Family of the Year named As part of the Families and Parents Weekend, essay entrants win awards for families.
Committee reaches decision on fee recommendations A Student Senate committee made recommendations regarding fee increases for several campus organizations Sunday.
Jatin Bhatia Staff Writer
Raleigh, North Carolina
The University celebrated 90 years of the Wolfpack name Friday through Sunday with Parents and Families Weekend and the Family of the Year Award. The idea to call the N.C. State community the Wolfpack was adopted in 1921, so this year marks the ninetieth birthday of the official title. The anniversary was tied into the twelfth annual Parents and Families Weekend. The objective of the event is to involve the families of students in some University traditions, according to Laci Weeden, assistant director of Parents and Families Services. One way in which the University celebrates family involvement is through the Family of the Year Award. “This fall marks the thirteenth anniversary of the Family of the Year Award. The stories that students share, as well as many others, are special examples of what Parents and Families Weekend is all about. Families, and the role they play in their students’ lives, are essential values at N.C. State University,” Weeden said. The student who writes the best essay on the topic of family wins the award for the entire family. For the first time since the award’s inception, it was given to two families this year: the families of Crystal Tsang, a junior in the Poole College of Management, and Caroline Funkhouser, a junior in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. “Crystal’s essay honors her mother, Candy Yung; her father, John Tsang; and her brother, William Tsang. Caroline’s essay honors her father, Ed Funkhouser and late mother, Ellen Teague. Crystal’s and Caroline’s essays were chosen from 27 entries,” Weeden said. Both families were recognized with a presentation during Saturday’s football game against Georgia Tech. Chancellor Randy Woodson and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Tom Stafford presented both families with a commemorative plaque and $500 book scholarship.
John Wall News Editor
A conservative Student Senate committee debated fee increases proposed to them by various departments, and, except for one, decided to recommend less than what those departments wanted. A student fees committee comprised of eight senators met to discuss five proposed bills Sunday night. Four of the members, enough for quorum, kept the idea of “necessity over want” as they shot down requests by NCSU Athletics, the Union Activities Board, Student Health Services and Student Centers. Not all on-campus departments requested an increase in fees, and most are not eligible. The committee was responsible for discussing those who asked for more. All of their recommendations are just that — recommendations. They will be voted on by the entire Student Senate Monday.
Thomas Obarowski/Technician
Caroline Funkhouser, a junior in communication, recieves the Family of the Year award at the Georgia Tech game Saturday.
Funkhouser said she was honored to have won the title and was overjoyed when she got the call telling her that her family won the award. “We got to hang out in the chancellor’s box with the chancellor and vice chancellor. It was a really cool experience, they are great guys — laid back and funny,” Funkhouser’s younger brother said. Funkhouser’s sister-in-law, said it was a good family experience and that the family had plans later in the day to spend more time together.
“We are participating in another event and planting saplings around residence halls. It’s great, and a really good family experience,” she said. Tsang said it was her third attempt at the competition and said she felt a sense of achievement finally winning it. “It was my freshman year when I realized that it was only because of my family that I got a chance to study here, so I entered the competition but
Recommendation: Less. The athletics department asked for an increase of $35, which would make their total yearly fee $227.00 per student. The committee recommended $30. Athletics wanted more money to continue to increase travel and recruiting budgets, increase academic support programs for student athletes and hire and retain coaches. As Senator Bradley Poston, a junior in human biology said, “I want to win.” If it were not for the fact that highly publicized athletics teams have been losing with so much frequency in the recent past, the four senators present would have recommended less than the $30.
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Student Health Services Recommendation: Less Student Health wanted a $10 per student increase. The committee recommended a $7 increase. Student health administrators want to allocate two-thirds of the increased fee to make room for two positions: a pharmacist and a “pharmacy administrative support associate.” The remaining one-third would go toward increased laboratory staffing due to increased demand and general building maintenance. Senators in the committee looked up average pharmacist and assistant pharmacist salaries, both nationally and those already employed on campus, and decided $10 was too large of an increase. They also mentioned that Student Health received a fee increase of $12.50 last year — mostly for the health center’s building renovations.
University Recreation Recommendation: Unchanged University Recreation requested an increase in fees per student of $13.17, which would bring their yearly fee to $142.27. The committee recommended $13.17. Recreation wants to foster longer hours of operation at Carmichael Gymnasium, which would require further staffing — most of whom would be students. Recreation also wants to offer more fitness classes and prepare for expansion to Centennial Campus. It was announced last week that the men’s locker room at Carmichael will begin a major overhaul in November. Recreation’s fee increase request had nothing to do with that particular project, according to committee chair and senior in meteorology Patrick Devore.
Union Activities Board Recommendation: Less The UAB requested an increase of $0.37, which would bring their total fee per student to $15.50. The committee recommended students give them $0 more — nothing. Although all eight members of the committee were not present Sunday, all of them helped gather informa-
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University Theatre opens season with ‘The Philadelphia Story’ University Theater’s fall production ran from Wednesday through Sunday. Joshua Chappell Senior Staff Writer
Over the edge, down 32 stories. See page 6.
‘It’s never-ending’ See page 8
Chocolate Festival educates, indulges See page 5.
viewpoint features classifieds sports
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Fans of University Theater were met with a spectacular performance from this year’s seasonopening production, The Philadelphia Story. The Philadelphia Story, previously a movie starring Katherine Hepburn, is the tale of young Tracy’s adventure to find true love. From her snobby fiancé, to her first husband, to her love affair, the play takes the audience through Tracy’s struggle to reach happiness. Allison Bergman, assistant director of University Theatre, said that the play was chosen to fit into the yearlong theme of “See it on Stage.” “We were looking for a fitting comedy, and John McIlwee [the director of University Theatre], has a particular interest in Katherine Hepburn’s work,” Bergman said. “It seemed like a fun challenge for our students, too.” Megan Bridges, a junior in international studies, played the role of May. She said the play was also picked to satisfy the taste of the older audience members. “I believe this show is more of a nod to our season pass holders
john joyner/Technician
Junior in zoology Brett Williams, playing Tracy Lord, considers an idea put forth by C.K. Dexter Haven, played by sophomore in computer engineering Danny Beckman, in The Philadelphia Story, which ran Sept. 28 through Oct. 2 in Stewart Theatre in Talley Student Center.
who tend to be of a more classical taste intheatre,” Bridges said. “However, it is a show that even us lowly students can enjoy.” Brett Williams, a junior in zoology, played the leading role of Tracy Lord. She said that she decided to be in this play because it would be a different
We are STATE!
role than normal for her. “I knew this would be a very different role for me considering I played a little kid in Urinetown,” Williams said. Williams, who is also the recipient of the 2010-2011 ARTS N.C. State Theatre Performing Artist Award, said that this play, while based in the early
twentieth century, still has relevant themes. “Though some of the issues in the show are no longer entirely relevant, the basic issues regarding family and relationships and doing the right thing
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