, it will increase potential spending and potential spending ultimately increases the revenues.” On the other hand, Beinhart had differing views on what should actually be done to stimulate the economy. “I think the bill — if it’s passed, which I don’t think it will pass — will push down the unemployment rate. But we should focus on a looser monetary policy. Our government can borrow money for free,” Beinhart said. “If the government borrows $100 and promises to pay it back in five years, then they’ll owe maybe $101.” Denzel Cummings, dual degree political science and Wharton business undergrad at the University of Pennsylvania, sees the social and political ramifications of our current economy. “The ‘occupy’ and ‘I’m 99 percent’ movements that are slowly spreading
Occupy continued page 3
jobs continued page 3
Alex Sanchez/Technician
Protesters line Morgan street outside the North Carolina state capitol building Saturday for the second day of Occupy Raleigh protests. Nineteen protesters were arrested the first night for refusing to leave the premises after the protest’s permit expired, but day two attendees said there were very few issues with the police during the second day.
Among students, former finanthemselves. “Our voices are our weapons,” Cha- cial advisors, homeless people and vira said and then proceeded to begin politicians spoke at the protests. Last a chant, “no more,” Chavira said, then year’s Democratic nominee for Senate, Elaine Marshall came, “no more, “ made a short speech. from the entire “Thank you all for crowd over and being here,” Maragain. shall said. “My only Protesters have question is what devised a system to took you so long?” make announceMarshall expressed ment s w it hout her support for ocamplified sound cupiers, but some called “mic check.” shouted against her A mic check is an Jose Chavira, a graduate partisanship. announcement student in liberal studies Many major news that one person sources have sugsays and everyone around them repeats, it allows for gested the Occupy movement becomthe person to be heard by the whole ing the left’s answer to the Tea Party. At least two Democratic politicians crowd.
“We should blame the government for not taking into account the people it serves.”
Occupy Raleigh Quick facts: Attendance on Saturday: 1,000 Attendance Oct. 9: about 400 Arrests on Saturday: 19 Daily meetings: Noon and 6:30 p.m. on south side of the capitol building, Fayetteville Street Source:
insidetechnician Carolina Ballet balances terror and suspense
Carolina Ballet presents horror inspired dual performances and highlights student dancer work. See page 6.
Paddling and competing for a cause
Dragon boat racing has made its way into mainstream culture and Raleigh’s club hosts competitions.. See page 5.
State falls to Virginia Tech
Pack defeated by Hokies, 1-0. See page 8.
viewpoint features classifieds sports
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Jordan Moore/Technician
Playing with their dog Avery, Ben Stanley, a senior in sport management, and Rachael Andrews, a senior in human biology, enjoy their Saturday afternoon at Lake Raleigh, Oct. 15. Stanley was trying to get the 4 month old pup to swim in the lake, but was having no luck. "She liked being over on the hill, but I don't think she likes being in the water," he said. Stanley was excited about Avery swimming though, because she has webbed feet, and his other dog loves swimming.
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